BETTER THAN GOLD YasY Fields o! Copper Discovered North o! Valdcz, Alaska. ORE IS VERY EASY TO BE MINED Ledges On Nbec, White and Cop per Rlvere Extend for a Hundred Milei. Tm-omn, Nept. 21 . Henry llrant Holier, Hit) noted copper mining expert, who arrived from the North Monday, on tlio steamer Victoria, and who ia now a guest t the I'oniKilly hotel, bring news Hint he has (Uncovered hI the headwaters of the Naliesia, White And Copper rivers, Alattka, what lie be lieves in the world's greatest copper district. Copper 1m there so ahimdHtit, lie Buy h, that it mil he mined ami trans ported hy rnil '2'M) in I leu to Valde, and ttmeltcd at a probable cost of 6 or l cents a pound, thereby cutting In two the preHent average cost of copper pro- 1 lift Kill . Mining men, already aware of Mr. I'.rnuttioher'a discovery, declare that it outweighs in iinMirtanc the diMcovery of the Klondike and Nome placer din trie!. Ho important is it that Mr. HrKiitiiolier nnd hid aso-iatea will vig orously push development work, and within two year they expect to he pro illicitly daily 2,000 to 8,000 ton of cop per ore running 10 to !)() per cent in metallic copper. When this is accom plished the industry will he only start ed. In collection with thin develop ment John KoHetie and associates will piihh the building of the Northwestern A Copper Kiver railroad, with the ob ject of building it to the NahcHca cop per district within three year. Kos Mie's railroad will flrHt touch the Bo nanza group of copper milieu, owned by the Haveuu-yers, the New York augur refiner, who are believed to be among the Fasteni moneyed men who are backing KoHcne in hi railroad project. ('rantnober says he found the Xanana river to bo a glucial stream with half a ilnzen channel ami everywhere very shallow. In many plait's oi the upper reachen it rpreailn out four or live mile. Four expert copper miner with 40 ton of roviion were left on NahcHra creek with iiiHtruction to ex plore the region thoroughly for the next two year. The ore i of the name character a I-nke Superior copper ore. Nabeca copper in found in band of greeiiMtone in shot like hae, often carrying 10 to 30 per cent of metallic copper. There ia alo lie nay much copper on the White river where it in in a Blah-like shape, and piece were found running from two to four feet in width and two inclie thick. These slabs lay in Beae in the greenstone, making the mot wonderful mirfuce allowing Mr. l'.rant noher ha ever seen in thia or foreign 4-ountrie. Fight milea further up White river copper o'cur in the name formation, nugget-shape, the niigget running from a hnlf ounce to two ounce. The form ation, Mr, Itrantnober Bay, is about r00 feet wide, with va . quantities of cop per lying at the foot of the hillB, where the greeiiMtone ha Itecomu decomposed and the copper ore ha wahed down in ravine below. The gravel i lull of native copper, which lie on the sur face in plain view. Mr. liratnober says that one year's vigoroua development work will develop copper mine which can produce 2,000 to 3,000 tona ol ore per day. The ore will he hauled by railroad to Valdez and reduued there by smelters. The construction of the railroad, lie de clare, will quickly make it the largest copper producing district in the world, the surface showing undoubtedly the most favorable that lias ever been dis covered. The copper veins on Nabesca river are three to eight feet wide and seem very continuous. Mr. Brantnober be lieves that both smelters and refiners will be built at Valdez within a few years, making that the largest city on the Alaskan coast. Canada Under Ban. Victoria, B. C, Sept. 21. --The belief is general here that the crusade against United States goods in China will be extended to those of Canadian origin. Simultaneous meetings are being held in all tqe cities of Canada where Chi nese have gained a foothold, at which resolutions have been passed condemn ing the treatment accorded Chinese by the citizens and government of the Do minion and culling the attention of the Merchants' guilds in China to the same. The Halifax Chinese have set the ball rolling. Reyes Becomes Dictator. 1'anama, Sept. 21. Unconfirmed re ports reached here today to the effect that General Rafael lieyes, president of Colombia, declared himself dictator on September 10 and imprisoned the members of the Supreme court at Bo gota. Mobs, angered by this action, attacked the presidential palace and were fired on by the troops, who killed or wounded many of the rioters. The reports say that revolutions have been started in Antioquia and Santiago. Many Murders at Baku. Tiflls, Sept. 21. The governor of Baku reports that there have been no disorders on a large scale in the town or in the oil fields, but there have been scattered cases of assaults and murder. The viceroy has placed the districts of Oon and DusLet under military ad ministration. NO DELEGATE FOR ALASKA. Legislators Who Visited Territory Will Propose New Scheme. Washington, Sept. 20. Those senat or and representatives who visited Ahixka thl summer, including Speaker Cannon, were not favorably impressed with the idea of giving that territory a delegate to congress, but have outlined a substitute plan which they will bring forwanl next session. They propose treating Alaska an congress treats the District of Columbia, appointing a spe cial committee in the senate ami house to consider and handle all legisla'.ion relating to Alaska. This will place Alaska matter in the hand of men directly interested in the territory and, it is Relieved, will pro- duco better result than could be at tained by a delegate. The committee wa satinlled that no one delegate could intelligently represent the whole of Alaska, because ot it vast extent and the varying needs of different Beet ion, and congress would never consent to more than one delegate under any cir cumstance. If the plan of these men, which has the indorsement of the speaker, shall be carried through, a new committee on Alaska will lo creat ed in the next senate and house. The congressional party which visited Alaska in also convinced that congress should do a much to aid railroad building in Alaska a it has done for railroads in- the I'hilippines, and a a movement will be put on foot to pas a bill next session under which the government will guarantee 3 per cent on bond issued lor the construction of Alaskan railroads. The special pressure at present ia for a road from Valdez to Fairbanks. FOUR TRAINS IN ONE WRECK Twenty-Five People Injured and One Man Killed in Nevada. Ueno, Nev., Spet. 20. Twenty-five person at this hour (1 :30 A. M.) are reported injured and one man, George Wan-man, is dead, as the result of a terrible head-on collision on the South ern Pacific road between two freight train, followed by the rear-end collis ion between two passenger trains, at a point nine mile west of Beowawe, be tween 0 and 7 o'clock last evening. The wreck, from the reports given out, was caused by one of the engineers on the freight trains running past Ins orders. An effort was made to stop the incoming pus.-enger trains with suc cess for the first section of No. 3, though a moment later the second sec tion, said to be in charge of Engineer Hons and fireman Iinville. plunged full Bpeed into the first section. The enuuieer and tiremn are report ed among the injured. Many more deaths are expected when complete details are in. Physicians, nurses and supplies, in addition to three wrecking trains, are now either at the scene or rushing to it to render aid to the sutTering. I he office at Sparks will not give out any definite details. The railroad has just started a special train said to contain four badly injured passengers for the railroad hospital at him rranciBco. JAPAN SETTLING DOWN AGAIN. Capital Returns to the Banks and Is Eager for Investment. Tokio, Sept. 20. Despite the fact that the ebullition of popular dissatis faction over the peace arrangements continues unabated, there are indica tions that the business contingent is slowly sobering down. The capital in tended for new enterprises, following the successful couclusion of the treaty of peace, is gradually coming into the banks as deposits in amounts which are likely to lower the rate of interest. The profound disappointment which has prevailed has at least proved a ben efit to the extent of saving the people from any feverish intoxication, result ing in bubble enterprises, like those which accompanied the close of the war with China. The moneyed class has resumed the attitude of frugality which guided its transactions during the war; the financial outlook is not so gloomy and capital is impatiently awaiting solid investments. Count of Uncle Sam's Cash. Washington, Sept. 20. The count of the cash, notes, bonds and other secur ities in the treasury of the United States, incident to the transfer of the office of United States treasurer from Ellis 11. Roberts to Charles II. Treat, was completed today, and found to agree exactly with the treasury books. The total of July 1, 1005, was found to be $1 ,250,508,278. This total is an in crease of $402,672,830 over the amount transferred by D. N. Morgan, the out goirg treasurer, to Mr. Roberts, on July 1, 1897. Farmers May Form Union. Chicago, Sept. 20. The farmers of Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and other adjacent states may organize and aflili ate with the American Federation of l4tbor at the coming convention in No vember. The project is finding great favor in Wisconsin, according to J. W. Morton, the Chicago labor leader. Morton says the farmers are enthusi antic over the plan to organize. The organization will be called the Atneri can Society of Equity. More Cases In Mississippi. Jackson, Miss., Sept. 20. A total of 11 new cases of yellow fever was re ported from various infected points in the state durimr the last 24 hours, as follows: Vicksburg 6, Mississippi City z, jxauinez z, uuuupori i, jmo aeains at any point. ONLY FOUR REMAIN Many Changes To Be Made In President's Cabinet. SPECULATION ON NEW MEMBERS Roosevelt Will Consider Man's Ability Before He Considers His Place of Residence. Washington, Sept. 10. It Is proba ble that only four members of the pres ent cabinet will remain to the end of President Roosevelt's term: Klihu Root, secretary of state; William II. Taft, secretary of war; G. IJ. Cortelyou, postmaster general, and C. J. Bona parte, secretary of the navy. Considerable uncertainty surrounds the future of the other five members of the cabinet, or rather, four mem bers, for it is known that Secretary Khaw will resign next February. Home speculation is indulged in as to whether or riot the president, in re forming his cabinet, will have a regard for geographical lines, or will pick the men best suited for the places, regard less of where they come from. In the present cabinet New York and Iowa have two members, and Ohio, Massa chusetts, Maryland, Missouri and Cali fornia one each. The South is not rep resented, but all ot'-er sections are. New York will continue to have at least two memlers (Root and Cortel you); Iowa will lose one in Shaw an 1 another if Wilson resigns, but Ohio and Maryland will retain their repre sentation. If Hitchcock retires, some Western man is almost certain to suc ceed him, but it would be utterly im possible to pick the man. And so it goes. The probabilities a'e that the new cabinet will be composed of men from all parts of the country, but Pres ident Roosevelt will consider a man's ability before he considers his place of residence. BURNING THE FORTS. Incendiaries Make Repeated Efforts to Destroy New York Defenses. New Yoik, Sept. 10. Four mysteri ous fires in three of the four forts pro tecting New York harbor within the last two months have caused the mili tary authorities of the department of the East much orncern. Two of the fires have been at Fort Hamilton, one on the night of July 17 and the other last Friday night. On the night in July of the fire at Fort Hamilton there was a disastrous fire at Fort Wadsworth. The latest fire was at Fort Slocum, on the David island, in the Sound, Sunday night. In each case there have been suspi cious circumstances concerning the or igin of the fires. Magazines, barracks, hospitals, forage and even big siege guns have been destroyed and damaged in these fires, and despite the most thorough investigation nothing ia known definitely as to how the fires started. NEEDS MANY MOTOR CARS. Union Pacific Must Build 300, and Will Enlarge Shops. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 19. The Union Pacific needs 300 gasoline motor cars of the type just finished, according to the statement of W . R. Mckeen, superin tendent of the motive power and ma chinery. At the rate of 50 a year, he says, the road cannot be supplied with the cars as rapidly as it will require them. The present facilities for making them are being tested to the limit, but they are far from adequate. Additions to the shops are to be built at once, at a cost of $700,000, which will increase the facilities. Representatives of other roads and of suburban lines who have sought to place orders for cars with the Union Pacific have been told they can not be supplied. Can't Grow Cotton in West Africa. Washington, Sept. 19. The depart ment of Commerce and Labor has just published a report stating that the re suit of the attempt to grow cotton in West Africa has been discouraging, owing to the absence of transportation facilities. The Cotton association tried American seeds, but the planta tion did not prove to be a success Under the most favorable conditions, Sierra Leone could produce 140,000 bales, but for the next ten years not more than 6,000 bales a year may be expected. Scandal at Bremerton. Washington, Sept. 19. The Navy department has received a report on the investigation made at the Puget Sound navy yard into charges against Master Shipwright George w. L Tra iiey, alleged to have sold his influence in getting appointments for workmen in that yard. It is not known w hat the report contains, but it ia believed nothing startling will bo brought to light, nothing to form the basis of a great sensation. New Mexico Irrigation Project. Washington, Sept. 19. The secre tary of the interior has ordered the withdrawal from entry of 300,000 acres of land in the Rob well, N. M., land district, on account of the Carlsbad ir rigation project. LOOKING TO JAPAN. China Prefers to Seek Knowledge From Her Neighbor. New York, Sept. 10. What effect the war in the Far Fast will have on the propaganda of the Christian relig ion in Japan wa the subject of a lec ture at the West Branch Young Men's Christian Association by Dr. Ibuka, president of an institution of learning in Tokio, and himself a Christian. That the recent outbreak in Tokio and the attack upon the churches wa the result of merely a local feeling and did not represent any widespread anti- foreign feeling in the empire, w:w the insertion of Vhe lecturer. "When the war with Russia first began, I and my fellow Christians in Japan were ufieasj for fear that the struggle should result in a lasting ani mosity toward the Christian religioft in the empire. At first the cry was raised that it wa a struggle of. Buddhism ver sus Christianity, arid the Russians did many things to foster this sentiment, but it was not long until this illusion was dispelled and the people were brought to see that religion and re ligious leliefs had no part in the war. Already China has become aroused to the fact that she has much to learn, and she is seeking this knowledge from Japsn rather than from European countries. Hundreds of the young men of Japan are taking positions as in structors in the Chinsee institutions of learning, and hundreds of the young men of China are coming to the col leges of Japan for instruction. It is vitally necessary that the young men should be taught tiie truths of the Christian religion if it is to be spread in China." REVISE LAND LAWS. One Great Measure Roosevelt Will Recommend in Message. Washington, Sept. 19. President Roosevelt, in his forthcoming message to congress, will urge the remodeling of the public land laws, and among other things will specifically recom mend the repeal of the timber and stone act, the law which has been re sponsible for more fraud and which has caused the government greater actual loss of money than any other public land statute. The president will base his recommendation upon the report of the Public Lands commission, consist ing of Commissioner Richards, of the general land office, F. H. Newell, head of the Reclamation service, and Gifford Pinchot, chief forester. This commission submitted to con gress at its last session a second report on its investigation, and, among other things, said: "Instances of the beneficial operation of the timber and stone act may be cit ed, but when it is considered from the point of view of the general interest of the public, it becomes obvious that this law should be repealed." Since the foregoing report was pub lished, the commission has submitted to the public printer a great appendix, containing data and facts upon which its conclusions were based. This ap pendix has not yet been made public. SCARED BY THE TARTARS. Russian Troops at Baku Refuse to Leave Barracks. Baku, Sept. 19 The situation through the Caucasus continues to grow worse and worss and the authorities are unable to do anything towards check ing the Tartars, who continue to ravage the countryside, murdering al! who op pose them and ravishing and torturing all females without regard to station The troops are so badly scared by the rioters that they refuse to leave their headquarters and content themselves with firing a few shots at long range at small bodies of armed Tartars, who oc casionally approach the barracks. During the past 24 hours armed bodies of Tartars have attacked and burned the remaining oil towers in the district and at the present time not one of them remains standing. No one can estimate the loss, which will run into the millions. A conserv ative estimate of the killed during the past week by Tartars is 5,000, includ ing many women and children. Leaps Off Cliff to Death. Manila, Sept. 19. Felizardo, a chief of the outlaws in the province of Ca- vite, who for a long time has made trouble for the authorities, was sur rounded today near the Batangas border and iumped over a cliff. He was killed by the fall. The death of Felizardo will, it is believed, end the disturb ances in the province of Cavite. On January 24, 300 Ladrones, led by Felizardo and Montalon, attacked the town of San Fran de Malabon, looted the municipal treasury of $2,000 and escaped. Embezzlement in Japan. Tokio, Sept. 19. The information has been made public that three naval paymasters have embezzled $165,000 of government funds. lhe announce' ment has been calmly received by the public, but the knowledge that the commission of the crime extended over a period of three years without disovery may, it ia said, arouse a feeling of dis trust and uneasiness toward the naval administration, and furnish a weapon to the parties opposing the government. Old Ship May Turn Turtle. Boston, Sept. 19. The Herald to morrow will say: The ancient frigate Constitution, familiarly known as the "First ship of the American navy," which has for years been one of the most valued possessions of the Charles ton navy yard, is in danger ot "turning turtle," and it is learned that the good ship cannot last many years in IU pres ent state. "Now, try this," said the luncher, offering his cigar caae to bis friend across the table. "You are a Judge of good tobacco, I know, and I think you'll like it." The man took one of the slim, dark brown rolls of leaf, pinched it daintily, sniffed at the end, clipped It carefully and lit it Ills friend watched him with an anxious expression. "Well " be said. The tobacco expert slowly expelled a ring of smoke and frowned. "It isn't this Porto Rico tobacco," he said, It has a certain twang about It that reminds me of It, bat the rank flavor Isn't there." "They suit my taste," said the first man. "I stumbled on to these in rath er an odd manner. It wasn't an at tractive box and the cigar isn't an attractive cigar, Is it?" "Not especially at the first glance." "Well, I tried one and I went Into a trance. I seemed to see waving palms and natives of some sort crowned with Japanese publications are full of American articles on all kinds of sub jects. There Is no men trust In Australia. There mutton sometimes sells for as little as 2 cents a pound. Soil brought up from a depth of 320 feet In one of the Belgian coal mines Is said to have grown weeds unknown to botanists. Last year the English Bible Society had the Bible translated Into twelve more languages, making the total num ber of languages in which It may now be read 390. A vast bed of coal, containing fuel enough to supply all the navies of the Pacific, has been discovered at Baron Kofi Bay, at the extreme north end of Kamchatka. Recent discoveries seem to show that each of the larger planets is accom panied by bands of satellites relatively smaller than the minor planets, as the primaries are smaller than the sun. A gold medal, a pipe and five pounds of tobacco constituted the Kaiser's gift to Franz Grunwald, an Inveterate smoker, who celebrated his 104th birthday at Burg, Prussia, recently. Italian physicians declare that the "American bars" established In their cities In recent years, are responsible, with their iced drinks, for the Increas ed number of cases of serious apop lexy In warm weather. Virgil In his day spoke of the "wav ing woods" of Italy. To-day denuded hillsides are the rule, and the stren uous efforts of the "Pro Montibus et Sllvls" societies have not yet succeed ed in arousing the government to ac tion in the matter of reafforestlng. Documents have been discovered In Venice which are said to Identify Othello, of Shakespeare's tragedy, with a certain Nicholas Querinl, son of Francesco, while Desdemona was the daughter of Palma QuerlnL Both be longed to noble Venetian families and they were related. Up to 1840 there were no Iron bridges In the United States except suspension bridges, In which iron links were used In the cables and suspenders, the floor system being of wood. The first bridge Jn America consisting of Iron throughout was built in 1840 by Earl Trumbull over the Erie canal at Frankfort, N. Y. The omnibus companies of London are contemplating the issue of an order prohibiting their drivers from conversing with passengers. The Evening Standard remarks: "The chief sufferers will be the visitors from America or the rural districts. To them the 'bus driver Is Invaluable as a guide to the lions." -Whenever the temperature reaches a certain point in Switzerland the schools are dismissed. This is on the theory that after a certain degroo of suffering has been reached by both teachers and pupils, the one cannot Impart nor the other absorb instruc tion that would be of any value, and so the time spent In attempting It is wasted. A patient observer on one of the main roads near London counted the vehicles passing to and from the metropolis between 0 o'clock in the morning and 9 at night. The results were: Bicycles, 4,577; motor cars, 657; electric street cars, 407; horse vehicles, 200; total, 5,750. According to these figures the horse is rapidly being out numbered. 8EA ELEPHANT A MONSTER. Killed by Whalers Off the Coaat of the Falkland Islands. A new and interesting attraction at the Berlin zoological garden Is a mounted specimen of a monster sea elephant. It can claim the distinction ot being the largest sea elephant that has ever been killed. It was found some eighteen months ago by whalers off the coast of the Falkland Islands. They promptly surrounded the mon ster and subsequently slaughtered It- brilliant tropic flowers and I smelled oleanders and orange blossoms." "They're certainly fragrant They're) not made of Manila leaf though. There's too mnch bouquet for that." "I'll put you next, if yon like. I don't think you can get them at any old tobacco store. How does it strike you, anyway?" "It doesn't look like a Sumatra wrapper. In fact, I feel sure It. Isn't Indian tobacco. "Somehow," resumed the connois seur, dreamily, "I seem as I smoke this to see a square red barn with patent medicine advertisements paint ed on It and natives in patched bin denim overalls whittling and expecto rating In Its shade. I seem to detect a perfume as from a burning weed pile, on which somebody had thought lessly thrown a rubber boot I fancy "Waiter," called the first man, "bring two good clear Havana. You're a better Judge than I thought you were. They're sawed-off Connecticut stogies." Chicago Dally News, no easy task and the hide with the raw skeleton was purchased at a high price by J. F. O. Umlauff. Some idea of the size of the mon ster may be gauged from the fact that from the tip of Its tall to the tip of Its tusk It has a total measurement of nearly 21 feet Such, an animal when alive would weigh 10,000 pounds or nearly four and a half tons. The circumference of the body at its widest part is some 18 feet The skull alone measures 2 feet 8 Inches long and 1 foot 3 inches high. The sea elephant, or seal elephant; Is In many ways an interesting crea ture. So far as size goes he can give points to the walrus, but he is certain ly not so ferocious-looking. Except for the curious nose, whence his Greek name, he Is Just a big black seal, fair ly agile In the sea and clumsy ashore, like all his kind. He Is about the bulk of a hippopotamus, although more hirsnte and with a less extensive open ing of the Jaws. He holds among seals the unique position of being common to both hemispheres, although from the ardor with which he has been hunted very few specimens now exist north of the equator. Just now, however, the sea elephant Is enjoying a respite and is consequent ly Increasing In numbers rapidly, par ticularly in the southern seas. He forms practically the only population of many an otherwise lonely series of barren rocks in the Antarctic ocean. Ills food consists chiefly if not entirely of cuttlefish. Formerly the animal was hunted by whalers upon all the islands of the Antarctic ocean, 'notably Kerguelen'a Land and the South Shetland, where they abounded In Immense herds. The creatures were slaughtered for their hides and blubber. The tusks of the male reach a length of four to five Inches, their exjternal part being smooth and conical, while the part embedded in the flesh Is fur rowed and slightly curved. The tusks of the males are solid at the lower end only a slight cavity appears while in the female they are shorter, and, moreover, almost hollow up to the point Sailors and seal hunters) are fond of using these hollow teeth of the females for pipe bowls, quills from the wings of pelicans supplying suitable stems for the pipes. How Men Smoke Cigars. "My observation of smokers," says a, cigar dealer, "leads me to believe that a man's character can be read pretty accurately by the way he handles his cigar. "Take the man who grips the butt fast between his teeth and Just lets her burn any old way. I have always found him to be aggressive, bound to. get what he wants, and do what he pleases, regardless of the rights of others. "His opposite is the fellow who smokes slowly and deliberately, turn ing the cigar around and watching the smoke curl upward. He's a good fel low, I always think, easy going, and true as steel. "The weak, characterless man puffs away carelessly and Intermittently, while the nervous man handles his ci gar clumsily, as If he didn't know Just what to do with It. The vain, boast ful man tips his cigar to the sky, while the level-headed smoker keeps It hori zontal and puffs away regularly. The man who chews his butt and twists It from corner to corner of his mouth la generally of a tenacious disposition, but high strung. "The best fellow of all, from a so cial point, Is the man who can't keep his cigar alight. You'll always find him a Jolly companion with a fund of good stories. Match? Yes, sir. Here you are." New York Sun. Plaster Better for the Purpose, Customer Got those "Plllnian's Popular Pellets" in yetT Rural Drug Clerk Yesj Just come, this morning. Customer Good. I've been asking for them for a week back. Rural Drug Clerk Gosh I I dldnt s'pose'tbey were good fur that Phil adelphla Press. The poorer a new country la, the greater the Inducements offered to las, cats In lb