Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 27, 1905, Image 2

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    t Bohemia Nugget
Bohemia Nunft Pub. Co,
In a Condensed Form for Our
Ensy Readers.
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Norway and Sweden have signed a
treaty of separation.
Norway now looks to Prince Charles,
of Denmark, as her future ruler.
In the Cuban elections Palmas was
overwhelming! elected president.
Ex-State Treasurer Salmon, of Mis
souri, has been indicted for banking
Three men were killed in a wreck on
the Oregon Short Line near Weiser,
J. J. Hill, of the Great Northern
railroad, has just celebrated his 67th
The Portland A Seattle railroad is to
be extended from Kennewick, Wash.,
to the Canadian boundary.
The livestock show at the exposition
resulted in a great victory for Oregon
breeders, who carried off awards in al
most every class.
Great preparations are being made
for Portland day at the Lewis and
Clark exopsition, when an admission of
100,000 is looked for.
Representative Chinese in this conn
try are urging upon their government
the necessity of negotiating a new
treaty with the United States.
The president has about concluded
his plans for a southern trip. He may
not visit New Orltana at this time on
account of yellow fever, but will make
a special trip to that city later.
Spain and Belgium have arranged an
arbitration treaty.
The Odd Fellows sovereign grand
lodge will meet at Toronto next year.
The government if still paying five
pensions on account of the Revolution
ary war.
Sockeye salmon are plentiful in the
Eraser river, B. C, but there iB no
market for them.
A Santa Fe train was derailed near
Newton, Kansas. Several persons
were injured, one of whom will die.
Minister Takahira, now at Washing
ton, will be sent to St. Petersburg, and
Baron Kaneko will probably succeed
him in this country.
A landslide on Mount San Paolinb,
Sicily, buried a town at the foot of the
mountain. The inhabitants had been
warned and most of them escaped.
A paymaster's train on the Reading
road collided with a milk train near
Harrisburg, Pa. Pay checks amount
ing tc over $50,000 were scattered in
every direction.
A dynamite bomb explode 1 in a New
York tenement shook up the whole
neighborhood. That nobody was seri
ously injured appears remarkable. The
work was that of the Italian "Black
The president of Venezuela has
snubbed a French diplomat.
Two men were killed and 43 injured
in the Nevada railroad wreck.
Advocates of a republic for Norway
are again coming to the front.
More earthquake shocks are being
felt in Italy. Panic reigns among the
The bank of Nordstrand, Minn., a
private institution, has closed its doors.
It is capitalized at $10,000.
Vandals visited the two Catholic
cemeteries at Escanaba, Mich., and de
molished the crosses on over 200 monu
ments. President of Hull, of the Great
Northern, in an address to farmers of
Southern Minnesota, condemned regu
lation of railroad rates.
Rebels in German South Africa sur
prised a convoy, practically annihilat
ed its escort of German troops, cap
tured thousands of cattle, 122 wagons,
many rifles and a quantity of ammu
nition. Franco-Germman negotiations rel
ative to Morocco have been resumed
and it is believed a definite arrange
ment is nearing completion.
Germany has checked the outbreak
of cholera.
New York primary elections are to
be the scene of a warm contest.
A man in a dressmakers' convention
at Chicago caused a panic until he was
Ohio Democrats say the tariff is not
to be the chief issue of the campaign in
that state.
The Odd Fellows' sovereign grand
lodge is considering the erection of a
$1,000,000 sanitarium for consumptive
members at Las Vegas, New Mexico.
While all points have not been set
tled, p:ace between, Norway and Swed
en is assured.
Sixty of the most elaborately equip
ped Pullman cars ever used west of the
Missouri river have been put on the
Union Pacific from Omaha to California
and Portland.
No Time Being Lost on the Boise
Payette Irrigation Work.
Washington, Sept. 25. The Reclam
ation service has made the following
announcement :
"The engineer in charge of the
Boise-Payette project, Idaho, have
made such progress w ith preliminary
work that the board of consulting en
gineers will n eet at Boise October IS
tc consider plana and decide on future
anangmeents. The splendid woik of
the Water Users' association in harm
onising the many conflicting claims of
private interest in lands, canals and
water rights is beginning to bear fruit,
and it is believed that practically noth
ing stands in the way of early construc
tion. "About 100,000 acres are already ir
rigated in this section, but plans for
the full development of the natural re
sources of the valleys which will come
under this project are of such magni
tude as to be beyond the reach of com
munity effort.
"The present estimated cost of the
entire system is nearly $11,000,000,
and completed works will supply water
to approximately 372,000 acres of land.
On account of the restricted condition
of available reclamation funds, how
ever, a portion of the project has Wen
selected which, though only an integer
of the whole, will yet complete the pro
ject itself.
"The Fayette and Boise valleys con
stitute one of the most attractive sec
tions of the West. Progress in agri
culutre in this vciinity in the past few
years, and the consequent growth of
adjacent towns, furnish an excellent
example of the result of irrigation and
give promise of substantial and won
derful development in the future."
Government Seeking to Provide Food
for Famine Districts.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 25. Special
committees from the Department of
Agriculture and Ministery of the Inter
ior left here today to take charge of
the relief work in the famine disrticts
of Russia. The cost of this work is
eetimated by the government at $20,
000,000. No acute distress has yet
been reported, and the government
hopes, by prompt distribution of food,
seed, grain and fodder and the employ
ment of the famine stricken populace
on public works to tide over the people
until the new harvest.
The rates for the transportation of
grain and fodder into the government's
stricken by famine have been reduced,
but the deficiency in rolling stock is
the chief obstacle to the work of relief.
An observer of the situtaion who re
mained here this week from a tour of
Southern Russia, told the Associated
Press that bags of grain were piled up
in the mountains at many stations.
Some of these were left from the 1904
harvest, waiting for cars to move them.
The termination of the war has already
released some cars from the Siberian
Lytle's Announcement at Meeting of
Portland Chamber of Commerce.
Portland, Sept. 25. E. E. Lylte an
nounces that he will build the Port
land, Nehalem A Tillamook railroad,
which is now tied up at its first 20
miles of road through the tangle with
the Atlas Construction company. Since
the retirement of Mr. Lytle from the
Columbia Southern and the subsequent
statement that it was his intention to
engage in further railroad construction
work in the state, there has been much
speculation as to where his activities
would first make themselves telt.
The announcement of Mr. Lytle's
connection with the Portland, Nehalem
A Tillamook was not made as a public
utterance, but in the course of a meet
ing of the transportation committee of
the Chamber of Commerce, called to
consider the feasibility of providing for
further river transportation by the Open
River association. Several leading
business men were present at the meet
ing, among them being Mr. Lytle, who,
while discussing the question before
the meeting, said that it would be in
convenient for him to become active in
the plans under discussion, owing to
his other interests, the chief of which
was the Portland A Nehalem road.
Wireless in the Navy.
Washington, Sept. 25. A report was
received at the bureau ot equipment of
the navy from the Washington navy
yard to the effect that the wireless telg
egraph station had the previous night
overheard signals transmitted from 29
wireless stations along the Atlantic
coat. Among the stations heard were
Hatteras, New York and Boston navy
yards; New Haven, Savannah, New
port, Lynn, Mass., Highland of Nave
sink, Atlantic City and Philadelphia;
the battleships Maine and Alabama and
cruiser Columbia, now off the coast.
Go After Railroads Next.
Chicago, Sept. 25. The prosecution
of the railroads for violations of the
Elkins law relating to giving and re
ceiving of rebates will follow the plead
ing guilty of the four representatives of
the Sulzberger A Swarzchild company
to a charge of conspiring to receive
illegal rebateB from the railroads. Au
thority for this statement is District
Attorney Morrison, and he was em
phatic in his declaration that the gov
ernment would go after the railroads.
Jail Penalty for Striking.
Warsaw, Russian Poland, Sept. 25.
' The military governor has issued a
proclamation warning workingmen that
they will be imprisoned for three
months if they carry out their threat
to strike, as a protest against acts of
the government.
One Is Nervous Wreck and Jail
Sentence Is Remitted.
An Aggregate Fine of $25,000 It
Paid by Four Officials of
Beef Trust.
Chicago, Sept. 23. Four otllcials of
the Schwarzchild it Sulzberger Packing
company, ot Chicago, were fined an ag
gregate of $25,000 by Judge Humphrey
in the United States district court here
today. The fines followed a plea of
guilty to indictments charging conspir
acy to accept railroad rebates. The
defendants were Samuel Weil, of New
York, vice president of the company ;
B. 8. Cusey, tratlic manager; Vane D.
Skipworth and Chess E.Todd, assistant
tratlic managers. Weil was fined $10,
000, the other three $5,000 each.
With the entering of pleas the de
claration was male that unless at least
one of the cases is immediately settled
the life of Samuel Weil, vice presideut
of the company and one of the defend
ants, is in jeopardy. He is said to be
a nervous wreck, and fears were enter
tained for his life if he had Wen al
lowed to continue under the stigma of
an indictment.
While in Chicago the attorney gene
ral was apprised of the condition of
Vice President Weil.
These four defendants were charged
with unlawfully combining and agree
ing to solicit rebates for the Schwarx
child A Sulzberger company from the
Michigan Central Railway company,
the Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific, the
Grand Trunk Western railway, ttie
Lehigh Valley Railroad company, the
Boston A Maine Railroad company and
the Mobile A Ohio Railroad company.
Charges were made that the defendants
conspired with each other in prenentiiig
supposed claims for damages, which
were in reality claims for rebates.
Conger Condemns Failure to Build
Railroad as Promised.
Des Moines, la., Sept. 23. In an
address before the Grant club tonight,
ex-Minister to China Edwin II . Conger
said that by the failure of the Ameri
cans to build the Chinese railway, faith
had been broken with China, and
America's good standing with the Chin
ese seriously impaired.
"We made a very serious mistake
when we permitted our railroad conces
sion in China to be relinquished," said
Mr. Conger. "It will prove a sad blow
to our future efforts to establish ad
vantageous businss relations with that
country. It will set us back many
"When we were granted the conces
sion, personally I made representations
to the Chinese that the railroad would
be built by the Americans who got the
concession, assured them upon my hon
or that it was not secured for the pur
pose ot exploitation, and that it would
not be sold or relinquished. Now,
however, it has been, and the business
men of China feel that they have a
right to look upon future business
propositions from Americans with sus
Sweden and Norway Still Keep Ques
tion of Demolition Open.
Karlstad, Sept. 23. The Swedish
and Norwegians commissioners met in
joint conference this evening after the
holding of separate conferences during
the day. The joint conference lasted
nearly lour hours and w as then ad
journed until tomorrow.
It is understood that the Swedish de
mands that the transit trade through
both countries shall be secured against
unjustifiable obstruction, and for the
light of pasturing reindeer belonging
to Swedish Laplanders in Northern
Norway, have been amicably settled,
but that teh question of the demolition
of the fortifications still remains open.
May Talk Politics.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 23. A project
for granting the Russian people, under
certain limitations, the right of assem
bly for the discussion of political and
economic questions a reform second in
importance only to the convocation of
the representative assembly, and which
was elaborated by a commission under
the presidency of Count Agnieff iB
now practically completed, and after a
final review by the Solskoy commission
on Saturday will be immediately laid
before Einperor Nicholas. Ita promul
gation is expected soon.
Spain May Whip Sultan.
San Sebastian. Spain, Sept. 23. In
consequence of the recent attacks by
Moors on a Spanish journalist and the
refusal of the chiefs to give satisfaction
therefor, the ministry of marine has
ordered the sloop of war Infanta Isabela
to proceed to Ceuta, a Spanish fort and
seaport on a small peninsula in the
north of Morocco. A cruiser, a gun
boat and a torpedo boat destroyer are
being heldin readiness in case the de
mand ia not complied with.
Work Begun on Western Pacific.
Salt Lake City, Sept. 23. Forty
teams began work on the Western Paci
fic road 20 miles west 0' the city, and
officials announce that 1,600 or 2,000
teams will be at work by October 1. '
Coupon Books Will Enable Panama
Merchants to Do Business.
Washington, Sept. 22. A new sys
tem of credit has been devised for the
employes of the Panama canal on the
isthmus and will be put into effect
about OctoWr 1. The system will
meet the need of the employes and at
the same time comply with the request
of the Panama merchants to bo put on
an equal footing with the commissary
stotea run by the canal commission un
der the direct jurisdiction of the Pana
ma railroad otlicials.
The system comprises coupon credit
slips, which will be issued to canal em
ployes in books containing credit re
spectively for $2.50, $5 and $25 gold.
The books are so made up that , credits
for from 1 cent to $ I can be torn out as
requited and will be issued on demand
up to a certain percentage of the wages
vine them.
The merchants will accept the slips
under an arrangement which makes the
four banks of Panama the clearing
houses between the merchants and the
railroad company. No liquors or to
bacco are sold at the live government
commissaries, which are located along
the line of the road, and it hits been
decided to carry in these commissaries
only such articles as shall be decided
to constitute the necessities of life.
Register of Land Office Is Arretted,
Along Wiiti Two Others.
Denver, Sept. 22. On the charges
of perjuring thenislves to defraud the
government ot lands in Eastern Colo
rado, warrants have been issued by the
United States district attorney's ollice
for the arrest of Peter Campbell, ex
register of the United States land otlice
at Akron; Percy G. Beeney, county
treasurer of Washington county, ami
i. W. Irwin, a real estate dealer of
Through the methods of theso men it
is alleged that the government has been
defrauded of thousands of dollars woith
of lands in Washington and Yuma
counties. By various ways, it is
stated, Campbell, Beeney and Irwin
obtained possession of land which had
been abandoned by previous Bottlers
and sold it to other settlers.
Bandstand Drops Load of People and
Injures Many.
Belleville, 111., Sept. 22. Three per
S3H8 were seriously injured and it is
believed that nearly 200 were more or
less painfully hurt by the collapse of a
bandstand t. might during a carnival
and street fair.
Seriously injured: Mrs. Pamrich,
Belleville, internal injuries; Frank
Dietz, Jr., Belleville, internal injuries;
Miss Bertha Schrieber, Belleville, in
jury to leg, sprained ankle and bruised
about body, hands and face.
As soon as the excitement subsided
and the injured were taken from among
the mass of timbers, others who were
on the carnival grounds attended them.
The accident was caused by people
crowding upen the bandstand as a van
tage point to witness a loop-the-loop
exhibition. Hundreds took standing
room on the stand.
Anti-Peace Meeting at Toklo Demands
Radical Action.
Tokio, Sept. 22. An anti peace
meeting held in Uyena park today was
barely attended, owing to a heavy rain.
The tone of the 'meeting was quiet.
The approaches to the park were
guarded by troops, but no guards were
posted inside. Resolutions adopted at
the meeting demand that the cabinet
break the peace treaty or resign. It
was decided to bring pressure to bear
on members of the lower house to con
form with the resolution, threatening
not to re-elect those failing to so act.
The resolution also demands sweeping
reform in the administration of the po
lice. An address to the throne was
also adopted, but it has not yet been
Colorado Cuts Speed Record.
Boston, Sept. 22. The officers of the
armored cruiser Colorado, which put in
here today ior coal, report that in the
recent trials over the new one-mile
course near Rockland, M., the warship
attained the fastest speed ever made by
a naval crew. The cruiser made 22.22
miles an hour in a four-hour run to sea
on Sunday, which is within 0.4 of the
speed she made on her trial trip. On
the Rockland test the ship carried her
heavy armament, which was not on
board during her trial trip, and she
was run without a full firemen's force.
Snowshedt Are Burning.
San Francisco, Sept. 22. News has
been received here from Crystal Lake,
a small station on the Southern Pacific
a few miles from the summit of the
Sierra Nevada mountains, that 2,000
feet of snowsheds have been destroyed
by fire, which ia still raging. The
Western Union reports having lost all
wires over the Central route. It is
further reported that all trains will
be unable to run until the debris ia
cleared away.
Keep Chinese at Home.
Marseilles, Sept. 22. According to
mail advicea received here from China,
the Chinese minister at Washington,
Sir Shen Tung Liang Cheng, cabled his
government asking that it prevent
Chinese workmen from proceeding to
the United Statea in order to avoid pos
sible maltreatment. The advicea say
that the government declined to accede
to the request .
Ml " .---,..-; ii I. "J-
Careless Work by Enumerators Evi
dent From Returnt.
Salem That some very careless work
has been done In taking the state ecu
ens Is evident from the returns thus far
received by Secretary of State Dunbar
from county clerks. Only a few coun
ties have sent in their census returns,
but if the rcHrta from these few are a
fair sample of what the whole will be,
it may safely be said that the census
will be very unsatisfactory. Not only
are there many glaring errors in minor
details, but the totals show that In the
enumeration of population thorough
work has not been done.
The return from Klamath county,
for instance, will scarcely lo pleasing
to the people of that growing section of
the state. The footings of the column
devoted to population show that Kin
math has now 3,83(1 inhabitants, while
the Federal census of live years ago dis
closed a population of 3,l70, or 134
more. Only seven Indians are report
ed a residing in Klamath county, ac
cording to the state census, taken by
the assessor, while the Federal census
contained the information that Kla
math had 1.13(1 Indians. Of the 3,83
inhabitants reported in ltUlft by the as
sessor, 2,220 are males and 1,(110 are
females. There are 1 ,337 legal voters
and 1,047 men liable for military duty.
The Klamath county returns also fail
to show the population of the incorpor
ated cities, an item of information al
ways desired. Among the minor errors
are such as might he due to clerical
mistakes, such as classing a woman or
a minor as liable to military duty.
Errors of this kind were apparently
due to making a mark inadvertently in
the wrong column, and such errors
make no material differences in the
total. The most important matter is
that of securing a full enumeration,
and it is doubtful whether the people
of Klamath county w ill want to have the
records show a decrease in population
in the lat five years.
Hun Night and Day.
Eugene It. A. Booth, manager of
the Booth-Kelly Lumber company,
makes the announcement that the com
pany's big mill at Spi ingtlehl will, as
soon an enough men can be secured, be
gin to run at night, thus doubling the
present capacity of the plant. It is
said that the company's mill at Wend
ling, which has U'en idle ever since
the great shortagu of cars on the South
ern Pacific railroad seven years ago
caused it to be shut down, will resume
operations in a short time. The mat
ter of a small diffeience in freight rates
on the Mohawk branch is said to be all
that prevents the immediate resump
tion of operations at Weudling.
No Timber Hat Been Burned.
Tillamook-r-The recent soaking rain
was timely. All fear of forest (Ires this
year has Ix'en allayed, for the timber
in the mountains had a thorough soak
ing, as well as the meadows, which
will help fall pasture. The rain also
put out the fires of the settlers who are
clearing up and burning brush. Most
all the settlers have been engaged in
clearing up land more or less this sum
mer, and County Clerk (1. B. Iamh has
issued 6,S.r)0 fire permits. Settlers
have used great care in not allowing
the fires to get away from them, and as
a result not a stick of timber has been
damaged this year by forest fires.
Cement Right at Hand.
Klamath Falls After a thorough
search and much experimenting, the
government experts have discovered a
formation here for the manufacture of
Portland cement. The exact location
of this formation is kept as a close
Becret so far, but thoHe connected with
the government work here say the
samples have stood the test and a plant
will be put in here to manfuacture the
cement. Samples of the formation
were sent to the government mill at
Roosevelt, Ariz., where a small bri
quette was made.
Hop Yield Good.
Grants Push Reports from the hop
fields of Josephine county along the
Rogue and Applegate rivers state that
the output will be up to standard, both
in quantity and quality. The hops
are firm, well filled and free of lice.
The hot summer was a benefit more
than a detriment, as the pests were
destroyed by the heat. Nearly all of
the larger yards are irrigated, and
damage by drouth was thus obviated.
Several hundred persons are employed
in and about the Ranzau yards.
Fruit Drier Burns.
Eugene The fruitdrier of 'Hensill A
Stinson. five miles north of Eugene,
one of the, largest in the Willamette
valley, was destroyed by fire last week.
The origin of the fire is not exactly
known, but it is supposed that sparks
from the flue or furnace ignited the
woodwork. About 17 tons of fruit and
a large quantity of cordwood burned
with the building. The loss is esti
mated at $5,000, with $2,000 insur
ance. Say Fish Are Dettroyed.
Pendleton No fish and game warden
has yet been appointed for this dis
trict, and many violations of the laws
are reported. The Northwestern Gas
A Electric comapny, which is taking
water from the Walla Walla river
through a large pipe in Umatilla county,
is said not to have provided a screen
for the intake, and as a result many
fish are claimed to be drawn through
the pipe and destroyed.
Willamette Valley Growers Get Good
Prlcet for Their Crop.
Salem Tract ically all the prune
giowu this year in the territory tribu
tary to Salem have already been con
tracted or sold outright, at prices very
satisfactory to growers. The ll
price generally paid has been 2 cents,
though a premium of cent was paid
on the largest aire.
At a rule, the Italian prunes averugo
in the 40 M) sue, thus giving the grow
er 4 'y cents a pound, or a fraction
better, for his entire crop. There are a
few orchards that have yielded prune
that will average 30-40 to the pound,
thus giving the grower 5 cents a pound
f or his entire crop.
Petite prunes in this vicinity gener
ally aveiage in th ftO-tiO size, making
the average price for that variety 3.
cents pouml. Since the bulk of thn
crop was marketed, prices have stiffen
ed a little, and ordeis have been re
ceived here at a basis of 2 cents and
even 3 cents.
Manager II. S. Gil, of the Wil
lamette Valley Prune association, esti
mate the prune crop triubtary to Saleii
at 75 carloads, or 3,000,(11)0 pounds.
Of this, (100,000 pounds are Petite and
the remainder Italians. The prune
crop of this vicinity will theiefore y lelil
in the neighborhood of $125,000. Tho
yield is only alsmt one-third of a norm
al frrop.
The stot kholders of the Willamette
Valley Prune association hold an ad
journed session of the annual meeting
last week and received the manager'
report for 1H03 ami 1M14. The report
shows, among other things, that in tho
last two year the association bundled
((,000,000 pounds of prunes. A Htock
holders' dividend of 10 per cent wa.
Hop Picker Are Scarce.
Salem "Short of picker," is tin
cry that is going up from nearly every
hopyard in Marion county. Nearly
every imporatnt yard in this vicinity i
short from 10 to 200 pickers, and all
efforts to fill the deficiencies have been
in vain. As an inducement for more
people to go to the hopyard, some of
the growers have raised the price paid
from $1 to $1.10 a hundred pounds, or
55 cents a box. The rains of last week
diccouraged many pickers already in
the field, and wagon loads of families
and camping outfits have come back to
May Go Into Bankruptcy.
Pendleton The announcement ha
Won made here that proceedings will
soon W taken in the' Federal court of
this district to throw the Pendleton
Woolen" mills into bankruptcy. The
suit i Wing brought by II. C. Judd A
Boot, of Hartford, (')tin., which holds
a claim for $1,500 against the company.
F'or some time past it ha been known
here that the affairs of the company
were in poor shape owing to a heavy
indebtedness, and not long ago an at
tachment was tiled against the mill by
the Baker-Boyer hank, of Walla Walla.
Claims Hop Crop Record.
Salem Marion county claims to have
the record for a heavy hop yield in
160i. The yard believe to excel all
others in weight of hops produced this
year is a ten-acre Held hoiitli of thin
city, and owned by II. J. Otteuheimer.
It iH river bottom land, with alluvial
Boil. The yard yielded 1 OH, 533 pound
of green hops, which will dry out to at
least 27,133 pounds, and prohably
more. This will be a yield of 2,7Kt
pounds per acre.
Oats No. 1 white fond, $23(rf24;
gray, $22 per ten.
Wheat Club, 71c per bushel
bluestem, 74c; valley, 71.
Barley Feed, $20 per ton; bsewing,.
$21 ; rolled, $22(23.
Bye $1.30 percental.
Hay Fastern Oregon timothy, $14
(glSporton; valley timothy, $ll($12;
clover, $8ll; grain hay. $H(C!.
Fruits Apples, $1(1$ 1.60 per box;
peaches, 7585c per crate; plums,
60(i$ 75c ; cantaloupes, 60c (( $ 1 .25 ; pears,
$1(41.25 per Irx; watermelons, Mlc
per pound; crabapples, $1 per box;
blackberries, $2 per crate; huckleber
ries, 8c per pound.
Vegetables Beans, l(7;4c per pound;
cabbage, lOilJc; cauliflower, 76(llOo
per dozen; celer, 76(t00c; corn, 8(i
Uc; cucumbers, 10(?15c; pumpkins,
ll4(lXo per pound; tomatoes, 25
30c per crate; squash, 6c per pound;,
turnips, $1.25(31.40 per sack; carrots,.
$1.25(1.60; beets, $11.25.
Onion Oregon, U0c(g$l per sack;;
Globe, 75c.
Potatoes Oregon extra fancy, (!5(i
75c per sack.
Butter Fancy creamery, 25(3300 per
Eggs Oregon ranch, 20(27c per
Poultry Average old hens, 13)(3
14c pur pound; mixed chickens, 13 04
lSc; old roosters, 90810c; young
roosters, 11 (3 12c; springs, 130415e;
dressed chickens, 14c; turkeys, live,
20(321c; geese, live, 80c; duekB, 13
HopsNominal at 13o for choice.
Wool Eastern Oregon average beat, ,
1021c; lower grades down to 16c, ac
cording to shrinkage; vallay, 2527c;
mohair, choice, SOo per pound.
Beef Dressed bul 1b, 1 2o per pound ;
cows, 84c; country steers, 4044)c.
Veal Dressed, 88o per poind.
Mutton Dressed, fancy 6($7o per
pound; ordinary, 45c; lambs, 7&.
7Xc . ,
Pork Dressed, 67c.