BOHEMIA NUGGET BOHUMIA NUCKILT laiUISHIMi COMPANY. Make all check myiUc to N.:wvl 1'ni'. ' Knlcrod nt th pontottlcc Kt C.ttnt:c i.mve. Oregon necoinl cIum iiihII iimltcr. spp.sckiption i:.vti:s. (5 inolithi 1 your IS month. If paid in advance. $1.IHI ? Clubbing Rates. Tlio Policial.! NiiL'uvt nni' jenr with nnv one of tin following pui Mention nni' venr for ainoiini .t opposite: l'acttlc Monthly Week I v Oregon inn i Portland) .-.. Weekly .lonrnal ( Portland I ?-on m. - -' fit 13 I'AI'K.K I kept oil UK- n t K. I'. Uriikeii Ailvi-rtinhiK Airenev. lit mill ('-.". MeivliiuiH H Chunire. Shii KrmieiM-o, I Hlifarum. wlu'tveon rm-Ufor ilvorUsiinl cn 1iiim.Iu tor it. WKDNKSDAY, Sai'TKMl'l'K CO, 1005 A new record 1ms boon estab lished for New York Stock Fx change seats. A sale of otic was made recently for $$3,000. which, with the initiation fee, makes the Et ice $$4,000- It wan bought by Ir. frank Y ( raves, who was formerly a financial writer on oue of the New York newspajHTs. Lovers of the luxurious have awakened to the possibility of n shortage in the supply of diamonds. As proof they point with the linger of authority (borrowed from the itching hand of the DeP.etis sndi cate) to the recent advance of 5 pet cent in the value of rouh gems This is the second rise in price since Jauuary: last year there were of 5 percent each, ami in lour yens the increase has approximated nearly 50 per cent. No wonder so many people consider diamond, a more profitable investment that the. gilt edge securities which are juM dow the favorites in Wall street. What is pronounced by mining experts to be the greatest discovery in the gold mining history of the United States has just been made at the Bullfrog, on the property of the Bullfrog Kxtensioii Minim.; Company, adjoining tho original Bullfrog mine. A tunnel driven into the side of the mountain for a distance of 150 feet revealed in the working a narrow Beam of nlmost pure tellurium ore that assays Sj per cent pure gold. The neatest approach to a discovery of this kind was made at the Isalx-lla mine, in Cripple Creek, eight yrnrs ago. The richest tellurium en countered there was 70 ter cent pure gold. A piece of rock, weigh ing 30 pounds, was exhibited through which a seam could bt seen with the naked eye. It is Jrom an eighth to a quarter ot an inch in thickness and in the. opinion of experts its occurrence denotes an extraordinary richness. Prop erties in the immediate vicinity of the discovery have enhanced in value one thousand per cent in a day. A tremendous boom is on. School Attendance Smaller Than Last Year. Prof. Strange reports 300 pupils enrolled in the schools, 43 in the High School and 257 iu the Graded schools. lie soys that he finds there are many children still at the hopjards that will bo back in school later on, but that even when they are back that the attendance will be smaller than last year. Regular recitations commenced Tuesday morning, lessons having been as signed Monday. Editor Boozed Too Much. The following announcement ap peared in yesterday's Daily Grants Pass Herald: "Owing to hia excessive indul gence in the flowing bowl it has been deemed advisable to require T. H. Smith, former manager and part owner of the Daily Herald, to sever all connection with this paper, his interest having been acquired by Lee W. Henry, who will henceforth be editor and manager." Game Warden liaker went down the road Saturday 011 business. p li. Phillips went down to ICu -gene on Tuesday to attend to a little business between trains. Kugene has an organization called the Citizens, which will give a series of eight evenings entertainment, the full course bein,? $2.50 for the winter. A number of first class attractions are booked. Mr. S. It. Praud returned from his vacation trip Tuesday morning after spending three weeks in Port land, Tacoma, British Columbia and Washington, and reports having had a splendid time, lie found work ready for him to get at upon his re turn. Mrs. Brand will not return for a couple of weeks yet, as sho it having such a five time at Tacoma, phe wants a lccger time there. Tor the Welfare of Oregon. Salem, Or., Sept. to.--The ar rangements lot the bidding of the Willamette Valley Pcvelopment League Convention at Fugcnc-, l'tniay and S.ituid.iy, September jo. and 30, have nil been completed. This'is the third convention held this summer and piomises to le the greatest, both in attendance mid nitetcM. Among the ptomi iieut speakeis that will be ptesent aie (louivor Chambetlain and Hon. Stephen A. Unveil of Pendle ton, hollowing i the program which has been ed: 1 Kto.w, .' v. m. Call to order and address by the ptrsident. 1C Holler. Salem. Response on behalf of the city, Mayor F. M. Wilkins, Eugene. "A SU.iro Peal for Oregoti," by Stephen A. Iwell, Pendleton. "Progress by Cooperation." Charles CSrisscii, McMiiuiville. "The Pest Interests of the Rail roads, the Best Interests of the State." Robert Glenn Smith, Grants Pass. v " delation ot Legislation to 1 vilopinent," Colonel Iko Manning. Salem. i Kin.w i:vi:n ni;, s oVi.ock. Address of welcome, S. II. Fiiendly. president Coininetcial Club, blugene. "A Few Observations on the Missourians," Rev. F. Y. Flayer, Independence. "Conditions Pu-t and Present," Mayor W. P. Klmore, Brownsville. ''irrigation in the Willamette vallev." A. P.. Black, Fugene. ' AVotk of the Development League." J G. Graham. Salem. There will be musical and local teat nre f the program provided by a committee id the Kugene Commer cial Club. SATl KI'AY. M-.TT. 30, A. M. 'AnOi'en Willamette River," G. A Westgate. Albany. 'Oregon and Its Ptvelopmont,' Goveiieir Gforgo K. Chamberlain. Repoti on taxation laws, J. A. Carson. Salem, chairman of com- lllittel Rejoits 011 late laws, '1. K.. Catnphell. Cottage Grove, chair man of committee. Reports oil deep si-a limbor. "A Look Into the Put ure," L M (iilbeit. Salem. "Importance ot Yaquina Har t'Lr,' B. P. Jones, Toledo "Prom Astoria to Ontario," G. A. Hurley, In iependence. "Prom Salem to Sildt," P. W Waters, Salem. Both Albany and Porest Grove will strive to secure the next con vention to be held in January. Stock Show Exhibit the Largest Seen on the Coast. Ever The greatest livestock show ever held west of the Rockies opens at the Lewis and Clark Imposition Tuesday. There are already more than 1500 hea t of stock 011 hand, and 400 head additional are due to day and tomorrow. Stockmen, too are arriving with every train from points throughout the West, Middle West and Pacific Const, and there is much enthusiasm over the pros pects of the great Oregon Khow. There is $o,ooo iu cash awards to be made for fine stock, but money is not the incentive for the attendance 01 an army of stockmen. Stockgrowcrs from afar see iu the Pacific Coast a great new market for improved stock. The coast country is generally regarded as a practically undeveloped stock field, which at the same time possesses the greatest of possibilities. Re lieving a heavy trade with Japan and tho Orient is to be built up in improve'! livestock, Ivastem raisers wish to establish their breeds here. They realize that, as the Pacific Coast stock men dispose of their animals, they will naturally look to the Ivist ami Middle West to re- the Mipply. J'o Oiegoii Mock in en, and, iu fact, to those of the entire North west, the exhibition means the most. It will do much to establish that nature has jieculiarly adapted this country lor the raising of fine stock; that this country is natur ally the world's greatest dairying center. New bleeds will be intro- luced, and the breeding of better 1 lasses of stock encouraged. J he show is located on the gov ernment peninsula, at the expo wition, and is easy of access. Ar rangements have beon made lor a lino of bouts to run direct to the stock grounds from tho foot of Mor rison street. J5y the street car route tho only walking ucceHsary is across the exposition grounds. The stuck is arranged in 12 stables, having iu all 1500 stalls. There are entered horses, cows, mules, sheep and goats and swine. The stables are erected in two rows. At the south end is the show ring, whero most of the awards will be made. The judges will commence their work with the opening day and the making .f awards will con tinue until the end of the eshi- bifion. In all, there are iii.oo entries. The states, represented are Oregon, California, Washington, Montana, British Columbia. Nebraska. Wy-j oming, Ohio, Indiano, Missouti, j Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa. The ' moving spirit in the exhibit is M, I 1). Wisdom, who organized thej show and is in charge. The huge j number of entries is due largely to the labors of Mr. Wisdom, who speut two months visiting the tock- j raining eeuters of the country in the ! interest of the show. The revised j 1st of entries, with pet haps one or two slight inaccuracies in the num ber of animals sent by individuals. The Willamette Meteorite. A visitor from Mars or some other distant region or planet lias just ar rived at the Lewis and Clark Ex position. This massive meteorite of mauy tons' weight is tho biggest shooting star that has ever boon found in the western hemisphete and perhaps the heaviest meteorite ever found in any land. It lias not yet been weighed, but its weight has been estimated at about IS to "Jit tons Twelve of the most powerful horses in Portland were required to haul this mysterious mass of metal from the steamer to tho exposition grounds, whero a special platform has been erected for its reception, and a government official took charge of it us of some valuable prize. The meteorite was found in the woods of Clackamas county, Ore gon, iu the untumn ef 1 '.Ml'.!, about two miles from Oregon City and l." miles from the exposition site. The ! region immediately surrounding the snot whero this straiu'e visitor i ! struck the earth is a seiifs id I'uiiol, j and rugged foothills .. t h-Ca-c eb ; range. Ou a hillside near the Tual ! itan river, this great lion mass tell. j How long ago no man can conjee- tnre. It may have been cent uries sinct some snooting star passmi I from its own sphere to the earth Here it lav for vears in this wild region of primeval forests -if pine aud birch. When found it was par tially covered by a carpi t of aeon mutated vegetable ilel.iis This gruat inns of iiedien ipm. once a bright shooting stir darting through splice, Iris been u Hie d the Willamette, 111 honor of the over neat which it found a resting pfice Its dimensions are; Lxtremo length It) feit I inches; breadth across base. 7 feet ; extreme verticil height fr.uu base to summit uf d me. I feet; total circumfeience of base, '2'i be' t iuohes. It will b weigh"d by Dr David T. Dav. bonorarv louiiuis- sionerof mines and metallurgy at tin the Lewis Clark exposition us soon as arrangements can ie made for ,f , . , ,, , ... n . , , , Miss Anna Johnson will inter handling such a arge body. The I lhv o) Q Ml,,I;tv Tlis ,s expos, ion has gotten up a guessing j Jo,11ISOJ1.s scni,)r The Nrma, contest on the weight of tho ilia- u.n Iual,.s il( tIl(J l'lliv,rsitv mette meteorite, the nearest guesser 0 receiving a $10 gold piece, and the!. Mr. I rank P H.ll is recover ing next nearest receiving a gold ! 'rom atTst'V(Y; ,",! Im1Ii":is j,jece j lever. lie will soon Ij-able to take- Two analyses of the Willamette Ilis I,,a'" sttm- :' iron have been made, small particles having been chipped off tho mass for that purpose. Ono analyses shows iron, 'J1.40; nickel, N.o". The other analysis shows iron, HI. (!."; nickel, 7. I'M; cobalt, -.21 ; phospho rus, .O'.t. The Hpeciltc grnyity of the iron is 7.7. The color of the exterior of tho meteorite is a dull reddish brown. Tho mass is much oxidized, with a tendency to scale in small flakes. The fractured surface is more coarsely granular in structure than other iron aud is of a formation peculiar to itsetf. It is 11 strange tnass of molten metal, a mysterious visitor from an unknown world, an object of curiosity to the general public and of intense interest to tho scientific world. In those who visit tho Lewis ami ('lark exposition it excites wonder and awe Mining World. Could Build Drive to the Moon. Portland, Sept. 17. "Oregoti contains one sixth of the timber in the United States, approximating 100,000,000,000 feet. Valued at 1 2 per thousand feet, this timber would be worth $3,600,000,000, or more than the total cost of all the railroad equipment in the Union. It is tho most densely timbered area in the world. Hoards made from the timber of one inch iu thickness would build a walk one half mile wide around the world at the equator, a driveway to the moon 250 feet wide, or a bridge to Mars 6pS, 000,000 miles away, 15 inches wide. California produced ingoldsiuee 1848 $1,; Oregon will produce lumber valued at three times that sum in the pres ent century." These were the statements of Oregon's wealth in timber made last night by Professor Kdmund P. Sheldon in lecture on "The Forests of Oregoti" before the State Academy of Sciences. Gold is the most malleable of all metals, and those next in order are silver, copper, platinum, iron, alum inum, tin, zinc and lead. A MATTER OF HEALTH 8$. If. illLV Absolutely Pure ms MO SUBSTITUTE Drain Notes. The Normal opened it dois lor woik last week. The etu ollmeiit has increased 03 per t eal last year and the t-eiiiot i'I.iss makes a gain ol t( ! 'genets ate i.ik. ig '- . ... , " ;imi u'v,v " lts , ' "v eniotl.ue.d promises to ,-veod ... 1 'OI ,UL V1''1'- Piol. W. C. I.vansol Ku-ene. ! i,., t.ntlv o Iowa, takes the clian . j Ktigiish and L uiu Mr. John Near, the Southet n Pa ! cilic t ight of way man, is in Port laud on busine ss and to meet his ifaniiU. His two daughters will ; cute! the The SkelleV I ,UII! el Co. is lay a pi lining i"g i'"' null an toillld itloll !n 1 di v kiln , v r , ,, , hi; j p; (,,, , , . wmk Sun t lv ,.vc,img and L Ho- ikh.ii : Ulill t(,r At I ar. to attend the an I ,m i(ll.riietue". It is tin- wMi.l , jlK ,.,,,, It ,,., t,:i, ,, . ,,, 1 (,... j ,,, u ie coming i-al The aiiuu il 1 e. ep'.u .11 pi Noun. il students and I'lieitds takes place Friday ovciiite.'. Pi ol. M I'. Si-11 - In- vi'iii.d .1 position 111 the M bold m ho 1 All le-ict I.. He Ima have Oar he-. is Mcdtolil t ;.M1M .Mi. Join. C. J"1iiim.!i oi June's cla-vs 1 UU 1 . W 1 i l.i 1 iu t'e t ni versit v this l.ill. C. I. I ) 1 1 1 i u w . 1 -1 . 1 Kitoi ;it K'.vc bll r' the 1 l -t ol tile vs a k Glenn Wieib- iU . ot I h- Count v 1 leik's o'lice .a koMbuig. was visit ing 111 town over Sunday. Mr. Liiieh, win wa l.iniied out in the bi lire i- piepaiiug to ic- ' )t,il,l 1 Many ot the citizens of li.un are out in the hopyiud-i ol the valley, ci'KKD ot 1, a mi-; i:ck aii id; 1;. yi:.i:s .r sri 1 i im.m;. "I liai- I II t llllll.leil Willi I, line liaek' for lil'teen ye.i 1 s ini'l I fu.iiel ,i complete reeiiwrv ill I lie ic ol ('lin.mlicrl;iin'H I'ain I . 1 1 1 1 1 . nays .lolllMi I'.isliel, l.lll.M.I, lll'l. Illi liniment Is also wl I limit an - 11.1 1 f-i -plains an. I In iiises l I-; I'. a- n.ile li 't he Mi '. rn I 'I1.11 nt.o - a i:i;ii.nv u i rip n i' a i'i;i;i: "I lied ( 'ha in I .el la 1 n '-S I on 1.1. Ii and Liver Tnlilcts more I -i i t -i.-1 1 than any other ienied. I ever used I'.r stolll.'ieh t I'olllile," sa.sS I'. Klote, of pit inn , Mo. I'or anv 1 li iider of the stomach, hilioiisness oi con-'l ipa -thai, these lalil'isar.) w il lii 1 1 1 a pe. r. I'or sale li. The Modern riiaiinii'V. GOOD for OLD and YOUNG t ? I Vii. ' 1 "1? August Fluwcr ki't-pH tin- rlillilrrn li'Mllhy nnil hlrnii Full of viK'ir "ii' I Irnlii' tin- wlml'- .1 .y luiaj , Hu wlit-ii Alaiiima in -U inoif th y oinIi .11" iu )iiKh uli r, Ati'l sli'iiit to the ilniuyi .1 ; " l'k-asc n'vt' 'I t" mi-1" JInal.ility to jm I up and fu in the iiKiniinj lack f npiciitc, p il lor, Ilimlily raiiplcioii and imur spiiits these all iiidicate a ilisonlcreil sluiiiai h ml had dii slion in adults and el ii I. hen, too. They iil-.i iinlicale the iiryi iit need of taking Ciiceii's August 1-lower regit larly for a tVw days. (Jlt'sa relirililc-old reini ily fur nil f-toniacli tnaihles, never fails to cure indigestion, dyspepsia uud chronic constipation, and is a natural tonic l.a and mind, n ITwo si.cs, 250 unit 7f,e. All druggists. Uuiihon'b I'liurnmcy. Cottage Grove Flour Mills M AM'IACl't'KllltS OP Flour and heed Remember tint the Cottage drove Flour in nold ols inotitH, ul lowest living prices We unit '!." per cent hard wheat jir our Pride of Oregon brand. This Flour will produce more- bcrnd per sack than the cheap varieties now olTer'd. Try it once and be convinced, and at the biune t ime c ticourago u homo cntorpriHo : : : : : HELP US KEEP THE WHEELS TURNING HARTUNG .1. s. milm: MILNE & R1JAL EST AT H T'imlici" Lands, .Mitu-s anil .M initio; Stock. and Iioniostcads located. A choice list of City, Country and Tinder Lands for Hale. Houses for tent in tho different parts of tho city. Lents collected for non-residents. o, ii,. is on .a iiorsK iii-ii.i.iN.i. COTTAG.P.dKOVE. OKE Knowles Bohemia, Knowles Orseeo, Miners Supplies at reasonable prices. Our Good Goods at I z; General Merchandise Miners Fools V ) i I I , -- 7.. It ki- PIPER & VAN DENIiEPG 11 1 1:1:1 : .iui:oi;s (M'i;i:ii or Cholera M urliiiH Willi One Small r.otlleor Cluilllliel l.i Ill's Colic. Chol eiaaud I ilarrhiiea jtcmcd.v. Mr. il, U . Fowler of lllghtower, Ala , relatcH iin cvperleiico he ha.d wh.le Hcniiig on a petit Jury in n luiu ler i'uhi! a I. I al wuI'Im ville, foil 11 1 y Fen 1 ( lel.oiii ne county Alaliama. lie : . 1 .v k : While t here I alcHoine frenll ni'-ii nud Home HiniHe incut, nnil It gate inn cholera inorhiiH In a very Hi-verii form. I w as tiever sick In my life a nd hciiI (o I Ik; drug store for n cei lain cholera mixture, luiL the di'iig g,is' relit mn U hot I le of ( llll lllliel laln'H I'olic, ( 'I10I11 ;i mid I liari'lioea Keniedy Inslead, sa. Ing that hi) had what J Hen 1 lor, Imt I ha t HiIh medlelnn wiih ho i.iucli lietler Im would rather Head il to 1110 In tho fix I wan hi. I took one doHii of II. and was belter in five niiniilcH. The second iIoho cured mo entirely. Two fellow jurorn woie aillii'ieil In the Fame maiinei' and one Hlii.ill l.olt le cureil tho thren of us." I'or sale by The .Modern Pharmacy. Miss I,eua Folkiris of Warduer, Idaho, made a round trip on tho O. iV. S. Ii. Monday morning. & HANSEN ;i(). ATKINSON ATKINSON Timhci land - 'S -.. -k S -.-v V. SSS N & Gettys Oregon. & Gettys Oregon. Mollo: Reasonable Prices. 1 z and Anumitions i V ,v .'..v'' v-' fVYV' We are Agents for Bridge & Beach STOVES AND RANGES The Pest .Stoves Made Mvei ything in the Hardware Line, Plows, Haiiows, etc. MILBURN FARM WAGONS ALL KINDS MINING SUTLILS white's Cream Vermifuge THE GUARANTEED ui n n m REMEDY THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONIC. CWARK OF IMITATION. thc oiNuiNi rmrtmo onlv av Uallard'Snow Liniment Co. T. LOUID, MO, Hold tuiil rouoiiiintfiiiloil liy Ma. lorn I'linrinua Chamberlain' Cough Keiuody Aldn Nature. Medicines that aid nature aro always moHterfect mil. Cliaiiiherlaln'H C'oiirIi Itemeily nets on thin plan. Jt allav h tho eoutrh. ivllevcH 11 in Iiiih'u ahlHOxiieetorallon.opeiiH thoHecretlon ana ilium miiiire in restoiint;- the HyHtom to a healthy condition. Sold by Tho Modern Pharmacy,