Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 20, 1905, Image 3

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    mmmemmm mm www mi iiiiiiiim i hi h
I'm Growing
Old Fast
And you know why, too. It's
those gray hairs I Don't you
know that Aycr's Hair Vigor
restores color to gray hair?
Well, It docs. And It never
falls, either. It stops falling
hair also, and keeps the scalp
clean and healthy. Do not
grow old too fasti
"I hT ntail jtr'i'i I fnlr Vigor for many
Taars ami I atmnlil inuwfi'l l aorry in be ub.
'U t lu ilu I II It kaepa tnr hair from
turning arar, ami alan kaepa lnjr aralprlran
ami l.aalllijf."- K. H. ISKrmi.u, t ai.juu it jr.
Ma4e b.J,U.,ir(lo, I.OWI1I.1IIH.
Alia uiimfkoturr of
ww O cutiuiv pectoaal.
Just Way 1 hrjr Mavei.
"Suy, roniliH'tnr," mUml the liniulaltlva
rmamMlger, "III Spenklllg of I III" time wlllrh
I proper, 'm iunrler to all' or 'tjuarter
of nil. "
".Wither." replied tha rrillrond una.
1 always lay 'live fol ly five.' "
lie Unit r.nntiKh,
I" n pock wui dining- at tho home of a
"Will you havo dome of the tongue-'"
asked tin- ho.ti'M.
"No. thank you." rrpllM Knat'k, "I
net too much of thnt nt homo."
ilrnalK Druggists, Toledo, O.
V holesalo Drug-
ttow's This?
Vn offer One Hundred Dollars Itewerd fm
any caae of ( atarrh that cannot be cured by
11 all a t atarrh urn.
K. J. IIKNkY A CO , I'rot a., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hare known . J,
Cheney (r tlin la.t I ft yeara, ami heliere Mm
1erfflflly honorable In all huilneas tranaac
loiia at n ' I Itueiiclelly able, to carry out any ob
ligation mailfl l trieir linn.
Wai.ihnii, K IKNtn tfc Maavm,
gt'ta loir. 1(1, (I
Hall a i aiarrh Cure la taken Internally, art
liiK directly upon ttin blood aud uiticoua sur
laiea nt the system. I'rlcn "Ac. r bollls.
bold I7 a'l Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall a family Fills are the beat.
Noted for Hrr Itcauty.
The t'ouiitras of Northlirook, until a
hull while UK' known ax VIscouiiteHs
llariuc ! looked iikiii its oue of thu
hnmlsomcHt women In London society.
l)urln tlic life of the Into Karl, says
Tln Tattler, she always spent much
of her tlmo with ti 1 in nt his country
Louie, lu Hampshire, and ther shorn,
an thu moxt tirlllliiut hostcx In the
country, arranging the shooting jmrtlci
entirely hcmelf ami superintending
the very smallest detail aa to the com
fort of her father-lnla w'a guests. The
curl waa devoted to her and waa never
, tired of showing off tier portraits and
pictures, of which he hud 110 fewer
than arty different klnda, and alwaya
talked of her aa hU "beautiful daugh
ter lu low."
T lOnrlf.
There la an liitcn'Mliig attrcdoto
Klveu In the I lotion 1 1 rn ! I of 11 Mr.
t'lijii'D, nil old reslileul of one of the
acnpnrt towiiH of MiisiiiehiiMella. lie
la now employed 11a driver of the conch
which convey truveliT froiu the
trillim to the hotel.
One Niitiinln.v evening In the Intter
purl of September three men arrived
on Iho. nfternoon triiln from MoMou.
Mr. t'npen wna hMIImk on iho drlver'a
aent of the couch, waiting; to tnke
them to their deMtlmitlon. They looked
llliont the Mt n I Ion, nud evidently were
not fnvornhly Impreased hy the aur
roundluca, for one mini waa heard to
"What a rteaolate country! We cer
tainly liavu como to the jumping off
plnee thla time. I don't believe we
ciin even get a Hundiiy paper In thla
plnee, can we, driver?"
There wna alienee for a moment.
and then Mr. ( '11 pen drawled out.
Wal, not to nlicht."
Warranted m Speedy Cure.
Iir. William Osier, In one of his
tlmore leetuiea, recited u iiiuliit oli
cure for the gout u cure, from 11 aev
enteriith century medlciil work, th.'it
whs ileilgued to ahow gout'a hojielesM
lieaa. "h'trat pick," auld thla odd cure,
"u hundkf rrhlef from the pocket of a
aplnster who never wished to wed; aee
ond, wiinIi thu handkerchief In nil hon
est mlller'a pond; third, dry It on tho
hi d't of a puraon who navtr wax cove
tona; fourth, arnd It to the shop of 11
physician who never killed a patient)
fifth, uiurk It with a Inwyer'a Ink who
never cbeateil a client; and, alxth, ap
ply It, hot, to the gout tormented part.
A apcedy cure must follow."
A IMKIitY 01 1 SI. I
Too t.ooit 10 l,nnn.
Tlie peculuir atnte of alTnlra Ima re
aultel from the recent ordera thnt
twenty t'lliiiuiintl policemen should
bring down their weight. KncU day
the men wrestled. Juggled ludlaii
eluha, heavy dumbbells. Hopped over
horizontal burs mid circled the track
lu the police gymnasium until their
llpi were blue. Then Chief Mllllken
had a report (lied with him 11s to the
weights of the olllcera. To his amaze
ment acvcrul had Increased lu avoir
dupois. The others hud cut down their
weight a very little. The chief will
nsk the mayor to allow the heavy
weight to remain lu their class.
A regiment of aoldlera waa drawn
up for church parade in the barrack
aijuare, but the church waa being re
paired and could only hold half of
"Sergeant-major," ehoutcd the colo
nel "tell all the men who don't want
to go to church to fall out on the re
verse flank."
Of course a large number quickly
and gladly avallud theuiavlvea of the
"Now, aergeant-major," aald the
colonel, "dismiss all the men who did
not fall out and innrch the others to
church; they need It moat." Loudon
Marriages 011 hoard ahip
rrr ! .i.ilui kjr. If yuii can't
ou dry land renin lu uuwed.
arc coiisld
be married
TIIK ItAIMV KI.V Kil l I II dattoya all Ilia
tlti'M ami afToril
liiiitiK-m fliiilnf
riHtui, aii-'iiiis
room alio nil
plactfa wlitra
fllia ur tritiihla-
aointt. i;hun
nal aitcl will
mil soil or lh)ur
anything, try
lut'ill onrw anil
you will upvtr l without tlirni. if not kl Oy
tlcnli'ra, ai'iu iirrpaiil lor lr. Harold Numera,
iiv ot'KHiu avh., iirmikiyu, ?f. .
- i 1 I, a, 1 -
Olp this out, return to us with the names
and adJretsri of yourtelf t nd two of your
frit nut, and the dale when you will prohaWy
enter a builnrts colleue. and we wilt credit ,
you with 15.00 on our ttiS.OO n liolarshlp. ,
Our shool olfrrs exrrptlonal aJvantagp 10 '
students of Hulnes, bliorthand, lingllth, etc. '
Best Instruction Lowest Tuition
ill ion Caiaiosui la it s rail
BUSINESS institute:
M. A. ALBIN, asa. 1
s atiTH ar. PORTLAND, ORE: !
Hot Air Pumping Engine
I'u in water (or
hoiisu and Irrigation.
11hIhoks wind mills
and Kaiiolliie engines.
Bums gusollne, wood
or coal. Has auto
matic slop, Hhliod
on apiiroval. Write
(or catalogues aud
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Ore.
P. N. U
No. 38-1 00S
11KN wrltlns; to ndvorttaora ploaaol
tueDtloD tuia vapor.
Perhaps t lie moat Important event
of the present season will be. the en
gagement of Isidore Witmark and Fred
eric Kankin'a comedy opera "The
t'haperoua," which will be Been at the
Marquum Theater aix nights and Wed
neaday and Saturday matinees, open
ing Monday night, Sept. 18th. "The
Chaperons" lias liecome what in known
aa a standard attraction, that in, the
amusement going public of the country
at large baa come to look forward to
the regular annual visit of this charm
ing musical play aa to a genuine pleas
tire. It ia alwaya new and up-to-date
Managers of theaters are also alwaya
glad to Ixxik "The Chaperona" lecauBe
they are invariably aure of big business
ami that their patrons will lie more
than satisfied. The company this year
ia bigger, better and made up of more
pretty young girla than ever before,
and the sceneiy and continues are en
tirely new. "The Chaperona" ia the
first of the big musical comedies to ap
pear during the 1-ew is and Clark fair.
The Chita. A. Taylor company ia just
comideting a successful engagement nt
The Kmpire this week.
This company has been a great and
pleasing surprint) to our theater goers
.'m'- t 4 . t- : VV. . ...
t v:.S -? ;la
Madelyn Marshall, With "Tc Chaperons"
by the excellence of its performances,
for although unheralded and almost
unknown it lias given us one of the
best, if not the very best, renditions ol
melodrama ever seen in this city. They
will be followed for the week starting
Sunday, Sept. 17th, by a company in
Iwibio Koniain, ' and we are promised
another intellectual treat. The liaker
has been crowded at every purfomance
this week of the "Kentucky Itallus"
burlesque company.
One of the principal reasons for the
success of this excellent company lies
in the jingling melodious music sung
by rarely cultivated voices.
This cosy little theater seems to be
reganiing with a bound its old popular
ity and the management are to be con
gratulated on the success of their new
Wheeler & Markell'a merrymakers,
who follow the "Kentucky Belles," are
said to be a first class organization ol
A few years ngo Mra. Hcevea paid
n visit to some distant coiiHlna t wo
rich old uialdeu Indies who live togeth
er In a remote village of Canada. On
tho night Ixforo alio left their home,
as the three ant on the vera tula to
gether, olio of the hoatesses remarked
speculatively : "Well, It haan't coat
Iiruxllly nntl mo ao much aa we
thought It would to have you here.
You ae, every time you were Invited
out, wo were aaked, t'M, and that
an ved the price of a meal for each of
us; no It aluioat evens up!"
Thla atiry hns been a byword among
the inemlver of tho Keevca family
ever Mince, and only recently they
have acquired a companion-piece
which, Mrs. Jtceven declares, balances
It beautifully.
Their home la In Wnshlngton; ao
that It forma n convenient target for
any and nil of their friends who aim
nt "tlolng" the national capital, but
their aplrlt of hospitality has never
grown tired. Not long ngo Mr. Heevea
received word that bin Unclo Abner
and wife were coming to visit him.
"Now don't you think. Jlurton,"
Mra. Keeves asked her husband, when
aim heard the news, "that It would do
to let your Unclo Abner pny at least
pnrt of his own expense while he'a
rdghtscclng round here? I wouldn't
apeak of It, only, you know, he has
more money than be knowa what to
do with."
"That'a truo enough, my dear," ad
mit ted Mr. ICeevea with hla genial
smile, "but he'a going to lie our guest,
nud I Intend to give him And Aunt
lluldah tlic time of their Uvea. I
guess 'IiruslIIy and me' can mnnnge
to pay tfu-lr car fare for a few day a."
So I'ncle Abner and Aunt Huldnh
came. Mr. Iteevea met them at the
station, ami for the next week devot
ed hlmsolf to giving them a glorious
holiday. Not a point of Interest wna
missed; not n enr line anywhere round
Wnshlngton failed of pntronage. Junt
once. In all their visit, the two went
out together, unaccompanied, and the
twenty five cent that I'ncle Ahrw-r
paid for six car tlckcta on that occa
alon waa the only money he spent
while In Washington.
As they were riding to the train. In
the Mtreet-cnr. on the morning of their
departure, Mr. Iteevea pnld the fare
na usual, and then dropped into a seat
beside I'ncle A liner.
"Well, uncle," he anld, heartily, "I
hope you're not aorry you came?"
"Oh, no," Uncle Abner replied, ab
aently. lie waa fumbling In hla pocket-book
for something- At last he pro
duced two car ticket. "Say, Hurt,"
he aald, "I bad these left from the
quarter's worth I bought the day your
Aunt Iluldy and I rode out to Cabin
John's Bridge. They won't be any
use to me after I leave here; ao If you
want to give me a dime and take 'em
off my handa, we'll call It aquare!"
Youth's Companion.
of Ula-
Bccneo of Cnban Conflict Full
toric Interest.
It Is true that the great battles of
the Civil War and those of the pres
ent one In Manchuria, where the men
killed and wounded in a day outnum
ber all those who fought on both sides
at San Juan, make that battle read
like a skirmish. Iiut the Spanish war
had lta results. At least It made
Cuba Into a republic, and so enriched
or burdened us with colonies that our
republic changed into something like
an empire But I do not urge that It
will never be because San Juan
changed our foreign policy that people
will visit the apot, und will send from
It picture postal cards. The human
interest alone will keep San Juan
alive. The men who fought there
came from every State In our coun
try and from every class of our so
cial life. We sent there the beat of
our regular army, ana witn them,
cowboys, clerks, bricklayers, football
players, three future commanders of
the greater army that followed that
war, tho future GoTornor of Cuba, fu
ture commanders of the Philippines,
tho commander of our forces lu China,
a future rreeident 01 tne united
And, whether these men when they
returned to their homes again became
clerks, and millionaires and dentlats,
or rose to be presidents and mounted
policemen, they all remember very
kindly the days they lay huddled to
gether I11 the trenches ou thnt hot aud
glaring skyline. Aud there must be
ninny more besides who hold the place
In memory. There are few In the
United States so poor In relatives and
friends who did not In his or ber
heart send a substitute to Cuba. For
these It seems as though San Juan
might be better preserved, not as It
la, for nlrendy Its aspect is too far
changed to wish for that, but as It
was. seriDners.
groups of sloops n rid rnMionf.a; which
were so familiar at the fishing villages
a few yenrs 11 go are fast giving place
to ugly, rnastless power launches,
mostly of the gasoline nnd petroleum
The reason for this chance I thnt
the fisherman, who, even If he Is pic
turesque, Is a business man, baa found
that It pays. In the old days tin favor
able weather might delay lilrn to,'
hours, or even days, In getting from
the fishing grounds, and hi fish were
spoiled. Now he run figure almost to a
certainty on the time of hla run to mar
ket and he lands his fish In better con
dition and gets better prices.
In Nnrragansett bay, which la one
of the sources of supply for New York,
the fisherman enn get to-dny's catch
Into the markets to-morrow morning
by running to Newport and catching
the regular bonts. Formerly It took
a day longer and the result of Una
change Is exemplified by the experi
ence of a little partnership of three
fishermen, who own a power boat, nnd
who In the first year that they bought
It cleaned up $.r,'Ksi In excess of the
previous year's profit. New York
Up-to-Pate Mao Klud Them More
Profitable than Bulling Craft.
Those who bewail the death of ro
mance at sea because of the displace
ment of sail by steam have now an
other cause for woe. Whatever of
romance lingered about a seafaring life
In the opinion of these persons at
tached Itself to the fishermen, those
"captains courageous," whq In little
sall-drlven dories risked their lives to
BaiU 10 uo uioii viuoo uigauizatiuu Ol
singers and fun makers and will keep "PI'1 the shore-living folks with foou.
up and add to the reputation their
predecessors have established.
They will start up on next Sunday,
the 17th. lust, and will play all the
iNnv hrtwAVAi thA flaliiu-man la fnllnw.
Ing bis brother of the deep sea trade
and Is becoming a mere mechanic
Power Is displacing all sail, even In the
litti fishing boat, and the picturesque
Conformity to Hanking OITIcer'o preaa
Kept 4.000 .Navy Men Iltiay.
Four thousand olllcera and bluejack
ets, constituting the tcwb of five first
class battleships and one guaboat,
now lu the New York navyyard,
changed their uniforms simultaneous
ly five times Sunday, says the New
York Times. The reason of so much
chniiglng of dress whs due to the reg
ulation which requlris that each offi
cer and man must ut all times wear
a uniform to conform with that worn
by the commanding or senior officer of
the fleet or squadron.
Itt-fir Admiral Kobley lit Evans, the
cominander-ln-chlef of the North At
lantic fleet, five of whose battleships
nre at the navy-yaixl. Is, of course, the
ranking oflicer of the yard. He Is
av.ny on leave of absence. Next to
fclui comes Hear Admiral Coghlan, the
commandant of the yard. After him
wmes Hear Admiral Davis, command
ing the second dlvlalon of the battle
ship squadron. However, It was aald,
absences of commanding officers were
frequent, and this mode the ranking
a good deal of a puzzle to anybody
but a navy man.
At any rate, the officers and men of
the Kearsarge, Kentucky, Alabama,
Maine and Missouri aud the second
class gunboat Dubuque bad to make
some lightning changes of dress. The
changes began at reveille, when a
signal from the Alabama showed that
the commanding officer was going to
breakfast dressed In blue.
This information was quickly wig
wagged to all the ships arid when the
men lined up for mess each of them
was clad lu the blue uniform of the
service. After breakfast the men
lounged about decks or strolled around
the yard. About 10 o'clock another
signal was wigwagged from the flag
ship. The signal was to the effect
that the ranking officer waa wearing
a white cap. Ten minutes later all
the officers and nearly 3,500 men had
discarded their cops of blue and had
reappeared In caps made of pure
w hite duck.
The next chnnge was at the lunch
hour. Hardly hud that menl ended
when there was some more wigwag
ging between the ships. The com
manding officer was In the full uni
form of white duck. Half an hour
later the officers still ou ships and
every bluejacket on ship or In the
yard had returned from a hurried visit
to his quarters, where he had changed
the blue for the white duck.
Six bells sounded. When the Jingle
died away the ranking officer wore his
cap of blue. So did everybody else a
little later.
Just before the dinner call another
signal appeared. "Off with the white
aud on with the blue" Is a literal
translation of what the man with the
signal flags said. It was nearly sun
down, but the Interval between sig
nal and mess call was sufficient for
another rapid change of garb aud
when the "last call for dinner" sound
ed the decks of every battleship and
the little gunboat showed formations
of smart seamen, every one of whom
was clad in the full blue uniform of
the United States service.
"I believe we hold the record In
shooting, but I know we hold It when
changing clothes Is under discussion,"
remarked an officer as he darted
around a twelve-Inch turret on hla
way to his quarters to chnnge his
white duck for a blue uniform.
Whore He Fell Down.
Archibald I will do anything In the
world for you, dearest!
Ilelene Will you?
Archibald If you would only try
Ilelene Then take this collarette to
Catchem's department store and ex
chnnge It for a size larger; I've lost
the slip Puck.
On Other Night.
Mr. Goodthlng How does your sis
ter like the engagement ring I gave
her, Hobby?
Her Young Brother WTell, It's a lit
tle too small; she hns au awful hard
time getting it off when the other fel
lows cnll! Puck.
HlCTtKlCC'.fc' ' I.
When the avstetn cet dct.ilitnfcrl anA In a
I , ' -
-V l"TS!t- run-flown condition it neeu3 a tonic and there has never
been one discovered that is the equal of S. S. S. It ifl especially adapted for
aaystemic remedy, because it contains no strong minerals to derange the
Stomach and digestion, and affect the liver and bowela. It is made entirely
of roots, herbs and barka selected for their purifying and healing qualities,
nd possesses just the properties that are needed to restore to the body
Strong robust health. When the blood becomes impure and clogged with
waste matters and poisons
the body does not receive suf- I have used your S. S. 8. and found it to be an
ficient nourishment and suf- excellent tonic to build up the general health and
fers from debility, weakness, JJ wneanastrengia to tne system 1 nave uaecj
sleeplessness Uousness, Ssit'fiS SSSMSeeS- A,
loss of appetite, bad diges- 'hm tonic properties it eivea a splendid apoeiite.
lion and many other disa- refreshing sleep, and the system undergoes a gen
greeable symptoms of a dis- eral building up under its invigorating influence,
ordered blood circulation, 548 Woodland Ave., Warren, O. Mas. KaTS BSCS.'
and if it is not corrected some
form of malignant fever or other dangerous disorder will follow. S. S. S.
builds up the broken down constitution, clears the blood of all poisons and
impurities and makes it strong and healthy. The nerves are restored to a
calm restful state, refreshing sleep i3 had again, the appetite returns and the
whole system is toned up by this great remedy, S. S. S. is a blood puri
fier and tonic and acts promptly in this run-down depleted condition of the
6ystem. Book on the blood and medical advice furnished by our physicians,
without charge. nr 3WFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAt
it Oonsleteut Career.
"I can remember when the wealthy
Mr. Illdem didn't hare a dollar of his
own," said the man who disparages.
"Well," answered the misanthrope,
"It Is said that he Is still doing busi
ness entirely with other people's dol
lars." Washington Star.
When th farmers kick for rain the
s&ji "This is the critical Uinsr
Heal Unkind. I
Hat tl" My music teacher says I have
the most wonderful voice he ever heard
for one of my age.
Carrie Well, you shouldn't allow a
little thing like that to worry you. !
Hattie Worry me! Why, what do
you mean? 1
Carrie You are young yet. and the
chances are you will outgrow it.
FITft Permanently C'tirwl. JCo fltaor ner-roaaness
I 1 1 U afU-r flrat day's use of Ir.K line's i r-ai Nerve
Keiturer. Send for Free S)2 trtul bottlrand Ireatlae.
br.K. Jl. Kline, Ltd.. Ml A run ht., I'tiilwlelphia, 1'a,
The Judge You sny you are not a
vagrant, yet you have no visible
means of support.
The Hobo I did have dls mornln',
yer honor.
The Judge Then why Isn't it vlsU
ble at the present time?
The Hobo 'Cause I went an eat it.
You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Don't imagine that every sad-eye;!
woman you meet has lore and lost. It's
more than likely she loved and got him.
Mothers will firm Jlrs. Window's Soothing
Byrup the best remedy to use lor their children
during the teething period.
Knowledge and timber shouldn't be
much used till they are seasoned. O. W.
Write Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy.N. Y., (or a
free samile of Allen's Foot-Kase. It corn
j sweating, hot swollen , aching feet. It makes
new or tini snors ena. a 'xriaiu uui. iui
corns, lnirrowing nails and bunions. All drag
gists sell It. 2c. Ixin't accept any substitute.
Was a rhHter.
Nevada Ned Thar goes Miracle Mike,
He's ambydextrous.
Eastern Tourist Ah: I suppose he can
write with either hand.
Nevada Ned Nope. Can't writs at
alL He shoots two-handed.
AStgetabk Preparatioafor As
similating fiveToodandBeguIa
ting the Stomachs andBovvels of
rromotes Digeslion,Checrfur
ness and Itest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine norMiiicxaL
aryi'mawl -
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa-
t ton , so ur a touvacn, uiarrnoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh
ru? ss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
.wwaauwwi WJftT J
f ,
For Over
Thirty Years
Tms oaarraun mpanv. at" voaa err.
bar f
We do crown and brlrig-t-worlc without pa'n.
Our 18 years' espi rleme In i1hi work en
ables us to at yur mmilli comfortably. Dr.
W. A. K le lito found a Hale way to extrwt
tfi'th absolutely wlihoiit pain. Dr. T. P.
Wine la an expert al gold tilling and crown
anil brjilgeworlt. Kxtractlng fre wLeu
plates or bridges are i rdi r 1.
Falling Bldg., Third and Washington Bts.
Open eveuliiKS till o'clock. Ku inlays from
to 12. Or Mala
X.. . '.',Vw 4
So quickly and well as Prussian Stock Pood added
to the feed. It will put them in the best condition
to fatten rapidly. Shortens Fsttcnlng Time. "We can
truthfully suy from ourexierience 1'ruselan Stock
Food shortens the fattening; jwriod at least one
fourth. We consider It iiullspcnsiblelnfatteninghoKS
nd cuttle. J. W. WILLIAMS.Brecders.Uriant.IuU.
SaTes gralu Iir axslatlnir ilisestlon. getting all the triiod out of
tlia (ooti conaumetl. K.YEUV UWS'kk of horses, ran. Iiuuiu,
sheep will And It para. Parka?, Bftc SI 00. Hi. lb pall, l.uo s.1.60.
PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD) a i-r it F:.-ij l'roduivr and Cholera Core. PRUSSIAN
HEAVE POWDERS, eurebeavea. PRUSSIAN LICE POWDER for I.Ue ui I uulci v ui.u
Catlltt. A.k for our .su.v k or lVultry lkx.k. PR USSI AN REM ED V CO. tt. l aul, alliiu.
PORTLAND SftO CO., Portland, Oregon, Coast Agents
rfV llE! V 1 W. laa. W MfT
B u-err'4rv'fc
ever shown on.
are emigrating to
Allien aud Can
ada by the thous
ands. W here there is a
dollar to be made
you will alwaya
find a Yankee. Al
berta allords the
greatest opportunity ol any country In the world for good invest
ments, l and can I bought ol the (.'. k". K. company on eay pay
ments of one-uiith to one-tenth down, 6 per cent interest, yearly
payments, Irom S3.ou to sb.ou per acre, that Is as rue unit aa tne sun
Uncle Sam's People
1 urn couductlug parties out ol biokaiie Mondays of each week, giv
. . .. . . -X - .... i . T
Ing siieclal raliroaa rates ana snowing mem over AiDerta
information cheerfully given.
Canadian Kallway lanui.
Join the crowd, inv
JAMtS H. It WIS. Hiclul Land Agent Alberta aud
719 Riverside Ave., Spokane, Wa.