Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 06, 1905, Image 8

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    Money 1 1
Dccf Reusing
A Wisconsin feeder, writ lug lu
Brewler'i Oaeette, nn.vs: "There wiw
nlxten head In tlie lot of steers which
I marketed recontly lu Chicago. They
were on full feed four months. I
never feed iiny cuttle except whnt 1
rnlse myself, and I wont pure bred
Shorthorns of the boot beef strain.
"The average njre of these steers
wus two and one half and the average
weight 1,314 pounds.
"My method of raising and feeding
Is to let the calves run with the cows
for four months and teach theui (the
calves! to eat grain beforo I weau
them. I feed them pretty well during
the winter and generally have them
dehorned when one year old.
"I legan feeding this lot of cattle
broken corn In Novemltor, and when I
put them on full feed 1 gave them
snapped corn, which I prefer to
husked, because the cattle can chew It
better. I gave the corn lu the morn
ing and ground corn and cob meal at
night, lightened with bran and oilmeal.
I gave one-half pound of oilmeal each
day aud gradually Increased It to two essential that an abundant supply of
lounds per head. i nitrogen be at the disposal of the plant.
"When I put these cattle on full fee l ! The experience of growers has clearly
they averaged 1.000 pounds, and when I demonstrated this fact, and until com
marketed they had gaiued 400 pounds, j urclal fertilizers came Into general
After full feeding begins the amount ; 11-e most growers used large qtuintl
of grain supplied Is to be governed j tics of yard manure in order that the
largely by the capacity of the animal. ! plant should suffer no lack of this ele
Enough should be given to satisfy fully j meat. Yith the introduction of com
the wants of the animal aud no more, j uiercial fertilizers the question of
-If you can get steers so that they j greatest importance has been the
would be all of an age it would be well : source of nitrogen best suited to meet
to buy them for feeding, for when you 1 the- demands of the special early
raise them you cannot have them of j r.itvth. The experiments which have
an even age. I ,t.n coin'ueted with n view to answer-
:I Lave been raising and feeding cat- j js this .,;n-siiou have shown clearly
tie. for twenty years and bare always that, while nitrate is most useful, a
bought registered bulls aud have made
money. I have sold several loads of
steers that were better than the one
referred to, especially the two ship
ments preceding this one, which were
sent to New York."
Sunstroke of llorati.
Preventive measures may be adopted
as follows: Feed hay night and morn
ing only; give drinking water before
meals and In small sips often when at
work; prefer clean, soft water to that
rendered "hard" by the presence of
lime salts, which tend to derange the
stomach; remove harness at noon and
allow sufficient time for rest and mas
tication of food ; groom skin thoroughly
once dally; feed sound food; avoid
corn In summer, as It Is heating; prefer
sound old oats, which repair waste of
tissue and promote vim and endur
ance; avoid sudden changes of food
and do not feed heated green grass or
clover; cleanse stable dally, ventilate
perfectly, screen doors and windows,
remove manure plies from vicinity of
table; feed fresh food each meal.
Shade horse's head when at work;
avoid heavy, wet sponge; if possible do
not work three horses abreast, ns the
middle horse suffers thereby and is the
most liable to sunstroke; where such
combination cannot be avoided change
horses often to afford as much relief
as possible. Choose coolest hours for
.work and change teams often during
sultry, moist weather when thunder
storms are prevalent. A. S. Alexan
der, Veterinarian, Wisconsin Agricul
tural Experiment Station.
A Word For the IlaiorbacU.
The trouble with the razorback stock
Is not that they are not healthy
they never have any disease but that
being of the "lean kind" order they nev
er get fat, writes a correspondent of
Farm Progress. A hundred pound pig
wlH eat twenty bushels of corn and
probably not weigh over 150 at eight
een months old.
But If one will take one of these !
long, lank sows and breed her to a us they will have the entire benent or
pure bred boar of any good breed he the fertilizers applied, remarks Amerl
,wlll get about fifteen pigs at a litter, I can Cultivator,
thirty In a year, that will have the 1
health and vigor of the dam und much j oue Tiiiuir and Anotber,
of the growing and fattening qualities ! -Jt has been found by actual test that
of the aire. I know about this; I have the state of Illinois lu its upper half
tried It. I have never bad a razorback
tow to lose a pig yet, and I have made
lome half bloods weigh 300 pounds.
Head of the Uorae.
In a horse a broad and full forehead
and length from eye to tar are good In
dications of Intelligence, says Live
Stock Journal. A straight facial line Is
quite Often found with a high degree of
intelligence, but a dish faced horse is
rarely anything but a nonentity.
Selection of Sows.
1 It Is a good plan to start the young
Sow to breeding th season beforo It Is
eslfed to dispose "of old or undesira
ble animals. Bows having superior
Qualifications as breeders or Bucklers
ahpujd not be disposed of until there is
aotioeable decline.
Bait the Live Stock.
1 B not rflngy with the salt. It costs
to dan a cent a pound and should
knr,for be placed .where at all time
Jjw'cfcnrenlent: for the stock to ret lb
Fnrlllllrii For llolrilna the Milk oa
Wralfrn Karma,
Generally shmiUIii. there Is almost
Rti eii'lro lack of facilities for holding
civhmi on the western farm. The inn
Jorlly of funns have wind pumps nt or
near the homo. The pump furnishes
1111 excellent location for an hb id milk
house. On many farms visited the
owner had built around the windmill
tower, or nt one side of It, u building,
usually (5 by S feet, lu which was plac
ed a tank deep enough to set the milk
cans and have water come up to their
rock. All of the water pumped for
Mock and other purposes of the farm
Is run through this tank and then out
into the stock tank. This room often
contains the separator und a work
table. In fact, bete Is done the dairy
work of the farm.
With an arrangement of this kind
the cream should be kept without dlf
liculty from forty-eight to seventy-two
hours lu the hottest weather. Such a
building costs but little, and the con
venience of having a place for the
milk, cream and dairy utensils Is lu It
self enough to justify the expense of
building It. As a matter of fact, the
farmer who is going to get the best
price for his cream will have to pro
vide himself with a place In which to
keep It cool until It can be delivered to
the station. Keep It as cool as pos
sible without freezing up to the time
it Is delivered.
Keep the milk room for milk and
not hi iiir else, and above all have plenty
of windows to admit sunshine when
! wanted and use plenty of "elbow
grease" lu keeping it sweet and clean.
-Hureau of Animal Industry.
The Mini I'srfal Fert Ulcer Combina
tion and llovr to A poly It.
sey Kxporlment Station.
In the growing of early potatoes It is
combination of the nitrate with quick
ly available organic forms, ns dried
blood, or with both organic and am
monia forms Is preferable to the use
of any single form.
On good potato soils, therefore, a
good fertilization should consist of
from M"iO to 1,000 pounds of a fertilizer
containing nitrogen 4 per cent, nvaila
bio phosphoric acid 8 per cent and
potasli 10 per cent, one-third of the
nitrogen at least to be derived from
nitrate of soda and the remainder from
quickly available organic forms. On
soils in good condition the fertilizer
may be applied in the row at the time
of planting, though many prefer to
npply one-half of the desired amount
broadcast previously and the remain
der in the row with the seed. '
Brome Graao,
Iirome grass is n valuable variety
and has been tested over a wide area
in the United States, but it finds Its
best development in the region from
Kansas northward in the great plains
and west Into Montana and eastern
Washington. It gives fair results east
of this region, but in the eastern states
Is unable to compete with timothy and
blue grass. In the southern states it
lias not given satisfactory results.
It is stated by A. 8. Hitchcock,
ngrostologlst, that if the soil is in prop
er condition brome grass may be sown
In Nebraska any time from April to
the 1st of October.
Fall Seeding? of Grass.
In some parts of New England fields
are frequently seeded to grass In the
fall. This is done without any crop
und in some cases is found to be more
successful than spring seeding along
with 11 crop of grain. This work
should be do'ie in August or early In
September u ;:r.uiid well prepared
that is. made of line tilth, smooth and
well iVrtili.e !. Where this system
works we: l 1 hero should be good suc-
witli the crop:; of bay to follow,
Is eminently iitted for beet growing.
With its fuel supply, transportation
facilities and market advantages, it
goes without saying that it la fitted for
manufacturing," fiays Suger Heet Ex
pert Saylor.
Spraying with bordeaux mixture de
creases the amount of blight in sugar
bei t fields.
The ripening that takes place be
tween the picking of the apple and its
cold storage makes it more susceptible
to scald, and delay In storing the fruit
In hot weather Is particularly injurious
Cream should, bo separated at onco
after milking, while the milk still has
animal heat In It.
Copperas water not too strong is eald
to be the best thing to heal barbed
wire cuts.
Webworms have been very destruc
tive in Iowa plum trees this season.
Water applied with great force will
rid maple trees of the "cottony seula,"
according to very good authority.
A Most Remarkable
Cure of Heart Disease.
Perhaps one of the most wonderful
result' on record Is the wonderful
cure of Mrs. S. K. Chirk by electricity
nml medicines ndtnlulNtcrcd by lr.
Parrin. Mrs. Clark was curried to
Dr. l;tt rlii's otliceln an almost dying;
condition. aflUcted with ft coni Men
tion of dlsenscs. Here are lu r own
I'Llali. Ore. To the Fdltor:-My
health began to fall over a year ago,
I gradually fell uwsy until I became
very wvnk. I was suffering; from
lung, heart and stomach trouble.
On the I'lth of December, lSiC, I went
to Pendleton and put iiiyi-elf under
lr. Darrln'n treatment by electricity
ami medicines, and legaii to Improve
from the first treatment and con
tinued to Improve. At the present
time I have good health. My neigh
bor say they never expected to see
1110 return homo from Pendleton, and
wore greatly surprised at my recovery.
Mas, s. I'.. 'i,nk.
si vicars t..m:n.
I'kiah. Ore. - lr. Parrin: I am on
Jovlnggood health and have gained
:o" pounds In the last six years. I am
entirely cured, and am very grateful
Indeed" to nave good health, after
yearx of suffering with heart, stomach
it ad lung troubles; also deweases
peculiar to women. I cannot praise
vou too highly. Kcfer to me.
Mus. S. K. Ci.aisk.
Some tlmoagol contracted a severe
cold on the lungs wliicii neing neg
lected became chronic. After vain
attempts tor relief I concluded It whs
death or Arizona. On learning of Pr.
Darrln I consulted him. It Is now it
month since I placed myself under
his care and lean truthfully say all
morbid feeling has left iny lungs and
1 feel 1 am 011 the road to a, erma
nentcnre. I am now able to work
everv dav at hard labor. Further
more, I will pay lu addition to his
electrical and medical skill Dr. Par
rin Is a man vt 1 1 It a human heart and
is uuusually reasonable In his charges.
I knew Mr. G. Carey, of Sam's Ynllct.
Oregon. liefoiv and after his cure of
almost total deafness. IMer to 1110
at Ashland. Oregon.
F.aim. Clink.
MI I AS I. tin's KXI'KRIKNi K.
to the publics My daughter, ton
years obi has lieen sorely allilcted the
"past eight years with deafness ami
discharging ears. Through Pr. Par
rin's electrical and medical treatment
I am happy to say she 12111 hear about
as well as "anyone and the discharge
of the ears has stopped. I can reco
inend Pr. Darrinat Motel Cull. 1 wilt
answer all questions by letter or in
person at my residence on Court
street; Pallas, where I bate lived
fourteen years.
Mrs. Nkli.ik It. IJaikd.
IiH parkin'm OK KICK
In most enses only one visit is re
quired. Owing to the crowds rushing
to see the doctor he will receive pa
tients from 10 a. m. to s p. 111. Pr.
Parrin remains at the Hotel Siueede,
Eugene, until October 1.
Pr. Parrln's terms for treatment
are -?o a week, or in that proportion
of time as the case may require. The
poor treated free except medicines
roni 10 to 11 daily.
"I have been troubled with lame
back for fifteen years and I found a
complete recovery In the uso of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm," Hays
John G bisher. Uillum, Ind. This
liniment Is uIho without an equal for
sprulns and brutHes. it i for Hale by
The Modern Phanna y.
Lewis and Clark Exposition Tic
ket Rates.
Cottage drove to Portland it Ret
$4.85, good for 30 lays, but not
later than Oct. 3l8t, 1905.
One fare for tho round trip good
for ten days, (must travel together
on oue ticket both vayn) $1.40
OKOASI.en PAhTlFS OF ONK Hl'NMtl li or
One fare for the round trip partv
moving on same day, but individual
tickets will bs Hold under this rate
and can return at any time within
ten days from dale of sale. 4.40.
The above tickets on sale daily be
tween May 21) th and Oct. loth, and
no stop overs ullowed in either di
and beaten, in a labor riot, until
covered with sores, a Chicago st reet
car conductor applied lluckleu'i
Arnica Salve, and was soon sound
and well. "I n It. In my family,"
writes J. 1. Welch, of lekonsha,
Mich., "and find It perfect." Simply
great for cuts and burns. Only 'i'ic
at lienson'H Pharmacy.
M. K. Gillespie was in Ktigene
the middle of the week'.
He inav well think he has got. off
cheap, who, after having contracted
constipation or indigestion, Is still
able to perfectly restore liis heuith.
Nothing will do this but Dr. King's
New Elfe Pills. A quick, pleasant,
and certain euro for headache, con
stipation, eec. 2"c at Ilonson's Phar
macy; guaranteed.
The finishing coat of finely crushed
rock is being laid on 4th street.
Indigestion nearly always disturbs
the sleep more or less and Is often the
cause of Insomnia. Many cases havo
been permanently cured by Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
For wile by Tho Modern Pharmacy.
by buying thta
reliable, hum st,
Mgh grade sew
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.,
If pcii'liiir; p.itcnt pro ilins the
owner of an 'lite I mining
claim f iils t prifonn tli nnviory
assessment wink, the cl.iim lM uas
subject to 1 cliic'ilii ii .
Finding health Is like limliiu'
money so think I In w In ari' sick.
When you hate a couli. culd or sure
throat or chest it 1 i-.-i 1 ion, hd t r act
prompt l.t like U . C llarh'T. of
Sandy I.''1, Va llesis: "Iliad
H terrible chc-t 1 1 osb'e. 1 -a used b.t
smoke ami coal du I 1 mv Imis:
but, after limliim; no ii ll. f iuoih.-r
remedies, I was cured by Pr. kind's
New Pi-eiitert for ( 'o isn mpi lua ,
Coughs and C"hl iica Icn( s V . i
any cou'ili or bin; iic heiiie in the
world. A t lt'-nsi ui's l'ii.i rnia - ; .',
and 'fl.i'O; uaruiitccil. Triil bottle
Round Trip for One Faro
The Southern l'.n ilir i
decided to m ike :i rate ol one Lite
for the round trip lt m Poitl.ind to
all points in Orcgou to as fir s. utli
as Ashland, tor visibus iiotn the
Ivast to the l.cwis ami Claik Im
position, to enable them to look
over western Otcoa, tlu-.t ui.iy
have an oppoitnnity t locate oi in
vest. The tickets will be i;o.k1 for 15
days, with st p over pm-clces.
Holders of Exposition round trip
tickets from the cast can purchase
these tickets lhi late, it will
depend upon the energy shown by
the community as to the number of
visitors secured.
aim: Yr i:.(e (i i:i.'
Engaged people Hlioald lemi'inl icr
that, after iiiariiag-', m.iuv 'piarrels
can be atoi i: J !y k'-ii:ig their di
gestions ill good eolidilioa Willi
Electric I'.itt-r-i. S. A. I'.iovn, (
llcnnettHt ille, K. C.,sa.v-: "For year;,
my wife sulTcre I inl'-ni'-ly from d.vs
peiisla, complicate I with :i torpil
liver, until Mi'- iii-r st n nlh ;iikI
vigor, and ln-cunif a mere ttreck of
herself. Then she tried EK-eiric Hit -
tors, which helped her at once, and
finally made her nitirely w. ll. Mi
is now strong ami well. Im-ii-ou h
Pharmaey sells and giiur.-uiliM' th'-ni
at .Vic a bottle.
Subscribe for the Nuj-ct.
AbsceHres, with !' eeepl ions. ; re
Indicative of cuiil ipa I ion or de
bililt. V. II. Harrison, ('level u,d, .Mi--.i.
write, A ug. 1. : ' I want to say
a w ool of iirnise f ir Ikillard'M Snow
l.inilinli t. I Hteppeil 011 11 nail, whieh
causidthe cords in my leg to con
tract and an nhicess lo lise in my
kliee und I he ioe..' told I
would have a -.tii'f le::, so one day I
tvellt, to, I. I". Lord's ill 11 j- .store lit I10
is lloW ill I lifer, Ciilu ! Ili'leeolil
iiicnih"! 11 Imllle oi uo.v Liniment:
I got a ,"i0e size, an l it cured my leg.
It is t he be -it I i 11 i lilell I ill I lie World."
Sold b.V The .Modern I 'Im l in.iet .
Subscribe lor the Ntii;ct.
l;i;. I'll I'LL U'tiMEN'.
Plump clieecks, ilii-li"d Willi the
soft glow of 1 1 1 1 1 1 and a pure com
iileximi, make all tvoiueii ben utll ill.
'Taken hiiiiiII dose of llerbilie idler
each iiienl: it tt ill prevent constipa
tion and help ilL-i'si you bate
eaten. Mrs. Win. M. Si mud, .M nl-
lothlan, Te. writ-jh, May::!, I'"d:
"We have u-ed lleibine in our
family for fight years, and found it
the best med jeitn- we ever u.sfd for
constipation, bill. his f -t'er and ma
laria. Sold liV Ihe .Molel'll rnur
ni.icy. KILLthc couch
and CURU the LUNGS
- 1
Or. Kind's
Itew Discovery
COc &$I.OO
Fice Trial.
tiurent una Cliucketit Cure for all
l)i ; I iv- - -j.., ,J .
A Sure Cure is&sj
Oalli. nniluss, Contractod Muclos, Um Hack, SdilT Joints,
Frost od Foot, Murnt. Scalds, etc. inm
AN ANTISEPTIC that top ImUtion, subdues Inflam
niation. and drives out Fain. . '
PENETRATES tlia Pores, lootens tho 1 I-ihrou I ctsunt,
naUu '
fros circulation cr U liioou, j-iving m
. A. Simpson, 500 Crnlft St., Knoiville,
itrltcs " 1 have been tiying the buthtof
Hot SprlnRi. Aik., for scistlc tlK-umntlsrn, Put I
Kit more trllct from Unllsrd's Snow I.iuiincnt
than sny medicine or iiythinti I have ever tiled.
Inclosed find postoflice order br fl.00. cnl tmj
large bottle by Southern Kiprem.'
THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
Tho MorJorn Pharmacy.
Cigar Factory
I .1111 I'MllIni; up :i lilli
;-t in 1 ill
t 75he C. G. Brand
C I t . r.l.llld, f I.IHI pel' llMNI .t
life Willi each hoo it
.1.1 flee tt itli .MNt .it
Bohemia, a 5c Cigar
1 ...)-1 1 1 :. i l : i.i 1 1 I . i per Iimm lot
I'lUfrer 1 1 1 1 -; 1 1 ' 1 1 1 I it
.nt free ttitli i;u ll a00 lot
Mutls Irani Ilia very bt
Itupurled nd donllo
ttiA-i'o. Thv r lor
l ll cltfar klnd
lit Ilia city,
N hen ,t .111 want a ;.. laxative
that i t ea-iy to take and ei rtalli timet.
u- t'liamli 'i'l. mi's Sloiuacli and Liver
tablets, l-'or sale by The Modnrli
Thai inae.V.
IMtol ltlHOl'.S OF
nil; I:XCIIAN(H;
liK.t I. Kits IN KINK
M 11 lu hi rret. inl tMg ti roo. Or
I. S. Medley. .!.'. JohllMOti
Medley V Joiusoi,
AllonieyM-at law
njjh r Suit? :i It ink llltlf.
Spei lal attention ultra to Mining
1 n l 'orpora 1 1 hi Ln tv .
otliiMi on Mniii Mtrt-ct, tti'nl l.le
CnTTAC.K (iKVlv, ()Klt
AH or Hey sif Law,
;o r r.i (j 1: ij inn :, o it 1:.
I;;iiing niul construct ion of (,ri
re lin t Ion workH ami general niiichln
fi v plants ; iiiechaiiical drartin
C. I. tiliOVE, M; E.
Mi Kay Ibiildlnn. Portland, t)ir.
Hall' & olw II
Mining llngliieerM " i
j. S. Miiur.'il Surveyors!
bi .iu 1 Dank Pddg, Collage Crove
H i.: r,u; oregonlan Illdg, Porllaml,
S . S SA"iV v. f V vSsSV' -"
I IC I V A T i: $
All Un' l.ilest ti't-uliiiriits.
KM TltprrV, 1CT(!.
No I'liiil.iiliiiH I'iise.s lakcu.
I'eriiM riiusiinalile.
Onliiilo ini-illi-ul lo-lji lunilHlii'J If ilii
MHi'il. Im- liirllier iiartiriiliirn iiililress
Dr. 11. u. ,s(;iiM:i:r, h
liosiHtalaud Sauitanum
m r.i 1'..-. ..-
ciatic niiEuriATisn
Watch maki'.k.
KrllluK nt irHMiimlili' rtttrt.
All Mutk n immulrr.l llial .
tt ntt'tiKH. I'luckii mi.l JiHflt nl l.urt I'rlca
t' r r. i f ii: i:. tn;i:.
I CoTTA;it (Ikdvk, Oki;.
Paid j.) Capital, $25,000.00
! Muiiey to limn mi upiiivi-d Mi-eiiiitv.
1 Fxi-huiiKf x in ild, iiviiilable it it v ,ilnee
11 thePaited Slal. n
I Fte.l.l.iit,
U lUki in
C.i.l 1 1
ASK Til K Ai K.1 i MK
'TV. CmIAU ','
Spokane, St, I'tiul,
MimicamliM, Ihiluli,
Cilrtitjo, St l.oul
Overland Trains Daily Tbs Flyer
Ind The last Mail
, Splendid Service
j Up to date Equipment
j Courteous iunploycs
Daylight Trip across th a Ciscada and
Rocky Mountains.
For Ticket H, Hales, I'olilelM ulid
I'ull Information, ('all on or address,
i 122 3d St., Portland Ore.
J K. ti. YLKKLS., A. (I. P. A.
' or 'JikIJA veliut niel iiIiimiIiIh lr.a, Hcnlllu
j We give expedlled Kel t Ice on freight.
Koiile your hhipine nln t la lireat
! Northern. I'ull In formalloii from
Wm. Il.t1au.11. Cent, Agent.
Port land, liegoit.
Noll I II IK M ' N II H. il III llllDNIt
Nil, li I IM ft. 111. Ni). II :t 0 . III
Nil, 111 V.u.' u 111. Nil. 1,1 '
A Utile forethoaKlit amy Have you
no end of trouble. Anyone who
makes It a rule niikeepL'liaiiilierlaln'H
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhhea remedy
at hand knows I his to be a I'act. For
sale by The .Modern Pharmacy,
0. & 0. li It K CO
'J'linu I.i I. Ii) Nu, l
To lake elf. et April '-M, I'.Mia.
Iimt Ileum! Iliiinll I iicsilny W . Iliillll 1
H 0,1 Snt iinly
I Htnl I n 1 1 y Kt
. .Siin.lny. No - Nu A
HlllllllNi I'.lllV a m. i .m
No 3 Nu I
i-.H A M M
J :."i7 ::io. U I
J .:hii? :'mi a.v; I
.1 i .Une il mve.
ttiililen . . .
.. . 'ii 1 ii ..
. ' 4 IKI lull. III. .
, liuri'iiii ,
. . Id'il.K'M-K . .
The Firsl Nalioul U
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Hi:ll 4:!l
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hil io::mi 4 : I
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s::i.ill ;) HUmnrl. . . .
Hiliil'J Slur
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J : If' Hi I. ...Wililwiim ...
W.ll I .... 1 1 II II I ' H
Knil or l r;u k . .
Hulijitcl in ithuiiKu wILItoul liutlou,
Alloiitwanl friiiijlit (nrwanlml (inly ut the
fiilnt rik o( kliiiiimr Hinl einiHlmieo.
HIhko leuvtm WllihviHMl utter lliu nrrl vnl of
train on, Woilnusiliiyii nil it KrhlityM
fur Hiiiiltu niul Oiniiiii. Keturnliin on Tiifie
iluyM, TliiirmluvN Hint HulunluyM.
Krulglit will nut l.u ineuivvl nt tlm O. Jt H.
K. H. It. ti!Mil Ktler li:iu Ii. in. To limuro
forwunlliig on nut tritlu ; IioIkIiI iiiiihI lie
Jo Iveroil in miijile ii,u0 i0 purwtl ol it
bulllg billed. r
A. II. W OOI, Munucer