For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. I low Is it with the children? Arc they thin, pale, delicate ? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know It makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health In every way. Tli rtitttlrcn cannot tmtiltilv hmvm jrrwf1 ttllti iitilr it li(iwi atr In trotr -tMit -tlttn. A Iiiki(1iIi llvr pi oiiit Chhhum ttri Itt t It . i-iMiiit1rr tiwt l orim l ll thr li MlfflnH bum 1 1 liaH ! of 4yi'a "Ilia. Atl vrpjitiahln, iiiar coat., M.1. hi t.O. ay.r ('., I.ow.11, Matt. ai.o Bianuraoturara af f HtlR VKUIR. ?Q Afl U Ct.lrR. msl O cm vvv rrcTORAL Trout riattora' l'a rail I.e. Prook trout niul luoun trout ar not appreciated lu .Nmfouiidluiid, hi-liifc" fur more roinuioii i tin ii am tho hi-rcli ami uiilUli (Jf tli Htntes, any the foil n try t nli'inlur. Cntrblnu tin-in will 0011 aurfi'lt tin) uiifclrr Mint mst his flies from tbn shore of almost uny luke, Ktli-ti catches are counted by tint do.-n olio lot of seventy two do.-n being brought aboard tha tralu at llurhor (Jrare. Oni) duii'ii ten Inch trout uhu ally sell for 10 rents. Thnro are IIS? mimed lake on tho Island, ami flO.oou known ouca with out nniiica. 1'hi la In ml Ima nlioiii -l.taki miles of arnconat. Ww-ltidliiK t tin t of bays like Itousvlatii, Notre On me, .,r. tunc, Nt. Mary's, ltonin, Ht. (Jcorgr, I'lncciitla and Ituy of Itland. I'roiu out to all alri'tima of clear Kti-rn water nnnty Into rach of thpe baya. Kvrry atronm that rractir aalt wntrr la a aalmon atrunm. l'.nik from all Hint eoaat are other and rnally rrnrhed atrrama that havo not pvu a trndltlmi of a Butinct, rod or hook, and Uki-a nTcr nmiuii'd where oupinnycamp tin. I add to tlu far wild iree and duckn. tvlllow RrouHr, w boar iiliirnage turni MhltP In wlntpr, j)timulj;iiii, plovpr ami curlew. Thpao cauipliiK pUcea brln n uiiUjup acnp of rpiuotpueaa and Roll tilde. Only one who baa acttmlly rppi, tho wall of darkncRR around a ramp flr In tho Newfuuudlnnd Junnlra and over the tin id in a can underatand thp ting of fear that RoniPtliupa tipcotnpa almott appalling la the vast aolltudpa. Ilew'a ThlaT Wa offrr On Hud1p4 Iiollara KwM lot anr oai ut t'atarrb Uiat cauoul ba curod by Hill l atarrh lira. F. J. IIKhKV 4 CO.,, O Wa, tha uiKlartlgii!, bara known V. J. Chtatj (or tha laal 14 yaaia, and oaUara hlia polactlj bnourabla la all tiuatoaaa traaaa (luna anil Ananalally abla to rarry out anj ol lie atlaai mada by tbalr brai. Waar A Tauai. wbolaaala lru(lat,Totrln,0. WiLbiaa, K iar A Mbtim, Wboleiala Llruf ( lolnUo. O. llall'a ( a.arr Car la taken lutaruallr, art Inf dlracil U-wn lha bl'xxl al Biumua an r tacaa ( lha airaiam. friua 7s o t boiua. Holil br all lruilita. laatluiuulala liaa. Uali fatuity nila ara tha IwL A Neeeeeary rorroality. TIow much louger have I got to wait for my breakfuatT" doinanded the Impatient man with tha uapkio tucked under lila chin. "You ordered eRga on toaRt, I be llPTe. atr?" Mild the waiter. "I did. You ought to rempmber It well enough. You took the order." "Yea, air. The tmiRt Is all ready, but the proprietor la eipcutlntr a mort gage oa tho catnlilUtnnrnt for the eggs, air," uplulned the waiter, with dignity. tiik i iv 1 I V KM I I u ctf'MlMtx1 a" lb .- anil af)irH iHliltirt Ulrvrr ii'iiiiv-lli tllulna ini, lrplM4 r-."in anil all i arr hr '. .i. Irtmiilr init', I'lrri, iiral anil H mil iiiii i or Iiiiip urn. hum. I ry lllrm lilira anit ll lint k"IH !' rolil Soiii.ii'm, ymi will nrvrr ir w iimut lUvm. )l'rii, ani iraM for A'. Ita IIW Dakalh Avr . Iinniklrn, N. OlD this out, rtisrn la ua with tha namei anil addirttr of ynursrlf and two of your Menda, anj tha dji lirn ynu will prulnl-ly ntcr a bmlnnt i-iillffr. and we will rirJIt you with IS IU on our SoS.OO Imlarthlp. Our Stliool iilfcra e'rptloii4l advantiian lo aiudrnla uf Uutinesk, bliuctliand, Cnglikli. tic. Bisr Insihuction LorsT Tuition waul fQ CAUlOOUl io in tail THE MULTNOMAH ( BUSINESS INSTITUTE . M. A. ALBIN, PRIB. a aiiTH at. PORTLAND, ORE. ECONOMY Mot Air Pumping Engine I'liinpi water for hoiiao and Irrliis'loii. 1IaiIro'H wind mills and iiaai.lliitt engl'"" Huriia gaaulliKi, woml or coal. 111 a ii to jnalluatup. Hlil.K)it on approval. Writ lor lataluguas aud irlvca. DEALL & CO. 32 1 lluwlhorne Ave. Portland, Ore. . m, a No, J6-190S HEN wrltlnar to ad vorMaars please I A CARS IN JAPAN ARE DIRTY. Flour of Tlilril-clnae l'on lira Peacrltied I Ha nii linawrpt Klot. ' lii J'i xi ii tin) railway traveler buy u lliat, mimoiiiJ or tlilnl cImnm ticket, or If liu wImIio to k I'lit'iiper Hi III ihi I'" ll K"t tl' livt en 1 1 1 1 1 li K I'll" to hIiii ily Imih1 on tJio platform. Many of tlm cilia can tut entcrod flllmr from tint Hliln or tliu end. 'i'litt ii Ini lpul ilifii-i-I'luo liulwfMi I li ft im( Mini second rln ax (-(inches U tliu color of tlm upholstery. Nono of tho cur Ik cluim. Many of tliu tliLril 'la coiU'lii'N roiilil serve, without much altcrntloii iin ordinary plgMtlc. Till I till tlm lnoro renin rk ulilo when Hi it liicoiiipiiriiniii cli'iuill Ik.'Mm of tliu Jnpuiioe home lift', oven of tin) huuihh-wt, Im taken into consid eration. All explanation of tlila may ho tluit tbn JnpnueHo hnve little rKiiril for tliu cIciiiilliii'aN of any place wliero they keep their shoes, or clogs, on. Tlm Ikiiropenu room, lor euimple, which linn lii'iui palnlillnlwd In n few Jiipnucao Iioiiiph, Im tbi only u pn rt int'lit In tin) wlinlii house, that Ih not kept H'Tiipil loiialy swept, iliiNtcit, olli-il iiml bur- lilahed. Ko, too, with the JiipaneMi) i Kim Ui.-Kjiea re's "J r i-i11m of King lllch Iiiiir. TIionp that lire maintained In nrd the Third, lHi,'." 'I'hn price, $S,7.")), iintlve Rtyle are aweet nnd clean; thoao Ir higher tlniu any sum prevloiiHly Hint bavo become lOuropennlxed nro paid at miction for a HhakeMpeare liaually littered with clgnrelte Rt limp, j iiMrto. It Ir believed only two other fruit peellnga, coreR run other delirN. j copies of thN edition exist, tine l An American TuHuum, with Its In the KrliUh MiiHeum; the other In crowded nod una voidable liitluiaclea, ! tin) Hodlclnn Library nt Oxford. Tho la it decent nnd polite hermitage com- j fact that lu five places u contem pured with n packed coach of Japan. ! porary autograph of "Wiu. I'enn" lit All RortM of unexpected things happen. found gives tills Juxt sold copy a p I'Hrlng itblutlons nro performed nnd cullnr Interest. The signature Is prob complvte cliiinne of raiment In friHhly Hint of tho famous admiral, the ijueiilly effected, the roiiata ut ly rii-ur- father of tliu foundor of l'ennsylva ring tiinueU serving to screen the as- nln. toulNhliig clinrncter of tbusi) pro- grams. The floor of the third -eliist coai-h Is n ii tniRwept riot of the f 1 t m n i i i and Jetaiiin that uninlly follow In the wake of certnln klndn of buiniiu craft the world over. ! A Howery plenle crowd, abandoned io peanut a, popcorn nnd bananas, never marked n more connplciions trail ; man n lot or Japanese pen sunt ' route. Only with the Japanese It In all f a Hilemn nffnlr. Travel Reems to af- ford fitting opportunity to dUcard nil ; Kinds or personal wreckage. i forniR or nt.aniloiie.i o.ih und eiuts r Tiiinga begin to nientiry tlie itinerary j rrom iue very MHrt. r course, roraign traveler wtio wade tlirougti thlR car strewn wnste does ao to gain experlenre. It Is not n pursuit of hap pluess. General Mnnnger. Mr flra eximrience of the oetonia writes k'rank T. Hullen lu "Creittu. of the Hen." waa In n little bur In ! Ntovtart laland. New Zealand. final! river flowed Into this buy. iiotabU) for Its fine flounders; and the crew of I ho ship In which I waa then n anllor hoon dlR"ovtred that the enlet wny of patching litem waa to wade about on the fine sandy bed with trnrj feot. the w.ittr being only up to mid thigh, and when they felt the flat body wrlgglln nude! their aoles, to trend nrmly nnd stoop, groping In the Rand uutll they Ind tlie flounder anfe betneco (iner aimI .Itiiniili. Then ftiev wriittd rrite IiIm and put him In the batf strapped itcroM their shoulders. ny and by wa dlcover1 that the renrrr the sea the finer the flounders, mid one sunny afternoon l was vadlni, In the bny near the month of the rivulet and picking up Rome flue peclriens. Suddenly I trod noon aomefblng like n blob of Jelly. Kear- Inn a sting, I mnde to step off, only to feet both my leg prlpped In several pl.-iees by something that vtu i;r as If It Mould eat Into the flesh. I "looped, nnd felt a long, whip like teiitncle twisted round my rlv;ht cg. 1 tore It off, nnd felt a na iea which niad-' nie feel quite giddy. Hut no aooner had I removed one slinky thing thnn another held me, and n not Iter mid another. The wnter whs shallow, but I began to feel ns If I must be drncired down, drowned and devoured bv this horrible thine. rnrtntistelv I retained some tires- ence of mind, nnd drawing mv sheath- knife I reached down cnutlonslv to where I felt the main Imdy of the thing, and avoiding my bare feet. I stabbed steadllv Into the central part .,f the beast. I was successful, for presently I felt the clutch of tho ten- 1 tncles round mv legs relax, I saw tho water stained with sepia, and I smell- ed the odor of stale musk, which nil cuttlefish' emit when disturbed. I felt quite certain that had I been laid hold of In water out of my depth by one of these creatures, only a nilra- tie could hnve saved me from drown-! Ing. Nuitki'Is from deoritla. Make hay whilst de sun shines but you can't innko It wld a umbrella In one linn' en a hau'kerchlef lu do At. - Many a man dat climbs do hllU of giory lose, hla se'f In do mist an' has fer holler ter do worl' tor find him. Thank de I-awd dnt de worl Is e bright cz what It Is on may do good I awd keep do next woii' f'um brutlu'. -lAtlanta Constitution. Atl" They Were Carriage. Koike. "I hear yourhushnnd was at death's door," began Mra. Goodlcy. Tnrdoti uio, no," Interrupted Mrs. Nurltch, haughtily, "tho porte-coohero." Catholic Standard. 1 , !. iwin for trou- jv;z::trz wlfo while she 1. trying to arrango her hair In a new yay. Have jou uotlood that tho bottom of a cui) of Joy U suldoui fur from tho t Krlc Uniei, author of "A MiidcHp Criilao," a merry rcii romiiuitu, Is tho only moii of llnrrlet Voaii ISatcs. JIN liilicrltinice, It will be perceived, wna ileatlned to moke lilin look with fmor ulile regard upon tlm "habit of writ ing." Ho U hIho In love with out of iloor RportN, niul for two an in iimmm hi) llwd with hU father on n yacht collat ing uloiiK tho .Malm proniontorlea. 'l'wo Rummers In.' Kpeiit nbroad, and hint February left Honton - In; being In IiIm fourth year nt I Inrvnrd with tho l'limpclly Hrchiieoloj.'lcul expeill tlon for excavating riilnn In Turkcxtan. 'J he Rcenea of "A Mmb up Crul.-ii)" are dcNcrlbed by hi in at tlrrft band. On July 1 (hero will sold lit Sotho bys, Ioiid'in, n 'perfect copy 'Id leuves of the fourth (junrlo edition of Houghton Mimin aV Co., Itoston, biography of li a u brought out a NnthaiiU'l Hawthorne, complied by ,Mlm ).;. n,owne, which Is said to bit . complete' lis It U probably possible tu ,aii0 g(.i, work. Mlsit llrowne, wn , aecrclury of tho American Init t.ruI.y Association publishing board Unn ot.t.u ,.,,,,1 Ulja tho work, for u teen years. It cont,tlu. along with ,,, ,.llry of Hawtln.nie'ft 1-ublUhed W1)rk- whether In book form or In old lllUi.,Kll(.M or newspapers, everything that t'oiild bu disi.'overed lu print about 1 1 tt v thirin. In both books and period ,,., M(.h Ukll(1 W4?ru gIvo lo ti10 ai raligemeiit to mako It as helpful .....u.le. both m thu liturarv work er and to the collector. There has even been Included a very full doublo tnlry author and mngazluo luilux, the references In l'oole's Index, as we as references to periodical Utoraturo not cited In Toole's, being glvon, which will bo of special service lo librarians mid attiiU'iitfl. The edltlou consists WW I A.l l.. .KI..K Fj tfl "rs r,,r ,ale- The author of "A Tubllsher'a Con fesslon," aieaklng of the price paid to uuthors for their boona, aaya "There are. perhaps, a dozen Amerl can novellsta who have large Incomes from their work; there aro many nioro who have comfortable Incomes; but thero la none whoso Income Is aa large a the w Titers of gossip for the Ut- rary Journals would have ua believe It has been said that Harpers Maga r.lno pays Mra. Humphrey Ward $15,- tn' for the aerial right of each of her stories, and '20 per cent royalty. Mlsj Johnston must hava made from $00, (DO to f 70,oot from royalties on "To Have and to Hold for any publisher can calculate It Hut along with these great facta let ua humbly remember that Mr. Carnegie received $300,000,- 000 for all hla steel mills, good will etc.; for tho authora that I have named are the millionaires' of tho craft I wish thero were more. Rut the diligent writers of most good fic- tlon, hnrd aa they have ground the publishers. In tho rlso of royalties aro yet neared to Orub street than they are to Sklbo Castle." HOW TO CLASSIFY THE MULE. Mlaaoart'o Oraat I'rodnct Plfflcnlt to Urada, Hays a Block IMler, "The classlDcatJon of Missouri's great product, the mule, la tho hardest of all "ve Block," said John Grant of the Arm of Walcott, lleore & Grant at tho tt'1' yartle 'To most people the animal la aim- ply niule, with a strong Inclination to empliaalio hla presence with a kick. To ul0Bt vnyen he is a goovi or Dad, or email, smooth or rough, will probably bring a certnln price on the 1 ...III I . .v A .1 maritei or win ii uo umu at an. While among some dealers who supply tho different demands ho le claaslflod according to weight, bone, alze, color, mouth, teeth, broken or unbroken, length and breadth, and alao lu regard to tho locality or me ouyer. "In the first place, green, unbroken mulee aro never wanted, unco in a wldlo we receive a fww and generally have to sell them at a sacrifice. Tho principal classes of mulea known to the market aro: Cotton mulea, lumbar in u Ins, railroad mules, sugar inulta. mulce. levee mulea. city mulea ' llie'-' are clas.od a, rfco and pit mulea. "Cotton mulea aro tho commoueat kind In regard to numbers. They rauge from thirteen to sixteen hands, and m four to seven yoare old are tho host agea. Their biUld makes little dlfTerenco so loug as they are ainootli. Ju vrlc9 ley range from 50 to $105. Lumber mules aro the largest, heavy b(uttai rugged grl. 10-8 to 16.2 hand, or totter. They are used In the big lumber camps for logging, and muit have the weight for good, heavy ji. . "PgJ to tbg ,umb,r mn- ranroader. Some lighter, but on tho good heavy order, aud from- $15 to 20 cheaper. They are nsod in grading, hauling and all the work that la known In the construction of railroads, Rugsr mules belong to tho finn y class. They must bo sinoith, built rangy, small head mid m.-ck, small hones. In height from 1.1 to 10 Ijhn'Im, nnd lu price from III to t'2. I'n rni mulcH varv In s !., but nni formed from the reji"te ones of the foregoing classes. Their jwp' an1 troubles, which a younger, more vigorous con prices range from $io to Z2 lower. fctitution holds in check, tike possession of those of ad "11... , n. im'r,i,..i etnaa vanccd years. A mole, wart or pimple often begins to in to Riipply They must 'he either dark bay or bl,'u k In color. White mid sr - re I mules are never used. When the mines hnve long shafts, In the I'enn sylvauln coal regions especially, they sny a white mule reeuil.lcs a ghost and frightens the other mules beyond control. The pltters must be long In body and have good weight. They range from 1.1 to 1T.2 hands and bring from firm to $'J(Ki, while for any other trade they would bring fV lews. Hur face mules are uhc1 on the long hauls on top of ground. They are lenvy, but taller, ami have not audi largo bones. "I.evee mules, as the word lmplt"t, nn tied near steamboats nnd docks for the heavy work. They are gener. ly hIiikIc workers and must be of the rugged class. Their lHks matter lit tle so long ns they are sound nnd fit for hard work. A city mule Includes tlut small, light grades, such as you Ren on delivery and transfer wagons. The high In the liiwt. year have reduced the number greatly. "The government buys nil rlasies f mules, but that Is done according to contract and prices hold n wide range. They never buy a low-pr!"ed animal and they are rigid In their examina tions." Knnsns City Star. BU8INES8 VALUE OF A WHIM. Fuctoric-a Po Not I'.. y Knonuli Atten tion to Net-ila f Forrliciiara. Tho commercial world of the United Ktatos has paid almost no attention to the peculiar wantu of the Latin-American, Oceanic and Oriental people. When these distant countries are con sidered they are usually regarded as merely points for the unloading of an occasional American surplus. Not long ago, for example, an Amer ican company tried to sell a cargo of heating stoves In I'ara, Itrazll. l'ara Is just a little more than one degree south of the equator. Tho women of India Hke to get their cotton goods done up In paper boxes, each containing In addition a few pieces of colored glass and a gilt box. These trinkets aro practically worth less, and their cost to the manufac turers Is Infinitesimal. Hut the sturdy British dealer will not descend to fur ther hla trade by the Inclusion of auch absurd gewgaws: and as American manufacturers have never given the matter a thought, the trade Is begin ning to pass to Germany, where cotton cloths with their accompanying bau bles aro put up to suit the Hindu taste. When I was In Japan they told me of an enterprising American who had arrived with a new cure for corns. He had learned by correspondence that In all Japan no remedy for these inflic tions had ever been sold, and he con jured up a dream of fortune. But when ho got to the Sunrise Kingdom he discovered that the people are a barefooted race and had no corns to cure. This Is a grotesque Incident, but It Is one of many Instances of Amer ican failure to secure trade abroad sim ply because of our Ignorance of foreign conditions. The Wrong Anthem. One of tlie many diverting acci dents which marked the kaiser's re cent visit to Corfu Is related In a let tro from an officer of the British squadron which was present during tho emperor's stay. King George of Greece, after fall ing to meet tho kaiser In his yacht, through taking one channel while his Imperial guest steamed up tho other, landed In advance of him, In order to welcome him on Greek soil. His astonishment and. according to some observers, his annoyance was great when he was saluted with a barren rendering of tlie German an theml Tho luckless conductor of tho Greek band, who had failed to recog nize hla sovereign, received a severe personal reproof from the king of tho Helones. When he quitted the liner namburg at Naples the kaiser asked the officials of tho Hamburg-American Comany If tlie suite of rooms which had been specially fitted up for the Imperial voy age would bo left as they were. On being told that, on tho contrary, they would be dismantled, the em peror, according to tho Frankfurter Zeltung, remarked: "That Is a great pity, and a loss to tho company. I am sure that thero aro Americans who would pay almost anything for the privilege of occupy ing for a time the cabins aud sleep ing in the bed "used by tho kaiser." London Mall. "Smart" London Matters, A fashionable crowd Is almost In variably bad tempered. People Jostle each other vindictively and preserve a stony, Icy glare tlie whole time. A man at a dance seeking his partner In tho crush will uot hesitate to push past women In a way that would prob ably shock his barbarian ancestors. Loudon Lady. Eventnally. "Who guts the bulk of Peniborton'a estate!" Tho lawyers," Cleveland Plain Dealer. A man called another man a liar to-day. The man accused said: "I know I am a liar, but I thought you wore too much of a geutleniun to re fer to It" OLD PEOPLE Their Pains and Ailments Any taint r tha Mrxxl quickly Da,"c and fester, terminating in a sore that refuses to heal. Wandering pain , ,f rheumatic character arc almost constant, the joints get stiff and the mus- cicm Horc, wiiiic hicciic.MMiic:i3 auu uti vuusiicsa ujukc iiica uurucu. 1 lie nat ural activity of the body is not ... ...... ,f . . . n11 I had a severe attack of Grippe, which left mej co great In old age and all the almost a fa icflI Wfeck Tq wrctcht(1 organs get dull and sluggish, condition, Rheumatism developed. In a ahort failing to carry out the waste time after beginning S. S. S. I was relieved of tha matters and poisons aceumu- paina and have pained in flesh and atrength and lating in the system and they my general hesldi is ltterthan foryesrs. I heart- ( . Hy recommend S. S. S. for all blood diseases, are taken up and absorbed by 'Uni s c q, p. Gregory. the blood, rendering it weak and unable to ptoperly nourish the system. There is no reason why old ag ihould not be at fccalthy as youth if the blood is kept ptirc and strong. S. S. S. its fine tonic effect. Almost from general health begins to improve and TISS SWIFT Knew Ills H'ai kalonn. "I'll commit you, sir," auid the judge to the noisy follow iu court. "You arc a liiiixaiice." "You dare not, yaar honor," replied .'..,"'" .:,' , ... , .1 - .. . : . I J ' V J I I. UII.UU KV - L J UIC I the i ud ire. "Not nt all. yur honor," calmly an-1 of the first week in September. It is swered the disturber of the peaceful a wondrous spectacle, showing the quietude, "but you say I am a nuisance eruption of Vesuvius and tho "last and you must be wine to the fact that days of Pompeii." It is unlawful to commit a nuisance." Wilton Laekaye comes to the Mar- quam for a week beginning Monday, To Break in New Shoes. September 4, with a fine companv in Alwara fiake in Alli-n'a Foot-t-aae, a powder. "The Pit " a drama from Frank Nor. Itcurra hot, nwratinir, aching, swollen fet. ! mem, a orama irom rraiiK ior i urcB coma. iiiKrowing naiia and huniona. At ris's novel of the same name, which all driiKirlMn am) ahoe atorea.'i-V Iinn't accept -ii i . nl-yp,! three nights And then an y mi l.t 1 1 ute Sample maile'l FRKK. Addreaa . " Plave1 inree niems, ana inen Allen S. OlBittfd, I Roy, N. Y. Woman's Inconsistency, "Ever notice it?" queried the man who begins in tlie middle wben ba asks a yiii-st ion. 'Lid I ever notice what?" aaid a party of the other part. "Tliot tho practical experience of an actress is usually far in advance of her advertised youtlif uluts?" exclaimed ha of tka prelude. TIT? P'"nn'ntly Cord. Ifofltaornfrrouanwia M lu afterflrtdy'au!W(Mr.Kiin.-i;reit.Ni-rve liesiorr. Kmt fur Frf 'i trial txittlpand irpatts. Air.K. U. Kllu,Ud.,31 Arch ht.. I'lilluUrlpbla, fi Jnat Like Womin. j Mannering's star play of last year; "I can't understand how yoo manage : week beginning September 12, to find your way across tha ocean," aaid "Judah;" week beginning September the fair passenger. i9f "Captain Jinks." This stock com- "We rely on the compass," replied the pany and theatre offer a splendid, eat captain of the ocean greyhound. "The iBfyin ehoWi needle, you see, always points north. i,. r . v tn "Yes." .he .aid. "but suppose you ! c T,he Empire opens for the fa I season should want to go aouth?" j September 3, presenting "Escaped I From the Harem," by Charlos, A. Tay Motaera will And Jtra. winaiowa BootMna lor, followed the next week by "The Syrup the bant remedy to use for their children our m j ma teeming periou. Now They Don't Speak. Maude Congratulate me, dear. Jack proposed last night and I accepted him. Clara Yes, he offered to bet m a pair of gloves you would. Maude What! -But I declined the wager. I It wasn't sportsmanlike to bet Clara told him on a sure thing, PORTLAND LETTER. The Shows Worth Seeing When You Visit the City. Portland, Ore., Aug. 30. Amuse ments in Portland have been active all summer, largely in consequence of the 1905 Fair. hMX: ""J jOllr' lirA jiiic iviiui o nine j-nwiiys isouffin; nas uoriie tlie signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and lias been made uuth-r his personal supervision lor over HO yenrs. Allow no ono to deceive you iu this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-g-ood" are but Experiments, mid endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and iJowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought f i i. . : . . t . . . i Bears tho In Use For Over 30 Years. TMa COMMNV. TT MURRAY eTHClT, NCW VOR OITV. '"t ''iWO Yl .11 1"1!. fal. i-Cl Uncle Sam's People :rfatet opportunity of any eimnlry In the worul lur t-ond inveai nriita. l.aiul i-hii lie liouxht i f il.e V. f. K. oninpany nil i ay pay lueiilH of tine-Kixth to oue-tenih down, 6 Mr oenl interest, yi arl liuyiiienlH, f iiiiu i tin to t'.im ever shown on. 1 am nondui'llnn pnrtlea out In K arial railroad ralea and tilmwIiiK liiuiiination riieuriuny ivon t'ttiiadiau Hallway landa. 719 shows itself with old is purely vegetable and is the safest and best blooa Eurifier and tonic for old people, because it is gentle, ut at the same time thorough in its action, purify ing the blood of all poisona and foreign matter, strengthening it and toningup the entire system by the first dose the appetite increases, tho the pains and ailments pass away. SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAs September looks as if it would be a gay month both for the thousands of visitors to the city and aim the resi dent citizens. Pain's fi.eworks at "The Oaks," a I mile or two up the Willamette liivor I Tk.ll . mini i oriiauii, id a conrpii-uoiiB icitiurs give place to a revival , "Trilby" for the balance of the week. Mr. Laekaye was the original Svengali in the first production in America of "Trilby The Iielasco ttock company is now increasing in popularity by its change of leading people. Lillian Lawrence and Frank Walling have succeeded Miss Moore snd Engene Ormonde, and the change is for the better if the in creased attendance is a thermometer of popular approval. The plays superbly mounieu ana eice:ienuy piayeu ai me Kelasco are: This week "Alice of Old i i n ii. . i i . . i Vincennes;" week beginning Septem ; her 4, "Harriet's Honeymoon," Mary White Tigress of Japan." It is under stood that this theat-e will bo given np this season to melodrama of the ultra thrilling sort. The Baker theatre, under the manage ment of George A. Baker, (who also manages the Empire,) oj ened Sunday, August 27 with musical burlesque. The Fay Foster company crowded the ' opening week, and is succeeded Snnday I fer . 'JV The Kentucky Belles" opens the fol lowing week, namely, September 10. Thus, at the Baker there will bo a thirty-eight week season of musical burlesque with a change of bill each week. The ten-cent vaudeville honses are doing a smaller business good bills at the Star and Grand. The Lyric still continues a stock company at ten ceni admission. . . Signature of ,u.ia v" T Hre emlirratlnif to . 1 or a ami Can ada by lha Ihuua aiula. Where there in a ii Mar to Le maiie you will alwayi lu.d a Yankee. Al beila all'Tila Hie iier cere, that la ai tine lain! a the run ot Spokane Moiiduva o' each w. elt, air- imwiiiK mi'm ever Aiumia jimii inn en wn. JAMFS M. IfWIS, Hpeiiul l and jent Alberta and Ihi'm nve Riverside Ave., pokane, Waslt. uianiioa tula iiar.