.. ... ,..r tf? a. V fiVfl I 1 ' ' ' 5 f 5 A ' fi ' Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Funning Interests of thi Community. COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 23, 1905. VOL. VII NO. 31 RICH ORG IS FOUND Laryu Lcihp? of Iron Ore Unearthed Oilier Strikes Made. In a new pi ( v j ,,-c t started by the Ctyslal Co. i. ! j i ti t u j. its picseut winkings it ha . si 1 in k ;i vein in In J IVct wide f li.it inn1, :'.( pit -nt iron. Charley Mitch. !l has made a j'.kmI " M 1 ike a I it nit yi U 1 1 in on the tunnel in tliu t'n;iimM propcitv. N. !. 'iiniiuiiiei lit oti'.', lit some mi li s of thr Hie in a few days :y and it looks eeeeiliii'.dy ( 1 1 . I his pro- The- niij', people at I'.ohe nibi I enjoyed a picnic at. tlm lake Sun-' .lay. j Mi. I'". J. Hard returned to town' Tuesday niter several weeks in the j liohe mia camp. j A d.iiiei" nt the Hosiery of K no hs 11 1 1 1 1 deity, lloheiiiia wan hii); ly attended and much enjoyed j Sutiiidny ceiling. 1 THOMPSON SEES BOHEMIA Secretary of Commercial Club Visit District -His Opinion. Ii k N'h.le w ih : visitor in amp last week. Mi . White is one of the oldest mining men 111 the district. 1 1 i m head.piatUTs ate at Mini.rul. petty in .. 11. I he .Mi (.'apt Met iniaii. V.i and b I. I lit 1 the tune of then live" 1 .1. p Wo I I. On the Noi 111 hail v u a tlin Company has a man I! a new tunnel that 1 . latiid sin ptising 1 1 ) 1 -1 11 . This man h.i" struck II vein nl ' lisiutcgialcl rn:l that is ,-D Holt that he has her 1 al l' t I'Jiikc 50 let t in about Irtn weeks, doing all thewnik hiiiHcl;. and Hi" be-t , nit ol it is the l e i. th..t lh ere inns vciv hih in 1 1 1 1 . It 1 .111 almost he p.iuuc.l out, the ore in h.i soft. When you hu nk u the ic III yui hand Mm can see tlm lite cold in it. What ii"W v indeis has the district m Htore now' Mr. and Mis Stewart, retmned f 1 oti) 11 is.it lo I'l.ilicinia .- t er I ay. I'lielix and Jon Lender; have (oinineined A"ik w Hicir "Netni" claim, Col. P.l.i ir i-. i:i I t'Tivlin wnl; 011 KT'iup of chums. Kev. W. II. M il hie jetiimcd from Uuhei'iii 011 his way t l'os ton Siiturduv. ! Kmjok Ni-oi.it: ft ih not my iu teiition to writei n story of JJohcmin, nut alter hpeiKliriL' u lew days id 1 the in i n cs of th J'ohcmia District I ilisiic tit iitiNciit. In I lie rilipliH nt Key. (Want Stewart and wile l" (lir twll tl.rou'Kl, the columiiH of 11 uom a ii.j, 10 i.oneni.a, . V!llinUl . ,,-iper, 11 brief dis- wue.e mey m .ppcu ai mic i.ome 01 , ,..:,:.,.. ,.1..., r ...... in ....v (i. 'i-i ..... 1 j in.y icp.n .,K illlil)(s j n.i.-htKnv here that the j !e;ienNr portion of my time was : spent in looking over tho propcrtieH I of I'. J. Kurd, roiise(jucntl7 I did ; nut h ive mi opportunity to vinit the ! entire distl ict. 1 Inirii'g niy brief ntay. however I visited many mines and inuht nay I iiiin delighted with the district and am sincere in tho htuttment that the i'lioiupM in m tinned camp hiiH u gr at future ahead of it us a producer of mineral wealth. I vinited the following mineB: isuvius, North Fuirview, Crystal, Cold-11 Slipper, iJivernide, Oreyon ( .'(dorado, and a portion of the Oregon SocuriticH Company. I wiiH royally entertained dur- mg my visit ly (ej. Knowles, l. M. 1 : . . 1 r I In 111 c 1 e-1 1 1 1 mill ) lav 01 nl.! saw. P.ik'T tatlicj (, IHMeluc Ian !i stoic, h it I'.ii his In 1 .111 Suiid.iv alter an I vi i 1 lie visited tin I' le;;vin' and was very iiiipo sc. with what he Mi. I! i) jlmlll I 1 1 1 -1 1 1 : 1 Mlcre lie has heel jiieiking ".nee ii.l.liti' itis to the e-:'U-!tiH cl'itn, . :i ti t , inst.dlin;; j lights 1 n 1 In- mill.-, etc. 1 1 is ae ! cm nt cf the 1 1 ip : . 1 . a is 1 hew here ! Ml this 1 ,MIC. Kev. Mdviii Wir his bioth" r W''sh v 1 ol I I : m 11 f I'.l!" lie and nt the ' . 1 "llli;( u nil.rc.n Al.v T i.n.ll.ni-rr lll.'ls irivsi d tlil.iui'll l.-.n.-llifl l ist ; v;,,, .,.;, i,. ,.,.,, ,1,,, ' ' I " 1 l.L- miLIH ill I li-l W I .JM V g. n Security Co. and F. J. Hard, lied I uisli In mi li.tlit lirr tliul thr- and took a pack out nt- .low n lloise i t,,nf rs of the lloheiiiia I)iftrirt from J 1 i:ivin uiik to II. 1 1 -1 1 1 1 . l Mip T in- i'.i M ui-l , Cu swell, a i .'k, leaving tin ir .. nd ol the ( u iron .-UClMIIOo.it , .1 1 1 ,... lit. ..-.!. !, ,,r,r,. nvd vsh.ie th.-v will hunt and l.sh IIi;uiaKtlH uro LoKpitablo and ceuittuuhtu those who visit the camp in.cl ure more than pleased to have um visit tho mincH. ICverv I. W Wel Mi. an. Mis. P. ( J'.i.uiy ol if. ..i il... II' 1 ..II .IIIU .Ills. U III. I mid the MeKsiH. Col. ui, llownrd Thompson came down from fiiihi Satutd iv, hut did tiot report any Kiiine bein killed. lh.ilv. l Chi. .um. Ill weie in town 1111111 iivin;: in Cofao Grove should lot a tine Tin-day. Mr. Win. 1 l'uU: il 11 Poillt lo visit this camp Piadv is the ehii-l Anaevtieal ,mJ ,,ini fr)Jn perbonal observation Chemist of the Illinois Steel - Iron ' Hie actual condition of the camp Co and is much inU iistid in the i l"at he lun.v ,,(' Mo to talk intelli P.ohni.i.i oies on exhibit. He is . tt nll3 t,f il- If "you do this you vteatly ph asid with tliis section 0f ! will find that the good qualities of cvunJ.1 v. l',iroP nro 5,0 numerous that you ! will not taku note of its poorer ores Jidin W. I "nek and I. Oldham ol , and will i;ot Luvo any discouraging Kaltiinoie, sto( kho ldi i s of the .'reports to make on your return. . . I , t'l. 1 y t 1 11 .....1-. . ..A -it ' ll ' in P.oheniia for about two wocks I 'si u "lisonu.iie.i o.. wno nave. nmmiiumraiiiiMiM m mis kdt for Portion.! Monday where he i ln M1 "I' l" Iidiemia lookinj; over camp, I vinled it out of curiosity to will Mop for about a week arriving ! tll;lt l'"'l'-ty returned Saturday know what was there and after do at hi home in lioston about tho!""-. They are greatly pleased in - so, 1 eonbider it ray duty to -r((l with the camp, and think the camp speak the truth aud present to those i has a wonderful future before it. who are-interested, tin actual cou- llcrbeit Leigh manager ol j l"ljt.-v w;irt tn si- tliiniH mt- mticli ' litin of tlio otuxip an it nppearetl to North Fuirview Company is pitching ,u,,idlv in the district for thev "ie. I am not a metallurgist, but I think with tho people hero that have visitid and lived in many mfn- therearc great tunes l elore us. ing camps, and consider that 1 am Uev. W. H. Matble who has bun l.iiftent on the saddle at the Vesu vius to use a-, a warehouse for sui- plies to be used in pushing work on j Thi timber ol the district was a familiar enough with mining to that property. (ieo. Atkinson has leturucd from the Huhemia district and says that he was greatly pk-ined. tint he saw much more work being done than he expected nud he believes the camp will soon be a heavy producer. great .surprise to them also, and kuow a good thin" when I seo they hope to see more of the mines and to detect the discouraging later on. They are much pleased points of u camp, with the management of the prop- While we all know that somo are erlv in which they are interested and doomed to disappointment iu every hope soon to see it become a pro- camp, I am convinced that taking ducer, and dividend paver. the district as ft wholo it is no long- -to -fH ft -to ft to ft ft ft' ft' ft ft ft f ft i ft $ ft ft ft ft ft ft ft WF OS i M A Are advance Showing the styles i n shoes for men, women, ooid children, We want you to inspect the mens stits. They are dandy. fjf fir & vif t r tff tlr (Jr er a 'tii:hli'jn an to wlial ih' if: is in tho mines of liohemia. Tbo w-altli is there and it has simply icsohid itself into a proposition ol how he t to g' l it out and treat the ores. Thin can ho w,lwil only by br to-j meth ods of tram poi tation and the erec tion of a hiiitacle nucper at a con venient point for tin ores, n is oven nt mat there is enough ore in sitht to warrant furh an investu'cnt. Ari im-peetion of the earnjj for n jc.riod of two Wi cks by the lender' A l'-',---r foot and an expert minfng i.i:i:i'ei would result in tho same, cm.;:! .-isn. in (ijtering the district over una! is known as the Harlscrabb!o ri nd, 1 foiunt it iieccessMry to travel by stnge after haing the terminus of tin, 0. A; S. ;. II. K . a ,VMnuv: of 17 miles, 'l miles of which is over a comparatively level road, the re maining 5 milis leads up the moun tain hide over a good mountain road of about I'l per cent grade. As I rounde l the last hen 1 ii tho road, I found i was at the Vesuvius mine, mi i!' l minii g crimp em ploying about .'!." m n 1 1 f re; nt. this mine, the first thii g to iittro. t the attention ol the visitor is the roar of the machinery, occa.-ioned by the crusher and constant drop ping of the ten stamps of 1". J. Hird. A further im pcrtion of cam) reveals the f,v't th.it the mine is a producer, we find tho ti.r.el ' f the lower level of the 's'ivr.;- L-is followed the h do'0 into tl." moun tains for a distance of ,ld Let. The second level is ""') f.-.-el :S. the first on the name lead. In liuse levels g'jod milling ore h die, are encounteied, and miners are busily engaged m tlio sto;s and ore s'ji.ots king out the ore and dura pin BOSTON MAN SEES BOHEMIA It was an interesting experience to anyone, especially to one who never visited a stamp mill. The Vesuvius camp is a busy tamp. We found twenty to twenty-five men actively employed in tlio mine and at the mill, each do ling his work assigned under the tieafmer.t of i w 1 1 at Rev. VV. H. Marble Predicts for personal direction of Mr. Hard, the District. Cottage flrov, On;. Aug. Through the courtesy Frank J. Kurd it h ,s been ruv fortune to visit tin I'istrict. Oregon, and ep'-dally of Mr. good Poheir ia Mining the properties owiiid and managed by M:. Hard, iiam'ly tho Vesuvius, (Jregon-O'lorado and Riverside mires. We reached t' ' ramp Monday Aug. 7th. On f"n ... iv-fil at Cottage ( trove we were met at the station by Mr I. J. Hud afo-1 -;ig and inteie ling journey acro.-.s the con tinent Th" journey to the Vesu vius mine was made by train over th-; Oregon & South Eastern R. R. o Wihlwood, and thence by stage to tie l:o::ieof our friends r. and Mrs. Hard. There are pleasant snrpri-.es all alotig the journey. The vet U'.ry is truly charming as we wind about th? mountains over the county read to Eairvicw mountain where the A'enivius property is !., i:td. Tuesday we visited the Vesuvius i'miic, went through the under go, sod workings and over the ten f tan.o mill Wednts iay we went to th" Or gon Colorado mino and Th". ; -day vi ited the Kiverside pro 1" rty. We have bveii woiuicrfully irn ;ii;::.scd with what we have seen at of a cimpmgn in genuine niineinaKing. t it into the bin where is conveyed a distance -uuu led oy riii an ot an a. i ru ouetet r ( ii. ; o;.,rr i,n: i,..n ,rrt-. tram to the mill where it ii mi'.k-d ; ,;;.rtl.,c.i i... i,:H ti,;,- and the precious yello'v ri' tal ex-; vronderful district traeted from the rock, other metals Tue Vesuvius is truly a great going into the concentrates and property. In company with stored to await the coming of the Mr IIard WP liave visited smelter and I might say that here!everv rart Gf the noo acres nt this mill I had a l.a'I lon-J-Min j r ti,;s r.tt, pro-"rty ie.t-.-rsect"!.1 in my hands thut weighed nroLaby ,..;.), ' fnimrl ih mttf or .1 pounds. This i.Tonortv .u,. ,.;i.t o.i , i ii a Kiij uum nielli uuu i improvements, iii tho ; ,jiacijiHcry and whistl- calling the hoarding houses, ; ir, .nru r(,m!,iwi c : 1 n:i ' r r nrr n nrc in t ip wnose masterly control of all the details of this work keeps things moving successfuly on. It is no small task to open up and develop a mine and bring it to a dividend paying basis, this great achievement is being accomplished as last as the conditions will war rant, by the management of the Vesuvius mine. We predict a great future for this mine. We passed over the new wagon road to the Oregon-Coloiado mines, four miles to the southeast over as good a road as we saw in the dis trict. We visited tho upper work ings of this property, also the long tunnel on the Confidence claim, and found ore on the dump and in the tunnels in great abundance, thousands of f et of tunnel work has been done on this property and there is n sufficient quantity of ore mined and in evidence in the mine to warrant the establishment of a big plant at this excellent property. We took several fine specimens of ore from the tun nel aud could get it in fifty or more places in the tunnel. Nearly all the work done has been in the ore and ere long another dividend pay er will be added to the list of suc cessful mines. Oil ride to the Riverside horse hack, following the mountain trail was full of thrilling experiences and surprise s. When one consid- I'i has rood vrav of saw mill, etc., ail ol wiucii lighted with electricity. In this mine a vein of ore is e x poscd for a distance of 700 feet that will average 1 feet wide, 3"i0 feet deep which would bo fso.OOt) cuhic feet or 70,000 tons. A tunnel IKK) feet lower and closer to the mill peuetaites this same property a dis u ' each of these properties, this is truly ers that all the supplies for these miners, and equipment for the mines has to be packed over on horses and carried over these moun tains we wonder at the progress made. The mine is situated on the opposite side of the mountain from the Oregon-Colorado, near a fine stream ot water, with beautiful falls which will supphy povfT for the working of the mine. We went into the 1200 foot tun nel, 800 feet of which has been in good pay ore giving a depth of 800 feet. Ve found in this Riverside mine as fine a body of ore as one could wish; the ore giving its var ious colors was a pleasing sight. It is not a question of ores in these mines. It seems that these properties have every asset to successful min ing. They have good pay ore in abundance, in true fissure veins, I plenty of timber to furnish the busj- r.ianulactunng plants least. This mine is being thoroughly developed, improvements are con tinnallv going on and the mine is becotnmiru bigger each clay and more valuable. We saw the 01 e of which there seems to be nn inexhaustable sup nlv stored into the cars from the tauce of about 7."0 feet, the breast upraises ju e upper tunnel, which of which is iu ticlid nulling ore. ;,, ti,P mnmitnni snmp um feet. inis win ne louu ieet in length ami condcuted to the tram aud thence mines with lagging, and water 900 feet in depth to the abovo hg-: to the mill in buckets and watched easily available for power, and ur3; . : the process of reduction through the weather such as to allow continuous e will now pass on to the prop-1 ,uili crushing the ore, passing! work, and a management intelli- - through, the stamps, over the amal- Continued to iM '..age i gamating and concentrating tables. Continued to 4th page On Will Clean Up ft ft ft ft ft 1 Ovir spring ea-d summesr good I a t actual wholesale price ft 1 ft ft ft ft ft ft 1 Remnants and Odds and Ends in ft ft I FOR ft ft Dry Goods, Mens and Boys Hats, Mens and Boys Olo thing, Ladies Fur nishings, Men,s Finish ing Goods, Etc., Etc. BARGAINS COMB AND SEE US I Qarman9Hernenway Co., LEADERS IN GENERAL MERCHANTDISING 1 ft ft 4