Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 16, 1905, Image 8

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t -l-
Anmnl :
pntt ntcd I:. :
Knntl Srrcnrr l"r Thrlr tllilidt he
Karl 7 Hfi rlopmrnt. hcnlll' m.1.!'
In a recent expeiinient nt tlie Now H -l;;i;ic! r .
Vork Bfrrlcultural station, planned ! 0Vi.K n - f
brlti out the effect and valne of vorl- o( t-( (,;
on quantities or annual toim ui uir
rations, four similar let of dnrV. lines,
each of twenty -clulit bird ene week
old, were fed for ten weeks.
Two Rraln rations were iihinI as tlio
basis, one containing seven pints oorn-
inenl, six part" animal meal, fonr parts imptovf menl -n e
wheat middling and tliw parts wheat a. so .sine!. t u . -, k. a
lran and the other composed of two 1 , t ; ; , - j,-,
parts Chicago plnten meal nnd one l for J -: -, i: i
part each of perm gluten meal nn oi.i
process linseed meal. These were fed
In varying proportions to the different
lots of diieklinir and wero po supple- i
meuted with nnlnial meal nnd other 1
foods t!iat one lot received about 20 per ,
cent of the protein In the ration from month on ..
animal food, tlie next lot 40 per cent. ; work n: y 1 . !.'
the next lot CO per cent and the fourth I unpubnb 1 vi a
lot M per cent. j c!:utn, or f-n ad,,
Hone ash wns usisl in the rations i j j Wi ll; n
with smaller amounts of animal meal j ' t (- lt. (e
to prevent any possible deficiency of i 0,11 ' ',
mineral matter in any ration and tol-"";'
avoid any great differences in amount ' o caiiy for tt:c
of ash, for the animal meal contained
so much bone that rations in which It ;
wns freely used had a high percentage I
of ash constituents. This bone nsii, '
which would le unnecessary for or-1
dlnary feeding, added considerably to ;
tlie cost of the rations.
n it
J Ml
such a
; doubt a-;
I I'l.'u in,; 'd i
'of hiuUiii;
ami i lrr.t.s
so 1 1 -. h r,u
sary th.-.i ll.
Ihe lint i. f
ior ind it ci
tl:o m in in
.'! 'l
. ; i ! .
I .ii',
' I i
I ' a
1 i I. ;
KMI'IM iism.
1m "i pna . r ii-.iitntiotl exist on
i - nt - l tlie body, the application
'.illmdM Sunn l.lniincnr lvin
'tpl lelief. I'. Y. Sullivan. Prop.
-i lb u ', i .1 ibno O. T. , Wl ItCH,
" I take pleasure in re
it iVill.i rd's Snow l.inimcnt
i !u me atlliet d with rlieuma
ii is tie only remedy I hno
1 t .1 i! i Ves o H hef ."
iV. mi.! ! oO. lor mile by The
in "liMiiiucy.
r.i a
a w. : !
til'; no i
( : ' .
; . I '
1 l : i y
K 1 li
: in i
! i.
1 1 i
- A i ;
4: n en '
cine- t . 1c. tl 1
Win iSodrU I
: -1 ll V
The results of the experiment show j J 1 '(
that in the first month or so of tho I r01IT1,j .-
duckling's life a large proportion of the ' niri,, nil
food can, with Uireet profit, be of ani-, pharmacy : ,::.;:
mal priHlucts. With 00 per cent of i
euch foot! in tin' ration the binls grew ;
lion, winie ior uie lii-si uiuiiui ine cii
of production v;'.s as low as with any.
As tlie birds became larger the direct
financial advantage in using large pro
portions of animal food lessened and
ItviHv ilicn nreil Hnt thf iraln
, jiinv ui . j
bund t!,i Ii;
i I-
Wtisiiiii j !
which would result from the early at-
lUUlllClti V't IU.ll (kVlili'ii: fiiu f-i i j
raained, for-when too t" per cent lot , Ceclio c w
would have weighed about 145 invunds i Kivcr.
; '. i:
i .
! i
I HWjl d, 1
as prepared for market the 110 per
cent lot would have weighed or"
12o pounds. The advantage of getth.i,
hints rp.nilv for market nuleklv Is often ' .
- - - i lou t -1 i 1
so decided that greater profit would i
lie with the more costly ration. In this ' Lt
case the heavier feeding of animal j l'rK'y l l
products saved aKmt two weeks' timei J i;e'i
ic:o- i ;
The Act in-
t :.;
11 il'illino; contests nie of iti-ti-Kt
in s fu as tliey sIphv skill
i;i usitu; '.ovds, and prove to sonic cx-
0 ;.t. t'i.' plnsical strcnjlth of tlieonc
w ho wiolus tin. li iniinci". Of course
a iii ;l t in c ci;;lit may iinickly
uu-i;i.".t.i!o a contest, while a tem
oM.ity abet ration of tiinui would re
snii ilis.istiously . Nervous men
! in i little sl ow in this field of
-I'l'i t tot ;;aii. To the brawny atin
: l i'l contest is an excellent lubri
cant, ami to the li:; chested miner it
! a tonic. In dcciduij; who shall t! c tibboti of victory, however
1 is c-sential to consider first the
. -a. .f.iclcr of tlie rock to be drilled,
.. .1 then the period of time in which
v' . ' t oa depth has been reached,
'.v-ortiy single and double-handed
contests wetc held in four
'Mo, the time allowed beiti 12
1 iiics, Tho records were: Single
'. .r.-.ded contest, V. Ilradshaw at
i'.'.ii'pah, Xev., 2$'h inches; V.
Vockcy at l'.oulder, Colo., 24 inches;
'. Iinei-roiti at Kurcka, Utah,.M).
-; (i. Dahlin at I'rescott. Ari..
1 iuclns. Pouble-handed eon
1, -;. W. r.radshaw and W. K. Ross
.it Toaojah. Xev , 4O? d inches; IC.
I.-wis and -J. Mingerotti at Ivureka,
i't.i!:, ,',7 'j inches: Collins and Dop
..t UniidiT, Colo., 33 iuehes; (1.
1 1 'ii 11 .m l A. N.VHberg at Prescott,
Ai 7 inches, lvvideutly the
w iv.inimg disttict ofNcviulaholdc
tl.c banner, while I'tah comesseeoud
and Colorado and Arizona follow.
.Vi participants have done good
si.ik, ami are worthy of special
::r n'.u n in tliis btauch of mining
u:.L''Jes. 'i'hc M'tiinvr World.
or produced 1 per cent more of poul
try in tlie same time. (lev
So far as this experiment goes itif,u;,
seems that it will pay to food freely of j iU
anlmai food tiurmg tne nrst tnree 10
five weeks and depend after that mere
on increasing proportions of the chean-
cr rrnin fnols The py.iet nronortlo'lS
most profitable to use and the best!''1'
form of animal food to select will le- --triKti
pend upon the relative cost of different
focxls, the demaml for the product and
the price obtained. Bulletin New Yorli
Experiment Station.
I CXpeCi
ami fo
tlie !c;i:
must bi:
Feedinsc (he Chicka.
Wten batchiug day is drawing near
do not be In too great a hurry to count
the chicks. Let nature attend to the
batching process without interference.
After the chicks are htched twenty
four hours give them their first mcaL
which consists of rolled roats. I con
tinue feeding this for about two
months, giving them well baked jolin
nycake for a change. The formula
which has given me good results Is as
follows: Two quarts bran, two quarts
coarse cornmeal, one quart wheat mid
dlings, one handful beef scraps, one
handful of chick grit. I mix this up
well with skim milk. Then I rub it In
to a crumbly mass and them bake It
for about four and three-quarters
hours In a slow oven. Then I slowly
begin to feed them cracked corn, In
creasing lt as they get used to It I
never feed them soft feed, as it causes
bowel trouble. Cor. American Toultry
Crop Bound Fowl.
I have tried the following treatment
for crop bound fowls with great suc
cess, writes a Virginia farmer in Com
mercial Poultry: Make an incision in
the outer skin about half or three-quarters
of an inch long. Full the outer
tkin a little to one side and make a
like incision in the skin of the crop.
Work out all the contents of too crop
which obstruct the passage of the giz
zard, then sew' up neatly with silk j
thread, sewing each skin separately.
Keep the bird penned separately and
feed lightly for a week. I have saved
a number of valuable fowls In this
way and can recommend It as a sure
remedy if done carefully and in time.
t ;,.
.1 Vta
Mrs. A. ;
Eugene n 1
There u
Catholic Church
Separators y-u n.ust
t1-ie best vaz !e. Griffin an
handle them.
Mc Doles tlirciher move-1 to M.
J. Erne 1 son s Lot ui,rht nnd will stay
there h.- s-.-veral days.
Empire Cream Separator r re
the best ma K?-Or;ff,;i and V-atch
are s,le ant:
; : , 1
I'-. I.
A W.!: i.; TO MOTIIl-a.-S
: re 1: m ii be ns.-d with
! ; ! ' r M ' :.: i n' t li" hut wen t her
r , , ..' . . 1 1 1 h -i to tram rl
1 ; ;!d. :. As a 1 isle it
ry -1 i;ie the cliilda
' ' . red a ti.v uis
: . ; : I'M not 1 iho ;i ny
. ;ve f r n! i fa-liiiitied
i .' d ill it it is frusli, us
) .. - : 1 1 1 i lias a teii
! 1 !'(.. I ! ', ;ii- '! 'S check
1 0 I'iiamiie a:'t tdie,
r.U I I'l.l' rin remedy ;illi
j. o ' i- 1 il 'ist 1 ir 1 id, it ml thedis-
1 a v ' ' el 11 ! ed in ;-s iucipiency
: l.ui-r avoideil. Tne castor
i .1 'i;i- remedy should be pro-
I :0 ..m.-' and U. it li'.i'ly fnriil
:it 1 ' -1 ' : .s t !; li t -: iiidical ii n of nny
Vi-: t ri )'l r .!e ;: ppe.'lt S. is tlie
-! e id t real meiit known mid
y be iviied Mpoii with implicit c"ii-
m-e e ell ilieawfj, if en ileril i I' fa 11-
l' rsaie by The .Mmici'ii l'har-
Rev. N. Doaiic, !) I)., Dcnn .( (he Thco
loKienl Sellout of Die INirllainJ I nl
viitll), Celebrated Ills (lolJen
N cJJing l ast Summer.
Tbli t rt I iv mini, x ho Ihed In
Folk omul at nil early dny. Ihik
been at the head of the McthodM
Clmrcli in the N a a Ii it oer 4
, ea i n. He bad a double reaxoli to bo
congratulated on t tils eccaMon, u be
iviih totallx deaf for year-t, and In
Hpite of hi adv.iiici d nj:i' bis hearing
was restored by lt. Damn, now
located nl the 1 1 ol el Nineeilc, Duuene.
No cue w ill at tempt to ipieMt Ion t be
! reverend uent Icma u'm word, an Ids
! unblemished 1'icordis well known.
I lie tells his htory below In his own
i I ni ersit v Park, l'oitland. Ore,
I April 'li.- i'o whom it may concern
and encourage, to filcnds who hare
' Mlft'cred like tnvself. t In , Iosh of hear
; iiiii": I'll April' Jitli I called on Dr.
i Da rr in In Portland, whom I U'lleu-d
j to be a skilled MirWt and pltyflclan.
to restore my beariu:;. e applied
j his remedies and electricity to one
j ear and cuie.l the ile.ilacss In a few
j minutes. tin 11 he liiined blsattel'
tioii to the oiln r ear, which illd not
seem to I, hi .... rapidly, l i r this
ear t he doctor uae im medicine to
tif-o at home, which I an) now using.
1 think it is the duty of nil vlioat
alViicted to hae their bearing re
stored, if posMl,h, and I know ii'iotic
more skilled than Dr. i'a.t t in.
w 11 r 1 1 k 1 111 1; tim 1 i i-:s r 1 1 1 rois
M.l . Oi;. 1 10 ,M;.
To the 1 dilor -Nome tnno aio I
said soiiiethlni; oT rei'allitr. inv bear
ing under I M-. Da.i 1 1 11 , ot which I bud
siitti'icd f. r seviial sear:.. On tie
tir-t application the deafness of 01. e
ear was cuied. 1 applied t lit medi
cine faithfully and vwut tuvalu to the
doctor, w ho succeeded en t i I'el ' I II re
Htotine; the lost sen -e of bearing Ho
that wleii I wont out. oil liiOHlroot
It seemed to be the iioi-lest elty I
was eer in. My hearing still remaliiM
1 list inct, til but 1 1 e ,-1 1 s e 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 V ood.
N 1. 11 1 m 1 mi Doai i:.
M 1;. ii mini 1 t.'n y. ri : in i:n i:
l'or two cars prior to e,-oin; under
Dr. Datliii's .l.itlical tieallilent I
was af.licie I w ith heart 1 rouble, sou r
stomach, d spepsi.t , bloating and
pains. Dr. Darrm his cllled me.
Kefer ativ one to meai my home In
Medford. Oree.011. or by" letter. I
mo-t ea ties-1 ly i tcoiiitiiend Dr. Ditf
rin as a sk iiicd j h vsh i.i 11.
.1 . I . . D i:m:i i..
in:. lw:i.i's r: v- i. or 11
Dr. Darrin U local -d at tho Hut.;
Slllecde, iai.ene, until October I.
mm mm f r Rhnumatisin, Cut,
A Sure Cure
OalU. nnilnon. Contracted Muiclofl, tamo Daok, L.tilT Joint,
Fronted l'ei t.. nimm. etc.. , ,,
AN ANTISEPTIC that top bntation, eululuo Inl!am
matien. nnd dtivoi out Pain.
PENETRATES tho Porci, leoi.-tu tho i-ibrom TmitM,
promoter a f 1 00 tircul.Uion of tho DIuoJ, tivinrf tho Mud
natural elasticity.
Mr. K. A. Slmpton, SCX) Craltr f t., Knoiville,
Tctin., Elites: "I have brrn tiyimi the Imtlnof
Hot Spring. Atlc ., Ir nclutic rhrtimatiian, but I
K-t more nllrf Item HalhodN .Snow Liniment
thnn ny mivlieinr or nnvtliinij I have cvrr tiled.
Inclosed find postolhce order ler 1. 00. '-iul 1118
lirj:e bottle bv Soutlierti liiprcm."
THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
Tho Moriorn Pharmacy.
(iood fur h Troable and
'..ii i i ii.
" "t ' 1 1.1 "ll 1 U'l I.I i M St lliafl I :ind Liver
Tablets have duiio me o jrri'Mt ilea' of I
- mil," s:ivs ('. l ow lis. of Kat I'nl lMiri'i I
Ontario, t'atiada. ,'1'ieine: n mild I
physic lht after ellects are not un
pleasant , and I can recommend them
to all who t-ui'er from sloinach dis
order. ' l'or sala by The .Modern
l'lia i mac v.
I Joe ICain and family and Frank
! Kair. of S:lk Creek have raovul to
j Si'rinyficlJ, sorry to lose them.
Geo. Thompson a
farmer of vSiik Ctct
on business t.-,L-.o
Miss Lizzie Ii"a'.''::.!iv
Eugene Tue.'.rty to
county teacher's ex.m::n
Cochran the j.hi.!:;-
turnii. out a l"t cl cori.i
reports that the oj-k- a:e
him well.
C. J Miller an-1 f;.:r.:!y
camping. i nn :i s' t ! : :. i r
Miss Jp.ckson of Lor,.i.e is
niter the '.o.c-.
was in town
n we;
apner !
voi k , and
.i r
-1 a e
Wornin For ( Llekcm.
lliere ie more prollt in spending a lit
tle time In loosening the earth for the
chickens to pick up tho worms than
there is In earning money to buy
scraps. The worms they get do the
chicks moro good than twice that
amount of scraps. Cor. Amerlean Agriculturist.
lip b
ear !
Creel; i
I f o A ,'
iu'f j iv
three ' !
hav.i i.i .
On ati'l
liht rent wi:
vante. C'otta,
II. O. Thotnp ,
- !'i
I i i 1 1 J 1 1 at i.'n
-i m;.) did fo
i:i!i vote
n 1
! jjayaiil'j in in!
Grove Ki'.rtric Co
an ,
Kredlnic Ilrevltle.
Pea meal is nutritious.
Rico Is easily digested.
Linseed meal Is cathartic.
Unseed meal is a cooked food.
Wheat is rich in solids, but poor In
Barley la very nutritious, but rather
There Is fully per cent of fat in
Barley has much of tho same quali
ties as wheat.
Potutoes contain about 22 per cent
of Btarch.
Properly fed fowls aro those that are
A feast today and a faxulno tomor
row will upset tho best pen of layers,
i A teaspoouful of Unseed meal In tha
mash' la a good allowance for a hen.
Ajxierlcan Poultry Journal.
Tim L
nish tl-':
frt e iidp
tion-, nl'
i.-.i-.i'i: i .
i l: -ntii to t'i:
pill"!' V oure' ..t:.;
the 'J Pol i. ."in -
:;.e ..Jerfh :
I iroia
jb aial
Ol O
:i:ied M
('. -. t
O'i Oi l Of;
J. k. .
San I'rar.
with Mr
days, i....'
While :
this v. i.ek
across a r
When co-.te raplatin the building
of an iticxpeaisi ve tlam in a creek, or
river, us mountain streams are fre
p.Ki.t!y calle 1, the material of
which the bottom ol the stream and
i; b.irls are composed is a matter
of importance. If tlie bottom be
-i ft in 1 loamy, a d im may be built
oi' laid in t'or.s lengthwise of
ii.--1 t-tream. Tho first layer is
; p-.ecd and wfihtr-d clown with
tari ':: or bou'idei'M, and the secontl
i . :' placed on top of the first, but
.j .,t u hat further up stream, bo
that fi a n ;i to 0 feet of the first tier
p;-"j, ets I eyond the Hocond. The
t.hird tier is laitl still further back,
ami m eoiiti'iuin until tho lo's
have reiched tin proper height,
when 'he inner or ujp?r s'dn of the
1 on is li'le-l in with ubtinbiiit
i i.'!;.-i :i ti . 1 e.iah. At tlm silos a
i : ib i -i ou.l , i:,to ilio ' auk, filled
with oue-a. Another form of dam
U td the ciiij, tilled with htones
i't.d eart'i. The inuer slope of dams
L .i't of lo;3's, brush, rock and omlh
hlaaild not bo greater thun .'50 de
'rtes ---'2 in 1 and the outer slope
not. ;;rta'tr than 7.") degrees, but the
1 on mus . bo to built that it will not
undercut from the washing away by
the wider ovtrllo wing the crest of
iiif; d on. Dons uro often built iu a
c jrve 1 foim or that of a V, with the
p ant jp stre uu. In htuull stroaiiiH
lo ; may HomotniieH be thrown
-o. s the i-tr'am and boards driven
, .ii w .' t l.lo K'.:ct plliifitf pjinted
.:.t!i!ii, t 'us earth being piled
i- mj too boards. A dam of this
I. mi i; .ii hardly t'i expected to ro
i5' I ilood , ui the jilauka cannot
u vuaiiy Imj driven down securely
t' oippi to m dio tho construo
t .ii tl arable.
i. oiiio oi
w I'l
had the 'kin c
Mr. A. 11. Woo
'ic4 il ,
i iu
i l o:i
in I
an. 1 vi'
depart .Sunday ft 1 Chi' apo, on 1h ;.:
uess eonuf-cu d with the iievelop:iu-nt
of the O cc S K U. U. Co. ami the
Oregou .Securities Co.
i be l-.ivcf.t copper miuo of Nor
way i.n liie tSuiitjelnm, north r,f the
Artie (,V-e, opened in 1887, and
now owi cd by tho TimrHitj company
in S,un. 'ihe ore ruus 3.75 to 1.5
per cent copper. It is smelted raw,
the ore runs an charged running 8
per x-nt op, . r, o2 to )l per cent
silver, ' I to iJiJ per cent iron, and
li to 1 per eent alumina. The Mu g
is nuother large mine at lloios.
N(rin.; i n t ii i: M.MtKirr
( (tl.IC. HOId.i: ASH Dl-
ai;i:iioi:. i;i;mi:hy.
This tact h well known to druy;-e;i-
ts every w hi re ami nine out of ten
v. ile,i(. their customers this prepa
ration when the best Is n-ked for.
Mr. Obe Winner, a pn nuineiit ilruu-e:i-t
of Joplln, .M'., in u circular to
Ids customi'iK wi.vk: 'There Is noth
ing on the market iu the way of
uptent nietbeine w hi "li eipiaN (.'batn
ebrlaln'H Colic, t:hob ra, an I Kiar
rhoea remedy lor bowel complaint.
We sell and rccoiiniiem! this prepara
tion." For Kile b.v The .Modern
r '"v
j'!1 -- s ;V: e 'ji
i i .I i r 1
j ; by .buying this
reliable, honest,
Mgh grade Bew
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.
tfSf MiTiiiMii-OTr-aaiMMMasiiiiwiiiiiwililTiff
(KILLthb couch I
1 and CUnfMLUNCS I
Or. King'!
rrv, -
y uiscouerv
FOR ! ouch
60c &$1.00
Free Trial.
Bureut citil Uuitkcot Cur for all
Ii'lfy, or MONEY BACK.
. jma--TTnntftraHiHn
buld Ut;.sOK,b i'UAUMACV
Cigar Factory
I :im , lilting iii a hl.'li
r.t. I ii i i iit i i ii
T5he C. G. Brand
l (i. I'.kiiiiI, ".a t per b'eii 1 ,t
bMi iiee w It Ii each b'"'i I I
,'nl free with each
Bohemia, a 5c Cigar
buhemia bl and, i per 1 ' " " i I W
pit I free Witheaeli inoulot
Till free wit Ii each n'11 b l jj
Mdo from tho viry lnt C
Imporlod tnJ tlono-llo f
lolmei os. i hoy ro tor ,
lo t all c linU
lt tho clv.
I Kr-i: ihk til ifit-i,iint,lt t-fmrif.
All w.iik K'itoiiulfi-1 II ml elitn.
ulrlim, l I,"!. min .! f r ) nt I.n Mr it I'.llO
i tot r a. i: ; i: v 1:. ouk.
;Tlifi W National liaiik
; of
i CoTTAC.l! CiKOVK. ()KI.
Paid t ) Capital, $25,000.00
Men. v In loan mi approved security.
I-! xeiiaiu'e- -oil, available uitv phici
11 tle-l'nile 1
It 1:1.1. KHT i:a K IN ,
lrr 1. 1 1 11 1 .
I I' W iikki r
I'm hi
AK 1111" AliKS'T M It
W hen ymi want a ph ii-t.-uil laxative
that N eaiy to tnl.e an 1 ct i tain toe t.
nr tJliambi'rl.iin'H Stomai h an-1 l.ivei
tnblcta. For Halt; by 1 be MoiUiii
l'hai lii.ies .
7 . .S
l'ltot'iun'o::-: i ii--
HKAI.l:ii-i IN I I s I
MhIii Mtreet. C:otluif iintw. Ore
.1. S. .Medley. .1. '. .IoIiiihoii
Jlc(llcij A Johnson,
Attorneys-at I.i v
Of jive S :; It a n A .7i.
Special attention ulven to .Mining
and ( 'orpora I Ion l,a .
Ollh'M tin Mttln Htitel, Wi-tt .iilo
A 6 (or my ;il Law,
o r i i a ; a n o i:, a it :.
DcHlnlnfl; nml con.strticl Ion of me
r.-'dtitdioii works ami general macliln
eryplantH; drafting.
C. I). tiliOVK, M: K.
MeK ly Iluildlti". I'orlland, Ore.
Ilaff & olu II
Mining l-aie.lneeri
U. S. Mineral Surveyors
JContti 1 Ilank lildtf, Coltau (irove
((VJ-i;o:j OrcKonlan Hid;;', I'ortland,
Sjiohiuw, St. iUiul,
Minneajiofli, Dulitti,
Citruyo, St t.ouit
Overland Trains Daily The Flyer
And Tha hast Mail
Splendid Service
Up to date lyuipniint
Courteous Employes
Daylight Trip across the Cascade an J
Rocky Mountains.
l'or TIckeiH, KatfH, I'olderH and
Full information, Call on or addrt-HH,
li. ik:ksn, t;. t. a.
122 3d St., Portland Ore.
S. (i. VKKKKS., A. (i. 1. A.
tin .-n.i; vim. ii hihI i iiliiinliiii .Htrnel, Sratilu
VV n.
We pl e ex petllted ht Ice on freight.
Itoiite your hhlpuiciiH via (ireat
Noi l hern. I 'uli in forina t h in from
1 1 A I' (but, Anetit.
rortlaml, ircpiu.
No. 1 1 1. 5.1 pan. :i:Uiim
No. HI 2.IW a.m. N". 10 i '
N.i .( No 1
l-.M A M SI
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4 r It I V A T 11 y
I Hospital and Sanitarium I
& All tlm latest treuliiltiuH. Yt.
i Id.liCTKKri'V, ICTC.
f.'o cmtaeltjus canes l.tkuu, 'fi
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Term's roiisoii;il!it, ,
OntNitio liiuilii'iil liulii fiiniUlitU If iltt- ',v
Hire I. ;5
(Vj loir fiirtlmr partleular.s iuIiIithh cj
Lir. if. c. s(;iii.i:i:i :
0. S. E 11 CO
Time 'I nitio No. 4
To tidm elfect April M, V.M7,,
I'.ilHl lltillllil H lllld I l imsilily W. llolllltl
nil. I Hut niilv
1 nint Imily Kx-
t -til HiiiiiMy. No 2- No 4
Mil l niMi I'.lov A.M. I'.k
Cl .1 - t.lliVU. . ., I.I 1 i 11 ;lll, (,. H
. . uldfll . . .
.'.I ru l.iinlo
. Ilaker
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HieiMirt. . .
Kuril y I'iiIiu.
..Ilml HOiIko..
. . Wllil wiiml . . .
.11 iinl'H
. Kml ttf I'rat'k.
WnljJOttt K) itllltilKU WILllOIlL liotlilrt ' friililii .'orwtiriluil only ttt tho
pilot rink of Hlniii.iir nun itonsi'it'.
HIiiku It'iivuH Ntllilwotnl iiltnr tlui iirrlvnl tit
tiitiit no MuotliiyH, Woilntisiluy iiiel lrlitay
lur llniiiU nml OiM.'t'.ii. Keliiriilnn ou Tuu
ilnys, Thin i.i, iy nil. I i-inliinliiyH.
I'ltiiglitW 111 lint liu rui-olvutl lit tlie O. AH.
H. It. K . Jittjiol niter b;iij p.m. xo liiHUie
(orvvtirilliiK on imxt trinn j fit,(ht muni I t
tlu lvire.t In uiiitilu Uiuo lo purmll of It
LeliiK blllotl.
A. It. WOOD, Manager
A II 1 1 lo foivtliotmlit may Tuvoyou
no fiid or Iroublo. Anyono who
tnakeH It anile uoki)c(jlininhi!rla'n'H
( olie, (Iholera an, lUarrhhua remedy
at hand Iuiowh ( IiIh to bo a fact. For
buIu by Tho Modoru rtiurmucy.
710 10:111, ft:(r
7.17 Hi ll!
770 III :,!,! i:M
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