Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 16, 1905, Image 7

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    7s It Your
(i,n 7-fnirr
Do you piij your Ii at to your
own hair? Can't do It?
Haven't enough hair? It must
he you do not know Aycr's
HairVicor! I Icrc's nn Intro
duction! Way tlic acquaint
ance result In a heavy growth
of rich, thick, p.Iossy hair! And
wcknow you'll never he gray.
' I llilna itiat a ror'i I r m 1 r Vlynr la lb moal
wtihdff ful liair iirnwur thl waa tt I
liava uit II f"f aultia UHtn Btiil I run Itulll
full, tar ttmt I am Mraatl la-til with It. I
rtiffirfiillr tfri'iHiii- tut It t Ifmtlil rftpa-tallim."-
Minn V. II ll' M a . HiiUd, Mlrh.
JdadalirJ ) Ar-r i' , l.owail, alaaa.
Aiao uiaiiuraolurara or
I'll I V
Siimll fiirum ara the rule In Japan.
inl every fimt of Imcl U put to nie.
The fiiriniT lni Im inure tliilll tell Hire"
la riiiixlileri'il n tin n ! 1 ih t .
DARING KAIlliOAl) Pii02'0li:0N.
. ' i 0 - ;
tT r L 0 K
r , - , '
MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS IlKlitiMt n ti1 ni mrttf 11 wttimp Iti 1 1 r
n lit nmrki. im Ittirtr r on ih wrji
m iih tn hrir4. run lor iiM-ritii t,
aim) rvn. .
I oot ul Murriaun Street I'urlUnJ, Or; on
Yfe J tVtrtYWrltrtt-JrNDlllLMIN
p ( nncmn rwTratvt asjn.
Mttitif r Nil troulil thai w
hrnitft, fiolflon MUr.lit
li)Mn. 00 lJf .I'jr 0(X
I II I l?Vv1 f liM 4"l'lll '"
lr'JtZHi si i-r ...'.'iir...,i,-,:.,uu.-fc
ri' dn. ipir. IS. v.
Writ tn'W tuatijr lioail alf -k
hv, rr wnl XiM's lMih FRII
1 FrtivtUn jt-mMy C o., Si Tttil, Htn
I'UUrUNU IKkl) CO., l'ortlaatf. Or
Olp tMi out, warn to ui with th name
nil JJtrM of youtvlf and two of your
fiitnjt. anj lh tfat when ni will prulwbly
enter m butlnrtt ttAiegr, and we wtll ctrjil v
you with IS ID on Our fti.OO u lxlarihlp.
lur i honl offer eirrplkinjit aJvanlaicrt to
(tuilenti of Uutineti, SlmtlluinJ. Lnfllth.eic.
Disr Instduction lOwisr Tuition
waiti ( cataiaaul il l fan a
M. A. ALBIN, Pt. a
Portland, One. :
Tli rt of rnllniHilliiK which appeals to th public mind, hy r?aon of
Ifa (InrliiK ami hy tlm new prol.lnmn which It ofton pre-nta to the rn(clnr,
la that through iiKituitnlii rfirloiin. lut It haa retnaliitxl for Henry M. Flagler,
who lnm lieeti termoil 'Tho Wltartl of Florida," to take In hand aotne rail
way conatnietloii whli-h It not only Tinlijuo, but daring to th laat degroo.
Thla tank la the ritcnaloti of hla Florida Eaat Coaat Hallway, which haa for
aotna yeitra In-en In operation botweeu St. Augnitln and Miami, 1M mllfa
aotithweat ward and nirthwet ward from th lnttr point to the Imixirtint lal
and of Key Wont. Th conatroctlon of the eitpnalon la proceeding rapidly.
The rond will travertin for a conildcrable dlnfince a ridge or alight eleva
tion of nn 11 1 lr HineNtone, and paaalng beyond thla will roach annd, the mnn
gruve, tlmt atntiiK" tro which renchea lt roots downward Into the water
from tho limb abov being for a long dlPtance the principal vegetation.
Then th rond will atrlko conalderable atrotrhoa of water, tnore or less shal
low, but nluaya the foundntlon will nt oil of the fluent and moHt aub
titniitliil lmngltinble, iinmely, coral rock.
Tho construction will b of th most expensive and durable charncter,
and everything will tnaku for absolute safety. The first survey wus for a line
to Capo Knble, but when this waa made Mr. Flagler found that ho was sixty
miles from Key Wont and tw-elrs miles from what Is known as the three
f ii t horn lino of the gulf. He therefor decided to undertake the greater prop
oHltlon, and so i-banged tho Hue from Homestead and Is building more nearly
along what may be called the general line of the roant.
In a scenic way this rosd will b notable. The views It will (rive of those
beautiful southern waters, with all their tenderness of tint, with the scores
of "keys" or Islands and Inlets, great and small, will make It like a voyage li
wonderland. Tho line will pass from key to key, and the flrNt deep water It
will strike will bo at what la known as Knight's Key, where there will be a
channel thirteen feet In depth.
Several drawbridges will be constructed, soms for the use of th small
vessels which are engaged In the sponge fisheries, the seat of the sponge
trad being Key West.
m m
Th !4w I'hnno MrtH In-tltul n1 "- ho. I tut
fttamutt'rri' uf trlrull. Mlrhtru. . UMUliiHt rlvrn
rr lUtfl fuml thoiiMiitU (.). I M.-.l.l wnn1Pc
world' tmir.M UuU, ift. KrfMtMiM.tinirrd l.y .hiv
lnm. flMltlt lor, rlrricy nirti nJ y t i u(i itn y w In n,
lltl Itifttttutltm hmmm HMlrrn irm h at lortl-nnl with
ft rry Uif i-(m. of miii In MttriitUrt rni-n ami
Wfirtirn. wit la ami iy if ' trn t.iritiy Many ha
I ns it r i ism I In lhri nmrkm, bill tfi t all wcrta ) Ui rr.iilrM Wl II i-.m In I'orllaiiil uu I N tuU-r
llli. Will ,i-rit nuiilla until Kri'tfitttMT 1st A
rltai imi r 1 ir nrtlin lui ml Irrma If ni niii.tlt.n
llila liarr and arm. Ai-wnta In atanifni, U ron-r H.atut',
I will a. nil iron our rlntli ImiiihU. .1X1 iatrt tM.k. I Urn
Origin and 1 roatmrnt of IHUitiiiitrliia. Irr ufi liaim.
Wtrn HnTaut4tttv Aaao. Int rrlnvl&kl
B. W. Cor IHlh antt Rulolwh Ntraul
Vot No pupil rrjil.l i l'oitland ftir Hi. ai.
7' . V'
Pi - i.ihi .anafj
Hot Air Pumping Engine
I'll in i water dr
houai! and Irilua" Inn,
I'lKplatica win. I nillla
ami Kanltne t'liKlncn
lliirna KHaulliie, Mimil
nr enal. Una auln
iiistle atop. Hlil'l
on ii iimvl. Wrltu
lor ruiBluKUra ami
'l ll'CH.
Portljnd, Ore.
321 H.iwtliorne Ave.
Formerly locsteil at
2M Alilor M. tor tbn
piiat 6 yesri
'In Itie l.aiK HrlcL lliitl.lliiK at tho S. K,
( ornor n( r ii xt h ml MorrlHoii t-lrsula. Kn
trancu No. lii.'J, Hint Htreul.
Successful Home Treatment
UK. (i.OKK WO la known tliroiiKhout tlui
l ulltd hlHlua, ami la callixl llio drtmt ( 111
nea lioctor on sui'oiinl of Ilia wonilerliil
ourea, witliotit tho aid of s knife, without
lining iihoiim or driiKa of any klml. lie
tn aia any an.1 all dlauaaea wllh poHrorlul
Orlontal ItonlH, llerba, Huila, liark ami
eKeialilea that are unknown to medical
c le not) In thla country, and through Hie
une of thrae hannlexa ri'tnedlea. lie suar
anUica to ours Catarrh, Aaihms, T.ung
'I rouble, Khotiiliatlain, NervouauoiH, Hloin
ach, liver, Kidney, KoiuhIo Wuakneaa
Slid All ( hrolilo MKeaaea. Call or write,
nclimtnir 4 J c. atampi for mailing Hook
and Circular. Add rem
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
No. 162'' riiat St.. S. f. Cor. Morrlaon
rtcast sicaliea toll papw. Portland, Oregon.
Jupaneae Mlnlater to America Boo
from the Kanka,
The career and experience of To-
gnro Takahlra embraces most of the
varied changes In modern Japaneso
history, says the
Ileriew of Re
views. In bis early
youth he felt
keenly and deeply
the ancient feuded
life of samurai and
shogun, and when
Japau abandoned
the old order and
set her face to
ward the new be
swung Into and de
veloped with the
iew national life. Mr. Takahlra la
tine example of tho diplomat and gen
tleman of the Far 12a a L Hla cul
ture and training are many aided he
la learned In Chinese philosophy and
literature, he la a thorough scholar
In the Intricate literature of his owu
country, and he ttpvHks and writes
tlutmtly In aeverul EuroiK-an lan
Mr. Takahlra la not of the titled
clans he hits rlen from tho ranks.
Entering the Imperial diplomatic serv
ice In lrSTtl, after a thorough educa
tion at tho Japanese capital, he was
pppolnted attache to tho Japaoese le
gation In Washington, becoming sec
retary of that legation in 1KS1. Two
years later he was appointed secre
tary of the Foreign oillce. letter, he
held a numlxr of Important posts, In
cluding thou of chnrge d'affaires In
Core (lKNTi), consul general at New
York (ISiU), minister resident to Hol
land tlKIO, minister to Italy (1SU4),
minister to Austria (lMKI), vice minis
ter for foreign affairs tlMHii) ami vice
minister to the I'liitcil Watt's (11HK.I).
The Jiipiiiii'NV minister Is a liwin of
middle age, of a Ntroug, well built
frame, but broken Hoiuewliut from his
experience of hist wlutcr, when he waa
operated on for appendicitis. Tact
ful and diplomatic, it dlgnlllcd diplo
mat through and through, Mr. Tuku
hlrn has creditably iepresentwl Jap
anese Interests throughout the preseit
dllHcult ihtIchI of tho war. He has
only courageous expressions of appro
elation for the admirable qualities of
the Russian people, whom he under
stands thoroughly, He does not look
for peace In tho near future, but auys
that Japan Is quite ready and pre
pared to contlnuo the conflict as long
as may be necessary. As to the pos
sibility which has lieen suggested of a
ltusxo-Jnpanese alliance after peace,
has been concluded, Mr. Takuhlra de
clares this can never be. The Japan
ese people, lie points out, hnve been
odncuted, politically, along Anglo-Saxon
lines, and It would be very difficult
to change this national bent A Fran-co-RussIun
alliance might be possible,
but a Russo-Japauese alliance never.
years, the teeth had been preserved
in n much better condition.
Teeth were not part of bones, bat
part of the skin they were, In' fact,
dermaj appendages, old people were
surprised to find that when the teeth
of the lower Jaw departed there was
very little of th Jaw left. This pro
duced what was called the nut-cracker
physiognomy. Referring to the fact
that the crocodile had an animated
toothpick In the form of a bird, which
removed foreign matter, the lecturer
enforced the lesson of the necessity of
attending earefully to the cleansing of
the teeth and recommended attention
to them at night as being more Im
portant than In the morning.
'No New to Hpeak Of."
A country correspondent of th
Adams Enterprise sends In these in
teresting items:
"There Is no news to speak of In
this here settlement. Hud Spurlln was
bit by one rattlesnake and two mocea
slns yesterday and u feeling , unwell
at thla writing.
"The supper for the benefit of the
new church bell was largely attended.
(That la the hungriest bell In this
"MaJ. Jones happened to the acci
dent of havln' his head blowed oft
Tuesday. Don't know how high It
was blowed, as It hasn't come down
"The Jug train with ninety gallons
of spirits aboard, was wrecked by un
known miscreants Saturday night, sod
In consequence Sunday In town was
dry enough to burn.
"I will close as there Is no news
to speak of. as I said before, wishing
success to the paper and all good au
reus." Atlanta Constitution.
Cannibalism in Hcolland Lady in
rlandyford district would like two gen
tlemen for dinner dully. Glasgow
Nidy Can that parrot talk? Dealer
Talk? Why, say, lady, you'd fink
he wux brought In a box at de op
ery. Fuck.
Miss I 'sweet Excuse m, but
wher did you learn to dance? Mr.
Kplay In a correspondence school.
Chicago News.
Farmer Hliike 1st New York rs
taurant) Waal, Miranda, here's spin
ach sixty cents. 1 wonder if that's a
peck or bushel.--Life.
"What's Ftevens doing now?"
"Nothing." "Hut I was told he was
holding a government position." "H
U."- M 1 1 wa uk ee Ken tl nel.
"You say his course wns not quit
satisfactory to the lalxir unions?"
"Why, no. He worked ten hours a
day to secure the passage of sn eight
hour law." Ex..
"I might have known better than to
trust my money to that broker."
"Why so? Are appearances against
him?" "No. confound him! It's his
disappearance." Town and Country.
Nordy Insure In your company?
With your highest ofllcliils fighting
the way they are? Kutts Sure thing.
You can see for yourself that we must
liave assets worth lighting over. Ex.
Edwin I have to go to Scotland
next week. You will be true to nit"
while I am gone, won't you? An
gelina Of course. Hut er don't be
gone long, will you dear? I'ick-Me-LP.
"Johnny, who was Peter and who
was Paul?" "Them was the guys wat
robbed each other to pay each other
without lettlu' their left hands get
wise." Cincinnati Commercial-Trib
"It's curious," said I'ncle Elien, "to
hear tell 'bout how many geniuses has
1een allowed to starve an' how many
lnry folks manages to git a livlu' by
pretendin' to be geniuses." Washing
ton Star.
Friend of the Family Y'ou are very
lucky, my boy, to be the Reventh son.
It will bring you everlasting fortune.
Son No. 7 It hasn't to far. All It's
brought yet Is the old clothes of my
six brothers. Detroit Free Iress.
"And did you tell God about it, and
ask His forgiveness?" lnuulred her
mother of the little daughter whom
at last she bad let out of the closet
Why. no. I was so bad I didn't think
you'd want It known outside the fam
lly." Ex.
"My!" exclaimed the good old soul.
looking up from her paper, "these col
lege games are getting to be horribly
rough." "Whafs the matter now-
asked her husband. "Here's a report
in the paper about a Y'arvard man
beating all hla rivals with the ham
mer." Philadelphia Press.
Bishop Goodman (Impressively)
Only think, children! In Africa there
are ten million square miles of terrl
tory without a single Sunday school
where little boys and girls can spend
their Sundays. Now, what should we
all try and save up our money to do?
Class (In ecstatic union) Go to Afri
ca ! Judge.
The young woman In the stern of
the little boat had whispered softly
the word "yes." "Hut May right where
you are. Jack." she added, hastily: "If
you try to klsa me you'll upset tho
boat" "How do you know?" hoarse
ly demanded Jack, a horrible suspi
cion already taking possession of him.
Chicago Tribune.
Visitor Quite a neat little place,
that one with the green shutters. Who
lives there? Host That's Cooper's
house. He had a rich uncle, who left
him all bis money. Visitor Oh! And
whose is that magnificent mansion
over there? Host That belongs to
the lawyer who settled up Cooper's
uncle's affairs. Cuscll'st
G Skin Diseases speak for the blood and tell of the acid-laden, poison
ous condition of that vital fluid, and of its effort to throw off and rid the
system of the poisons and waste matters that have accumulated in it. Ec
zema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Iioils and diseases of this type
are all caused by a weakened and polluted blood circulation, and though they
may have lain dormant in the system during the cold weather, at the coming
of Spring and Summer, when
the blood is reacting and mak In t8o6 I experienced at times patches on the in
Ing extra efforts to expel all wide of my bsnds that itched nd burned, cnuslnjj
morbid and poisonous matter, much discomfort I was convinced I was afflicted
they make their appearance. 'Tilh a l ot "ma- I consulted severa. physi
T..rt,al rr.nw.t;a clans, and used several external applications, re-
i, .1 l v, i ceivin but 8,iht temporary relief. I decided to
:ure; they soothe and give try S.S.S., and soon I found myself entirely cured,
temporary relief, but often Station A., Kansas City, Mo. W. P. Brush.
clog the pores and glands, and
the poison causing the trouble is thus shut tip in the system to break out
afresh later on, S. S. S., a purely vegetable blood remedy, cures all skin
diseases by going down into the circulation, driving out all poisons and waste
matters, strengthening the blood, leaving the skin
soft and smooth, and building up the entire system
by its tonic effect. S. S. S. cures Nettle Rash, Poi
son Oak and all skin diseases that enter the system
throuzh the cores and crlands. as well as those that
have their origin in the blood. Book on Skin Diseases and any advice wished,
without charge. r;;r SWlFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm
Teeth Not Hone at All.
Professor D. Byrnes Thompson,
Oresham professor of medicine, in th
boars of an address at th Polytech
nic, Regent street, London, on "The
Evolution and Degeneration of the
Teeth," remarked that while the bones
of man and aulmali bad decayed
greatly during the last 6,000 or 7,000
No Iteason Tor Two Trips
Patrick's wife was "ulllng," and
Patrick put on his Sunday best and
walked four miles to the doctor's house
to tell It 1 in about her.
"Now," n:i lit the doctor, when he had
heard all Patrick hud to suy, anil had
prepared some medicine, "here U
something for your wife. I've writ
ten the directions on the bottle, and
want her to try it faithfully for a
fortnight. Then, If It doesn't relieve
her, come to me again, and I will give
yon another prescription."
"Now, docther, see here," said Pat
rick, standing straight and looking
grimly at the physician. "If you hava
your doubts o' this curln' Mary, ai
It's ivldent you have by the way yoa
spako, why don't you give me first
what you're goln' to give me last?"
'When Kxpenso Ittl Not Count.
Mamma Have some more sugar,
Willie Why, you always tell me
that more than oue spoonful is bad for
my health?
Mamma That's at home. You're at
a hotel now take all you want
Cleveland Leader.
The average father talks to much
about bis "assessments" that the chlb
dren know about them. Ills "assess
ments" go to bis lodge, and are really
premiums on bis life Insurance.
Do careful what you aay to some
people. (N. II. On second thought we
have decided not to use that word
Judite Philips' Hi if l'luti.
"There Is no fishing In the world
like the sport In the Gulf of Mexico,
where they catch tarpon." said Judgo
John F. Philips, recently In the Kan
sas City Star. Jud.u'e Philips, looking
tanned and tluvoughly rested, has Just
returned from a llshlng trip to the
coast of Texas. "1 surprised the na
tives by catching six of those big fel
lows. The largest weighed 135 pounds
and measured 0 feet 10 Inches In
length, it took me an hour to land
him after I had made the strike.
"The tarpon Is caught on a heavy
line and a specially strong rod and
reel. I had Just toltl my boatman that
I would go In for dinner and we had
Just started to put back to the shore
from where we had been fishing, per
haps a mile out to sea. when I hooked
the big flsh. Hy playing wtth him,
reeling him In and maneuvering back
and forth for an hour I finally pulled
him Into shallow water. The boatman
then leaped out In w titer up to his
waist and, striking the fish with a goff
hook, hauled him up on the beach.
Catching tarpon Is strenuous exercise,"
added Judge Philips, "but as a sport
It Is not equaled."
Para pa Water Into Golden Gate Park
in Han Krunciaco.
The largest windmill In the United
States, if, Indeed, not the largest in the
whole world, tius recently been con
structed near San Francisco. This
gigantic mill Is located directly on tho
tean beach, near the famous seal
rocks. It Is used for pumping water
up Into Golden (late Park.
The huge, strong wooden tower Kup
porting the wind arms rises ir.0 feet.
It is 40 feet Jipiare at tin? base, se
curely anchored and gradually tapers
upward, assuming a round shape.
There are four immense wooden
arms, or vanes. Each arm measure
hi) feet from the center or hub thus i
making a diameter of 1K feet In de
scribing the circle. The wind vanes
are 0 feet wide and extend nearly the
entire length of the huge arms.
This windmill is located upon a
prominent elevation, so that it may
catch every available wind arising in
that section.
This colossal windmill is capable of
developing no-horse power. Its pump
ing capacity is L'OO.miO gallons of wa
ter every twenty-four hours.
The water is taken from the wells
and forced through a large iron main
sixteen Inches in diameter, for nearly
four miles up into an immense reser
voir several hundred feet higher than
the ocean beach. From this reservoir
the water is distributed in all direc
tions through the park:
During the dry, hot season the arms
of this giant windmill are kept whirl-.
ing day and nlcnt to supply the thirsty
demand. As the mill stands on the i
wide, open beach, there is rarely, if
ever, any lack of wind; in fact, the ,
winds ocaslonally blow with such vio
lence that the mill is compelled to be
shut down, as !t would be risky to at
tempt to run it during a fierce gale.
Almost Satisfied.
Congressman HroiHsard, of Louisi
ana, says that at New Iberia, his
State, In the early 'IKi.s, when that dis
trict was visited by a severe flood, one
of the expeditions for relief organized
by the government one day encoun
tered an old negro who. In a dilapi
dated dugout, was having considerable
trouble In keeping ofloat. The old fel
low was busy paddling with one hand,
while lie bailed out his craft with tha
At this Juncture the relief boat came
within hailing distance, and the c&jh
tain called out:
"Hello, tliert, uncle! Anything you
"Nothln' Vcpt wings, boss," was tha
grim reply.
Mother.! will find iir. wipsinw'a Soothing
Byrup the bent remedy toune tor Iheix children
during the teething period.
Bury Yonr Troub'e.
Train yourself to keep your 'roubles
to yourself. Don't pour them out upon
acquaintances or strangers. It Isn't
itieir fault if you have troubles, and
they don't want to hear of yours, be
cause they have so many of their own.
And besides here Is a point to consid
er if you Insist on telling other peo
ple of your grievances they will at
length come to dislike and shun you,
because thereby you prevent them
from telling their troubles.
N&mrat Deduction.
City Editor Well, did you get an in
terview from Mrs. Blank on th sub
New Reporter No. sir. I saw tha
lady, but she refused to talk.
City Editor Indeed! When did lha
riTO Permanently Cored. Xo fitnor nervousness
ll I 0 after flrntday'a na orDr.kline'aOrpat Nerve.
Hentorer. Send fur Freef2 trial nnitleand treatlae.
Vr.H. H. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch bt.. Philadelphia, Fa.
The Tree In Springtime
The awakening of the trees, and th
rapidity with which they array them
selves in the new foliage of spring, al
ways fill us with wonder. Each year
they reveal anew their richness of life,
but we are never quite prepared for
the phenomenon, for in all their moods
and aspects, save this one, the trees
suggest to us the spirit of calmness,
of deliberation, of repose.
We revisit the familiar forest of
childhood with certuin feelings of hesi
tation and doubt, fearing it may be
so changed that we cannot renew th
The Sorrow of It.
"Somehow," remarked young De
Borem, "I am awfuly atupld to-night."
"Indeed you are," retorted Miss Cos
tique, somewhat impulsively.
"Do you really mean that?" asked
the young man, in surprise.
"I merely indorsed your statement.
Didn't you Just now assert that you
were awfully stupid?" she asked.
"Y es," he admitted, "but I merely
said so wlthoat thinking."
"And up to the time you spoke ot
it," rejoined the matter-of-fact maid, old Intimacy. We examine the sugar
"I only thought so without saying it" maples, and find upon their trunks but
I slight traces of the auger-holes which
I we bored in sapplng-time long ago.
They have done their best to conceal
these old wounds with fresh bark.
few dead branches above, however,
gave mute evidence of the robbery of
sap; otherwise they ore unchanged.
The oaks which were young when we
were boys are still young. The beech
es, upon which we carved our initials
in boyhood, stand with the firmness of
Doric columns, still displaying our sig
natures in their bark, as though striv
ing by these tokens to keep our mem
ory green. Scribner's.
Mrs. Brown Have you heard from
your son since he got that newspaper
job in the city?
Mrs. Greeu (proudly) Yes, indeed;
and he writes me that he is going to try
his hand at poetry. Ah! who would have
thought that I should ever be known as
the mother of a poet!
Mrs. Brown Oh, well, I wouldn t
worry about it if I were you. Remember,
he is youug yet, and he'll probably have
better seuse when he's oljer.
Grounds for Divorce.
Newed Alas! I nm a disappointed
man. My wife cannot sing.
Old wed Cau't sing! Why, man, that
ouiflit tu be a cause fur rejoicing. You
are to he congratulated.
Newed Yes, but the trouble is she
thinks she can.
P. M. U
No. 3J-1905
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