Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 16, 1905, Image 1

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    - .. . I.
' BOfiEJSIfl M ?1U GfiHT.
Devoted Id tin Mining, Lumbering and l'.-muinji Int.-n Ms of thk CMirnntnity.
NO. 30
And (lcneral Mininjj News
(lathered I'roin I Exchanges.
KeV. Ot.illt :".'. w.ii I and wife
wilt to Uo'uMiiin mi M. unlay ui"in
injj lor u week.
The V . 1 1 1 1 I continues tllK', uml
work is infMi's .in:; r : i j t 1 1 v mi
fl.UIV of tllC properties.
llrllurt lite of
f the North
l-,ii;;t n
I'.iir v u--.v
'i i ti 1
: k "ii
property is i'i c.unp :ie,:nn
Mi.'oii uml will ' ". up
Mi .ill me sli ij: 1 1 ; .1' I li'
v. i ih 1 ' ill i' w pi ojn-1 1
Mr. Monic and tt il ' "I
mil' to camp Moml.iv M '
i,.loiii" sumr assessment wo
h.s ll tlfiii i.i claims.
1 1. ( Thompson. S' i (! it v '.I
I'm L'otnim it inl 'hili i-. 'I m . I!"
h ini:i this wci k, m;ikiii- Irs In i I
, 1, lilt IS lit thf 'csii in-.
Ti l' 11 in I' '' ' '"i,
1; MS ('.'llll'I II IM V I I1'' ' ' " "I "' '
11 11 t turn ll in It In. I trd tllllt
. -. . - . - , ,
tin- Stimpti r i f"' ' I'""1 j.i'''IHI f " 1
I I '.Ji.'lvH Hint tin t'' ' si-Vi-lltl
t..MM iin il in t li" iiinii"
i a 1 1 n 11 mli' 1 lik in;; to turn tlm wild is
ol tin' liimii . mi river, in ( '0)01 lulu, j
into tli" t'licompuli;;!!' vullny;
tl.r oll;li II llilll ' l, I fei t ill I'l'llilltfil !
llie Will lie boltd ;i 1 1 i - t II II ') of
h inili.'H. W'i'ik in now nii'ler wuy
nil linn roji,. iii'in, which will cM
f.'J.'iMll, mid, in.. I which nill rc-luim
u 1 1 1 (niidil neien of land. This;
11 in I cr I fit. i t JJ involves hhiiih of the j
iiin-.t I 11 i;i 1 1'. nl il" Miifi'M ili(J prob
li-ins 1 rem Ik iihdf-t lid.f-lt, n t I itn
pro;'!! .! i! he ttMlclnl v.ltli ill- i
ti ll si US also Will he tl;- nil tliO'l lili l .
rejioi trt of cuM.
Three groups ol elumn, tint Music, j
( 'liiiiii'ioii oil' I j I i-V ii'i, now ninler,
(hi! lii:itliij;rlnint f tlm Oregon i
Se entities i-'impiliy 'O'ti il 1 1 1 uci l n !
inn li iit"iil mil -it jirehent 011 it i'- j
i count ol the 1 e h ote I -in) lollinl. j
j I li the 111 in 1 t :; s of the c iitnp the
I li. n,i wi ll' developed
,1 I In. e'e,l h, 111 tiling
t., ., Ihe 11 l;,'e. The
I i 1 i' : 1 ill I he ciixt I
1 I lien e ot-iu;,' 1I0W II ill :
, 11 in 1 in nvoi I thin the
I 1 in en 1 i' 1 on is to
;'-l Il
M m
I 1 1 ' " V 'O
. .' : I 1 I 1
1 . ' Mill
Oil. I t lllll
II' l'
. I
ei h i' 1 1 'iei 1 In- wcM "-nhi until the
I u 11 M 1 1.. 1 ti e ' ii - t :ile 1 cue 1 it'll. The
M U", e .in I I I' It 11 t I live I iff II I I')-
1 1 1 . 1 I it
A ' 1 1 II I O A
ll.t V
le in,:
ii-i -in
iiruniiioth '!'
I: iki 1 ln'in
lie "nil to
i lie
I .'
I. till II'--I'..
lit una
. 1 ,
K n etoW
w.iy In.iii
1 1 lil'lett
he !f:ieht''
1 -''I'll t t It
li tit in e ol
r ii mi i.i
llvit he W.ii 1. 1 ill'.' '. 1
V.'iMwi i ii, 'nil vv.t
-IVt'li out I'V tin line
the 'i .Uliiil-. .ill. I h i'
V ,1 I 1 t :i k e h 1 'ii I ' .
j 'tllliey.
Mr.i .1. C h'ulleitoii, Mist Kali
I'lilkrliii. Mis. Hunm-lt. the
til illitT f Mrs. l-'iiUeitoii, ami Mrs.
('. '.. Ko'i-it-., ol Ko-hin all
c inif t!o .vn I'm 11 S j i i i -. wlu-re th-y hav hffii
s;ictnh!iy I'CVt 1 .il week-, ali i went
1; )nc tin tho attutno'in train. They
I. a very pleasant, lmallhlul va
i.ilion ami have nothing hut praises
f r the Ore-eon Mineral Spring.
.1. 11 to 1 when the
1 !. ii' 1." e mi j ill ic-l (n pi ellli ei h.
I .. t I . e I; I 1 . . 1 he Vai I u m plati ts
n.iVe I t' n 1 . .'iililin-il III o'ie, 1 u 1 1 hy
tleetll' I iihi r ! '1 1 II lnhi 1 1 I IV
po.M-r from frank iiiii'" ert el;, 1'i-in'
i- I in ti 1 I', niili-h to I lie 111 1 11
i ht ol t.upplv HI t he tlinll'.'l of
the Mil: le I. ill. I is Jlilltl fc. t ,lt,iC
'.he miil llooi '1 h- t'h-ir.'ipioii tun
i.t 1 euti' li i .lis 1 'til 11 r "h" In' lith
llf J II l , i 1 1 ' O 1 I I I 1. 1 t Hill ll II III I 1 I I 1 f t
: li " hat e hi 1 h e. n, I h t ' ! . Ihe ol e
.' il ip.ui.t.t t 11 in I ' iail .
it ,! I. t f I'm- 'li' is
mi I it 1 t p ' It I llial
I 1 11 J ' il i i Will I Cl'nlllt;
I I ) CI l Is W'll f.plijit.'.l
liu.i .1 tram h e, oimis i t - own ti lt-
plume linn col.lli.-1 t iri).; the Vi.iioil!)
propi rtu-H, has its own cli ctiie ! i 1 1 1
pluiit. iur eoi'ipt" k tr aii'l h i w null,
lilt' iflltfl mil hy t h ell 1U power.
The property is priucipilly owntul
hy caHterii men. Mneli work is
hi in'' Joiio un I nuieli pro;,'ress
t ma lo. 'J'i.e Miliie-t of th" new veins
;h. f
.i .(
. I i i I , -, : i
lii--' ii.i.'.iii
with i.;ri il
hi.hf. " I h
I,... I nni nri.-illi' t.leitsini' fit the
I -'! j I o
! i 'W ners.
The lhilu ,ia Mine Owner As- n o(- a ,as,
sociat.on m t I rulay ami h..l mariairer
:otl si-sMon, with a lair atlcrnl- :,,.,,., ,,.,,. ni(k.
ance. Several hul were onleio , . j,,.,. ,UlUt. llli;K.s 1M1
paip. .several rninuntteeM repoi tt-tl , -. , , Mr. J)cniliSi
nutters it o tho es ah- t.xhi!lilioll at thc 1cwis
hnsiness. 1-. J. A ' cxct.ptilJKillv nhle nun, and
Churchill ami h.ank Mclutyee h L.inl((U'lica i,,' his 1IL.W lluli:a-e
wen. appointed a committee on the ; . ,(. ,onj;
smelter "tt- experience, winch will make il
One uf tho projeets ol tho roelu- htair-1 alniie in the rethictiou ol
m.ition lmrcaii of tlie u'ovoirunent i-s quicksilver. We are to quote
of interest tu opi-rutivo mining. It a lew things from thi; article.
.) ui; ksilvci has ht-i.n niinel arnl
used (or various purposes since 400
yeais hefoie ('Inist.
" J he Ahiiiidcn" quicksilver mine
of Spain 1 1 'ts hern opcnitod more or
I'sm continuously sinte 415 11. C.
down to the present day, rind is still
I he largest jirodti. cr of quicksilver
of any one mine in the world.
The State ol California, U. S. A.,
Ints hold set i nl plrice as a producer
of quicksilver siricoiS.15. Ouick
silver "rt whs first discoveretl in
Ciihforiii.t in iJ.p
The order of production in thc
counties of the world at the prc-Hcnl
day is as follows: Spain 3S per
tent; California jH per tent; Russia
1 -1 per ent; Mexico ( per cent;
Italy, Peru, Texas mid Orepou fur-
nishiiitf the halance.
J lit- "Alm iden Mine" of Cali
torui a has produced nearly,
o' 10 worth of quicksilver.
The Mark Iiutte is one of the
moit cxfrisivo developed tjuick
silver inures of the present day in
the United States, and prohahlyhas
the largest exposed body of quick
silver on- in the world.
The vein is 400 feet wide, and
ha . been opened for over mile
a Ion;,' its course and down to a
dtpth of 1000 feet below to the apex
ol the mountain. There arc more
than i' feet, or over three mih-H
of tunnels, raises, etc.
S niio of thc richest cinnabar ore
cv 1 fotnid in the world is produced
at the I Hack liutte mine. Thc lilock
liuttooic coi. tains buirie tfold also.
The iJcnuis l'urnace has under.-
i,i,f a lung series of tests with tho
followm;,' principal results:
rst. K'.diKtiun ol tho roasting
period Iroru ,6 to 4 hours.
jnd. Increase of capacity over
tho oi l typis of furnaces in the
r atio of d to 1.
y. Complete elimination of all
t-ool. and smoke
4th. Kutire elimination of all
danger to workmen, and of the
detrimental effect upon the sur
, rounding eottntry from escaping
snvkc stack gases.
1 5th. Clear iiuni'ng quicksilrcr
'in the condensers and very greatly
ineieased ratio of recovery.
titli. The entire elimination ol
all viilnes from the flue dust and
therefore of the losses and expense
! of re-handling dust chamber pro
ducts common to other types of fur
7th. Complete reduction of all
valuou in one operation, witu no
j residue- from any portion of the pro
1 cess requiring re-treatment.
The Dennis, lurnaee is gns-tired
fiom wood fuel, the producer being
an integral part of the furnace. It
is simple in design, inexpensive to
construct, and requires ouly ordi
nary intelligence to operate. While
primarily designed for wood fuel,
it may easily be adapted to coal, oil
or coke.
ANOTA I'd," r,tli.!' ti"T) i f the
Oregon t-cetion of the Levi
uri'l ( i irk fair, i t a r.iimii
ture rc ro.lii,t.i"ii to i 1 ;';-' - of th'
Siimpter s'ti' it' r, j 1 : 'if ti c n.o-il
iriiorlniil t i t' 1 jr itr-H i;i the st'ttr:.
Tho inOih 1 h -liows a Mi ..n' '-. " H the
liewcht loolut si tiling I. i.i. -, -1 1;'.
IMfltte, l!ll !l, coke Mid I. ,'l. 'I COp
per. .l ;o from the !iT. n-i.t j.iiie-i
Hint urn Inhii'. iry and ';:i:.: !. th'i'
output to thin sni' !t'-r. '1 !e- ii p r
tant" of this in ;tit.uli .ii i.iay ho ii'
o'ni'd from the faef. that or ' u'
being l-hippi d to it to-lay !ro: .
S'liitht-rn i)n.r")U, liii'i-.h ,o,'i!
and N"i I hji'jl t , W'a.ii. 'I lie mod'!
jH eonfitlliet' d to kIki.v the ii"htc l
fiirnai'i; iti.d a i tn ii i i f giov. in;
Hlng (lowi;;- from it, uml is a living
rcjirodii'-tio'i .f the .M.iolt'-r i:-'- l
find operated by the Oif-gon Smtdt
ing . JJi-l'.iiii.e (.oiii pany of S im h-r.
Ore. This 1 , the only r, -..rJ.irig
tnodtd of a s't.tltir that ever
bt en shown it u world's f.tir, and it
rnnkw high with the rmmy educa
tional features of thi . x 1 o-iti' in.
Mr. F. J'. I iiiler is tho genera:
mantigt r of th'i Oregon S' :' Itu g c.:
Ijelining coriiprmy.
This in of particular i:ur- '. t
rniijerh in this section, a t it 1 1 thought
that Mr. Fuller, may he ii.t' : t-ted
by the J;oh'ini.'i Mine Oam :'iation,
and the (Jomrnt t, '. ..! C''i''s
elTorts to secure a urn it. r.
e ;iegoti nnncH.
lid of ti)'.
cat iv on '
p' rir.e nt .
to j'-i.-.ov
hiri: -a.
mis Annex, lias uum
,r tl"- jiinpo of enabling
I S'.aL'.-. government to
play-, fiom t!
th" o;o ite
pa'.iihou p'ljj'il.u ly known as
. I- '--
- t' d h
iin1: very inf resting ex
with u: i'liincry tiL-iigncd
: the miii'r il-i from the
Is of the 1'acific coast,
.vhi'li, mineralogists declare, con-tit'!'.-
tie: world's most v;tlu.'i!j!e
mineral sonrce. -Mining Worlg.
that all the mines have not yet bem
found, even in diHtricts long de
veloped and extensively profqiotitod.
Mining World.
The Minos and Metahi::
ing at the I.c-wh and C'.-.i
lion, on nrro'Mit of : ,-'
iinplicity of its ar''h:'.LC'
apiiearance. o;i'. ji tr-- ::.
tive l.-nildir-g-; 0:1 t!..- :r
r,i!d:;:g is :o-j feet Kc. ; I
wide, find contuns 20,0
feet of ' xhibit p:lce. It
li i.ecoramc sim
been tinted a pleasing gray, rcsthil
to the or. l)?-:or.ii:. .0 tfTort has
k:c:i cxjn n:led princi: :11 v- on tie
main entrance, located :n lue d-r.ter
f T'.,,..n .. i l,.
a splendid
Tin: .-tory which illustrates tho
falliffiuty ot sucee-sfnl mining men
was ueently told at u meeting.
S-nator Clark, who is perhaps the
wealthiest individual mine owner in
i-'.-ir ., 1 1 1 1
of tho south f..:ali-. Tine wide I l cmiuu oiaies, utvu a ueveiep-
loorwavs aro separated and hanked ut option on some claims near
by ilutod pillaster.i wisii lone capi- tho Copper tic-eu, in me Lusoee
tals. Over each doorway U au arc'i, j'-'-rici, oh: caiauyu. iatu-
and 111 the space tn a relies ' i:v muk a bhn iUU Ictl ana com'
rm,,t window liv-c nnrtholi- ndd ling uiion eonsidcrriblo water the
to tho decorative effect- J he other
windows of the building, set high
up 011 each of the f ur sides are
at hing
Barefoo t
t. ..
J tctt
is t ' 1 a red
m;:Ji his
, s emlv ns 1 -1)7 it patent wus is-
to J. II. lhie, eoTc.ririg tt pro
1 I i' -' . 1 pro: '. ;s for t'-.c extraction of
1 :'.Id ;i'id ilver front th'ir ort-i by
th" '!'' of potassium eyatiidft to bo
aid d by t!'c electrie enrrttnt which
tvas to i inia'taneonsly precipitate
tlie T'-c;pita! the rion-, metals
upon a copp'-r j The first ue
ces! ful eyanid' pli'.t to It erected
in tho Clou-i 1' vvhs in 1 HU2 at
the Iii ingstone mine in lioulder
eoautry, ''o!o. An extraction of 92
per tent wa 111 fh; itt tli i- plant.
In tho center of the Annex ficc
tiori 11! the I'air is a model of tho
Den it iti quicksilver furnace, made
'by W. II. Dennis Idiiekbntte, Ore.
I'm; furnace- shows the roasting
orf H, drying chamber arid conden
i r, us well us thu general mochan
i -in cf handling or. There is also
n 1 .-.t'-nsive display of ores from
titis mim: mid a topographical
' i cid'.-l made to scale, aho.viug loca
, 1 ion of the mine in I,ane County,
( 1:1 ., mi'l the building. The in
o'i.ojiu'ii is extensive. The plant ;-. ;-:..a!l fun. ace and is now b
: iii 1 pcrat' d. This i- another live
1 ...... . , . i i
m mo urtgou .-euon aua is , . twAn1. 0 thrmiah. and not a dav
drawing card. Mining 5 a r,;
Silk Creek Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Maddy of Knox
villc, Iowa, are visiting at the Kol
sey home. Mrs. Maddy is a sister
of Mr. Kclscy, whom he has not
seen for about tweuiy years.
Wednesday as Mr. and Mrs. r,ee
of Ivorane, were going down the
mountain toward Cottage Grove,
ore ring came off the neck yoke,
letting it drop and frightening the
fns team they were driving. The
wagon was tipped down in the
canyon dragging Mrs. Lee under
the box as far as it went and Mr.
Lee some little way, th'-y were well
shaken up but received no serious
injuries. The little boy was scratched
on the face a very little, the team
ran a little way and stopped having
become detached from the wagon.
Mr. Elliot's son-in-law from Mis
souri is visiting with him and
daughter Mrs. Shreaves.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Mrs. L.
Richardson were guests at Glen
wood Heights Wednesday.
Miss Jennie Collins of Springfield
will return home this week after a
months visit with relatives in the
Prof. 0. F.
Stafford Writes Concerninz
the Fair.
"Everything at the exhibit is
going on nicely. A large number
passes that does not bring several
who show a gratifying interest in
what is to be had from the Lane
County district."
"The "Bohemia Nugget" and
the Commercial Club pamphlets
attract much attention and go
rapidly." They are a good advertisement.
The Farmsr Line Telephone.
The Pacific States Telephone Co.
i i . 1 j 1.
woik was auunaono i ana me opuou announce that they nave now on
thrown up. lleccLt developents j hand the new farmer line instru
havt show that shaft was within GO nients and will install the new
identical, being composed of a num-1 -t of abed of copper ore and that phones this week. The delay has
her of small, ground glass panes lusteau 01 auauuaniug iue ueveiop- . ea caused by the tardiness 01 we
after tho manner of an ol I English iuent wucn striking water it suouia . manufacturersoftheN estem Electric
mansion. Overhanging eaves, made ' have bteu continued, for the finding q0 cf Chicago. They are cot only
ui trie water is a iainy certain mm-1 going to install new puones on ineir
cation of the proximity of ore in lines, but are after new business,
that tbstrut. It is likewise said j fhe rates are 50 cents per month,
that the Vt rdo mine at Jerome was I 5 qus in advance, including
twice condemned by a- leading cop- j free switching in town and to all
per expert bet cry Senator Clark j subscribers on the farmer lines,
part of took it up. Many other instances j each farmer to construct and raain-
1 .- .1.: . 1.:.. 1 ..,;!,. I. . t 1 oil I . . . i- t t .: . -
:'.i was oi mis uiijjui wo iuiu, ' i tain uis own line at uts own cv
wider by the fact that underneath
them the walls swell out fur a con-1
siderablc distance, produce nu im-'
usually attractive ifed. The Mines
and Metallurgy building has un
addition, o kct wit!'- hv 60 feet
long, which extend , acros.s
the west facade, li e .1 1 1;:i
necessitated bv tho u:kx;k
P intiug t the fact that no mans ; Dense. The new telephones on the
. . . 1 fo :t.l. :.. il , .-.f . . i
iruircment tor space 1:1 wmcli to jmiyemen is lummuic 01 i""- uoUemia line win aiso ue msmucu
bouse the unusually attractive t'is- icrs 01 r.umug mm ue utuustmttuy : tuis We.eK.
It 1 v,
ean Up
I at actual
Oxir sprirg xd summesr good I
w h oi e s a I e
Remnants and Odds and Ends in
Dry Goods, Mens and Boys
Hats, Mens and Boys
Clothing, Ladies Fur- f
uidiings, Mon,s Furish- 1
ing Goods, Etc., Etc.
I Garrnan,Hemenway Co.,