Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 09, 1905, Image 2

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Bohemia Nugget
Itolmla Ncrr IN. C.
In a Condensed Form for Our
Easy Readers.
A Retume of the Lett Important but
Not Lest Interetting Event
of the Patt Week.
Railroad President Harriman will go
direct to Tort land from the Yellowstone
Train service on the (.treat Northern
is badly crippled hy the telegraphers'
A Milwaukee millionaire has been
indicted for larecny by bailee in steal
ing 114,000.
The United States government has
taken charge of the yellow fever situa
tion in the South.
The peace envoys of Japan and Rus
sia were introduced to each other by
Fresident Koosevelt.
A warrant has been issued for the
arrest of the governor of Oregon for
failing to pay his occupation tax.
The Portland chambr of commerce
demands a recount of the city s popu
lation, saying that 110,500 is far too
Immense forest fires in Southern
Oregon are said to have been started by
squirrel hunters. Great damage is
being done.
The law agaisnt ticket scalping has
been declared constitutional, on the
ground that the ticket scalping business
is based on forgery, fraud and deceit.
Miss Alice Roosevelt places most of
the gifts which come to her from
would-be lovers for sale at the various
church fairs and bazaars in which she
is interested.
A Chicago youth of IS years has
testified that, with a Earn; of three men
and two women, he has roblwd 330
different houses. He offers to turn
Bute's evidence if guraranteed his
An order has been granted by tl e
Circuit court restraining the Multno
mah Fair association from selling pools
on its races, and the association man
agement says it will hold no more races
until the order is revoked.
The National Lead company has in
creased ita capital stock to $50,000,000.
Santa Fe county, New Mexico, is in
the hands of a receiver, having issued
railway aid bonds to the amount of
11,000,000, which it cannot pay.
The Cuban congress is expected to
adjourn without passing the bill open
ing the Cuban market to American rice
and encouraging rice culture in Cuba.
The reason given for so many Ital
ians dying from yellow fever is the fact
that they conceal the disease as long as
possible and take w long diet until too
New York will build a new Manhat
tan terminal of the Brooklyn bridge at
a cost of $ ,000,000 to avert the crush
which occurs daily during the rush
The National Hoard of Fire Under
writers is considering a motion to sus
pend all business in Arkansas in conse
quence of the new law against the fire
insurance trust in that etate.
A Raltimor A Ohio passenger train
jumped the track near Johnstown, Fa,
and two passengers were fatally injured
and a number of others were so badly
injured they had to be taken to hospi
tals. In consequence of the dispute with
the National bank of Hayti about the
attachment of customs receipt by cred
itors, the Hayti an government has an
nounced that the treasury service will
be confined to Haytian officials.
There is small piospect of a new Chi
nese exclusion treaty.
Japan now has complete possession of
the island of Sakhalin.
I-trge Russian reinfoicemenU are
Wing rushed to the front
The kaiser and King E J ward may
meet to reconcile Germany and Great
Rr itain
Ixtuisiana will arm loats and send
them to patrol the coast to see that
the quarantine is enforced.
Witte asserts that he has full power
to make a peace treaty and that Russia
w ill I bound by his action. '
It is understood that the president is
considering seriously the name of R.
S. Bean for Federal judge for Oregon.
District Attorney Heney says he will
try the Williamson-Gesner-Biggs case
as ma ty times as there is a disagree
ment of the jury
The New York legislative inquiry in
to the affairs of the Kquitahle is believ
ed will result in a whitewash, but Dis
trict Attorney Jerome will punish the
Many passengee for the Lew is and
Clark fair have been stranded by the
strike of the telegraph operators on the
Northern Pacific and Great Northern
railroads, Both sides claim to have
the advantage.
The draft of a new Franco-Russian
treaty has been completed.
Fire destroyed the mill, warehouse
and elevator of the Kansas City Milling
company, at Kansas City. Lose, f 100,-000.
Brought Together on Naval Yacht and
Introduced by President. ,
Oyster Bay, Aug. . At 1:30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon the formal recep
tion of tiie representatives of the bel
ligerent powers by President Koosevelt
on lehaH of the t inted States govern
ment took place on the cruiser May-
flower. It was a notable demonstration
in honor of the distinguished guests,
envoys of their countries to the peace
The Mavtlower, the finest vessel of
her class in the navy, was tastefully
decorated for the invasion. The lean
tiful inteiior finishings were ornament
ed with cut flowers and smilax, inter
twined with the national colore of Rus
sia and Japan. The colors of the two
nations aUo fluttered from the vessel's
The Japanese and Russian plenipo
tentiaries left New York in the morn
ing on two cruisers for Oyster Hay,
where they met the president. The
Japanese made the trip on the cruiser
Tacoma and the Russian envoys were
conveyed to their destination aloard
the Chattanooga.
Constantine Nakakoff, of the Russian
foreign office, when asked whether
Russia would agree to a cession of ter
ritory or payment of indemnity, two
points on which it is believed that
Japan will insist, replied:
"I don t think so.
Sato, the Japanese spokesman, asked
how prospects looked, said:
"Not very bright, but we are hope
Karly in the morning the president's
naval vacht Sylph and invited guests
arrived, and at 1 o'clock President
Roosevelt boarded the Mavtlower. He
was greeted w ith the presidential salute
of 21 guns as he went on board.
Raron Komura and Minister Takahira
and their suites left the Chattanooga
in a launch and proceeded to the May
flower. As they boarded the vessel a
salute of 21 guns was given. The en
voys were received on deck by Com
mander Winslow and escorted to the
main cabin, where they were presented
to the president by Assistant Secretary
Pierce. The same ceremony was then
enacted for the Russian plenipoten
tiaries, Sergius Witte and Ambassador
Rosen .
The envovs of the two powers were
then presented formally to one another
by President Roosevelt, after which all
partook of a luncheon.
The Japanese envoys were then con
veyed to the dispatch boat Dolphin, on
which they sailed for Portsmouth,
New Hampshire. Witte and his party
remained on the Mayflower, which
weighed anchor at the same time as the
Dolphin and started on its cruise, con
voyed by the crusier Galveston.
Remembrances from Alice Rootevelt't
Admirers Sold at Church Fair.
Washintgon, Aug 7. There are
things doing in the St. Hilda society
connected with Christ church in Oyster
Bay, This little guild is Mrs. Roose
velt's pet charity, and this fact being
spread broadcast, treasures and trophies
for its fairs are not lacking. Indeed
some remarkable objects find their
way to the bazars, and there is a faint
suggestion that the first lady of the
land, w ith the practical sense for which
she is noted, utilizes many of the use
less gifts w hich come her way to raise
money for her church.
"Princess" Alice also receives cart
loads of dainty perfumes, photographs
and such trifles from her lovelorn ad
mirers, who would doubtless bo over
come if they could see some of their
votive offerings displayed on the bazar
Restraint Pool Selling.
Portland, Aug. 7. Presiding Circuit
Judge Frazer has granted a preliminary
order restraining the Multnomah Fair
association from selling pools on races
at the Irvington track in this city.
Immediately the officials of the track
announced that for one week there
would be no races. Within that time
the permanent injunction proceedings
will be disposed of and the Multnomah
Fair association will know its legal
status toward pool selling. Judge Fra
zer declared that if evidence had been
introduced convincing him that the suit
was merely a quarrel between gamb
lers, as was intimated, he would have
thrown it out of court.
Moody Inquiret Into Strike.
Washington, Aug 7. Attorney Gen
eral Moody has addressed a letter to
the I' nited States district attorneys
along the lines of the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific roads requesting
information regarding the telegraphers'
strike and its possible effect upon the
transmission of government messages.
Moody says he has been informed that
for several days message have been
interrupted. He says it it the govern
ment's duty to keep such channels
ojen to protect iw own communication
and he is much concerned.
Confessed to 330 Robberies.
Chicago, Aug. 7. Edward Burthar
ott, aged 18 years, who was arrested
with a gang of three men and two
women, charged w ith having commit
ted wholesale robberies in this city,
has confessed to Chief Desmond that
the gang rob tied 330 bouses. He re
fused to tell where they were, but
declared that he would turn state's evi
dence and turn up most of the booty if
guaranteed that he would not be prose
cuted. Oregon Mutton for Chicago.
Pendleton, Aug. 7. Ten carloads of
mutton sheep have just been shipped
from Meacham by a North Yakima
buyer to the Chicago market. A gov
ernment inspector passed npon the
Second Trial o! Land Fraud Case
Troves fruitless.
Proposal to Convict Getner and Biggs
and Clear Williamson Wat De
feated by One Juror.
Portland, Aug 5. John X. William
son, Dr. Van Gesner and Marion K.
Biggswill have to face trial on August
28 for the third time, on the charge of
conspiracy to sultorn perjury. After
having strived for 45 hours to reach
some conclusion, the jury in the Wil
liamson case came into court, and upon
its own request was discharged by
Judge IV Haven. At only one time did
the government cause hold the majority
vote, that lning during the first three
ballots, when seven of the jurors voted
to acquit, the vote then changing to six
for conviction and an equal number tot
acquittal, where it hung without in
terruption through 30 ballots. At an
other time those voting to acquit pro
posed to their comrades to convict Ges
ner and Biggs, provided Williamson
should be acquitted, but Henry J.
Keene would not consent to the agree
ment, and no change was made in the
vote. George Kirk, after having votetl
for three times to convict, changed his
ballot to the other ham! and refused to
make another decision. According to
the story told by several of the jurors,
it was apparent early in the course of
the deliberations that no verdict could
be readied, and the sulueqiient ballots
were taken more as a matter of form
than with the expectation that any
change would le shown.
The bone of contention seemed to be
in regard to the existence of a contract.
and in the question of intention on the
part of the defendants to do wrong.
Nome People Much Exercised and
Threaten Drastic Measures.
Seattle, Aug 5. Advices received in
this city tonight from Nome by the
steamship Ohio state that the people of
Nome are up in arms against the gov
ernment officials and their actions in
filing upon valuable mining claims.
The Nome Nugget in a long article
charges the officials with using illegal
methods and taking advantage of their
position to possess themselves of many
valuable claims which are obtained by
relocating. The Nugget prints com
parative tables showing the number of
Claims held by the government officials
and their relatives or assistants, and
also the number held by the leading
mining and business men of Nome and
Officers of the Ohio report that the
people are greatly exercised over the
matter and are talking of drastic meas
ures if the authorities at Washington
do not investigate the matter.
Dense Pall of Smoke Hanging Over
Lynn Canal.
Seattle, Aug. 5. Forest fires are
again raging along the southeastern
coast of Alaska, and heavy clouds of
smoke hang over the waters of Lynn
canal, according to the reports brought
to Seattle this afternoon by the steamer
City of Seattle, of the Pacific Coast
Steamship company's fleet.
Captain Charles O'Brien, master of
the Seattle, states that since the short
rains which served to extinguish the
forest fires which burned in that part
of the country a month or more ago,
the weather has been hot and dry, and
that the fires have started up again,
and are as bad as before.
The forests are on fire both on the
islands which till the inside passage
and along the mainland, and unless
rain falls soon it is feared that the tim
ber lues will be serious.
River Piratet Arretted.
Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 5. Harry
Young, of Seattle, R. Brechin, of
Vancouver, and Harry Kline, of Van
couver, were arrested today charged
with being river pirates. Numerous
acusations of boat stealing and thefts of
nets and outfits from fishermen are
made against them. It is also alleged
that before daybreak one morning they
held up several Japanese fishermen in
boats off the Fraser Sand Heads. It
is charged that they held pistols at the
heads of their victims and made them
relinquish boats, gear and everything
thev had of value.
Torpedo Boats Make Raid.
Tokio, Aug. 5. It is officially re
ported that two Russian torpedo boat
destroyers appeared of! Chugching, on
the northern coast of Corea, at 4 :48
o'clotk this morning and attacked the
Keisho, a small merchant steamer. The
destroyers fired 60 shots, seven of
which hit the port side of the engine
room and bridge, killing the captain
and one boy and wounding two of the
crew. The destroyers then ceased firing
and steamed toward Vladivostok.
Dividend on Mrt. Chadwick'f, Ettate.
Cleveland, O., Aug. 5. Creditors of
Mrt. Cassia L. Chad it k will receive a
total dividend of about 7 mills on the
dollar when the matter it finally tit
led. Net asaett will amount to about
Montana Judge Will Hear Remaining
Land Fraud Catst.
Portland, Aug. 4. Judge William
11. Hunt, of the Federal court for the
district of Montana, will reach Port
land August 28 to take up the land
fraud trials where they will be relin
quished by Judge J. J. 1M Haven,
who will leave Portland on Saturday
for San Francisco and remain there en
gaged with the business that has arisen
in his district. A t evens of the Oregon
District court will then lie. taken from
the conclusion of the final details in
cident to the closing of the second trial
of Williamson, Gesner and Biggs, until
August 28. 1'nltod States District At
torney Heney will leave tor San Fran
cisco tonight, to be gone for a couple of
weeks, and upon his return a Federal
grand jury will Ihj called to prolie fur
ther into the irregularities of the land
entries of the state and the many and
various abuses growing out of the non
observance of the law.
Judge IV Haven has found that it
will Ite necessary for him to go to San
Francisco at once to attend to business
which has arisen in his court in that
city. At first it was thought that an
other judge could I hi shifted to that
district, and Judge IH Haven could
finish the duty undertaken by him of
hearing to the end the land cases now
ending. This was found not to lie
Hssitle. however, by Judge Gilliert,
of the Circuit court, and after some ne
gotiations Judge Hunt has leen assigned
to the Portland court for the remainder
of the land cases.
Militia and Armed Pottet Block All
Travel Through South.
New Orleans, Aug. 4. The excite
ment in the country districts seems to
have grown more acute with the dis
covery of casB at various points. In
this connection the doctors are disposed
to question whether all the cases that
appear can properly be traced to New
Orleans. A whole train load of passengers on
the Iron Mountain road has leen held
up in Concordia Parish, removed from
any habitation, for some time. The
passengers have leen loud in their tele
graphic protests to the Railroad com
mission, declaring that they have had
neither food nor water, and that noth
ing has been done to relieve them from
a distressing situation. F.fTorts are le
ing made to move the train.
Monroe, I-a., with fever on three
sides of her, has put militia and armed
citizens on every road leading into her
limits. New Ileria, I-a., has decided
to guard against infection by the use of
titles. Many of the smaller towns are
passing mosquito ordinances.
Alexandria has completely liottled
herself up, but in order to save herself
and the parish from starvation she has
permitted the running of a train, thor
oughly fumigated, three times a week
to bring in provisions and other sup
Second Jury In Land Fraud Catet
Seemt Likely to Ditagree.
Portland, Aug. 4. Afrter 33 hours
of argument and ineffectual endeavor
to agree upon a verdict, the twelve
weary men on the Williamson-Grtiner-Biggs
jury went to what rest could lie
gained in the crowded and stuffy jury
room last night at 11 o'clock. Seven
of the men, so it is rumored, hold that
the defendants have not been proved to
have committed the crime charged in
the indictment and wish to return a
verdict in accordance with their belief.
Five men hold the opposite, that crime
has been proved by the evidence of the
government, and wish to return a ver
dict of gulity. One other story has it
that the jury is evenly divided, six
men wishing to convict and six to
acqit. Whether or not either of these
stories is true, the fact remains that
there is a serious disagreement, and as
time has passed, the conviction has
growing around the Federal building
that there will be no verdict returned.
Tear Off American Coatt.
Victoria, B. C, Aug. 4. Advices
from Canton state that, when a dele
gate of the Chinese boycott movement
against America was explaining to stu
dents in Canton schools the nature of
the agitation, he pointed out that many
students wore tunics made of American
cloth. These were at once torn from
the backs of the students. Various
vernacular Chinese papers have given
notice that no American business no
tices or any news regarding Americans
was to be published in their pajicrs
after July 18.
Will Seek Out Fraud.
ChcAgo, Aug. 4. Three large inur
ance companies ol New York are to lie
investigated by the Insurance commis
sions of Tennessee, Kentucky, Wiscon
sin and Minnesota, as a result of a
meeting of eight state insurance com
mit ioners held here today. Another
result of the conference is to be the in
terstate investigation of all large insur
ance companies, so that alleged misap
plication of fundi and mismanagement
may become a thing of the past.
Only Fag Enda of Strike Remain,
Chicago, Aug. 4. Police have been
removed from the wagons of many firms
thatliave been strikebound for four
months. Correspondingly many union
drivers were restored to their old places.
The Employers' association, following
the determination of the Lumbermen's
aaeociation to reinstate union teamsters
in a body, hat decided to lift the ban
placed on all striken a week ago.
mmmm ("'""'rMMMI
Borealit Falls Established at End of
Calapoola Road.
Brownsville Borealis Falls Is the
name of a new mining town which has
just sprug into existence on the Cala
iHioia side of the Blue river mining din
trict, 40 miles southeast of Brownsville.
The camp consists at present of four
loghouse and IhihmIh a population of 13
souls, but this will be added to soon by
the addition of at lest ten more people.
The tow n is located practically in the
heart of the district, on the south bank
of the CalapMiia river, near the falls of
the Calapooia, and is an Ideal site tor a
modern mining town. The site Is at
the end of the Calapooia river wagon
road, now building into the district
from Brownsville, from which joint
roads will branch off to the many
mines of the district. This road is
now under construction by I. inn conn
ty, and when finished will give access
to the -district by a direct route of con
siderably less distance than any other
Already the road is completed 28 miles
aliove Brow nsville, and the county is
lending every effort to complete it this
year. A small portion of the road
pusses through a section of I-anc coun
ty, and this will be built by the citi
zens of Linn county and mint-owners.
Irrigation Congrett Delegatet.
Salem The following persons have
lieen appointed by Governor Chamber
lain to represent Oregon at the Nation
al Irrigation congress in Portland, Aug
ust 21-24: W. P. CamplM'll, Chema
wa; T. G. llailcy, J. II. Kaley, A. D.
Stillman, Walter M. Pierce, Pendleton;
W. R. King, A. X. Soliss, C. W. Mal
lett, Ontario; J. A. '.Voolery, lone;
Lee McCartney, 1. A. McDaniel, Baker
City; K. J. Frazier, K. J. Youi.g, Hen
ry Ankeny, Kugene; A. King Wilson,
It. C. Judsoti, M. A. Drake, Portland;
F. Hoi brook, A. Bennett, Irrigon; S.
A. Ixiwell, S. A. Hartmau, Pendleton;
F. S. Braiuwell, la Grande; J. It
F.stch, F.cho; It. M. Yeatch, Cottage
Grove; John W. Gates, Hillslioro.
Oregon Deleaatet to Congrett.
Salem Governor Chamberlain has
appointed the following delegates to
the Trans-Mississippi congress at Port
land August ltl-lH: W.A. Munly, J.
M. Moon. H. M. Brunson, C. H. Mcus-
dorffer, M. II, McMonies, Joseph Fried-
enthal, Sol Harris, D. C. Burns, M. A.
Raymond, I,o Peteison, F. A. Watts,
Daniel McAUen, William Foley, K. B.
Duffy, A. W. Cauthorn, and Tom Rich-
arilson, For' land; K. Hofer, George
Collins, A.M. Cannon anil K T. Rich
ardson, Salem; Bert Huffman, Pendle
ton; W. A. Nash, Dallas', K. J. Fraz
ier, Kugene; F. A. Seufert, The Dalles;
K. J. Kaiser, Ashland.
For Bridge at Milwaukie.
Salem Governor Chamlierlain has
apKinted State Senator C. W'. Notting
ham and Representative H. B. I.inthl-
cum and J. X. Bramhall as commis
sioners to investigate the project of
building a bridge across the Willamette
river near what is known as the White
House, in the vicinity of Milwaukie.
The appointments were made under the
authority of the house concurrent reso
lution 2, of the lust legislative session.
The plan is to have a bridge built by
Multnomah and Clackamas counties.
The commissioners will serve without
ex,H'iisc to the state, and w ill report to
the next legislature.
S. P. Putt Out Rangert,
Giants Pass To prevent the out
break of forest fires in its timber do
main, the Southern Pacific company
has put out a numlier of rangers in ad
dition to those apHinted by the gov
ernment. By reason of the unusual
dryness fires will spread easily in the
tiinlier this year, and extra precautions
are being taken. Violators of forest
reserve rules and earless hunters and
campers who leave camp fires hurtling
will te more severely dealt with this
summer, that the ravages of past sea
sons may not be related.
Take Out $860 in Five Days.
Sumpter Another clean-up from the
Belmont group, Greenhorn district, has
been placed on display here. It repre
sented in value $SII() and resulted from
live (lays' operation of the small mill
on the property. The ore from which
the clean-up was made was taken from
the upper workings on the rich ledge
opened up some time ago and which
has made such a wonderful output since
that time. A shaft is now being sunk
on this ore body, and the output is ex
pected to lie mucii larger when a depth
has been reached.
Chinook Running in Wallowa.
Astoria Fish Warden Van Dusen
has recieved a letter from A. D. Allen,
superintendent of the new state hatch
ery on the Wallowa river, stating that
the chinook salmon ntu now running
there aud large numbers are already in
the racks. Work on the construction
of the new hatchery is well under way,
and the plant w ill bu leudy for the tak
ing of eggs the latter part of the com
ing mouth. The plant will have a ca
pacity of 15,000,000.
.. i. , i .
Grading Active on Tillamook Road.
Hillsboro - Superintendent 1.. It
Fields and Resident Knirlnuer I) OllUlfl
of the Southern Pad lie lines In Oregon,
were here a lew lay ago conferring
with Kngtneor Goorgo L. Davis, of the
Portland, Nehalem A Tillamook rail
way, relative to tho Junction to be
formed in this city between the two
roadt. Active grading has already com
menced on the Tillamook road, nii.l ti,u
contract! for the brl.l
ties have been signed.
Government Rapidly Clearing Way for
Klamath Irrigation.
Washington The secretary of th
interior has authorised the purchase of
the Little Klamath Water Ditch com
pany's rights and properly, known gen
erally as tho Adams ditch, for use lit
connection with the Klamath Fall Ir
rigation project in Southern Oregon.
This ditch system i to lie used a part
of tho project and tho agreement to sell
Inelude also certain color of right) to
land now under water and which are to
In drained and used for irrigation pur
poses. The secretary has also approved tins
purchase of certain right and property
of the Jesse D. Carr l-ninl and Live
stock company from S. L. Akin. Thiit
purchase involve a large area of land
for the Clear lake reservoir site, also
rights of way for ditches to be con
structed by the I'nitcd State over thes
lands ami certain color of right to land
now under water w hich will be drained
and irrisgted.
The former purchase I to I hi made
for f 100,000, less certain deduction
stipulated in the agreement, and I tin
latter for IU7,M0.
Product Goes from 20 Cents Down
to 3 Cantt a Pound.
Albany This in an off year with tho
ctiittam balk people. For the last two
years a grer.t amount of money ban
liecn put in circulation through t ho
medium of thi medicinal bark, hun
dred of Nople S'udiiig their outing
in the wood ecling the bark. The
price ol the commodity sour in I up past
the 20-ceiit mark, and those who were,
fortunate enough to siiure a valuable
belt of chittam tiliiher netted u neal
income. Little hoy who had never
earned a dollar in their life lined their
pockets last year snd the year before at
the rate of from f.'l to $7 per day.
As the result of the great increase in
price, many tons of the caseara, or
chittam, bark were gathered and sack
ed, only to lie in some warehouse un
sold. This overproduction caused a
slump in the market, and this year tho
bark is going for .' to 3 '4 cents per
Forest Fire in Clackamat.
Oregon City A forest fire, one-half
mile in width and already having cov
ered an area one mile in length, is rag
ing at the head of Canyon creek, in tho
foothills east of Wilhoit, this county,
and iu the vicinity of James. Report
of the fire was brought to this city by
Dee right, of Literal. The lire.
started presumably from a campfire. oh
the Hungate homestead, owned by Hel
vie A Jones. Only underbrush and
second growth timber are being con
sumed, the flames not having reached
any of the valuable heavy timber.
Mrt. Church To Be Matron.
Kugene The committee from tin
Isiard of regents of the I'liiversity of
Oregon which had in hand the selec
tion of matron of the dormitory has at
last decided upon Mrs. S. C. Church,
of San Francisco. She has accepted,
and will assume her duties early in
October. The present matron, Mis
Kthtt illiams, will open the dormi
tory at the lieginuing of the school
year and conduct it until Mrs. Church's
Wheat New club, 7:1(3 7.ric per
bushel; new bluestem, 7h(.iS0c ier
bushel; new valley, 7Kc.
Barley Old feed, $21 .00(322 per ton ;
new feed, $20i2l: rolled, $23(424.
Oat No. 1 white feed, 921K430 per
ton; gray, 2I.
Hay Timothy, old, $13(415 tier ton;
new, $1 l(t 12.50; clover, H3i.
Fruits Apples, new, tM)ctl.75 per
box; apricot, lM)c mt crate; eache,
ocQtl per crate; plums, 7.ric per
crate; blackberries, 5(ttlc per pound;
cherries, 50(4 .Vic ht Isix; jiears, t-'.2r
per box ; prunes, H5c $1 ; rasplierries,
1 1 .25 per crate; watermelons, lOtlc
per pound; crabapples, 50c per box.
vegetables Beans, IoJ4c tier pound;
cabbage, lMI'c per tiound; cauli
flower, 5M!Mie ier dozen ; celery, 5(&
85e per dozen: corn. 75c ier
bag; cucumlicrs, 15 (4 25c per lx; let
tuce, head, 10c per dozen; parsley, 25c
per dozen; peas, 2ojt5c per tiound; to
matoes, 500475c per crate; squash, 5c
per pound; turnips, 11.25 1.40 per
sack; carrots, tl. 256 1.50 )er sack,
beets, $1(31.25 jut sack.
Onions Red, $1-25 per hundred;
yellow, tl.25.
Potatoes Oregon new, f0c($l.
Butter Fancy creamery, 21 25c.
Kgg Oregon ranch, 22(it22Stc Jier
Poultry Average old hens, 'b H;
mixed chickens, 12( 12'c; old roost
ers, lOotlO'yc; young roosters, lie
12lsc; springs, 1 to 2 pounds, 16c;
1 to 1 1 pounds, Die; turkeys, live,
18((t)lt(c; geese, live, per pound,
H't'c; ducks, old, 13c; ducks, young,
1 Oof 14c.
Hops Choice, 1P04, 17QlPc pr
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
Uk'CJlcj lower grades, down to 15c,
according to shrinkage; valley, 25(327c
per jMuind; mohair, choice, Sic per
Beef Dressed bolls, lQ2c per pound;
cows, 3St'tc.
Mot ton Dressed, fancy, 6c per
pound; ordinary, 45c.
Veal Dressed, 80t7c perponud.
Pork Droeted, 0i7,c per pound.