Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 02, 1905, Image 7

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How Many
Birthdays ?
You must have hnd sixty at
least! What? Only forty?
Then It must he your gray
hair. Aycr's Hair Vigor stops
these frequent birthdays. It
gives all the early, deep, rich
color to gray hair, and checks
falling hair. And It keeps the
scalp clean and healthy.
" I arrallv troulilait with dandruff wlilrh
,r..lti, . I k niM.I illisiirxaalila lli liltiK of llm
.1 I til' 'I At"'' Vlaiir ami Han
atiiilT khim ill.liicaril. M, lilr atilit
tailing "ill iitiill mi I ! ilmillil liaail
ut imu." -1 a v i c. Kii. rilnnia,t:imu.
Mad by J. ) Ayr tin., I.owall,
Alao manuraoiurtra ar
ao manuraoturar
I'll I s.
1 1 j tlm Hour.
In theac diiy I In rlrli ninl the pmr
lltltll appreciate till' service of tlm
trained nurse, litit until within n coin
j ut in 1 1 ly Nliiirt tliiu tin- more well-to-do
int'tiilicr of society hns n"t hud
tlio oinrl unity tti enjoy one branch of
her prufi'HMliiiiiil mini-i nttloiiM. Now,
however, tli" hourly inline In becoming
nn Important member of society.
Aiiioiik llii poor. says the Huston Trail
script, tin' tllrtl rit't nurse come In by
tin' il.iy or hour, us tin" case ! im; imI ;
In the families of Hume In more com
fortable ('Irt'iiitiNtntii'i'H, tin1 onllniiry
trained nurse In usually cnnaucd ly
tin week, ami she lately cures to tl"
fur n shorter tlmi'.
Tin? hourly nurse, who linn had the
mi ii it- Ir.'ilnlni;. hold herself reudy to
answer tails ut nil times, fur one, two,
three or twenty four hour, a the case
in, iv ln. Sin assists doctors lii minor
;n'i at Ioiih, koi'm each tlay to clnitiye
the ilrcHxiiicfi, unit make It easier fur
tln family to care fur tin patient ilur
lntr t'o- ii'st of tin- ilay.
Analn. In IIii-k,. (I.ivh of apartment
houses, there are many homes win-re
l! Is liiinn riilciil to have a nurse stay
ut tin' house. Ili'ti' the hourly nurse
Is tl,,' r!:lit person lu tin- rlKlit place.
She rniiii -i for tin' necessary time, plan
iiIm,' In inccl tlic physician when he hi visit, thus I'lialillni; tln pa
tient tu have, lit little expense, nil
I'cipi.stte i mic, if nut tin- luxury of n-r-taut
a I ,i ;.il.i me.
There ait1 many at-cd people who arc
too feeble to lake fart' of themselves.
They tlo not need a tralni'il nurse nor
even nn atten hint nil tin tlmi', hut the
nslstnnce that a roiupelent prison can
give t In-in for nn hour or two tlally
trri'atly adds to their comfort. New
nvciiiH' of UH4'fuliii'Kn open fur the
hourly mi rue In all dlroetlunn.
Iti Italy tli vuliitf t In ml li contld
rrt'l to bu thirty -four tnm' tht nuuual
V j- : - '
Xf 1
Pc-ru-na the Remedy
That Cured.
Ming Ella Off, 1127 Linden St., In
dianapolin, Intl, writea:
"I suffered with run down constitution
for several months and t cured that I would
huve to K've up my work.
"On seeking the ad vice of a physician,
he prescribed a tonic. I found, however,
thut it did me no good. On seeking the
advice of our druggist, he asked me to try
Pcruna. In a few weeks I began to feel
and act like a different person. My appe
tite increased, I did not have that worn out
feeling, and I could sleep splendidly. In a
couple of nianlhs I was entirely recovered.
I thank you for what your medicine has
done for me." CUa Off.
Write Dr. llartuian, President of The
Jlartman Sanitarium, Coluuilma, Ohio,
for free medical advice. All corre
spondence ia held strictly confidential.
In tlm.
(bud by driivHlBtJL
2 KJ lVJ j
Jim llimlxi.
Wall, no, I can't tell wlni' Im liven,
Iti'i'ii ili lie ilnn't live, you nee;
la ail wiiyn lie' Kot out of tlic lnihit
If llvln' like yoii ninl me.
Wlin r' Iiiivk you heen fur the lmt thres
That ymi haven't hennl folk tell
I low Jimmy lllinlni pmrneil In lil rlieck
'I lia ul(lit of tli ii I'mirle llillu?
lie weren't Im mi lilt t lieni pnulnecr
In pretty iiiih Ii alike -One
wife In Nalrliez illi'liT the lilll,
Anntlier oiie here In Pike.
A keerlex Inun III IiIh talk wim Jim,
An ntvkwiinl lniii'l in n row,
lint lie never filiikeil, nml he never lleil
I reekoll h never klmweil how.
An I thli hih nil the r.-lik'l"ii lie linil,
To treat lili engine well.
Never he pnNNeil oil the river,
'Co mini! the pilot' hell;
Ami If ever (lie I'rnirle Helle took fl
A tli'Mimnnl tlmen he aw. ire
lle'i) In, 1. 1 her lln..le n(l!l Hie hllllk
Till the 111 Hi mini K"l KNliore.
All hunt him their ilay on the MixHllp,
Ami lier tl it jr ci.ine nt hmt;
The Mnvnuinr wim n ln-tter hont,
lint tlio Itelle, he wouhlii't he inr(l;
An, I mo Nlie culiie tiirin' nhuiK thnt lilKht-
Tlm oMi'Mt erft on tlio line
With a nlititer no, tint on her mtfety valve,
A inl her fiiriiac cruiumcd, roitlii nml
The lire hunt out an mTia rlfareil the bur,
Ami burnt a liolo In thn night;
Ami, tjiiirk int a tl.mli, bIhi turneil ami
Inn, In
Pur that wilier hnnk on the rlteht.
'I'here wan ruuuln' uml eurMln', hut Jim
yelh'il out
Over nil the infernal ronr:
'I'll hull her imr.r.le iik' In the bank
Till the lait Kal'Kit'M OMlmrc."
Throiik'h the hot. black breath of the
hiirniii' bunt
Jim P,Iii,hu'h voice wan hennl.
Ami tiny nil hinl truit In bin eiimicilneMM,
Ami knoufl he Huulil keep bin vtonl;
Ami, Miire'i you're born, they nil got off
Afore the Hinukeitarkit fell
A II, I I;Ii,"o'h k'lio-l went up iilmie
In the HiiioUe of the l'rairie I'.elln.
lie weren't no Miint hut nt jin'Kiiient
I'll run my chance illi Jim
'Lnnn-iiili' of tnini' liioiiM Kentlemen
That itoiiUu't hook linn, It with him.
lie Ki-en h.n lmy. a tleml Mure thine
Ami uent for It thar nm! then;
Aii'l 'iiriit ain't aK"iuK to be too hard
On it man that ilieil for men.
John Il.iy. '
Incident NV lit ch Illuatrnte the Mvan
IICIM of Kllaaell HitKC
While mnny of the stories that are
told of ItUKMell ringe's miserly bablts
and ercpntrlcltlcs are fictitious, none of
them are exaKKerntlons. It would be
nliiKiKt ImpoHslble for anyone to
I ma cine a man more economical and
ntlnjry than bo, says a writer who has
been looking up facts about the multi
millionaire. Although his Income Is
reckoned nt ?.",KM) a tiny, nt least, and
some people think It Is twice thnt
amount, ho has lived nt the rate of
?5,(KH) n year or lens, nnd bin personal
expenses have not been I1.1KJO a year.
Thnt Ih n very liberal estimate. lie
hns two suits of clothes, one for week
days nnd the other for Sunday, nnd ho
hns worn them as lonjf ns anybody can
remember, lie hns not bought a new
overcoat for l.r or 'JO years, nnd bis hat
Is qulto as old ns that If not older.' A
few years nro he sent for n gentleman
who bnd done lit in n favor, nnd lu a
confidential way said thnt be was go
ing to reward blm with a "tip" that he
could work for a profit Then, to the
man's astonishment, Mr. Sage gave
him the address of a store on Seventh
avenue where he could get shoes for 12
a pair.
To save time the Western Union
Telegraph Company serves a free
lunch to its operators, and Mr. Sage
appeared every day at a certain hour.
A seat was kept for blm at a certain
table up to the last day he came down
town. Ho never pnld fnre on the ele
vated railroad, because he was a direc
tor, and tbe ticket takers had Instruc
tions to let blm go by without paying,
lie Invariably helped himself to news
papers from the stand at Fiftieth
street lu the morning when on his way
downtown, and did the same at Rec
tor street when he was going home In
the afternoon. He has stolen his news
papers for a generation in the
same way, of the same men, and they
never dared say a word about It He
has always compelled the bootblacks
on the elevated stations to shine his
hoes for nothing. At first, years ago,
they used to remonstrate. He would
! climb Into one of the chairs and wait
until limy served blm. If they dn.
imilnleil pay b would threaten to have
them put off the platform.
The oiniilliiiH driver and cabmen on
Fifth nvi'iiue point out n crack ihtom
the (op puiiii of kIiim in one of liU
parlor windows which, they May, has
been there for 'i years. The story
goes that Mrn. Kne tiegotlateil with
a glazier to replace It with n whole
pane for f II!. Mr. H;iK" would lint pay
more than f 10. The glaxler would not
yield, and the demllock hai continued
for almost a quarter of s century.
lie ban a quiet little country place
down on Long Inland, with a good deal
of lawn, but he (Iocm not keep tlie turf
lia veil down like IiIh neighbors. lie
lets tlii- gran grow until It Is hlKh
enough to mak; good buy and then
sells It for '. to a livery stnblekeeper
lu the vicinity.
Ariiiiicntiitlve Youth Gave the Iii
trut tor Homrtliiiitf to Think About.
The dignity of the ohl time clergy
man of u small town en wrapped blm
Mo entirely In the eyes of his people
thflt Jests cont'd liltig the foibles of bl.'l
youth were likely to be frowned upon
rather than cherished. Hut of the col
lege days of the estimable nnd much
reppected Nathaniel Mies, of NWst
Kalrlec, Vermont, who was grnduut
ed from Princeton In I7Hi, N. N. With
lngton In a recent Interesting article
tells us that tr.nlltlons still survive.
He and his younger brother Karu
ucl were both of them able but ex
cessively argumentative youths, uml
during their student days they were
known us '.'Botheration Primus" and
"Hot hern t Inn Kecumlus."
Just how much of a bother the first
botheration could be to an unwury pro
fessor Is revealed in the famous anec
dote of the Jack knfe. It has been re
lated of other men than Nathaniel
Mies; but at least If he cannot bo
proved to be the one nnd only proper
hero of It. his at tested character lends
strong support to his claim.
Ills Instructor In philosophy was lec
turing upon "Identity," nml had Just
argued that parts of a whole might be
subtracted nnd other matter substi
tuted, yet the whole would remain the
same, Instancing the fact that every
part of our boilies Is changed In seven
years, yet we remain the saint? Individ
uals. "Then," said Mies, "If I bad n knife
nml lost the M.i le nnd Ii r l a new hi lib
put In, It would still be the identical
"Certainly," was the reply. ,
"Then If I should lose the ban lie
from the new blade and have another
handle made to fit It. the knife wo;ihl
still be the same?"
"Thnt Is so." said the professor.
"Then, lu that case," triumphantly
rejolnei! young P.otherntlon Primus,
"if I should find the old blnde nnd he
old handle nnd have the original parts
put together, wuat knife- would thut
Story of a Woman Crnson.
Beginning due west of Point Con
ception on the California coast and
continuing at irregular Intervals as
far south as the Hay of Todos Santos
In Iiower California lie the Channel
Islands. In this Ideal region for the
yachtaman, the fisherman and the
hunter one comes to feel like a nevv
Crusoe on his primitive Isle. And In
very truth Crusoe's seml-mythlcn
story wns enacted upon one of thece
Rnme IhIhihIs, though minus the man
I'YIday nnd the bnppy ending.
Tbe castaway In this case wns a
woman, a Innlsb cmlgrutit. left ashore
through some mlscluiMce by the crew
of h vessel that bad Fought nheltcr
behind San Nicholas during a storm In
tho enrly T0's. For over seventeen
years the lone creature bnd lived un
sought nnd forgotten, though the time
nt length enme when, on the days tbe
tnlst-clenrlng north winds blew, she
could cllinb to the Island's highest
point and view t lie ranchers' herds
grazing upon tbe mainland.
And at Inst when hope nnd reason
hnd both long died, the poor, wild,
gibbering creaturo wns found In her
wolf's burrow among the hills by the
advance guard of the otter hunters'
fraternity, who hnd long wondered at
tho mysterious footprints they found
marked upon the lonely samls. For
est and Stream.
Nature's Armoretl Cruisers.
Some of the papers are poking fun
nt the story which comes from the l!ny
of Illscny of cinbs weighing sixteen
pounds nnd possessing claws t-lghteeu
Inches lu circumference. Tbe Joke
would have seemed the funuler, per
haps, hnd the crabs been described as
opening and entlng oysters. As a mat
ter of fact, there Is a species which
docs crack coconnuts. As students of
Darwin will remember, this extraordi
nary creature grows to an enormous
size; so large Is It thnt In the larger
ones there is sufficient fat to yield a
quart of palm-oil, derived from their
diet ou cocoanut. These nuta they
first denude of their tough fibrous cov
ering, then with their bammer-llke
claws beat upon the shell until an
opening is mude, and tbe rest is sim
ple. These glnnts llvd on laud, but
bathe each night In the sea.
Ambition Urtttlttetl.
First Bookworm Well, I'm working
on a file of newspapers now and am
entirely satisfied. Second Ditto You
always did have a sneaking ambition
to get Into the papers. New Orleans
We lately met a large, flue- looking,
assertive sort of woman. "My mother
lives with us," she said. We sort of
expected It.
Invlstlgate It closely, and you will
find that the successful men do not
tak many chances.
"Is she sentimental?" "Very I Khs
will even weep over her old divorce
Hewitt -How many meals did you
hnve on the voyage. Jewett-fiross or
net? Brooklyn Ufe.
"It seems Wood by has discovered
that he has a family tree." "yes, It's
no outgrowth of his successful busi
ness plant."
"So the lawyers got most nil the
estate. Hid Klhel get anything?"
"Oh, yes. She got one of the law
yers." Judge.
Kinployer fto new olflre boy) Has
the cashier told you what you are to
tlo this afternoon. Olllce boy Yes,
sir; I'm to wake him when I see you
coming. Scraps.
Magistrate You say your machine
wiis beyond your control. Chauffeur
Yes, j'our honor. If I could hnve con
trolled It the cop wouldn't have caught
me. New York Mail.
Poet I see you accepted one of my
poems and refused the other. Kdltor
Yes; I took one of them out of sym
pathy for you, nml refused the other
on t of sympathy for the public. Kx.
, "fieorge certainly Is a man of ac
tion." "What has he done?" "Why,
the very next tlay after the heiress
accepted him be gave up his Job nt
(he bank and Joined the Don't Worry
"You'll tak" a couple 'if tickets, of
course. We're getting up a raflle for
a poor cripple In our neighborhood "
"None for me, thank you. l wouldn't
know what to do with a poor cripple
If I won him."
"Well," asked the architect who had
i been commissioned to make n set of
plans for a New York hotel, "how do
I you like them? I'hey won't do.
I You have provided for only six differ
ent kinds of dining-rooms." Kx.
Kind lady You can get work beat
ing carpets two doors from here they
ure cleaning house. Homeless Holmes
Thanks, mum. I migliter humped
right Inter It if ymise hain't warned
me. I'll steer clear of it, iiniin Cleve
land Lender.
Jones ito Brown, who has been ro
tating his womb-rful nd ventures in
Bussia) And 1 suppose you visited
the great steppes of Bussia? Brown
I should rather think so. And walked
up every blessed one of them on my
bands and knees.
Office boy Miss Keyes, please let
me look at your face? Miss Keyes
What for? Office boy Why, the boss
in Id some of the paint was scratched
off his typewriter. I didn't know
whether he meant you or the ma
chine. Chicago News.
The three-year-old daughter of a
leading minister resents too great
familiarity. A few evenings ago,
though she seemed a little unwilling,
a caller took her upon bis lup, where
upon she said with great gravity: "I
want to sit In my own lap."
Mabel (not in her first youth) First
of all he held my band nnd told my
fortune; nnd then, Evle, he gazed Into
tny face ever so long and said he could
rend my thoughts! Wasn't that clever
of him, dear? Evle Oh, I suppose be
read between the lines, darling
Pu neh.
"What did you discuss nt your' li
brary club this afternoon, dear?"
asked the husband in the evening.
"Let me see," murmured his wife;
"oh, yes, I remember now. Why, we
discussed that woman who recently
moved liito the house across the street
nnd Longfellow." Ex.
Pausing uncertainly before n desk
In the big Insurance olllce, the Hiber
nian visitor said to the clerk: "Ol
want to tek out a pawiley." "Life,
fire or marine?" drawled the dapper
clerk with Infinite snrensm. "Al three,
O'lm thinkln'," retorted the applicant;
"Ol'm goln' fer a stoker in th' navy."
Mrs. Younglove Our cook says
those eggs you sent yesterday were
ancient Grocer Very sorry, ma'am.
They were the best we could g"t. You
see, all tlie young chickens were killed
off for the holiday trade, so toe old
liens nre the only ones left to do the
laylu'. Mrs. Younglove Oil. to be
sure. Of course. 1 hadn't thought of
that. Chicago Record-Herald.
V'roin AppeiHrano".
When the six year-old son was
taken In to see the new baby, says the
Philadelphia Public Ledger, he ex
claimed: "O mamma. It hasn't any teeth! O
mamma, It hasn't nny hair:'.'
Theht clasping his hnnjs In distress,
he cried, "Somebody has cheated us!
It's an old bnby."
Geehaw nml tiitttl.-ip
Farmer Geehaw Sim Walton hns
got forty gals omnia' to board with
blm this summer.
Fanner Glddnp Dew tell! How did
he manage to git so iimny?
Farmer Geehaw lie advertised
that uuthln' but college students wuz
employed on the farm. Philadelphia
The people down lu their hearts ad
mire the father who refuses to sit on
the back porch for any daughter's
When a young man asks for the
band of an heiress he means the one
In which she carries her purse.
It is as Impossible to conquer the
diseases Contagious Blood Poison with Mer
cury anrl Potash as it would be to conquer the
king of the forest in a hand-to-hand encounter,
as thousands who have had their health ruined
and lives blighted through the use of these min
erals will testify. They took the treatment faith
fully, only to find when it was left off, the dis
ease returned with more power, combined with
the awful effects of these minerals, such as mercurial rheumatism, necrosis
of the bones, salivation, inflammation of the stomach and bowels, etc.
When the virus of Contagious Blood Poison enters the blood it quickly con
taminates every drop of that vital fluid, and every muscle, nerve, tissue and
bone becomes affected, and soon the foul symptoms of sore mouth and throat,
copper-colored blotches, falling hair and eyebrows, swollen glands, sores,
etc., make their appearance. Mercury and Potash can only cover up these
evidences for awhile; they cannot cure the disease. S. S. S. has for many
years lecn recognized as a specific for Contagious Blood Poison a perfect
antidote for the deadly virus that is so far-reaching in its effects on the sys
tem. S. S. S. docs not hide or mask the disease, but so thoroughly and
completely cures it that no signs are ever seen again.
Sjf"3 iC while eradicating the poison of the disease
Vv will drive out any effects of harmful mineral treat-
Kw ) ment. A reward of $1,000.00 is offered for proof
that S: S. S. contains a mineral ingredient of any
kind. Treatise with instructions for home treatment and any advice wished,
I'lla-rlni to Mecca.
Last year about 200.VK) pilgrims
went to Mecca, representing a Moslem
population of about 200.000.') In Tur
jkey, Arabia, Egypt, Soudun, Zanzi
bar. Barbury states, South Africa, Af
ghanistan, Persia, iialut hlstan. India,
the East Indian and Philippine Islands,
China, and Bussia in Asia. The gov
ernments of Turkey and t Egypt pay
toll (blackmail) to tbe Bedouin tribes,
through whose territory the pilgrim
ages pass, but the system is not tn
tlreiy effective. Last year some 20
per cent of the pilgrims were reported
Ill-treated, wounded or killed, and it
Is estimated that during the pilgrim
age season travelers to Mecca were
robbed of more than $1,000,000. Cara
vans of 3,000 to 5,000 camels are no
rare occurrence.
Mother will And Mrs. WIiibiow's BoothlnR
ByTup thu bent reined y toune lor their children
duriDg the teething period.
Proe vs. Poetry.
The poet raves of the beautiful hair
that crowns his fair idol's head and calls
tlie Qiao a prony old bear who ignores its
splendors instead. Yes, the poet of it
makes a fad, its glories in verse he will
group; but, like other men, he gets mad
if a straud of it gets in his soup.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Rhymed All Risht.
A school teacher was trying to Im
press upon a scholar's mind that Co
lumbus discovered America in 1492.
"Now, John," he said. "I will tell you
the date In rhyme so that you won't
forget It. 'In fourteen hundred and
ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean
blue. Now, can you remember that,
"Yes, sir," replied John.
Next day the teacher said, "John,
when did Columbus discover Ameri
ca ?"
fourteen hundred and ninety-
Columbus sailed the dark-blue
A New Kipling Story.
It is nearly a year since any Ameri
can magazine has been fortunate enough
to eecure a story from Kipling; but the
Ac.tfitat Century prints a tale "An
Habitation Enforced," which gives us
Kipling at his best. Someone, in com
paring Kipling with the old, three vol
ume novelist, has said that he gives us
ii.v 1 ? 1 i-- -t .1. ...I- 1
Hie l.ieoig extract Ol wioee came low-
ing on a thousand hills," so here, i
where two Americans,' a nervously
broken millionaire and bis wife, take
up an enfored habitation in an enchant
ed corner of England, he contrives to
give a quintessence of American and
British civilization a commentary, in
brief, with vistas euch as only a Kip
ling Ctiti open up. A delightful vein of
satire crops out wherever the British
way ami the American way meet, a
vein which will charm readers on both
sides tbe Atlantic. Mo.-t readers, too,
will find in this latest story of the
greatest of living English story writers
tbe spiritual touch which was so
strongly manitest in 'They" seemingly
marking a new and higher phae of de
velopment in man and wiitt-r.
No l'enaioii Yet. j
"Well, to be honest with you," said
the tramp, ' I can't exactly say that j
I'm a veteran and have witnessed tho
horrors of wur, but I think I deserve
a pension, though,"
"For whatV"
"Well, I was once locked In a freight
car for a week, with the weather at
eero and nothing but a frozen turnip
to eat, and nothing but blocks of build-
1- .
Ing stones to keep me warm, and
if I
am not entitled to a pension nobody
else ought to have one. Tbe horrors
of that old turnip beat me horrors of
a battlefield all to pieces."
12 to 18 Tons Per
40 Inch Feed Cianing.
n, tmtt 'I I T""" i ) i r I f to
4 Feet Stroke. Automatic I'lunger lraw.
Ordinary Hox Cars. No Small Weak Tartu.
king1 of
Not Desirable.
He They say a ghost appears at tht
parlor window of that old house at 12
o'clock every night.
She Well, I don't think I should fan
cy'that atyle of window shad.
For bronchial tronm trtr Tiso'a Cure
for Consumption. It is a pood cough
medicine. At (irug?istr. pre e Z t enia.
A common screw with a stout string
tied around tlie top makes a fair substi
tute for a corkscrew.
CITC Permanently Cured. Ko fltnor nerrmmneM
Mid fOr tirni day's um-iif lir.Klni'nlriiit Nerve
lte-iirer. Henil for Free H'Z trial hriitlemid treatise,
1)1. H. II. Kline, 1.1.I..W1 ht.. flillaitlibla, Fa.
The secret of success is constancy of
purpose. Disraeli.
r'aiient, llic'tleni ami Mrottirel stump 1'iiiler
on tlie inarseu 11 Hnr-ie p"wr on tlie eep
Willi two horse. Write lor fle.-ripn v i-adtlug
and price. - . -
Foot ol Morriaoi Street MortlanJ. Oreron
CLAS.S corps nf teehe-. location, build
Inir equipment the tl. beuJ lor cat
afogue. Term Opens .September IB. 1904
'f-SMfO C ttAf CfM HAf( fiMJm BUM,
Dl temper. All trouble that nur
heave. Sold on gnamnte orer
The part I month I hare cared
I f bone of beeTea. 4 of dletam-
Kr and 9 of rbronfc rouffb." &
hnrke. Newark, N. T.
Write bow many beadrtorlr too
have, we vend stock book FREE
Trntltm KeTneyCii..St.Pml,rlir,
rUBTLAMO HID CO., Portland.
Uail ganta.
Tne iwts rnnno-jirtrte institute and School for
1 Rtliniinert'ril of I'elroit. Mirhiu-au. rMa ilihed eleven
.Scut-. Have enred thoiHiids. Gold .Mt-ihil awarded
I Vurld's Fair. St l.oui. rit. Itceotuiiieriled by p!iyio
lnn. educator. clfivyii-'ii.nnii tM-ii.l.iutt't. every here.
Tlud Institution hasu Western llrum h ac I'MrtUnd witb
a very lartrc clna of niuls In atti ndiinee men ai:J
women, tri ns anu t,oy- ti 11 aree. ten Many uava
lieen fined ill three wee;..-, lint l'e t; nix weeks i tha
tlim-UMiitlly retinired. W,llelo- in t-ortlHtidout-H-tuber
14tll. U ill aet-ept pni.iirt until Nt. A
14tll. U ill aet-ept pupiM until Septeiii l-er 1-it. A
rite a I oin-e lori;irl.e ...i is.uii'1 terms. II y on men lion
thin imi-er and aeml ti eei'l . in xlumi". to i-u'ver ontaire,
1 ill wild von our elo.h Ih-hmI. ;i I aL-e book. 'i ha
Origin aud li-eatui.nt of Stammer in,;," tree of eharvo
Western R.-l-reauumuve Associate Principal
8. W. Cor 1 8th nnd P.nleiirh Street
Note-No pupil accepted at loitland after Sept. l.t.
Konrerly located t
253 Aider St. for the
I-Hst i ye-b
! -.' .t nAvt Movto
lite i.nigi' 1-rii-k. MiiiMliiK at the S. K.
ru. r ul r n t nml Vorritni Mtects. Eu-
trance No. a KirBl .Slre.'t.
Successful Nome Treatment
I Hi. f. 0 KE WO is known throughout the
t tit tt'd blHii's, ami is cnI cd the drent ( hi-lie-t
liocio' mi account uf Iiin woiuteriul
cur, . win out the nut of a k uiic, u uhuul
using poison or drills of any kind, lie
trcais K.iy ami all diBCHKCK nh jiuwvrtul
Oricntnl Koius, Heron, Muds, hark mid
Vegetables that are unknown to medical
cience in thin country, and through tha
Useol there harmless remedies. He guar
antees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, T.ung
'1 rouble. Rheumatism, Nervousness, Stom
ach, I. ivor. Kidney, Female A eakiieea
and All Chronic liiseascs. Call or write,
enclosing 4 'Jo. stain n for mail ing Book
and Circular.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
No. 162'i first St.. S. f. Cor. Morrison
I I"
Plcaw mcntioa Ihii paper. Portland, Oregon.
P. N. U.
No. 31-1905
UKN writing: to advertUert !!
mention iuii iapr
Sure but Not Slow
l'utt Full Weight luto