Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 02, 1905, Image 5

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A - The
Triumph - McKibben
of Merit - Hat
WY have just in ci vrd
out new Fall Line, in
eluding ;ill tin- latest
shapes and v ylcs.
Don't Pay - When
$5.00 - $3.00
For a Hat - Buys as good
.I t r' t ? Jr
vis' ? "V ,? ;' .
. m.;:-
The Hodc J'f jivea perfect separation
of Zinc-Lead -Ores
"l)H MrPhee,
"CU 5 81! fl ff B TJU ITflfffl B B tV8 C B B Vfl 0308n00ff88B88BB)oa-BB88"88
Hems of Interest in and about
Cottage (hove 'ind vicinity.
Cs. n a ft a fi.fl.ft a nasal i fi.fl.5 .. a.a a.a a e ji.ifl.iiJi a. n SLA..&!i.a.aD
Subscribe 1 i tlii- Nugget. I Pin lu' twine at Wynne's.
nt, to I
1 1-
Lnn Miiiuivl w
Hello! Mi k ilt IV
Yes in I'm. Phone main
Mr. C M. Ijuvis returned
Loin :i trip to I'ni'thi'i I.
Our line "f li-.luiu; t !.! is imiu
ploto. Wynne II ir.lw i iv t'i.
MiHS I! II l It llklT ll H g !!" t'l
Cri'swcll oi ii fe v .1 iv i m'.
The Scholl ; w Ii s
some line 1 1 ' w - j t i'l i--
nnil take a loo'i ,u it .
Mrs. V. 1!. Dennis came down
II tit: k J Jul on Mond iv to itteii 1
to Homo Hhopprig.
Tho Postal Telegraph Co up in y
repairing itcws are tumpad ut tlm
pluco for ii week or two wliihi Ii x i n
up their hues near hern,
MissTena I J. linker, who Inn Imhh
visiting her undo, Joe Piker for a
mouth past loft for Portland Sun lay
on linr way east She will slop in
.Salt Iiko mi I v.iriom p iu' , in
Tho traction ongvio t'i il. L."vbw.s
nro working on a thresher up oa
Mosubv Creek had 'i accident. In l.
week, bending oat of line, ono of
tho groat axloH, which wad sunt
down to Joe Pikers to be utrailit
oned. ltov. M. .1. Hickoy, pantor of the
Catholic ChurehoH at Vanco and
JviugHloy. and ulno editor and pro
prietor of the Occidental Manine,
was in town Monday on liininss.
Ho lias many yood words to wiy of
(Jottngo drove, and further oays that
many of bin people- are interested in
lJohoinia district and it-t mines. Tho
Father bulie vi h the way to kuocl'hh
ju iu jiuwljiuji ahead ull tho timo
vitU oliQcijuIuo uuJ. boptifuluemi
Suhsci ilie tor the Nunrt.
i. liH nt y oe;: i n s nt homo, Imt i-
'lill l'C.;i!lH Willi our ll(ii''llll(UH,
lvti;:"iie .Steam Laundry, Allison
and Hastings ajM-nts.
Tlie nulls iilon,,' the O. iV S. I).
iije scndinjf out k'ood ileal
of 1 1 1 1 1 I i- at present, some of which
;.eH way lv tt.
An estimate 1 tin- uinoiint of
.ptu ksilver use. I annually through
out the world iu the manufacture of
tleu nionieterri uud harometeiH places
the total consumption at lr),0(H)
Mrs. Iuiuirt Slalo was in town
on Saturday. Sho reports that
things aro riitho.i warm up at Wild
wood these days anil that everybody
scums the extension of tho ni'lroad
with much thankfulness.
A lio ev delegation of lueinbeit of
the San rriiieisco Olympia Club
passed through town on Monday
moinin,' bound for l'orlland. They
havo a tract team to compute in tho
sports there, and nro very sure that
they mo f;n'i;f to entry oil a p;ood
share of t he pi ie.s
Tit-' Commercial Club held a
session Monday uiht on the smelter
question. They had a letter l'rom
C. D. rove, which wa ordered
published as a supplement to their
pamphlet, and jlsousked that the
Nu;,"4'et publish sani i in the paper,
which appen.i this isue. Thoy
also had a couple of letters from
other parlies written on the same
subject stating that they would be
glad to pave thorn advice later on
hut could not at present. Mr. K.
C. Fuller of Suinpter stated that he
would be glad toappoav be'oro them
iu tho interests of a smeller a little
later, but could uot do so at preseuv
Those new style silk l-lts have just nr
lived, (iirls!
Have you seen those fanrv lace eollars?
"Huster lirown" leather belts for boys!
Linen skirts and Accordion pleated skirts
have never been reduced before to our
present prices.
r Lurcns
S yJovA 1 1 Jcx.v 1 isSk. w i xw 1 xlvv 1 x-iov 1
Win Jlcnnctt has ffaie to I,ondon
Sptmgs for a two weeks vacation.
.' ' .. " ' Jl . iVl - t
' '''-'' '". '.N''-:. , ..- . ; '-
"'Ni:'" '. i i ' v'; ; ' ' ' ' ' 'v " ' '''"", ia '''
l M linker, of Hrooklyn, Iowa,
lulling with his son I,. W. r, "r a few wc-ks.
Robt. Suitijr and Hon wont down
to Portland Silurduy ni-lit fJr over
Sun lay, but will return the first of
the vv k. They are getting things
L.,ni,.,i ..u ,. i. ;.. Li t. .i,. i
... o . ii :r n' .. : .. I 1 I hill
OH' niill'l'l (! HI II III! llllJIgH o
t i 1 1 , which we trust that they will.
i'rof. Swan and wifn are vihitiug
Mrs J but in, who is tut aunt of I'rof.
S aii. Pi of. Swn uud Lis w ife are
mif-i-i ..inricH of the Preslij-ttrian
'hurch. wht huve I eon Ntationeil in
for Home enry, but liavi
There was quite a littleTtre in the
woo Is buk ol Dorc-na yesterday,
but it did not result in much damage.
J. W. Mii.-li.ill. of Wallace. Idaho
went up on the (). V S. K. to at
tend to some business in J' jliemia,
on Tuesday.
'. I. lones has Miichas-f' from1
p-. his interest iu the -
building occupied bv the First j
National Iiank, Wch h & Woods
and others.
- 2K.SI v.-'. ,
I a j, ill
lei-n b iek for a visit mid are now on
their w a v homo
Mr. P Carr
nard and dau
Lowell, Miehig
,o j 'oiulay .iftei ii'
out to ;ui:r.v i
Mrs. C. JC. May-d-r
Anuir?. all of
on the
and drove
v :u'rning.
in, C.:!!l"
-1 n trail
:i Tur-d'i
Tin: crTTi.v; qpality
of any tool N nlwnyrt a dl.ralK.'S
one, but of equal Importance U the
power of rettiinin this quality so a
not to require too frequent nharpen
In;;. I'y making your purchaHes of
the Oriliin ejitch Co. you always
receive your money's worth lu the
best qu.ilit.v of tools and cutlery ot
properly tempered stvel that Is sure
to hold an eiliro.
The Wii
- y
I r. Alexander ('nrpron and family shut down I
'.eS'la V
. i Co. mill
r about a
eturneii .Moiniav iroui tui ir camp
ubovi' U'iMwood. Thev havn hml a
line time and all got a good color
whi'e away. Tlio doctor reiorts
letting out about
whom left
couple ot week
I ; or :e trv.-n . o:;k. c
the rani) inum -diat'd y. The mill
' has ni'i out ot dry log, and hm has
ihiit. tin- ilshi"-;: mifjht bo better but been the plan lor sometime the
that be probably did not get far Company is raising the nutuiui dam
enough nwny from town to havo a that point 111 the Ko-.v river, rind
lair hIiow. cutting a tbime thn .ugh trom there
Hohemia District in Winter Time.
C. Johnson of Twin Kails, to the mill. After this is done,
Idaho, came in town Tuesday morn- which will take about two weeks
ing. He is visiting friends after au they will be in 'shape to keep a
absence from Cottage Grove of 2S I steady force of men at work, and
years. While there has been several will make the capacity much
changes in the town, he thinks he J greater. The cement Hume is well
might have rccognted it by trying under way now, and active work
real hard.
Citien, the council would like to
see you at their meetings occasion
ally so you would have some idea of
the work they must needs do, and
how difhcult a job they have before
them, now is the time to appear
and know what is going on; to say
nothing now, and then kick after
everything is done, is not fair to
yourselves or to the council.
Tho Presbyterian Church Sunday
School had a picnic yesterday and
it looked as though most of the
town went along. Hay rucka,
hacks, and pretty nearly every kind
of vehicle were represented. Good
things to eat were taken along and
a good time was had by everybody.
When you go for 11 good time, have
it, it lies with you, not the other
Tho missiuuary to Japan that
spoke at the Presbyterian Church
Sunday and gave a lecture Monday
is not only an luteiestiug talker,
hut he had something of importance
to tell, a message, and he tolls it so
that you cuu not forget it lie has
11 line steieoptiouu, and ktiows how
to use it to good effect. He hopes,
to ho abU to do great work with it
abroid, both telling and showing
the truth of the message he takes
to the Japs,
will commence at once on the dam
and pond.
The city council met last night
to discuss the water situation, and
had a long and wearisome session.
Since the last regular meeting tho
fact has developed that thero is not
a sufficient supply of water to fill a
10 inch main at present, but that
under ordinary conditions there
would in all probability be plenty.
At first it was thought best to
change the main from 10 inch to
8-inch, and do away with the reser
voir at present but build the dams
iu the creeks much higher thus
damming up sufficient water, but
after some discussion it was decided
to leave the mains to-iuch as they
would give so much more lire pro
tection Ihau au S-iuch 111 iiu. The
council hopes by cutting out the
reservoir lor the present to save
enough money so that If after the
cement dams are put in tho streams,
they still do not catcTi sufficient
water, thou to have enough money
to install a pumping plant. The
bids for this work' tire to bj adver
tised Wednesday.
The council also voted to repeal
au ordinance fixing the price of
building street crossings an it was iu
contlict with the charter, and also
did uot allow a sufficient charge for
a fair daily rate.
Cottage Ctrove Flour Mills
Ma n u pact r it Kits of
Flour and Feed
RememWr b it the Cottage Grove Flour is sold
ots merits at lowesr living prices. We use 25
per cent hard wheat in our Pride of Oregon
brand. This Flour will produce more herad
per sack, thao ttie cheap varieties now offered.
Try it once ami he convinced, and nt the same
time encourage a home enterprise : : : : :
W. I). Garman went d emi to
Grants Pass on Tuesday.
Mrs. A. Brund returned t s -awn
from a months visit Tuesda f..
Miss Alta Drain, of Di tdi:, is
visiting this wees with " aer aunt
Mrs. Isham.
The Richmond-Medley Co. are
starting on a lecture trip, t bieir first
stop beiu at Drain Tuesdc iy night.
R. A. Taylor of Star Or.?, was fn
town Saturday on business. lie re
ports everything progre.ssit ig all'
right at the mill.
Miss Dennis, a sister of M r W
11. De un is of Clack Huttcj arrived iu
town 011 Monday. She was iu et by
Mrs. Dennis with a team from
151ack Hutte, driving ont that even
ing. J. V. Thornton has opeaied up
his fruit and candy store which he
sold to L. C. Hutchinson, havuig
recently bought it hack. He is going
to tlx it up nicely and hordes to
customers call on him
That James Ostrander is ageut for
the Fisher Laundry Company of
LUX -July 30, 1905, to li. A. Lux
and wife, a sou.
Rev. C. H. Lake of Roseburg
was in town over Sunday conduct
ing services.
The rector is an able aud up-to
date mau. Everyone enjoys his being
here. Possibly the fish up the Row
River would just as soon he would
uot have come to see them however.
A good many Springfieklites were
in town on Sunday to attend the
bast 1 h-ill game, as a result the hotels
and .restaurants did a thriving business.
Tlie? thirteenth annual session of
the XatV'mal In i '-ration Congress lias
be.-et eiL'cd to meet iu l'oi thind, Or;
1 Augit -j I, 22, 23, aud 24. 1902.
i-n iu '..i.:. k .... ... 1... - i- .-.
have a good trade. Let ail his old . " ' V V. " inesi
t.-i'-' .uiwy .v riul:1 lfl acini"
nrid seetievn. inasmuch as the
Chas. Libboy was nrr'isted and ; C ov nuiient has at gie.u x ense
tried Friday on the charge of steal-' placxal on exhibit on the Lewis and
ing 2-$.-o. gold pieces from C,. A. .' C lark Exposition grounds a com
Fletcher iu the Sandy Hoardiug 1 t to demonstration of the operation
House. They are both workers on i ul the Reclamation Act.. The officials
me b Pacitio wells here. At the (of
trial it was proved that tlm defend- 1 hi
ant had borrowed 5I5. from Lee ilo
Miuard and $3.00 from different ha
partios about the timo ho was sup- t
posed to havo etoleu the money and ' v
iuusi, 01 mii umo. i jie:' Im-u ire. ot j-.ugiueers having in charge
prosecution failod to show that he ! tlj's vast public work which has beeu
had stolen the money aud tho caso'osti iblished uuder the reclamation
the Depattinent of the Interior
ve been instructed to furnish the
legates with daily Uctures and to
Id themselves at all times ready
give information that will thoro
lly explain tho workings of the
was dismissed. Attorney Kuox de
fended Libboy. County Proseeut
ing Attorney Williams came up on !
i. i't . . t 1 r .
la vs . Accompanying the call is a
k U -r from Chief lvngineer Newell
ei v Tino- the inain nnintd nndwhiVh
he afternoon train to look over thtj ' y ive s information of iuterest to the
aso I) cp le of all the states.