BOHEMIA NUGGET HOIIUMIA NIKK1LT 1'flUJStllMl COAU'ANY. Mnkc nil check .nyMo to Nviiajr-t l'nl. '.. Entered lit th Hi Cottinr titvvo Orciron wpoiul clans mall mutter. srr.scuirnoN katks. month ? !.H! 1 year IS months If paid in advance. Clubbinjj Rates. Tin iiiihiMiil:v N'nciivt ono villi nnv ono of tho following pub lications ono year for amount sot opposito: l'nclflc Monthly -1 Weekly Orcgoiiian I Portland) -..'0 Weekly .lottrnal ( Portland) ?-'.00 rillS PAl'KR lukojit on tilot K. t PrkP Ailvertlning Aireney. t4 ml tV Merohmits K Chuntre, Shu Kmtioioo. l'li(orni. whoro ecu rct for mlvertitti on l tor it. Wkdnksday, Avgvst 2, 1905 AMAmiZWimLTfi 1 1 't, 2 SUBSTITUTE London Items. Harvcstinj: is inoiv-.Mn ; r.tpullv , dining this ideal harvest weather. The farmers of the vicinity report a; fair yield ot all their crops. IV.clo Nat M.ivtin visited .at tie Springs Weunosday. lie w.' accoui- ! pnnied by three of his sons and thoit 1 families. Mr. Hart is speuiHnj; a few daysj nt the Splines viitin ; his wile and j daughters. i Mr and Mrs. It. C Neal and their; daughter Miss Una. returned Mon- day niht from rorlland nfter hav-: ing spent a week thue Mxit:' the : l'air. They icpoit a very pleasant ! visit. Dr. and Mrs. Ira H.iuk and child-I ren former ly of Carmen, Oklahoma. 1 but now of r.ugeue are vetting at ; Loudon. 1 Mr.'C. II. Tones of Cottage Orove 1 who lias been at tho Smings for two weeks expects to return to his homo arsdav. However he is so t.ivot - tibly impressed with the merits 01 1 tin- water tint he will bo i back as soon as possible. The entornrisin-' far mors have finished their telephone lino to j Cottage drove, and hope soon to j connect with tho switeh hoard tliotc. : Mrs. J. A. Powell and children went to Eugene Sunday for a wot ks visit with relatives. The bottling works arc kept busy ; supplying the wants ot the nutty; people. Many imptovoments are : being made about the Hotel-two to four men being kept busy all tho time. Hotel arrivals for this week arc; Mr. ami .Mrs. J. k. v. 00 icy, .r. v that 1 hU art inn proves t h. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Pitcliar, pn cess of indigestion in an 1 Particular Vou will find COFFEES I Iimv that other dealers do not handle, am suit wo want your trade mi It- : ? ' ' .'. , t 'V. i i.. 7r. 'iif'j:! The mill project is still unsettled although it looks very hpeful. We understand some little matters have to be settled before anything else is done. We would not be very much surprised to see things moving pretty lively here though pretty soon. The Cottage Gove Commercial Club has a reputation for energy and progressiveness. Inquiries have beeu directed to the editor asking for information about the Club, sav ing that they thought their towns might be benefited if they had such a Club. We have sent them all the information and news we cau, and we should feel proud that our Com mercial Club can gain such a repu tation. Cottage Giove needs a machine shop and needs it bad. There is hardly a day that goes by without some piece of machinery having to be made sent out of town for repnir. Could not some of our enterprising blacksmiths start a small one on the side, and be in shape to do custom work. The printers shop itself has been badly laid up for this reason, baring to send clear to Tortland, and wait for a week even then for a piece ot simple lathe work. The City Fathers are having a very hard time to settle the water question and to decide what is best for the city and the people, in the matter, and they are giving lots of their time, and thought to it, and will do their best for us . We don't realize what they have to contend with, the many questions that come before them the rest of us do not know about. They are doing the best they can, they are getting the best of assistance, and if they don't mate a grand success of this work, they won't be the folks to be blamed. Infant Incubators Reunion At the Waldorf-Astoria in New York recently was assembled one of the strangest collections of people ever known. They were incubator babies, young lives saved from the brink of eternity by science andskil. They were from Buffalo, St. Louis, Chicago and other cities where the human incubator has been in evi dence. The ages of the partkipan's ranged from three years down. Their mothers were proud of them Blain, Albany, Miss Edna Kerr, .11 1 1-11 . - ana tnanicrui ior an an una ana merciful Providence that had per mitted them to cling to the slender thread of life that may be broken any hour. They were thankful too that science had given the world the Infant Incubator, which has en bled thousands to live that death would have climbed other-wise. The In fant Incubators at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition and Oriental Fair are exact reproduc tions of those used in Berlin. The tiny inhabitants of these crystal castles are prematurely born infants sent into the world "scarce half made up" as Avon's gifted bard so truly said. Everybody should seo the Incubators and watch the in fants grow. Each day the little cherub is weighed and every condi tion noted. Trained nurses and skilled doctors attend the offspring. It is a rare educator and a dissem inator of useful knowledge. It is intensely euteresting, and it bus a fascination that is marvelous. It is worth a journey of a thousand miles to see. It is the premier attraction of the Exposition. ACT OF DIGESTION ELIITKOCIOIC Important Result of Test Willi l.loelrodes on a l.o iitj; Stomach. Sui I'ranoi-vo. Auuu.-it I . -1 11 a 11 o poriniimt eoii.lih ti'il lv lr. Albert .1 V t kin. 1 if t Mo '.1 lifi nil i.i M in heal ( 1 I. ::!. nri III.' 1 1 v ill:,' st i 'lll.'U'il "f a h'-altMy r.Kiii, it has Imimi d -iiion-st r.i to 1 1 1 i.t t t lie 1 h-l:.i n is flirt 1 leal in Its ;iet ii m. Th'' o p fin ion t O'lisUtrd i'l the iut ro'lnet i. hi if a spooi.tlly pro piiVil I'livt n i' li int ll.i' Mom.'ieli liy having' t ho man swa Mow it. When til." rll'i t l' ' !o Wl'IV l.f'' ill i'i'II- t.irt w i ill ali' 'il t a 11 i 1 ill 1 si j aalo iif t lie w.tilot 1 h' oriran t ho pih aiinniitfi rivi-teio'i uraily t 1 1 milli-xults !' til oct I'l'Ot lii a! e'lt rent It laiincil w hole cotru- 1 QfeSSS People I, il' vuii have Ihtii hanl tt Chase & Sanborn's High Grade Coffees No other kind compares with them YK AKi; SOU- AtW-NTS. PACIFIC TIMBER CO. i:kin .v r.itisTow la iijtiNt:. t'.KOVIC oki:i;o rirf. ... - 11 . .! 1 HL" -. r,;1 V sX tad 1 Jrjt"t 11 1 . . I FAMOUS REMEDY I M pAvra j j ! K,i 1 r I . - J ! Il- : .t. I'. 1 1 1: . I '"'"'"" " 1 r I r-? t. r!ui l.i'.i 1 ' . I : 1 ' CThi' i'...r oti!ifi'.lii' v'i -t:M i!..t 'if1 ..... . , 1 ! c i. r ! : 1 1 1 i ' , -. In- mi '! is f .1 11 lac ilu.iil ii:-i,i'. r::i'.r. : lie sin mlil In' t'Hi 11 '! '.' p-,a . :i..i I 1 ; 1 ' ' " i 5 .1. s mii.m; (iltl. ATKINSON MILNE & ATKINSON REAL ESTATE finiluT Land; I 1 - -1 . r " Mines and .Mining Stoei ami In tnu sli ads It nat 'I . iiiiIki land A ohoi. e 1; it i.f ( 'it v rent oi l I. 1: in 1 u m II ir -l ( 'unlit IV nil. I 1'iliilnl Irilul' ful Midi'. 111 tin1 dilTcrent parts: uf Iim eitv. KolltM enllt'i tod for lioll-ro'-i Iciitn. ('orr.Mii'.UKovi: hi: I Ni' lilacs fur oki: CfTh.- i ' t'.c 1. I hut t lie im iiiici; fl'.sts Its tTl's l.Oi Si'hi i-'1 ( .ct 111. i a S ni . .1 liniie iiicil'.wnc th:.t tn.i.K' si'i .". the urc it t (ills', 1111 pi .iiii, .ni' I h i.s .i v " w l ie t'.niic :is .1 1 ( t. i' r t'u 1 1 v ! r it." Cut. Is, cull:'1:';, cit.uli, s .T' tMr .-it all hriiK !ri il ..!T. -ot .ctis tit 'M ar-l Cli i- s'i!il in il c ':. ! . ., 1 . ni I. iin. ii. s as .1 . f"! a'.au.s; '.. .': .1 ci . C I : i ! Ii'i': 1 . .' V . I! '; l".ttV. "5". a. I l:ttr,;t ts ihi...;;; ll.o vi.r.l. At I'. lis l'liiiiiinii y. Suliscrihe lr th. Ntiggtt. itoisl rat ion of I. ami litlo Private Sawmill at one- of the Minu. Mr. and Mrs. Cummins, Mrs. Ooley, ehi-mio one: ti Mrs. Violette and child, Thos Rich- ! , 1x. " Ml... -'I 1 Uir U.IMIIIMI aroson, wuae uroie. ju v,iai a. nvv $ i 'J' ho above prt'-K report i-i In lino Wi1rUvor.H. Miss Sarah Kerr. War- ! with tlx- th.-ory .f Dr. Damn, now at ren Penn; Mr. K. P. Red ford Sagi-! ."S'.I.VlttnV; naw, Mrs, C. I.. Roberts, Mrs. tri.iltni(.t,t ,,t Htomach tnulli'n an Uurnnett, Judge and Mrs. J. C. j well an chronic ilisoi-cH ami dcafm-sH. Ihi-slact, conilaiioil wit 11 lu.s ei iircct ili.'t;;'iii-iiri, lauy explain tho 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 .-1 1 HiK'ooH-tin tlici'- treat iin-nt .uol eurc. )r. Dariin having ln-cn ;i iii,iioi-r in electricity wich 1 1 mm I i -1 1 1 naturally feel-) riLtilii-il that other nu-'liial men now follow in tho pat h hehl.ucil. A. .1. Wll.l.lAM-l .llsl i I- 01 TIIK I'l. VI K ct 1:1:11 oi' iii:im:ss so that t his current in tho stomach prevents of tho istoinacli hv I's HERDING Renders the bilo more lluidand thus helps the blood to now; It affords prompt relief from blliouHuedn. Indi gestion, sick und nervous headaches, und over-indulKonce In food and drink G. L. Caldwell, Agr. m. m.. aim m. f. R., Ghecotah, Inp. 'J er., writes, April 1H 1903: ' I was sick for over two ' years with enlargement of the liver ,.., 'Olio ilutiirn 1ifl 111ft tin HUH Bfccn Fullerton, Miss, Fullerton, Mr. Nathan Fullerton, Iloseburg. A recent shipment of five pounds pounds of platinum from Denver to New Vork, the tjta! value of which reached nearly $1,000, is worthy of remark. The amount' is consider able in view ol the k'reat scarcity of this metal, and this country has not heretofore been known as a pro duces of platinum to any lare com mercial extent. This metal lias been reported in Wyoming and in Idaho and several places in Col j rado, and with its value fully appre ciated there is reason to look for ward to an increased production. As is well known the price of the pure metal is greater than that of gold aral there should be profit in saving it even though it occurs in very small quantities. There is no question but what the earlier miners frequently overlooked the platinum in the placer gravels and that much of it ha3 gone into the waste heaps. Blain Jackson returned from the fair. To the Kdltor: For about two years 1 have been deaf In mv rlht ear ho that it wiu impossible to hoar without Here-liming in m.v oar. My left oar hai been urrowia lt:uf of late'. lr. I tarrlti cured no; in twenty min utes ho 1 e.'iii hear pi-Mcctly. 1 am more, than ylonsod at the remilt and can reJKinni'.Mid I)r. Dnn lu's electri cal treatment to anyone. Imvu re sided lu J'hiloiiruh sinci; .;.". Am la years old. r.efer your rondel's to me. A. J. Williams, J. 1. Ir. haiilu is locate. I at. the Hotel .Sinoedc, laiene, until Oetobor 1. Subscribe lor the Nugget. Mi l i( 1. J o (. o. The doctors did me no . ' 1 1 1 .,..n .... Mil lust. a nf Koou, auu 1 uuu k"du 'i' ""tJu belug cured, whoa my druggist ad Tlsod me to use llerbino. It has made me Bound nnd well." Me. Eor Bale at XUe Modern f harmocy. Mr. C. 11. Kuikbjldui and family went to Winchester Jiay for on out ing on Tuesday. Miss Mary Owens returned Sat night irotn a visit to her parents jiving up on the O. t'z S. K. Miss Hazel Hazelton went to Creswell Saturday, to spend a few weeks with relatives and frion ds, Notice i-i 1 f uiii iiii...-ijoiiei ( "nit fur Hib 1 1.1 .. i:..: a.i u:r..-n On) '.. a 1 " ti 1 ,1 , ' 1 1. IV.'iMi'l I''.'; 1 ' tni?.' I.n c s .''. ; '' tj 1 ! - S IMU In. Il'l'l lull'! (.m il l;ii'l . 'I'l. il ti. a., h,' lil hi nl .'i; i, i 1 i .' I )'liii::i'l, lie; I 'Wit ; hi-r 11 ii' I in'! icr r 1 i.i Im- ifiiiili ujifi ; 11 .'1 1 1 Will In-, fur,... lu.l :n,i. S'd'l In I'luu in Lu en U iltl OlH I I tl - Hll'l Hll 111 I llC I III', t 0-11 : !:e. ' ' c I. .i ic f mint y . .:i 1 1;. ..1 k;hIi:iI linln : u ' 1 ' !'.:i "' .1 li' I'lK'' 1 I Ii'. V, il, .inn I id l:i vi:r ii..'. la "1 ful- 1,1' .1 CUVCI II'I . I I II I I lent . . 1 . 1 I ' J I " ll lit 11,1 in 1 run u.-';'l in j'C. .'.... I I ' ';c Ili.l t lie , ', 1.1: ci iv H el 1 1 J 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 I; C .c I -1 1 1 1 el i r 11I ; Ii 1. , 11 jcl) 1 t.c .. 1 mll'l I . v. of C'lMS. 1.1 iicli'l III 111 ''urililltci; ! ii.'ll! I'lll 1 ll''VV Oil lil'J s,.i I lii'ni;"i! In l,u cinil- r il. icl on or hail, ni llin lii.-i iluy uf October, 1 lio lii'ls to In; (, i-iic I tin; .ml ilny uf Ah'iihI lit two ii'cloi I; 0. M. L-oi. I'lic i'',uit rcurvun Hie 1 1 la to i.'i-ci m.v n-i'l 1. II 1 'i'l.-. Ity Onlur ui lln: I'ourl l)ii 1uiiliiy of July, E. U. l.l'.K, Cuunty Cluik. IN I ! I K f If 111 follt I' Ol' TIIK sl'ATK ol 1 irc'011. lor lie' i iiiiih of L.ui" hi He- in.iM. r ol the ai'i'liciii 11,11 01 I n it M f,,.' ami nrv K. 1 i!c in resist' r tin t ti !c to tin soul lnct fourth 01 r-otit he;it ij our 'ci .11 11 1 .-1 mill. -list font Mi ( Si, 11 1 1 1 'A : ,jioi ricr o( n'i'1 ton .(I In tortiish i , ?o Sniith, r;niKC Wcl of Wil'tc Mi' Tiiliiiii upline I Arthur M. Snytc, 'liny I, Sayre. Ilnsscl K snjic, Mn!iiii! It. S.i 1 ; , MhihI K. siiyrc, r 1 'i 11k Jontiiit aii'l u'l whom il limy con cern. I'cll'lldillllH 'Li Ail Whom I: May foiiccni; 'liikc notice, thin 011 I he -."Mil iliiy of Jiini!. A l. I'UliKll Hiil'-.lM"ll Wll lile't l,T K.'li ' I I IC'I M. fole Mll'l Mm y K. Cole in thcfir'-nit loiirt of Lime 1 oiinl y for inilnil reiri-t nil loll of Un title to the l.inil iihove dccrilie'l . Now unli'i miii ni,eiir on or iK'fo, e I lie Ii h ln y of A in:' ml, A. Ii. I itf 11 ml -how 1 alee w hv Mich ip -lien I ion - hull not he ','i'iinlcil. I he mniie will he taken a confc-c'l anil 11 ilccrei? w ill he ent.-reil ai'i ont-llii-' to I he prayer ot tho aiilcnl ion iiml you w ill In- for. rcr'lmrrc'l from ili-puilni! I he suine. I-i II. I.I K, 1-i:m. ) Ji 2:1 f i"ik I'OI.CKI) TOS'l'AUVi:. II. 1', IjeeU, of ( 'iiiicunl, Ky, says: " I'or L'tl yea rs i suffered ir iliies, with a S"re on my 11 ji jut lip, so painful, s'nni'1 lines, that f could not. eat. After vainly I rylny everyl liin' else, I eiiredil, with UueUlen's ArnlenSnlue.' J L's j.'re;i,tfurb!:rin, cuts and wounds , At Mensou's l'hiiriiiaey. Only LTj.;. I 1 f i i Knovles & Gettys Sohcini(t, Oregon. Knowles & Gettys Orscco, Oregon. Miners Supplies at rcasoiiitblc prices. Good Our Goods at Mollo: Reasonable Prices. Soinethlnjj for Your ("astern Friends. The r.Hi.j Issue of the publication "Orcj'on Washington and Idaho and 'i'heir Kesoiii'ces," Issued by t he l'ascu.ii'-l Depart liient of tin) Oregon Kuilroad Ac .Navigation Compniiy, Is now ready for distribution. If you have, friends In tho Mast, who am In terest.ed In the I'acillo Northwest, a copy of this publication would be a welcoiim visitor to their homes. This publication mailed to any K'ivcii address upon rwclpl of four cetiN in stamps to pay poitano. WIIITB'S sam VermifuRi- THE GUARANTEED WORM P. EM ED . 4 f- 7v Z- THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONIC. erwAiir or imitation. THE CtNUINC rnrPAMto oniv V Ca!iard-Snow Liniment Co. OT, LOUIB, MO. old and roooiiiiiKmdeU by Muiluru VUar inacy General Merchandise -'ViVvyvssrv-v' Miners Tools and Amunitions V. i V. I y 1 1 sjiunnirmunimnniirmiinu mmnninimmninmirffliffK e r.,.. -hi I WW' Slftvis l'dw arc i Vriciiltiinil Iiitplciiicitts I'lowH, Mowers and Itahes. Sole agents for I he celebrated MIUJWRN WAdONS A Full Slock of Minljiir Supplies. viiuiuiiiiuiitiiiwiiiaiuiiiiiiiuiaiiuuiuiiiiiiiuiaiu mm ' . rilllMC IS AKOL'SED Tho public Is aroufic dtott knowl edge of tlio curative nifinla of tlmt ireat inedlfal tonic, Klectrlc illlters, for sick Htotnacli, liver und kidneys. Mary II. Wallers, of fHi, St. Clair Ave., Columbus, O., writes: "For several months, I was kIvcu up to die. I had fever and ajjiic, 'y ra-rvcn were wrecked: I could not Bleep, find my stomach was so weak, from usc Icsh doctor' driiyfrt, that I could not eat. Soon after belnnine,' to take Klcctrlo Illtter-t, I oblulned relief, und in a bhott tlmei win entirely cured." (iiiarautced at ilenson's l'harinacy. I'rlee cue. A TOU0U1NU STORY is the sayintl front death, of the baby Kil l of lino. A. F.vlcr, t Miniberlnnd Md. lie writes: "At the nye of 11 months, our little ulrl wiih lu deelln iuK health, with serious Throat Trouble, and two physleians navo iter up. We werealiuosttudespalr, when we resolved to try lr. Kind's Now Discovery fur consumption, coughs and colds. The llrst botl lo nuve re lief; after taliliif,' four bottles she wan cured, and in now in perfect health." Hover falls to relieve and cure aeotiRh or cold. At llenson'H I'lmrniaey, fiOo und $1, guaranteed. Trial bottle free, W. WH V f.1