Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 02, 1905, Image 1

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BOfiEMffi it NUOCtET.
Devoted to the Mining, IYinwhcrin; and lu ining Inter;. '( i lii'i Community.
NO. 27
And (ii-iionil Mining News
(ialhcrctl Irom Exthnnircs.
S.iiuli r f W.uicii. lViuiMvl
vaunt niiiii. down on the ) A S. V.
Tin-vd.i y.
Till' ( U i''i ill Sim' 1 1 1 i t i 1 S ( 1 1 J 1 mv
is ;;rttitig into 11111111 very rii'li nrc
'tin I is ;:cltuig lirlnr every uil
They UM' pn-paling fur u li.vivy pro
duction Tli" Wsii k in niil! i , 1 milling :l
lull Ion .- both Ml;'lll il l I .1 iv, :t:l'l
Till" Vesuvius )ici,itcil ,y Ml. j
I". J. II. ml h nuking a vunl'-i fill
showing in joo I me Indies. Thy !
arc1 tmiiiiii;; , st un;n daily, the
ole In 'ing londlK led to the mill by I
a well loicinir cd canal train'
t-ytem. A ikt i-u in;; tin- woik
and i:nl Ik- w,ih greatly pleased
with the 1 1 : 1 1 1 Hun' and hu Aliens '
tai't shown.
Ml. CI!;, HI thinks that tile Ho- t
lirniia niDji I1.1..1 Inline ill
the woik alicady begun is rallied1
011 along llii sini'- gi-ncial lines, ;
j and exp Is to g.-t l. iek here U) '
shale 111 sotue ot th
lis Discovery, Development anil
Orcat l:utiire.
prosperity .
; From (hut, fini'; until t'ic present, I great hulk of values lay deep in the
1 through all the Hn'cee lmg .yearn, j mountain.s and modern methods
1 prospecting has engaged in, must ho adopted to reap the golden
y and year after year new vein have harvest, Groupn of claims were or-
: lief 11 fonnd nri'lth' ir mineral we alth ; ganized and capital sought rorn
di.i'd ,Mf d, until it lif cuinr! an iissuiod j ' u.itorn moneyed men, which wis
f.i' t that the ihstriet wa-i a perfect i hoou forthcoming, md systematic
network of mineral veins, currying development begun,
values o the morn precious metals J'ohomia is situated about miles
of gold, silver, i opjier and lead. fast of Cottage Grove in tho Forest
Mo,ir,f t'li early i,ryiccton in iHftrve 01 tne i,ascaie range at its
Bohemia were poo: ly epiipp( d finan
cially and had but ( nid i loo's for
development . Trans-
junction with the Callapooias, the
in tho district -r' iniloHfrom the
giteway at Cottage (trove.
The district is supplied with
ample postal faculties, having four
offices: Mineral in the south end,
I Miita in the north end, Orseco at
tho head of Champion basin and. Bo
hemia on tho east slope of Hohemia
mountain at tne head of City Creek.
Tin Cottage Grove, and I3ohcniia
telephone line snppljcs direct and
uuiek communication with th mil.
western half in Lane county, the
dividing line following the mountain
peaks and saddles intervening.
Kevoral thousand claims have heen
lilt rleetl 1.- I ;ht pino
'.v;iv ale 'Iimu". .j ) ) I
: II 1 1 11- l m ik I "I t"i iv: v
J 1 1 .11 d In v 1 v iii
very hum h 1 1 i .!, .1 li
iiij,'s heing in. i !e.
'1'iie ( , S li. ii. 'r
. nil t nil iiij; It i i
W'il Iw 1. l.iMiig th :.
II II llT I he I I HI' Iv ll i I I I y .
v 0 Iii h 1 1 1 .1 lid ale " 'i
I lie ;! ! i ii " 1 I ; ' 1 1 ' alon
l 1 pill I li)' l li. I uk i I II I 1 1 1 '
inline a iid i ii I i i i
do l k'OO- 1 lll., Hi H
i I trim
. T
. i id i'
ii ,
li . I' i-V
Mis. 1Idiu( r
I. in i in. C ilil u nia, an
si-t.r Mi,. .John Medley.
!!' "I the oldest pi-( (-,
known n in tin- j losses-., hi
1 .' Id L'o'.UMilii iii iii'iseuni.
F All.eit Soinern. hetfr known i tho work of
fiH Mohemia Johnson, the pio- pot tution was a hr'avy li in lie ip ami
nr er of I'.oheinia district, were wns over rough and almost impuss-
- fit;,.,. i. v., .,,,.,...! ,. I il,,. uhle mourilain (rails, throuidi heavv
Mil! a I and son of ; immei.H., Vtrides in development and undergrowth and fallen timher, and 'o"ated in an area of M miles north
. . ... i ii..nlli ,. iai . a, . . I
nml ,e ivoTi.ler n t m ranm main. ooutu miu itii miiun timi uuu
- 1
triined its growth nnd kept expand
ing. The ohstach.H encountered
were nfti
I'ig mine
visilin.; her
ot iron
ol the
It was
the vin-t tonnage of coinmereial ore
now in sight and lieing uncovered
in the husy camp, where s ime forty
yaais ago, hi pick li'st revealed tiii (
ch'lerii'g treasuie of g"l I in those
l-ut the
mo-it all ur
lo:! I ,-t
in 1 h
I, i i
an 1 i
I.. 1. I
ii i
V ' . I I
I '. i I
I. I .
' 1.1
nil I
ii t wo mai hie columns
I ' 1 1 ; . I "I Atthemis, iii Mag-
t h;s niple iv. im i i ected
" ' l' 'I'lll i , I l ( r ,' M ,(
i! I n ,i t ( piodti-t.
1" i ' n . .! i,;, u ii'.l
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i . hi ,i'i dity.
: 1 1 i n 'l"i il.
' 1 1
I'l.KAShl) Willi llOHI. MIA
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in i . 1 1
. .l! In ,ll '
.iillm, .ii::i'i''i
; iei H in i' li e- I n c'i
.imp at P. oh' inn
Hill It Sli 'I III 111' I
I ill k l l is'l, I I II
in ,it 1 1 ,-i ,
I illl ! and
, i i j ' i , 1 1 1 d
I, i. il. I n i,' "k el
Ui I ullv, .l'l
.-d'ti;: s.'iiie
1 have I'lilk
I n s ,
a ,
I le-
1 h
it kk
lit. 1 1 I - 1 I '' ! I
. I I I ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1
il I I le Hum "
t le- ink. . , i j,
as i peMi 'f ii i-
ii Snip. it ii, nt
ail' v Hi In .li r . i
J.ip 1 1 u- . i.'i-, n
ell II -I 111 lll' l h,, I-
.mv t 'l' l-'i' I-, il oie m iv judge of
the h'h i i .i' i, H i i. Ui,- -I mai.e-e
s i vs tint
1 1 1 li. Imvci
j'oMe.l , i ex
i i : .v 1 1 ; 1 1 ; 1 1 g
i V 'te '! I I to
il' 'iili ii ill all
di'j tiding
in iMiineii
d tn.r tile
i i ii .1 ,i ;i-
' in 'i l il he
i : e i u ' " 1 1 1 H ill
r:i 'k Iroin
e.ltlk let ii iiii ,,,i, lli it .in- i.
lir the ie--l I ii in;.; i Hit in tint Hue.
lie- said Mime ery ;,'"ud tilings
aliolit the di-ttiiet, and made a !i w
!eiliai ks a'" ui some of I he v,u i"ii-i
propeiti-s, kvliuh might hv iuteie-t-
;n t soin
Ceo V
e I .,1 in 1
Thel'Uv ,
iii mi I. it as i! a
alioiis, is. ii ilu
111 I ,t lliei'ting nt i
S i 1 1 1 1 1 ! ' J ll.i-, Wi-ek
a dead one. The
was hei l iiuder the :iu ices of the
Similiter il i -.1 1 let h anell oftheOre-
Co!IS"ll.-l'. O'UUUIIV js, ,,,, .ti..,s,' Aiwi lli..!. kl.l.l I,.
I, not only l-v leiuesciitative '
iniuing in-n iroiu all parts of the !
our ic.ttleis.
, n. an ij-ei !
' ets milling euipur- '
pi ins oi:t!'ii' d ov a !
'! ' ltieis in 1 Intel I
in le t ruiM'.-tiry,
i:."etlHg, wllli'll
evulenuy lining inm :t lo !: mg sue-1 aitrn
ess la im eoinp.inv ov tiiuiesl ami
;iti n.itc work. IF is soon to let
a contract I ( u iris i k lee t of
tunnel to open up the iniin and
large oie Inidy, foilowing along 'he
line of work already heguu. The
pieseiit iii'lie.itions ale that the
Oregon Sceuritjs Co. if continued
under the present able manage
ment will huv't hue success, The
"" ' l'''""'ai"MMiJ!Sritiiiiiiii I hi i w.T rimj m i 'wuijii,
r- ti - "v ..j
l .A- - " - - f tr-f
:r ' ! J :.. r?, - .-V
t c n ii ' v : n a u , , It
'1 ......'j''1""' - -
r-J: , ; a . v." In. ;r-f-;r-7 u
1 1 tui;i . jr.. ....
eistern half in Doiiglau and the side world from all tho principal
Large sums of money have heen
invested in reduction plant, electri
cal appliances and substantial devel
opment of tho ore bodies, which
have all increased in volume and
as depth has been attained, and tho
coming season will inaugurate an
output of precious metals that will
be heralded throughout the raining
world, aud in fact the yield ha.s
already begun Irom several of the
best developed rninei.
Among the numerous tine prop
erties in tlie district, several may be
mentioned that will in the near
future he active producer. The
Oregon Securities, Vesuvius, Ore-
con Colorado, hiverside, Crystal
went and many of tho prospects
being developed will prove Hplendid
All of this mineral zone is volcanic
and eruptive, andesio predomina
ting, and giidironed with long and
wide fissure veins heavily mineral
ized, the greuter number paralleling
the district northeast and southwest
with many east and west contact
I-or e"onomic mining the district
ha few equals and no superiors, the
contour of the hills bein' pret.ipi Consolidate 1, Grizzley, LeRov, Ilia-
... I (.!. V ...1 I' r
using Put ii pait ol the u-stanip
mill already installed show niiuh
progress in getting along toward
the larger and liner bodies of ore
known to exist in their prupetty.
It is hoped that they will lind it to
their advantage to soon put the en
tire mill in operation.
Jviuii'ter, but l.y neailv all
th'- I'toiniiH'u'. neuh nits and busi
ne's men of the city. The conereto
results of the ineeiieg weie the ap
pointment of a committee of live to
prepare re-mlutiiuis embodying the
sense of the meeting and the ap
pointment of a linaneo committee.
It was practically decided that an
l'ublic School and Flouring Mills, Cottage Grove.
ged hills. i ing and brought cheer and comfort
A short time after camo Bird Far-: to the hardy prospector.
ere now being in piled although not I atleinut at the I'm thcomiu" session I '"' UIK" 'lly Sabin, and a little Later on, roads were built, trails
of the legislature to repeal the 1 10 K,s I"1 JV,lou ' companions : uroKen, maeninery uikcii in ana m
Fddv law in loto would be doomed I uiado their way into that unexplored j stalled, aud for a few years thecrop-
lo failure. Therefore, an effort will ! IPKio11 ,uu' uncovered the gold bear-; pings of some'uf the big veins wero tage Grove over half wav to its des
be made bv Representative A. 1
tons with deet) ravinrs intervening
thus affording great vertical depth
through tunnel operations, the hand
ling of ores bv gravity trams and
th complete drainage of deep work
ing at little expense, doing away
with expensive hoisting and pump
ing machinery incident to mining
operation in many of the older dis
tnets of the Pacific Coast.
Bohemia is inagnificiently tim
bered and dozens of sparkling
streams traverse its many canyons
which can be at a mimimum ex-
pense harnessed for generating elec
trical power.
The past two years have witnessed
great changes for the betterment of
conditions in Bohemia. Splendid
mountaiu roads have been built and
others have been surveyed and will
be constructed next season.
The Oregon Securities company
has now a most substantial wagon
road the entire leDgth of Champion
canyon; the Crystal Consolidated
has n model road to its holdings and
Manager Hard has " broad high-!
way for four miles down City can
yon to the Oregon-Colorado holdings
and a splendid pack trail from there
to the Riverside group iu Ilorse
heaveu cuDyon. The main, county
roads aud stage routes leading into
the district have been put in good
trim-and affcrd comparative!' easy
access to the district, and the ore
gou and Southeastern railroad now
constructed and operated from Cot-
Smith, assisted by a strong lobby of
mining men, to amend the lull so as
its taxation provision.
ing loUo, wbicii lias since bore uis ; despoiled ot tueir treasure and tue tination iu Bohemia is slowly but
name and which for many years, yield of yellow metal taken out surelv snannintr the distance and!
watha, North Fjirview. Mavtlower
Golden Slipper, Knott, Mineral
King, Sunri-e, Judsoa Rock, Golden
Rule, Gold Hill and Bohemia, Star
Consolidated, Great Eastern, Twin
Rocks, Royal Flush, Pittsburg,
I'eekaboo, .Morning Star, Four
Montes, Diamond. Gold Cross, Syn
dicate, and a host of others that are
fast coming to the front.
Between FSOO and 1810 the
world's production of silver was
about -1 to 1 in value, as compared
with the production of gold. When
in 1819 the new California and a
few years later the Australian gold
fiuda were made, the annual output
of gold so increased that the yellow
metal output was soon more than 3
to 1 in value, compare 1 .vith silver
output, and during this great change
in relative production the commer
cial rates remained comparatively
stable, due to the fact that the mints
of th6 world took the precious metals
aud mule thorn iuto curreacy.
Mrs C. H. Burkholder and
children have returned from a weeks
visit to the fair at Portland.
Mr. Curran of Cottage Grove
with his daughter, also his niece.
Miss Curran from Chilicothe, Mo.
and other friends visited Vesuv ius
camp on Thursday aud took lunch
at the hospitable home of Mr. aud
Mrs. F. J. Hard.
Mrs. Welch will give a pupils re
cital Thursday evening, in which all
of her pupils will particioate. The
has been the lodeetone that has at- j amounted to several fortunes to the perhaps before another year the ! program ii too long to be "iven
to exempt mining corporations Irom uiinci immiiuiirt oi prospeciois to , au-Ky owneis. iron horse will make the echos of ; nere, but you will enjoy the evening.
iuui great, miuorauzeu uuunci. menu was un-iaea uiat me , tiie liohcnia lulls irom its terminal lie sure to be on hand.
Tt1 tfr
" -ft
" -ft
f -ft
Clean Up
0ir spring e.rd summer goods
at actual wholesale price
Remnants and Odds and Ends in
(Jf f-ft
Dry Goods, Mens and Boys
Hats, Mens and Boys
Clothing, Ladies Fur
nishings, Mens Furnish
ing Goods, Etc., Etc.
G.arnmn, Mem en way Co. ,