Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 19, 1905, Image 5

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Itotii'inla I: x hi hit at I'uponlllon.
I mtt enjoying the fair. Tho ',o
hemia exhibit shows tip finely. I
am more than pleased with the way
it is being cared for. No other cx
hibit is receiving Ixdtfr nltention.
I J. JIakij.
Kithiiiond - Durham? Nuptial.
On the evening of July loth at
cLffoini Away
. i. k
. 0
, ....... , 1 , , , ,,
. r-u '',- ' 'nib r!v.
.MclCellcd Kt.llllllK, Mohlil and I . : l W 1 1 . Also a large llllr 1)1 hones
Slinl Wilis! . I'.i si values ever shown.
Hemenwtiy & Burkholder
The KoiIjjc Jijjs jxivc;a pcrlcvl separation
of inc-i".c:il Ores
lOS McPUco,
HfHIE WRWC -t--ianJ about
11U1T1L iLffiJ Cotlac (ireixe :md M'ciniiy. j
tjiflaftfla.fiifs vji aaji.jj.afi as a a ao .a a ao a aaa aaa aaaa vaaaa.aio'
Subsci iln- tut tin.- Nugget. I
If you want a go id watch oi
clock go to Sdmll's.
lingua- Steam Laundry, Allison
and Hastings agent's.
Hello! Motcidf A Ilninil
Yes lmi'iii. l'honc tnuiii ii.
Remember that the Scholl jew
clery store is next dor to Opcia
W.itrh and jcwcleiy icpaiiiug
absolutely guaranteed at thcScb"ll
jewelcry store.
Kniit. Suitor A. . Sir.i'i!
are in i a n i:i ill. it wu l. LY
1 n 1 1 1 1 . i .
Mr. I'.l.iir ol Portland and Miss
lilau fiom California arc visiting
their parent.
The Seholl Jewelry store has
s. mr line new eut k':i,;s- Co'nc' in
aiul take a hmU at it.
I'hatles l'inneity is progressing
slowlv. The docti tliinks that he
may be able to jet aioiind a little
in iibout two weeks.
I. II. I'.artels hid v hat mieht
Did Vim miv Ul t rum lv .oni i . ; .... i.,...., .. .,.:, w :i,ci,!.Mit on
watch beine slow, take H to Seholl,
he will prolate it.
( lai n mid ' ny V'"l lopel ii.le
been in 1' ntland . njoMhe ill" lair.
They hud a line tune m l tlimk Un
fair is a -.'leal lu at.
The i me lor t lu .lepart'iie of
lioii.Liii .-1 1 1 I I'.hu k Jililte SLaee lane
mrrviiiir mail and iiihscii'ti s has
been ehani d Ikhii 7 HO a, u . to
Cc.'ll). Kindly lake imtir. .
The City lutliei.-. have apiointed
A. M. Kamlolph to visit eaeh house
Hupplied by City Water, and see if
there are any lancets leaking and
inform the tenants ol a new rule
wliieh id to be pi' unilj;iit . . The
water nupply in ;;i ttiti, very shoi t,
imd while they will allow all I he use
of it that is possible and leave u
bullicient quantity stored for lire
oiucrgoncicH, yet home certain hours
uiunt be (jet for in i;;ation. l''oi' that
purpose the council has decreed that
lit noon the City bell will strike 21
tapa with a pause between eaeh
four. On the day the West Side
bell BtriLeu 21 tiqn at noon, the
people on that bidj of the City may
uso the water for irrigation of flowers
uiul plautH, from 7 to S l". M. oi
that day, and that day only;
when the Ivist Side bell rings 21
tftpa they may water their flowers
uml plauta from 7 to S 1 M. of that
Hiuno evening aud that one otily.
When the new yatom ia inatalled
many of thoHj lioreautioiiH will not
Salurd.iv. In liuuini; his wagon
aiouml the hotses hecanie somew hat
umuly and the waon was tipped
. vei , the front wla i l running oyer
Mr. Ilaitels light ankle, loitunately
not bieakiug an bones, but sprain
ing nd wieiiehing it very badly.
A party of men and chauf
luer fiom Los Angeh'H passed
thioie.di lieu; on Monday on their
way to Scattli. They had u 2
h. p. l'eeilesi machine, and left
Loh Angeles June wth. 'i'hey had
line roads thiough California but
for th'e list couple hundred of
miles have nearly had to build
most of Lht.ii own roads, as the
roads weie ii such poor shape. 'e
need a mad comuutte the worst
w ay ami ui til we get it wo can't
expect to lave much road travel
from any people, motorists or
The coined is having a hard time
to find a Mutable location for the
now re'jrvoir. The places they
have looted ut are too high, too low,
loo sinn I or too far away, however
Ihey (Hud a couple of locutions
that wire fairly suitable, but could
not the land necessary.
It is together probable that the
locatiili will probably bo very
close ; o the old reservoir. It
is to e hopa I that the matter may
be silled soon, so that the engineer
mayflraw up the plans and specifi
eati'jei lo- the piping, in order that
bill may be taken, uuel lot, uud the
aoU'd work begin,
1 -...-.--.r'J'''!'''"'"' .:.W.. '. . I
' ""' "X ' ' ' S,:- El
the Presbyterian church, in the
jirescnce of a largo nudienec, Mr.
Allwrt A. Richmond and Miss
1 lella 15. Durham took the vows that
madethem one. Defthands hadhand-
somely decorated the church witli
flowers, evergreens and a veritable
mae of jKitted plants. A large
lloral bell was sustiended above the
altar, under which the couple stood.
R-v. Mr. I'.aker of Wellington,
Texas rcachcd the usual service,
ler which an I'.'xcelletit male
quartetto sung, following vhich
Miss Neva Perkins played Concones
Weddinir inarch. As the sweet
strains floated out, the biide, hand
somely attired in white hilk lands
down made m in the latest Paris
fashion, leaning on the arm of Miss
Nellie Richmond, her bridesmaid,
who was also finely attired, entered
the church by the east door, jro
t ceded by her brother Mr. Nelson
Durham, as usher and little Miss
Walker as 'The Flower Girl." At
the snm time the groom, nccomp
anied by Mr. Thomas Medley as
groomsman and j'receeded by Mr.
Meiton Karl us usher came in ut
the wci-t door. The music grew
sweteriiH the two marched to Uh
lime. The bride and groom met
iiuiied:i'tely ur (let- the lloral "V'd-
ine Pell.' mid in front of Mr.
(, who ip a few choice and
eloquent i"li used a beautiful
i ie.g t eieuiony, after tun exchange
..I t!i mini Ul v.iwk ami the jilaeing
ol the ing, i losing with the wordn
' Ai.ithey twaiihall be one lit sh.
by tli aulhoriiv vesi'-.l m me by
the aw-, oi the St te of ()ieg and
U u in i n t- ui t in- Gospel in
i i'lr'1 vininu Cli'ti-h I pro
no lee.- o man and wde '. Alter a
1. 1 1 1 pr t the 1. 1 Mai pai ty
m in hi d out to the melodins music
i .in1: nude', d vbih- all wished
then U") lust of bfes Hef-sing.
Aft -r renehing the liome of the
inh's . au ills d.iiut e and dt-lieht
lul lefredimentH weic -ei v 1. Mr.
au.i Mrs. R eliinoiid depart'-d to
Absolutely Puro
To Collage Grove
ON l": l)V
Tuesday, Julv 25. I'Mj.i.
Oi .Sani:rantisto
These Imminent l.lcctru Physicians and
Surgeons WillMsit Onr.City
and Will be at
This lieifig an Advertising Trip to Intro
ducc a New S stem of Treatment,
They NVili (iiveto all Conuneticing on
I Above Date Consultation, l:anuna
I tion, Adtitc and all Medicine Neccs
j sary to Complete' a Cure Absolutely
I Tree
If Will only In' e ei-ti-.l of paiielit
tak 1 1 1 lt ii 'I a ut a '.' i if 1 1 1 i - i iff it tn stuti
to I tii'lr frii iel-i t In- P'suU ' litailieil ley
; t liin new h rt.'iii of t n-at merit. Thi-.v
I Ileal .1 I kill') "f elilnliie 1 1 i
' ami il. f. irmi I !'-.
It i-i ei'y K.-l iiiin thai ailing people
1 1 .-1 e t lie pi i i ' I eon.-u It ii u hii.-Ii
rein i w lie. I hi i -. v Ini are ill eoli-
Hlalit ut'eei laree In kai' lipotl . oil.
1 1 i.i ..'in if i "I ! (..'. ., ; i ! e oil the
l.e:,. !il ol l!ie, n.i.l.i il Ul 1 1 . w I. 'i 1 !''.
Tl.el'e i- h" i ie ! i 1 i ' 1 1 1 i ! I ;i o I H'llesri 'iii ( - I I I nln-ih'T .ni
can In. nip -I or int. If ymii' nisi' ii.
eiiralii iln-y will Im'.iI m : if i licit f
Jll.le, I hey ill -ive-lieh a' I v ice a.s 1 1 1
lie lienele i ll to y oil
They treat .lea fnes.-. vtp.h na entirely
Hew lliellnnl. 1 1 a ii I ! i restore. I to
many at ' at o i ll ill u l its
aii''l form-, cure.! so thai it will
1'-"';h . V v';v,'h,w-,-';,;''it.-ij-j
? -v-.,'.- ' v :-v.'V.-Hi'.!fj
-.vw- . -;' -4.!..'..j
I ' - -v.'(fj !.,.. i- s'ftx-" 3
sr k ".-.j;i.-?i?... .t--rS-o vvWS - -jssi . JriC r. :
A Uohemia Tunnel.
spend their houey uioou taking in
the fair, from whence they will re
turn to make their home here in
Cottage Grove.
The Sunday School room of the
church was oened, but with all the
room there was not enough space to
accommodate tho many friends who
came to wish them a long and
hupjiy life. Many relatives and
friends had como from a long dis
tance to be present at this time. The
many fine and valuable presents re
ceived really amounted to quite a
sum, and their number precludes
their being described in detail.
C. lv. Cummings and wife of
Corvallis, are the guests of G. O.
McGilvray and family today.
Geo. Hohlmun, the tailor has a
fine new line of fall and winter
namjdes in domestic goods. Please
call and see him.
A Kelsoy between town and Di
vide has been beating the hay
record. He put up 5 and one-half
tons of hay from one acre, and
good hay too If that isnt making
the hay fly wo don't know. Who
can beat tho record.
Special School Meeting.
Notice ia hereby given to the
legal voters of School District No.
lo of Lime County, Stato of Oregon,
that a special school meeting of said
District will be held at the East side
school building ou tho 22nd day of
July, 11105 at one o'clock in the
afternoon, for tho following objects
to vote a ten mill tax for the pur
pose of rebuilding Hues and furnaces
in West nido school building, street
grtvaing, sidewalk, and to support n
nine months school.
Dutod this 11th day of July,
Attest: J. F. 13aiuiktt.'
District Clerk.
never return by hrcHkinup tliecoM
ciitehing tendency by electrical induc
tion of medicine.
Men suffering from limieral Nervous
riess, Weakness, Lost Memory,
Strength, Weak I'.ack, Kidney trouble
liheunnitic pains, Lumbago. Sciatica,
Torpid liver, Indigestion and l,'s
pepnia here can lind h cure that per
manently restores them to their orii;
Inal ut ivngt Ii .-in 1 1 manhood without
loading their ntomaeli with poison
ous medicine.
If you have weak lung or euiiunip
tion. do not fail to he e:uuined.
Their new discovery of osmosis in
paralysis. Locomotor Ataxia and ail
diseases of the nervous system, in
cluding Kpilepsy and St. i'tus Dance
isadodsend to suffering humanity.
Medical men siaud amazed at the
marvelous cures that, are being ef
fected w herever this system has been
Introduced. Thousands who have
given up all hope of being cured now
have an opportunity of a lifetime to
consult, w ithout charge, doctors of a
national reputation. Keinemher their
knowledge of medicine combined witli
electricity gives them control of dis
eased that others do not possess. If
you have weak eyes, headaches, or
dizziness, this naw system will cure
you quickly.
I'on't fall to eall oiitliese eminent
specialist?, as a visit costs you
nothing, uiul may save your life. '
If you suspect, kidney trouble, take
ii two-ouneo vial of urine for chemical
and microscopical analysis.
tio early ns their ollices are nlwa s
crowded. If you are .improving under
your family physician, do not go and
take up their valuable time.
The rich ami the poor alike treated.
kvkk iiXAMixi.n ri;i:i: rv an rxi iair
Ol'l'll AMOI.Odlsr
If your vision is not good or you
have eye squint, headache, dizziness,
nervous, and can't see tine print or to
do tine w irk, eyes pain or water, call
on us and we will help you out of
your eve troubles with a pair of
glasses that are ground to lit you
correctly by an eye specialist of merit.
Women who suffer iroin tho many
nervous derangements and ails pecu
liar to 1 heir sex quickly cured with
out mi operation by this new method.
Out of live hundred cases of
rupturo treated last year by their in
duction method there were cured )i
You'll find a fine lino of traveling
ne:cHsiticH here. Just now these
prices arc lower than usual. Our
window shows some of them.
Moro inside. . : : :
rjn V I' t-'l i It i f
Till-: ( TTTIMi (2UALITV
of any tool is always a dlsra.ben
one. but of equal Importance is the
power of retaining this quality ho ii
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. making your purehaseu of
th" Uriilin ,fe Watch Ci. you alwayn
receive your money's worth lu the
best ipiality of tools and cutlery ol
properly teinjiered stel that Is sure
to hold an edge.
Cottage Grove Flour Mills
Flour and Feed
Remember th it the Cottage Grove FJour is sold
ots merits, at lowest living prices We use 25
ptr cent hard wheat iu our Pride of Oregou
brand. This Fiour will produce more berad '
per sack than ttio cheap varieties now offered.
Try it once aud bo convinced, and at the same !
time encourage a home enterprise : : : : :
percent without an operation of
ilereatioii from business.
-V 1!. Caiieers, tumors, wens,
goitres, all blood, skin ami seaiii dis
eases eu red bv this new method
I Mes cured in a short time without
th -knife. Ointment or t he injection
nietlio.! a sure and newr-failiug
remedy without loss of time. They
make a specialty of all chronic dis
eases peculiar to either se.x, and cure
where others fail. Their treatment
can lie used at home,
le ineniber, not one cent will be
charged for all the meJiciue required
to make a permanent cure to all
those commencing their new svstein
of treatment, on this, their tlrst and
advertising trip.
Notice Married ladies must be m
coin. 'anied by their husbands.
oKi'ici: norm.
! a. ni. to 4.:; p. ni. Regular visits
made. Kemenibcr tin; date a. el location.
OC it
Subscribe for the Nugyet.
A Sl'lil'lt'lsi' I'.MJl'V.
A pleasant surpi ise party may he
given to your atom. ich aiq liver, bv
taking a mediciiie which will relieve
their I'liin and discomfort, viz; Dr.
King's New Life Tills. I'hey are a
most wonderful remedy, iin'ording
sure relief and cure, f ir headache,
dizziness and constip uioli. i'.'ic at
lieiisou's I 'ha'riuacy.
Game Law Ai rests.
July 1st. Ed. Dean and Win
Hawlev of Tosenhine couutv. 1'no. I
$50.00 aud costs for unlawful fish
ing in Iioguo river.
WANTED immediately G i 1
for house work, iamilv of ' four, no
washing or ironing, $.5o per week
oy iurs. Koy Welch.
by buying this
reliable, honest,
high grade sew
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.,
All persons knowing themselves
to beip owing Veach ci Priggs are
requested to call uud .settle at once,
Veach & Briggs