Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 19, 1905, Image 1

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JCr3& JL
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of this Community.
NO. 26
And Oeneral Mining News
(lallicrcd Prom l-xcliangcs.
(lodfu v (iiiiln r in in tho city
(ioiii ( 'li.unpion Basin.
Charles Krimonii Ims rrturriod
from Tho Kxpositioti.
A. V. Xitiikcr tf tho Mineral
King mine Bohemia is in tli city.
Win. T. lli(.;giiiH in in charge f(
work lit tho 1 if j n-rl y of the 1 Wilt i -moro
in i 11 i 1 1 compnnv.
Charles Otlcrsoti nut I rinun
iVlerwui have icni ii l from I In
lvii)sitiuii rttii I 'uiir link II "
liiMiii'l. They will ci in work il
the Vi'sin ins.
Dr. llfihi'il K. Smith of Nnv
H.ivfii, Cnn.. who visiti'il I! ih'Mnni
luht HiiininiT in ii'iun in i"iniii, tlic
gnent if Muiri'iT Wool of 111.- Ore
goi: S iriticM ( m :i n .
.Mr. II. (i. Moiii liiii Iiiih iiccn
I'll'Cil a m llilllini; I'll'ltHlT f' if til'
Vl "Uvitl (illl'l lllllllliir I'ulll ll'lll V, :l'l'l
iw now on tlic
mi H .1 III. I II l
t V I4llli W l i'l'
tn (Ik- iiiiniii;.; fi
1'. .1. J farl ciituotothe city Fri
day rveriiiig.Jind after attonding to
vmiouH buaincss matters proceeded
to 1'ortlund whoro he will place
several hundred pounds of ore with
Hi. Bohemia dinpliiy at the Ki por
tion. 'I'lio ohm lire Holoctod from
the VcHuvhiM, Oregon-Colorado and
ICivi'ihi'lii inincH. Thoy are not
only l.i'iH lie iul to look at, but rich
in mliip, Komo of the Rpecimena
from tlio N'oHiiviiiH Mr. Hard says
will Hiiipiino even tho exhibitors
from better known rniuing districts.
Specimens do not nlwuya count but
in addition to tlio rich diiplay of
Bohemia oro already there, tbene
wijl help to turn tho eyes of mining
iritn toward Bohemia and that ia
what wo am after.
What the Prominent Mines Are
group of seven claims, adjoining tho ' grade, tho average assays being
$2.", an 1 there are some 200 tons of
oro on tho dumps.
Tho Phoenix group is also a very
prominent property, having three
line clainiH, a good lodge upon
which much work ban ben
Vesuvius, Munick and Champion
Homo Coo feet of work has been
done, and three veins have been
openod. An high as f't.'O assays
have been obtained.
Oeorge Cox is the owner of
several fino clairnH on tho Kidge I done, is well timbered and watered,
road, between the WarehouHO and j and ban an excellent mill sito. Ed
the Helena No. 1, notably the Bui-! JcnkH is the principal owner. This
hon, Gray Kagle and tho Midnight, I properly is situated on Horse
on which n Inrtrp nninnnt nf twr.rl- ! Heaven Creek, sonlhffmt. t.f tYm TJiv.
ilje lelloy group 01 BOVen Claims, has beon don. and nhowinrr i
owned by the Leltoy Mining Co., fully ur to hiB expectations.
- .
The Judson Bock group of nino
claims on the western slope of Pair
I'm lo Rol.crt Cary anl wife, who
have been HriMndinir a week with
their i?rniiilchildren Mr. ond Mra.
'I'. C. Lock wood at the Vesuvius
nt hi mil to Cottage (rove on Sat
i'i evening train. They report
i good vi' it un l great surprises in
tint way of work they saw going on
at (tie mmi'H, like many others in
Colliigi' Irovij they hud not before
leiih. d that a real live mining camp
with actual woik going on was so
near the city. Tho old couple
hinile I :ih they held t"iiiipl"N of ore
and a beautiful boipii t. corning from
the ti am and only for th biukoiijuxlfc
brought to J. II. Hiker's black
Ninilh hlimi fur lepairs the next day,
I'i'i it-Hi r anil aliil-I ini nun would have guensed that
i great ;ifipiisji r n ; I hey had ivlked the lat seyen
t nit v in IS jhrini i.
I Mr. M,
is situated on the north side of Fair
view Mountain, between Champion
Dasin and Golden Curry Gulch..
This is the first property in the
camp to install Leyner power drills.
The ore in this property is galena,
rich in gold, silver, copper and lead.
About 1500 feet of work has t een
ersido group.
J. IJ. Morgan owns two claims
below tho HiverHide group. He has
a lodge 12 feet wide, which pans
view Mountain is also making a wonderfully, much of tho oro being
good showing. Something like 'reo milling.
1000 feet of work has been done on : On Windy Creek the Big Rock
this property and assays ranging claim, is one of the finest properties
frorn 10 to if 30 have been obtained. n that section. It is clof-n to the
Tho .Syndicate group, owned by ' Mineral King, and tho ore taken
One Man Offers to Contract for
Delivery of Fifty Tons of
Ore a Day.
'.;.( ' ..".,.:. '
I - ' t. '-:TS'.vL
i iiuli M of th' ir joui tiny along Sharp's
ic ieekto Wildw "d owincr to the
Incident that eauHcd nlge driver
igle to come to lown nr rejiaira
('. II Ciliill ol 11' is:,, ii jH the
latent 1 1 v .ipivil in Itiiheini t Mr
CiihiH eiim i niii"l (o HjH tel li
wlinii:er Id e.imn, mid will see if h.
tiij htoi fH in- It He If ui'il'e ei,"
Willll ( u n';i'ind to itiVCHll'J'it'
it would be 1'i 'tei lor the dintiiet.
'J'h-t cabU) pipped off the lower
U'lininal wheel at the Vesuvius tram
way Friday, canning iputu a com
motion for a short liu:o. F, IJ.
Kohcrls narrowly em-apod Hrrioin
inimv He was HtatnliiiL' within
it.., i,',,,f nlv l.v two or threoll'n" '"" n woikinjf alone from early
tii. hi H would havo been cauglit. Hring. his work consisted of drivinff
The building was somewhat demol-; crons-cut tunuel to open a ledge of
mhed. but all is now in good repair K'1 or- lie una disclosed oy uigner
There was plenty oro in ' wormngH. n is uopeu mr. iving
M. King tins set the pace for
ihm g aHieHiiinent work well
and on time this year
He is owner of the White Iron
and Illuck l!ear claims located on
went hlopu of Kleplmnt Mountain,
liohemiii. Mr. King is sixty-eight
years o'd, 1m just rnturnod to the
tlrovn from his property where he
bins at the mill
was neccKHary.
and no shut down
l'rof. J. M. Hyde of tho state
university of Kugt-ne is again in
camp, tho boys ore pleased to seo
Trof. Hydo ho interested in Hohomia
and say to him cotno oftt-n and stay
long as you can. This invitation is
extended to any man whether a
Professor or not. if ho knows n mi no ! the porccntage of the
whon ho hccs it. l'rof. Hvdocortainly ' saying a grado of 500
it is
may still live to see handsome re
suits for his years of toil and easier
days for tho pohemia prospectors.
Hy a 10 per cent grade is meant
a rise or fall of 10 foet in every 100
feet of horizontal distance. If the
distance bo measured on the slope
it will fall short of the horizontal
distance, more or leis, according tJ
grade. In
feet to tie
docs know a good thing when ho milo, tho nine moasured on the slope
socs it and wo think that is why ho . is usually meant, and not the ho.i.
has returned to liohemin. .outal distance.
n r .
t .
, ' . V w- 0 . t . . ''S'S-
1IW '
fa. xjsc:-
r -4' 1."
Cottage Grove, on S. P. Railway, Gateway to Bohemia.
done on this property, and the
management proposes to push
operations with vigor. The ledge
on i ue ucjvoy averages six leei in
The Grizzly group of five claims
is situated on the west slope of
(Jrisley Mountain, and is opened
up by 600 feet of tunnel. A fine
six-foot ledge is shown, giving fair
values. Alfred Johnson, J. C.
Klopfenstein, Henry Johnson, Dan
Byrne and Fred Byrne are the own
The Hiawatha group of three
claims on the west slope of Fair
view has 450 feet of work doue, ex-
osing a five foot ledge giving good
values ic free gold. The property
is owned by the Hiawatha Mining
The Gold Hill & Bohemia Mining
Company owns the Wall Street
who wan:
vp-to. date
E. Lockwood. Ed Jeuks and Dau
Colton are adjoining the Noonday
and the Helena 2so. 1 is composed
ol seven claims, and hM-frw tun
nels opening up the ledge, besides
several coss-cuta and surface open
ings, all of which show a fine grade
of quartz. It has a good cabin, is
well timbered and watered, has an
excellent mill site, and a good
wagon road passes over a portion of
the property.
The Homer and the Monarch
claims, adjoining the Gold Cross,
has tunnels and several surface
openings, and in all tbt workings
fine ore is to be seen. In the Pres
ent workings of the upper tunnel
only one email vein has thus far
been exposed, and the width of the
ledge cannot be determined untii a
cr09s-cut is made. The full face of
the tunnel is in solid quartz of high
from it extremely rich and in large
volume. Some 100 feet of tunnel
ing had ba run on the vein, and a
large quantity of valuable rock ia
now on the dump.
.The Mineral King group of five
claims, owned by A. V . Zinicker, is
situated on Horse Heaven Creek, its
principal ledge being a continua
tion of the Mckinley, of the Iuver-
side group. About GOO feet of work
has been done on this property, and
sortie good looking ore exposed.
1 he Mayflower group of six
claims and situated on Horse Heaven
Creek is owned by the Mayflower
Mining Company, W. P. Ely, of
Kelso, Wash., is the priucipal stock-
Bohcmia, Ore., July 12. At au
important meeting of tho Bohemia
Mine Owners' Association this week
eteps were taken to interest some
smeltermen in Bohemia camp. One
.mining man Mated that in cao in
terested parties put up a smelter, ho
would sign a contract to deliver ."iO
tons of ore per day. With the amount
of ore from one man, it isconaiJcred
an assured fact that, a smelier would
pay if once put in operation. Men
I who are now doing nothing with
i their properties would proceed to
'active development.
J Many a miner in camp has to be
I content with doing assessment work
I of 5100 per year and has to get out
j and rustic to Locp this up. With
j the advent r.f a smelter, he would
I uiar'n.t a few tons of his ore per
; wetk and keep developing his claim,
i i'h e luiners of Bohemia arc deter
I mined men, and intend to put their
. ':'! let "n a good footing.
1 cw people realize the struggles
f'.'f 1 .;i.-:ttnc that the miner alone
'iv. 1;: a lonely spot he selects a
'; , buiids trails and gets in a
: supply of provisions. Ho builds a
'e-1 "ii t:id the visitor is treated like
a king, us it is Fehloin he has a
; cailer.
j This description of the life of the
i average miner of Bohemia is for the
I purpose o f showing the trials
j through which he must go. Not,
I louy will these conditions exist, as
! Bohemia is very near tLe dato when
it will receive attention from smclter
I men and other men of means. Her
ore bodies are very extensive, and
although some are low grade, there
are many high-grade propositions.
Bohemia is entering upon an ex
tensive campaign, and if her men
were men of means, no visitor to
the Lewis and Clark fair would go
home without a knowledge of Bo
hemia and her richness. Situated
on one of the most beautiful spots
in Uregon with a view of many
snow-capped peaks, Bohemia is an
ideal summer resort. An expert
who recently visited the camp said:
it JUouemia were in Colorado, every
edge in the camp would
hi 1 rri 1 i icugiiiu Liie K.amu wuum uo a ITO
nlrlfir I hm nrnnnrtv it nntTil nn ' , 0 . . r a t LKJ
k u ' l i.-i. - ...-5.,. ii. I ducer of Tu
ujr uuuui uaii a u'ueu iuuut?is,
total development work aggregate
perhaps 1200 feet.
A cca vc a ucri rrn
e precious metal. The
people of Oregon do rot realize the
(great possibilities of her mining
(Continued ou page 8.)
Contiuneil ou pae I.
We Will Clean
0ir spring eurd summer goods
at actual wholesale price
Remnants and Odds and Ends in
New Goods for Summer Wear
Ladies' low shoes in Tai and Black. Men's
Oxfords in Pateat and Tans.
We are showing any kind d ababyshoe you want
Dry Goods, Mens and Boys
Hats, Mens and Boys
Clothing, Ladies Fur
nishings, Mens Furnish-
Goods, Etc., Etc.
r-N -tn -tn -r-
Gar man, Heme n way Co.