VERDICT IS GUILTY John il. Mitchell Convicted ol Crime Against Nation. STEPS TAKEN FOR NEW TRIAL If Nocnssary Case Will Da Taken to tha Supreme Court of th United Statu. Portland, July 4. At 1! o'clock last night, w ild llin din of exploding Urn ,rackera almost drowning tint words o Captain SIimIoii, Senator John II Mtichcll, who (or 'i'l years ha sat in the senate of the United Stales, Mat- n'l to tlm reading of tlio verdict that pronounced li 1 in guilty. Although hard lilt, as a man must l.d unlr audi awful condition, Scna- tor Mitchell retained his comiHisure Tears welled Into hi eyed and It in voir-) shook, ami, an he slowly rose from Ida seat, after tint jury had been ji'iIIimI ii i i i I con it wiin adjourned, lm tottered ami for the brief spell of per haps a minute the shocking force of the Verdict Seemed suddenly to Ullloal iion liia shoulders every one of those 4 0 years through which III! has pllHHcd, and lie became old, very oM. With an effort which showed that he hum still fighting, ft ill not without hope, for ex Senator Thurston, hh hood hn the jury was polled hud moved for it new trial, lie straightened up hia lieut figure in a way that aeemed to say, "there ia yet another chance. Senator Mitc hell will not rent under the vi rdict of the jury an returned hint night, hut will take the mutter to the Supreme, court of the United States, if necessary. Senator Thurston, one of the counsel for the defense, when asked iih to the future coo thu of the defense, said : "On Monday next the court w ill hear a motion for a new trial on the part of the defense, mid if that is denied, the mailer will p taken to the Circuit court of Appeal in Han Francisco, and from there, if necessary, to the Su preme court of thu United Stated. Of con i Me, other than that statement, I ran liuve nothing to nay aa to what I think of the outcome of the trial." John Newton Williamson, Ir. Van Scalier and Marion It. 1 ' i k n will I"' I roii;li t face to face with the United StatcM court on Friday morning at 10 o'clock to imawcr to the indictment ch.irging them with sulsirnation of perjury, in having induced 100 ieraonR to swear fnlmdy in regard to entries made upon timher and atone land in the vicinity of l'r inevi lie. Judge )e 'Haven act Friday morning ia the time for beginning the trial when court waa called yesterday morn 'ing. lie also atate(l that he would fix W dncsday morning hm the time for taking up all laud fiuud cases in which tlcmurrcr had been tiled Hguinst the indictments. He would then act apart a time for hearing the arguments in those cases where audi hearing waa necessary. DESTROY REBEL SHIP, Russian Government Sends Torpedo Boat on Trail of Potemkin. ItueharcHt, Koiimanin, July r. Ad vieea to the government from Kustenji Mate that the Russian torpedo I oitt Hincltiloy hud apeared off that port and hy aigual had requested informa tion concerning the reliel Russian bat tleship l'otcmkin. Il in said that the torpedo I mat ia manned liy a select crew and has heen commissioned to at tack and dink the rehel ahip upon flight. When the port authorities sig naled hack that thu l'otcmkin hail left the port, the torpedo hoat retired in the direction of Odessa, for which place thu Potemkin ia belcived to have si t out. At all Roumanian porta where Rub tdun warships are now lying there is reported great Hgilation among the pallors. The Russian vessel Rulgarie, owing to an outlueak among her crew, has heen indefinitely delayed at the port of Isiualia. Rebels Proclaim General Strike. St. Petrsbuig, July 5. The execu tive committee of the Social Rcvolu lioulHts Iiiih iHHiied a stirring appeal t mmouing the workmen and all classes of society intercHted in the overthrow of the present regime to show sympathy with nil thoHe who fought for freedom at Lodz, Warsaw, Odessa and other places, hh well as with the sailors who mutinied at Odessa and I.ibau. hy inaugurating a general political strike. The leaders have supplemented this by proclaiming a general strike for Thursday. Armistice is Next Thing. St. Petersburg, July 5. With the completion of the arrangements for the Washington pence meeting, President Roosevelt has resumed Ids efforts to bring about an armistice. No light in thrown upon the actual status of the negotiation!) and the clmracter of the communications passing between the Kussian and Japanese government!! and "WaHhington. The matter ia exceeding ly delicate, but the outlook for success is not unpromising. Prepares to Fight Hungary. London, July 5. The correspondent of the Daily Mail at Vienna asserts that Archduke Kruncis Ferdinand has initiated military preparation with a view to the eventuality of Hungary at tempting to recede from the dual monarchy. DE HAVEN SETS DATES. Mitchell Case Disposrd of, He Turns Attention to Others. I'otlland, July (1. Judge i Hhvi a bmy mini yesterday and will lm eipuilly busy today. The end of the Mitchell trial has not brought surcease from work, and the interval betwef the llrst case and the one of J. N. Wil lianiMon set for Friday morning will till the hours of the Federal court will act ion and hurry. Yesterday morning all of the land fraud ciiH' were taken up by the court and fixed upon the calendar for consid eratlon. Times were set for hearing demurrers to the many Indictments now pending in different cases, dates were fixed for listening to arguments upon pleas in abatement ami days si apart for arraignments and pleadings of those defendants who are now wail Ing for the call of the court. Thu Mitchell and Hermann cast were put at the foot of the calendar, as was the case against F. P. Mays, and the many defendant made prominent in the I'uter-McKinley land fraud case of last winter. Today the great major ity of the defendants will either plead or will bring their motions for erior before the court, after which the casi will he set, as near as possible, upon the docket for trial TORNADO IN TEXAS. Zigzags Across Country, Smashing Everything in Its Path. Fort Worth, Texas, July (i. A tor mnio which struck i exits in tin- upper edge of Montague county, coming from the northeast and swinging far into the southeast, this afternoon caused the loss, it is believed, of 40 lives. 1'iiuiei large iiuiiiImt of people, and did tin am told daiuaue to gi owing crops attle. Fortunately the tornado missed the small towns in the section throng) which it swept, but it sigzaggetl in such a way as to take in the homes of manv farmers ami stock raisers in the sec- lion. At Jacksboro the force of the wind was terrific. The Baptist church and 20 other buildings were blown off their foundations, ami a number of buildings totally destroyed. Mrs. Travis (.'al houn was seriously injured. Travis Calhoun, Mrs. Horton and Henry Wes ser and family were also injured. At Montague no lives were lost in the town, but in the country great loss of life is reported. The w ires are dow n in all directions, and it is ditlienlt to get particulars. Ten persons are known to he dead in the tieiLrhhorhisMl of Montague. Most of those killed lived on Salt creek, along which the tornado swept with special force. At Nacona the tornado passed a few luiies to the south, and later lists give the dead at 14 and the Injured at 41. TRAIN IN DITCH. Great Northern Passenger Track and Cars Burn. Leaves (Srcat Falls, Mont., July's. A spe rial to the Tribune from Willison. N. I)., says No. 3 west bound passenger tram on the (treat Northern was wrecked at Spring ltrook, about 12 miles west of there. A car in the mid dle of the train jumped the track just before reaching a switch. At the switch this car went on the side track and a complete wreck followed. All the train left the track except the engine. Kxploions followed im mediately and pet the w reckage on fire. Seven cars were completely destroyed by the tire, but the passengers all es caped through the windows and only a few were seriously injured, although a large number were plightly hurt. The injured were all brought to Willison and it is believed none are fatally hurt. The train was running at a high rate of speed, but no more than the regular run calls for. Where the car first left the track there is absolutely nothing wrong with the track and no one can account for the accident. All of the other cars passed over the place, and had it not been for the switch no seri ous results would have followed. All the mail wns saved. Russian Paper Plays Ghoul. St. Petersburg, July 0. The Novoe Vreinya, which alone of the lending pnpers here attacked President Roose velt for forcing peace endeavors, has been printing a series of articles to prove that American intrigires and American instigation were responsible for the war. It now asserts that the same causes brought about China's request to he represented in the nego tiations. It says that Mr. Hay's doc trine of the administrative entity of China will be buried with its author, but the fruits of his policy will remain. Road Into Klamath Falls. San Francisco, July 0. The Califor nia Northeastern railway filed articles of incorporation today, with a capital of $5,400,000. The incorporators are A. H. Noftger, G. X. Wendling, C. M. Cross, president of the Farmers' and Mercants' National bank at llanford; CJ. K. ISittenger, cashier of the Los An geles National bank, and II. Nathan. One terminus of the road will be at Weed station, on the Southern Pacific, and the other at Klamath Falls. Convict Strike Quelled. Salt Lake City, July fl. Twenty con victs at the state penitentiary struck today, refusing to work until improve ment was made in the food and other accommodations. After the strikers had been placed in solitary confinement and handcuffed to the ceiling for several hours, the strike lost its popularity. FLOOD IN MEXICO Water Sweeps Down Narrow Can yon, Drowning Many, MINING TOWN IN PATH OF FLOOD Reports of Dead Vary From 100 to 1,000 Storm Came Suddenly in Dead of Night. Mexico City, July 4. UejMirts current here that from 100 persons are up ward, with one report claiming even 1 ,000, have leen drowned in a great flood at Ouanajuato, a mining city now the important seat of activity by several large American and British companies. The wires were down all day yesterday, and the roads were irn passable. No news has been received and two rcisirts are current, one saying 1,000 were killed, another says that at least 100 were drowned. I .ate tidings are that Guanajuato is completely flooded and water is already invading thb higher parts of the town while there is fear that the Laolla dam may give way, which would mean com plete and general ruin. I he city is huilt in a great gorge in thu mountains, and the streets ramble up the mountain sides in picturesque fashion. A storm began furiously on the nigh ol Junn .10, ami after midnight no one dared to go to bed, so tremendous was the fury of the elements. The water rose in the lower or business streets flooding shops ami damaging thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. The lower streets became raging tor rents as the water poured in rivers down the upper streets. Ioors were smashed in by the force of the water, and windows were no protection against the furious II cms 1. Later advices state that it is known that over 100 lives were lost at (Suana junto. A dispatch to President Kohim son, of the Mexican Central railroad, says there are 1,000 dead at (iuana juato. The town of Marafilo, just inflow Guanajuato, is completely wiped out. PEACE ENVOYS NAMED. Russia and Japan Announce Repre sentatives to Washington. Ojster Hay, July 3. Otlicial an nonricement was made by President Kootevclt today of the names of the Kussian and Japanese envoys to the Washington pence conference. The Imracier and ability of the men se lected by '-loth belligerents is an earn st of the desire of thtir respective goV' ernments to cinclude if possible the tragedy being enacted in the Far Iast I'.y direction of the president, Secre tary Loch made the formal announce merit in the following statement: The president announces that the Kussian and Japanese governments lave notified him that they have ap ixiintcd pleniiHitentiaries to meet here (Washington) as soon after the first of August as tMissible. The two Kussian denipotentiaries are Ambassador Mur avieff, ex-minister of justice, and now ambassador at Kome, and Ambassador Koscn. The Japanese plenipotentiaries are I'.aron Komura, now minister of foreign affairs, and Minister Takahira. "It is possible that each side mav send one or more additional representa tives. The plenipotentiaries of both t'ls-ia ami Japan will be entrusted with full iower to negotiate and con clude a treaty of peace, subject, of ourse, to ratification hy their respect ive home governments." Coal From Captured Collier. Odessa, July 4. It is announced that Me ctcws of the warships which have mutinied have sent on shore dele gates to confer with the port officials regarding terms of surrender. They secured a quantity of provisions from the captain of the port and later on captured a collier and replenished their bunkers. It is believed that they will ie granted amnesty and that following such action by the government thev will surrender. It is announced that the Iobs of the recent rioting is between L'0, 000,000 and $25,000,000. Magoon Minister to Panama. Oyster l&uy, July 3. President Koose- velt today authorized the announcement that he had appointed Charles I) Ma goon as United States minister at Pan ama. Judge Magoon is at present gov ernor of the canal zone, at Panama, and a member of the executive commit tee fo the Isthmian Canal commission. Piior to his appointment on the canal commission lie was t lie law ollicer of the insular affairs bureau of the War lepartnient. Armistice Rests with Japan. St. Petersburg, July 4. Negotia tions for a armistice between the armies of Kussia and Japan, it can be definite ly stated, are now in progress, presum ably at. Washington; but they have not reached a stage where any further an nouncement can be made. The decis ion seems to rest with Japan, which country is weighing the relinquish ment of the prospects GI bettering her present advantageous position against the enormous cost of lives and money of another great battle. Advance on Vladivostok. London, July 4. The correspondent ol the Morning News at Shanghai says that the Japanese ate advancing on Vladivostok and that a battle is im minent near the Tumen river, PUSHING FORWARD AT CENTER. Japanese are Fortifying Each Village Thev Occupy. Headquarters of the Kussian Army, Oodyadarn, Manchuria, July 4. Ac cording to information brought by per sons arriving from the extreme west, the reports that the Kussian right had been turned are incorrect. On the con trary, it is said that General Nogi's army which, on June 10 was far to the west wan) of the other Japanese armies, has since been moving in the direction of Chaiigtufu, and the pressure brought to bear against the Kussian cavalry flank it was thought was for the purpose of covering the retreat of the main force. The Japanese are slowly pushing for ward their center. They are strongly fortifiyng each village occupied by them, and are making a demonstration of considerable force near Hailungcheng 90 miles east of Changtufii. The oper ations are proceeding slowly, and a general engagement is improbable be fore the end of July. Keports that General Mistchenko violated Chinese neutrality in his re cent raid are officially denied. Mem bers of the staff who have traced the route taken by him say that at no time was be closer than 14 miles to the Mongolian frontier. FORCED TO DELIVER GOODS. Chicago Parcels Express Companies Enjoined by Court. Chicago, July 4. Action taken yes terday by Judge Holdout, of the Supe rior court, is likely to cause a spread of the teamsters' strike to the drivers em ployed by the local parcels express companies, who do business through the city and suburbs. The Employers' association filed, two days ago, an ap plication for an injiicntion preventing these companies from refusing to make deliveries to and from the boycotted houses, as they have been refusing to do since the commencement of the strike. Joudge Iloldom isseud a temporary injunction agairiBt three of the express companies which have refused to de liver merchandise. Those against whom the injunctions were issued are: The Johnson Express company. Page Brothers Express company, and the South Chicago Steamboat FJxpress com pany. These companies, by the court's oroer, will lie compelled to make deliv eries for all merchants without discrim ination. The court fixed the bonds at $10,000 in the case of the Johnson company, in each of the four bills against it, and 1 3,000 each against the others. STUDENTS MAKING BIG FUSS Chinese Government Does Not Want Coolies to Come to America. Detroit, July 4. Charles Denby, diplomatic adviser to the viceroy of North China, who is visiting relatives here, does not take a serious view of Chinese threats to boycott American gods owing to the Chinese exclusion act. Mr. Denby, who has for 20 years been in close touch with political and ommercial affairs in China, said: "The Chinese government is not back of this agitation, and it is not support ed by the merchants. It is probable that Chinese students are making the trouble. The students of China, like those of Russia, are a factor in politics, young, hot-headed fellows, educated abroad and with advanced reform ideas. 'China is satisfied with the present exclusion laws. I Lelieve that if we repeal these laws China would pass an act forbidding the coolies to come to thi8eountjv. The government has a ontract with the big mineowners in South America to supply them with labor. The government gets a royalty on all the labor furnished, and cannot get men enough. It has recruiting agents all over China now. "The Chinese do not want their la- lHircrsMo come to America. All China wants is a fair, just administration of those laws, that students and merchants he aMowed to come in undisturbed and no discriminations." Stevens Succeeds Wallace. Washington, July 4. Secretary Taft has appointed John F. Stevens, of Chi- ago, chief engineer of the 1'unaniH anal commission, with residence on the isthmus. Mr. Stevens succeeds John F. Wallace. Mr. Stevens also will be made geueial manager of the Panama railway. Ho will not be a member of the isthmian canal commis sion. His salary will lie f;iO,000 a ear. Mr. Stevens is now in the serv ice ot the I'liiiippine commission as inspector in the construction of 1 ,0 JO miles of Philippine railways. Open to Japanese Trade. Washington., July 4. The State de partment has been advised by the American minister at Tokio that the Japanese military commander has, by proclamation, opened to the Japanese merchants for trade and travel the fol lowing Mauchurian towns: Pashiko, (old Niu Chwang), Iliacheng, Anchan tien, Lyaonoang, Kaiping, Sengvang- heng, Saimachi. The information was givea the American minister that this action was purely military measures. Darling Offered Stevens' Place. Washington, July 4. W. A. Darling of Chicago, who is connected with the Rock Island Railway, has been tendered an appointment to succeed J. F. Stev ens in the work of railway construction in the Philippines. Ilia appointment has not yet been announced olllcially, but it is understood ho will accept the place. CRAff IN lilrtn "Ah, darling," breathed the Impassioned wooer, "why do you not say 'Yes? Can you not say It?" "Dear me, I could say it," responded the honest damsel, "but If I do, then yon will Immediately stop making all these pretty speeches." Omaha Use. PRIDE OF MINNESOTA, Magnificent New Capitol One of the World's Flnet HaUdlng-. Fifty yesrs ago "The Great North west" was a bowling wilderness, peo pled only by a few Indians and a handful of trappers and French-Canadian traders; fifty years ago this vast region bad not been surveyed, and cer tain sections of It had not even been explored, but to-day behold how differ ent Is Its aspect! There Is not a corner of It that has not been penetrate! by civilized be- 7 ' fee CA1MTOL OK MINNESOTA. Ings; there Is not an acre of It that has not been charted. A dozen States have been carved out of It, and the borders of the brush and timber lands are rapidly receding before the woodman with his ax and the farmer with his plow. In the near future there will not be left a single acre of unproduct ive land, for the gigantic projects of Irrigation that the Federal Govern ment Is undertaking will, within the next decade, transform every arid area Into a flourishing garden. This great Northwest territory com prises fully one-sixth of the entire area of the United States and Is now peo pled with 0,000,000 Americans who are engaged In various Industries, the an nual output from which aggregates, lu value, millions of dollars. If there Is one thing more than an other that has fostered this marvelous development. It Is the modern rail road. In the great Northwest there are over 50.000 miles of railway track and the capital that Is represented by the operating plants of all of the rail way companies serving the people of this territory amounts, In round num bers, to over ?2,50O,000,00O. It Is marvelous that such a transfor mation of a wilderness Into a flourish ing home of civilized Ixdngs could be effected within the short span of one human life; yet the progress made during the last decade Is still more re markable and the most reliable Indica tion of the Increasing wealth of this section of the United States is the erection of some of the finest public buildings to be seen anywhere on the American continent. The expenditure Involved in the erection of State capItols alone counts upward of VXKUHH). The State of Montana, with a population of but 2i:t,40, has Just completed a commo dious, new State House that cost In the neighborhood of a quarter of a million; South Dakota Is contemplat ing the expenditure of several thou sand dollars In enlarging and embel lishing Its present legislative hall, and Its twin State to the north has already appropriated a million dollars for the erection of a beautiful new capltol to replace the ramshackle frame struc ture that Is now used as a State House; Wisconsin has recently ap proved designs for a new capltol that calls for the expenditure of $10,0(K), (X)0; Iowa has spent a vast sum to re build her present structure that whs partially destroyed by fire; and Min nesota has Just dedicated a $5,000,000 marble palace to the use of the people. In many respects this latter struc ture Is the most remarkable In the United States, and to the tourist trav eler, 'who comes to St. Paul In the future, It will be a source of pleasure and Inspiration. When Glenn Brown, the secretary of the American Institute of Archi tects, of Washington, D. C, visited the new capltol of Minnesota, he declared It to be the finest structure In Amer ica to-day with the exception of the national capltol at WaHhington. Not o much money has been Bpeut on It COURTSHIP, as has been spent upon similar build ings elsewhere; but. In Mr. Brown't opinion, the artistic effect of the struc ture Is unsurpassed. The predominating feature of the building Is the massive marble dome, the largest in the United States. Un til its completion the dome of the Rhode Island State House at Provi dence held the distinction of being the greatest The dome of the capltol at Washington Is very much larger, but that U made of cast iron, painted white. The domes of St. Peter's of Rome and St. Paul's of London. llke wise, are larger, but neither of them Is constructed of marble. The Interior finishings of the build ing ere magnificent Marbles from al most every well known quarry In the world were Imported for use In the grand halls and legislative rooms, and beautifully carved woods for the ex ecutive offices. To see such evidences of art and cul ture in a country that but a short while ago, was considered a barbarous fron tier, is the most satisfying thing that can happen to a man who has faith in the great destiny of the United States as the leader of nations. C. T. Greene, In Four-Track News. N ON-BREAKABLE BAT. Wound with Wire or Some Other Strengthening Material, The baseball fan, or, more correct ly speaking, the baseball player, will hall the advent of the non-breakabls bat that has made Its appearance. This most desirable and hitherto unknown attribute of a baseball bat Is attained by cutting a spiral groove In the wood and Inserting therein, flush with the surface of lire bat some strengthen ing' material, such as steel wire or steel tape or sinew. The spiral Is mads continuous from a point Just above the handle, so as not to Interfere with a good, comfortable grip, to a point Just below where the ball ordinarily STEEL WIRE THE BAT. strikes. Care has to be exercised, of course, In fastening the ends of the strengthening material wound In the groove to prevent the development of weak spots, particularly at the handle extremity. The groove, of course, la not large enough to detract apprecia bly from the normal strength of the wood of the particular section used. They D.d Not Hare To. A family who had struggled the best part of a lifetime In a poverty-stricken portion of the city suddenly came Into the possession of a small Income, with the prospect In a few years of some thing more. Their long-crushed aspl ratlous revived, and the women of the family especially began to assume va rious airs and artificialities. They moved to a little place !n the country, and tried mightily to Impress their neighbors with their Importance. They talked constantly of what "peo ple In our position" should and should not do. Some of their town acquaintances came out to visit them during the sum mer, and one of the younger members of the family, a llttlo girl of 7 or 8, was showing them about the place. "What nice chickens!" exclaimed one or tne guests wnen tney reached the poultry yard. "They lay steadily, too, I suppose?" "Yes," returned the youthful hos tess, who really knew nothing at all about It, "that is, they could, of course. but in our position they they don't have to." Remarkable Generosity. "You say O'llannagan leaves the Orphans' Home a large legucy'f" "Bo dad, it's purty large." "How much?" Twelve children au' a jjout, betforral' ox