Bohemia Nugget tlohtmla Nnfffct Pub. Co. COTTAGE GROVE . . OREGON. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed form for Busy Readers. Co Rnumt of the Lett Important but Not Lett Interesting Events of the Patt Weak. The crew of the Russian battleship Potemkin has surrendered. France and Germany have reached an agreement about Morocco. Fire in the business section of Spo kane destroyed $120,000 worth of prop erty. The foreign press generally praises Klihu Root and say lie is a fit successor to the late Secretary Hay. John F. Stevens, new chief engineer of the Panama canal, is on his way to the isthmus to take charge of the work Two blocks of the business ana resi dence section of Goldtield, Nevada, have been destroyed by fire. Loss, $200,000. Three more of the convicts who re cently escaped from the government prison on McNeil's island have been taken. The other four are likely to bj captured soon. Pittsburtr has been stirred by the revelation of the fact that the million aires of the citv are paying siarcely any taxes. II. C. Frick, worth possibly $70,000,000, pays taxes on $10,000. Advice from various parts of Russia show that the effects of the war are telling terribly upon that unhappy country. Foreign merchants are clos ing their stores for lack of business and native merchants are barely kept alive. Baron Kornura, Japanese peace en voy, has sailed for the United States. A crisis is approaching in the Norway-Sweden matter. Swedish trcops are being mobilized along the frontier. Elihu Root will assume the office of secretary of state soon, but will not be able to give it his entire tie until Sep tember. President Roosevelt is deter miend to eliminate entirely the uea of any "pull" in securing promotions in the army and navy. The Sioux river is on a rampage at Sioux City, Iowa, and baa overflowed thousands of acres of crops and baa washed away many houses. Dunnite, a new explosive, is claimed to be th most effective in the world. A small charge will crumple in the side of the heaviest armored vessel. It is said that the Russian Reaction ary party desires to dethrone the czar and put in a stronger ruler who will be able to restrain the reform party. A report from Odeea says that a part of the Black sea squadron met and en gaged the rebel ship Potemkin. The vessel escaped. The entire fleet has been ordered to capture or destroy the Potemkiue. One lesson gained ly the American navy as the result of the Far Eastern war is the uselessness of the conning toner on war vessels. The Japanese gunners invariably disabled the ma chinery in these towers early in battle. Germany has forbidden French So cialists to speak in Berlin. A French submarine boat foundered with a crew of 12 on board. Twenty-six people were killed in the tornado which just swept over Texas. Paul Jones' body has been handed over to the American navy by the French navy with great ceremony. The city of Theodosia, Russia, has been set on fire by the rebel ship Po temkin and the garrison, instead of de fending the town, has looted the stores and ho u net). A report at Odessa says that the rebel ship Potemkine has been sunk. Continuation cannot Imj had. It is known that the Russian government lias Bent a torpedo boat after the vessel. Representative Payne, of New York, chairman of the house committee on ways and means, says the United States must continue the policy of en larging our navy. One of the eight convicts who escap ed from the government prison on Mc Neil's island, has been recaptured. American electricians have obtained the contract for the electrification of an Italian railway and have also closed contracts for electrical equiment to be installed in Japan. The value of these contracts ia about $2,000,000. More mob outbreaks are occurring in Poland. Six desperate prisoners have escaped from the government prison on McNeil island. The largest bank in Topeka, Kansas, has failed. Five hundred perished in the flood at Guanajuato, Mexico. July 4 the admissions to the Lewis and Clark fair were 68,708. Canton, China merchants have pro tected to Roosevelt against Chinese ex elusion. The beef trust has an army of law vera to defend them aguiust the attack of the government. WITNESSES FORGET. Important Testimony In Land Fraud Catet Hard To Get. Portland, July 9. Three witnesses lot leeii heard ill the trial of Representative Williamson, Dr. Van Gesner and Marion R. Biggs, whose I cases are Wing heard before Judge De Haven. They have given damaging testimony, but it lias oecn literally dragged "from them, and yesterday morning when Henry Beard was testi fying, Judge Ie Haven turned to Dis trict Attorney Heney and said: "Mr. Heney, you may lead the witness, for it seems as If this ia the only way you can get anything out of him." Thia statement came from the court after his honor had listened to the ex amination of Campbell Duncan, Green Beard and his son Henry. Hardly had the direct examination of Duncan got ten under way than inferences that witness fo.- the government had been tampered with were being brought out. Duncan had a splendid ability to forget. 1 1 in memory in connection with the talk ami .Win that he had with the defendants was conveniently a blank. So was that of Green I Ward, who was another of the men who baa taken up a timber claim, which, it is alleged, was taken for Dr. Gesenr and Repre sentative Williamson, ins son rienry was also suffering from a bad memory, but after a severe shaking up both by Mr. Heney and Judge Bennett, he blandly admitted, when he was closely pressed bv Judge Bennett, that he had committed perjury in swearing to his timber entry affidavit. Shortly after the morning session convened, ex-Senator Thurston rose to make inquiry concerning the motion lor a new trial for Senator Mitchell, l-onn sel explained that he was a long way from home and that nothing save the nendimr motion was keeping him in Portland. Judge De Haen then an nnnnml that he would take Up the Mitchell case at 10 o'leock Monday TAFT'S ACTION CRITICISED. President and Cabinet Say Ha Was Harsh With Wallace. Chicago, July 10. A special tele gram to the evening rosi irom us Waahignton correspondent says: 'It is learney on high authority that President Roosevelt is not entirely pleased with the way in which Secre tary Taft treated Engineer John . Wallace, and this is one of the reasons ,ly the construction of the isthmian canal is to be entrusted to Secretary Root. In plain language, several members of the cabinet have expressed to Presi dent Roosevelt their disapproval of the treatment accorded to Wallace by Taft. They say Taft. did wrong in flying into rage and telling Wallace be did not ish to receive any report from the latter on the canal problem. The view of these cabinet members is that, if Mr. Walalee, whose reputation as an engineer is teyonu question, rounu natural obstacles to the construction of the canal that battle engineering gener ally, Mr. Taft might have found it out, and that he should have accorded Wal lace the private audience that he sought and not have required the presence of Mr. Cromwell, an ouUider." JAPANESE LAND ON SAKHALEN. Important Card is Played to Influence Terms of Peace. St. Petersburg, July 10. A landing of Japanese troops on the island of Sak halin was officially reported tonight, and startles military circles in St. Pet ersburg, though it has been realized since the defeat of Admiral Rojestven sky that the Japanese were able to take possession of the island as soon as they thought fit. The strength of the land ing force cannot be ascertaineJ, but the garrison of the island is too weak to offer an effective resistance. Though the Japanese seem unwilling to risk a grand battle with General Linievitch, pending the peace meeting at Washington, the landing of troops on Sahkalin is considered to express Japan's decision regarding the formal conclusion of a general armistice, namely, that in the interim before the meeting it is necessary to occupy the island whose possession is an important caid in Japun'o diplomatic contest at Washington. Mitchell Only the First. Boston, July 10. Discussing alleged land frauds in the West, Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock today said: "The conviction of Senator Mitchell is the first of many which we hope to se cure in the near future. We have been working on this matter for several years, and we now have got to where we hope to accomplish results. We have 12 indictments in Montana of so called stool pigeons, people who have impereonated insolvent homesteaders and turned over the certificates for money." Russia Consults Powers. Berlin, July 10. A report is in cir culation here that the Roumanian gov ernment has asked the powers to ad vise what treatment shall be accorded the crew of the Russian battleship Kniaz Potemkin, which mutinied and who surrendered to the Roumanian au thorities today. Russia demanded that the crew be surrendered to her; Austria and Germany advised Roumania to give them to Russia, while England, France and Italy advised their release. May Break Out When Ltd it Off. Odessa, July 10. It ia officially an nounced that quiet prevails in Odessa, but it W feared in many quarters that an outbreak will follow the lifting of the state of siege. The governor gen eral today issued a proclamation threat ening those circulating false reports with punishment under military law. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST ROGUE RIVER VALLEY HOPS. Acreage Hat Been Doubled and Yield Promises Well. Grants Pass Hop prospects in the Rogue River valley are superb this year, and thia district ia rapidly vetting to be one of the steadiest and best hoi producers on the Pacific coast. It too early yet to aay what prices will be but they stand at present at 24 to 25 cents, without buyers, and little or none offered by growers. The "Eng lisli clutter la a lltlte "oil in some sections of the valley thia year, but the natives are reported very strong. The crop of lS'Ort will nearly double the acreage of that of 1!04, which waf in the'neighhorhood of 300 acres, or alout 300,000 pounda; the average yield I ing 1,000 iHHinda per acre. Hop growers have at last Wen a runs ed from their long sleep, and manv of them have given their yards splendid fertilisation and cultivation tlr.s year John Rauaxan, who has the largest yards in the county, comprising 87 acres, and several others in his vicini tv, whose yards lie along the Imnk of Rogue river, have installed splendid gasoline engines and pumps, so that their yards will be finely irrigated. The total acreage of yards in the county at the present time is 70S acres, of which the new yards planted thia year and which will not le in full I ear ing until next year, comprise 1(0 acres, leaving 648 a roes of yards which will be in full bearing the present year. A great many parties have purchased land in the far famed Rogue river vallev with a view to putting in yards next year, ana should the price oi hops go up, the Rogue river valley will become one of the big bop districts of the coast Get Rival Phone Line. Albany The city council of Albany has granted the oft requested franchise to the independent telephone people, and in the near future construction will be commenced on the exchange of the independent people in Albany. All the independent lines in Linn and Benton counties are included in the company that hat secured the fran chise in Albany, and when the system is completed there will be a free ex change between the principal towns of these counties. It ia expected that spirited competition will secure a need ed better service in Albany. File Petitions Wrongly. Salem Unless the friends of the wo man suffrage amendment exercise more care than they have been doing, their initiative petitions for the submission of the proposed amendment will be fa tally defective. Secretary "of State Dunbar baa received several petitions on the blanks prepared by the advocates of woman suffrage, but in his opinion the signatures on these petitions cannot be counted in making up the total num ber of signatures for the iniative. He holds that the separate sheets upon which the signatures are written shonlil be gathered together and filed at one time. Road May Go Into the Nehalem. Rainier A logging railroad into Rai nier is practically assured. The Ham mond interests have Becurcd a right of way from Dean Blanchard, the Deerdorf estate, and the Western Cedar company. W. E. Newsome has proven the only obstacle so far. The company owns 1,200 acres of heavUy timbered land about three miles from this place. It ia surmised that it is the intention to push on to the Nehalem, as the same parties were negotiating with S. Benson for his Clatskanie rood. It is possible that Mr. Rockie'a railroad will be ab sorbed by the new company. Pays for Teeth Made in 1870. La Grande William Proebstel re ceived this week a remittanace of $30 in payment of a debt that has been due 35 years. Mr. Proebstel was formerly a dentist and in 1870 he made a set of teeth for a young woman who married and moved away without settling the bill, and in the course of time the mat ter was forgotten as far as Mr. Proebstel was concerned. The missive came from a town on rugct sound, inclosing a draft for $30 and explaining what it was for. The writer stated that she now felt able to pay the bill. Music at Chautauqua. Oregon City Professor Frederick W. Goodrich, of Portland, who baa been engaged as instructor and musical con ductor for the Willamette Valley Chau tauqua association, reports that there will be 100 voices in the large chorus, which will include Mrs. Rose Bloch- Bauer and many other prominent Port land singers. Thia chorus w:ll be aug- umented by between 60 and 75 voices from this city. Two cantatas will be presented during the session. Wool-Clipping Delayed. Enterprise Sheep shearing in this county has been greatly handicapped by the heavy rains of the past ween. Unless better weather prevails the wool clip of thia county will not be disjosed of until the latter part of July. Refuse to Sign Lands. Klamath Falls The Shook brothers, of Dairy, B. B. Beekman, of Jackson ville, and Mrs. I). K. Ralston, of Ash land, are holding up government irri gation by refusing to sign their lands. HOP GROWtHS IN POOL. fane County Lines Up Under Krebs' Management. Eugene A large iuinilxi of hop growers of I-ane county met in Eugene last week to take preliminary steps to help form a gigrmtlc corporation to handle the crop of the Pacific const and to control prices. Conrad Krebs, ( Salem, president of the Krebs Hop company, which has tJ24 acres of hops at Independence and Brooks, ia at the head of thia big movement. A general convention will lx held at Salem some time in July attended by dclegted elected from the several bop listricts. At this convention the cor- juration will be formed. After its formation the crop of each grower will be transferred to the conoration, which will do all the sclliug. A lawwd of di rectors will be elected and the directors will appoint a selling committee which will meet in Salem every Saturday for the puriHtse of making sales ami report on the condition of the market!, etc nop experts win he called In to ascer tain the quality of eajh crop and keep it in its proper grade. Mr. Krebs is encouraged over his project, and stated that he believes that 90 per cent of the 1905 crop w ill be turned into this rorimration. After he gets Oregon thoroughly organized he will go to Washington, and then to New York state, and exiwts to have the en tire crop of the United Slates under control of the corjnjration. BANKS COME TO AID. Take Up Asylum Employes' Certifi cates of Allowance. Salem Arrangements have been made Iy which all employes of state institutions at Salem will receive the face value of their salary claims each mouth. Portland banks have agreed to take up the certitlctaes of allowance n- sued by Secretary of State Dunbar for the amount of the pay-roll of each in stitution, and hold these certificates until an appropriation loeoniea availa ble. They will depend uimih the next legislature to allow interest on the money, and Governor Chainla-rlain bus said that he will recommend that in terest be allowed. The amount of the salary claims will probably Imj $180,- 000 up to the adjournment of the next legislature. There will Ims no more discounting rf salary claims, but claims r supplies w ill be shaved as hereto- jre. Land Office in Portland. Oregon City At the close of businesa June 30 the business, together with tl e records and archives of the Oregon Ci'y -and office, were transferred to Fori land and installed in the Blazier build ing, corner of West P.irk and Washing ton street-?. Simultaneous with the re moval of the land office from this city, takes place a change in the name f the office, which will now le officially designated as the Portland Land office. Register Dresser and Beceiver Riheo will remove with their families to Port land thia summer. Plant Rainbow Trout. Cottage Grov Thirty thousand rainbow trjut have arrived here, ship ped by the goveriirnnet bureau of Fih- nes. Iweiity thousand came It D. T. Awbrey and 10,000 to the Oregon A Southeastern railroad company. These trout are to be distributed in branches trd)iitary to the Willamette river. They w ill be placed in small elearwater streams and will 1 held there until old enough to breed, -and then turned loose. Fields Lie Flat. En'e-prise Recent h'avy raina in this section hav caused much of the heavy grain and first crop of hay to fall. The grain which has fallen will necessarily have to Ins cut for hay, as it cannot be harvested with a binder or header. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 82(383e per bushel; bluestem, 8i)90; valley, nominal. Barley Feed, $22(322.50 per ton; rolled, $23.50. Oats No. 1 white, feed, $30 per ton; gray, $30. Hay Timothy, $14lfl per ton; clover, $1112; grain, $U512. Eggs Oregon ranch, 2021c per. dozen. Butter Fancy crearnery,1721 Jc Poultry Fancy hens, 12I3u; mixed chickens, 1 1 1 2c ; turkeya, live, 1819c per lb. Fruita Strawberriea, $2(32.25 per crate; apples, table, $ 1 .500 2.50 per box; apricots, 85c$l per crate; peaches, 75 85c; plums, 0c$l; Logan berries, $1.25; blackberries, 75c; cherries, 6l8c per lb; prunes, 90c(f?$l per crate; raspberries, $1.75. Fresh Vegetables Corn, 30 ($ 40c per dozen; cucumbers, 40c(?$l; let tuce, head, 10c; parsley, 25c; peas, 25c per lb; radishes, 10(u5l2c per dozen; tomatoes, $1.753 per crate; turnips, $1.25(3140 per sack; carrots, 1.251.50; beets, $1(31.25. Potatoes Oregon fancy, old, $1 1.10; Oregon, new, $11.25. Beef Dressed bulla, l2c per lb' cowa, 34c. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 6c per lb. Hops Choice, 1004, 1021c per lb. Wool Eastern Oregon, best, 19 23c; valley, 2(s27c; mohair, choice, 31 32 He PC lb. WILLIAMSON FACES JURY. Dr. Van Qntner ami Marion R. Also Delnndantt In the Case. Portland, July 7. With the convic tion of Senator Mitchell sliding into history, those curious ones who were In attendance at this trial w III this mom lug again have the chance to witness another Oregon congressman before the bar of justice Representative J. N Williamson. With this incmWr of the lower bouse of congress w ill also lm tried Dr. Van Gesner and Marlon R Biggs. Williamson an.! Van Gesner were interested In the sheep business ami the siwclfic charge against them la sulMirnatiou of MrJnry, it being alleged that they Induced various persona to make fraudulent timber entries. It is charged that the alleged fraudulent oaths were taken lie-fore Marion R Biggs, who was United Slates commis sioucr at Prineville. The indictment which was returned against Williamson, Van Gesner and Bigg was returned February II, 1905, and it alleges thafthe three mcnnamed in the Indictment conspired to sulxiru certain persona to commit perjury w lneo names are set forth in the indict incut, to take up claims under the tim her and stone act, swearing when they took up tlose claims that they were not taken up for eculative purposes. While thia case w ill not attrait the attention that the trial of Senator Mitchell did, it nevcrthchs will be watched with great interest. Itepre seutative Williamson, until he was elected to succeeil Malcolm A.Moody, was a state senator in the Oregon legis lature. The fact that he was Indicted along with Senator Mitchell will give the case some national interest. DUNNE'S OWNERSHIP PLAN. Chicago's Mayor Proposes Corpora tion Shall Own Car Lines. Chicago, July 7. Mayor Edward F. Dunne told the city council tonight his plana for municipal ow nershii) of trac tion proix-rties. It was not municipal ownership absolutely, but, as the mav or explained, the nearest thing xsihle uniler existing conditions, ami he asked the aldermen to consider it carefully. Absolute municipal ow nership and op eration, the' mayor said, he docs not consider practical just now. The plan which the mayor offered provides for the iiicorixiration of a com puny, managed by five men who com mand the confidence of the a-ople of 4.'hicgo. To thia company is to lie granted a 20-year franchise, covering the streets in which rights of the old companies already have expired or soon will expire. It is to lie stocked to the amount necessary to establish a street car syBtem in these streets, roughly es timated at 240 mile. No bonds are to be sold. The stork is to te deiaisited w ith a trust company, which the live directors are to select, so as to prevent a pur chase of it and consequent control by outside interests. The stock is to be sold at x)pular subscription. At any time the citv may elect, It can take over the property on an ap praised valuation. ARMY READY TO REVOLT. Demand Political Rights From Cur for All His Soldiers. Iondou, July 7. The Moscow corre spondent of the Standard says: "I have received startling informa tion, the very nature of which renders its confirmation from official sources imH)Ssible, but which, if correct, may he designed to promote the revolution ary movement in Russia to a remarka ble extent. "It is that an ultimatum will short ly be presented to the czar demanding political rights in la-hall of the army. The date of the presentation will prob ably coincide with the completion ol the mobilization now in progress. "Two hundred thousand of the youngest and therefore the most dissat isfied members will then have received their arms ami will he under the com mand ol men drawn largely from civil lifo. I am told that the initiative has been taken in the garrison at St. Peters burg." Gorky Works for Freedom. St. Petersburg, July 7. Maxim Gorky, the novelist, who is living at Kokola, a small village on the coast of Finland, has refused u flattering offer to go on a lecture tour in the United States, preferring to remain for the purpose of aiding in the work of eman cipating Russia.' He is one of the re cognized leaders of the Constitutional ists, and ia visited daily by persons from all parts of Russia. He bus a large income, but gives the major tac tion of it to the cause which he has at heart. Still Stand by Strike. Chicago, July 7. The joint council of the Teamsters' union tonight refused to take action looking toward calling off the strike, and appointed a com mittee to procure funds to support the striking teamsters in their struggle. The committee appointed ia to be known as the "flying aquidron," and it will call on every union teamster in the city to donate a stipulated amount each week toward the support of the strikers. To Collect Data on Canal. New York, July 7. Two Panama canal commissioners, Peter G. Haines and Colonel M, B. Ilarrod, Bailed for Pauama today on the Saguranca, to col lect data concerning the surveys of the canal route and to prepare plana of thia route for use by the advisory board of engineers, which will meet in Wash ington September 1 . ALMOST BANKRUPT Philippine fioven incut Only. Kept Up by Sale ol Bonds. FILIPINOS REFUSE TO PAY TAXES Purpose of Taft't Visit to Islands la to Place Government on Safe Financial Baslt. Washington, July 8. Secretary Taft Is hastening to Manila to prevent an utter collapse of the civil government there as administered! by Governor Wright. The mystery of his mission and the urgency with which it its un dertaken are gradually being revealed. Early action of a remedial character In necessary In prevent the government fiom la-coming bankrupt through shott- age of revenue receipts. Governor Wright has not made pro. gresa In dealing with the i-HiptnoM. lie has asked thelu to obey the law and let it go at that. He has not sought to harmonize differences and se cure their co operation. As a result, the Filipinos are now refusing to pay taxes. They knew nothing aUiut land and revenue taxea until American rule was made effective. Taft succeeded In inducing the natives to pay these taxes. I ndcr right they refused payment. It Is impossible to sell the land for de linquent taxes. The 1 1 is-tease in Philippine revenue has la-en so great that nothing but bond sales has prevented a collapse of tho government. The money derived fiom selling ImiihIs and certificates of indebt edness has furnished sufficient funds to maintain affairs up to this lime, but the sums Ivor rowed must eventually la' repaid, and the situation has grown serious. Mr. Taft has gone to determine what can he done to develop revenues and to place the government on a safe Unam-ia! basis. M r. Taft hIho decires to confer with Governor Wright on the friar land question. the entire inattt r was ad justed after tedious deliberations, mid an arrangement reached satisfactory to the preci-lent and Mr. Taft. The titles were defective, and it was agreed to have new translers made, (lovcrimr Wright was asked for his approval and refused to give it. Il is considered imperative that this troublesome nucstion should te settled. TO MAKE ISTHMUS HEALTHY Shons Tells How Commission Will Care for Employes. Washington, July 8. Life on the Isthmus of Panama is to he made healthful, comfortable and enjoyable before 'he real work of digging the anal ia la-gun, according to an an nouncement of lad icy made tislay by Chairman Shouts, of the Panama Canal commission. Mr. Shouts said: "Our first duty is to create sound underlying conditions. This is now vastly more impoitimt than the moving of dirt. The men must have suitable houses in healthy surrounding; they must have v. holseome .and nourishing fisnl at reasonable roar; they must have suitable transportation facilities to get to and from their work, ami they muM have opportunity for recreation. 'It will bo the Hlicy of the commis sion to provdie them ecsent lal" as piiekly as possible, and to only in- rease the working force, aside Irorn the mechanics necessary to provide these iiccct-siticH us fast as the facilties indicated can lie furnished. 'So much has been said by the press of na exaggerated character about health conditions there that it may be wise to recapitulate the facts regarding yellow fver. There have been la tween 11,000 and 10,000 employes on tho isthmus since the disease first appeared in May. During that month there were 20 canal employes stricken anil two deaths. In June 30 canal employes were strietken arid there were four dtnths, two of those dying being Amer icans appointed in the I'uited Statca and two persona uppointed locally on the isthmus." Whole Battalion Slain. St. Petershiirg, July 8. General Linievitch in a telegram to the em peror dated July 5, and confirming the. defeat of the Japanese at Suvantse. when a Japaucsu battalion was annihi lated, says that after the capture of tho position and the (light of the Japanese, the latter were reinforced and resumed the fight, but all their attacks were re pulsed. The Russians captured consid erable quantities of supplies, and held the position until ordered to retire. The Japanese losses, General Linievitch says, were enormous. Root Hat Accepted. New York, July 8. It can bo defi nitely stated that President Roosevelt has offered the position of secretary of state to Elihu Root, and that Mr Root has accepted. President Roosevelt ar rived at Jersey City utli a, m. He bourdod a Pennsylvania Railroad tug and was taken to Long Island City, He left there for Oyster bay at 9:47, Paul Morton and Elihu Root, who ac companied the president from Cleve land, left the train at Jersey City, Refunding Hawaiian Debt. Washington, July 8. Prohldont Roosevelt haH approved tho Issue of $(100,000 of bonds by the Territory of Hawaii to refund the gold Ismds of tho Republic of Hiawaii, issued under uct of tb legislature of June 13, 181)0.