Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 12, 1905, Image 5

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n.iiiiHT Sliit l Waist
( n
I i l 1 . ; ' i 1 I f r I I it I
I , . 1 1 . ' I V ' f, J ( I f I Till' 'lrWWTfT
Mctcciird Kt.iiuinr, Mohair and J,;hviis. Also a large line of holies
Shiil Waists. l!c.l v;iliu-s ever sliowil.
Heinenway & Burkliolder
hi. A Av iV.v,
. . -I' f t 1
lu "" ;-' ; , :.oT"Tr' " : "v? ?
. T - - ' . -1 . ' j j (LJ ,.. r i j
The Ilotljic Jis yjivca pcricct separation
of Zinc-1, end -Ores
30.H Md'lice,
Meins of Interest in and about
Collate (irovc and vicinity.
Subsi i i!t- fur Uk- XnRct.
Il' Mil liullLMlli.l
(lll.-'.llv U!l (
Mis. A. W. Kiuu- ixpccts to re
turn from 11 iii1".mi l'l i'l.iy.
(ieo. I,c:i inat'.c ,i lmiiK-sH trip to
Voiuall.i S.ilunl.iy cvci.imr. .
Iv.sti.-r 1 1 utt bin son made a lniM
ness trip'u Cic--ivt-ll Sitnnlay niul
Jou Kuiim-k whs viNitinj; his
parents in the city Snmlay from
Ores well.
Attorney J. M. Wiili.un armed
in the city lrm Kn-'ene Saturday
MisHlvlna M.iitin w.-nl to Ivnc-ue
Saturday to !- the (.ui-'sis cf friends
in thut c ity.
I'r.. I'. T. M Ilvd- ol the State
- j
Uimvrsitv let'M lied
Ifridav and went
Mrs. II. Uiie l-i- '-e and little
daughter o! Coivallis au- vi.-.ilin;',
their many t'l ii.-mls ul this jilaec.
ltev. I'i'ese also visited here last
Friday lut has i. tvU iu-1 home.
Mr. and Mis. Main ailing and
daughter of South Dakota are the
iMiests of Mr- y,I,s- l!-
I'hillips. Together with Mr. and
Mrs. I'hillips they went cm their
outing in the mountains.
Uev. and Mrs. (ii ant Ste.vatt left
Monday moining for Portland,
where they will attend the Metho
dist congress of the northwest,
which is being held at thin time.
They expect to be gone about two
Dr. A. K- Dobney, ol Ontario,
Canada stopped over in the city
Friday. MV Dobney was looking
tor a brother, who had been work
ing in the logging camps, but
failed to find him.
Uev. Geo. l'eese oi v-pivuius,
wicii ill
fish in ir trin and Saturday
came into the city with quite a lot
of fine trout. Mr. Feese was a for
mer pastor of the M. IC. church of
this city and left Saturday for Cor
v illis Mrs. l'eese remained m the
city to viMit with frieuds lor a while-
I. IIowo is station agent here
in the absence of Mr. Isham.
F. A. Hathaway, who visited Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Metcalf, returned
to his home in Portland the last of
the week.
Miss Orace IHnghain, who has
been visiting her sister Mrs. David
t'iiggs returned to her home in
Fugene Monday.
'. 15. Pitcher's house which is
being remoelled and cnlargfdd by
W. I-'. Hart is neatly completed. It
will make a fine home.
Cards ate out announcing- that
Delia U. Durham, will bo married
to Mr. Albert A. Richmond Sun
day evening, July i6, 1905.
Mr. Ciicy, of the Grey Printing
Co. fell from his bicycie Saturday
i vercly spiaining his ankle. He is
going around on crutches, but hopes
soon to be able to walk unassisted.
Mr. W.A. Wanu and family of
Fugene, who have been camping
up near Wildwood lor a few days
returned home Monday. Mr Wanu
has been combining business with
pleasure, and is talking insurance
at odd times.
Tho condition of Mr. Iru Connor,
father of Mr. V. C. Connor, editor
of tho KoNeburg Plaindoalor, who
lives near town, is considered much
111010 hopeful. Tho groatoHt danger
btill lien from tho partial paralysis
of bin bowels, which all have hopes
may bo en red.
Mr. and Mrs. isham have gone
away on a vacation. Mr. Isham
will be station ogeut during the
Chautauqua to be held a few miles
horn Portland, and so be able
to. give hi.i family the bonefit of
the Chautauqua and still do some
Mr. 1 Inline, manager of the
,1 i.ii.v'nfMn Creek i Crown Deep Mine at Redding, Cal.,
ll.u V.V.-..J -- -J - . ... ... . 1 1,2.
wuu nas oc-vii up iuwbiu uvci
the UohemU district returned ou
Saturday and took the after
noon train for his home, lie states
that he thinks tho district has a
great future before it, and that it
will soon begin to do great things.
Miss Li?zic Hold has returned
from a vitit to Ktigcnc.
Miss. Akiich Rudolph, is visiting
her parents for n lew weeks.
Jvugcne Watlock was up here
Sunday from Ktigcnc with an"nuto"
Peg IJeiinett is in Poilland in
attendance at the Lewis and Clark
Miss I,cnora Hold, went to
Fugene, Tuesday to visit a few days
with her sister.
Mrs. Fryc, who Las for sometime
been 111 Washington, returned to
her home monday.
Mrs. W. T. Knyser went to
Ivtigcne Monday to attend a sick
sistor-m law, who had a surgical
operation performed in tho hospital
at that place.
Misses Celia Newman and Nate
Mc Donald of Madison, Wisconsin,
arrived in Cottage drove Monday
afternoon and arc tho guests of the
family of Mr. 0. O. Me Gilvary.
Rev. C. II. I,ake of Roseburg,
arrived in town Monday and held
his regular service at the Masonic
hall in the evening, in the interest
of the Episcopal church.
Friday was a very bad day for.
blacksmiths, as not only were J. H.
Uakcr and his helper badly kicked
by the name horse while shooing
him, but one of the Scbmitt's nlso
was kicked.
Tho ruilrr ad extension from the
former teiiniiiiiH of thn Peruvian
railroad nt Oropa to to llio mines at
C rp de Pasco was built primarily
to itid in the furtlu r development
and opi ration of the old mines nt
tli( hitter plae uhich were formerly
gt'iit pioducir of mIvit, Imt are
now bi'ing (,ikd fur copoi-r by J.
15. Hugfin Co. of Suw V01 k. 'The
rond is H2 md'n in li u'th. The
tiltituilH nt Oroya iH 12,'J.,(l fm t and
at Cerro lo Pns'-o is 11200 f ct,
...I: 1 'I 1 . 1
which ih ingiit-r tinin unv nooiitr
ramp in A nit i i'-a. t he inax nitim
ladc i 2 ' ili''i-t i-n ibn'it 220
tc-t I t'l"' mil and tli 111 iiiiiiiij
eiiiVH Id i(ic(h. Tho jails uro of
70 pound htet l. I- is imih cf the
higliist laibouls in world. -
The 1 : 1 i t i h 1 1 Coin in I. ia Flee trie
Kailrot i company introd-icci! profit
hIku in' tlin-o 3 ears ago, and it is
mnv Hiinoiinei'il thut th exp'rimeut
hns liei-n emini'iiily s itfietory.
Tho company tho men's
union, pays standard wages, and
frankly tnceU repreHentatives of the
union to discusa any matter which
tho men or tho management desire
to dii-cuNH. The company decided
that in addition to paying uuiou
wages, oue-tLird of the surplus earn
ings, after paying a four per cent
livuleud, ehould be distributed
yearly amoug all employees who
had remained in tho company's em
ploy at least ono year continuously.
This surplus is divided equally
among all employes, from the office
boy to tho general manager At
tho closo of 1002 tho sharo of each
employe was $23; at tho closo of
l'J03 the amount was $35, and al
though the amount for 1D01 has not
been nHcertaiued, it will probably
reach .f-10 per employe. There are
between 300 and 100 employes who
secure the bonus.
Absolutely Puro
Anniversary Services.
On Sunday, July oth, the Pres-
byteriau church in this city cele
brated the Jubilee anniversary of
its organization. Rev. Jacob Gil
lispy officiated in the organization,
and there were present Revs.
Samuel Dillard and Samuel Miller,
who assisted in the organization.
These fathers in the ministry with
nearly all who were then present
lave gone to the beyond but II. C.
Veach. "Uncle Burn" and Dr. Win.
Oglesby, who went into the organ
ization were present. Uncle Burn
was then ordained a Rluing lvlder
in the congregation and lor fifty
years has served his church in that
Of the number that went into the
original congregation thero are still
iving besides the two mentioned
above, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Curron,
who live near the city, but are
about niuety years of age and too
feeble to be present. Mrs. Sarah
Arm Bryant and Mrs. Derrick, both
iving at Yaquiiia Bay and Jackson
Vandcrvert of Crook county. Theie
were also presont at the organiza
tion, Mrs. Jane Veach, S. S. Veach,
Jas. Sears, Mrs. Geo. Kayler of
lacoma, Washington, who were at
tho services Sunday. Rev. C.H. Wal-
ace, Mrs. Harriet Wallace were
also present.
Mr. F.dgar king, clerk of the
session compiled smnu very inter
esting statistics from the church
recoids. There have been twenty
ministers that have served this
church. There are more than three
hundred names entered on the
records as mombers and Mr. King
thinks there were u great many
more because there have been as
much as ten years at a time where
there is 110 preserved record and
during those times those that are
u'ow liviug caii call to wind much
activity in the church, but the
records have been lost.
Uncle Burn Veach made a very
interesting talk on the early history
of the church, its hardships, dis
couragements and its success.
Rev. C. II. Wallace in a brief
talk recounted much of the work
of the church for the last forty
years and touching referred to the
work of the old ministers who
supported themselves and planted
the gospel of Christ in this county.
Dr. Oglesby very interestingly
and feelingly refered to the pioneers
who braved the dangers of a six
months journey across the plains,
to those who could drive an ox
team and endure the vexations and
not lose bis religion, and said, "Mv
father was the captain of the train"
in which were the class of people to
whom I refer and these 'men and
and women not only brought their
religion with them but their energy
and tbey hewed the logs, and built, a
house in which to worship God and
organized this church.
The choir sang some old time
songs as "Rock of Ages," "How
Firm a Foundation" and "Amaz
ing grace," and all entered into
thnn with a zest. Wben these old
people began to sing out of the old
Christian Psalmist and the Cum
berland Presbyterian Hymnal all
were interested. At the close of
the service Rev. Grace the pastor
baptized the two little children of
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan. It was a
fitting closing of this interesting
service. Mr. Grace says it was a
good day and will bear fruit.
F.ugeue Steam Laundry, Allison
and Hastings agents.
Hello! Metcalf & Brund?
Yes ma'm.. Phone main C5.
Remember that the Scholl jw
elery store is next door to Opera
You'll find a fine lino of traveling
neceHBitioH hero. JuMt now these
prices are lower than usual. Our
windiow shoes some of them.
More inside. . : : :
T 9
of any tool in always 11 (Jlraljes
one, but of equal Importance Is the
power of retaining this quality m, n
not to require too frequent xh.-irpcn
Ing. By making your purchases of
the tJriflin & Vc.itch Co. you always
receive your money's worth In the
bent quality of tools and cutlery of
proiierly tempered stct l that Ih ure
to hold an edgi
e- rf
Veatoh Oo.
936 was the number drawing the
steel range at the Wynne Hardware
Watch and jewelery repairing
absolutely guaranteed at the Scholl
jewelery store.
The Wynne Hardware Company
has a good Btock of first clsss re
frigerators, different s'zes.
Call at the Wynne Hardware! Co
store and see the combination wood
hay or grain wagon box, answers
all purposes.
You can't settle the trouble be
tween the Japs and Russians, but
you can get ice cream at the Wave
Confectionery store.
You can't afford to use a poor
plow. Oliver Chilled Plows are the
right kind. Sold complete or in
duplicate parts by Wynne Hardware
Dressmaking done at reasonable
prices. Will go out by the day or
take work at home. First house
north of Catholic church.
Bascom & Cahill.
During such pleasant weather
and good roads a very satisfactory
way to go to Kugene is to secure a
rig of the Fashion Stables and drive
there. By this method parties can
go and return at their convenience
and not be limited to time.
Oregon Patent.
Amusemont Device. J. C. Boyle,
Portlaud, Ore. Mr. Boyle's inven
tion refers to improvements in
amusement devices in the form of
sMdeways designed not only to af
ford pleasure to children but serv
ing as a means for healthful exer
cise, the object being to provide a
device ot this character that will be
simple in construction aud inexpen
sive, and that may be used iudoors
or in open air, aud that may be
couveniently folded for transporta
tion or when not in use.
All persons knowing themselves
to being owing Veach & Briggs are
requested to call and settle at once.
Veach & Briggs.
Cottage Grove Flour Mills
Flour and Feed
Remember thit the Cottage Grove Flour is sold
ots merits, at lowest living prices. We use 25
per cent hard wheat in our Pride of Oregon
brand. This Flour will produce more berad
per Back than the cheap varieties now offered.
Try it once and be convinced, and at the same
time encourage a home enterprise : : : : :
The occasion of the celebration of
Mrs. Mary Dickey's fiftieth birthday
on Friday, Juno 30th, was made
much of by her many friends. Din
ner wa 1 served at one o'clock, anj
was bo tine that everyone ate more
than they iutended to, however they
decided that Mrs. Dickey must be
a very Hue entertainer, and that at
fifty sho could beat them all. Those
present were: Rev. and Mrs. R. C.
Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Mr.
and Mrs. Pearson, MesoUnies Dun
can, Willard, Allen r.ud little
daughter, Sears, Ciwey, Newlaud
and granddaughter, Osburg, Mc
Kibben, Misses Ollio Willard, Edna
Grace, and Messrs Sylvster
Veatch, Charley Gates.
Dr. Wall, who was in the city a
short time last week expressed his
regret when inking the train for
PorM n il that he was unable to see
more of his friends while here, but
owing to some urgent imsuit Hs mat
ters, did not have thu opportunity
desired and wants those whom ho
failed to meet to know it was his
desire and intention to nee tht-iu
before his departure from the city.
Tacoma came to Portlaud Satur
day in groat numbers heir1 motto or
watchword beiug " utch Tacoma
grow." Vancouver not to be out
done adapted tho word, "Vancouver
grows without watching."
Honry Veatch went to Corvallis
Monday to Bpend the 4th with his
wife who has teen visiting there
the past mouth ,
Card of Thanks.
The parents and sister of Ituth
Valentine wish to express their
heartfelt gratitude to the many
friends who have so kindly given
their sympathy and assistance dur
ing the last illness of their daughter
Mr. an'u Mas. Valsxtixk anu children.
Mrs. Linnie Violette and daughter,
together with her parents wish !o
express their thanks to those who in
these days of sad remembrance have
been so ready with words of j-yiu-pathy
and kindness, aud whose
presence have lightened the sorrows
of the pas-ing of tho husband and
father Ivdmund Violette, to the
work! beyoud.
"ypam Vermifuge
3cillardSnow Liniment Co.
SoW auil roXMiniKuJtxJ by MuUuru t'Lwrmftu