BOHEMIA NUGGET BOHEMIA NUOQliT PUBLISHING COMPANY. Wm. B. Root, Editor and Manager. Untried at the poatoftloo at Col U rove, Orrfon iwind clam mull matter. srnsnti ptkn katks. month 1.00 lyear 1.f0 1 month f 2.00 If paid la advance. Clubbing Rates. The Bohemia Nugget one year villi any one of the following ptil llcntlons one year for amount sot opposite: Foelnc Monthly ?2.00 Weekly Oreponlan (Portland) $-.r0 Weekly Journal ( Portland) $L00 TATKR 1 kei.t on file at rv. 61 Chan-, San Knmeisoo, California, where eou E. V. Pnke ml (s Merchant Kx- inlvrrtlnlnf Arctic; racta lor ailvertlitlnK cu be mado for It. Wednesday. Juy 12, 1905 Russia seems to be getting in a worse way all the time, with mere revolutionary outbursts, mutkiys, riots, let alone the troubles the Japs are digging up every day. No wonder the czar is said to b- break ing down under the strain. Our American oarsmen do not seem to be able to make a suffici ently high speed to enable them to beat their English brothers. The Vespers, the picked Ail-American team from Philadelphia was beaten in the GranJ Challenge Cup races at Henley, last week. The President is trying to cut out of Armj' and Navy promotions an' element of "pull". He has some thing of a job ahead of him there, for it has been claimed, and seem ingly with good cause, that the service was greatly hampered by the poor officials installed through their ability to secure help from higher officials or politicians. It is one place above all others, where real merit honest attainments, and length of service should constitute grounds for promotion. Dates Made Famous by Paul Jones. 1747 Born July 6, at Arbigland, Scotland, and named after his father, John Paul, a gardener. 1759 Apprenticed at White Haven to a Scotch merchant engaged in the American trade. 1773 Determided to seek his tor tune in America, sailed for Vir ginia; engaged in the slave trade, which he soon quitted in digusL 1785 December 22, enlisted in the American navy, assuming the name of Jones. 1777 In command of a small fleet he harassed the coast of Scotland and attacked the port of White haven. 1778 Went to Paris and took com mand of 'The Bonhomme Rich ard." 1779 Sailed around Scotland and Ireland, taking prizes; boldly took practical possession of the English Channel. 1779 September 23 fought hi? world-famous battle with the British ship Serapis, which he captured. 1781 Received a letter of thanks from Washington and a gold medal from Congress. 1702 r.nierea ine Kussian navy (there being peace at home) with th rank of Rear Admiral. 1708 Being refused command of the Black Sea fleet, he resigned trom the Russian service. 1790 Returned to Paris, where he lived in poverty, lacking his promised Russian pension and prize money due hin from the United States. I792 July 18, died in Paris, and buried in an obscure cemetery. J95 April i4. Paul Jones's body found. 1905 July 8, "The Brooklyn" starts for America with the body of Paul Jones. At last has America begun her actual tribute to the memory of that famous old admiral. And not alone France, but all the world with her, have done honor to the man so long forgotten by his country. To Gen. Horace Porter belongs the honor of having by years of Daticnt and untiring energy, by sacrifice of money, personal interests and strength, sought out the burial place of the renowned dead. To him that first compelled the nations of the earth to respect Americas navy we now turn with deep appreciation. forgotten that this discrimination is not urged by those Cicrnimi nmnii fact titers who now export goods to the United States. It is not advo cated in any spirit of retaliation against ovir alleged high Tariffs on Merman goods. It is a policy advan ced in deference to the urgent de mand of the agrarian clement, which seeks to cripple our present export trade to Germany and cares nothing for Germany's present export trade to us. No concessions which might be made in Tariff rates by the United States would wenken the opposition of tho agrarian element to the importation of American foodstuffs into Germany. The square way of dealing with the situation is to give Germany precisely the same treatment that Germany accords the United States. If Germany charges higher duties on imports from the United states than from other countries, then the United States should charge higher duties in identically the same de gree on all imports from Germany, preserving the present Tariff rates on ail goods imported from countries winch no not discriminate against us in their Tariff laws. If this were first done, then there would be a basis upon which this country could negotiate with Ger many for a reciprocal arrangement on presiscly even terms. As it stands any negotiations for reciprocity with Germany now must be on the basis of our granting to Germany special privileges over all other countries in ourmnrkets in return merely for treatment with other countries in the markets of Germany Uncle Sam certainly would exhibit little sound business sagacity and little sense of fair play to the other nations which now treat him fairly in making any such one-sided bar gain. Seattle'Tost Intelligencer." STRANGE ADVICE! Dr. O. O. Orccn clvr alrrl permit t attention to hl great hvimnnitntian contract, (fin our Almanac for mmiv j curs past we Imvc Riven unusual advice ti" those nfllic ted with conlis, colds throat or lutiij troubles or consumption. We have told them if they did not receive any special benefit after the use of one y.s-ccnt siVe Intnle of German Syrup, to consult their doctor. JVe did not nk them or lir;e tliem to nc a hiryv utitnter of buttles, m is tho ease in the advertising of many other remedies. Our conii k-tiec in Ger man Syrup makes it possible fur us to give such advice. JYVe know by the ex ietienee of over 35 years that one 7;-cent tHittle of German Syiup will vtR-cdtlv re lieve or cine the wot si coughs, colds, bronchial or lung that, even in bad cases of consumption, one large Kttle of Gcunau Syrup will work wonders. QNcw tri.d bottles, 250.; reg ular sie, 75c. At all dtuggists. 4 I'onson's rimimney. VALKXTINK Miss Kuth Valentin.., born at Wrmlina, Minnesota, Sept. 3rd 1SS0, died at Cottage Grove, Ore., July 1st W7k When the deceased was about 10 years old, her parents movid to British Columbia, where shu has resided ever since till a few davs before her death. Kor two yeais Huth had been planning to make her folks, who reside in this vicinity, a visit; while on her way here an 1 in fact before she started for her MEN'S FURNISHINGS BEST STYLUS FOR DKHSSY MEN The odds and ends which ive eloquence to the appearance, Tho real needfuls which will make the man show his quality. Collars, Culls, Shirts, Standard Goods, Sure-to-lit Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, to suit the Very Particular. PACIFIC TIMBER CO. i:kin v hkistow hiiuin; cottaoi-: f.kovi; OKI-CON ! journov she began to teel in which What a Comma Cost. gradually grew worse till tho time The story is told of an insetted of her death, comma which cost the United States j About two years ago she. had a Government 2, 000,000. Hhen theM"11 "rol a wagon causing an injury Congress was drafting the Tariff bill, it enumerated in ono section the articles to be admitted on the freo list Among these were "all foreign fruit-plants." The copying clerk omitted the hyphen and in serted a comma after "fruit," so that the clause read "all foreign fruit, plants, etc." The mistake could not be rectified for about a year, and during this time all oranges, lemons, bananas, grapes and other foreign fruits were admit ted free of duty, with a loss to the Government of at least $2,000,000. Lawrence (Mass.) "Telegram." Sportsmen, Attention. August 13th the open season for the killing of buck deer commences and closes with Oct. 31st. Sept. 1st the open 6eason for kil ling of does opens and closas with Oct. 31st. Both must be killed between half hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. 'Each hunter must secure a license from the county clerk of his county". HOW CROSS EYES ARE CURED Among Dr. Damn's specialties he is an expert operator in straightening cross eyes, anil em straighten the worst eyes in less than twenty min utes. 1 he worthy poor treated free. The operation is rendered rminlesH ov a local anaesthetic, ami no ch ro form or ether used. Patient can re turn home tho name dav. with no do tenoun ironi business or occunat on iiM-a may can now ana make an pointiiientH, lor treatments durintr the two days, July 15 and Hi. and avol tno rami the doctor has on hi tutorial days. The following referenced, takon ironi many, pro ye the doctor's sue. cet-'s: Mrs. Ji. Jiickhinl'M ross eye; cured. Alius M.-iggie Synhorst. La (Jraiul Or. crosHoycs: cured, Ailss I, m y .Murinan, Monmouth. Or ci-ohk ryes; curcij. MisH.M;;ry Walter, Portland, both cjes cruBseu; cured. A. 1 nylor.i'cndleton. Or: utrict.11 re cured. r 11' n v . tv . 1 uom ns( in. jirirnn voj Wash, hydrotle: cured. A. J. Armstrong, llu Thlnl r. ...1 1 . . 1 ui uuiki, varicouie; cured ten yearn together with some extra heavy duties recently at a drug store where she had worked faithfully for seven years, lowering her resistive powers until they were the causes of her death. Hers was a kind, chriatnui char acter and her loss is greatly mourned by her parents and seven sisters who survive her. Thi: DIAMOND CUM': The latest hewn fntni T'iiIh, is. that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear con sumption or pneumonia, It will, how- t'vor In iM'st fut vim til fiiko llutt ! remedy mentioned by V. 'J'. ! le( hv, of V nicer, 'l'eim. '"I hud a couuh, for foiirleeii years. Notliiuu helped inc, 11 ii i i 1 I took Dr. Kind's New Discovery for c'oiisiinipl Ion, t VhikIls nnd ('(.'ids, w lilch nave Instant irllcf. and effected a permanent cure." I neiuallep ipilek cure, fur Throat and Lung Tronlilcss. At I'.ensnn's I'liarmaey . .vrice .iUe aiidian, guar ranted. Ti ial hot I le free. .1. S .M I I.N i: M:0. ATKINSON MILNE & ATKINSON RHAL INSTATE WANTED -Mill ami ynrd men by tho llooth Kelly Iititn'.a r Co. nt Coburg, Oregon, (ioud wngeH and steady work. Timber Katid A choice list of I 'it y, 1 1 nt .Miiirs :i lid Alining Stock, ami hoiiK-stiads locaUtl. Tiinhcrlaud t 'on n I r v and Timlx i Lainli for Hah in the different part of tlu city. Kent enll'.eto 1 for nun - roMdoilU. II. for oiri. i: is oi i in ii'iiM: ai corner. (I kovk, om: son, lIoHcburg The Square Way. The vice of so-called reciprocity, under present conditions, is that it would give the countries which pro pose to discriminate against us ad vantages over countries which now treat us fairly. Germany is one conntry which proposes to discrimi nate against imports from the United States. It should not be Airs. Itayew daughter southwest corner i'u and .MarwlinJI Ktreela Port- md, troitre dartre neck) f r vonrs cured with electricity alono. .Mr. U. W. Dunhui of IDlIhov Oro hu.vk; "For oyer "1 vearn niv wife lm n tu iiu aiiieu eyeiidn and granulated huh jr. uarrm UiiH ctir.'Kj tier. D. J. GrahHia'a child, Sringfield Or. painiuiiy allllcted witli granulated conjucti vltus, complicated with ulwrs 01 me ejenallH lor nine iiionthH cured years ago. J. A. JiindHley, new agent on the m. r. n. it. residenee Mt. Tubor Or. Consumption bronchitis and catarrah cureu and gaiued hfteen poundn. ICrnest Jthodes, Pendflton, Oregon; kidney trouble und disabetes, ho had to relievo bin bladder hourly, night and day, all hU Ilia, cured in seven moutliH by Dr. Darrin. Dr. Darrin can bo consulted freo from 10 to 5 dally; evenings 7 to 8 ut the Smeedo Hotel, Kugeue, until Oct.l All curable chronic, aeuto, and dU eases of u nilvate nature tr.iiori with electricity and niedicineH; before and after July i: and hi. Letters of In- juii y MJiBwereu. vircuiurs aim ouest Ion blanks eeut free. D. A. and U. II. Find I ay of Long Prairie, Cook Couuty, Oregon, from whom Jeff Tarter, alias Teth row, recently stole two horses, succeeded in tracing him to this place where he was captured on the 29th. The men had little trouble in tracing the horses as the shoes they wore were of an exceptional)' large patteru. Tarter tried to dis pose of the horses nt many places, but awakened suspion everywhere because of his low figure for so fine a team, but he finally sold them to Mr. Chrisman here, after which he btarted in to disguise himself, by cutting off his beard and mustache, and getting some new clothes, which however was of no avail. Sheriff Fiske took charge of him until the arrival of Sheriff Tom Smith of Cook, Co. Tarter was recognized by some one here as beiug Jeff Tatter, who formerly worked for the Pacific Timber Co. at Latham. Ira Conner, Sr., had u very se vere stroke of paralysis last Friday evening. Ihe stroke eiteeted his right side, his arm being completely paralized, and his leg partially so, however Dr. Corpron says that the trouble is now stationary, and hopes that in a month or so it will bo re lieved. Mr. Conner is fifty yours of age and has always boon very ac tive, and until a week before the stroko had no premonitory sym ptoms, and even then ho paid no attention to them until the day of his aflliction. It is to be hoped that he will rapidly recover. Itl.NT lli:i: Dol lUd: "I knew no one, for four weeks when I was sick with tybhoid nn 1 kidney trouble," wrilcM Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Ph., "and when I got Itetter, although I had one of the hot doctor I could tret. I was bout double, and had to rest my knees when I walked, l'ruin this terrible nllliction I was rescued by Klcctrle Hitters, which restored my health anil strength, ami now 1 can walk nn straight an ever. They are simply wonderful." liuiuranted to cure Ktoniuch, liver and kidney dis orders; nt Pcnsou's pharmacy: price .Vli! Subscribe lor the Nugget, iteglstration of Land Title. IN TIIK CIKOCIT COl'UT OK T1IK STATU of Oregon, f'r I ho County of l.ane in the niatUT of the aiiiirtum of Krcd M. Cole anil Mary E. role 10 roister Inn ttt'e lo tho Sou' Invent fourth of Soiitlio.i-t rjuartemnd Southi'tut fourth of Soiuhwi-nt iiir!er of iection 31 In towimliip IM Sotnh, range a West of W ll'te m.-riillaii n lining Arthur M. Hyre, Troy I.. Hayre, KuNsi-l K. Hiiyre, Mgie H. Hayre, Mmol K. Siiyre, Frank Jordan and ail whom It may con cern Uefendiin'.H 'lo AM Whom It May t'oneerii : Take notice, that on tte rin iny 01 .nine A. l. I'Hjian application wax tiled tiy ald Kred M. 1 Die and Jlarir t. role ill tnei irrun of Ijoih rmiiitv for initial reKoitratlon of The medal contest held by tho L. T L. at tho Opera house on Friday evening of last week was witnessed by a fair sized and well pleased audience. TLo recitations were well ren dered and showed much study and careful drill upon tho part of (he participants. The ruling of tho udges was very close resulting in the awarding of tho medal to Lucilo I'arson, wnich was perfectly Batis- actory lo tho andionce, Tho musi cal part of the program was very good and tho vocal solo of tho little Miss Hooper was especially so. Ihe hag drill and accompanying tableau were very pleasing to the audience. The recitation delivered by Miss Stella Thompson while tho judges were deliberating was a pronounced success. Ihe closing taoleau: Col umbia and her handmaiden was finely shown, and the wholo enter tainment was voted by all present a perfect Bticcesa. oort t lo- tltle to the laud ahove deorled . Now unlu-n vim annpar on or before the 4th day of Auiei.t, A. I). 1'JO'iaud hhow iuh wliynui h Hiipllrnliou Khali net le Kranled, the name will he taken ax ! 'X coiilctsed ami a decree ill l entered ai'oord-! iufC to the prayer of I lie application and you ; 5 will Delorener barren ironi r THE STAR Confectionery and Cigar Store CIKMCIv I-RUITS FKIJSli SODA Full Line of CIGARS AND TOBACCO ilazlcvvood Ico Cream L. C. HUTCHINSON. Proprietor Knowles & Gettys Dohcmia. Oregon, Knowles & Gettys Orscco, Oregon. KRAI. 21 'J9 lisiiullni; tho name, j y, K. tJ. l.KK, 'i...i sr. FOltCKDTOSTAItVK. 15. 1", L.'ek, of Conconl, K'y, Hays: "Tor L'D years 1 suffered itgonlcs, with a sore on my upper Hp, ho painful, HotnctliucH, that I could not eat. After vainly tryintr everything else, I cured it, with Hucklen's A rnlca Salui'.' It's grcatforhuruH, cuts and wounds. At ISeiiHon'H I'liarmaey. flnly 2m. A Sl'linilSK l'AHTV. A i.loiiKant euiDilw.' party may h given to your ntomach imp liver, by taking a lneuicine which win irnevu their nln and discomfort, viz; Dr. King H M'W l.iie 1 ins. ine.v me- 11 moHt woinleriiii renmuy, luionnng Hlire relier unl cure, for licadache, (llzzlness and coiiHtlpallou. 2"m at Benson's rhurmiicy. BOKN. OSTRANDKR To Mr.and Mrs. R. S. Ostrander Tune 20th a 1 Vx pound boy. Kuuday evening at Walker a verv pretty wedding took place, lk-v. C. II. Wallace joining in wedlock Miss Pearl .Smith and Mr. J. 1'. Walden. The home was decorated with lili'js, and sweet peas. Ihe wedding nartv entered while Mrs. M. A. Horn played Lohengrin's wedding mnrrh Mr.and Mrs. Walden loit for a few davs visit at l'oriianci afirr which thev will go to their new home at Kahlotus, Wash. Among the many presents were a bridal book, painting, olive dish, set knives and forks, tea spoons, salad set, fruit dish, butter knife, soup ladle, salad fork, creamers, silver berry spoon, tea set, lace curtains, $17.00 in cash, household linen and utensils, and other things to numer- . . I All -.J,i1 tn ous to meiuion. jun.v ... wishing them the best and happiest lives. I Miners Supplies at reasonable prices. Good O ill Goods at Moi to: Reasonable Prices. General Merchandise X Miners Tools and Amunitions WTriTF!!n!nin!F1Tn?n!FW1!F1!f 1!n!F!!F11F1!F1!F1!F1!FWWri!FlfK Fr1 -v rm ' -'' ar Hardware Slora and Tinware 1 2(iiiciiltijrnl IiiHleinci(ts l'lows, Mowers and Kakes, Htjo agents for tho celebrated MI Ml URN WAGONS A Full Stock of Mining Supplies. npertManDonburg 3 r3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiuaiiuiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiimaiiaiiiiiiiaiu iaia