Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 28, 1905, Image 8

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of nl
A Stron fonihlnntlon Ruck, I
Kor Vnrlnna rrpnf,
The eoinMn:iflon liiiyrnck shown In
tlio find Illustration I i convenient
one. T T ntv IhnI pieces of pine or other
ntrnl;ht gruJncd Held wood fourteen or
sixteen foot in length, -Ilit Im he.--wide
nntl three- Inches thick; If of oak
or other hard wood, two and one half
Inches tliiok will ulvo taillicicnt
utronutb. Four irosspiiees. It, of
hard wood one and one-iiiiartcr ineho
thick and sl inehtvi wide, nro imrilsitl
and llrinlv secnnxl to tho hod pieces.
To Prominent Cititcn o( This
Relate Their Experience,
Tills constitutes tlio frame or l'oumla
tion and Is shown In tlio scvinl out.
It lt frequently us.hI separately to
haul rails, tniards. stones, niar.iiiv. etc..
and la a convonlont. strong and
arrani'vuient for tho purpose. In tlio
first out Is shown tho rlirln com
plete, of which Its four orossplocos or
arms, V, nro seven and ono-ha'.f fci
Jn loneth, fivo Inches wldo and two
and one half Inches thick.
If designed for a "sectional rlirjrintr"
and to prevent side movement a half
inch groove Is out Into the lower side.,
of tho eross arms, I', so that they lit
closely upon tho U-d pieces. To pro
vent a forward or backward move
niont eight strong Iron Ii.mas are at
taohed by staples to the side of the
cross arms nud when placed upon tho
hod pieces are readily hooked into the
staples, A. Thus arranged one man
can easily place tho rif-'ginii upon or
take It from tho wapm; or. If desired,
bolts may ho used to fasten all to
gothor hy passing them thronc'i the
cross arms and bod pieces. There N no
2o cents difference in the expense.
Standards. I), can le either station
ary or lilngpd so as to bo quickly low
ered, raised or removed by a email
bolt, as bhowu at Y. Tho standard
should be six and one-half feet hi'i
and quite strong to withstand tho
pressure of tho load as well as t serve
as a ladder. The boards, X, should bo
of the same length as the bod piece
and one inch thick and six inches wide,
of straight grained Jight wood. Wood
en pins or stakes, X, are Inserted as
shown and should be only slightly
sharpened. Should the hind wheels
project above the boards, X, bridge
over them, as shown at S. Wash with
petroleum and keep under shelter when
not In use. Country Gentleman.
Illinois Cattle.
As to breeds of cattle 'most In favor
in Illinois Messrs. Mumford and Hail,
who bare been Investigating tho sub
ject, state that about 50 per cent of
their correspondents favored Short
horns, about 20 per cent Hereford and
18 per cent Angus cattle. .
About 50 per cent of the stock grow
ers preferred two-year-olds for stock
cattle and feeders, the remainder being
about equally divided In their prefer
ence for older and younger animals.
As regaids weight, some 40 per cent
of the correspondents preferred cattle
weighing from 800 to 1,000 pounds for
etockers and feeders, 20 per cent favor
ed those weighing less than 800 pounds
and 84 per cent 1,000 pounds or over.
l'n soon forces nro more- powerful
than noon ones. Klootrlciiy performs
cnios nUentv but surely. To this
ninny thousands Mint have lovn cured
can testify. Many who know nothing
of It oppose; but truth always meets
with tierco opposition, which In tho
end hatens tho victory, ouo not
profess to miilorstnml this unseen
power, but Joyfully accept the jjre-nt
boon of health, fooling, that Dr.
Darrin Is ahead of tho ago, and is
sliowtnp: to the world this- now
method of euro. As an example wo
append the following testimonials:
To tho public: 1 was tv patient
under Dr. Harrin 8 cure fifteen years
ag.o, and wish to relate mv exper
lenco that otners innv lionotit bv it.
l'or many loni vears I had Uvn
atllictod with diseanes peculiar to my
sex. accompanied with pain in my
chest, heart and stomach. I bad lost
tiosli until my weight was 10." pounds
After a few months' e'eettical and
! medical treatment I recovered my
, Health .m l earned m pounds, him am
1 .. . : ...i.. - . . i i. ...i.i.
new ciijo mi; iiiiii iteaiiu.
Mi:s. F. K. li: i.y,
Pavls Street, I'ortland.
k. i rkhkoro's a iui.
To the 1 'ditor: For four y ears I
have been gradually growing; deaf
called catarrhal deafness until It
as with great difficulty I could hoar
common conversation. It nnnoved
me verv inuoh. I wont under Dr.
Damn's electrical treatment and now
can hear about as well as ever in my
life. Kofor to me at Saginaw, Lane
county, Oregon.
11 1'. 1U:pkoki.
Mr. Kditor: I wish to subscribe to
the merits of l"r. Darrin's electric
and medical treatment. For u long
rime I have been afflicted with dys
pepsia, liver complaint, constipation
and generally run down in health.
Dr. Darrin has so far relieved me
that I feci like a new man. 1 com
mend him to all similarly atlieted. 1
reside in Junction City, Or., and will
gladly answer all questions.
F Moi'STfi AAHI).
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at
tho Hotel Stneodo, Fugene, Ore,,
until October 1st. from 10 to 5 o'clock
dally: evenings, 7 to , Sunday 2 to 4.
The doctor makes a ppecialty of all
diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis,
la grippe, heart, liver, bladder and
kidney diseases, or those who Buffer
frot;-. tiy and ' indifference; also
Ken it 6-u diary and skin disease, in
either son. such ns Mood taint, semi
nal we-jkiiertj and lost vigor, varico
celes and stricture.
All curable chronic diseases treated
at $S a week, or in that proportion of
lime as the cane may require. The
poor treated free except medicines
from jo to J l daily. .No cases pub
lished except bv permission of the
patiriit. Ail business relations with
Dr Darrin strictly confidential. One
visit Is desirable, though many cases
can be treated by homo treatment by
writing symptoms.
Tho'.'jjh gorgeous was tho morning
with delight
Of Summer shine, and sweet scent
ed Moom,
My soul was curtained with obliv
ions gloom.
And all mv senses savored of tho
Though pcvrl 'ss youth was mine, and
nij-wd might
Of muscle to go forth and conquer
My spirit sank supine, as one. to
Tho world were but a burden and a
1 was tho slave of sneering discontent
As with tho city's throng I went
ami came;
Hut ore tho largess of the day was
1 hung my head In most confusing
For sight loss t hero amid t he market -place
1 saw a smile upon a blind man's face!
KoiiFHi t s l.ovi: in Oregonlau.
t'l llAN 1I AKKHOKA.
I'. S. soldiers who served In Cuba
during tho Spanish war know what
this disease is, and that ordinary
remedies have little more effect than
Mitt much water. CiiIkui diarrhoea
Is almost as seven and dangerous ns
a mild attact of cholera. Then is
one remedy, however, that can al
ways bo depended upon as well as
seen by the following eortilloate from
Mrs. .Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Tex
as: "1 hereby certify that ChamU'i
Iain's folio. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Komedy cured my husband of a se
vere attack of Cuban diarrhoea, which
he brought home from Cuba. We had
several doctors but they did him no
good. One bottle of this routed v
cured him, as our neighbors will tes
tify. 1 thank (iod for such a valu
able medicine." For sale bv The
Modern l'harmacy.
Lewis and Clark Exposition Tic
ket Rates.
INIU ll'l A I, Til M TS
Colfaoc drove to iVrtlitral .
$.".'.10, good for .10 days, but
Inter lhar. Oct. ;ild, W
I utrirs or ti s on voui:
One fare lor tho round trip good
for ten ibiys, (must truvel together
on out) ticket both ways) f ( 10
oi;iivnii:i rvurus or oni ih nmo i ok
Duo fare lor tlio round trip pnrlv
moving on same iln.v, ln t individual
tickets will ls sold under this rale
and can return at any time, within
ten days from dale of sale, f 1.10.
Tho above tickets on s:i!o daily li'
tween May 'J'.Hli and Oct. lMh, ami
no stop overs allowed in either direction.
I'OI ND A Cl'KF l'OK DVsrr.l'SIA
Lamb and Peas.
The Colorado press bureau speaks of
a new Industry for that Btate. One of
Its circulars says: "Colorado's sage
brush and cactus have given way to
peas. A few years ago Beveral farmers
In this locality, generally regarded as
one of the most arid and worthless sec
tions of the state, sowed a part of their
land to peas. When the crop neared
maturity they turned In their lumbs to
graze. The results were marvelous.
Other farmers did likewise, and the
business Increased until last year more
than 200,000 lambs were fattened la
this country for shipment to tho east
ern markets. They netted an average
profit of ?l..r0 each on an Investment of
$2. Exchange.
Sow cucumbers Jn the open ground
toward the last of May or early In
Plant melons In the open toward tho
last of May. There la no advantage In
planting cucurbltaceous plants until
the weather becomes settled.
No plant bo strenuously demands
freedom from weeds as the onion.
Hay Is the month for tomato plant
ing, though the plants may need some
protection until the latter part of tho
Halt the secret of keeping a pleasure
garden In proper condition consists In
duly regarding the little things that
ought to be done and doing all work at
the right time.
It is not too late to set a border of
lobelia which shall look like a long blue
ribbon all the summer through. Lobe
lia is grateful for small attentions,
flowering freely,
Good Roads Convention.
The National Good Roads Associ
ation, the bonorabla major and city
omcials of Koseburg, the county
court and road officials of Douglas
county, the Kosseburg Commercial
Club, the railways and all other
important interests, cordially invite
you to attend the National Good
Koads Convention to be held in
Roneburg on Thursday, June 29, at
the Opera house. Organization for
good roads is the chief object of
this convention.
The official National Good Roads
special ia enroute to Portland where
the Pacific Coast National Good
Iioada convention will be held June
22nd, "J.'Jrd, and 2Jlh, in conjunction
with the Lewis and Clark Centennial
Exposition. The good Roads special,
carrying officers of the National
Good Roads Association, the Hon.
Martin Dodge, director of the office
of Public Road Inquiries, U. S.
government; leading engineers, lect
urers, and road experts will stop
one day at lioe urg and hold thre6
meeuns, jo:wu a. m., z.VV p.m.,
and S.uo p, in.
Will you attend and brincr vour
I.. .
inencis, ana neip organize your
community.'' Everybody wants good
Reduced rates will be granted by
railroads from ill points in Douglas
This is thu greatest industrial
movement of the age, and is vital to
tho wellare of your home, and your
business interests.
Come and bring your friends'
Ladies cordially invited.
This for good roads.
Invitation Committee.
If you are lunruld, depressed, In
capable ljr work, It Indicates that
your liver is out of order. Herblne
will asniMt nature to throw of head
nciics, I'hcii inutjuiii and ailments akin
to norvou.-;neH and restore the ener
gies and vitality to Hound and per
iod health. .J.J. Hubbard, Temple
Tcxm-, writes: "I have used lltr
blne for tha past two years. It has
done me more good than all the doc
tors. It is the best medicine ever
made for chills and fever." 50c, sold
by The Modern Pharmacy.
The Gospel ol Brotherhood.
1 come to preach on the text of love
From the gospel of brotherhood,
To help if 1 may In ti tiding a way
That lead to tho higher ood;
J'o picture the liht that i- shining
On tho Future" upturned face;
And to w hisper a hope whose breadth
and "cope
Is as wide an tho human race.
It In this: tho hour U almost here
When the races hall nrle a$ ono,
And .-hall all iin hands from tho
thousand lands
That tire kissed bv a common mid:
rhen tho cannon' roar shall bo
hoard no more
nd the war-Hairs shall bo furled:
When tho lily-white b. inner of peace
shall liout
O'er a union of all the world.
There aro lluipses of jlory In Para
But they all are not ho blight
As our own dear earth will be, if we
Can oieu tho reijru of rljrlit;
If we, ad brothers, will love each
nd work as bot wo can
In the Rlorious labor of lifting our
And helping our fellow man.
J. A. Edtferton in Maxwells Talisman.
Mrs. S. Lindsay, ui Fort William
Ontario. Canada, who has simeivi
quite a number of venrs from dyspi
sia and uroat pains In thesloiniu
Wit,- advt.M'd by her ilnius'l-t total.
( Iui lubcrhiin'H Stomach and
Tablets. She dhl so and savs, "I tin
that thev have done me a iMwit den
of .muni. 1 hnveiioxer had any suite
Iui; since I bean lisin' them."
troubled w it h il spepsia or unlives
Ion win not take (hour Tablets, j;i
wi ll and stav well? For sale by Th
Modern I'hai niiiey.
Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwlnvillo, (ia
always keeps a bottle of Chamber
lam s Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhoo
llemedy at hand ready for instant
use. Attacks of colic, cholera mor
bus and dinrrhoea come on so sud
donly that there is no time to hunt a
doctor or go to h store for medleim
Mr. Barber says: "I have Died
Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera am
Diarrhoea Remedy, which is one of
the best medicines! oversaw. 1 keei
a bottle of it in my room, as I have
had several attacks of colic and it
has proven to be the best medicine
ever used. Sold by The Modern
Round Trip for One Fare.
The Southern Pacific railroad ha
decided to make a late ol one lure
tor the round trip fioin Pottl.uul ti
all points in Oregon to as fir south
as Ashland, lor visitors from the to the Lewis and Clark Kx
position, to enable them to look
over western Oregon, that they may
have an opportunity to locate or in
The tickets will be good for 15
davs, with stop over privclcgcs
Holders of kxposttion round trn
tickets from the east can purchase
these tickets this tate, it will
depend ujioii the energy shown by
the community as to the number o
visitors secured.
The laxative effect of Chamberlain
stomach and Ux or I ablets is so
agreeable and so natural that you
do not realize It is the effect of a mod
lelne. For sale by The Modern I'har
These are three common ailments
for whic h Chamberlain's Pala Halm
Is especially valuable. If promptly
applied It will save you time, mono
and pufforin when troubled wit
anv one of t h'S' ailmenti. For :ali
by The Modern Pharmacy.
The Sltllnir Urn.
Asido from the molting season, there
In no other time' when the hen needs
such careful attention as during tho
period when she Is lneubntlng eggs,
says Commercial Poultry. Hhe must
be kept free from vermin und must
have such foods ns will mulntulii the
heat of her tnxly uud keep her In good
health. Corn Is the tost food for sit
ting hens, but should not be made uu
oxilusive diet. Supply a variety of
fiKxl, with corn ns the baN. mid plen
ty of fresh, clean water. It pays to
keep the silting Lens healthy und coin
Deep tearing or wrenching pains.
occasioned by get tips wet through;
worso when at rest, or on llrst mov
ing the limbs and in cold or damp
weather, Is cured ouickly by Ballard h
Snow Elnimont. Oscar Oieson, (ilb-
son City, 111., writes, Feb. 10, VM2: "A
year ago 1 was troubled with a pain
In my back. It soon got so bad 1
could not bend over. One bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me.
Sold by The Modern Pharmacy.
Southern Oregon Chatauqua.
"The Southern Oregon Chautau
qua Assembly will be held at Ash
land. July 12th to 21st inclusive.
Reduced rates have been made by
the Southern Pacific Co, on the cer
tificate plan, from points on Oregon
This assembly piorniscs to be of
unusual interest. Anions: the
prominent speakers will be Dr. F.
W. Gunsaulufl, Dr- Wra. A. Quayle
and ltabbi Stephen S. Wise.
Special attention wiil be given the
musical department, The Assembly
building has been enlarged fo
double its former capacity, making
ample accommodations for all."
W. K. Coman,
General Passenger Agent
KILLthc cough
and CURE the LUNCS
w,TH Dr. King'
Ikvi Discovery
0UGHS an'
50c &$1. 00
Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
T t."Q MnHl'V llAOIf
Opposite Fostofficc, Eugene, Oregon
I run find a purchaser for
your real estate or busi
ness if you will wll it at
prices Uint are right. . . .
Can Place a Tew (iood Relinquishments
I It I V A T i:
Hospital and Saoitarinm
Ltll (U1U k3t!
All tins latest tri'utiiii'iili.
No cuiitaKl'm) cuhim lakun.
Turins rt-asoiiulili!. .
OulsnJo int'illiiul Ui;l) fiiriil.sliiHl If re- jt
iulri!d. ;5
For turllii'f pui'tiiMilars aililiJi.'si fa
liv. II. C. SVllWAW. &
fur KllOUIIMtlVTI, Cot
A Sure Cure ssws
Galh, Hnilfiun. Contract nd Munclo-i, H.ick. l.tilT Joint.
Kios.te.1 I'ont. rinrn-, ScnliN. etc.
AN ANTISEPTIC t!i.t fclops IrtitAtlnn, imiIkUii lnnm-
niatien, nnil ililvrt out I'.iln.
PENETRATES tho IVi.v., U-m tin ! ,l.rou Tiimim,
promote a fmo circulation of tho Hlood, wivnm tho Muum
natuiul t'lttaticity.
Mr. V.. A. Slmpnon, 5lX) Cml,: Pt., Kuotville,
Tetin., writes: " 1 Iwivp brrn trying llu both of
lint (Springi. Ark., for nclntic rln tiin.ilbm, but I
gi t inure ulirf fiein Il.illuid'n Sn.n I.iuinirnt
limn nv mediilnc er nnylhiiii I linvr rvrr tried.
Im losnl find piKituHi.t ut.Irr lr 1 .00. .'.cud mo
Iiurc bottle by tfontlicrn IJiprfi."
THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00
ne suwe vou olt Ttir. otNuiNt
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
Tho Modorn Pharmacy.
SO l b i: ni' di; 111 I I I I :
To L. I'. Sl.lVeiiH mid Nil.'! Ib lliiM.
nnd to unv mid nil other pd'Hon-i
liliiiny I he null I , title or ilit-Tiwt .
either in law or eiiuit v. In or in tin-
hereinafter detciibeil mining il.iiin
nud prcmiMCH, hv thiiiiiKh ol tneh r
the silld I.. 1'. SI.IVt'UH lOld Mlcrt
1 lelne i ir elt her ni" t hem :
Y'Mi and each of om are hcivb
Untitled that t he under.- U'lli d, h.M e
peinleil money and perfiTiued labor
und work to tin- union nt ol ? m. IiMi
upon the "" (.M.Mliyi lode
uiliiin i 1. inn.'' In the Holii'inl.i
.Mining Ihstrl. t. I.ane 1'oui.ty. Stnte
n Ol'i'illl, oi nti'd I'V Altlllll llellllM
and I.. S. Sl.iM'iisi on tin-'Jlth lav of
Inly, 1"'., ti icti mihI notice wumiIuIv
recorili'd in the lii cord oi Minum
Claim, P.ook ... pu" 1 1 1. I h"
l.ihor wi M if..nn.-i aieL the un iii'v
ho cM'einie.i win m:iiie ami ex
pended on h.i I' I claim Ix-tH eiii the
lirnt day of leeeinber, l'.tol and the
thirty-lir-t day of I lecomber, 1:hi in
order to In ild t lie mum tuwilu1; claim
under the i.rovii.slor.s of Section J''..'i
f the MeVH.-l Stat II I M of I lie I III led
States and t he lawn of the Mate of
OlVtfoll, the HUlue, together ltll the
Hum of exbended by Churlen
I '.o well, t he other coo Win I' lield t he
lllioiiut I'eiililed b.V I'lW to hnld
Haid claim lor tin car emlliu; I 'e
cemlii r d -t I wi 1 1 .
That th" proiorl loiinte hIiiiic of
ich of yo'l an i-o-owiiel'M hi i expend
ed belli).' the Minn of S l!.i;;4:, ; h , Ulid
that if wit hln ninety day- from the
Kervue of t Iuk notice upon vou I y
the .Sheriff of the coiint , or within
ninet c da s from t In nei ylen ,f wald
notice by publication, ymi fall to con
t ribllte your proport lolm t' Hh.ile n'
t he Hii Id ex peii'lil nri a a ro-ow n ,-r,
vour IntereMtrt rciini ivel v in said
laim will become the propel ty of the
undersigned under t h" pi ovlsion of
Maid Section L'.'iJI of the l;e iHed Stat-Ute.-l
of the I tilted States by reason
(hiii'Ii failure to coulrilmle mir
proportionate Milan of hiici expetidl-
I i.i ted March '.".! h. !!. !
li bit I.I o. U . 1. 1. o li.
i. i(irlni; n irnnnimlili' rrmrm
All u.irk uu i ii b I t-fl ('. rut rl.
W .1
'lien, i lui'i. Ulnl ,! fit ) t
ciii r..i: t.K( i:.
t I l'r Uv
h iv A' a i i -I in
CiKllVI!, OH It.
Paid i ) Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan mi iippr.tved cuiity.
l-'xchioiii "old, :i lll.ible UIIV ,)liici
n tiii'l'nited t.iteM
II xi. 1 nut I AKIN,'iit .
W 11 it I t II
ASK Tim AtiK I.'! KOIl
W''lilliinrti''rtrfrIMfltnlliik'W' ihM!MMttLriJwiMUiiiiiMiJjl
I'ltorillKTOKS WK
Tfir: r:XCMANCj;2I7
- - liKAI.I l(S IN HNK
MhIii Htrt'cl, ;!( if t (J rov.'. Ore
I. S. Medley. .I.e. .lohtiHon
Medic f Johnson,
AttonicyH-ut-la w
OJIit f Sttitt'V Ilunh IUdj.
Special attention ulvcii to Miuliit!
and ( 'orporation I. aw.
Atlorneij-at- Law
Ollleu nil M ill 11 Hlri'ft, Wi'sl Mldo Ckovi:. Okj:.
Attorney ill Law,
cottaoi: a no 11:, ouic.
Haff & Col Well
Mining KiiKliK-erM
U. S. Mineral Surveyors
Kooin 1 IJatik lildtr. Cotta
(10J lt0:i On-Konluii lildtf, Portland,
Spokane, St. 1'nul,
MinneapollH, I) ninth,
Vhlraao, St I.ouIh
Overland Trains U lily Tha Flyer
And The last Mail
Splendid Service
Up to date Equipment
j Courteous Employes
jOallght Trip across the Cncads and
j . Rocky Mountains.
i l'or TIcki-tH. KatcH. I'ohleiM tmd
I'ull liiformatloii, Call on or luldrcHS,
122 3d St., Portland Ore.
S. (I. YKUKKS., A. O. 1'. A.
in iui; a vi iui" mi l i l i in u:i. nr. .i t, scnitiu,
W'v,. expedited ncrviceou freight.
Koiile your HhlpmeuiM la ireat
Noithern. l ull lii foiiuatioii fnnu
W.xi. II Ainu ii. Cent, Atit.
I'orthiiid, Oregon.
0. it S. E K it
'ninit ThI.Ib No. I
To tnke elfect April lit,
Kh1 lii.inel
TWasliii fitalsiil
ALHO OFFICE OK rilK i -l "V "' l
l II I
No II No 1
I' M A.M M
2 -:m
K : J 1 :
'I '.
7 v
n :i
V. Iluuuil
No 2 -Wo 4
I Kiev I A.uT I'.m"
11:10, tt.lfi
First Class Turnouts,
or Ol
il Hllll i 'I IIDs. Ill y
iiml hnl only
1 Hint Uuily l.x-
i.'pl Huiuliiy
Iiiku lirovu.
lllll!ll ....
i rnt Oorilit.
. linker
..Hoi llMk,.
. . Onivul l'it. ,
Hluunrl , . .
. ..Hiiir
Kui'ky I'uliit. . .
Heil IIOiIku...
. 11 11 11 1' M
Kuil ol i rw. .
Sulijoiit tit I'liuiiKii wlthoiiL iii.tli-u
All oiitwnrd frelidit forwtirnm! only at the
folnl rink ol hiiiI mniMitn.'a "
HI .. itlL I...... II I I . . .
".nu .uvun nimwoilil Hrii'i-
:17H:17 U h
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HoillUt Hint (I
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It. K, K. lK'jiot ktt.f r
iiMwuniiiiK oil luixt
llu Ivuroil In
ItliiK billed.
tint arrival of
ICi'turiiliiK on Too-
ruimlvuil at tlm o. .(. H
6:'W p. in. To I m ore
triiln ; iru4xt)t muni m
tiinu to ot.iiuU of iU mi DlllllUHVH. Vm M....I.. .....I is. 1.4
in.MTII. lU'lliriillllt fil
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Kri'lglii will not I rc.Hjlvoil
A. . AVOOI, Muimtrcr
Haiti, i .
runivAL iu DtrARTURE OF 8. P
Suiirti not it
. . 11 11:113 n .ni.
No. 1U.
BOUTfl tnouNn
NO. II 1:0, p.m,
. 16 U-.'H H.U,
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