The Song of the Hair There arc four verses. Verse I. Ayer'i Hair Vigor makes thehalrerow. Verse2. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. The chorus is sung by millions. tutors B.lnf Iter's Hair Vlenr I halt ar thin and wmrj umir hair. Iliti I muuimed to use tl Vigor until nf hair groailr Improved In aver war. I have used It nff mul on fur III Inn )HII,"-MU. M. Imi MMllKII, Neerk, N J. A Made hy J. O. jot Co , l.nwall. Hut. Alio uianuieuiurere ur 7 MHSAPAKILLA. yers I'll I H. cmuRV I'ixtdbai.. orjr I'rupr r. "Now, liiiiilalii," km i J tint plioli'K rniilicr iifUT rsiicnilliiK a, bout Jut If 1111 hour k'UIK tl IhiIv H'udy to poHf, "lilifin look at inr mul niiiIIp swwtly." "Kir. I nm in.llKiiit nt with )ou! I didn't ronif here to riitfiitfi' In n flirta tion, I'd have on know, but to liuvn Some photos tsken." Might Have. Raved Money. Ie tirlpix-a tJrfiit heuveiil There's goliiK to bo a collision antl we'll all Im kilted. Tljjhtwiitl Just my luck. I went and tiouiclit a round-trip ticket! Cleveland Leadrr. Helen Keller With a Rote, (future, in January, ll'06 Century.) Other may si-e I lie; 1 hrlinlJ then not; Yet nnitit I think thee, leauteou blossom, mine : For I, win) walk in ahaae, like Pros erpine Things onre too briefly looked on, long forgot Seem by iiinm tender miruclu divine, When breathing thee, apart, To hold the rapturoua Kummer warm withiu my heart. We understand each other, thou and II Thy velvet petal laid against my cheek, Thou feeleatall the voiceless things 1 apeak, And to my .resrnirig inakest mute reply Yet a more H-cial gool of thee I seek, For (iint who made oh, kind! lleuuty for one and all, gave fragrance for the blind! Florence Karle Con ten in July Century The Woman of It. Hunlinutl Hut you intuit admit that my tame-In better tliaa yours. Wife Yea, of courne It lit. Ilimliaml I'm surprised to hear you aay so. Wife Oh, tliere la nothing surprising about It. The mere fact that you mar' rieil me ami I married you prove that Tour taste U much better than mine. 5; x , . -1 ,x 1 . Aw. v.v: f it v m v.V.Vv tt'. A r.::ss ctNCvivc may CATARRH OF STOMACH CURED BY PE-RU-NA M'ihs (Jenevivo May, 1317 8. Meridi an St., Indianapolis, Ind., Member Fecund High School Alumni Abh'ii, writea : "Peruna is the finest regulator of a dis ordered stomach I have ever found. It certainly deserves high praise, for it is akillfully prepared. "1 wan in a tetrible condition from a neglected case of cutarrh of the stom ach. My food had long centied to lie of any good and only dintrcHood me after eating. I whs nnuHeuted, hud heartburn and headaches, and felt run down completely. Hut in two weeks after I took l'eruna I was a chunked person, A few bottles of the medicine made a great change, and in threo months my stomach was cleared of ca tarrh, and ray entire system in a better condition." (ienevlve May. Write Dr. Hartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, for free medical advice. All corre spondence held strictly confidential. UlMt Couuti byruu. Taatuii Umxl. Via In tliiiH. Holil li by tlniKtf tt, Va "Hay, pup, nhnt's a flontlng debt?" "Your mother on her annua) trip to Europe." Town Topic. "On you tell me the rjulrkest way to gfrt to Uie poaUilllco?" "Yea; run." Cleveland I'laln I 'enter. Johnnie Miitnnile, I Just feel ill all over, somehow. Mother Where do you feel It the moat? Johnnie In chool. Hnlf Holiday. Vicar' Haughter Well, John, I aeo fou are liMiklng a young ti ever. John Yea, mUi, thnnkyee. An' they tell me I'll aoon bu nn octogermilum. I'uuch. "Do you take nn Intercut In aorlely?" "No," auawcred Mr. I'uiiirox, "I niiiku the ItivcMtiiieiita, but inntlier and tho girl take nil the Interval." W'iihIiIuk ton Ntnr. "You're aucli m w ii'ti hed writer If a wonder you wouldn't get n typewrit ing machine." "I would, only that would show what n uilaerablu speller I am." I'hllndelphln 1'ieaa. Mia Ahcuiii I've often wondered, Mr. Itymea. why you tiocta always peak of the moon na "allver." Mr. Itymoa Well er I auppoae It's be cauae of tho ijunrter and halve. Philadelphia I'reaa. Kat tJentleinon (gnaylrT) W-what do you tn-mean by making in m nit run after the ear ao? I'll protiably die of apopleiyl Polite Conductor Yea, air. Tranafer to mmt ear going pnat the morgue, air? Kx. Mr. Slack Johnny, don't ever let me hear you talk that wny again! I won't have slang lined In thin houae! Johnny Hut, pn, I Mr. Slack Cut It out or I'll hand you one. ace! Itrownlng'a Magazine. Tho Ientlt I'll hnve to charge you two dollars and a half for pulling that tooth. The Pntteiit-OI thought yea charged fifty cinta? The Ientlit Yea; but you yelled ao loud you Beared four other patient out of tho place. Judge. Husband Have' you heard of the latest cure for nervous prostration? Wife No. What la It? Husband The patient Isn't allowed to tulk. Wife Pooh! One might a well die from ppistratlon a exasperation. Il lustrated Hit. "What's the matter, dear?" her mother asked. "I waa Just thinking," the beautiful heiress answered, "hour terrible It would be If the earl should decide not to take papa' money on the ground that Is was tainted." Chicago Ilecord-Herald. Mamma When that naughty boy threw stones at you, why didn't you come and tell me Instead of throwing them back at him? Little Willie Huh! What pood would It do to tell you? You couldn't hit the side of a home. Washington Life. Hlcfe How do you happen to be going Ashing on Friday? I thought you believed Friday wua an unlucky day. Wicks Well. I always have. Hut It occurred to me this morning that perhaps It would be unlucky for the fish. Somervllle Journal. "You don't recognize titles of nobil ity In this country?" snld the distin guished foreigner. "Oh; yes, we cuu," answered Mr. Cumrox; "mother and the glrN can not only ni'ognl.e 'em, but they fan iiole their market valu ation ofT band." Washington Mar. Miss Fleyiup- Oh! Mr. Nocoyiio, how lovely of you to bring nie thcst hcawd'ul roses! How sweet they are liud how flesh! I do believe there U a little dew on them yet! Mr. Noinyiiw . W-well. yes there Is. about Hfty cents. I think; but I'll pay It tn nmr row. K. Police Judge With what Instru ment or nrtlch? did your wife Inflict these wounds on your face and head? Michael Mooney Wld n inotty, yer anner. Police Judge A what? Mi chael Mooney A niotty wan o' these frames wld "Cod Hllss Our Home" In It. Cleveland Leader. ' MarninduUe Hcfore we were mar ried she used to say "by-by" so sweet ly when 1 went down the steps. Mont morency -And what does she tciy now? Marmadiike--Oh, just the smmio thing, "buy, buy." Montmorency Ah, 1 see! She exercises a different spell over you. Washington Life. "Now about those noomerous scan dals," obesrved the Pohlck philoso pher, "the situation Is Jest this: The papers say they wouldn't print Vm If the piHiple didn't read 'em, and the people say they wouldn't read 'em If the papers didn't print 'em, and thera ye be." Iiulsvllle Courier-Journal "What do you believe Is the ultimate solution of thl 'good roods' move ment?" osked the farmer. "One part water, eight parts cement, three part sand and the balance In broken stone," replied the engineer absently. "Say, pnrd, I naked you for un opinion, not nu analysis." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. "Oh, fleorge, dear," sho whispered, when he slipped tho engagement ring on her tapering finger, "how sweet of you to remember Just the sort of stone I preferred. None of the others were ever so thoughtful." George was stajj gered for but a moment Then he came back with: "Not at all, dear; you overrate me. This is the one I've al ways used." She was Inconsistent enough to cry about It. Cleveland Leader. v You should be entirely too consider ate of To-day to spoil its visit worry ing about To-morrow, which may not COIUO. ' RARE STAMPS ON OLD LETTERS. Find of Vnliie Hninel I itu Made , HI ii in p to I, link (Hit For. "Never burn up or throw iiwny old letter or pipers without llrnt giving them n en refill xi in 1 1 in t Ion," ml vim a Twenty -third street Mump denier, "for then)' ninny mi nppnrently wortlUi-s plecfi of piiper that l'iirs n stump which would bring In open mnrket hiiii tlred iiikI mnybu thousands of dol lars. "TImto are plenty of tho old post master stnini still In eilntenre, for limtanoe, a there wiith a great many 'of them originally Issued, and It baa not been ao king ago, aay fifty-five yearn, when they were In active use. Now, any one of these iwirly Iiks I worth from f.'M) up. Any one who ha aw to old file of correspond ence from 1840 to WV ought to hunt for Niii'Ji stumps. "Tho chief rivison why more of thefte old HtJiuipfl have lint come to light Is probably that they have so ordinary and unattractive an npM-ara m-e that a person u nit'-ij iki I n I cc with their value would not waste a sci-ond glani-e ujhiii them. They were very similar In iiiohI eases to tli p mtiimxtcr alicellatioii iiiarktt now In use In the pontofllccs, with the exception that the postmaster was required to sign hi name to them. "The rariit of Uu whole lot of ost mater btsu- La the 10 cout Haltlmore stamp, with the name of James M. I India ruin. One specimen of thla stamp okl for 4,4O0, which Is Uie record prfi-e for a stamp of United States laaue. There's no reason In the world why there shouldn't be more of these at amps pricked away some where. In the cams of till stamp none of them waa umd on envelope, but all on let ter. "The ditdgn of the Haltlmore stamp la a box made of hair line rule, one and a half Inchon long and half an Inch wide. In the center Is the signa ture, Maine M. liiichannn,' while un der the name Is the denomination, eith er 6 or 10 cents. There are two kinds of these stamps, In black or blue. The lOcent black Is the scarcer. "Next to thU wrles probably comes the New Haven stamp, at the bottom of which 1 the signature of 'E. A. Mitchell, P. M.' In the center Is the figure 5 with the word 'Paid' directly underneath. At the top are the word IV)t Offlce, New Haven, Ct.' The word are all Inclosed In a black bor der with a mall curve at the corner." New York Sun. PHONE AID TO MATRIMONY. Girl with One In Her Home Always Popular with Tonog Men. It la needles to say that the tele phone la a great Institution, says the L'tlea Press. It has long been an abso lute essential in every' place of busi ness. Just now there la a great In crease lu the number of pnoues In pri vate house. It Is possible to tulk with pretty much everybody at his or her home. The companies are evident ly endeavoring to boom that branch of their business, because they are ad vertising It extensively. The other day a St Louis paper had a big dis play ad. at the top of which was a picture of an attractive young lady telephoning and represented as saying: "Is that you, Harry?" The text be neath It Includes tills statement: "It is a well known fact that the girl who has a telephone Is the girl who has tho most friends, and consequently has the best time." This appeal to the young people Is ndrolt, and doubtless will serve to make tho St. Louis exchange bigger and busier. Tho parents who have marriageable daughters will do well to consider this Ingenious contrivance and modern aid to matrimony. It Is some thing of a bother for a young mini to call or even to write n note asking the young lady to go to the theater, go for a walk or drive or a ride to the park, but If he can transmit the message by telephone It Is au easy way of making nn apiKiIntment. Many n delicious message Is telephoned these days, and there is reason to believe the statement made by the St. Louis company. It applies, of course, with equal force In every American city. The young la dles ior whom a life of single bles sedness has no charms are not exactlv buying a lottery ticket when they hire a phone. They can get much pleasure and comfort out of It ns they po along, for It is a constant contributor to con venience. It Is worth the price, with the enhanced matrimonial possibility thrown In as an extra Inducement. Arabia's I.uuuMtiir 11 nut. There Is a curious plant that grows In Arabia and Is known by the name of "Laughing plant." This name comes from the fact that any one who eats Its seeds cannot coutrol Lis laughter. The natives of the district where this funny plant grows dry the seeds and reduce them to powder. A small dose of this powder mokes those who eat It act much llk,e those who drink more liquor than is good for them. The so berest person will dance, shout and laugh like a madman, and rush about cutting vp the most ridiculous capers for an hour. At the end of this time the reaction conies. The dancer Is ex hausted and a deep sleep comes upon him. After a nap of several hours he awakens with no recollection of the antics he has performed. The noy. McCall Who Is that youngster? Merchant Merely our new office boy. McCall Oh, I see. His face seemed familiar. Merchant rerhaps It Is, but his manner la more so. Philadelphia Prt'ss. ' The poorest thlug you can offer a trlud la an excuse. I Jivo -yMilVJ- When the avKtrm crrts dcLilitated and in a scovtrcd that is the tonal a systemic remedy, because it contains no strong- minerals to derange the atoniach and digestion, and affect the liver and liowels. It is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks selected for their purifying and healing qualities, and possesses just the projertics that are needed to restore to the body strong robust health. When the blood becomes impure and clogged with waste matters and poisons the body docs not receive suf- X have used jovlt S. 8. S. and found it to be an ficient nourishment and suf- excellent tonic to build up the general health and fers from debility, weakness, K e tonf nd strength to the system. I have used i-,.i i' ' other thlugs highly recommended, but S. S. 5. did sleeplessness nervousness, me more , everything else combined As loss or appetite, bad diges- properties it give a splendid appetite, tton and many other disa- refresi,ing sleep, and the system undergoe gen greeable symptoms of a dis- eral building up under its invigorating influence, ordered blood circulation, 548 Woodland Ave., Warren, O. Mrs. KaTS IiKCS. and if it is not corrected some form of malignant fever or other dangerous disorder will follow. S. S. S. builds up the broken down constitution, clears the blood of all poisons and Impurities and makes it strong and healthy. The nerves are restored to a calm restful state, refreshing Bleep is had again, theappetite returns and the whole system is toned up by this great remedy, S. S. S. is a blood puri fier and tonic and acts promptly in this run-down depleted condition of the 8ystem. Iiook on the blood and niedicpl advice furnished by our physicians, Without charge. TJJE SWtFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA, I'ly-lieaf Memoranda. Kvery now and then you will find In some periodical an Item relating to the aubjei-t of a book In which you are In terested. It la a good plan to enter on the f)y-lenf a reference to this passage, ao that you may find It again when needed. Such notes, neatly written In pencil, do no harm, and will often save you much time. You may In the same way make notes of the numbers of page In which you have been special ly Interested. A corresjiondent writes to us asking whether we rex-ommend "murklng books." To this extent we certainly do, provided the liook is not ao line an edition that ft should be kept as spotless as can be. Resides, very light pendl notes enn be removed In a moment without harei to any page. Hut the marking of books that extends to disfiguring them will never be done by any one who realizes how long a good book may continue to delight new readers, and to bring them help In right living and thinking. St. Nich olas. Mnindert Ilobbema. Very little Is known of Hobbema's life. He appears to have been born at Amsterdam In 1G38, but, as we have seen, other towns claimed to be his birthplace. It Is probable that he was the pupil of Jacob van Ruysdael, and certain that he lived In Amsterdam. He died poor, his last lodging being In the Itoowgraft, the street In which Rem brandt, also poor, had died forty years before. His works were little appreci ated lu Holland until nearly a hundred years after his death, and most of them found their way to England. St. Nicholas. From Had to Worse. The Lady Well, Marie, have you found the ornament for my hair yet? The Maid Yes, ma'am. Hut I've mis laid your hair, and now I can't find that. (Julte Proficient. Jack Y'our friend Miss oiifherly is always using slang phrases, isn't she? Kdyth Yes. indeed. She is quite fa miliar with the English slanguage. If a bride should by chance see a coffin as she starts off on her wedding tour she i-houlil order the driver of the carriage to turn back and start over again. Atgc(able rrcparalionfor As similating tticFoodandRcguIa ling (he Stomachs and. Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.Chccrfur ness and Rost.Conldins neither Opium.Mor phine nor liiieral. Is or N ak cotic. Jkfprrmutt - (VnM.lwv MMhryrww nmr; Apcrfecl Ilomedy forConstiptV tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fovcnsh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. flYH.'-Jf.S t.i"ni't jrH EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1 "! lllil j W CURE Horses of HEAVES, COUGH, DlHtrmiicr, link Uyc or Induration. A Krcat BLOOD PURIFIER AND CON. DIT10NES aud a iur cure fur all ailments from wliitu licavca arinc. CURED 34 HORSES. 1 have been ualug PtumUii llmve I'owilfni the mi eiKla munthi end la thut tliie bmve cured buniue of lltvun. 14 uf liUUtmiwr anil 9 of t'tironli' Coutrli. Tim 1'i'unnlaa Keiullig lieve yaluril m ureal reputation in thl aei'llou. Krutt behiuke, Newark, M. y PRICCI AT DEALERS, SOti BY MAIL, 6O0 FgyerM jiatfej"'iirriipr'ii Hunt! Hour. Vhi'h.ii'.k Hkmkhv eo., Bt I'mil Minn. m Mi ll 3l?TTTTmta run-down condition it needs a tonic and there has never of S. 8. 8. It is especially adapted for At "A ho at BO " When one knows the age of a woman one known the woman. The very fact that she permit you to know her age exposes her character. She no longer masquerades. She has lost a certain uncertainty, an evanescent delicacy, that was an Irresistible charm. Wom en, like philosophy, are divided Into two classes, the knowable and the un knowable. Also, like philosophy, It Is the unknowable woman who Is the speculable. Therefore to get her at her highest capacity she must be unmar ried and about 30. The married woman presents certain Inescapable telltale data. She has children, and those children have ap parent ages, two facts which go far In determining her annals. If she Is un married and is not "about 30" she Is under 30, again a definite fact. Helng "about 30" Is Indefinite. She may be n.ore or less. No one hazards a guess. There Is a delightful vagueness in be ing "about 30." It has nothing to do with dates, and many of us who from our youth up have felt no attachment for dates can forgive the unattached their confessed Indifference. Exact Definitions. Young Hopeful Father, what Is a "traitor in politics?" This paper says Congressman Jawweary is one. Veteran Politician A traitor is a man who leaves our party and goes over to the other one. Young Hopeful Well, then, what Is a man who leaves the other party and conies over to ours? Veteran Politician A convert, my son. Boston Transcript. Natural Sequence. Mrs. Jolliboy (to sick husband) doctor has arrived. -The Jolliboy Then you had better tele phone for the u idertaker. my dear. Mrs. Jolliboy Why, Tom, what do you mean? Jolliboy ell, coming events cast their shadows before them, you know sunny temper gilds the edges of life s blackest cloud. Guthrie. I Good humor is the health of the soul; sadness is its poison. Stauislaus. The first step to kaowied.jis is to know that we are ignorant. Cecil. Mtilll 1 III I lllllrt. mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of El) Use For Over Thirty Years tms oirmtua ohmmv, went voaa orrv. TflB k4 13 i im 13 ill AW m An orr nr. Miss Newg What wns dons at ths New Womnn International I'rogrpmlrs Club to-rlny V r.fifin-lur liirl Notliinif. You nop, Mrs. Hwrrti linii'iifd to emiip in with her liatijr, and In-fore we all ot tlirotiifh kim Inic the littlu cherub, it was timo to ad journ. Fixing Railroad Rate. Making niilroiii rates is like playing a (fame of checkers or chess. Common ities to be benefited, producers, manu facturers or hiptern to he aided, repre sent the pieces used. Every possible move is studied for its effect on the general result by skilled traffic man agers. A false move in the making of freight rates may mean the rnin of a city, of a great manufacturing interest, of an agricultural community. Rail roads strive to build up all these so t-tiat each may have an equal chance in the sharp competition of business. 80 Nennitive to this rivalry are the rail roids that in order to build up business along their lines they f refjuerit ly allow the shipper to practically dictiate rates. Kate making lias lit-en a mutter of development; of mutual concessions for mutual benefit. That is why the railroads of the United (States have vol untarily made freight rates so much lower in this country than they are on the government-owned and operated railways of Eurojie and Australia that they are now the lowest transportation rates in the world. Female Enthusiast. Esch evening now my good wife Kondljr greets me at the door; And this query she propoundetb: "Say, John, what's the scors?" For bronchial trouMea try Tiso's Cur for Consumption. It is a good ough medicine. At druggists, price 25 cents. A Bona: of the He a. lie never bought a gold brick Nor tried the bunko game, But he played at steamboat poker. Which is very much the same. Washington Star. Mother will fin it J4n. Wineiow's Soothing Byrup the best remedy tonne ior their children during the teething period. Small farms 'are the rule in Japan, and every foot of land is put to use. Tbs farmer who has more than ten acres is considered a monopolist. You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen 8. Olmited, Le Roy.N. Y., tor a free earn j le of Allen '1 It cure weaUne, hotiwollen, aching feet. It maket aew or tifrht ihoea eay. A certain cure foi corns, Inrrowfngnalli and buniona. Alldrng. gUueelllt. 25c Ixjn't accept any substitute, Gray Torpedo Craft. The British admiralty has decided that gray Is the best all-around color lor torpedo craft, and a change to It U to be made from black. riTB Permanently Cured. Xo fltaor nervounneea I 1 1 0 after first day' use uf Dr. Kline's (ircat Nerve Heniorvr. Send for KreeS)3 trial bottle and treatise. l)r. K. 11. Kline, Ltd., Wl Arch bt., Philadelphia, Fa. The Invisible Supply. Mr. Astorbilt I wish a genuine im ported cigar. Boy Very sorry, sir, but the boss is out. "I don't want the boss; I want an im ported cigar. Haven't you any?" "Yes, sir; we've got two, but they're in the safe." OREGON PORTLAND ST. HELEN'S HALL A GIRL'S SCHOOL OF THE HIGHEST CLASS corps of teacher, location, build in l: equipuieut tbe best, bead for cat alogue. Term Open. September IK, 004 TIIK DAISY FI.Y KII.I.FK d siroys all the tioMif-111 timing riHitii, slet'pitit! r'M'iu ami till plates where Clean, neat and will nn! snil ur injure anything. Try itifin once and von will mnrrtii' without them. ll nut kept by dealers, sni prepaid iir 3k. Harold Soiuer. 1-TJ iJelvalh Af., iroua.yi., . A STAR LED THE WISE MEN A!V't v- sT A It is 1 u I li t'ltw se W I mi ni 1 t'uye t u l.iy. Ii'mi i:nt ,v U'.iiliui; H'A1; u i nd ni III unit tor k' -d, e'd- a h iki 11 c uniiui'i fin-t- u d vt .yi' Mi H, s !e t t.'t'in itll. Made "in. i- Inc. h iu" o( t:i" M lis 111a te tlii'ii uie t II ruinitiiK, dtiin MITCHELL, LEWIS L STAVES CD. Portland, Oregon B ft tie and lK.u-le. "a-h ii-to i, Utid iHilb Idnho Dr. G. Ges Wo Wciierful Hoit.b Treatment Thla wonderful ''hi nnaa doctur la callid graal because ua cure V pooiila without opera- V' f . lion mat ar givuu up to dl. He rurea Willi tliuae woDilerlul I'hl iitiae herba. roou, buili, barlca aud veaiableii lliat are enilrily un kuuwu to niedkal act- iiL'e In thla counliy. Tbroutjli the use or those harmless reniedlra tlila tamuua doctor knows the action ot over 40u dirTerent remediea which be ucvrssfully usea lu UlrTtrent dlseasea. He guarantiee to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kid neys, etc; has hundred of testimonials. Chargea moderate. Call and see ulin. I'alleuta out or the city write lor blanks and clrculare. bend stamp. CO.NbULT.a HuN t'UKK. AUiiHkbd The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 2S1W-25J ALDER ST., FOKTUND. OREGON laV Uattltlitlk ttaiUlP P. N. U. No. 26-1 90S 3 WUEN writing toad'ortuorsyl II uisiiiiuD iuii iiausr. I mm JUL