I Tbe Special CHAPTKK XVIII. Th country In fertile and well cnlti Tai,i, growing wheat, malie, rte, lnr ley ami flax, lu its eastern districts. Kv- Menu while, different opinions wrr b rywhere are great masses of trees, wil- ing exchanged on the gangways. Some lows, mulberries, poplar. As far as th would rather travel with th millloua y cm rench are fields unJer cultirntlon, Irrigated by nnmeroua canals, also green new, in which sr flocks of aheep, conntry half Normandy, half Provence, were it not Tor to mountains or Pamir on the horiion. Hut this portion of Kaeh- garia was terrioly ravage,! ty war when It people wer struggling for ludepend nc. Th land flow,! with blood, and long by th railroad th ground Is dot- td With tumuli beneath which ar buried th victims of their patriotism, But I did not com to Central Asia to wavei as lr l wer In t rance, rsovelty: oveltyl Th unforeseen! The appall ing! It was without th shadow of an ac cident, and after a particularly fln run that we entered Yarkand Station at four o'clock lu the afternoon. A few Chinee passengers alighted at Iarksn.1, and gave place to others exact ly like them among others a acor of coolies and w atarted again at 8 o clock In the evening. During th night ulnff. I)urin th nleht ran the three hundred and flfty kilo- meters which separata Yarkand from Kothan, A visit I paid to th front van showed Konmnnian. in tne morning I opor tolil me tnat tne train, which was now traveling about as fast as an omnibus, had passed Khar- falik, the Junction for the Kilian and aong tranches. 1 he nigtit naa Deen coia. ror we are still at au altitude or J.ZOU meters. Leaving Uuma station, the line runs aue east ana west, following na nsses at the ronls between tne peDtly DanKs. ine ranroa-j crosses it aDout a hundred kilometers from Khotan. where we amve.1 at s o clocK in the morning. fwsj. j.o nours to stop, ana as tne town may give me a foretaste of the cities of wmua, 1 resoive to lane a run inrougn it. A- V JL as e were hdoui 10 noaru ine car gam. 1 saw ropor runuinij toward me. uuuuug. "Monsieur Bombarnac!" "What is the matter, Popof 7" A telegraph messenger asked me if there was any one belonging to the Twentieth Century on the train." "A teletp-aph mesaenger? "Yes, and on my replying In the af firmative, he gave me this telegram for for you " "Give It me! give It me!" I seize the teWrnm hlnh h. hn waitiuc for nie some iIats. I It n rnlv to my wire sent from Merv, relative to tbe mandarin Yen Lou? I open it. I read It, and it falls from my hand. This is what it said: "Claudius Bombarnac. Correspondent Twentieth Century, Khotan, Chinese Turkestan: "It is not the corpse of a mandarin that the train is taking to Pekin. but the imperial treasure, value fifteen mill- Ions, seut from Persia to China, as an nounced in the Paris newspapers eight days ago; endeavor to be better informed for the future." CHAPTER XIX. "Millions there are millions in that pretended mortuary van!" In spite of myself, this imprudent phrase had escaped me in such a way that the net-ret of the imperial treasure vras instantly known to all, to the rail way men as well as to the passengers, And so, for the greater security, the Persian government, in agreement with the Chinese government, lias allowed it to be believed that we were carrying the corpse of a mandarin, when we were really taking to Pekin a treasure worth fifteen millions of francs. Now the secret is divulged, and we know that this treasure, composed of gold and precious stones, formerly de posited in the hands of the Shah of Per sia, is being sent to its legitimate owner, th Son of Heaven. That is why my lord Faruskiar, who was aware of it in consequence of his position as general manager of tbe com pany, had Joined the train at Douchak so os to accompany the treasure to Its destination. That is why he and Ghangir and the three other Mongols had so carefully watched this precious van, and why they had shown themselves so anx lous when it had been left behind by the breakage of the coupling, and why they were so eager for its recovery. That Is also why a detachment of Chi nese soldiers has taken over the van at Kachgur, ln relief of the Persians. That Is why Pan Chao never heard of Yen Lou, nor of any exalted personage of that name existing in the Celestial Empire! We started to time, and, as may be supposed, our traveling companions could talk of nothing else but the mill- Ions which were enough to enrich every one in the train. "This pretended mortiiHry van has al ways been suspicious to me," said Major Noltiti. "And that was why I ques tioned Pan Chao regarding the dead mandarin." "I remember," I said; "and I could not quite understand the motive of your question. It is certain now that we have got a treasure in tow." "And I add," said the major, "that the Chinese government has done wisely In sending an escort of twenty well armed men. From Kothan to Lan Tcheou the trains will have two thousand kilometers to traverse through the desert, and the safety of the line is not as great as it might be across the Gobi." "All the more so, major, as the re doubtable Ki-Tsang has beeu reported ln the northern provinces." "Quite so, and a haul of fifteen mill ions is worth having by a bandit chief." "But how could the chief be informed of the treasure being sent?" That sort of people always know me that the box was still In the Mine !.., vmnilr lnra.l ihli T"")-Teii Live th Coat of One 1 place. A certain auorlns proved that I urn . 1., nr ai.ut ..,i, I I'osneMed by Iowa ladian. T lirtir inini ruin in r nns rtnu T I "(Ireat W Kiuko was inside as usual, and sleeping Lf it .h. T ifu ! T,.,.!.- s.,..iir in I Anijr which took seventy-aoveu I , R I.R tK M A .HhKWfl MIIN t have a reacefully. I did not care to wak him, which I am Insure,!, will. I expect, re- ,lvw ln uaklnK Is owneil by uu J 11 wi-ti-uiiimvu T - and I left him to dream of hia adorable fuse to nar so thst the fJrsn.l Trans. lowa-Indlau llvlliir In Strom! II 'P TJ.J.J.J..tJ.J-J.J.J.J-AAAJ.J.J.-i ,n tut of iue miny-sevenm paranei. uie same Anglo-American couple were right, the and are said to have been taken by tw bl cannon crackers and his pocket ""r "l "'- ' l' ...... wrhich traverses it in Europe, Seville, enormous loss would have had to be special command of the t;reat Silrir ' "mailer ones, and had Joined Bill ,,nn- A '"n w"" m,1', '' Syracuse and Athens. borne by the Grand TrananslaUc. for the from the IliiMt M,-lmoi nf il, AinsWy, to set th church Ml wildly to the crackers. Ne,,r the crackers a We sighted only one stream of Impor- company must have known they were " , ",-,min" of " rillBi11)f, oa th, strke ((f ,2. joyous ri" tM ,,( th f-i. and tliU I" tance, the Knrakash. on which appeared cartylng a treasure and not a corpse, m aM clllldrt' beloiijfltig to tha ,llue.holloP9( ,alutntion u ,h gh.rloiia t,lrn tle'1 ," l,lt ,,f wlr" "" ",0 few drifting rafts, and files of horses and therebv thev were resnonsihle. white, red and negro races. Fourth h h.l ,,l,,.,l t I,.. b.cU In ""' the kite, which had been .1 .L! . - - ,, I . 1 . I . Correspondent rM"M-M I what It I their Interest to know." - "es," thought I, "although thy do - not read the Twentieth Century. than enrry a corpse along with thoin. even though It was that of a flint-class mandarin. Others considered th carry Ing of the treasur danger to the pas sengers. And that was th opinion of Baron Welssachnltserdorfer, in furious attack on Fopof. - "You ought to hav told n about It. air you ought to hav told na about it! Thos millions ar known to b In the train, and thev will temnt neonle to attack na. And an attack, even If repula- ed. will mean delay, and delay I will not submit to. No. air. I wi not " . . . Xo one will dream of doing it." "And how do you know that how do you know that?" "H calm, pray." "I will not be calm: and If there Is a delay I will hold th company responsi ble." That Is understood; a hundred thou- sand florins damanea to Monsieur le Bar- T.. a t 1- on Tour de Mond. iet us pass to th other passenger, Knhrlnell Wke.1 it the mstter of eourse. from a verv nrsrrlenl roliit nf view. "There can be no doubt that our risks asiatic Company will have all the re shnsibility. "Of course." said Mias Bluett; "and jf tney had not found the missing van the company would have beeu lu a aeri- ous difficulty with Chlua. Would It not. Fulk?" '"Exactly, Horatia." Horatia and KulW nothing less! Th Ag t0 th, Caternas. the milllofis roll- jn hehin.l i1i,l not m to trouble thum The onlr reflection thev Insi.lred was "Ah! Cnroline. what a snlendid theater we'micht build with all that monev! But the best thing was said by the Rev Nathaniel Morse, who had Joiued I the tra il at Knohir.ir. "it is never comfortable to be drag ell)e . noWjen maeazine after one. Nothing could be truer, and this van. with its Imperial treasure, was a pow der magazine that might blow up our train. CIIAi'TEIt XX. The first railway was opened In China about 1S77, and ran from Shanghai to I ou-Tcheou. The Grand Trausaslatlc followe,! very closely the Russian road proposed in 1S74 by Tashkend, Kouldja, linmi- r-an Tcheou, Singan, and Shang- ,,nL This railway not run through the P"P101" central provinces, which f?n De fn'Pore,i to vast and nummmg n,ves ot D,''s- "na extraor.Ilnanly pro- llfic he? A nearly as possible it forms " i -'ra ueiore curving off to Lan Tcheou; it reaches c,ne? Dy ,,ne "raes " S' out to the south and southeast. Since we left Kothan, we have covered a hundred and bfty kilometers in four hours. It is not a high rate of speed, but we cannot expect on this part of the Transasiatic the same rate of traveling we experienced on the Transcasplan Either the Chinese engineers are not so fast, or. thanks to their natural indo lence, the engine drivers imagine that from thirty to forty miles an hour is the nuiximum that can be obtained on the railways of the Celestial Empire, At o'clock in the afternoon we were at another station, Xia, where General Pevtsoff established a meteorological ob servatory. Here we stopped only twenty minutes. 1 had time to lay in a few provisions at the bar. For whom they were intended you can imagine. The passengers we picked up were only Chinese, men and women. There were only a few for the first class and these only went short Journeys. We had not started a quarter of an hour, when Ephrlnell, with the serious manner of a merchant intent on some business, came up to me on the gang way. "Monsieur Bombarnac," he said, "I have to ask a favor of you." "Only too happy, I can assure you," said I. "What is it about?" "I want you to be a witness. I am go ing to marry Miss Bluett." "Marry her?" "Yes. A treasure of a woman, well ac quainted with business matters, holding a splendid commission " "My compliments, Mr. Ephrlnell! You can count on me." And, probably, on Monsieur Ca ter ns?" He would like nothing better, and if there is a wedding breakfast he will sing at your dessert " As much as he pleases," replied the American. "Then it is to be " "Here." "In the train?'' "In the train." "But to be married you require " "An American minister, and we have the Itev. Nathaniel Morse.'.' Bravo. Mr. Ephrlnell! A wedding in a train will be delightful." It needs not be said that the commer cials were of full age, and free to dis pose of themselves to enter into mar riage before a clergyman and without any of the fastidious preliminaries re quired in France and other formallstlc countries. Is this an advantage or other wise? The American thinks it Is for the best, and, as Cooper says, the best at home is the best everywhere. It Is too late for the ceremony to tak place to-day. Ephrlnell understood that certain conventionalities must be com plied with. Th celebration could take place ln the morning. The passengers could all be Invited, and Faruskalr might be prevailed on to honor the affair with his presence. During dinner we talked of nothing After congratulating tha har - couple, who replied with true Anglo- M .... . . 1 1 l. l . . I . 1 promiseu 10 sign in ...r.,i.nv viMiirnci. Ami we will do honor to your slgna tures, said Kphrlnell, In th ton of s .....n.mnii accepting a l.lll. In night came, and w retired, drani of th marriage festivities of morrow. I took my usual atroll Into car occupied by the Chinese soldiers, and ounu in treasure or the Son of Heaven faithfully guarded. Half th detach uient wer awnke and half wer asleep. AtHut 1 o clock In th morning I visit d Klnko .! I, ....1...I kin. ..... .... ! Vl 11. 1 cnase at Ma. Me anticipated no further oimmciea; n wouiil reacU port safely, a tier an "I am getting quit fat In this bos." he told ni. I told him about the Kiihrluoll-Illuett marriage, and how the union was to b celebrated next morning with great pomp. Alr said h.. with 11 sigh. "They r not obliged to wait until toey reach lkln." "Quit so, Klnko; but It seems to me that a marriaire nn.tee ..i-h m..lWl.t.,. I.I not likely to b lasting. Hut, after all. that Is th couple's lookout." At 3 o'c ock In the loomln w. .nr.. .1 . at the foot of th ramlflcatlona of th Kuen I.iin. None of us had seen this miserable, desolate country, treeleaa and venl tireless, which the railway waa now crossing on Ita road to the uortheast. Iay came; our train ran the four hun dred kilometers between Tchertchen ami Icharkalyk while the sun caressed with Its rara the Imnten nUh. .llti i It. .,,11,,- m " Us suliu efflorescence. (To he continued.) ' :- RUQ MADE OF HUMAN SCALPS. says the Dallas News. It Is 150 years old and consists of Bcventvaeven Rcalps torn from the beads of as many Human beings. The rut;, which Is barely five feet aipiare, Is of many hues, for the scalps ar red, gray. black, white, brown and auburn, Tliey beloiiKed to peaceful people, too, BO" ns Ule 9('alP! wre eoure-.I tuey were sewn together and the riiit was from that time regard e.l as th) remedy ror all trouble. hen an lu- ulan was taken sick he was laid on this rug and If he did not recover h's spirit was assure,! of a pleasant Jour- nev to the hannv huntlnn around Thla rumnrl-nl.U ..otl.. I,. " " " "f-- " v..., mice a j, -nr. .11 ujb Hiiuuni wiiu-onion reasr. w Iilch comes on April lfc the Iowa In- dams make the rug piny an import- ant part The onion Is freely used, the Indians sntumtlng themselves from head to foot with the Juice. This was their successful way of driving away the evil spirits. A prayer rug belonging to the shall of Persia is another valuable mat. Though barely two feet square. IN design is most elaborate. It is work ed throughout in precious stones and the effect Is dazzling. The ground Is formed of roso diamonds and In tho center is a large bird, whose neck is made" of amethysts and Its body of rubles. The vines, which form a not work, through which the bird may be seen as throtiuh a cage, are nfado of emeralds, while the bands which connect the stones are of ho1 pearl. The flornl emblem of Persia Is worked out ln blue, yeJIow and pink stones, this design being known as the Mln.i Kluinl design. It Is dllflcult to determine even tha approximate value of this smnll rug, but it has been estimated that if It were sold the proceeds placed at !5 per cent Interest would bring in an Income of at least $2r0,0,0 per annum. A STORY OF TWO PAINTERS. Did Van Pyokr and Hals Really Paint Each Other's Portrait? There is a story related, by Hou braken, which may or may not be true, that Van Dyck, passing through Haar lem, where Hals lived, sent a mes senger to seek him out and tell him that a stranger wished to see him, and on Hals putting ln an appearance asked him to paint his portrait, add lng, however, thut he had only two hours to spare for the sitting. Hals finished the portrait ln that time, whereupon his sitter, observing that it seemed an easy matter to paint a portrait, requested that he be allowed to try to paint tho artist. Hals soon recognized that his vlstor was well skilled In the materials ho was using. Great, however, was his surprint when he beheld the performance. Ha Immediately embraced the stranger, at the same time crying: "You are Van Dyck! No one but he could do what you have Just now done!" Assuming the story to be true, how interesting It would be If the two portraits existed, that one might se what Frans Hals, accustomed to tho heavier type of the Dutch burghers, made of the delicately defined features of Van Dyck, and how the latter, who always gave an air of aristocratic ele gance to his portraits, acquitted him self with the Muff, Jovial Hans, who was as much at homo In a tavern as ln a studio. For no two men could be more different, both ln their points of view and ln their methods, though they wore alike ln this one particular that each was a most facile and skillful palntor. St. Nicholas. ' About th Hix of It. "Say, paw," queried little Johnny Bumpernlckle, "what does a paper mean when It says that further com ment Is unnecessary?" "It usually means," my son, that the writer doesn't know what else to ay," answered tho old gentleman. CASABIANCA'S CELEBRATION. t I The hoy stood on the hurtling porca 1 nenc an iil mad a scootl - l."mn " m ills hsmi A fra.le,1 rdnwheel at his sl.1 to Was all that stsld to tell the ,,'hJr- '"'mis Imlf his hid. the f- A hnsted hotnh tipnn the floor. ine remnsnt r a hst, Suspender huttoiis three or four I lint mi where grandpa sst. An Isle of safety on th lawn. Where still the (truss wss green. I Marked n here his sister dear hsd gon To rub on vaseline. Anon th smoke rose from h yard. Ana men, through one small nrt. W saw where mother, scorched and scarred, A smelling hot tit sniffed. And at th git stood furl mil In rracinents of his nam. Demanding In his acrrnta ihrtllt Head us sn ambulance! rt,. .. .. a. A Jtomm candle held. "' match and lit the fu 'Tbla Is th last I" h yelled. The Roman rsnrtle fli.lrd and flar4 The halls flew far and wide. '"'. " nan 7 acsrra. I unrf m in puitni in nui. Alstl Kr shelter they could And, The illrrfnl deed was done: !! whirled the cnndl all about And pinked them every one. Id pain thry llniprd tin to th porch Thsy crept from hush ami shruh. And each Implored In husky tones: There rsme a hurst of thim.ter sound. .. Th ''nT was he? Hjr turns he was sent on a round lust lel rroni knee to knee. t'hleagn Itecord Herald. ACK C.IMW.KY crawled through hoi In the fence back of his home and cautiously tiptoed toward th house. Th sun was higher than Jack hud Inteiiile,! It shonhl be when he returned! when h h.,1 .ii.l nut ..f thu back door, Just before midnight, with his room and in bed before th sun rose Hut the noisy hour had fled and now it was broad day. A rooster crowed on a neighboring farm, and from the henhouse buck of h'm the old Huff Cochin answered long P"'1 cloar- 'Ul(t wn" M!h Ann's alarm clock, and beids of anxiety stood out on IT.. ,L I. L ...I . t 1... I. " cn.llUMli.j o.ll nur Whr ,,.., ,, , .. , locked when he stole out In the night land now lie gave a reckless, desperat tug. but th door yielded not on whit Could ho have carelessly left the hook so that It fell back ln place with th Jar of closing? He must have. Jack glanc ed uneasily towards Miss Ami's bed room, then slipped off his shoes, climbed to tha low shel at the hack, ran swiftly and noiselessly across the roof, and reaching up to the window sill of his room pulled himself up, and with a slgli of relief dropped Inside. Thank heaven, he had left that window wide open. He was none too soon, for even as ho slipped his Jacket off preparatory to jumping into bed, MIsa Ann's thin, cracked voice rang up th narrow stair way: "Jack, you can get up now!" "Yes'm," was the meek reply. Waiting such length of time as would naturally elapse during the process of dressing, Jack filled Ills pockets with the remain der of his crackers and presented himself In the kitchen. Jack Gridley was moth erless, and his father, a commercial trav eler, had found a home for the boy with Miss Ann Hohart. "Good morning," said Miss Ann, as Jack entered the kitchen. "Good morn ing," he replied as he hurried towurd the woodshed for an armful of wood. Breakfast was ready when he returned, and there had been 110 opportunity to fire a cracker. "John," said Miss Ann, helping him to a second dish of oatmeal, "if I were you I would save those two largest crackers for this evening, to close the day with." "Yes'm," said Jack. "Now, suppose," continued Miss Ann, "that you give them to me for safe keep ing; I am afraid the temptation to fir them will b too great otherwise." Jack grew red In the face, and hastily gulped down a glass of milk. "Can't, they're busted," he said. "You mean they ar broken. But you haven't told me how you broke them," continued Miss Ann, sweetly. "I I I fired 'em!" Jack blurted the truth out manfully. "John Gridley! what do you mean?" All the sweetness was gone from Miss Ann now. "You haven't fired a cracker snico you rose tins morning. Now, when did you fire those big oues? Tell me the truth Instantly!" Last night," said Jack, feebly. "At what time last night?" "I don't know lea' what time," was the weak reply. "John Grldlty, you look me lu the face and toll ine what tlm you left this house." The Jig was up and Jack knew It. "Well, if you must know, It was a few minutes of 12," he said. "Hand m those crackers, every one you've got. Now, John Gridley, don't you stir foot outside of the yard this day. Now go out to the woodpile ami saw until I toll you to stop." Poor Jack! He wouldn't give Miss Ann the satisfaction of knowing how bad he felt, but when his stint of wood was finished, he Hod to the barn and up ln a dark corner of the hawmow he had his cry out with only the sympathetic whinny of old Null in the stall below, for comfort. All the morning he had heard, the pop, pop, pop of crackers, and later the circus band, as the procession paraded the streets; he had even caught just a glimpse of the parade as it enter ed tho tent, for the circus had pitched iiot far from Miss Anns bouse. This was the first circus in Easthampton for years, and Jack had set his heart on going. Miss Ann strongly disapproved (f clrcusos, but Jack had written to his father and obtained consent, providing he was a good boy, and now Jack wept afresh. Most of all lie wanted to see the elephant (it was a small circus and I had but one of the huge pachyderms). I About 3 o'clock Miss Aim ruleutud to pyl HAN OP '76 RnAPInAR3 ashlngton!" He said: "If ffrlghted and beaten the Ilrltlah!" allowing him to have his crackera, and In the 110U0 of these h tried to drown out the noise of the circus band that floated nut from th big dingy canvas so near and yet so far. Sudden ly It flashed into his head that h might send up crackers on his kit. Why uotT Ho ha. I read of a ramera being sent up 'o " photographs, and If a enmeru C1,u1'1 "ackers could. Jack set to pulled In. Th free rod of the fus was lighted, the kite set free, and Jack watch ed tho tiny sputtering sparks sail up into tho air. When th tire reached the string it burned It 'off, setting free th crackers which exploded a second Inter in midair. Finally Jack took th digest cracker that he had, on he had been saving for a grand climax, made an extra long fuse. attached It In the usual way and then gave th kit all th string he had. I'p, up, up ah sailed until she floated fairly over th circus teut. Then Jack saw th tiny speck of a cracker drop, and, watching it speed downward without ex ploding, he muttered to himself In dis appointment. 'Why didn't I keep it and flr it on the ground where I could mnke It go anyhow?" But Jack hnd simply miscalculated and hnd allowed too much fuse between the rrncker mil string for nn explosion liU'h lu nlr. Just nfter the tiny speck vanished behind one of the smaller tents. Jack henrd it explode, fol lowed Instantly by a scream that nm.l.t Jack's hair rise. Out from behind the tent shot a huge black beast, tearing across tha fields with awkward, lumber lug strides, but wonderfully fast. It waa th elephant! With trunk thrown up and hack of Its head, and trumpet ing shrilly, It mado straight toward Jack smashing down the rail fences lu Its pnth as If they were straws, his keeper in full pursuit, hopelessly distanced. From the i.ig tent began to pour out a strango motley rpowd of townspeople, painted clowns am! scantily dressed bareback riders to see what had happened. For a moment Jack, too frightened to move, watched the huge beast bearing down upon hlm, then he (led for the hayloft In tho barn, and through a crack watch ed the mad race. Straight on came the elephant, nor did lie stop for an Instant at Miss Anus nice picket fence; it crashed down ns had the mils before it Then the runiiawy caught sight of the big, wldo-open barn doors (Miss Ann had told Jack to close them that afternoon) am! probably seeing safety lu the dark recesses of the barn, rushed In, where he stood trumpeting and trembling with fright. A few minutes later Jack heard the keeper close the doors and say to the crowd coming up, that he would shut th elephant ln for awhll until h had calmed down. Then the keeper told how someone, he didn't know who, had thrown cracker In front of the big beast Just as the latter was drinking, and the runaway had resulted. Meantime Jack was In au unhappy predicament and rotreated to a fur cor ner of the mow, the cold chills chasing each other down his buck as he heard th heavy breathing of the elephant be low. Gradually the elephant grew quiet er and Jack's courage begau to come back. II could hear old Nell whinnying with fright and stamping uneasily In tier stall. Curiosity got the butter of hlm and he wanted to see what was going 011 below. Cautiously, Inch by inch, ha crept to the edge of the mow. In the dim light he could see the back of the elephant not two feet below hlm'. The animal was quiet now. Presently he noticed the long trunk feeling along the edge of the mow and examining the new quarters, so he bent a rotreat once more. The new hay was not yet In, and the small amount of old hay left was at the back of th mow. A rustling on the edge of It caught his attention and he made out the elephant's trunk stretch ing for the liny, which It could not reach. Cautiously ho held out a wisp. It was tukeu ami the trunk disappeared. A minute later It was back again. So Jack continued to feed tho elephant, and growing bolder, crawled to the edge again, having a bundle of hay In Ills hands. This time the elephnnt saw him, and before he could retreat the big trunk had caught hlm and deftly, but gently, lifted him down. Tho hay he still held, and timidly offering it, it was promptly accepted.' A few minutes later the keeper opened the doors, to Hnd to tils astonishment his big charge and a small boy on the best of terms, and when the elephant was or dered out, he refused to move without Jack. "Pick Liui up, Miku," ordered the ON INDirrnNMlNCH DAY we had these toys In our lime how w could keeper, so, gently, th elephant placed Jack nn his back and th procession started for th circus tents one mor. Jack th enty of all th boy In th village, snd Miss Ann realising htr help lessness In th situation. Th show management settled for th broken fences, but Miss Ann still retain her prejudice against clrcusse. As for Jack, to this day no one know who dropoed th cracker lu front of Mik. Jack looks back to that Fourth, when the circus cam to hlm, because h could not go to It. as the greatest celebrntlou he ever had. Orange Judd Farmer. IHlt AST. Uncle Ham's Fourth of July ascension. Old Glory' IllrihtUy. Hark! the hoys are coming! A rat a tat tut a 1st tail Th drummers are hriively drumming, A rat a tat 1st a tat tail While over their hes.ls, go where they may. Will rer Old (Jlory go. A rat a tat tat a tst-tatl A rat a tnt tut a tat tall And over their heads, go wber they may. Will ever Old Ulory go. T.lstenI th drum are hearing, A rat a tat tat a tat tat! And wilder the Ix.ya are cheering, A rat a tut 1st a tat tall Ho fill your pockets with crackers, llrlng out a horn and a gull. And join In the shouting chorus: Add tq the noise and the fun! A rut n tut tut 11 tnt tut! A rat a tut tat h tut lt I Come. Join lu the shouting chorus, auu 10 ine noise anu run. 'TIs th aniiie, sweet, old, old story, A mt a tut tut 11 int ii 1 Of th birthday of Old Ulory, A-rat a tat tat a tat tnt I And a hundred year In iniHMlug, nines inn miners ronght anil died, IIht made more iireclous the starry sign u.l llfllllljr in o.-llll, A rat a tnt tnt a tut tat! A rat a tnt tnt n tnt tnl ! Have made mor iireclous the starrv alan Thst tyrnmiy 1 dead. Hobby's Nightmare. ji '.iiir'r.i.t (,;. fPfji fiik t ,1 jMV. 1'IOUHCN All. The Kourth once more In bringing Joy To tho llruerucker maker; It tickles l lie In-art of the lit t lu boy, TU doctor uud undertaker. New Yurk But. T