DRAIN NOR MAL SCHOOL Twentieth Annual Commencement Ten Thousand Dollars Raised Professor Briqgs Made President. The twentieth annual commence ment was ushcrcJ in by bright sunshine and happy faces. The baccalaurate sermon was tieliveml by Rev. M. C. Wire, his text was "The True Ideal." The music was by a special chorus ami a solo by Mrs. George Kastes, of Portland. Monday evening was matked by a drama given by the Literary So ciety assisted by Beveral of the citi zens of the town. It was well ren dered and gave a true picture of our public school fifty years ago. Tuesday was Fiold Day and was given up to the track meet and a ball game with Yoncalla, in which the Normal boys won by a score of 3 to I. It was au excellent game from first to last and free from all wangling. The evening was de voted to class day exercises and Alumni Reunion. The exercises were well rendered to a large and appreciative audience. Special musical numbers were the soloes of Mrs. Eastes of Portland and Mrs. Fred Myers of Gold Hill. Wednesday evening was Com mencement Night and was Marked by an excellent musical and liter ary program. The orations were good and well delivered, a pleasing feature is that there has not been a poor exercise during the entire week. There are five in the class, Misses Mamie Heickither, Alta Spaulding, Daisy Hoover, and John Johnson. This year has been marked by good fellowship of stu dents and teachers, hard work, and intense earnestness which speaks well for any school. The outlook for the school for next year is very encouraging good prospects for a class of tweuty and an attendance of 150, and this in spite of the ref erendum and the foes of the public schools of Oregon. Last year the citizens of Drain paid 72 mills on the dollar to help maintain the school, and they with friends of the school, in Douglas county, have again put up the sinews of war for another years tvork. The school has now thirty seven students out teaching that they may enter school this fall. During the life of the school there has been an attend ance of more than 3.800 students and 182 graduates, and they hare cost Oregon 24,000 dollars, or six dollars per student, and 93 per cent ot these have taught school thus reoavine the state many times the cost. During the past ten days the res idents of Drain have gone down in to their pockets raised and deposit ed with the clerk of the board of Regents the sum of $10,000 for the maintainence ot the school. The Board of Regents elected Prof A. L. Briggs President of the school with O. C. Brown vice president,' IT. B. Sigs English and Latin, Sybil Kuykendall History and Science, Mrs. O. C. Brown critic teacher, with three positions yet to be filled. Oregon Patents. Granted this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co. patent Attorneys, Washington D. C Albert E. Holmes, Milwaukee, Hoe. For copy of any of above patents send ten cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to C. A. Snow & Co. Washington D. C. Proprietor of Traveling Menagerie "Are you used to looiting after horses and other animals? Appli cant for Job Yessir. Been used to 'orsesall my life." "What steps would you take if a liou got loose?' ' "Good long uns, mister!" Round Trip for One Fare. The Southern Pacific railroad has decided to make a rate of one fare for the round trip from Portland to all points in Oregon to as far south as Ashland, for visitors from the East to the Lewis and Clark Ex position, to enable them to look over western Oregon, that they may have an opportnnity to locate or in vest. The tickets will be good for 1 5 days, with stop over priveleges. Holders of Exposition round trip tickets from the east can purchase these tickets this rate, it will depend upon the energy shown by the community as to the number o visitors secured. THAT TIItEJJ FEELING. Ifyounra languid, deprcBHed, in capable for work, It indicates that your liver n out of order. Jlerbini; will BHBist nature to throw of beud uilies, rheumatiHra and ailment akin to nervousness and restore the ener gies and vitality to sound and jcr focl health. J.J. Hubbard, Tem Me Texas, writes: "I liavu used tkr bine for the past two years. It lias done me more good than all the doc tors. It Is the best medicine- ever made for chills and fever." 5Ue, 6old by The Modern Pharmacy, T1IK PILLORY Of PUBLIC SCORN Tim methods of tho builders of hugo fortunes hnvo of late been sub jcoled to tho keenest scruling, nays the Daily Mining Record, W hile it is reeognized that those men nro tho natural product of cxistiting conditions, thoy havp not boon lico from attacks reflecting upon their personal character. They havo not been immune from the effects of a discussion that has resulted in an abasement little Bhort of public disgrace. Tho possession of great wealth is no longer accepted by everybody as an established claim of public res poet. On the contrary, iu the eyes of many, it places tho possessor un der suspicion. Unless he cau show that ho camo by his fortuno honest ly, that ho respects a fair compensa tion for his contribution to society, there is a growing "disposition to plat e him in the pillory of public scorn. By this veering of public opiuiou, the chief incoutivo for tho accumu lation of great fortunes is removed. Unlet-s they can command respect, they are of little service to their possessors. Unless, in addition to being obtained honestly, they are administered wisely for the public good, they may bring upon their administrators well-merited oppro bium. This is the tendency of the curreut discussions of industrial problems aud it should bo encour aged. Any attempt to relieve tho multi-millionaire from the sense of personal responsibility, any attempt to shield him from public contempt that his methods deserve, should be condemned. Let him be known by name. Let him be pilloried. He is the drunken Helot of finance. He is the bloated product of money intemperance. Ho should be an example and a waruiug. Once it becomes recognized that ill-gotten wealth - means shame, great fortunes will crumble and they will not I e replaced. A NEW CURE FOR DEAFNESS Electricity . the Highest Science Ever Applied to the Human System Many ' Responsible People Cured in This Country and State can Vouch for the Truth of This Statement Dr. Damn will Remain Until October I. Eugene Guard. Tin-re is probably no better known men in Linn county than Mr. Parrlsh, Mr. Oxford and Mr. Plate. They have upcnt a life time among the people of thin state and their reputa tions are such that none will question their truthfulness. They have re eeived .threat relief at the hands of the irreat benefactor. Dr. larrin, at the Hotel Smeede, and desiro to Inform ail the affile ted that they have the same opportunity. Their testimonials are given below: TO THK ITHMC. For the past five years I have been troubled with deafness In one ear. I am hannv to say that Dr. Darrln cured me with electricity and a slight operation In twenty minutes, so 1 can hear as well nH ever in my life. I re wide at Sodavllle, Linn county, Ore gon, and formerly lived Iu Albany is years. Refer to me by letter or in person. 4 . Wm. W. Pabisii. HE CAN HEAR A WHISPER. To the peopie: About three years nt?o I commenced Iteint; deaf. I wan almost distracted with the incon venience of not being able to hear. I heard of Dr. Darrln, then In Albany, and applied to him for relief. He cured mo. I can hear a whisper across the room and a watch tick. The cure was made two years ago, so I consider it permanent. Kefer to me at Brownsville, Ore. J. L. Oxi OKD. HAPPY AKTER TWO YKARM OF. MIHKKV To the Afllieted: I can recommend Dr. Darrln 's treatment. Eor eight or ten year 1 have been troubled with rlieuiiuiti-iiii In the hip and back, also diabetes, having to relievo my bladder many tliw-s n day and night. 1 hrough Dr. 'iianiu'rt electrical and medical tr a' in -lit am cured of tho rlieuma ti in and diabetes. lief.r to 1110 at JefK-i -.on, Ore. J. W. Path. '1 ric writer knows Mr. rate very well and In pleased to inform his many friends of I1I3 recovery, and know the case must boa genuine out;, as Mr. l'apo Is a man of good sense and sound judgment. Uecould not be induced to make such a state, ment unless ho knew it to be true. PR. pakmn'h PLACE ok hcsinesh. Dr. Darrln U located at tho Hotel Smeede, Eugene, until October 1, and giving free, examination to all, 10 to 0 or 7 to 8 daily. The poor free and those able to pay at the rate of f 5 a week or iu that proportion of time tho case may require. All curable chronic diseases of men and women a speciality. Eyes tested free and glasses fitted at reasonable prices. if you cannot consult tho doctor here send for a question blank free and get home treatment. The Woman's Way "Many a married man who might make a fortune is handi capped because his wife demands too much of his attention." "That's right Just as soon as fortune begins to flirt with him his wife gets jealous." Philadelphia Press. FOUND A (Tl!i: VOW 1YSP EPSl A Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William. Ontario, Cnnadn. who has suffered quite rt number of yen t from dyspep sia and great pains In tho stomach, was advised by her druggist to take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and says, "1 find that they have done me a great deal of good. I have never hud any suffer ing nlnce I began uslnj them." If troubled with dyspepsia or Indigest ion why not take these Tablets, get well and Hinv well? For sale by The Modern Pharmacy. To Old Soldiers. Headquarters Association of First Oregon Cavalry and the the First Oregon Infantry, I.aOraude, Oregon, May to, 1905. Comrades: Tho fourth annual reunion of the First Oregon Cavalry, United States Volunteers, and the First Ore gon Inutility United States Volun teers' Association will bo held in conjunction with the state encamp ment of the lirand Army of the Republic at Oregon City, Oregon, on June 24, 1905. All comrades requested to be present and luiticioate. A cordial invitation is given to all persons who served in either the First Oregon Cavalry, United States Volunteers, or in the First Oregon Inf.tutry, United States Vol unteers, and did duty in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah or Neva da from 1S61 to 1 $06, and to tlieir parents, wives and descendants, to join in the reunion ana taiK over the incidents ol long ago. Geo. II. Ct'RKKV, Commander W. M. II11.LKAKY, Adjutant. CUBAN' DlAPvKIIOKA. I. S. soldiers who served In Cuba during the Spanish war know what this disease is. and that ordinary remedies have little moro offeet than that much water. Cuban diarrhoea Is almost 11s severe and dangerous as a mild attaet of cholera. There is one remedy, however, that can al ways ho depended upon as w ell a stvn by the following eertltieate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Tex as: "1 hereby certify that ChamUr Iain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Kemedy cured my husband of a se vere attack of Cuban diarrhea, which he brought home from Cuba. Wo had several doctors but they did liim no good. One bottle of this remedy 1. : , .. til ... cureu nun, as our uciguoois win tes tify. I thank (kid for such a valu able medicine." Eor sale by The Modern Pharmacy. Former residents of New York state now residing in Oregon aro re- qested to seud their names and ad dress to Mai. Algar M. Wheeler. 225 W. Park street Portland at once. A list is now being prepared for publication showing tho prepont and former residence of former New Yorkers. Visitors to tho exposition from New York will bo interested in it and many residents hero will doubt less discover old friends and form new and personal acquaintances. The New York society is doing a good work. JUST WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD DO. Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwlnville, On, always keeps a bottle of Chandier Iain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Itemed v at hand ready for instaut use. Attueks of colic, cholera mor bus and diarrhoea come on so sud denlr that there is 110 time to nunc a doctor or go to a store for medlclni Mr. Earber says: "I have tried Chamlierlaln's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Keinedy. which Is one of the best medicines I oversaw. I keep a bottle of It in my room, as I havo had several attacks of colic and It has proven to bo the best medicine I ever used. Sold by The Modern Pharmacy. 'Five Hundred Dollars Reward." The Southern Pacific Company will pav rive Hundred JJollars re ward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any one of the persons who maliciously placed ties on track at pti ate road crossing two miles east of Albany, April 2nd 1905. J. P. 0'Uu:k.v, General Supcrintendnnt. Approved, 13. A. WOKTHINGTON, General Manager. ACUTE RHEUMATISM. Deep tearing or wrenching pains, occasioned by getting wet through: worse whon r.t rest, or on ilrst mov ing the limbs and iu cold or damp weather, is cured quickly by Ballard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Oleson, Gib son City. III., writes, Feb. Hi, 11)02: "A year ago I w as troubled with a pain In my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me. bold by The Modern Pharmacy. What it Costs to See the Fair. Visitors at the Lewis and Clark Exposition will be surprised to find how cheaply the big fair may be soon. The expenses of a trip de pend largely, of course, upon the individual who makes the trip. Tho ollowing is a conservative estimate of the entire cost for a trip to the Exposition and return: Five dav visit $20.'J5; ton day visit $30.95 Full information can bo socurod on application to this oflice. J. M. Ikuam Agt. S. P. Co. i AN n.ntlANT SUMMER ROOK Splendid Publication Just IhmiciI by the Oregon Ralltond and Navigation Company. "Kestful Uecrcntion HosoiIn,'' tho 1905 Suminor Book issued by tho department of tho Oregon Knilroru and Navigation Company, of forty eight pages and cover. The bool is printed on heavy white paper, fifty-eight cuts boinn used to illus trate tho trips up ami down the Columbia river, to the mountains beeches, inland resorts and fountains of healing. Tho cover is done in three colors, adding materially to the benutv and clToctivencss of the publication, which may be had by sending" two cents in stamps to A. L. Craig, General Pa.sseng r Agent of tho Oregon liailroad and Naviga tuui tAunpany, l'oitlami, (jre. u is a good thing to send to your friends in tho Last who expect to visit tin Lewis and Clark Exposition, Lewis and Clark Exposition Tic ket Rales. 1M1 IPI AI. TICK U S Cottage Grove to Portland .V. $5.90, good for IK) days, but later than Oct. ;Ust, 1905, Het not I'MiTIKS OK TIN OK Mulii: One faro for tho round trip good for ten days, (must travel together on ono ticket both ways) l 10 OltO VXIZKP I'AM IKS OK ONK lllNlltll Oil 1 MOKE Ouo faro for tho round trip pnrlv moving on samo day, but individual tickets will bs sold under this rate and can return at any time within ten days from dato of Bale. $1.10. The abovo tickets on sale daily bo twecu May 29th and Oct. 15th, and no stop overs allowed in cither di rection. The laxative effect of Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets Is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize It Is the effect of a mod Iclne. For sale by The Modern I'har macy. SPKAlNED ANKLE, STIFF NECK, LAME SHOULDEBS. These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Palu Balm Is espfl.illy valuable. If promptly applied It will save you time, money aud suffering when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by "The Modern Pharmacy. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH gs Uqm Discovery FOR C fONSUMPTlON Price 0UGHS an' 50c & $1.00 Frea Trial. OLDS a urea t and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and I.UNQ TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. BHHMMI Solil by IIK.VSOS'S 1'IIAUMACV EDWARD B. SIMMONS LAW AND REAL ESTATE Opposite Postoffice, Engene, Oregon I can find a purchaser for your real estato or busi ness if you will eell it at prices that are right. . . . Can Place a Few Good Relinquishments 1 It I V A T K Ill All the 1ale.it tratiiienlit. PLAIN ami MEDICATED BATHS, Kf.ECTKICTV, KTO. No -iiita;iiix casus taken. I .y ft. Terms reasonable. Tj Oiitsiito rneillcal belli fiiriilsbol If ru- : quired. ri For rurtber particulars address -VJ A ?i y. lr. II. V. SVHUKKV. JAS. II. POTTS H'ltOFRIETOKH OK m ALHO OFFICK OF fllK First Class Turnouts, POTTS & McQUEEN - Hospital aod Saniiariiin lnliQliinn h m urttoiiiuu ummv r 1 mm m 1 r-:rs 7 j&AS Mi -J T r v. V.J TV, 1 f i 1 For Permanent Relief llfcRIUNR nr. 1y en ihn Liver. It will cure CONSTIPA TION, DIMH.S1A, MALAIUA AXU CHILLS. I entirely froo from nil t"i".MU.Mi-i nnrwd nulisUncui. nml is coiuposud Buluiy 01 LIFF-GIVlMi MKKiJS. I -im'W "t-ptfl for w oak ftM wcanr constitution:.: i.tnvmtlioni tho wr.Mnud KUnd ftnd vtr, It CMCM all duratupuncnti el tho human bud. CURED HER SICK HEADACHE Mt-l. Jo;w CmnMi, CrntriilU Avenue, Tptnpl' Tctis, wit;-.; "I tiiidIUiHliIN'!Klvt-i.nir(iuick irlicl, and b'ke picture In in imimctullug It to all wouu-ti who sutler from U.k headache.. WITHIN T1IX REACH OF ALL Fitly Cents A Cottle Avoid All Substituiea Ballard Snow Liniment Co. St. Louis, U. S. A. SOLD AND RCCOMMENOEO Of Tho iVSodom Pharmacy. NO ru I ; nf i vi;i 1.1 1 i 1:1. To li. I'. M.nrli- .iii l MS I ! him, mid to an v and all l h r 1 1 r-- n claiming the rurlif , iiii.- m- i u I -n-v I . ell her In la w ' 'I- . in 1 m 1 1 1 In- hi-rtiiial t-r dc.u-i 1 1 1 11n.1i : rl.iiai ami premises, !v ilu.'imli aadi-i lh said I.. I'. Sti.-i.-i ,.nd N I li'lan or eil her nf t In m : n and eai-h of 011 ;,n 1 1 r t 1 nolill.-d thai tin- ini'l.T-i 'in' I, li t ' i IH'lld'-d nioni-y and l-'i ! '. .:" i.ili' i' and work ! tin- a in. nn t ! UIMitl I he 'li!tiv ' (MvtiV' I I'd"- milling chilin. siiuai- in i r-oh. sui.-i Minim: )l-!ilil, ham f..n. t . v t ale of Oregon. Ii iciti'd l Aithnt li'lai. audi.. S. Slaeiis on I In-'.' li h dav i-: .Illl.v, l-'.l, hieli f.-ml n-ti.-i- . i . J i ; 1 n-cordi-d in I to- e id Mn..M:; flaltiiH, I'.o..k :.. p.i.r- 111 lint t lalior so I M-i'l n 1 1 ii - I and ni 'ie-.v mi i i'p(-ii li-d va mad'' ..a I e lielldi'il nil said claim 'i-i a Hie lirstdav of I icii'iiiln I . Il and tin- thlrtvdir.-t dav cf I .( -ml r. 1"M u, order t' hold the nai l iai;.ii. claim lllldcr the I'l oVii-.ii 'h- "I o u J-.'l of tin- I'a-VI-ed Sa!,:,.s ,,f I.'- I idled; StaleH and I In-la u i d 1 - - Mil" of; Orejuli, Ilit- same, t 'i' '. In-r i' 'i Ml" sum of .:i:i.:i:!;; expended li.x' ii.ne , I.owcii. the otlii'i- ru nwii' r ln'iii;: I h" amount nutdicd l law in hold! H.'lld claiin l if I he vear eliding I e ooiiilil'r :ib t l'.i'U. Tha I t he nia H" :a h ii. .-har" of each id yon at en ' in i .-u ! I ed belli t! t he hiiih . M M.', en. h, a lid ' that If wit Ida niin-i from t he ! service of his in if ! - lij-.iii 'ii by J t he Shcrlif ot I In- i-oiint.v. or uithln ninety dayri from t In i of .ii l notice by piiblicatloii , Von (.ill I'' coll ! t rilnite oar pr. 'I'oil :oi;a i e dun- ii. the Maid I'l-adit uie as a i . i , ner, , VOIII- Interests i- - ; t . , , . ! . ia .udi la i III Will been me the I I " i " 1 I i "f the 1 illiier-i"cned under t In- a v-ion-, of. rtalil Section of tie i: ; I Sta lltesoftliel nited Stall--, by reason. ifnncli failure to n ,u t lib a te your; rop'M tioiiatv share ol -1 1 ! I - lire. Hated March '."! I, I ', ll-lllt iro. BARKER & PEIiMAN ritoi-KM'ioK- ol THE EXCHANGE - ii: A 1.1 . 1: - IN I INI Mil llt'Li TTf,l,L.- OO WliNJVO, I.IOUUK.i, x-ivi.x ix,-i. 1 Mill 11 Ml root. .' ! I im 11 no 1 Oi t S. Medley. .I.e. .Johnson Medley $ ,o'titsoii , Attorneys at la w Office Suite :t lti it L llht,. Special attention ii n to Mining, and 'orporut Ion I. aw. T. E. YOUNG Attont C (( I-Lit IC ' - Oltlee imi Miilu i.lri-i'1. v.-i i I . CoTTACK CluiVl.. OKI-.. r A. II. KING Atlorney at l.aw,ilj. ffi fi It 11 III co r ta a i: a it O i:, o i: :. Hall & ( olurll MInllie; lCnylneerH S. Mineral Stirvcvors u. Uooni 1 llank liblif. Cotlat;e iroe (02-(i0.'f On-Konlan I'dd-, I'ort land. Oregon. ' A S. roWI'LL or wlc. 0TTA015 GKOVli, OKI! Double WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM SicK Headache SHOULD USE i-vn ujhyy H. C. MADSEN, VATCII.MAKI(K. lvi-i!r:l'i' lit Irui'ilintiti- cfmr'ill. Ail iit.ik Kunmulei-il n rut -i-Immh. h'.-Ih-h, i t,'l, mi. Ji' i-lr t t.uweal I'l l ("OtT Aiii: liKOVK. OKK, 0 r x I A' OK CoTTAiiH (iKl)VK, ()HK. Paid i,) Capital, $25,000.00 Mnliey t.i hi. Ill mi HpplnViol di'i'tlrity. b ' h;' nvJi'H H ib I , iiviiihible uiiv ,llic a ihid'nitcd M:l'es II k 11 ra. h t r K IN , i'realdt-ul. T ' w iikki m I'liMt k run aoknt rvm rriCTvirrs --VIA TO SpoLtuir, St, 1'tltil, Minnt t iolint Ihilitth, Chicago, St l.oulit J AM) AM. POINTS It AST AND SOUTH -') OiBfland Trair.s 3ally Tiis Flyer 0 u And Tha last Mail U Splendid Service Up to date Equipment Courteous Employes iCav iiht Tr n rrnt tha Riptirfii ma --1 "t r " - Rocky Mountains. I'or TIckeiH, Kates, l'oldern nnd I nil Informal Ion, (Jail on or addrcM, II. OtCKHOV, C. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. S. i. YKKKKS., A. (, V, A. ' 01 .'ml; vi line ami iihnulilii Hrm-l, Scalllu, We ulvei'M.eillieil"wTVli!' on frelirht. ; Koiite your shipments, via Oivut I V .... I . 111.4 At m. ohih-iii. run m loi'lliaiioil infill j U'.M. llAIM.KK. Oent, .wlt. j I'ortlaiid, Orejion, j I thho -i ui,ie n.. i Hi lake eirect April I'd, P,H15. Kunl lliiiind iliunl I 'luuhilny W. Huiiud itinl hut mily 1 nnd luiily l-Ui- No;t No 1 K!,i Hiiiiilny, Nil 2-No I i- m I a m M Miii niNa i Klev I a.n.Tkm" I Z'1'1 ..,,.!', !. omvo. 1.71 11:10 A.lft I . .'in i I HI ii...... 111111)11 . . . . 71(1 7:17 7711 Hl7 Kll Hill IU 1 1 Ml 1(1 Mil 6:0ft i:! iMi 4:47 4:44 4:mi :lta 4:20 4:16 4:11 4:06 4:00 "IS i I.. lairriii. . . . '.I '! '.i!l li..( . ' rm llonl,. 10:41 1II:,'M I0::ia 1(1 ::m 10:j;i I (I: .11 . oi .K ; in 7 . 7 1 . linker . . .ill h : 1 1 h ;i . iir i I 17 i IV li . Keil.ltnnk ' . .in i ii diiivei i'ii... H-O H:.o II II Hlewiirt :i.:imih: in vt slur .I.U h I i.l2 H . .Kiiekv i'lilnt,,. 10:01 :l.i 0:Ht U:!I0 1017 10 10 ii .'iii:'. iii i.i I, . . iimi HrlilHo. . . , :i f..i(i:l.'rlli li .. Wllilwnoil .... ... Il7.ll ... lllllll'H I ! Kniliif 1'riiek... Un;u KuliiiHL in eliiLtiuii wltlimit. niiil.ia All oiiLwunl frelKht (nrwanluil only nt tba fui ii l rink nf hlilmier Kinl uoiinIkiich. HiiiKu luuvoii llilwuoil ufler the HrrlVHl of Iniiii on Mi i n 1 1 iiy s, WuiluiinilityH u ml Krlduyg lor ilonlln nml Ori.i'(!i. HeliiruliiK ou Tuu ilii)M, niiirmliiyH Hiol SuturiliiyH. Kreinlit will not La roi-uiveil at the O. AH. h. H. K. liepot allur 6:00 p.m. To luNiir loiwiinlliiK on next train; frolKht uiUHt l ili'llvereil In uinilu tliuu to permit ol IU lioliiu lillloil. A. II. WOOJ, Manner ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF 8. P. TRAINS. NOUI II 1IOUX1. HOUTII 8IH1UWU Jf 11:51 !- NO. II :U.. U.HI. No- 1 a;0'J u.iu, XHu. IS ii;l4I tt.ui XT i ! h i. HOllill l)il!lK mm ""ir a - II III II ! If Illllll IIIBlBlBlBMMl I i