Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 17, 1905, Image 5

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Manner Shirt Waist
Mercerized Ktaniine, Mohair and Lawns. Also .1 larjjc line ol house
Shirt Waists. I Jest valacs ever shown.
Hemenwot & Burkhokler
(IS VTTTJ 111 (Vlf'VK ITJTf Tf IT V TOW V YTV BB 8 58 6 5 BTTirtrinnf TV Voinnr& TUT IT)
I (cms of Interest in and about
Cottage (irovc and vicinity.
a a a is. s a a a a a a sl ah a a. atuuut iuajuuliu ju jijui aaa a aaaaaaaa a jl3
(irillin aii'l Veuth arc in receipt
k of another cr loud of powder.
The material for the two utory
hriik building . ti liD on ( led 011
Main Htrcct. is beimiin to arrive.
Mr. Harry Hrehaut and MiMH
Lillian Hart were on Monday night
married at the M. 1.. 1'arHouage by
the IJeveivnd St vait. Mr. Duke
Knox and Mihm liena Hiker attend
I'd till) J'Olltl Ml ,
Miss Hart in th in i-oiiiplishod
daughter of Mr. and Mih. James
JIart, Sr. , of tlio eity.
Mr. I'teliaut i inanaijir of tho
!N'uw Jvra Dru Store.
They have each assisted many
timet at entertainments, Mint Hnrt
in sitiKing and Mr. Hrehiiut in reci
tutions. They have t!)i good wishes
nf their many Iricuds.
Hoy Knox of F.ngeno wai in tho
4 rity Sunday.
E. A. Willson left Mou.lay for
Portland to attend tho yrand court
ttf tho Foresters of America.
Mint Ahhie Johnson, who for
HOtnotiino vifited friends and rehi.
liveH in Seattle, has returned to hor
liotno in the city.
Noil CummiiiH received 11 telegram
Hunday announcing tlio death of hit
Jirother, Michael, at Kearney, Can
ada. Mr. Cummins leaves today
for that place and will bo gone
nbout a month.
Jturled nt Cottage (Jnne
Mrs. Melinda Kcnfro died at the
liomeofher daughter, Mrs. I). P.
JJurton, 755 Ferry street at 6:30 p.
in. yesterday from the effects of a
aralytic stroke. She was aged 67
years, six months and iy days.
2'uneral will he conducted at the
burton residence at i2:.'o p. tn. to
day with Rev. O. C Wright of the
l'irst Uaptist church in charge of
lhe obsequies. Remains will ,bc
tonveyed to Cottage Grove on the
Afternoon train for interment in a
cemetery of that place.
Deceased was horn in Orange
County, North Carolina, November
26, 1S37; was united in marriage to
?. C. Keni'ro, January ty, 1862. She
Jiad been a faithful member of the
baptist church Hince girlhood. In
3885, a sad drowning in Fall Creek
Itereft deceased of her husband.
1'our children survive the parents
31. A. ltenfro of Fall Creek, J. V.
Itenfro, Portland; Mrs. Mary
Vaughn, Milton, and Mrs. I). P.
3$urton, Kugone.- Register.
A Worthy Cnuso. -
We learn that a movement has
fit last been made toward an im
gn'ovement that 1ms long been
jieeded in this town, and as such it
phould receive the hearty and
Jiboral support of all classes. A
rlub of boys, ranging in age from
14 years upwards, was organized
pome five months ago and called
themselves "The Men of Tomor
row." They have had ft phenomi
jial growth and today number
lhirty-six members. They, with
the aid of the M. K. church, have
undertaken to build and equip a
Reading room and also a gymnasium
on grounds furnished them by the
church. The reading room is to
Je 14x22 leet mid the gymnasium
6x46 ket. There will also be a
hall 28x22 feet in connection with
these, thus affording a meeting
place for the club and others. The
whole is to cost about $600.00, and
the boys exjtect the citizen of ( Cot
tage Grove to help out liberally as
the reading room is to be for public
use and is something sadly needed.
A subscription of $25 ur $50 is
not much for such a cause, to one
who desires to make good c itizens
of the men of tomorrow.
Christian I'.iideavor Society
Thirty delegates from the Chris
tiau Kndcavor Societies of Douglas
and Lane counties met 111 conven-
tian in this place Saturday and Sun
The purpose of the meeting was
to perfect the organization of the
diMtnct and to elect officers for the
coming year. State President, J.
A. KocKtVixxi, ot fontanel was
present for the sessions Saturday
afternoon and evening. Mr. Rock-
wood is a business man and believes
he has business to do for the Ore
gon Kndeavorers.
Much credit is due Mr. V. A.
Dill, State Press Agent and Miss
Vinnic Knapp, both of Kugene for
securing delegates and arranging
the programme. Miss Rose Coffey
also af Kugene favored the conven
tiin with some excellent vocal
Rev. H. M. Andrews, missionary
from Woodstock, India, Sunday
evening delivered an instructive ad
dress on what he has seen of that
unfortunate, because unchristian,
ieoplc. Fourteeu years of life
amoL'g them as missionary, pastor,
and college president have made
him a man full of pity and devotion
to their needs.
Officers elected were as follows:
District President, Miss Marian
White, (Christian) Cottage Grove.
Douglas vice. Mr. J. K. Smith.
(Christian) Roseburg.
Lane vice. Miss 5rent (United
Urethren) Kugene.
Secretary; Miss Lulu Currin,
(Cumberland Presbyterian,) Cot
tage Grove.
Troasurcr, Miss Mary Weather
be (Presbyterian) Kugene.
Junior Supt. Miss Ruby Hen
dricks, (Christian) Kugene.
Supt. Good Lit., Mr. Tripp, (Con
gregational) Kugene.
Supt. Temperance, Mr. Thco.
Helt, (Cumberland Presbyterian)
Supt. Missions and Devotions,
Miss Katherine Ilanna, (Presby
terian), Kugene.
Press Agent, Miss Ilickather,
(Christian) Drain.
The next district convention wi'l
be held at Roseburg, in the fall of
1 f.nnn iimnc itPPTtvr.
1 1 UUVIt laUJ JIIL(l4llllU
(Ci)llllPllPvl iHlfittirth lilltfi). ;
per kkx) feet tin the standing ti 111
judgo jyan followed with an en
tertaining and instructive addres
on plank road building in Clacka
mas and showed that they cost
about $1 400 iter mile. The method
of laying such roads there is to put
(Ijwiixi2 Htringtrs laid flat and
sunk to a level with the road bed
then the plank laid so that they
rest 011 the sills and the ground at
the same time. Roads built in that
way last from y to il years
At the conclusion of the addres
ses by the judges, short talks were
made by Hon. I. H. Uingham, Prof-
Hyde of the University of Oregon,
Prof. Mulkey of Ashland Normal
school. President Campbell of U. (.
D. Matlock, 11. O. Thompson of
Cottage Glove and Mcveral others
M. Svarvrud was elected president
as was 1'. M . WHKins secretary ana iljursduv mvlit a roe.otition was
treasurer. tfiven at Woodman hall bv tho
The same directors as served the HtudentH of the Hrhooln, relatives and
past year were re-elected with the fricndx, to Menzo Finrjorty,
exception that I. 11. Uingham otta Jierj,', l.tnu Holtorinaii anl
tho four graduates
School of Cottage
Absolutely Pure
lll(th .School ICc c ptlon
was Hiibstituted for Mr. iiailey.
HUtle? a Team -
vju 1 nursclay evening a man
giving Ins name as Shaffer, called
ut the Fashion stables and asked for
1 t wi ,-lw iri. r'iir ctntwitr fir tarnritnit
to drive up the Coast Fork to the w :V,;"'" eujoyment.
I-.lisha tieer.
Daniel ThomaN,
from the High
The hall was well filled, princi
pally with the young people, but
there were a number of parents and
friciid.'i who had been invited to
lome of
The team was furnished and
Shaffer drove away. As time
tassed ami the horses were not re
turned the proprietors became sus-
uciotis that something was wrong
and upon inquiry learned no such
man was 111 the vicinity.
thinking the team had been
x ne soua"u t.rove uatm was
there and played a number of very
fine HclectioiiH.
ProfesHor Dunn prexidud ami for
nearly two horns kept Home form of
entertainment constantly in evidence.
Those yivin-' recitations were:
Mrs. Altu KiiiL', Miss Nettie Morso
taken south, the proprietors secured Ha")' Ureliaut.J. I. Jones and Prof.
the services ol K.W. VeatcU. whO 'irauge. .iiihs i.iinan Jiart uni Mr.
ias a reputation of fiudine what he Iham sang a duet and Mr. Ishara
i . . . . . f 1.1 t 1
noes alter, and lie took the tram tor 'aier javore.i wun a hoio
Roseburg. Upon his arrival there
Saturday night he went at once to
a livery stable and there found the
rig whiv-h had been left but a short
time before by supposedly the same
man who left this city with it. He
told the proprietors of the stable to
tako goo l care of the team until he
called for it, which would be in a
day or so. It is supposed the man
took the train to the south soon
after, leaving the team at the
stable. Mr. Potts upon learning
the horses were found, took the
night train for Roseburg and Sun
day he and Veatch drove back to
the city a distance of sixty miles.
Memorial Day.
beside the regular services at the
cemetery by the G. A. R., Kber
Hrowuc will deliver a eulogy.
The afternoon services at the hall
will consist of recitations inter-
Those responding to requests to sa
something concerning tho schools
and to the graduates were: Oliver
Veatch. Chan. Yanl Vnburg, W.
Ik Root. J. W. Barrett, Thos.
Awbrey and lic-v. Islington.
A chorus of eight high school
girls was a pleasant feature. Miss
Daisy Gilbert of of Kugene who i.i a
viaitor in the city, obliged the audi
ence with a solo which was highly
Prof. Dunn on behulf of the
students thanked the baud for iU
assistance, tho parents and friends
for their presence and Messrs.
Jones and Phillips for the free use
ef tho hall.
Following an adjournment the
young people held u genuine social.
Miss TjHio Stewart and Mis Daisy
Thomas entertained. The table was
decorated with wild flowers, ferns
and beautiful roses. Ice cream with
spersedwith music, among those splendid cako .also coffee were par-
who win recue are; oieua inomp-i taken of.
son, uertrude liogate, Blanche
Thompson, Mary Willard, Merril
Robinson. Mr. C. J. Howard will
also recite. An address will be de
livered by Rev. S. L- Straford.
Wutrr Itonds Voted.
Cabinet futures
For the next 20 days will
cabinet pictures at
ana up, regular 3.,
per dozen,
4., ana $5
Tho fact that but little opposition work. This offer good only for 20
was offered against the voting of
$'J(),0()(), 2.r year bonds for the in
creasing of tho water supply for the
city and the building of a reservoir
caused a light . vote on Monday
Some did not care which way it
went; many who favored the bonds,
forgot to vote or got to the polls
after they were cloHed.
The vote stood 107 for and 10
days, all work guaranteed, at Shan-
afelt s photo gallery, west side.
Italoon AsseiitUtu.
Sometime during this afternoon
there will be a baloon assention,
providing the weather will permit,
from the carnival grounds. The
Arnold shows are givihg satisfac-
tion to the people and the manage
ment wants to give them this free
Hat to Be Given Away.
The Ideal Millinery store will give
away a ifil hat May "J'.Uh, To every
person buying $1 worth a number
will be given. The number corres
ponding with tho hat will be the
lucky person.
Come everyone an 1 see how lucky
you are, you will get a good bar
gain if you do uot all get the hat
Remember it only lasts until Mon
day evening, May 20th.
A Sens ible Move.
Have Tom Awbrey write you up
a policy on your home and furni
ture in tho Orogou Fire Relief As
sociation, or your stock of goods in
the a'tna Insurance Company.
Round Trip for One Fare.
The Southern Pacific railroad has
decided to make a rate of one fare
lor the round trip from Portland to
nil points in Oregon to as far south
ns Ashland, for visitors from the
Kast to the Lewis and Clark Im
position, to enable them to look
over western Oregon, that they may
have an opportunity to locate or in
vest. The tickets will le good for 15
days, with stop over piiveleges.
Holders of Kxpositton round trip
tickets from the east can purchase
these tiidicts this rate, it will
depend upon the energy shown by
the community as tq the number o
visitors secured,
Some one, evidontly with ma
licious intent, is, or at least has
hn.m J rnl a t In rr a. rnnrt thnt T nm
in Om oilv nnlv fmtvroiil If VOU U6ed UU ftWUlllg, let the
disponing of a stock of millinery Wnne Hwjjware Company order
L'oods belonir ntr to a wholesale " lL" Juu- nuu"
l,rtii want.
I desire to state most emphatical
ly that I am not 'representing any Remember
wholesale house but have purchased That James Ostrander is agent for
the lusher Laundry Company of
my stock of millinory oods with
my own money and that it is my
intention to remain permanently
and continue the millinery business
in the city. Rospectfully,
''Five Hundred Dollars Reward.'.
Tho Southern Pacific Company
will pay Five- Hundred Dollars To
ward for information loading to the
arrest uud conviction of auy oue of
iho persons who maliciously placed
tioH on track at private road crossing
wo miloH oast of Albany, April 2nd
J. P. O'UltlKN,
Genera) Superintondant.
s U. A. WoilTUlNtlTO.V,
Uouorul Manager,
mm Vermifug
Ballard-Snow Liniment Co
SoUl ami roooiuiuomlod by Modcra l'Uitiuiftuy
New Spring Suits
Gent's Neckwear
I'r Ivastcr SujkI.'i v
Resember Boys, wc carry Cluett, Peabody
Co.'s Famous Collars and Dress Shirts.
Not Ready-made, but "Ready
Tailored Suits at Lurch's.
Boys! She wants to see you
with that new Easter Tie
Also Cluett, Peabody 3 Cos
noted Collars in all sizes.
ii:Livr.iu:n fuki: to
$10.00 Per Ton
Cracked Corn, jx.-r cwt....
Oil Meal, ptr pound
All Other Feed at Our Usual Low Prices
WHEAT. BAR. LEY AND OATS for seed nt the
mill and at the warehouse l-y the depot.
Hither Cash or Trade for
All kinds of Country Produce,
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Poultry and Eggs.
Beginning May
1st our store will close at 7 p.
'Phone Msvin 65.
m. except Saturdays
Oriffin I
THi: t t'TTl.( QUALITY
of any tool Is alwaya u dlsrubea
one, but of equal Importance Ih the
power of retaining this quality so as
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. 15y luakinj; your purchases ot
the (irillin & Veatch Co. you always
itvi'ive your money's worth In the
beht (inality of tools and cutlery of
.properly tenqered steel that is sure
to hold an edge.
h Oct's! oil fjOn
(U1U UilUll
.grictiUui't'il liinleii(cits
I'Iowm, Mowers an 1 'ltakes. Sole agents fr the eelebniUMi
A Full Stock f Mining Supplies.
iuiujiiaiiaaiiUiiHiiiumiUiiiaiiiiiaaiiuiu iiuaiaiUia