Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 10, 1905, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, I.timlcriiig and Farming Interests of this Community.
NO. 16
wagon roads made, mining claim
opeicd, a large crosscut tunnel
driven to Intersect the Champion
vein, irom which tne ore lor the 30
stamp mill now in operation day
nun night Is tairen, n gravity tram
connecting the mine and mill built.
A :arge electric power plant 111
t illed 011 the stream some five
miles below the mine installed
irom winch power is derived to
ope rate the milt and power drills
"i l light the building;.
N' one who has not visited the
' ' noil can realize the many diffi
culties which had to be overcome
t j accomplish all these results.
During his stay in Bohemia, Mr.
Muthews has proven himself an
flit tent manager and has made
uiKiiy friends among the miners and
1 ople of Cottage Grove who will
'. Hi him well in any now field he
may enter.
Lower Tunnel as Distance Is
Gained Shows Ureal Improvement.
npiIHWild Hogor lower tuonelat
JL the Vesuvius mine in Bohemia,
which enters the mountain
just above the stamp mill, has lieeu
vigorously driven ahead nil winter.
It is nearly 2000 fpet Irom this
tunnel to the uper tunnel that is
connected to the mill by tram.
The mountain is quite steep and
dtpth is rapidly gained as the tun
ncl progresses.
I'or the first few hundred feet
more o less, ore was encountered
in the tunnel, but the walls were
somewhat irregular and the ore
broken, recently however, thewoHs
have beer me more rwrfrct nnr! th
ore much more in place,
The Superintendent reports that
for Home distance that besides the
oxidized ores the base ore has
(now lu Denver and will soon be
here to push forward the seasons
wan on uic properties.
iie.ircd and at the present time
fully two nnii one-hall feet in
width and increasing as depth is
gained and that it has as fine an ap
pearance ns any so far found on
Fair view mountain.
J. Hard, manager of the Ve
suvius and otjier mining properties
in Iloliemia nud who has been In
the Kast the past few months, Is
The Oregon Securities Company
is now running its mill night and
day on ore from the Champion
Geo. W. T.lnril in nt Hit. f!i-vu(nl
Consolidated property this week.
TfeTR. C. C. Mathews who for
JLA three years has been, super
intendent for the Oregon
Securities Company, on the first of
the month resinned from that po
sition and has gone to his home in
l&ll, California.
During these years there lias been
an immense amount of wqrk done
under Mr. Mathews supervision,
Everybody Interested in Hav
ing Creamery Started Invit
ed to Meet at Commercial
Club Rooms Tonight.
lr mouths a commute appoint
i "y the Commercial C ub. con
'Ming of F. B. Phillips, Harry
Wvnne and George Comer have
11 quietly looking up the matter
' the establishment of a creamery
it Lottagc urove.
A-i the meeting of the ClubMoii
night, considerable progress reported and I'rank Jordan
; ictdeu to the committee.
lly investigation it is learned
there arc now n goodly number of
cows within a reasonable distance
of the city and the owners, promise
to increase their herds and others
who have opportunities for raising
reed, also promise to purchase cows,
It is proposed to organize a .stock
company and start the ball rolling
nt once.
Remember everyone who would
like to see a creamery erected in the
city is invitod to be present at the
meeting tonight.
Fair Commissioners Arrange
With Club Committee for
Proper Display of
Bohemia Ores.
HI? "Things Worth Knowiug"
departments of the story
papers will tell you how to
resuscitate a drowning man, and
the farmers' weeklies contain the
latest receipts tor dealing with po
tato bugs. The mountaineer who
wanders away Irom Ills camp andiqrtrv IfitT
loses himself will have cause to be I I i I S A V P
thankful if he has learned how to v 111
read the points of the compass from
the bark of a pine tree a very
simple thing when understood, but
a grcvions lack when it is not. Sim
ilarly, the man who goes a-mount-
ainccring without knowing how to
locate a mining claim may some
time find himself embarrassed by
his ignorance. As we refer simply
to the formality of making the loca
tion, it may be suggested that the
mountain-climber is not apt to lo
cate a claim unless he knows some
thing about mineral lodes, and if
he is a minenlogist or prospector
he is apt to know how to drive bis
stakes and attend to bis records. la
general, this is true, and it is also
true that the discovery of a mineral
lode does not usually call for excep
tional haste in locating upon it. But
it is not to be denied, in any event,
that the formality is "worth know
The chief advantage is in know
ing how to do the thing in an exact
legal manner. Many a prospector
has found this out' either to biB
advantage or to his sorrow. Only
the other day the Supreme Court of
the United Mates handed down a
decision which deprived an original
locator of his rights becanse he had
not complied with the local regula
tions of his state. This does not
mean, however, that it is necessary
for a pre sector to employ a lawyer
every time he locates a claim, for if
there is a chance to evade the plain I
directions of thu law ill a legal con
test. Home other lawyer may find It
out fiit and the dispute will resolve
ttselt into a quibble anyhow.
The remiiremenUi incident to the
location of a mining claim come to
IkP .rjAtter.iiX common knowledge
in'any locality, and the inquirer
can lind out without much trouble,
Aside from any use to which such
knowledge may be put, the location
laws are interesting in themselves,
as illustrating the manner in which
legal customs are sometimes evol
ved. The story of mining law Is
one of timely expedients, growing
out ot local conditions and the fig'
uratively defiant attitude which
geological phenomena bear toward
all rational attempts at construct
ing a system. These things are so
frequently discussed in the tecum
cal press and the newspapers of
mining communities that they can
scarcely have escaped the notice of
the citizens where these publications
circulate. One does not expect the
resident of an agricultural region to
be ignorant of farm traditions, and
no more should the resident of a
mining section be indifferent to the
kuowledgo and practical customs
of the prevailing industry. Min
ing Record.
At a special mooting of the Com
mercial Club on lost Friday it was
reported spaco for the proper display
of the. Bohemia mineral exhibit at
the Lewis and Clark exposition bad
not been provided.
Thos. K. Campbell, president of
the Pacific Timber Company, and A.
B. Wood, manager of tho O. & S. E.
railroad were appointed a committoe
to visit the commissioners and
ascertain the conditions and if pos
sible arrange with them for sufficient
paco for the ehotviag of the tons of
ore, which hara boon gaered and
now he lo Portland ready to be
properly placed.
At the regular meeting Monday
night f the club, the gentlemen
reported they had carried out the
instructions, baring called upon the
commissioners and stated the facta
to thorn.
They fouud that body very
friendly in the matter and after a
visit to tho Fair grounds and tho
meeting of several sub committees.
arrangements for room was made.
In order to meet this exigency as
annex to tho mineral building will
bo crectod at a cost of about $700,
containing 1600 square feet of floor
apace and will be ready for occu
pancy within a week.
Tho committoe promised the
commissioners on behalf of tht Bo
hemia district that, if this apace was
provided, sufiiciant ore would be
furnished to ofcupy it.
On motion a voto of thanks was
extended to the board of minis
sioners for their courtesy and
prompt action in the matter of ar
ranging for the display of ores.
The committee on advertising
matter repeated progress.
county commissioner .Edwards,
guest of tho club statod the in
crease oXapproriation for the Lane
county oxbibits at the Fair had not
yet bean made, some action however
would soon be taken.
Several now members of the club
were present and expressed surprise
at the numbor of subjects under
consideration and tho efforts being
made for the welfare ot this locality.
Adjourned until Monday night.
A. B. Wood was in
Saturday and Snnday.
and Mens
We are showing the line of shoes $
which are up-to-date the swell H
new things cost no more than old
stock. We fit your foot so it feels if
no pam.
Bright, New, Up-to-Date Boodg
lothirg aund
New Bank Bxilding V
New Clothing, New Dry Goods,
New Shoes, New Furnishing
1 Goods for Ladies' and Gentlemen j
Come and inspect our goods before buying J
-ft elsewhere and you will iind what you want.
Our prices are strictly honest. We charge you a
U fair proiit only.
Qarman,Hemenway Co.,