Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 03, 1905, Image 4

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B. Root, Editor and Manager.
Entered At the poHnlTloo at CoUnge drove,
Oregon fts second cIam iiikII mAttcr.
0 months $1.00
lycur Sl.fiO
IN months '.'.00
K paid in ndvunce.
THIS PAPER li kept on Mo at E. U. Drake's
Advertising Aitoncr, i nu siercnaiut r..
change, Sin FranoWo, California, where coil'
racu for advertising eAn bo made lor 11.
dubbin Rates.
Tho liohemlu Nttgffet ono your
with any ouo of tlio following pub
Icattons ouu your for amount Hot
I'aclllc Monthlv 2.00
Weekly Orejronlnn (Portland) 2.50
Weekly Journal (Portland) 2.00
Wkdnksday, May 3, 1905
The attention of the readers of
the Nugget is called to the follow
ing article entitled: "Home vs. Out
side Industries." In Cottage
Grove we have stores carrying
practically everything that is need
ed to eat or wear. Yet it is said there
are hundtcds ot dollars sent away
each mouth for articles that can he
bought right at home. Head tho
article and think the matter over:
Home vs. Outside Industries.
Dry Goods Iteiwrtor.
Should homo town industries
Aro town hallo, high schools, ho
tela, publics libraries, churches,
doctors, etc., desirable in your im
mediate neighborhood?
What is a town ball for? For pub.
lie gatherings and entertainmoutB.
Good entertainments cost money.
Destroy the homo town industries
and the Lome town spirit languishes
and dies. With tho town gone' the
people go.
Who will thon pay for first cloht,
publio entertainmonts?
Who will then support the high
Who will patronize first class ho
tels? Who will keep up tho churches?
What first clas prbachfr or
doctor will come to a dead town?
They will go whero tho- neoplo aio
Whore aro tbo people going? To
liirgo citios. Why? Because too
many people aro sending tlioi
money to tho largo cities. When
money goes to large citios, the good
teachers, good preachers, good doc
tors follow to get tho money your
moufv. Tho results will bo poor
teachers in your homo schools, poor
preachers in your churches, docturs
that you aro afraid to employ, drug
gists who can't fill a prescription
safely. '
Can you oxpect first class profes
sional men to remain in your local
ity when you send your money to
the city? No!
When you patronizo mail order
houses you pay into the city pluto
crat's purse. How? By killing
home industries, driving Bkillful
doctors and teachers to tho city be
causo they can't afford to stay with
S!bu deprivo your children of good
teachers, your wife aud daughters
of social life, your eutiro family of
medical service and religious op
portunity, turning over all these
benefits to tho city man. Is the
city man better than you? Is he to
have entertainments and export pro
fessional service and you to tako
what's left?
Buy at home aud keep your
money iu your homo town. Unless
you do you will soon havo no town,
no respectable schools, no churches,
no social pleasures. Just hum
drum routine, liko horses and cow 4
In Mcmorlani.
Thcua, beloved daughter of
Qoorgo and Luthora Down, died
April 12, 1005, nged 25 yonrs.
Sim was converted and joined the
church quito young. Theun was a
loyal friend, a loving daughter and
sislor, n silicon ohristinn, patient in
nftliotinn as few woro; v vho
knew and loved hor host, can pity
her no liighor tribute
Wo will miss hot1 swoet presonce
and iu llu on co, but wo know sho is
at rest aud as God in His wisdom
bus removed our dearly loved siftor
from our midst, and whila wo bow
iu submission to tho will of Him
who doolh all things well, theieforo
bo it:
Resolved, That the members - ot
tho Bluo Mountain Christian En
deavor of which sho was an onthu
sinstio momber, wear a badge of
mourning for forty days and that a
copy of tho resolutions be sent to
tho boroavod family.
Thona thou wus't mild iirnl lovely,
Gcutlo ns the summer breeze;
Plcnsnnt tin the utr ot oveulug
When It llontH mnotig tho trees.
Peaceful ho thy Bllent (dumber,
Peaceful In thy cnivo so low:
Thou no more will Join our number,
mere no more our songs nimit Know,
Dourest Thenn, thou han't left us,
Here thy loas we deeply feel;
Hut 'tis God thutlmtli bereft u,
lie can all our sorrows lieitl.
Yet UKnln we hope to meet thee,
When tho dny of life Ih tied;
Then In heaven, with Joy to greet
Whero no more tenrs aro shed.
Committee Christian Endeavor.
Eugeno papers please copy.
In Alcmorv of Thena Downs.
From tills vain world ot stn and sorrow,
We aro lusslnc ono by me;
Uut there'll be a glad tomorrow,
For 'tis better further on.
Furthur on lathe realms ol beauty,
Far away on tho golden shore;
Pressing ou In the hues ot duty.
Wo shall meet to part no more. t
One of our members has departed
To her glorious home above;
And as we mourn, we'll be light hearted.
For she Is resting In his lore. Cho.
Bomo aro away down in tho valley,
And can hear tho water roar;
Yes down beside the blooming llllles,
And the tlaiis alone the shore. Cho.
We havo beard her oft repeat the story
Of our Dreclotia Savour's love:
Of our precious Savour's love;
im as sua spoKu a ueam or glory,
Kested on her from above.- Cho.
And by and by, and yet more lovely
uouea iu garments pure ana wniie.
Will boar us o'er the river safelv.
muiir Hume wuii saints in uguu-
We all ero long wilt be called over,
And shall meet each other there.
To llvo In pcaco with God forever.
rrce iruiu sorrow, pain i na care. uno.
-Written by K. If. 13. U. B. O. E.
In Remembcrance of Thena Downs.
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved Is stilled,
A place Is vacant In her home,
Which never can bo filled.
(Jnd In his wisdom has recalled,
The boon Ills love had given,
And though the body slumbers here,
The soul is safo In heaven.
Thena has fallen asleep,
blieW resting ut last;
Tho pulse has grown still
tnu me pain is past.
Sho rufTers no longer.
in neart nor in Drain,
And the pain that so racked her
Hhall not como aaln.
Thena has fallen asleep, dear mother 'tis past'
Thank (iod as you weep,
She Is resting at last,
uniy waiting lor usou tne otner sine.
Mrs. Flora ratten.
Any parties caught tresspassing
on my premises with dog or gun
will bo prosecuted.
Seattle, Wash.,May I. All the
brewers of the northwest were lied
up by a strike at noon today,
which involves 2700 men, of which
1400 aie in Seattle alone. The
employers asked the sheriff fo sup
ply deputies to be stationed at the
breweries to prevent violence. The
strike was caused by the breweries
refusing employment to men named
by the union in notation. The
breweries don't refuse to employ
union men, but the unions declare
the plan on foot will make the
breweries on open shop.
" If ono person or one nowspaper
advocates a certain project with an
honest beliof that it will bo beneficial
to tho publio, anothor porson or
newspaper objectB to it not on
merit, but simply on account of
being possessed qf a depraved dispo
eitiou. Wero Presidont Hoosovelt
in a position to issue tickets to
hoavon tho fact that ho was a re
publican would causo a stnmpcdo in
tho democratic ranltH to get into tho
first band wagon going to hell, Just
to bo obstinate. Astoriau.
Honey section boxes and separa
tors ut Wynnes' Hardware,
Any parties caught trespassing
ou my premises with dog or gun
will he prosecuted.
D. G. McFarland,
Geonro Dohlmun. the tullor o nthe
weHt Hide luiH n new stockof the Into
spring HtylcH for suits and spring
overcoatH. icrms rcusonuoie.
Tho Bohemia Nuggot represents
not only Cottago Grovo, but tho Bo
hernia mimac district as well, sub
fjcription price per year $1.50
If you neod an awning, let tbo
Wynno Hardware Company ordor
tforiou. Thoy know what you
kvory Jady likes to havo a nice
hat and ono that becomes her. A
call upon Miss Bartols will insuro
both, aud ut a reasonable price.
Milne & Atkinson have a list of
town, farm, timber and mine prop
erty ou the'r books, and can furnish
any of them on reasonable terms.
Oregon Belle, under the manage,
niuut of superintendent llmry K
Fostor, is forging steadily to the
front and will soon t'iko i'n plneo in
tho front riink of Oregon producers
of yellow nictiil. Thin eon: nnnv ,ie
cently installed a small sawmill also
with which they havo been Hawing
out tho Umbel h for tho new ipinrtz
mill. It bus been doing good nor
vico and (jiving good mtisfneHoii
until Inst week when something got
out of order with tint cnino nnd
delayed work. JneliMiiiville Senti
nel. Oight Real Estate Paints.
If you want them to rent your
houso don't leave the key with
them, that would simplify the mat
ter too much and they wouldn't
earn their com mission. When they
have an applicant let them come
around to your home for the keys,
or else go out and climb up and
look in at the windows to ste if tin
house suits.
Should you want them to tell
Diece of property don't give the m
your best figures and terms This
will enable you to undersell the
agent and save the commission, and
you can get the benefit of the ad
vertising they have done. Th
ngents don't cure for that. They
can live 011 cockle burrs and gimlet
If there is a flaw in your title he
cateful uot to tell the agents about
it. They'll find it out when they
attempt to close a sale litis will
delay or spoil the sale nntl enable
you to hold the property longer
This also has a tendency to stir up
the agents and make them earn
Visit your ngents every day and
urge them to make a special effort
to sell your propel ty. Ihey will
probably advertise your property
then ns a special bargain aud create
a demand for it. I lien when they
bring you a buyer tell them there i
so much demand tor the place you
have concluded not to sell at the
agreed price. Thev will make you
pay the commission just the same.
but the warmth of feeling which
will be engendered between your
self and the agents, and the increas
ed respect they will have for you as
u business man, will probably be
worth all it costs you.
One of the finest schemes in the
world is to list your property with
all agents iu town. Then none of
them will make any cfiort to sell it
and you will have nil the 5eld to
yourself. You may not make a sale
but you will save the commission
point no. six
Find out if you can who the
agents are trying to sell your prop
erty to. Go to the parly and
offer tO'throw off half of what the
agents' commission would amount
to if he will buy from you direct
You can save enough in tins way
to buy you a new suit. It will prob
ably be a law suit but it will wear
For Particular People
You Will Find COFFEES Here
that other dealers do not han
dle, and if you have been hard
to suit, we want your trade on
Chase & Sanborn's High-grade Coffees
If your farm is ten miles from
town, one half subject to overflow,
and the other half of service only ns
foundation for toboggan slides,
lift it all as first class bottom laud.
The agents will find out what it is
when they brintr out a customer.
Of course they will not make a sale,
but they u'eed fresh air and their
team needs exercise. II the agents
have been in the real estate busi
ness very long they wil not get
mad about a trilling thing like this
No other
them. . .
kind compares with
We are Sole Agents.
jl fff WfftiV
Cottage Grove,
Monday, May 15 th,
Cottage Grove Band
...Under the
Auspices of
Better than a circus. All New Features.
Free Acts daily before each performance. Something doing all the time.
A cosmopolitan population of the physical marvels of all the earth's peoples.
Funny Clowns the famous jesters and fun makers of five continents.
This year's exhibitions overflowing with new features. Space docs not
permit a detailed description of the arenic novelties.
Admission : Adults, lSe ; Children, lOe
good things, existing iu thoir own I f'" homo to find a good prospuct
carload of mining machinery
was unloaded here today for
tho Orcgou Hello Company,
of Forest Crock, from the Risdou
Iron workn, ot San Francisco. It
consists of a 10-stamp quartz liiill
aud ongiuo comploto which will bo
hauled to tho company's property
about eight miles west of this place
and installed at an early date. Tho
building will bo finishod and tho
mill hurried to completion as soon
as possible to ouablo them to bugiu
work milling tho vast amountof oro
Should you havo nothing to bell,
and no more money than a rabbit
to buy witji, tell the agent you wiint
a good farm and a nice town resi
deuce. After enjoying a half doz
en free rides and having smoked a
box of their cigars, tell them you
"don't want to buy now," but will
"think about it." This' helps the
agent to cultivate a spirit'of patience
and humility and prevents them
from becoming puffed up and arro
gant. .
Courtesy of L. G.Shkddan,
Makion, Ohio.
Miluu & Atkinson tho real cbtato
men aro tisod to nil the abovo con
ditions, so koop right ou bringing
your businoss to thorn. Get their
prices on real estato and mining
unmecliato vicinity, uayo noon over
looked and neglected by mining
Tho fact that men ure euclinod to
pass up tho good things ut homo
becauso of tho' ovor-prosout desire
to prospect iu localities beyond tho
nrizon, .loads to many nmiiHiiig in
cuts iu connection with tho various
phases of tho mining ltulustry of
tho West, ono of which is that ono
mini, in his search fur deposits of
the precious metals, will meet with
iicccKS almoBt iu tho door yard o
not her man who is prone, to con
fine his prospecting to distant fields;
and who, porchanuo, within a fihoil
distanci) of tho homo of tho lirst
miner, has Also lieen successful
his search for hidden woalth.
t iltrcover mineral bearing ground
that is possessed of value. Salt
L:ika Mining Iieviuw,
Chri stian Science Services
In Woodmou Hall
Sunday, H a. in.
Subject, "Adam and I'ullen Mau
I103I tiinu to timo tho Mining
Review has commented upon
the prevailing tendency, in
mininir circles, to ignore conditions
mill possibilities tieur at hand, whifo
clingiug to tho belief that
wero to be found iu regions isolatod
they already havo on tho dump aud and at a considerable distance from
iu tuunols ready for sloping, Tbo I home;" tho result beiug that many
To show how good prospects uro
often overlooked at home, wo havo
only to call thp attontion 'of our
readers to reports coming from the
now camp of Bullfrog, iu southern
Novadaj a locality thut is attracting
a great ueui 01 attention at tno
presfut time- because of tho very
important discoveries mado iu that
section ol late; and it is cJanucd
that tho original Uullfrog discovory
was niiidu within n nnlo of tho home
of and old rnuther uud prospector,
who had lived iu that locality for
many ycais. This old votcru, it is
churned, has annually mado prospect
ing expeditious to regions romoto
from his heme, little thinking for a
momout, that the country surround
ing his ranch was mineral bearing,
or that it would over be productive
of gold galore. And yet, undor his
vory nose, a Uolcouda camp has
beon discovered aud established by
strangers, aud ground that ho nev
er took trouble to examine, to in
vestigate, has proven to bo rich in
its deposits of tho precious motnh
This is anothor .inutunco of Green
Pastures Beyond, and shows very
clearly that in almost tiny section of
tho inter-mouutaiu region it is not
necessary to gg to a great distauoo
Come and Drink
The Fountain Solected for Exclusive uho nt the World's Fair
St. Louis, because of Its '
Syrups in Sterilized Giass .Containers on Ico in Plain
Sight. No Corrosion. No Germs. Delicious. Healthful.
Cottage Giw Cigar Factory
The C.G. Brand a Straight roc Cigar
One door cast Qf Metculf & Brunei