Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 03, 1905, Image 1

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'rii' wtf'j" " K l'
Devoted to tlie.Miriing, Lumbering aud Pflfm'ing Interests of this Community.
NO. 15
: jj
Improvements in Property and
" Some General Mining News.
'.lm:.jf' Jenks on Monday night tele
M'M phoned from the Vesuvius
j mine at Bohemia to the Nucitai- nf.
,;:s fice, that he had just returned from
, a visit to the Riverside grou p where
'the 'driving of the funnel is being
uone oy coif tract, uunng tue past
few, mouths Improvement In the
ore body disclosed in the tunnel
. v ha b been, reported. Mr. Jcuks now
- says that he found the mine look
ing very much better than ever,
the .width o( the ledge is unknown
as in driving the tunnel only one
tek wnti is disclosed, but the pre is im-
proving as depth is gained. The
percentage of copper increases and
'is- a fin'e crude ore. A nwnt
, average sample taken from this
J . yetn of ore shows a value in gold,
, .'silver and copper highly satisfactory
to the' owners.
TpiSjaftemoon at o'ue o'clock
on the courthouse steps
i Sheriff FiBk sold the Uncle
Som mining property in the Blue
River district at a sale on execution
to.J w. Shumate lor $5,955 55
Mr. Shumate was the plaintiff in
tuc suit against tlie company
The Uncle Sam is conceded to be
among the best properties In the
district but through litigation and
bad luck the owners were unable to
operate to aay extent. Eugene
"AST week-a sawyer and crew
were sentup to the Vesuvius
tiA. , mine to start up tlie saw
jSmlll andiget-out V'uWlumb'er -and
V- ;S,,muuug,tirauer3 as win oe neeuea
i. foYthe summer's campaign. Fol
lowing the return ol Manager
Hard the xo-stamp mill will be op
erated on the ores of that property.
The latest report from there is to
the effect that the miners in the
main working tunnel are cttttling
into a large shoot of good ore.
1 t 7
T the Crystal Consolidated
the lumber and timbers tor
the summer's work has
been sawed out and the boiler is
being set in place. This Week
seven thousand brick will arrive
which together with the fire brick
already on the ground will be ,used
to encase the boiler, etc.
The ore in the tunnel as it is
driven ahead increased in width.
Manager Lloyd is now in Portland
purchasing some nccessarv articles
needed at the mine.
ORD from the Oregon-Colo
rado this week is to th ef
fect that the contractors
are getting quilo well along with
the work op this property. As
they follow one. wall "only. . the
width ol the wall can be report-'
ed only when a cross-cut is made.
The ore has been found to be,
whore these cross-cuts have been
made of a width, from four to
twelve feet.
THK-ufilt at tho Oregon ftecur
lt,ie.ris running right ulong
and the developments on the
Champion vein nre being contin
ued. As levels are run and raises
made the ore bodies show uojdimm
ution but rather an increase.
W. B. Doiinis of tho Black Butt
quick silvor mines was a visitor to
tho city Sunday, Ho states his .ie
cout experiments with bin now'fur
naco for tho reduction of cinnabar
ore proved a success, and the plant
will be enlarged on tho Mama prin
ciples. H. 0. Malison raado a trip to Bo
hemia Inst Friday to xauiino tho
work that has beon done on his
mining olaims. Ho xojmrts that he
found everything in good condition.
HE Keswiuk smelters of tbo
Mountain Copper Company.
in Shasta oounty. California.
will bo blown out, as a result of tho
recant decision Qmling tor tbo gov
ernment agaioRt tho coppor com
pany for damages to craoB inid'nthor'
vegetation, in the neighborhood of
Keswick, Tho conipany has siren
notice to tho several muiOH wbicfa
.Kay.e9 lipjiiltbe imnuterH.Jvvith
silfcioua ores for flux that no shore
oros will bo recolvod. An iotar'est
ing phase of tho situation, ahout
KeRwiok lies in tho fact thai, many
of the trees ia tho damaged district
are showing renewod sign of life,
and roportu from Happy Valley,
one of the affected districts', a re that
the fruit trees and grass urn flour
ishing this yatir, and even tine pine
trees ore again benritiK cone. This
is thought to be due to tit e tact
that tho practice of bean icuistini
has boon, discontinued ut tho hmoI
tera for scoral years past, uiul also
portly to tuo fact that- tho iinfall
has been more abundant thin yew
than usual. Mining arid Seal mtiuV
Ladies, I
We are showing the line of shoes
which are up-to-date the swell
hew things cost no more than old
stock. We fit your foot so it feels
no pain.
Glothirvg aid
Bank Bxiilding
Petition to City Council to
Have Election Called For to
, Vote For Bonds to In
crease Water Sup
ply. City Council met Monday night.
Mayor Veatch, Recorded Young
and all couueamen present.
Minutes of previous meeting lead
and approved.
Ordinance No, 99 relating to the
grading of 4th street passed and
signed by mayor and the Recorder
instructed to post the proper notices
and notify owners of property.
The ordinance provides lor tue
grading of the street from the
south end to the south side of Ten
nessee street, a width of 16 feet, to
be covered with gravel or crushed
rock ' From that point to north
end of street, the full width; also
covered with gravel or crushed
' l. ..
Petition to laying sidewalk in
Perkius addition received and
granted. ' Petition for an ordinance
prohibiting the .riding of bicycles
on sidewalk on 4th street. This
jpetiiion led to the Recorder being
instructed to prepare ordinance
prohibiting the use of bicyles on
sidewalks in any part of the city,
A petition from citizens of
Gawdyville asking permission to
' erect poles for telephone line in city
so as to connect wuli Central, re
ferred to street committee.
A petition signed by more than
fifty freeholders was read, tequest
iug the council to cat an election to
vote upon the issuance of bonds for
20,000, ruuning 25 years, for the
purpose of enlarging and improv
ing the present water system. Peti
tion granted nnd election called for
Mav isth. '
-The, xccorder was. inst'ructedto
atneud ordinance concerning mlnor
visiting saloons, so as to oe cuecuvc.
The marshal was instructed to
stop the use of carts or vehicles on
the side walks of main street, used
for ihe carrying of baggage or mer
chandise. , The bid of the Bohemia Nugget
to prictcity ordinances wasaccepted.
Bills allowed: J. E. Young. $8.
33; Griffin & Veatch, JS2.50; p. V.
Wheeler, $2; Mrs. M. J- Emerson,
$21; H. E. Underwood, $60; Cottage
Grove F.lectric Co . $192.20; G. B.
l'itcher. JS38 R. F. Martin, $22.
Georsre Lea was authorized to
cobstuct a substantial table'and the
mayor Instructed to --purchase 8
chairs ior use of council.
T may be a surprise to tho reor
ganizers of cotporailons, to
know that, even ' when carle
blanche is given them by a Voting
majorityj of the ownership, they
cannot make merchandise -of the
rights of a minority. That is the
gist of a decision just rendered by
the Court of Appeals of this state in
the suit of an English fiduciary
Trust against the reoreanizine com
mittee of the Birmingham, Sheffield
& Tennessee River Railroad Com
pany, operating in Alabama.
, i'.Tbe decision will tend to check'
the current assumption that the
money of a minority interest in a
corporation has no rights as against
the money of a majority interest. It
establishes the rule that, when a
dominant majority which has reor
ganized a company damages, the
Inteiest of a bond or stockholder, it
njust face a jury in a suit for dama
ges, and lace it with'-a precedent
against it which commands that it
shall not merely give the investor
something that it says is "jusf as.
good," but something that is really
as good, as the interest he bad.
It establishes the principle that
the reorganization cannot proceed,
regardless of restraint even under
the vote of a majority interest
until holders have been notified of
a plan formulated atld given a
cnance to withdraw.
im, r i .t
tinues the good work begun by the!
Shipbuilding receivership in New
Jersey. Tet us have a little more
respect for the rights of the original
investor in this country, and not
quite so much awe and veneration
for the compelling power of a ma
jority organization. With a good
assurance lnat every dollar legiti
mately invested shall be guarded in
good faith, and in no wise diverted
or impounded by a selfish interest
in spite of the investor's protest, we
should have a greater decree of
public thrift and a much more cen'
erai disposition to invest in new
enterprises. New York Mail.
pMrrGedrge Wr -tloydr-relurned
from' Portland Tuesday evening.
He states that m coratiauy with W.
H. Shane, recently appointed to
represent thevBohemia Mine Own
ers Association at the Lewis and
Clark Fair, visited the grounds on
Monday and iound the space allot
ted for the display of ores of the
district too small. They visited the
Commissioners and succeeded in
getting an increase ot space-
Contract to Let.
Wanted to let contract ior burn
ing 100,000 to 200,000 brick at
Black Butte mine. Address or call
Oil W. B. Dennis, Blackbutte, Lane
Co., Oregon..
Gome and
elsewhere and
Bright, New, Up-to-Date Goods
h Our prices are strictly honest. We charge you a
1 fair profit only. , '
t ,
f Gar man, Hem&$way Go. ,
TW V '':, ... tU, Mb.
Southern Pacific to Make
. Great Improvements in Ore
gon Laying New Rails
New Bridges,
It is announcedthat the general
manager of tho Southern Pacific
lines in Oregon has approved plana
for tho betterment of the Oregou
roads which will cost $lylG2,7G0.G0.
This is in addition to any work now
uhue carried on. of any.tnat Img
beon up to this, time completed. It
includes a loug list of improvements,
extending along tho mn'n branch
lilies from Atmland to Poruaud, nnd
embracing in extent tho construct
ion of bridges, buildingi, now tracks
and tne blasting of old, roundhouses,
stockyards and general work. Of
tho total s'lin mentioned it ia esti
mated tht perhaps $871,050.30 will
bo expended for labor.
During tue early Spring ii E. Ual-
vin, at that time general manager of
this territory, announced that a par
tin! calculation of tlio betteriueute
provided for tho Oregon lino. al.
road- placed amounted to $3,000,000
At that tilua it was stated that moro
O0.,ne'ater and,. ?"D?-
menl yesterday is u further comply
went to 1 110 total.
Tho now plans provide for tho ox
pendituro of $38,000 at Roscburg
whore new roundhouses, cold
trestle, cold storage facilities, uew
yard tracks, new girder cinder pits,
new water column, new srndhouse
and new Btookyards will be built.
At Oregon City more than $25,
000 will be spent in .improving and
modernizing tho crossings;
Fifteen miles of track between
Itiddlo and Merlin, inSouthern Ore
goD,. will be blasted, as with 32 miles
from Roseburg to Qienbrook. All,
of the old track between Ashland aud'
Diyido will betoken up and the light
rails' rosacea -"- with""uTv'SO-pount
steel, giving a total of 200 miles out
of tho 341 between Portland and
Ashland which will be renewed with
modern steel this year, while it is
the announced intention of the man
agement to continue the work until
tho entiio distance is in strictly
clnss shape and ready for the heavier
aud more modern trains that will
then bo placed on tho Portland-San
Francisco overland service.
Other itoms which are euutnerated
in the Announcement include many
new bridges of steel, it being the
policy of tho company to rei.luce all
of tbo old wooden structures through
mo mountains with the mosi modern
structures. Tbo work embraces ono
Ney Clothing, Nw Dry Goods,
NeW Shoes, New Furnishing
Goods for Ladies' and Gentlemen
inspect our goods before buying
you will Unci what you want.
through pin-truss bridge on stone '
piers across Cow Creek in Southern
Oregon, two through steel spans ore;
the Sonth Santiam River on tbo
Woodburn Springfield branch j two
200-foot through-pin, and one 150
foot through-rivoted spans, and one
150-foot throngh-trusB spaa on six
cylinder piers across the Willamette
Itivor near Ilftrrisburgj ono throng
riveted trusa across tho West Fork
of Cow Creek oi-ossing two deek
plato steel girders across Evans
Crook Gro83ingj ono through rivet
ed truss on concrete piers across
Rogue Biver and the filling of about
a dozen wooden trpstlei.
This work jjwill bo completed as
fast oa is po'Hble and it is hoped
that all of it will I e completed by1
tbo time the bard weathor of Winter
makes such work difficult. It will
leave the Southern Faoifio lines
turougbont tho state in vastly better
ahapo than at present, and will make'
it possible for the entire Oregon di
vision to he brought up to tbo hich-
est standard by the cud of next year.
Buford-Trcntoa Irrizailoii Project,
knew irrigation project which
j promisee much for the Northwest is
the Buford-Trenton BechvBMtion
project. The United States Govern
ment has set addo $550,000 for this
work and the active operations will
begin inside of sixty days. Whsn
this work is somploted some 18,000
acres of now urid land will be re
j claimed .and tbo western part of
I North Dakota will bo as attractive
as the great valley of the Bed river
and thf. productive lands of the
Mouso river Loup. It is assorted
that the proposed dam and reservoir
will hold between 20.000 and 25.00(1
acre feet of wator and the proposed
cnnai win run nortn ana south ot
the Hue of the Great Northern Bail-,
way to a point about three mike
east -ji Trenton, North Dakota, '.from
near Buford, North Dakota, oa fcbe
extreme Western border of North
Dakota. This is but Me beginning
of the extensive irritooa pntftvta
which have bees ptauMd by the
LOoverniceBt aad -iatWvMwata'kt wes
tern Dakota and northeastern Mon
tnna, which, together with ttt Jfilk
River Irrigation project, will reinm
thousands of acres for sltlemaHf
agricultural purposes which lm
lam barroa for years, an offer mki
opportunity for tho homeless ol the
East to secure homes of their own.
The fact that good agricultural Gov
ernment land is becoming scarcer
and scarcer makes these irrigation
projects of great interest to the
bomeseeker and investor.
The canine population of Albany
is 69 less than what it was. The (
dog poisoners got in their work last