Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 26, 1905, Image 7

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i . - v .
For Thin
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
tested GO years I Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Ayer's Sar
saparllla; the original Sarsa
parllla; the strongest Sarsapa
rllla; the Sarsaparllla the doc
tors endorse fqr thin blood,
weak nerves, genera! debility.
. lint AYcn fhla irrnil nM medicine cannot do
llf brat work II t lip lltor l limciUo imt tha
lKwUconitl'nl(iij, For Ilia brat tKilbl re-
nltl, ynn ahoulil iRha Irixnllvs tlnaea nf Arer'a
l'lllawlilla taking: lliahirnaimrllla. Tlio llTtr
will quickly reiponii, mid io will tlio Ixjwell.
A MA4abyJ.C,Ay0rCo.,LoweU.Uaas.
Xll Alio mauufAoturtra of
In Light Dlnlrrim.
A now term wn heurd tlio otlior
lny. An old lady unit her two datigh
teCs came Into u mllllnory "tore. Tlio
young women wore mourning hats.
Tlio old woman mild to the clerks: I
want n mourning Imt, for I mn In
mourning. Hut my dnttcr bore," indi
cating, "In n wlrtder of two years'
HtnndliiK, and Bhq l.l In light distress,
(lire her a lint with bluo feathers on
It.11' Chicago News.
Htatk or nino, city or toi.kho, I
1'iunk J. Chcmcy innkca oath that ho la
r-culiir imrlnor ill tho ilrm flt I-. J. Ciiemcy a
Co., doliiit taiHllieM In tlio iMty oTnlcdo, Coun
ty Hint Htiilo nhirt-'fttd. nnd that anld firm will
)ay Ihimumof ONU IIIJNlllllil) IlOTXAlta fir
each anil every raao nt Catahiiii that cannot bo
cured by tlio uionl Hai i.'hi'atailiiii ciiiik.
Rworn to before mo ami irnhNrribcd In my
tiroHGtiro, this Clh day of prrcmlior, A. H.. lbeu.
A. W. tll.KAiSOK,
J seal Notary l'ubllc.
Hall's Catarrh Curo l taken internally, and
acta directly on tha blood mid inucoua aurfacos
of tho ayatoin. Homl f r tettlinonlala, frco.
V. J. CHUNKY it CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by ilnlKiilMn, 7.V.
Hall's Faintly 1'llla uru tho beat.
Tnylor What In meant by tlio spirit
of the pre?
Tyler One of those ghost stories that
they print, I presume.
Orogan Blood Purlflor is
rightly mimed; bocutiM) it purines tho
blood and tones up tlio body,
Tim Kin Hclontilloally Considered.
Mother What's that smacking uolo
In the parlor?
Studious Hoy (who goes to school)
It's sister aud hcr.youug man exchanging
Jllett Cough tijrup. Taitus Good. ta
In tlraa. Hold br drutrfflnU.
Oaoue Trllio of Indiana Arc Culled the
Weulthlcat I'roplo nil Itnrtli,
Much lina been written about the
wen lib of tha Osage Inillnns, Theso
forliinnto peoplo as a tribe are perr
huiis the richest people on earth.
To begin with, they huve something
Ilka $8,000,000 on deposit with tho
United Suites government. This largo
sum Is drawing a good rate of Inter
est, Biilllclent to give each member of
tho tribe $1(J per nnnitm. They also
hnvo about 1,000,000 acres of land,
which, In view of tlio Iminenso Heidi
of gas and oil now being developed, Is
worth at n conservative estimate $5
mi acre. This augments their money
holdings $8,000,000 and gives a grand
total of $10,000,000. If this sum
should be divided equally nmong the
11,01.1 living Otnges, each would have
llesides tho regular annuity derived
from Interest on funds on deposit, each
Osago gets n considerable sum of
money received from tho annual rent
nls of tho tribal pastures. To this Is
now being added that of oil and gas
royalties. Tho full vnlue of this Item
Is difficult to arrive nt, from'tho fnct
Hint frequent new developments aug
ment tho monthly revenue from this
Rource. At this tlmo the tribe Is draw
ing something like $12,000 monthly
from oil and gas royalties, or about
$75 per capita per annum, amounting
In all to nearly $200 n year which each
Osago receives us his pro rntu sburo
of the Income from thclr'trlbal funds.
Aside from this, the Osage Journal
reports that there arc many members
of the tribe who have private fortunes
of considerable volume. These private
holdings ranged from the common farm
home, equipped with the ordinary con
veniences and comforts of life, to pa
latial mansions and live stock nnd oth
er personal property holdings valued nt
many thousands of dollars. More than
a do7.en Osage Indians arc rated ns
owning property valued at froin $10,
000, to $20,000 or more, and several of
them have commodious country homes,
containing from ten to twenty rooms.
These persons nrc not all mixed bloods,
but n number of them are full-blooded
Osnges, who have by their own indus
try and thrift added to their original
patrimony. Knnsns City Journal.
t liumorous
t)M)i ,,,,, jr.v,,
One day I gavo my llttln cousin
wlntcrgrec-ti lozenge, nnd, as it burnt
lier tongue, nhu' turned to fier mothar
and cried, "Oh, muzzer, put dls In
'frlgerator, quick."
"To-day," said tho minister, "I think
you'd better take up the collection be
fore I preach my sermon. ''Why so?"
asked tlio vestryman. "I'm going to
preach on 'Economy!'" !'
Mrs. Casey An phat did th' rtotf
thor soy , ailed ye? Mr. Casey Appen
dlelUs". Mrs. Casey Och, worrnl 01
knew nad say that If ye wore thot
new Sunday suit. Judge,
Papa How did you get your clothes
so tcrrlldy torn? Tommy Tryln' to
keep a little boy frp,tn bcln'., llckedl
rnpu-Ah, a bravo dccdl Vbo was
the little boy? Tommy Me.
"You?" snorted Miss Slinrpe. "Marry
you? Why, you'ro only an apology
for a man." "Hut," protested Mr,
Small, ."you will not " "No; I will
not accept the apology." Philadelphia
"I fell over the bitlwnikif," said the
sailor, ,!'und tho shark came along nnd
grabbed me by the leg." "And
did you do?" "I let hlln have the leg.
never 'dlsnuto with n tliark." Chi-
Bolinolliny Humor.
Etc. Is a sign used to make believe
you know more than you do.
Tho equator Is a menagerie lion run
ning nrouud the center of tho cartii.
The zebra is like a horse, only
striped aud used to illustrate the let
ter Z.
A vacuum Is nothing shut up In n
bos. Definitions by London School
(rntnl'iil Clinnao.
Clara Did you have pleasant weather
at tho springs this summer?
Dora No. It was hot, dreadfully so.
"Itenlly uncomfortable, was it?"
"Awfully. Why, the weather was so
warm that when a man with a cool mill
ion proposed to me I accepted him at
Recommends Pc-ru-na.
Senor Quesadd, Cuban Minister to the United States.
Senor Qucsada. Cuban Minietor to tlio United States. Is an orator born
n article In Tho Outlook for July, 1800, by Georgo Kennan, who heard Quesada
speak at tho Kstoban Theatre, Matanzas, Cuba, ho said; "I have seen many
nudiences under the spell of eloquent speech and In tho grip of strong emotional
axitement, but I have raroly witnessed such a sccno as at tho close of Quesada'a
eulogy upon tho dead patriot, Marti." In a letter to Tho Peruna Medicine
company, written from Washington, D, 0., Senor Quesada says;
I "Peruna I can recommend as a very good medicine.
It is an excellent strengthening tonic; and it is also an ef
j ficacious cure for the almost universal complaint of ca
I tarrh."--Gonzalo De Quesada.
Congressman J. II. llankhead, ot Ala
bama, one of the most influential mem
bers bf the Houes ot Itopresentatives,
in a letter written from Washington,
I). 0,, gives his endorsement to the
great catarrh remedy, Peruna, in tho
following words:
"Your Peruna Is one of the best medi
cines I ever tried, and no family should be
without your remarkable remedy. As vo
tonic and catarrh cure I know of nothing
better." 1, tt. Bankhead.
There Is but a single medciine which
is a radical speciflo for catarrh, It is
Peruna, which lias stood a half century
test and cured thousands o( cases.
If you do not.derive prompt nnd sat
isfactory results from the use of Peru
na, write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing a full statement of your caso, and
he will be pleased to give you his val
uable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President ot
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.
All correspondence held strictly confidential.
cngo Journal.
As Shakspeare fcnys," remnrkod
Cassldy, who was fond of nlrlng his
"book lninln'" occasionally, "whnt'sin
n name?" "Well," replied Casey, "cnjl
tne wan that 01 don't Ilka an' Ol'll
show ye." I'hlladelpnln I'ress.
Well," snapped Saint Peter, "what
hnvo you to nay for yourself? "I um
not n good man," replied the tippllcnnt
"but I didn't go nbout mnklng iipolo
cles for my3elf on earth, and I don t
intend to begin now." And ho got In.
Now that Ann's nuo bus been thor
oughly discussed, tho Council. lihifTs
Nonpareil springs this one: "A young
woman goes upstairs to dress at 7:43
for tlio evening. She 'Is 1!) years old
nnd weighs 102 pounds. State the wait
of the man below."
Mttlo Boy I want you to write mo
nn excuse for being late to school yes
terday. Jeweler Eh? You are not,
my son. Llttlo Hoy-rN-o, but mamma.
says I had plenty of time to, get to
school, so I guess tlie clock you sold
her doesn't go right.
"What do you think of her vocal
ability?" asked tho manager of the
show nftcr the prima ddnnn had
censed to warble. "Well," replied tho
man who had come In on a pass, "shd
has an admirable voice for destroying
silence." Chicago 'News.
A well-known Judg-i was ptnndlng
at the door of a ballroom when n very
bcnutlful woman passed him. "What
n lovely womanl" said the Judge, but
so loud Uiat the lady oveihcnrd it
Turning her head, she recognized tlio
speaker, "And what n good judge!"
she said.
Magistrate Why did you steal that
ham, Undo Itastus? Uncle Itaptus
Ilekase mah pooh fambly was sturvlu",
you' honner. Magistrate Funilly
starving, eh? Itut they tell me you
own five dogs. Uncle Itastus Dat's
or fack, yo' honner: but Ah reckon yd'
nil wudn't 'spect mah fambly ter cat
dem dawgs. Chicago Dallj Newsv
One afternoon llttlo Johnny hnppeiv
ed to look up nnd see the moon, nnd ns
ho had never seen It before in tho
daytime, he ran Into tho house, nnd X'
clnlmcd: "Oh, mammn. I've got a
good Jol;o on Cod." "Why, what do
you mean, dear?" nsked tho nstonlshed
mother. "He forgot to take tho moon
In this morning," explained John.
Motorist Are all the tools In tin
toolchest? Valet Yes, sir. -Motorist-.
Are all the cushions and lnprobes in
tho tonneau? Valet Yes, tlr. Motor
ist Is tho tank full of gasoline? Valet
Yes.slr. Motorist Hnvo you bcoutilit
down nil our goggles? Yes, sir. -Motorist
Well, run up to my room and
bring the roll of bills out of ther top
bureau drawer so that we will have
enough money to pay our fines. Then
we shall be ready to start.
I,awyei? You have taken your oath,,
and I wont you to answer each of ny
questions honestly. Witness Yes, Mr:
Lawyer What is your occupation?
Witness I am n driver. Lawyer
Do you drivo n wagon? Witness ,'o,
sir; I do not. Lawyer Now bo care
ful, nnd "remember that y.oiu.aie qn
your oath. You admit that you are a
driver; now, honestly, don't you drive
n v.-ngon? Wltnqss-NpV sir; I drlvpfa
horse. Albany Hypping Journal,
"My dear," said Miss PlagstalT to
her country beau, "I thoiigljt; I, ought
to tell you beforehand that I'm a soui
uambullst. You might not llko to
marry n woman who" Hut iho
impatient Mr. McCoy cut short her re
marks, saying: '"That makes no dif
ference, Caroline none, in, tlio world,
I'm a Methodist, you know, nnd I eaii
go with you to your church In tho
morning nnd you can go with mo to
my church at night." Llppltirott's,
"I nover was rebuffed In sq,plo(sant
n wSy ns on my lust Journey," said
Joblots, tho eommcrcInWrnvcler, late
ly, "I was. Just about tp enter un
office when I saw a staircase with' a
sign, 'This way for commercial trav
elers.' I supposed tlio stairs led to tho
counting-house, so I went up nnd
found myself In a long hall, with walls
whero pointing boards directed tho
way. I passed through the hall and
camo to a staircase leading down ns
another board pointed. I descended,
nnd, opening the door at tho lower
step, found I was In tho streot
again!" j
Save the Babies.
I NFANT MOETALITY ia somothing frightful. Wg can hardly realizo that of
mfi' all tho children bora in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent., or nearly
ono-quartor, die boforo thoy reach ono year; thirtyseven per cent., or moro
than one-third, boforo thoy aro five, and ono-half before thoy are fifteen I
We do not hesitate to say that a timely uso of Oastoria would savo a ma
jority of those preoious lives. Neither do wo hesitate to say that many of these
infantile deaths are occasioned by tho uso of narcotio preparations. Drops, tinctures
" and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro or less opium, or
morphine. Thoy are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
thoy stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Oastoria
-operates exactly tho rovorse, but you must seo that it bears tho signature of
...Chas. H. Flotchor. Oastoria causes tho blood to circulato properly, opens tho
p'Qi'cs of tho skin and allays fover.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr. A. P. Peeler, of St. Louli, Mo., sajs: 'I have prenprtbcd your Castorla la
many rases and have alwayi found It an student and speedy rttutdy."
Dr. K. Down, of Philadelphia, l a., aaya: "I have prescribed your Castorla In
my pracllce fur many jean with great satisfaction to myheJf and benciU 10 my
Dr. J. n. Wagffoncr. of Chicago, HI., nays; "I can most heartltT recommend
your Cn tor I a to the public as a remedy for jchlldren's complaints. 1 have tried
It and found it of creat value."
Dr. Kdward rarrlsh, of Ilrooltlyn, N. Y., says : "I have uned your CaBtorla la
my own household with good results, and have advleed several paticau to use lc
for lta mild laxative effect and freedom from harm.
Dr. J. H. Elliott, of New York City, says: "Having during the past six years
firescrlbed your Castorla for Infantile stomach disorders, I most heartily commend
ts use. The formula contains nothing deleterious to the moht delicate of children."
Dr. C. O, Sprague, of Omaha, Neb., says: "Your Castorla Is an Ideal medicine
for children, and 1 frequently prescribe It. While I' do not advocate the Indis
criminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castorla Is an exception for conditions
which arise In the care of children."
Dr. J, A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says : "Your, Castorla holdj the esteem
of the medical profession In a manner held by no other proprietary prepaiatlou. It
Is a sure and reliable medicine for Infants and children. In fact, It Is the universal
household remedy for Infantile aliments."
Dr. n, F Merrill, of Augusta, Me., says: "Castorla Is one of the very finest
and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my opinion your Cas.orla
has saved thousands from an early grave. I can furnish hundreds of testimonials
from this locality as to Its efficiency and merits."
Dr. Norman M. Oeer, of Cleveland, Ohio, saya: "During the last twelve years
I have frequently recommended your Castorla as one of the best preparations of tho
kind, being safe In, the hands of parents and very effective In relieving children's
disorders, while the ease with which such a pleasant preparation can be administered
Is a great advantage."
Dr. F. n. Kyle, of St. Taul. Minn., says: "It nfforda me pleasure to add my
name to the long list of tbose who have used and now endorte your Castorla. Tha
fact of the Ingredients being known fb rough the printing of the formula on the
wrapper is one good and sufficient reason for the recommendation of any physician.
1 know -of Its good qualities and cheerfully."
1 Boars the Signature
AVeeelable PreparationforAs
slmilatlng llic Food ami Hcgula
ling the Stomachs and Dowels or
.Vromotes Digeslion.Checrful
nessandncst.Conlalns neither
Opium.Morpbme nor Mineral.
NOT Nahcotic.
fbtape oOlH DrSAMUEL riFCHElt
IlirmSilJ - -VlMiitnrmn
Apctfect Remedy forConstipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Toe Simile Signature ot
y2 Boars tne Signature f!Ea
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Fastest, llgtitent and Htroitfcpnt Htump 1'ulter
od the innrkeU 11H llorte power on the sweep
Willi two horses. Write tor deiicrlptlve catalog
and prices.
foot of Morrison Street lortland, Oregon
P. N. U.
No. 17-1905
WHEN Trrltlne to adTertlier, ploaco
tDonttun tills linpor.
Two View.
Western Farmer The corn crop It
ruined. Why, lr, the hot winds jutl
burned it right up.
Western Heal Estate Man The great
and Klorlous West is the pluce to lire.
Why, sir, this summer we just feasted oo
hot roast corn right out in the fields.
Mr, Grosvenor'a Articles.
The articles by Sir. Gilbert II, Groa
venor on "Inoculating the Ground,"
and "Tho New Method of Purifying
Witter," which have appeared in The
ucntury, nave attracted wide attention.
especially the flrBt-nained, which ap
peals to tne great audience o people
who aro interested in tlio cultivation
of the soli. The article has been tran
slated into many languages (including
Chinese), and has been tho subiect of
editorial mention in papers all ovor the
globe. .Mr. (jrosvenor is now engaged
unon several nrtlcies for Tlio Ontnrv
pn'flmely subjects connected with acri-
culture,'', tlio first of which, on tlio
-i ,i, .
i enmer nureuu, win appear in mo
Juno number.
A Malicious HatlRl'.iutlcm.
"Do you ever have mosquitoes here?"
said the relative from the city.
"Yes," answered fanner Curntossel.
"And malaria?"
"Some." v
"How's the weather?"
"Hotter'n blazes most of the time."
"You don't seem to worry mucji."
"Not a bit. We've got a family hero
that's three weeks behind in their hoard
an' we're gettin' even with 'em, even IS
they never pajV Washington Star.
Mothers will find Mrs. WIniloWs EootMnc
Syrup the beat remedy tonae for their children
during the teething period.
Tho llniul or Fnt ci.
"Tliis line In your hand." said the clrl
who had studied palmistry, "indicates
that you huve n brilliant future before
"Is that so?" tiuerled the dense young
,"Ycs" answered the fair maid; "but
this other line indicates that you are too
slow to ever catch up witli it."
For coughs ami colds there I, no better
medicine than l'iao's Cure for Consump
tion. Price 25 cents.
Muzzles Needed.
"See here!" exclaimed the angry man.
"I wish you would muzzle that dog of
yours at night. Ills barking keeps my
baby awake."
"I was just going to request you to
muzzle your bnhy," rejoined the neigh
bor. "His nightly howling annoys my
dog." New Yorker,
Atitlsoptio Telephones.
The Krencli telephone service has
Just accorded to the public one of tlioso
little amenities of civilization which
might, with obvious advantage, be ex
tended throughout the world. In every
public oillec there will henceforward
lie hung with a white linen handker
chief, treated with a chemical solution,
with which every person can cleanse
and disinfect the plate or tube before
using It. If he will only do so also af
ter breathing Into it himself for sev
eral minutes, so much the better. These
handkerchiefs are rcnowed dally.
IjOKt A Good Opportunity.
"Yes, they accused mo of adulterat
ing my canned fruit. They named a
certain formula that Is designated for
adulterating and asked me' if I didn't
use it."
"What did you sny?"
"I said I didn't, and then they
wouldn't let me copy it. You see, It's It
good deal'better formula than tho ono
I'm using now.'' Cleveland Plain
Tho Difference.
Uttle Rodney Papa, what Is the dif
ference between climate and weather?
Mr, Wayout (of Dlsmalhurst-ou-tho-
A Disease
We Inkesit
The tainted blood of ancestors las-s upon the shoulders of innocent off
spring: untoid suffering; by Jtrausmitting to them, through the blood, that
blighting disease, Scrofula; for in nearly every instance the disease can be
traced to some family blood trouble, orblood-kin marriage which is contrary
to the laws of nature. Swelling, ulcerating glands of the neck, catarrh,
weak eyes, sores, abscesses, '
skin eruptions, white swell- Sc!?a,V appeared on the head of my littlo
ing, hip disease and other Efinii "d wuen ?'y 18 months old, and spread
deformities, with a wasting fS''"y vcr ,uer he disease next attacked
Of the natural qtrentrtl, , I?3 ax" wc feared she would lose her sight,
am Miurai SMMinil It was then that we decided to try S S S. That
VI ahty.aresomeof theways medicine at once made . and comnlek
this miserable disease man- cure. She is now a young 'lady, and has never
ifests .itself. The poison hadasi;nof the disease to return,
transmitted through the 'JS. 5th St., Salina, Kan. Mns. R. Berki,v.
blood pollutes and weakens that licaltli-sustaining fluid and in place of ita
S3" ahlie3 f! 3 tU.e circulation with scrofulous matter antftubcrcula?
f,,?,i h'.ll i f sultme 'n consumption. A disease which lias been in the
family blood for generations, perhaps, or at least since the birth of the suf?
icquires constitutional treatment. S. S. S.
is the remedy best fitted for this. It cleanses tha
wood of all scrofulous and tuberculous poisons
makes it rich and pure and under the tonic effects
of tins rrr-it- .,i:: t i ... .
moves. tbP nmrtnm oti - " rv.rww","vu'"uc Bene neaim im-
Bllnk)-Climate. my son, is who a io- 'easa is cured nerWentl
callty ha. when yoi are buying a horn, ' Sd anvdvifJ S F?S'e"t)r I3 r? ected' . Boofc oa the Wood
there, and weather Is what it lias after-1 M 0dViCa wishcd- 'uniished by our physicians, without charge.
Color more coods brighter and faster colors than any other dvt
p(...tCu iv ciTii I!.;-. results. aeaicr. or w win send post paid ut
.?i"eJiHC J",1!" colors .silk, wool and cotton equally well and l
10c a package. Write for free booklet how to oe.