Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 26, 1905, Image 5

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!w. C. T. u.
New Spring Suits
JJniiiK-r Shirl Witisl
Joint Institute ol Lane and Douglas
County Hold Three Days Session
Medal Contest.
(1 Illumine. Mohair and Lawns. Also large
TflBuse ShirL Waists. Host values ever snown.
llfmenway & Burkliokler
-vmnnnnfTonrinfifyii ATntKA'irtnnSiaHmnnrK'H
fjwvi r MEllQ ,,(ilus of ,ntercsl 1,1,11 01,0,11
fljuyHC nCn J Collage drove and vicinity.
jchinson hits cstnblihcd n
Feotifectionery store nt
farming, Inko tiinii to
display nil vcrtiHonidiit
ImI Ilruiid.
(1H mini, fkil. Hlair, will
Me tint work of taking
art tin) ritj
bridi'o in roas silk creek
I cud ol wall street lias
is both yniig inn) old urn
vol) iL'inl to I io woathoi'
fhcnutifuj Kaster Sunday.
f.iy niimbir of the Wide
i no inlcrestiiiL' slnrv on
in Iinsteni Lane county.
its in the saloons mid
in Portland inustgo. The
Outt Having so decided.
Rt cut" if tli Knilor luitH
Bo pronchor from viow. wo
Btho niiriiion and sea tlio
wloy. brother of John
tlim uity has buun ro-ap-
it mnstor of Vancouver.
Sunday was Easier tlioro
ninny specimens of tlio
art wcrc scon on tho
Dua l mi awning, lot the
Milivaro Company onlor
Tlmy know wlmt yon
ady likes to huvu ii nico
n tnnl becomes liur. A
Iihs llartols will iiiHiiro
t n reiiHonnblo price.
Atkinson have a list of
, timber mid mine prop.
wr books, and can furnish
i on reasonable terms.
cGilvray is conducting
Telegraph office and the
o fi Co,, express hnsi
nbsenccol I) T. A whey,
y now .vith his finny
nornry printed this item:
stucss man in this citv
She habit of flirting with
irl hnd bettor quit or we
i ins name. Next day
ini'ii called at the office,'
(inscription in advance
editor no to pay at-
bolish stories.
nine is tempted to try
Ashland Tribune.
gcrican, a St Louis ptibll-
penning ot nu old and
Kline abandoned minim?
v-oiuiailo nnd its ore-
S'ditles says; "The des-
Bvliich has been irserious
or 33 years, can now be
eil numeuse wealth."
page Grove Hand will on
91 May 5U1 give a con-
i"pera House. The band
some classical music
Simhistrously rehcrslng.
"ISO be a Indies clinfus
four voices. Admisston
Irty five cents nnd reser-
tt'ty cents,
Me of the State Univer-
; while in the city Satur-
a good roads meetim?
jbly be held in IJtigcne
H2t l of Mnv. Tin. tiest
if this subject to be had
fscnt. There should be a
legation from Cottage
Michael Kchhleheck and son'
John, have returned limn thoir
work at l'all urvuic lor a snort vin
in the city with the family.
Mrs. Agnes Thompson and
daughter, Miss I'.nima lhompsou,
arrived from Corvillis, Ore., Tues
day nnd will be at the Schleef hos
pital for some weeks.
The man led men that amuse
themselves by whipping their wives
to relieve tin1 monotony or a married
life will have to lm carolul in the
future as the whippiug-post law is
in effect now.
Levi Gecr, manager of the Lon
don .Mineral Spiings on Tuesday
brought in a load of the mineral
water one case .of which goes to
Dayton, Washington. The de
mand for the water is increasing.
Mr. K. M. Warren of liugene,
superintendent of Lane County's
exhibit at the Lewis and Clark
Fair, was in the city Tuesday, to
confer with the citicus of Cottage
Grove concerning a display of
woods and ither products of this
l'liillip Spoiiu'. this morning went
up to the Vesuvius to run tho onw.
I?. I). Wheeler returned on Sat
urday after a weeks stay in Port
land on business also base ball
Mr, and Mrs. Pitcher were down
from their home in Wildwond,
Mr. G. W. Keplmt, who is con
nected with the Leader Publishing
Company, returned Tuesday from
n visit to Portland.
J. M. Abrnius has placed his
cigar store in chatge f Peg Hen
net nnd will take a couple weeks
vacation in Hugene.
CliarloH Dntlon. formerly assistant
post master luiro but for hiiiiui months
a resilient of Portland arrived in tho
eitv Sntuidiiv and roturnod to the
big city Monday.
Pc-ilinnnd Miller and James C.
Miller, who have been spending the
ivititi.r n t Rrnttlp. returned Tuesdav
and will go to ltohoinin to work on
their property during the summer.
Mr. W. K. KuH-ol, roproi.oiiting
tho Washington Pipo and Foundry
Co. of Taeoma, Washington was in
tho city Monday oonforring with
tho city fathers about tho piping
for contomplatod cluiugo in tho
wator system.
Mr. J. T. Hunt of Wildwood was
in the city Tuesday and went to
Kugene in the afternoon. He re
ports the outlook for crops as very
good. The frost which injured the
frnitc in nc localities was verv
light at his place, peaches and
cucrries iiquidi .iigiiwy.
Mrs. II. C. Kayser of Klickitat,
Wash., sister-in-law of W. T. Kay
ser nnd cousin of Mrs. Kayser, ar
rived in the city Monday alter an
extended visit in Texas and other
states. Mrs, Kayser will visit here
a week or so before proceeding on
her journey home.
Cliristinn Science Services
In Woodmen Hull
Suuilay, 11 a. in,
Subjoot,"Probation After Death."
The joint institute of the W. C.
T. II of Laiu and OoukIhs counties
convened April i,. with a recep
tion to the visitiiiK nembcrs at the
lesnleiice of Mrs. ! I). Wheeler.
A short musical program was ten
dered mid a .guessing con lest was
engaged in by nil present, much
fun arising over the gue4ses. In
the evening the convention was
held in the M. Ii. church, where
the goodly audience was entertain
ed by lovely music .eudeied by the
choir. Addresses were given by Mrs
Minsters, President of Douglas
county and Mrs. P. I) Wheeler,
President ol Lane county, followed
by Mrs. Pcrgiison of Douglas coun
ty, who discussed upon "Silver
Chimes,' in her usual convincing
Thursday the morning session
was devoted to the carrying out of
the program until the noon hour,
when all picsout went to the class
room of tho church "here a most
bountiful lunch was served. linclf
one dill all tho justice of which
they were nt nl capable and there
being no dimunitiou of good things,
supper was partaken ol at the same
The most interesting feature of
the afternoon session was the de
bat" upon the question' "Resolved
that thetobacco habit is mure harm
ful to our nation than the htpior
traffic," in which Mesdames Itish
up of Yoncalhi, Ulack of Dram and
DcS-jfliii ol Cottage Grove took the
affirmative; Mesdames Armitnge of
rtlyrtlo Creek, Johnson nnd Mellon
of CrKwell, the negative.
The question was quite ably
handled but the aflirmitive pro
duced much the stronger argument
and division, with the entire iusli
tule as judges, was accordingly
In the' evening a Gold Medal
Contest was held at the Opera
House, sbc contestants taking part
Miss lloover of Drain secured the
coveted prize. Thanks were ex
tended the choir lor tlieir most ex
cellent music.
P'ridav morning closing session,
which the program was closely
followed, the L. T. L question was
piite thoioughly discussed.
An interesting paper was lead
on Utir work in uie ouuuay
School" by Mrs. Randolph fol
lowed by Mrs. Hiirnard of Coburg.
"Olds and ends and tangled
points" was presented by Mrs.
Ilishop of Youcalla and discussed
by all present. Reports of commit
tees followed. At the close of the
session Mrs. Maisters of Rosebnrg
in a well chosen speech thanked the
ladies of Cottaire Grove for the
courtesies extended the visitors and
the Institution closed witn thofliwt
ot feelings for al1 .
The names r . siting delegates
. . , i r...
are as lolioivs: oseuuig-- w.
Marsters, Mrs l .'rguson, Mrs.
Moriau; Drain: Mrs Hlnck, Mrs.
Gardiner; Myrtle Creok : Mrs. Ar
mitaec; Youcalla:' Mrs. ilishop; Co-
buig: Mrs. Hammd, Mrs. Melton,
Mrs. Howe; Saginaw; iNrs. joiius,
Mrs. Ingraham, Mrs. Saulsburg.
- Absolutely Pure
I'm wll lo CoiiyrcKiilion.
Hev L. Moore, who for the
piiKt rbve-n moiitliH him been the of llid M. K. Church in this
city, pri ncliod his foroucll hoi inotis
on Suirlay
In elo.iing Holiday night ho Htalud
his depuitiiro from this Hold was
not bftfiitixo of any iliHHitisfaction
wilh tlm pnuple or tho work, hut on
tho fiintniry ho had found both
plenHunt mid he hoped profitable to
pastor and, ootigroj"lioii. -. For
reuholin of a personal nature ho du
sired tor ,-f time at least to losicle in
Chicago and an arrangement had
been made ilh Jtov. Grant .Stewart
to oxehiiiiKe.
Hev. Moore has been a faithful
worker since his arrival hole and
hnd endeaicd himself lo.liis congie
gation as well iih otheis who have
armed Ids acquaintance.
lie will ei.pi cialiy ho missed by
tho young nidn and boys, for whom
he took groat intcieM.
About the first of tho year ho or-.
Unnized n "boys elub" nnd it has
grown io a membership of thirty
ftvee On FriilRy 'night tho club
visited the parsonage nnd after a
Mocial good time, bude their friends
Rev. Mnuie and family took the
afternoon trim ou Monday for their
Chicago homo, carrying with them
tho ot wishes of all.
Next Sunday Itev. Mahaffy of
Willamette collogo will oomipy the
5J. 15. pulpit, and the following Sun
dsy, Itev. Stowart is oxpocted to be-
gin his pastorate.
N April 21, 1005.
Km ron NnoiiOT:
In your report of tho .-nse of J.
H. Tuoker, you mado statomonts
lhat wero erroneous.
First: Tlmt 'Iliohard Tapp whg
lives on the Divide, informed gamo
warden Haker tint Reuben Tuuker,
who lives in the s-uiio vicinity hnd
shot a deer.'
.Second: That 'T pp sworo to tho
In aimwcr tq the lint statement,
I did not inform Mr. H.iUer that
Reuben Tucker had killed a deer;
did not sue any one liuutitiK and
wan not in the vicinity wioro tho
deer killed until tho occurrence
was entirely over.
I was simply sunt to inform Mr.
Hakorthita deer had boon killed
and if ho wished to got evidence of
illegal doer killing thero was an op.
portunity lo do so.
Secondly, I did not ijwear to auy
complaint, affidavit or any thing
Riciuitu Taw.
Gent's Neckwear
For Buster Sunday
' Renember Boys, we carry Cluatt, Penbody &
Co.'s. Famous Collars and Dress Shirts.
Not Ready-made, but "Ready
Tailored Suits at Lurch's.
Boys! She wants to see you
with that new Easter Tie
Also duett, Peabodyft Co.'s
noted Collars in all sizes.
$1U.UU fer ion
Cracked Curn, per cwt.
Oil Meal, per pound . . .
. 2c
All Other Feed at Our Usual Low Prices
WHEAT. BAR. LEY AND OATS for seed ut the
mill and tit the wareliou-' by the depot.
J. s. milnm:
f.. W. BAKER
Itiinil ('oitcci-t.
The Cottage Grove band will give
nVomvrf nt till- Otiem llOUM.' Oil tile
eveninj; of May 5U1. This will, tin
itnnlitfdK' hp nu? most eniovable
event of ' the season and we feel
safe in sayinp that the proginm,
now being arranged, is the best by
far, ever attempted by our local
peoplu 1 lie omul lias some cumie
music to resent this time, such as
the selection from Wallace's opcrn,
'ffirilmin" ninl' Millin fine lllllsiC lit
the "popular" class, a selection from
the "Prince ot 1'ilseii, "a vay m
ii,,. r.iHiuifixld " fdescrintive.') etc.
A ladies chorus of twenty-four oi
our nest local singers are now ueiug
drilled by Mr. Chas. Cochran for
the occasion nnd there are to be
other numbers of snecial merit intro
duced 011 this occasion. The band
will expect n packed House tins
time for every one jivill get their
nionoy.s worth.
Must Observe Ourfow
'l'h,. ollicer will insist nnon Ilia
Lewis and Clark .Exposition Tic
ket Rales.
Cottage (Jrove to l'oithmd ' ltot
f C.DO, Rood for DO days, but not
Inter than Out. Hint, IVVH.
I'.Mtrns or ten 011 iiom:
One faro for tho round trip good
for ten days, (must travel togothor
on 0110 ticket.both wys) $1.10
One faro for the rouud trip partv
duv. but individual
tiokots will bs sold uudor, this rate
ami oan return at any time wittnn
tan days from dato of sal. $1.40.
. 'I'lin idinvn tiukotu on Hiilo dailv bo.
twoon May 'J'.lth and Oot. lfith, ami
no stop overs ulloivod in either in
part of tho juvonilos iho "buryncHL.jlal jamisS OAtrander is agent for
launiiry company w
mil' fnw. Arnndnv mailt WlHlB
Sliol'wooil foi'K"1' 'h bour nnd .Mar
orwood foi'K"1' 'n" hour nun '-hUir,
a' Unoorwood reipinnti'd limi to W ' n
appear Imloro .nucoinor , ioinmvi
TiioBday inotnni,', which ue
Itnnn'rilnr VlMlllir Htlltd'l M i I W
tho first tinin 11 nmo ot this kind nnd
hecii nroHimtocl him, only a loiiri-
maud would no fjivon lint if ivouUl-
nUu bo tho liiHt and llo'oafli' mmo
i,n'i moasuroH mill kl be taki'i'
13oys and girls too, had
liaiikriiflt Stock for Sale.
I haw on hand a lwukrupt stock
of General Merchandise and Patent
,i..,liini'd nna door east of the
.fv..,..., .. - -
Oriffiu Watch Company, which I
.. .1 1 :
Will sell nt greatly renuccn iin.v;i.
nu nnd iu convinced. No trouble
botlor take I to show goods or answer questions
' n n II,,,
Timber Lands, Mines and Mining Stock. Timberland
and homesteads located.
A choice list of City, Country ami Timber Lands for sale. Houses for
rent in the different parts of the city. ,
itonts oolleetod for non-rosidents.
Tin-: . t i 'iTiNd (.1 ai in
of any tool Is nlwnys a dlsrnbcs
one. but ot equal Inipoi'tiince is tln
power ot rctiilnhiK this uifu'try so iih
not to require too finpieiii shnriien
In;;. Hy innkliiK your purchases of
the (irilliii Ai Venteh fn. you ulwuys
ivcelvo your nloney's worth In the
best quality of tools and cutlery" ol
properly tomiered steel that Is sure '
to hold an edge.
H 11 g- taws
a row are s
Mom (Hid liiiwuv
Plow, Mowors nnd Itakiw. Sole iiKeatu for the relelinited
.V Kull Stock of Minim; suppllo.
Piper & Van Oenn