MIfi 'r.jf 'in i in "if 9 Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Panning Interest of this Community. .; VOL. VII COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MARCH 29, 1905. NO. 10 :1 1 1 GENERAL MINING CRYSTAL, CONSOLIDATED V AST weak tlic iimmiccr of the JBL urystui uoiisolltlntcd decided lie would like to know tli nl;.e or tliu vein of ore 011 which the tunnel wns being iltlvcn. The men were ordered to ittart n cross cut to the bunging wall, which they did and betore reaching It had exposed altogether 13 Icet of ore, A cross cut will he driven to the other wall to determine Its full width. It Is reported the 01c remained nbout the same character as that heretofore reported. In a recent issue ol the Nugget lit a disruption 01 tills propeily, an error occurred It read "11 few tons of ore arc ex posed" while it should have stated "a few thousand tons of 01c are exposed which makes some differ ence In tlm repot t. It will he hut a few short weeks until there will he three mill .steadily nt work in llohcmia turn lug nut the precious metals to be added to the worlds wealth. The Vesuvius mill with its ten statuiM and tpdn to deliver the ore from the tunnel to the milt will as soon an the weather conditions per mil resume operations. The Oregon Securities with thirty stamps, also a tram to trans- poit the ores If not already started, will bcem very soon to run a por tion of its statu and add as fast as possible until nil are dtoppii.g. lust as soon as the Crystal Con solidatcd Company can net out 1 sufllcicnt quality of lumber for building acd mining purposes, the boiler now used for jxjwcr nt the saw mill will be pbiccd in the mill and the five stamps put at work uiKJii the ores. v Several other companies that Shave opened ui their properties uu 'til assured ol an abundance of" ore, . arc contemplating the Installation of mills. All the indications point to a remarkably lively and pros perous season in llohcmia. The telephone Hue has been down between llohcmia and Cot tage Grove mid it has been difficult to leant trthc miners nave any thing new lo report. The heavy fall of snow will retard work but little, as nearly nil are worklnjr under ground. Win. Cox arrived hi the city Monday from his property ou Hole Ridge Hohemia. He states there nas been a heavy fall of suow dur ing the past week but much of It melted immediately. 8 WELCH & WOODS NEWS! A GR.EAT DRILLING CON TEST Promptly nt 1:110 I'rldny after noon tlm I'rtnt drilling -contest an iiouucod Hovoral weeks ngo, camo off at the A. A, U, haso ball ground in sou th went part of tlio city. Miners utid sporting mon hnro boon coming in for HOTor.il days to witucss tlio uvont. Tlio day wns bountiful nud brought out a largo crowd fil ling tlio grand stand full, so that they could soil no morn sonti. Tlio grounds around tlio circle wore crowded G to 10 deep with pco- put. All tlio uUHincHH bonnes closed between tlm hours of ono to four to pormlt as ninny uh wanted to sea tlio content to ho prrsont. Tlio content startod with n juvon iln drilling oxhibllion by two boys. (Jlnrriiicii mlo anil Mduo ltohorts akori VI nud M, who in ton ininuloa ilrillod OK Inches in n granito rock Thou camo tlio donblo hnndod trillion: eonloHt in tlio following ordor; John and Waters, Suioplor, Orn gnn. Solliro nud llarriiiL'ton. Oianiln Hill. .Sundry Hrotbora, Gold Hill. Lock ridgo anil Savage, of Qaliee. Tlio llrst team In IS minutes drillod 'M inches. Tlio second lon-ai, lii jnclibH Tlio third toam had to atop ou au- count of soro hand This toam in 9 miuutoH and -10 soconds drilled '2!'A Inchon. Tlio fourth toam, Calico crook boys drillod 30 indies. Thus win ning tlio contest and tlio purso of $22G. ThoSumptor team camo second ami wIob tho rmtorauco foes. Id tho sineU hnndod drill con test which wss next tharo woro three entries but J, Johns, of Hutnpter, andT. J. Ilrlckerhoffor of Qalico wore tho only two that contested. J. Johna diillod in 1G minutes, lb 15-10 inches and T. J. Ilrinkorhofl in tho snmotima drilled '20i inclios. llio purso lu tins ro litem wns lib going to ItiinkerliolT and tho on trnnco feo to J, John, Ho Unlico enrnos ou both prizes. in tho donblo haudod drill eoutcst last Christmns dny I.ockridne and Savngo wero tho wiuuurs, so pro sumo ho call them now tho chum pious Of Oregon. As uu oviduueo of tho iutorost manifested in tho contest it is stated that I3G00 chanced hands ou tho rosults. Mining Join mil. V now, fine line of diamond rings ust rocoived at Madson's. t SOYS mako men, but clothes mado for men will not do for boys. .Wo mako a study of boys and boys' clothing. Whllo thoy havo a youthful swing that undcflnablo soraotldng that makes them boys' suits, thoy havo tho Btrength and wearing qualities absolutely essential. LARGE DENOUNCEMENTS IN MEXICO. nnwo largo donouncomonts of JL mining properly woro re cently mado in Mexico. At tho Ktzntlan mineral ofllco, In tlio stato of Jalisco, 4, 'MO protonnneias woro recently otitorod bp i'ordinaud Sustorslo, rnanngor of sho Amparo racttco to carry oil Jim oro from Mining Cora puny. AtSnltlllo, stnto t,t, levels lo tho surface on cages, of Chihuahua, 6.7CO portononclas , or to .jump tlio on. directly into woro roconlly donouncod In tho i Np froU) ctttBi HaH ,i10 Mining and neighborhood of Itamos Anspo. Ajgoiuntjflo pr0M iJMU practices pertononcia is nbout two and ono-1 iIOTO )uou Inrgoly suporseded by cut half oorcs, mo that thoso donounco-, ijD 0(UlDif riockols nod cIiiiIch bo- luonls coTor a largo amount of terri tory. Of course, nil of thoso por lonenclss cannot baro boon ontorcd for tho purpose of finally taking up all tho claims, but unquestionably thoy wero mado for tho purpose of exploration. Tho portcnoncin lux in Mexico is $10 por annum; I bore fore, wo cannot boliovo that tho Am- pnro company will pay out $14,000 a yonr for taxes on so many claims, mnnv of which, no doubt, oro worth less. It sometimes happens in Mexico thnt n lend ownor will not giro the privilege of "zoning," that is lo say tho privilege of declaring a certain district cloHod to donnunceinout, ox copt by th ownor of tho exploration rights, llio right or tuo zono givos oxcluHivo right to donounce claims for n huiitod period within the acron of tlio zono. Wo bnlievo there is n caso on record in ono of tho southern states, whero 20,000 or 30,000 iMirtononnai) woro donounced owing to tlm ownor of tho laud re fusing tha donouncer zono privileges. Dououucomonls woro made by tho engineer Htsuding ou n high peak and roughly triaugulating. After tho partuuoncias woro denounced, of coursn, bi had tho right of entry, nud finally soloctod his claims and did not proceed with tho denounco monla on tho territory he did not want. Owuors of land in Moxico, how- over, rnroly refuse tho zono privi lege. Ajliscovory of a , few good mines on his laud immediately raises tho voluo of his timber and agricul tural property. Moreover, he gets a very high prieo for tho laud taken up by tho mining company, aud not infrequently an important shoro in tuo mino. luo alox'.con is very much of a business man, and will usually do all he can to encourage tho advent of foreign capital into his district. IIo thon always hss work for his mules and a good market for his farm produco. As a Moxicau ranchoro once said to the writer, ho would soonor havo a good mino on his laud worked by foreign capital, Ihiiu to own tho mino him self. IIo could mako moro money by soiling tho mining company pro i i i... i i 1. 1 luce nun uy uiitiuk irt'iuuv cuii tracts, than tho company could, as u gonorsl ruin, out of .tho mino itself. Mlnltiif Itonortcr. TO REDUCE COST. TMTOKTS nro constantly being Bj mado to rc.luco tho cost of infnlnrr Fnr vrtnrn it uun tho noath tho levela nt shaft stations, and skips havo in many place dis placod cages, Iramuiing by men and animals liave in many large mines boon displaced by mechanical or motor haulage. In the operation of theso methods, cudlrsn ropos or chaiiiH for mechanics! haulngi-, and oloctrlc or eompicssed air motols aroomploycd. Moru recently steam shovels, long m Burfnee excavations, havo been introduced into under ground workings, it is said, with satisfactorily ccouomic iosuHh. Still laUtr camo thu automatic continuous loader, which carries the muck from tho floor of (be drift up into a car which, when full ii trammed to tho station, its place being taken by nn other. The latest device in mining economy is a ear rovided with a steel shield which ts uu lu llio facn to bo blasted and the uck a thrown by tho forco of llio IiUhI directly in to tha wuiting receptacle. At first thought thu idea Deems impractica ble, but tho Ot-fects, if nuy exist, will probably bo remedied by llio inven tor who was bold enou:li to con- coivo such n bchemo. OPPORTUNITIES AT HOME. THE average young American raining engineer usually has a desire to leave Ins native country, to go into distant lands where he may be n pioneer, and distinguish himself by overcoming great difficuIties.carntiiB lame and fortune. The idea is suggested, no doubt, by the success of a number of American engineers who went abroad and earned the much sought after fame and tortune, but the greater number of these nieu all, in fact, who have made great suc cess had previously uistinguisueuj themselves at home, where there j were difficulties, both mechanical and metallurgist, to overcome, and I who had already learned their les sons in tbc hard school of experi ence after leaving the university. There are the same opportunities existing today mines in situations remote from railroads and where Next Monday and to noon Tues convculences are lew. where special day April 3rd aud 4th, Dr. Lowe, mining methods must be applied 1 Eugene's well known oculo-opti-and metallurgical experiments 1 ciau will be in Cottage Grove at made. Despite the advanced stage1 Hotel Graham. OUR Come and elsewhere and you will find what you want. Our prices are strictly honest. We charge you a fair profit only. of knowledge of mining and metal- lurgical science, mistakes appear to be of as frequent occurrence todnv ( he of as frequent occurrence today ns ever lucre were in tne past. There is no need of a young Ameri can engineer going to Africa, to China, to the deserts of Australia, or to the towering mountains of 'c. .,.. x p. -South America, so long as so much a"00 ,''St Shot Cooper and remains to be done in the United! Howse, Then Shoots Himself States. There are important ques- lions to be solved in the economy i of mining aud metallurgy in every, Drain, Or., March 27. The cor westcrn mining state new dis-1 oner's jury in the case of E. C. tricts to develop, new methods to ' Cooper and Paul Howse and Her discover and apply. The problem ' man Shooks, after being out for 34 of smelter fumes is in itself a mat- hours, early yesterday morning re ter to engage careful attention. The turned n verdict stating that Coop fumes can be allayed in most in- ' er aud Howse were murdered liw 1... i . Are Home Again. The Kichmoud-Medley Illustra ted Concert Company which was organized in Cottage Grove and started on a tour of the Willamette valley some ten weeks ago, return- siain.es uy wbii Known processes, aiiooKS, WHO men snot Himself, but to accomplish this without in-, The jury assembled yesterday af creasing the expense of smelting, ternoon at 4 o'clock, and spent the and to find a market for the several afternoon and following morning in by-products of these ordinary oper- hearing testimony and examining ations, is something to ponder over, the premises. No evidence was In some districts metallurgical reported brought out to implicate methods which will cheaply extract : other parties. sufficient values from complex ores ' Mrs. Cooper is on the verge of to afford a profit arc greatly desired, nervous prostration. She was ex There remain and are constantly amined by the jury, but no evi occurriiig unsolved problems every-encc connecting her with the where, and to these the young en- crime developed, giueers should give their attention. Cooper and Howse were buried Mining and Scientific Press. j yesterday at Elkton, the entire , . , 1 populations attending their funerals. ed home on Saturday after a very ' isfied with the coroner's examln succcsslul trip. ntion and inquest. I There are three in the company, . . -t 1 m jien Kicinuonu wuo sings, Clarence 1 u u.it. 1 uc loeory is auvancea Morris, the pianist and Thomas that he was shot in the back, the Medley all around assistant. The and copper jack -t separating, mak boys will rest a while before start- "'P two bole in his breast. Ing on another tour. They had Three empty cartridge shells many newspaper compliments paid were found. It is figured out that them, one we find in the South the first shot fired by Shook creased Bend paper which reads: a furrow half the width ol the bul- The Richmond-Medley Illustra- let in Coope's neck and passed on ted Concert Co. held forth at the , striking a picture on the wall. The opera house Monday and Tuesday next shot is thought to have struck evenings. Without doubt this is both men. Cooper first then Howse. the best show of its kind that has Howse's body was shipped to ever been here. The proprietors Sweet Home for burial this mom- are young men aud tuey give a good show. The moving pictures arc excellent and the illustrated sougs good. The young meu are gentlemen aud will undoubted do well up the line at the several towns. All kinds ol eiiKruvlng doueitt II. C. MadMou'M. IS FILLED WITH STORE New Clothing, New Dry Goods, New Shoes, New Furnishing Goods for Ladies' and Gentlemen inspect our goods LEADERS IN MERCHANDISING ,TtfJW HirlM f)fl I I f ill ft w i 11411 MURDERED .1 , ... .... j nooks' body arrived at Drain .Saturday night and was taken to his home near Oakland for burial yesterday. J. Im. House of Portland, uncle of the dead man, went to the scone today to investigate, not beine sat ' Howse had two bullet holes in !l.:.-t I. n-t. .1 ing. There is talk of having the bullet extracted. It is supposed that Shook fired four shots, including the one that ended his own life, but only three empty cartridges have been found, and only one bullet can be traced in the house, the one that struck the picture. A bottle of strychnine was found in Shook's valise by the coroner, which connects him with the poi soning case. Efforts are being mad eto find out where and by whomjit was purchased. Develop ments are working out slowly, but there isjintense excitement In the viciniyt. 68- before buying lr y Co.,