flllpls FLOWERS UNDER GLASS. tlmrlr Xotea on Handling; I'lnnta l'or Uaatrr and Karlr Sprlna II loom. January la a good time to make nn thcr sowing of sweet poas for Indoor blooming. Start tucin In four Inch pot, sowing about a half dozen needs In n pot, nod when Uicy arc three. Inches high plant them out on a bench or n bed, tho latter preferred. Hlch, heavy soil Is necessary In which to grow them, l'lant them In rows across tho bed, leaving ft spaco of two feet be tween tho rows, and support tho vines with chicken wire. Monty of head room Is necessary, for they will grow runy uvo or six reet high. They can stand abundance of feeding In tho shape of liquid' manure utter they ore onco fairly started and require fre quent syringing to keep red spider In check. The llougaln vlltaeas which nro now In a scmldonuant state In n cool houso can be placed In n few degrees higher temperature to bring them Into flower for Ulster. A temperature of CO de grees Is about right Extreme forcing Is not advisable, for the shoots are Ita ble to grow blind. Olve them plenty of syringing and water more freely as growth commences. The llougaln vll laca Is valuable when In flower not only as a decorative plant, for Its beau tiful bracts hang for many weeks In a living room, but nlso as cut sprays. Small plants of fuchsias propagated In November should bo shifted along into larger pots. Uso plenty of old hotbed manure In the soil, for they fatrly revel In It Half manure. If well rotted. Is not too much. Give them plenty of room In a light place, mod erately warm, so as not to draw tho plants up. They will not require shade for six weeks more. Top tho plants a week or two after shifting, growing from three to five branches to tho' plant Acacias and ericas can be had In flower at any time now by applying n little more heat for a few weeks, Those for Easter had better be kept lu a cool house for another six weeks, for late In the season they can be forced Into flower In a short time by raising the temperature to do degreoa. Gar dening. THE YOUNG GRAPEVINE. Ita Earlr Trnnf nir and Tralnlnir Cul- tlnir Hack In Kail or Winter, Tho support for the young grape vine at first may be temporary, a mere stake or pole, sufficiently strong to bear Its weight uud tall enough to train It In nu uprlgat position for one or two seasons. During this time the vine should be trained as a single shoot from which all lateral or side branches are pinched off as soon as they are formed. These laterals or side branch es will start at a point above each leaf and will be very easily broken off If attended to early. At tho end of the first year's growth of the young vine treated as thu3 di rected It may be expected to resemble that In the Illustration (Fig. 1). A well cultivated vine of the Concord or somo equally strong growing variety should then bo from live to ten feet In length. HUMOR OF THE HOUR IMaln KnalLh. HI wife oniuo Into tho room whert he was sitting. She was twisting her self nrouml In the effort to look at th tmrk of her new blouse. lly the tons linen and bulging nripect itbout her tips he knew that her month was full ot pltw. He knew It anyway without looking for those symptoms. "I'mpli-KOf-wuff.wult-sh-th-bf-fsyf'f," she mid. "Ywt, It looks nil right" ho answered, resuming hi paicr. "Ow f wuff - gs - p- suf up- up-w-r-r-r- ooglisth," she mumbled. "Of course It does," ho assured her, glancing over tho top of tho paper. "It fits like the paper on tho wall. "Sw-8h-uiuiux-woll-gph-ni-ni-m-eh-p x i," she said, stamping her foot "Didn't I tell you It was all rlghtT' naked tho uinn, lowering his paper "Maybe It needs a little taking up Ic the shoulders, but noliody could uotlct It" Hastily letting the pins fall from hei mouth to her hand, she crlod: "l'v asked you three times to raise the win dow blind so that I could get ninrt light. It's a pity you can't understand plain English!" -Lomlnn t! IP Is. INCHKDlM.n HUl'TATdTY. U would liiivo liecn I'icrvUlblo lint tnlllv If rims. V. I.onil)onrer. of Svni- cttse.N. Y Imd not done tho liest ho could for his mifforlng son. "My boy," ho says, "cut 11 fearful gnnli over Ills eye. so 1 applied nurKicira Arnica Salvo which quickly healed It and saved his eye. (iood for burns and ulcer too. Only 2.V nt llenson h Pharmacy. Venselal. Harris I suppose Foster was pretty well wrought up when bo found thai somebody had stolen his gold watch? Harlow-1 should say bo was I He was wild with rage. Ho said tlw watch was flvo minutes slow, and b4 hoped It would make the thief loso 0 train or bo too late for an appoint ment, or somo such vexatious thins M that Boston Transcript Something (or Your Eastern Friends. The 1U05 Issuo of tho nubltcatlon "Oregon Washington and Idaho and Their Itesourccn." Issued by tho i-usseuger jjeparuncne 01 1110 urcgon Itallrond & Navigation Comimnv. Is now ready for distribution. If you u.ivo menus in 11 in l-.nsr who nru 111' terestoil In the I'aclflc Northwent. copy of this publication would 1m welcomo visitor to their Iiomcm. This publication will lie mulled tn mr given mmrvHH uiion recc nt 01 ion cunts in stamps to pay pontugo. A LONG LOST CITY Tanaarra. Ihr- Rlln ot tlir Miidrr Town ot Orcntarta, tn Clr.pci. arvmnda Is the nnmo of tho modern city In lloeottn, Oreeoe, which occupies tho slto of tho nncleut city of Tiinagru. Tho old town was n rich and luxurious place, greatly renowned for the cock fights that were given there. It had tho honor ot being the birthplace ot Corlnun, tho great poetoai of the llfth century before Christ, and perpetuated her memory by. n majestic tomb, 011 which she was represented live times crowned In remembrance of tho live Tlctorles which she had gained lu the lyrical contests with Titular. Diuplta this comparative celebrity It appeared destined to tho eternal sVep of forget fattiest when after mure than twenty' two centuries of silence ehauco druw to It the attention of archaeologist. In 1870 the Inhabitants ot the neigh boring villages while digging In their fields expol to view somo tombs which the French have assigned to tho nineteenth century before tho Chris tian era. The discovery of those tlrst sepulchers was Uie cause of excava tions, during which a quantity ot other tombs were discovered, all situated along tho roads which led from the walls of Tnnagru In the direction of Thebes, Chalcls, llarula ami I'latac. Among this mass of tombs belonging to several centuries the most Interest attache to those ot the fourth century before the Christian era on account of their contents. It was tn these particu larly that the statuettes known today 1 under the name of "Tanagra figurines" 1 were for the matt part discovered. I The llrldrKromu'M ftunw, I'm slrk nt tli some ot 111 brltl lied htr litnonij Jxut limrkMi It in for uwlilL: I'm tha Rrmim. I know Pro no rtalil In Ilia cruwi but, nlsa- TlHit's right-all I nt In the tat la a laaat I know I'm miniraawl to ! slUnt and inaak; Hut, Iuiiik It I'm bound tn art rcefcloM ami spaskl Thay'r bunlng about what the brUla la ti naari Th.y'r. buaattwr a Unit bow ahu'll its up livr hair, Tliay'rw qunrrelltn nvar tin- brMal tiou qiit. 1 llatrn In llneo to all that ih. v my Tli.y trout m us llxiush I wits clinlneil tn my Ooout; . Alack, wtmt am IT I Mm onH Hi" hr ma lion, fa some black mid ml and a li.l mo ot uinbed 1 bun- Tho baat I rail aoma whK., a. horac collar frlsht: My hair will bti emntod aa ll'i vry day: I'd nurrty set moMmt If 1 liiMRml iiurl. I'vo got to tt mm a ml try bravely to amllo; Th macknaaa will Us ml me In hnml after whllv Blng on of tha IxMiitlf.il lirltln nnd hrr liloom, Hut ttnii't mention met I'm only thd (rnwni Jtiet say, "fie was ilraaaetl In conventional tlarki" Then klnttly fnraot me sid hasten rlslit twek To rave o'er tha brkta till you're black In the fae; I'm only ttia srooin, an1 I'm lenmln: mr plnce. Ttaltlioore American. A CIIIC.UIO A l.DHltMA.N' ivt:s HIS HI.Kl "I'lllN TO I'll A.MllllU I.AIN'SCDl llll ItKMKDY "I eull lu-nrtllv jiml i'iiiiwliiiliinulv nviiiniiieiiil I'liaiiilierlaln't Conuhl Do Not Neglect a Cold. Every cold waakana tho Lunga. loWara tha Vitality and mskoi the I yttom Ion nolo to withstand each succeeding cold, thus paving tho way for moro aarloua dlaaaaea. CAN YOU AFFORD TO TAKE SUCH CHANCES? PERMANENTLY CUKES I Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, ASinma, croup, wnooping nougn, Bronchitis, Hoarsonoss, Soro Lunga. IIVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW THAT DALLARD'S HORC HOUND SYRUP CONTAINS NO OPIATES, DOCS NOT CONSTIPATE CHILDREN AND WILL POSITIVELY CURE CROUP AND WHOOPINO COUOH. Mas. ttALLIC LOOKOAfr. Ooldthwlte. Ten., mmymi "We havelmr.! lUllertl'a llnretiouad Nf rtlDln mr ralnlly for several year. mii.I II alwnya sure ealUraellnn, When the rhllilrea natl -rflUi ami Whooping C'ouati It alwaya relieved Ihelit al tmee, notl I woulil not lie without It In Iholtoune, aallla the HKSf .MKIIIClNIt we know or." Dost Remedy for Children. Evory Dottlo Guaranteed. threc aixeai MOO, OOo and 9 1.OO. BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED DY The Modern Pharmacy. HTAKTMNd IIPT Tlll'R Peonlo tho world over weix horrl- Hod nn lenrnliii; ot the luiriilnir of u Utomoilv r.ir nrr.x-il I HIM Itf f lu fllrisllf I i.nicnKO uicater in which nearly sit and limn. " wiyn linn. .Inhii Slienlek. I'uur Clarcnret Maud So that's it photograph of you and your batitlsome cousin Clarence, Is Itl You seem to be sitting pretty close together. W here s his left arm! Mabel (blushing furiously) He bann' uuy left arm. Ho lost It tn the war with Spain. I told hlra everybody would misunderstand that picture! Chicago Tribune. Ffs. 2 Becond year In vineyard: marks showing where to cut Lick. Fic. I First year tn vineyard; mark showing where to cut back. The treatment tho following or sec ond year will depend somewhat upon the training Intended. In any event, the vine should be cut back In the fall or winter of the first year to within about two feet of tho ground. Tho proper place Is Indicated by the cross line In Fig. L Only tho two upper buds should bo allowed to grow for tho second season, and they should bo treated as the sin. gle shoot of tho previous year was that Is, by training them to single shoots: If the vine, now In Its third year's growth from layer or cutting, Is a strong one It may bo allowed to bear a cluster ot fruit on each of tho two shoots of wood of this year's growth. PLEASANT AND HARMLESS, Don't drug the Htouiuch to euro cough. One Mlnuto Cough Curo cuts mo mucus, uruws too inuamation out of the throat, lunp;3 and lironlcal juik'h, nenis. sootiiB ana cures. luicK euro for L.'roun ami wtioon net Cough. Ono .Mlnuto Cough Curo re lieves u cough in ono mlnuto iiocaueo it acts tlrst on trie mucus membrane right whero tho cough troubles In the throat or deen-acatcd on the lungs. Sold by Tho Modern I'linr- mucy. EOcct ot llaah Work. Professor Thomas Oliver. addresslnB tho Industrial hygiene section of the lanltary congress In Glasgow, said tho lystem of "rushing" work Introduced into Ilrftaln from America not only caused unwbolesomo fatigue and mi .17 accidents, bnt "predisposed tbel Indi vidual to 1)1 health and created a taito for stimulants, unbealthful rctroatlon and love of excitement such as was uuerea Dy in eaters ana music halls." CHAMPION LINIMENT KOlt ItllKUMATISM. C'Iiuh. Drake. 11 mallenrrlernf nimti iuvllle. Conn., Hays; ClmmtH!rlnln'H rnin luiimis tnc clinmti nn of a 1 n . inentH. Tho past year I wa troub led a great deal wftli rheumatism In my Hliouiiicr. Alter trvsnir severnl cures 1110 storekeeper here rocom ineniieii huh remedy and It comple tely cured me." Thero Is no uwi nf unyonu Htifforlng from that painful ailment when this llnlmcntcan Im ob- mined lora small sum. nun mm . cation gives prompt relief and Its continued iiho jor a whort time will product: p permanent euro. For sale ny rue Jioiiorn J'liarmacy. Some people put it off till tomor rOW. wlllln II llrnn nf nil nut nn It. a In the fall or early winter each of ,innr1iIn.o.,l t -i.t thesQ two shoots (now called caneal ., . . . " . . . . "ctt-iB - iinnr vroi itnirM hann i,jf,i,i,. ni.A... should be cut back to about two feet In length. The vino will then havo Its stem and two branches or canes cut back to an even length, as they are in tended for tho permanent horizontal arms of the vino that Is to be. The Tine will now appear something as shown In Fig. 2. w. II. Itagan, for a month. The Irlaea For Forctnir. Nono of the Irises will bear severe forcing, but they will do well In any greenhouse from which frost is ex cluded, and their dellcato coloring makes thorn very useful. Iris alata Is In pale violet with golden blotches on Its petals of shining satin; thero are also a white variety and ono In a deep r blue tint. HTMKE8 HIDDEN ROCKS. When your shin of health strikes 1110 niiiucu rocks ;ol consumption, I'nuuiiionla. etc.. von nru lrint. If vnu don't get help from Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption. .1. W. McLlunon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had been very 111 with Pneumonia, under the caro o! two doctoru, but was getting no better and when I began to tako Dr. King's New Discovery. Tho first (loso gavo relief, 0110 bottle cured mo." Sura curo for soro throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. (Iimr. auleed at Jlonson's Pliarmacv, Price COo uud ?I.OO, Trial bottle ree. hundred iwoplo lost their lives "yet more than flvo times this number or over :t,000 iicoplr dliil from pneu monia 111 umcago (Hiring tm same year, with scarcely 11 passing notice. Kvcry 11110 of theso en mom nt pneumo nia resulted from 11 rohl unit omilil hnvu been prevented by the timely use ot Cliivii'.ljorlnlu'H Cuugli Itetiieily. A great many who bad every reason to fear pneumonia have warded It oh by tho prompt uso ol this reiiittlv. The following is an liistutico of this sort: "loo much cannot bo said In avor of Chumlicrlalii'H Coiiirh Hem cdy, and o.speclnlly for colds and in lluenzji. I know that It cured my daughter. Ijuiiii, of a severe old, and I believe saved her llfo when she was threntened with pneumonia." W. I). Wit.rox, I.ogan, Now York. Sold by Tho .Modem Pharmacy. rannlal llluaanm, ThU, Papa Vour mother tells mo you haven't beon a vcrj- good boy today. Johnny. Johnny Uctween us, pa, I think shos e llttlo prejudiced ugnlnst me 11 was only tho other day sho told Aunt Kato I was just Uko you. Hus ton Transcript. CUKKD CONSUMPl'I ON. Mrs. n. W, Kvatis. Clearwater, Kau.. writes, mv husband lay sick lor tnrco moiits. tiio doctors sain ho bad quick consumption. Wo pro cured a bottlo of llnliard's II ore iionnu yrup. ami it cured him Tlmt was six j-ears ago and slnco tnen wo navo anvayH Hetit a bottle in the house, wo caui'ot do without It. For coughs and colds Ithas 110 (iiml. x. buc and Sl.w rsolil ny nit Jioucrn rnarmacy. .M Sn IVnrlii St., ( liU'n l: 1. "Twol years ugn iliil'liig a pulilleal cain- lialUli. I cauulit enlil all.-i lioluu over- liealixt, which li rltated niylliront and I Will tlllltll.V COIIIHll('tl tn slop, as I 1-011111 in't s jik 11I11111I ill 111 v ex tremity a friend iiiIvInihI me to ifK ('liaiiilH'rlalu'H Cuugli lb uiedy. 1 took two iIoim'h p m Hficriiiiixi mid euiildl tint Ix'Ilovii my m-iiis m hell I fotlllll I the next morning the Inlliimin ttlou I had largely siibsldiHl. I took wivenil I liiHri that day. kept right on talk ing thrniigli the esmpalun, and II tnaiiK this miMiicliiv tluitlwuii my srtiii 111 iiici iiiiiirn. 1 11 in remedy IS I uir sine ny 1 no .iioiieru i-iiitriutiuy. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakuu. Ht-lrlnir at him liable rnartri. All x(V ictwiautrol (IrilTla... Wattve,Chifkaaiil Jewelry at Lowrtt 1'rlee C01TA0K (II10VK. OltK. Confnaeil, hat Sasraclona. "All that Is expected of us In this war," said tho Chinese mandarin, "Is that we shall bo neutral." "And what Is neutralityr "Neutrality, as 1 understand It, Is tho art of not committing yourself to any thing. until you aro dead sure which side M going to win." Washington Star. A SAKB enroll MUDU I.Ni; KOlt OIIILPKKN. In buying a cough inedlcliiM for ciiiiuren never noafralil to uiy 1 nam tinrlfiln'A cmiifli itnnili'. 'riinn. in no danger from It and ivlief.ls always sure to iollow. it Is OHiicclnlly vnlu able for colds, croup anil whooping cougu. ror sale ny 'iiio .Modern Phariiincy. Thrcshine has commenced in the wheat section of Oregon. The stock men are tlicshinir their wheat hay that was cut last year for feed. It will average from 10 to 15 bushels to the ton. A DESTItlTCTIVUFIltn. To draw out tho fire of a hum. or heal a cut without leaving 11 scar, use DoWltt'H Witch Hazel Salvo. A specific for piles, (Jet tho genuine. J. I.. Tucker, eel I tor nf tho Harmon ize r. Outre, Ala., writes: "I have used uowitt's Which Hazel Salve In my family for piles, cuts and burns. It Ih tho licst salve 011 the market. Every family should keen It onliiind." Sold by The Modern Pharmacy Nrtrr TiturlitHl Him. Marklcv Mny. mihimmm you pay M back that lu you owe me now. llorroiighit-llenlly, old man, 1 iwii't do tlmt. Msrkley Hut you've not It to spar today. tlornmsha -1 Know, hut thure's no telling when 1 nifty uewl It. l'hllsdel ,1 iv- J. S. Medley. .1. 0. Johnson Medley Johnson, AttoriiuyH-at-law Off ire Suite :t Jlituk Itlttt. SihvIuI attention ulven to Mining and Corporation Law. If It Is a bilious attack take Chum berlalli'M .Stomach and Liver Tablets ami 11 quick cure Is certain. For sale ny llic .Modern Pharmacy 'mm Vennifug THE SU1MNIEEI' W 0 1 n dcucp. II I 111 f) li f mm tm 9 mm mm mm' THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONIf. BCWARC Of IMITATIONS. TNC atNUINC ancPASKD ONtV ST Jallwrrf-Snow Liniment C ST, LOUIS, MO. Sol, 1 11111I rr nniiiirnill liy Mo.lern t'baiiiiacy J. E. YOUNG Allovnoy-ul-Law umn un nam iimi, mil side CoTTAOit Gkovk, Oku. A. II. KING A 4 at a M . iiiui-iicy n. uitwa aoTT.tai; onot'K, oitK. U. Blal l (X Col well Mining Kngliuvrs is. MiiiltuI Surveyors llooiii I Hank llldg, Cotliigv drove WMWOregonliiii llldg, I'orllnud, Oregon. The First Nalioo.il Bank 01? Cottaok Gkovk. Okk. Paid ij Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan un iipptovcd security. Kxrhniiges sold, aviilliiblo unv .ilitru n tlioUnltml fitatos lliAmar Kisis, Pratldanl. UT. Ilarrli. '. C WtiirLK CaiUlcr A (,'. WiMlruck l It I V A T K V All tin" lalixt treatment, PLAIN ami MEDICATED BATHS, KI.KCTHIOTV, KTO. .N cenlaaliHK pam taken. NOT.OK. AilmiiilstratorsSale of Ileal prop erly. 1.. 1 1... ..1 1 ... tiuiiw in imn-iir iEiii 1 iinib ii.v rir tile of aii order Issued by the count y court for I.nne county. St-nto of flrn- goii, which said order is iiiuoil tne 1:1th day of I'ehruarv. 1 W7. 1 will on and after .Saturday tho lnth day of April, IPUfi, at the hour of it o'eloel. 1. M. of wild day sell ut nubile sale for caNh to thn IiIltIihhI and best bld- dur. on tho mciii Ihch. tho followliiir duacrlbttit real prosrty lielotigliig to tiio estate oi namiii'i a. (JeiniiirM no, I'liHod, to-wlt llegliuilng at a iioliit JIVIK fit) I west of the South oust corner of a lot of land dm-ded to J. I). Perkins liv O. P. AdaiiiH. run thence north 107.0 feet. thence West 212 foot. thunce Sontli 107.(1 feot, tlienco South 27 degree West feet. tlien-c Hast Iu7 feet thence North 1MI feet to the placo of lieulinilng. eoiitalnliiLr I.I acres of land mure or less In tho City of Cot tage urove, ijiiuu Uiiiiuty, Oregon. .1. It. Cooi.kv. Administrator of the iwtntoof Sain iiftl A. liottliigs, deceased. TTra raaiiuilil)', ;) l'r further artlnil.U!i ftililr (! ir. ii. o. s(jiu,i:i:r. p ASIC 'aiK AOl'li'T FOIt TTOKJCTS VIA 0. A S. I! It II Time TaLlo No. 2 To Take lifitct. Apr. 2nd, 1001. Kaat Hcini'1 No -Np 1 i'.M Sat nnly. Kz- J:) r.to 3.l 1:11 1:17 1:90 3-M 3:11 S:HI 3:M A.M. Mia "0 S.2 I I 71 7:10 7:l 7KI 8:01 s:ll :I7 s:li HM H:lil H:li :0ft 9:15 6 ISJ 7.7 tt o IU G II 31 11 a 14 G 10.6 3 ami I anil liallr i-Iit suiiiiay. lffTlONB; " .CfiltaKa'tTruvo W al.Ien .. ..Currlii, .. (kirro Ooriln. ..Ilakcr .Ihiruna ... Ii(xl Ituck ... Oravel 1'lt. . .Hlewart . .. ..Star . Itocky I'nliit. . ,llcl Ilrl.lco... .. Wllilwonil Kml of Track. . W. Ilouud Nu 2-No 4 A.r.-F.M" 2 2 Trmii lo:(7l iomi M:: 10:31 10::m 103 lorjo 10W1 Vila 11:11 5:05 fM 4:53 1:17 4:41 4:sb i-M 4:20 nia 4:li 4:M 4:oo 1 &-S5WiiV KiVOWLKS & CJBiTTYS Proprietors of ...The Miners Supply House... 3fcOur Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.- 1 1 tluliject to cIihiikii without notlrs, All oiltwanl fruhdit forwarileil nnlv at lha Joint rlak of khlpimr amlronalKiice. rririKiii win inn no rocivenai ins o, ah, K. It. It. IlctKit aftor fl:ua n. tn. Tn Iiiiiha lorwarillne on neit train froluht mti.t lm ueuvormi 111 iioliix billed. oinjilo llmo lo iienull ot It) A.U. WOOD, Acting Oen Alfrr, General Mercltandise, Miners' Tunis and Ammunition. BOHEMIA, OREGON. FOIt AN IMPAIICEI) A P PUT IT K TiOHH of iippotltii alwavH reNtiltu irom laulty illgostlon. AH that Ih needed Ih a few doseH of Cluimlior IiiIii'h Stomach mid Liver Tabluta. Tlioy will Invigorate, tho Htomach, HtieiiKtlicn tho tllgoHtlou and ulvo you an nppotlto Ilku a wolf. Tliosu TalilotH iiIho act a u nei'tlo laxative. I'orHnln by Tho .Modern I'harmaey. -TO- Sliohane, St. 1'nul, MiiuietiwllH, Dulttth, Vhlaifjo, St Old AND AM, POINTS HAST AND SOUTH Overland Trains Dally Tha Flyar And The Fast Mall Splendid Service Up to date Equipment Courteous Employes Daylight Trip across the Oascada and Rocky Mountains. For TIcketH, ItutoH, 'older ami I' nil Information, Call on or addrtHH, II. DICKSON, 0. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. 8. G. YKKKKH., O. W. P. A. Itl Klnt ATonue, Htalllo Waali Wo give expedited nervlro on freight. Itoulo your hIiIimiii'iiIh via Omit Northern. Full In formation from Wm. IlAiinnit. (lent, Agent. Portland, Oregon, BARKER & PERMAN ritOl'KIKTOHH OK THE EXCHANGE IIKAI.KIIH IN FINK WINKS, I.IQUOKS, CIGARS. Muln ulrtol, Do 1 1 un ii (Irom, Ore. Subscribe for the Nugget, $1.50 a Year