Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 15, 1905, Image 5

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At our Store you will always find the earliest
showing f new Spring styles. 'Come In
curly nnd make your selection.-! while the
stock is Htlll complete.
Mercerized Swiss, Pino Crepe Clotli.SoieseMc, Pique,
Viola Voile. Danish Cloili, Mohairs, Ilrillianiine,
Sicilians and Albatross.
pr rrgymr smrsms mm ins mnrg n
HO MP NCW ,lcins ' mtcrest nu n)ot
- - wwiimw mini, flliu Vlllllliy.
Mrs. V. T Knjsor vlitod f rioiidK
In Eugene Iiihi week,
A now. lino line .if diamond rings.
jilMt mwivod Ht MiuUou'h.
A. I'. lUtUmworth of Oregon
City, spout Tuesday in tlio city with
Tils price of work fur this nionth
sun be mwii in tliu window of Scholl
11)8 Jester.
Mr. Hiid Mm. Fred Jones mid Mr.
nml Mm. David AIINon spout Hun
ilny in Saglunw.
Mr. Din Dugnn nud fiuuily nr
rlvil here Friday afternoon from
Gtierrmy, Iowa.
Deputy HlunirT Hurry Ilowu nnd
ltomw) Gilhoil. of Miifft'iio, wns in
tint oily Suuduy.
Take tlio N liquet mid keep posted
oil tliH Dohiitpin milling district it
will my you to do ho.
Mer. Jim McFnddeii, ltcrt
Aider nud Tom Courtney arrived
hcreSfltuidny from llrooklyn, lown.
M. I,. France Mild to W. 11.
Hartley Inst week his two lots on
Ilridgc street. Sale made by
Milne & linker.
In Ixihi county thorn urn :iKO,H!l,ri
notm of Inml npin for entry to home
steaders, nnd in Oregon thoro in 'J.'l,
0!ll.r7(! norm.
The Ilohouiia Nugget represents
nut "lily Cottii() Grovo, but tho lie
hernia uiininu district nH well, sub
scription price pur year l.fiU
I). J. Sohnll, the jewalcr, will dur
ilig thu ruiiiaindur of tlio month, con'
tinuu to do all kimlH of watch re
pairing t tlio reduced rntos.
Tln young friends of Miss Muggio
Von toll gave hern surprise party last
Friday evening. Tim evening waH
onjoyahly npoiu until a lato hour.
Mr. W. G. Hale and family, for
merly of Colorndoapived here yes
terday nud will occupy the house
which he rented through Milne &
K. W. Voalch hnH on exhibition
at his store u splendid pair of uinun
tain sheep horiiH that hn procured
from 1'iof, Condon, of Eugene, last
Thonwuds will "Hit the Trail"
nt the Lewis and Clarke Impo
sition. Many now and Attractive
shows have been secured for the
Hniety boulevard.
The ideal millinery which is now
being opened up in the Allen build
iut; on Main street by Miss Ida
Francis liarrct of Portland, perma
nently located here, extends a cor
dial iuvltntion to the public to come
in and sec an entire, new and up-to-dntc
"If wo could bank a few of these
dny.s and draw them when we re
turn home, i would be satisfied,"
said F. A. Miller, G. I'. A. of the
Chicago, Milwaukee nnd St. Paul
rnllrood, in speaking of Oregou
weather while oil n tour of the
Lewis and Clnrk Imposition
Mrs, W. 8. lloniiot, who with lior
son has been visiting at Lnconn,
lown for somo thrco months, nrrivod
homo Monday. Sho sayB she had ti
vory onjoynblo visit but tho woathor
oxporioncod waB vory novoro nnd alio
, is glad to got buck away from tho
winds ami snows to tliin mild valloy.
Now stylos of hats Hiiitahlo for
spring woar, at Miss Mary Unrlols
Millinory oBtablislimont.
mi a a a a a a ginrrrtfWffytnnnrinr irj
rim, M-,it'.. nml 7r.t..!ia.
M. ,frs. o. II. IIciikcii
took the north hound trnln Monday
f('r I'0'""'"! "''! will noon continue
their journey for their home In New
ark City. Mr. llengen has re
maineil in this vicinity much long
er than nnticiated upon his arriv
al here some weeks ago, hut mat
ters of Importune: which demanded
his attention caused him to remain.
Just In fine his destitute Mr. Hen-
gen stute-1 lie would return as soon
as business would erinit. but cer
tainly by the loth of April. Mrs.
Heiigeu while here l-as renewed
old nciiunintnticc.s and made many
new ones and nil hope she will
find it convenient to return with
Mr. Hcugcii.
After two or three yenrs experi
ence with a Commercial Club nt
Forest Grove, the citizens become
tired and so decided that they
might letter derive revenue from
the traffic mid nt their last election
elected "wet" council. A license
has since been granted to A. G.
Witt sou and he is erecting a saloon
on a Main street vacant lot. Now
the president and trustees of Paci
fic University have filed a complaint
in the Circuit Court for nu injunc
tion restraining the issuance of a
license to Mr. Watson. Forest
drove has never had a snloou be
cause the original townsite deeds,
granted by the trustees of Pnclfic
University and Tualatin Academy
contain a pro'dbitorv clause. The
"Comtnercinl Club" with a member
ship of iioout .)oo, managed to evate
the prohibition laws. Mnuy be
lieved thnt the town might as well
derive n revenue from the trnffic.
The decision of the court will be
watched for with much iutctcst.
Springfield News.
PAT Mt'lll'IIY'S TltOI'MiKS.
Put Murphy wiik In tho depths
It was euiiwd by n f right fill corn
on IiIh tou;
lli tried so mnuy roiiicdina It kept
lilm poor
Till nt 111 m t, lie got n box ot Pop Km
All Corn l.'ure.
Lewis and Clnrk Houvonior mdooiih
nt Madsun's. '
A Uooil Tliuo C'oiiiIiil;.
The oviining of St. Patricks day,
March 17th, tho K. O. T. M, will
givo nt tlio Opora Ilouao ono of
thoso irood old timn daucna whoro u
part of tho uumborH such as Cicil
lian Circlo, Monoy Musk, Piremnn'H
dnuco.otc. iih well as tho later dnncos
will bo (jivmi. Thoy promiso the
Unto of tho sooson. Tiokots 50 ots.,
ladies frco,
Now Ollleo In Itnnlc Itlock.
The Crystal Consolidated Min
ing Company represented by Goo.
W. Lloyd, has secured the fine
office in the Jlnnk building recently
occupied by Phillips & Wheolcr and
it is being nicely fitted up with of
fico furniture neccessury for the
transaction ol the Compnny's bus
iness. The Oregon Securitses Co., V. J.
Hard & Co. and several other
companies hnvc offices in the city
aud more wilt follow the example,
A Sensible Move,
llnvo Tom Awhroy writo you up
n policy on your homo mid furni
turo in Hut Oiegon Fun INIiof As
socintioii, or )vnir Hiuck of (,'oods in
tho Tltim liihiiimicc Coiiipuiiy
ICiiki-hvIiik done fiw on iiIIkooiIs
purelumeil at II, U MiuIhoii'm.
Mth. W. O. Connor JCntcrtnlns
One of tlio most plnnsnnt nml on
loynlilo oociiHions ol tlm winter wm
spout nt tho homo of Mr, nnd Mm
W. 0. Connor on taut Saturday
Mrs, W, 15. Lundy, n Kistor of
tlio honloHn, who with liar husband
roflldos nt Myrto Point, Urogon, but
wcro formorly rosidonlii of thin city,
hnvo boon for a short tlmo viaitlng
rolativcHnml old frionds lioro and
woro tlio npociai uucsti ami It wan
in tholr honor nnd thnt thoy mloht
moot with lliolr friends in n social
way boforo departing for tholr homo
tho ovnnt wan arranged. Aire. Con
nor wan asslatod in receiving
guests by lior slstor, Mrs. Jjiinily,
Jlrs, Ij. F. Ornunl and Mrn. F. V,
At an oarlr hour the Riicst bo-
gun to urrivo and Boon tho spacious
rooms worn filled nnd tho evoningH
plonHiirofl began.
Tlio lintl game In wnicli all par
tlcipntod wns: Huguostlons from
wntoh. Air, W. JO, Lundy nnd Mrs
II. O. Thonipson sccurod tho fiast
prize, it being n box of lion bona.
presented to Mrs. Thompson who
soon had only tho box to remind
her of lior siicccfin. Tho consolation
ptizo foil to Mr. Chas. Cochran nud
Mies Mynt Mcdilvray, u toy watch.
Tho sncoiul gamo is known as
Progressive Initial, which nftcr quito
n spiritod contest the first prizo wm
won by Mrs. F. V. Whcolor. II.
O, Thompson succoodod in securing
tho consolation prizo; n small toy
lamp. siiggoHtivo of procuring moro
light tion tho subject.
Following tlio cIobo ol games a
plendid lunch wan partaken of and
the guests aftor bidding Mr. and
Mrs. Lundy goodbye with tho wish
the v might soon haro occasion to
ro-viHit tho ritr, took their de
parture. .Mr. Connor, Ivditor ol tho Hobo-
buru I'laindculor, nrrivod Saturday
u time to meet tho guest.
ihoeo invited wore: Mcbbi-h and
Musdamos W. II. Abrams, II. U.
hompson, F. D. Whoolnr, Loo Itoy
Woods, W. . Root, V. U. Phillips.
Itoy Welch, li. O. Connor, J. M.
Ishnm, II. II. Eitkiti, L. F. Ornurd,
F. L. Mooro, Dr. and Mrs. Corpron,
W. II Lundy, Harry Hurt, .f. I.
Jonos, J. O. Ixiwis, Fred Lamb of
Sngiunw; Misses Olah Mickoy, Uor
truilo l'almor, Norn Porkins, Myra
McGilvrny, Elsio Loa, Alico Huff,
hizzio Urpurd; Messrs. Chas. Coch
ran, Collins McClilvray, Fi J. Soars,
L. L, liowis Ira Horaco and Chas.
Commercial Club
Tho Commoreiul Club hold a vory
interesting mooting on Monday
(loo. W. Lloyd wan olectod nmem
bor. A number of communications
woro rocolvod.
Ono from tho Oregon Stnto Loaguo
asking thnt dclogates from the club,
bo appointed to attond i mooting to
bo hold in Portland in April, at
which timo ways and moans would
ho dnvisod to properly advortiso tho
stato during tho Fair, Tho prcsi
dout appointed any and all mombors
who could nrrango to attond.
Another from tho Ilohomia Mino
Owiior's Association, concorning tho
nrrnnging forsomo ono to look aftor
tho nohomin exhibit during the Fair
nud dosiring tho co-oporation of the
club. It was doeidod to ask one or
moro of tho committoo of tho associ
ation to visit tho club and confor
upon tho matter.
A communication from S. 0. liar
tram, Forest Supervisor, was road
which stated thnt owing to sickness
ho wan nnablo to bo prosatit but
would como on rcquost of club. Mr.
Ilortrnm will bo invitod to bo prosont
nt noxt Monday night's mooting.
A committoo consisting of T. 1,
Campbell, It. Luroh nnd O. II.
Thompson, was appointod to draft
a resolution to tlio jobbore in fort
land concorning tho local railroad
rates nud nsk thoir co-ooorntion in
scouring n reduction,
A list of questions to bo answerod
by club mombors, concerning tho
rosourcoa nnd industries of Cottage
Grovo aud vicinity was aubmittod.
Following tho rogulnr mooting
tho coming city clootion was discuss
ed and Thursday night was designn
od for further couBidorntion.
llnd No Significance.
In a conversation with Mr. G, D.
Hougon just prior to his doparturo
for tho cast ho stated tho recent
trip of himsolf and managor A. II.
Wood to Coos couuty had no signi
fionnco. Hint tho weather being
pleasant thoy concludod to spend
a fow days in Booing that portion of
Oregon with which thoy woro vory
well plonsod. Ho snW tho talk of
extending tho (), A S. E. railroad or
ut tho buildiug of nn oloctria lino
was not coutomplatod by himself
and friends, thoy having all tho
business on hand they desired at
the present lime.
Any parlies caught tresspassing
on my prumisoH with dog or gun
win Do proHautod,
W m.Landess
Absolutely Pure
Address lit Opcru IIoiihi.-. ,
Mrs. SI H. Hoxter gave an in-!
tcrcsting address on rescue work at
the Opera House on Sunday even-,
ing. She spoke of the terils and 1
snares to which young girls, es-'
pccinlly those dejiendent upon j
themselves for a livelihood, were
subjected nnd appealed to the chi-1
valry ol men and the tenderness of
women to endeavor to rinht these i
conditions, also of the tctr.ible part!
drink and narcotics have in this
life and the imminent peril to girls'
because as the coming Lewis and i
Clark fair and the needed watch- I
fulness of parents and cuardinus
ami nil interested in pure woman-'
hood and noble manhood for our ' 1
girls and boys. ;
Mrs Iloxter will civc another i
address upon additional features of
the work at the C. P. church Wed
nesday evening at 7:10 n. 111., which '
all arc urged to attend.
Wllilwood Mill to Start
Tho Wildwood lumber company
which on tho largo stosm saw mill ,
oar tho ond of the O. v S. K. truck
abovo Wildwood has decided to
ut tho mill into active operation.
Thcro is mi abundance of logti in 1
closo proximity to the mill and a j
largo amount of first clam lumber 1
may be ox pec tod to soon ha passing
oror tho railroods to other status ,
Mr. I. L. Smith a well known saw
mill man has boon placed in rhargo 1
of tho mill. '
Trades City Property
John Nokcs, this week traded his
city property on corner of Clay aud
lth strcoU, for a tou ncro tract ut
land on tho old Cooloy ranch just
south of tho city. Mr Virgil White
was tho othor party to tho transact
ion. Mr. Nokcs expects to more
out to his plnco this week nnd will
rniso vegetables aud also tnko up
tho poultry businoss. Ho has named
bis placo "Pleasant Knob."
I.nvr anil Order Ticket
Monday night n number of citi
zons met in Woodman hall nud nom
inated tho following ticket for city
officers for the cnsniug.year.
Mayor, Oliver Voatch; roeorder.
O. H. King; truasuror, Herbert
Eakin. Alderman, lBt ward, Wm.
Hognto; nldormnn, '2nd ward, F. D.
Whcolor; nldormnn, !ird ward, Mnr
ion Vontch.
Plant Nearly Ituady
Mr. nnd -Mrs, W. II. Dennis of
Hlackbuttc, drove to the city Satur
day, took the train for Kugeue in
the afternoon, returning Sunday
afternoon. Mr. Dennis reports his
plant at his quicksilver mines ncar
mg completion nnd that he expects
ere long to be producing the metal.
Christian Science Services.
In Woodmen Hall
Sunday, 11 a. tu.
Subject, "Substance."
The public cordially iuvited.
All kinds ol engraving ut 11. C
Wheat, oats and barley for Heedii
tho Cottage- Orovo Flour Mill. L't
If you wnut to sell your property
see Milne & linker as they are get
ting our n new list .
Oooriro Uolilumu. the tailor on the
west side 1ms a now stock of tho lute
spring BtyleH for suits nud spring
overcoats. Terms lvasonnuie.
The pIIIh that act uh a tonlr. mul
nut as 11 drastic purge, iin DeWltt's
i.liiU'i-.iiii.v KiMerw, rne.v cure nemi-
uelii'. Constipation, llllllousne.ts, etc.
I'.ariv lllsers are Hiiuiii, easy to lane
nnd easy to net 11 sufe pill. Mm-k
llmnllton, hotel eletk ut Vnllev City,
N, 1)., suys: "Two bottles cured me
ol chronic constipation." Sold b
l'lto Modern f'lmrmiicy.
If It Is a bilious uttaek tnko CI111111
berlnlu's Stomueli ami Liver Tablets
and 11 quick euro Is eertiiln. Fur .dc
by The .Modern I'liaiiiiiicy
Have youroyei
tested at 11, ('
S lei ling Out
Carpets, Mattings
and Linoleums
Spring House Cleaning Sale
A new arrival of the latest patterns in
$12.00 Per Ton
Ciacked Corn, per bushel.. 85c
Oil Meal per pound 2C
All Other Feed at Our Usual Low Prices
mill nml it the vviircliou
.1. S MILN'K
Timber Lands,
Mines and Mining Stock,
and homesteads located.
A choice Iwt of City, Country and Timber Lauds for sale.
rent in the different parte of the eity.
Rents collected for non-residents.
Gpiffin & Veafoli Go.
.jFkMilUn'nl ) .incqts
IMiiwx, Mowers and Kuki'x. Sale .ivut tor the celulirnted
Full Stock of Ulillnir Supplies.
1 r
jitmiiiiuuiauiiilwiiiiiiuiiuiwiiiUiiliuillill illilllliilliiiR
AND OATS for seel at
- e liy the depot.
L. W. BAKEli
Houses for
of nny tool In itlwH.vs a dlsrabes
one, but of cqunl lmportuucu Is the
power ot retaining: this quality so as
not to require too frequent sharpening-
lly malting your pirclniMw of
the lirittln A Veatcli Co. you always
nveive your money's worth In the
beat quality of tools and cutlery ot
properly tempered steel that Is sure
to hold an iilfte.
i til a 3
Slovos d Tinware