Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 15, 1905, Image 3

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    Kctrcat of Hiisslan Army Turned
Into a Rout,
Rough Estimates Mnka Total Lonoi
Over 100,000 Men Japaneia
Follow Up Advantago.
Tnkhi, March It. Helenled nil along
l7 tho lliii1, Willi tlioiiHHinln ol i i killed
mill wounded, his iirmy tiirmil lulu 11
dcmnrallte.1 inoli of inwi wliii mi longer
itiuy Din orders hi lliulr tilllrors, an
'iinrinous irc(iilngu of his iiiiiiiIIIoiin
of war mill nrtl llrry lout to Mm, having
liven nliiiiiiloiuxl to tlm victorious Jap
aiieno or destroyed to prevent fulling
Into thoir liumlii, (Icuoial Kuropatkln
In ut last reports making frantic efforts
ttisuvu ruuncthlng from tho wreck and
In wlthdiitwliig nllof IiIh reserves mirth
. Miirtl to H point where h ran riamiu
, nlil v Iiiiihi to It In defeated
nrmy. In tlm mcmitlmo, tho Jupaiietio
winners on Hi" right, lell niiil center
ii ro priwlng in nn tliu llcolng Russians
nml will iiaku mi utti'iiipt to com
pletely nniiihllntii tliu soldier of tliu
Tlm result of tlm fortnight's fighting
iMiuth of .Mtikih'ii In tliu worst disaster
to tint ICtif nlnfi nriim of tliu wholn war.
Kven I'm ImM ronKiiokn who, In other
days Iiiivii rt'iH'iittilly proved their
valor on llKy iiellt, linvu Imtii com
Russia Admits That Kuropatkln Has
Mot Defeat.
HI. Petersburg, March H Tlmt tliu
hiitiln of Mukden will go down In his
tory with Mao Yung In tliu long lint of
I tuxHlfiti iiufuntH In tliu nlmont universal
belief In pessimistic, Ht. Petersburg,
which Inm forgotten llni meaning of tliu
wonl "victory." Tlm war olllcu iloen
nut ml in 1 1 that tliu Issues of tlm great
Imttlu which nl ready oxryedH In magnl
IihIh of operations mill losses tlmt of
Shiikhe, linn hvun ilecliletl, although It
In iHinltlvuly stated in high quarters
Hint Kiiropntkln him tulcgriiphcd to
Ihnperor Nicholas Hint It will Im Im
mjmIIiIo to holil Mukden nml tlmt' tint
wlthilmwnl ot thu army northwnril linn
already been begun.
At thu military headquarters hero
General Ktiropalkln In regarded nn
heiiten. TIiimu who Imlicvu thuro In
ntill n chmicu of actual Itunnlmi victory
Russians' Only Hops It In a Decltlvs
Defeat of General Nogl.
London, March 7. The intensely
ilrmnatlc situation in .Manchuria devel
oped hy (icncral Nogl's rapid advanco
and ltn strategic posslbllitlca have
raised excitement In Kurono to tho
Kuropatkln Muit Break Through Jap
aneia Linen or Loin.
Nln Chwang, March 7. Itcporta lalo
Monday livening Miulcarlv thin mornlm
nhuw that thu nurpeiuii crlnln of thu
great Imttlu In at hand, If thu armlcii
nru not nlrcmly clinched In a flnal
struggle. Thu vnnt nrrnicn ol Field
.iinrnnui wymna mm (icneral hiiropal- h iu lw.i i. 1-....11.1. ........... ,.
I.I Ill I' .1 1 " " - -..... ....n..o.. .a..o iu.
kiii win, 111 inn course 01 a nay or two, 1,.,,,, n 1. ...... ,i..n.. .
....l.,rn ,.r., ........ .... .1... ..,"" .. j..uuut..ny tunwi lore
of which must hu thu signal' victory of cclvo wnr Nclals, and In this ri-spcct
onu mid thu utter crlppllngof thoothcr. nru lacking much inforinatloti that in
rim limt nuwn from thu front In that available in Associated I'rcnn din-
iieiiernl Kurokl's scouting parties linvu ..,,i,.i,....
1. . I. . .-I .. ..I l I M....I .1
.in. nlrnadv In uHI, ,. ,.il,.., ' htdluvcl hero that General Ku
. . : . y ' -..,. 11-1,. i u. tt..i. ..i- t
buck of TifUntf. Thin nt onro tclU tho 't'"V" - a vk": l'.t
11 1 i i uiianct'i) 01 inn ex in cm nir inn armv and nt thu numu tlmu hintn " ,i,fcuT1, ,7'" "'T1';'"
nt 1. which may provu hln wlvn 'Z 'Vj' M,U,k,Ien '", conMc'f to ,''"
lion. Iliu Importniico of thin news lltn " , ', ' , " ; ,' .-v...K
In (I,., li .l.u i.ii whether ho will lie ahlu to effect a re-
urn fniv mill far l,luii.. 'I'lm ninl.irllv k'nw.VI ,.,.,,., n ...I I .. 1 1... I ...,.... I lri'IU 10 'IU
i ...... . .". . . . i Till iriirnfMiinif. r.irii.iM.. r.i i.nnnn
reirnril tint lltllltlllir vi.aliirilnv im In ri. I rli.lif limit lina tlir.iu.i I.U l..1.l ulmi I "O
- j .- ..K.. v. l... I, . I...I.1 i..i.,
nllty n rcamiinn net on. enterta In nit far to tliu .-nut nml north nf Mnk. en. """i iik" " "
. ." . . l" - lnlllliiH..n l.a.t f 1 1 1 !. fl. I
no iloilltt Hint tlieru will .o n hliivv thu ntorm center of tin. nrment oimrn. ''".' "B wini, veiicrni
wlthdrawnl durliiK thu nlKht. tionn, whilu NoKl, hattlo ecarral tai L i T , Wl11 have committed to
(lenernl Kiiropatkina' crltlcn nmoriK Tort Arthur, hn hiirrlwl hin pjwerful ""' uinicaii uuk oi
llltnry men aru Inrreaninir In iiiimlier. hrlitadi. of vetcrann to thu went of Muk fcllri".K ""rthward, haraic.l hy llank.
tliu imnleii ol complaint Imlng tlmt In den mid. co-onernllni! with thu inueh """v"" -i".-o
uvery action hu hnn fhowii lack of Ini extended mid wenkenwl left ""vur may ue iliu renult it In lelt
native. With defeat tiow, whether Hank. han. hy loiiilmr commiinlcatlnnn
iiinimtroun or oincrwliiit, tliey iliclnru with Kurokl comtiletnl thu envelop'
meni oi .iiukiicn.
hln ntar will ret. On thu other hand,
It in IhiIIuvihI that Held Marnhnl Ova
mii'n daring ntrnteity, if nuccennful in
thin liattle, will entltlu him to rank an
one of thu urentcut captainn of thu Uu.
All Emplovea of Elevated and Subway
Roadt on Strike.
Now York, March 7. Tint lona
threatened itrlku of thu employen of
I thu InterhoroiiKh comiiany, oiieratinit
I fill. Ill.U'UV n.lll 111.. ..I..ln.ul ntlut.l
WunliliiKton, .March H THiinnd one- ., i,,i, .1 i.,..i . .
IX'IIHI to ii vit wuv ami run iH'Ion. t hu "nn iiiiiiioh ncren oi limner lauu will I ,..... I,,,, ,.r , . i....nn.i, relentlenn prennuru of thu trooim "v n 10 nut Kovernmeni y inu tvu K,1Knirn and thu Amal-nated
.11 int. nimuno, woo, neoriiniK niniii in "rv," - ' nnnocltttlon ol Htrret and Kltrlc rol
Excluilon of Timber Land From Lieu
tlmt lienco in appreciably nearer.
I Accordlnic to the Daily Teleuranh'a
ivmwerp corrinponeiinl, tho ltuuian
olliclal purchaaini; aitent thcro haa re
ceived ordern to cease buying for irov
eminent account. Thin la a Bi?nlflcant
ntalcment, II true, an Antwerp has been
throiiKhout tho war tho principal center
of ItiiMian purchanen for carrying on
inu conuici in Hie ttr Kant.
Overtures for Reciprocity Treaty are
Being Quietly Made
llerlln, March 7 Itelativo to tho
overy form, hnvu rciiilirnuil battering N1'"1 HiKnnvelt nlllxed hln nlguattiru Ltty cmployen, held in Harlem tonight. German government's overtures for a
nun action followed tho receipt from reciprocal trado arrangement with the
(ienernl Manager Medley, of tho Inter United Htat, It is stated that there Is
land which have been Include,! .t In d3gT Germany
of rent renervH. li wan In IRH7 that umended demands of tho reprwentntives 10 a re", nor 10 place tho United
llm "Mull Inu" Uim niinniiul ft ltn.1 I . . In.. ... . . ...
' oi tliu men at a meeting held with thu in a position where it would be
no restrictions,. Imply entitling persons ,,.,, ()f tho rom,iany to(Uy, Tllfl blgl,l to refuse, provided the Ameri
held'ng lands in forest reserves to maku .irlku hnn Iwen onler.Nl in l. i,..t ".. I "u Ainen
...i.-...,... ..i i...... i i ... "" "as nten oraerwi to lie put into can government reran thf. tlm In.
I.I.I ujiv.UtlUII 11V 1 n. Ill . a.miui o,uuu . . ,. , ,
emiilnviHl .if tin. nnliu'itv tMVftl.1
opportune. Therefore tho German
during tho last mnineiits of tho fiHth
coigreKS. Ihu act pruhibltn thu selec
tion of timber lands In exchmigo for
nway at thu Ilimnlan entrenchments
mid piercing them unit by onu
Dallle Dloodlett of War Railroad li
Cut North of Mukden
Toklo, March II. The great Imttlu In selections elsewhere In uxchange for
Manchiirlii raged all day yesterday their forest reserve lamln. In 11100
along thu entire mid enormoun front, these lieu selections weru to
The Jnmmvo were generally victorious, I surveys! lands. Hinci tho passagu of
uud they drove the ItiiMiiins from u tliesu acts, nearly L', 000. 000 ucris of
seriis of Important ikmIiIoiis. lly forest rmiro lauds have been exclisng
nightfall it seeuiiNl Imperative that ed for other lands, mid almost imlver
(ienernl Kuropatkln would linvu t rally has tho exchangu Ik-cii mndu for
withdraw his shuttered legions to avoid tlmliered hinds oulsldo of forest re
u iMimpletrf disaster. Itnleeil, it np I serves. Nearly half of thin land so ex
oared luiMirsllillii lur him to effect n changed in owned by tho land grant
retisit without luavy losses of prisones, rnllroiuls
guns aim siores. . report to congress Irom tho com
rhit continuous battle Is already tho mlssloncr nl the general land olllcu
bloodiest of thu war. I'ikiii thu ground places the amount of lauds still held by
system are affected by tho strike, which ,,,1.",8.t7 'i learn, Informally,
will tie un all tho tinlllc uxeci.t surfncn I'nvaieiy, as li were, how such
troll iy lines.
Thu utter impossibility of tho mult!
tudc of travelers In tho upjier part of
llm Isliiuil reaching their places down
town tomorrow Is onu of tho most ser
Ions features of tho situation, and It is
Icared will lie tho causu of much dis
that (leueral Oku alone gained urn tliesu ronds in forest reserves at S.fiOO.
fi.oou Kiisslan ileml. 'Ihu renrtn Iroiu UUII ncriv, ami thu provision In thu net United Statet Will Protect Blockade'
oilier nrinles are exjiecUil to triple this III iUisllon, that lierealter lieu selee- Runner Carlisle from Japanese
I L'.ir... II IN tlmt lilt. .Ii.ii. I tllit.H mint lit. Innili. Irmii ..l lii.luir.hl I
Infill. I. enltlliiliwl l.i int'n lint f liat I '"' w.., ,. w.n... ,iu
i ... ...1.1..1. .1 .... advlc.t of tho deiiartment of State. Sec
..ixv.. ti.i.i.vii-'. in uuk.iutl I . mi. .... hm.ii.viiivuw nun u.nci uuu.lir.ra
of forest reserves. ,L... w ,.' w l,ov"",r l,- The clitorlal treatment of tho associa
miese have lost oU.000, milking tint
joint slaughter thus far exceed 100,000
Details of thu comliat are lacking,
but It Is lielloved that the Japmieru
nave cut thu railway north of Miikdcn,
leaving only thu roadways mid light
railway from Kimhuu to Tiu pass ns
nvi'iincs for thu retreat of I he ltunslans,
but army headquarters refrain from
affirming or denying a rctxirt to that
effect. It is thought that Mukden Is
still in thu hands of tho Kilsslaiis.
a tiro
posl would be treated.
That tho state department has some
Idea that tho commercial treaty may'
do uiscusseil is inuicatnt hy its inten
tion to retain Consul General Mason
hero for some months or until It is seen
whether a commercial treaty would bo
considered, instead of sending him to
The German government has been
testing public opinion on the subject
by unolllcial publications, such ns the
Commercial Treaty association's recent
leaner advocating a treaty with the
United States, arguing that it is one of
me natural consequences of Germany
arrangements with other countries
Convenient l'lit Ten Front.
The Illustration herewith shows s.
convenient pig-pen front. The feed
trough Is securely fastened at tho
front side of the pen, and the side or
wall of the pen Is hluged at tho top
so It will swing over1 the trough. Ail
Iron rod Is passed through the bot'
torn cross-piece and Inserted In another
hole In eltlier edge of the trough.
When feeding, the rod Is lifted, tha
gate swung hack, and the rod Is
dropped In the hole In the back edge
of the trough. To let the pigs eaL the
gate Is swung toward the feeder, and
the rod pushed down Into tho bole In
outside edge of trough. Such an ar
rangement will save much annoyance
and give each pig a chance to get bis
.r'l.i"!'1 ?l M""na $-'""1" l?r tion'a letter was generally favorable.
I ......o.. VM...D.V IU ll-llini(l
In Manila harbor until she has made I
necessary repairs to her machinery. In
Strike on New York Street Railways adopting this attitude In anwser to the
Blocks Business.
Sew ork, March 8. With ono col
lision in which I'll persons were in
jured, New- York has passed throuirh
thu first day of thu general strike on lis
rapid transit systems, llvsl.lcs this ac-
aptxiil of thu ship's captain, tho State Express and Freight Trains Meet on
leparimeni lias au.ieu a new construe- R,ir. InMnni.n.
tion to International law relative to ...
rluhts of bellluerenl shins In neutral Missoula, Mont., March 7. Tw
hurliors. men aro dead and six people Injured as
The Cnrlislo Is a Ilritish ship, but the result of a collision of a frelch
IC- It i........-' I "
cldenlandsomumlnorriisualtlesduoto " 0 . i , iy V.'. "us"an Kv' train and the west-bound Twin Cities
tlio abnormal conditions, thu sum total V.Vr ... i ? '7... the Northern Pacific at
l.JI VIIU1.UU1UI1I.. .... n
r. SllO sailed uns aaciiiuvu hi ;aui
0 last, The express was 30 minutes behind
Japanese block- time and the freight had on! in wait
ado that she was unablo to reach Tort at Ilearmouth siding. Engineer Shee
Arthur. While cruising outsido the ban misunderstood his orders and pro
hlockiido line, sho lost her propeller, cceded east. As the freicht rounded
in .llsulilett condition sho drifted Into tho enrvo east of nVarmnnth It -rl,o,l
the nnriior ol Ban .Miguel, Luzon. head on Into the express
I ho captain and supercargo, the Int- A high bank shut off the view of both
neers, and no attempt had been
Tr.ffir n..m.H .n. N. v.t of tho day w ns aniioymicu and vexnt Ion "!""." '""A ' X
nVnld Lin.. to a ",1Illo or I!1'" """) I V li . , 1
Rapid Transit Lines. ,ent n ,,, from ladivostok Novembe
New York. Mnn h . A verv decided t.,r irn,,.,u,ri..i,, i .i i i hut so effi-ctlvo was thu Japa
Improvement In the condition ol trallln So far there has been little disorder!
in me ounwiiy anil on the elovatid Simradic encounters lictwccn Individ
roads marked tin. second day of tho itals, Homo bad langnagu and the action
strike, ol thu employes of thu Inter of a few hmxlluuis in throwing missies
Imrough eompany. This was especially m psssinir ulevute.1 trains tell thl
so In the sulmiiy, iu which express plmso of tho strike. Thu annoyance to , ' supercargo, the Int- A
servlcu was estnhllhiH this evening mid the miiltltndo was l..rr......wl l.v a u..t ,cr "in, went to Manlli. and engi
.. . .i ..... ............. . . ..... i
iiffulrs nlimwt resumed their iiornml Lnow, which begun falling this after- "0"K"t protection lor tholr ship. The mado to slow down. Iloth engines
aspect. On the elevated lines service noon. Statu department was consulted by ca- were thrown from the track and the
was more Irregular, but continued to Service on tho elevated roads and tho ,, , , 1,1 Kriu";'1 io request, sot ho Uir mall mid express cars telescoped, but
improve. riieru wan prncticclly no subwav. will., not H.-.1 im. .. erlnnliul "ai'iin. wuero sue itno passenger couches came to a dead
.llsonlcr, nml only a few minor accl badly. Trains went run on lrretr ilar """" " careiuuy wateneii. u stop nml remained on the track
dents iHM'itrrwl during the day. sclutlules iu thu underground, begin 18 l,roual,1 llmti ns Japanese warships 1 bo dead and injured were brought
tllliclnls ol tin. interliorough company n iil with the early I.nt tl... " " i u i .unniia naroor, to this city on a relief train. The in-
oxpnwe.1 conlldencii that they had thu olovated did not fare so well. On the , wl" 1,0 I,crml' "' making re- Jurcd nro being cared for In tho com
situation null In hand mid Hint u few Kant shin iirnctlrnllv nn,t ,.. Illirs to "ern on the sumo conditions pnny hospital. Tratllc has been re-
.lays would seo n full resumption of mado to iustitutu service, whilu tint V iniitoseii on in mo caso oi tne sume.1
service on all lines
This was positively denied by
lent I'epper, of thu Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Street Jtnllwny employes,
Bloody Measures Urged.
St. Petersburg, March II. A sensii'
tion was caused today hy n lending .ill
torlal in tho Moncow Guzettu, tliu trn
dltloiml spokesman of autocrncy, iliv
flaring that the present revolt in tho
interior should hu put down Immediate
ly in thu fashion which Micael Mura-
Blxth and Ninth avenue lines, which
rresi sorvu thu West side, weru run In a fiish-
Ion woefully Inaileuunto. Iu fact, the
elevated system ol tho Interborough's
lines was pretty well paralyzed.
Turn Light on Beef Trust.
Topcka, Kan., March 8. Thu Kanras
senatu has adopted a resolution ilu-
Lena nt San Francisco.
Dodging Military Service
Strike In Capital Renewed. Vienna, March 7. As a result of In
St Petersburg, Slarh 7. The strike quiries which were commenced in De
vils resumed this morning nt tho Putil- cembcr last it has been discovered that
off, Oubkohoff and several other works, Iu Upper Hungary there has Won a
mid Is now extensive, though not gen- system ot talsilication of records, such
nil. At tho UuhkohoIT works, which as tho clumging of nuiues, fnlso entries
nre engaged on naval contracts, the ol deaths, etc., by which many thou
nouncing thu report of Commissioner management has warned tho men of its sands of young Hungarians have avoid
Garfield Iu tho "beef trust" investign intention to close entirely If they struck, ed obligatory military service. Theso
Hon, mid requesting thu president of At l'utlloff works Monday morning practices have been in voguo lir certain
tho United States to relect this report " "l tliu unilcr loremen became excit localities tor tne past III or IB years
. ... " . I.. I .. . , l.i ii i . 1 1.1 .1 ,.! , ii
e.1 .inu ..row n rcvuiver. w ild wnicil ne inuu i.iu mm . urines uecairu mat moso
ono of the workmen. Tliu in guilty of tho falsifications will be ne
formeil the liasls ol startling sto vurely punlsliol
general riot at the works
Japanese Squadron Sighted
Negro Will Be Appointed. London, Mnreh 7. The German
Washington, March 7, There is au steamer Numldia, according to the cor
thorltv for thu nosltlvo statumuiit that respondent of the Dailv Mall nt limit
Portfolios go ABegglng. 1 the president has fully decided upon Kong, reports having sighted two Jap-
I-ondoii, March I), It Is again re-1 Samoan Boys Will Learn Enclith. tho appointment of Charles W, Ander- ancso squudrons on Saturday, 100 miles
ported that Premier Unlfniir Is uxpurl- Tuttilla, Samoa, Feb. 21. via Sun B0"i the negro of Now York, as Internal southeast of Hong Kong. Tho first
enciug great dilllculty in lllllng the va- Francisco. March H Tin. Nnmnnini nf revenue colector for tho district of New squadron, comprising nine battleships
fancies in thu cabinet. It is rumored tho western district of Tuttilla havu ns. York, to succeed Charles II. Treat, who and cruisers, was seen at 2 o'clock In
that Walter lluinu Long mid others tabllshcd n bovs' school for tho tench, will hu appointed to succeed Kills II. the morning, going at full speed with
have declined tho post of chief Becro ling of Kngllsh, and hnvo cngagod three Jtoberts, treasurer of tho United States alt lights out, and the second squad
tnry for Ireland, Gossip in tliu lobby Marlst brothers to act ns Instructors fnr at Washington. These will hot lie made ron, of 13 largo warships, was sighted
in mo iiouso ot commons la to tho ellect n term of threo years, Thero nro about "IU" Juno, wnen .Mr. uoberts will have in tno atternoon
wini nir Aiiiuony i-. jiiauioiiuiu, iiniiur to ho Imported from Swator, China, conipiuieu an eigui-year term
reeiiiary ui inn linn i.ui.iu.illllt oi ire 01)0111 HUM tlllllieso lor Worg on tllO
vii ni inu numu ana i.iiuiinimi anil appoint "nomo limn with experl-
rebellion III IHICI. "It would bo a sad enco. lndeiwiidenco and nerv...,.ll woundwl
Haerlflco of Hie," says thu Gazette, qualify for tho task of investigating this chlent
"but a hundred times less now than if uanirof commercial hlirliu-nvmnn. ki.nui. ries of a
the revolt were allowed to continue as tho 'beef trust,' to the end that the
until It beciiino absolutely necessary to public may bo fully Informed as to the
take decisive steps,'"
sources of tholr profits and foundations
pi their colossal fortunes."
laud, will bo appointed to an Imporant plantations In Gorman Bamoa. Nonu
post outside of Ireland.
Baltic Fleet ll Returning.
Purls, March 11. A dispatch to the
Temps from Tananarlvo, capital of tho
Island of .Madagascar, says thu enuro
of these wilt bo permitted to land In
the Amerlcaaii portion of Samoa,
No Cigarettes In Wisconsin,
Madison, Wis., March 8. Tho legls-
Polygamy In the Northwest.
Winnipeg, Man., March 7. Polyg
amy haa been Introduced into the south
ern part of the Northwest Territory.
There, is n largo Mormon settlement
tlieru and tho police havo been In
Soldiers Keeping Lodz Quiet.
Lodz, March 7. The town la quiet.
Strong military patrols guard the
streets. Thero aro 7,000 workmen
from the Poxznansk! cotton mills on
strike. The outlook Is not promising.
The workmen are indignant because
latlire today, bv n voto of 70 to 1. structed to nrosocuto a number of men several mill owners are remnlnini
Husahm fleet has loft tho watera on Its passod a bill absolutely nrohlbltlna tho who brouuht two wives, whom they abroad and threaten to cause trouble
...... Tl.... .11 ... l. C. It. 1 ... .1 .. . " I l.i .... ' l ...
uvu.i. iu i iuuv.1, i no vii QUI..U...U..U. i emu. ur niniiuiaciuro oi cigareue papors. i married in uiau. i unless mo latter return.
swinomo monr r:o per.
share of the meal. The illustration
shows the front swung hack so that
the feed can be put Into the troughs.
Paris Onra and Weerll.
That the boll weevil Is not to be
driven out of our Southern cotton
fields by the use of parts greet. Is the
conclusion of the Ilureau of Entomol
ogy of the Department of Agriculture
after extensive observations and ex
periments. This conclusion Is based
uiwn the following facts: "1. Persist
ent use of parts green from the Urns
of chopping until picking (In some
cases as many as fifteen applications)
has failed to materially reduce tbe
numbers of the weevils or to Increase
the yield. 2. Careful examination of
very many experiments with the poi
son made by planters in Texas has
failed to reveal conclusive Instances
of Ita successful use. 3. Reasons for
the Impossibility of poisoning weevils
successfully are to be found In the
facta that only a very small percent
age emerge from hibernation before
the squares are net upon the plants.
that they do not drink the dew on the
leaves at night, and that as soon as
squares are set all feeding la done
within tbe shelter of the bracts
(shuck) beyond the reach of any poi
son that might be applied."
all these systems was $93,1120,432. Tbi
average cost of construction per a cm
In the arid region was $9.14, and the
average per Irrigation systom was $2,
710. The report says that tho great
obstacle to the development of irriga
tion In Texas and New Mexico Is the
present treaty between Mexico and
tills country, which prohllbu tbe lm
pounding of the waters of tbe Itlo
Ownrt. Want Mora Monej-.
A farm exchange says:
It Is reported that In some sections
where there are many hogs their own
era are positively refusing to take lesi
than 4 cents a pound for them on the
farm, and buyers are finding them
selves "up against a hard proposition,"
ns they put It, for the packers' prlco
will not allow the farm price de
manded. Ilut It looks as If tho farm
ers are standing pat. Judging by the
recelpU of hogs at the big markets.
For Instance: For the week closing
with the writing of this the recelpU
nt Chicago alone were (J2,000 head,
against 08.000 bead the previous week,
and 02,000 "head the corresponding
,wek last year. It will not be neces
sary to keep up such light receipt
more than a week or two to bring the
packers to terms. And at this season
that much more feeding can doubtiesi
lie done without Io to the feeders.
At all events, with feeding stuffs at
tbelr present price, hogs cannot and
should not be sold at leu than 4 cents.
If cost of production la considered a
factor In tbe business.
Ilandllcta; tbe Apple Crop.
If apples are picked too early they
are apt to lose their firmness and
color; and If too late, the keeping;
quality Is greatly affected. The proper
rime to pick is when the color Is
brightest and while the fruit is yet
hard. I)o not let the apples stand out
after picking, any longer than Is abso
lutely necessary, especially if they are
to go to thecold storage. Tbe Investi
gations of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture show that the
keeping qualities of apples depend ns
much on the handling before being
stored as on the conditions after stor
age. If you want your fruit to reach
the fancy markets, the straight and
narrow way of delivering the best in
the best condition Is the only way to
realize that aim. Careful picking nt
the light time, careful sorting and
packing and careful delivery are es
sential steps In catering to the fancy
apple trade.
IJandy Farm Cart.
I hare found that a cart with two
wheels made as shown in the Illustra-
Place for the Sheep.
A place for the sheep should be
found In the plans of nearly every
farmer. A small flock of sheep can
be kept on nearly every farm, while
a large flock would prove hard toman-
age and care for. When the flock Is
small it may be sheltered every night.
and thus losses frVim dogs avoided, as
the night Is the time the tbeep-kllllug
dog selects for his expeditions. The
Increased value of sheep should con
vlnce all that there is money in rata
ing them. We may expect to see mul
titudes of farms that are now sbeep-
Iesa soon sustaining fair-sized flocks.
In tbe general pasture there is feed
that will be eaten by no animal, If not
the sheep. Breeders of rams and even
fit for foundation stock are now ex
periencing a season of prosperity due
to the increasing number ot farmers
that have concluded to keep a few
sheep and are looking for material
with which to begin. Fanners' He-
Pot Palter.
The post puller Illustrated is
strong and durable one. It will pull
uny fence post. The two uprights an
2x0 inches and 3 feet long, mortised
ii 12x30-Inch scantling, and 2 Inches
thick and braced, Uore n 1-Inch bole
In upper end of uprights, In which
Insert a small pulley wheel. Take n
chain, fasten around lower end o?
ost; put chain over wheel; bitch horsa
to end of chain. Ily this device you
can pull a more solid post than by
Productive Island Farms.
In some resects, American farmers
might tako a Jes-son from those of the
Jersey Islands In the Kngllsh Channel,
On one farm of Hjy forty acres, a man
expects to keep thirty cows, a largo
herd of swine, and employ five or six
men. Tho climate Is very favorable
for fodder crops, but a part of the suc
cess of the Channel Island farming
owing to tho excellent stouk kept
and the caro taken Iu saving manure
and tilling the land.
Progress and Cost of Irrigation.
The Census Ilureau has Issued a re
port on the condition of Irrigation In
the United States In 10U2, showing that
3.1,-tlo systems with B0.3U miles of
main canals and ditches were Irrigat
ing 0,487,077 acres on 134,03(1 farms,
riie amount expended in constructing
tion by using the rear wheels of an
old buggy with the axle clamped to
the frame by clamp bolts to be a nice
cart for almost any purpose, .and es
pecially for ganlen use. I recently
took the milk to the cheese factory
when all the horses were In use. IL
F. Jahnke, In Iowa Democrat;.
Bad War to Break a Colt.
A great maay people believe that
the' only way to break a colt is to
throw him, hobble blm or tangle him
I th straps or ropes. An Indiana horse
man tells how he prepares a colt for
his first visit to the blacksmith's shop
by putting a strap around his neck,
passing It along the near side and be
tween the hind legs, then up and
through tbe strap around the neck and
hack to bis bind leg. Tha idea is to
hold on to this strap while you lift
the colt's leg, and if he kicks or strug
gles pull on the strap until be falls
down. This Is an excellent way ot
frightening a colt half to death, and
rendering him vicious. Every colt
ought to be handled In such a way
until, by the time be is a year old, bti
foot can be picked up easily and with
out the aid of straps or ropes. The
best appliances for breaking colts art
tho naked hands and a good halter.
Checking Root Ooll.
When new apple trees are received
from the nursery they should be care
fully Inspected to make sure that they
are not affected with root gall. This
disease Is now very prevnlent In soma
nurseries, and great care must be exer
cised. It Is a disease, that spreads
through the soil, and a single trea
may Introduce It into an orchard.
where It may undo the work of years.
We huve several times Illustrated root
gall In these columns, and It docs not
seem advisable to repeat tlwt illustra
tion at this time. Suffice It to say
that It Is a gall appearing on tbe roots.
rind any tree affected with a protuber
ance of this kind should be discarded.
This Is the first thing to be looked out
for in planting trees. The shape of tha
tree Is Important, but It is less Im-
Iiortnnt than to know whether or not
tbe tree has a disease that will prove
deadly to Itself and to other trees In
the same orchard.
Illinois Farms Hell High,
Why do Illinois farm lands sell for
$123 to $200 on acre? Hecause they
are productive. This year one Chris
thin County farmer gathered a field of
corn which yielded 110 bushels to tha
ncre. The corn was sold for 37 cenU
bushel, a gross return of $43 per
acre. Taking out tho cost of growing
the crop, theru still remains a big In
terest on tho Investment, even If tha
land bo valued at $200 per acre. While
lelds as large as this are exceptional,
they are becoming moro and moro
common. With Improved seed and Im
proved .methods of culture, the aver
ago yield on good land Is Increasing.
1'lils Is one of the reasons laud la
going up.