Bohemia Nugget Dohwnlo Nnt Psk. C. COTTAGE GROVH . . OREGON. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Busy Readers. Oar A Returns of the Let Important but Nat Lett Interesting Events of the Past Week. Many arms are being smuggled into liussia lor uso by aimers. Mrs. Chadwick baa been found guilty ol swindling the Obcrlin, Ohio, bank A theory has been advanced that Mrs. Stanford's death was accidental An extradition treaty has been signed between tho United States ana Urti' Tho seantorial deadlock in tho Mis pouri and Delaware legislatures con' tinuea unbroken. Twenty lives were lost as tho result of an explosion which occurred in Cardiff, Wales, coal mine. . St. retcrburg-advices say that as soon as tho Baltic squadron receives re inforcements it will again start for tho iar East. The sale of very young girs as wives 'is common in Chicago. The largest percent of them are Italians, but many are Americans. Two men found guilty of stealing billots in Denver at the November election have been sent to the penlten' tiury for five years. In a final conference with lleney in regard to the Oregon land frauds the president instructed him to go to the very bottom and spare no man who is guilty. Humors of peace proposals by Rus sia are again current. But little is known in Russia of the turn of affairs in the Far East. It is reported that a national upris ing against the czar will start May 7. A bomb accidentally exploded by anarchists in St. Petersburg killed eight persons. Fire in a seven-story building at Phil adelphia destroyed property to tho value of $100,000. Kuropatkin, in a message to the czar, admits that he is surrounded and his entire army in grave danger of being annihilated. The policy adopted by the president and his cabinet as to federal appoint' ments is to keep all good men in their places and make as few changes as pos sible. The government has a clear case against Hermann for destroying letters of the general land office just before he relinquished the position as commia sioner. The special commission appointed by the president to consider the subject of nationalization will be ready to report to the next congress and it is expected some startling exposures will be made as to the extent of fraudulent pipers issued. War against tho Standard Oil is be ing continued in Kansas. Armed peasants in Russia are burn ing and looting their landlords' estates. The deadlock in the Missouri legis lature continues. At present Cockrell leads with 70 votes. The balloting for United States sena tor, by the Delaware legislature, con tinues without result. Charges of graft are being made against the St. Louis exposition com pany in having the buildings removed. A vain effort is being made throug out Russia to suppress news of the de feat in the Far East. At Warsaw the Poles were almost jubilant over the re verse. The margquis of Anglesey Is dying of consumption. Six years ago he had an income of $500,000 a year, and is now a bankrupt, with liabilities of nearly $3,000,000. Russia is secretly gathering an army on the Indian frontier. Britain's ac tion in Thibet and Persia is resented and it would seem as though a conflict was inevitable. The Japanese have succeeded In cut ting off the retreat of Kuropatkin to the north. IIo now will be compelled to cut his way through the Japanese army in order to reach Harbin, or try to hold Mukden, which means a siege. Three hundred Chinese burned to death at a small port near Hong Kong. Grand Duke Vladimir lias been marked as the next victim of the Rus sian terrorists. The present battle at Mukden is thought by those favoring peace to be the lust of the war. M. Witte has resigned his office in the Russian ministry. Harry S. New, of Indianapolis, will succeed Cortelyou as national chairman of the Republican party. One person was fatally injured and 40 others seriously by the turning over of an elevated car in Chicago. Both armies fighting around Mukden have captured guns. The Japanese lost a number of machine gusn, but have taken 13 big siege guns. DOINGS IN CON0RE33. Monday, March 0. Tho senate. In extra session spent tho greater part of tho day discussing tho Santo Domingo treaty. The nomina tions of tho members of the cabinet wore referred to tho various committees and reports were made Immediately by polling tho committees on tho Moor. Tho nominations then were confirmed. Tuesday, March 7. Without determining any question of regard to the Santo Domingo treaty, the senate decided today that tho treaty should bo reported as soon as possiblo from tho committee on for eign relations and the entire question fought out in executivo session. number of senators aro confident the treaty will bo ratified within a roosona bio timo. Tho president today sent a long list of nominations to the senate for its approval. Wednesday, March 0. The Santo Domingo treaty was praO' tlcally perfected today by tho senate committee on foreign relatons, so far as phraseology is concerned and with out regard to tho principle involved in tho procedure proposed by the treaty A number of amendments have been presented and some of them already adopted. The president today sent n message to tho senate giving his reasons (or wanting tho treaty ratified. A largo batch of consular and diplo matic appointments were confirmed and an additional lot received. Thursday, March 0. The scnato committee on foreign re lations today agreed to report favorably tho Santo Domingo treaty as amended The senate was in session but seven minutes today and adjournment was taken out of respect to tho memory of tho late Senator Bate, of Tennessee. A committee of 12 senators was appointed to make preparations for the deceased senator's funeral in the chamber at 2 p. m. tomorrow. Friday, March 10. The Santo Domingo treay was today reported favorably to the senate. The only legislative business trans acted was in relation to the death of Senator Bate, of Tennessee. Gorman introduced a resolution providing for the payment of the funeral expenses of Senator Bote, which was imme diately adopted. At 12:50 the senate took a recess until 1:50, when the funeral services of the late senator took place. At the conclusion of the Bate funeral' ceremony the senate adjourned until Monday, when discussion of the Santo Domingo treaty will commence. Vote on Treaty Soon. Washington, March 13. Many sen ators are indulging in speculation as to the length of the session required 'to take action on the Santo Domingo treaty, and whether party lines will be drawn taut when I he treaty comes to vote. Thus far it has not developed that either party will caucus, and, in fact, so much difference as to the fate of the treaty has been manifested that it is not believed there will be any at tempt to line up the forces. Few senators were at the capltol yes- terday, but nearly all of those who were in their committee rooms expresed the opinion that, if there should not be a line-up, and they are agreed that one is not likely, the treaty will be brought to a vote by the end of the week, ard that the specials session may lie ad journed sine die on Saturday. Whole Army It Surrounded. Niuchwang, March 10. The Ru- sians have not been reinforced from the direction of Harbin since March 1 General Nogi's army made a forced march of 25 miles dally, and, acting in conjunction with General Oku a army, surrounded 80,000 Russians in the di rection of Tie pass and cut oil their supplies. The hurrying Japanese ar mies passed a division of Russians without giving it any attention until the enveloping movement was com pleted, when they crushnigly attacked the Russians on all sides. Need Not Decide Question Yet. Washington, March 10. Thore is authority for tho statement that the question as to whether the Isthmian canal shall lie made a sea-level water way or constructed on the lock system need not bo determined at tho outset of the work. In fact, it is stated that work could progress for five years or more before this matter would neces sarily be decided and without in any way retarding the progress ot construc tion or causing any delay. Alaskan Telegraphs Work Well. Washington, March 10. General Greely has. received a report of the operations of tho Alaska telegraph sys tems during January. The wireless work runs uninterruptedly 107 miles across Norton sound, and the land lines are 1,500 miles in length. Various interruptions from snow and severe Btorms averaged, however, less than three hours per station, which is only one-sixth of the interruptions in Jan uary, 1004. Attempt to Kill Governor. St. Petersburg, March 10. Colonel ProgoulbitBky, governor of the province of Kutais, has .been the object of an attempted assassination by two men at Sukhuin. The would-bo murderers fired six shots from revolvers at' the governor, but he was not struck. The motive of the attempt is believed to have been political. Russia Pays North Sea Claims. London, March 10. Count Benken- dorff, the Russian ambassador to Great Britain, today paid $325,000 to Foreign Secretary Lansdowno in settlement of the North sea claims, and the incident was thus closed. OREGON STATE ITEMS Of INTEREST WATER PUT UPON ARID LAND. Three Slttert Company Applies for a Patent Only Settlor! Can Duy, Salem The Three 8isters Irrigation company, which hat n contract for tho reclamation of 27,000 acres of arid land in tho Deschutes country, reports that water has been placed on 0,000 acres in addition to tho 13,000 already pat ented, The state land board directed tho engineer to examlno tho land, and If found as reported, to apply (or a pat ent from tho United States, An important question has been raised regarding tho qualifications of applicants for arid land that lias Ken reclaimed under tho Carey act. Tho Federal law, which grants this land to tho state, specifies that it Is to bo sold to actual settlors at the cost ol re clamation. Recently tho state land board addressed a letter to tho Federal land department, Inquiring whether sales of land will bo restricted to. those who have actually settled upon it. The answer received is in the nlurmntivc This means that, although a man may apply for land without taking up his residence upon it, he must make tho preliminary showing that ho in tends to become a settler and before he can secure a deed he must show that he lias becomu a settler. In other words, the land can be sold only to those who will mako their homes upon it. TILLAMOOK RAISES SUBSIDY Citizens Now Want to See Promoter Simmons' Evidence of Faith. Tillamook Nearly all of the $35,000 subsidy asked for tho building of a rail way into Tillamook has been subscrib ed. J. K. Simmons will bo waited upon by a committee to lw appointed at mass meeting of subscribers to make good his promiso to put up $5,000 more in somo Tillamook bank as evidence of good faith. Simmons agreed to build his road to Tillamook and on to Netarta bay. The route will be either by way of North Yamhill or Forest Grove, and tho work is to be completed in 12 months. Of the subsidy $25,000 is to be paid when the rails reach Tillamoko City and $10,000 when extended to Netarta bay Treasure Box and Yankee Girl. Sumpter Guy Pearsons, owner ot the Treasure Box and Yankee Girl claims, two miles cost ot Sumpter, re ports that no has sunk a shall 20 Jtet on the Treasure Box ledgo. This has been crosscut and found to be fully 20 feet in width. Trouble is experienced w 1th water, and for this reason opera tions will have to be discontined until pumping facilities can be installed. Tbcso properties aro near tho Golden Chariot, which will erect a mill, hoist ing and pumping plant this spring. Wrrk on these improvements is ex pected to commence shortly. For Exhibit from Jackson. Jacksonville A deputation of citi zens waited on tho county court at tho March session in the Interests of an ex hibit from Jackson county at tho Lewis and Clark exposition. Tho court made po defininite promiso of nn appropria tion, but individual members have ex pressed themselves favorably toward tho proiosal. Tho cum asked for is $3,000, and it is urged that, Southern Oregon being "one of tho garden spots of the universe," the section would be much benefited by an exhibit at the fair. Work on Grizzly Group. Cottage Grove Tho Johnson boy and other owners of the Grizzly group of claims have kept men at work driv ing a crosscut tunnel for the purposo of cutting the vein at a grcator depth than it has heretofore been cutr Word has just come to town to the effect that the tunnel, at a distance of about 100 feet from tho portal, has cut the ledge, and that the same highrudo showing as existed above has been tho result. The vein is somewhat smaller at this level, but carries good values. Engineering Company Incorporates. Eugene Tho Oregon Engineering company has filed articles of I ncorjio ra tion with the county clerk. The capi tal stock is $10,000 and the principal place of business is at Eugene.' The personnel of the new organization, while not made public at the present time, consists of a number of well known engineers all over tho Pacific coast, who will combine the data and statistics gathered In their several lines of work and operate from here. Product of Tillamook Dairy. Tillamook At tho annual meeting of the Tillamook Dairy association, Secre tary Carl llaberlach's report showed that for the first eight months of last year 1,830,300 pounds of milk was re ceived at tho creamery at Falrvlew. 1,041,415 pounds of milk were used in the manufacture of 76,050 pounds of butter and 107,081 pounds of milk In the manufacture of 20,168 pounds of cheese. Extensive Improvements Assured. Hood River Fifty thousand dollars are now subject to the check of the Hood River Electric Light, rower and Water company, as the result of the sale of bonds, and the extensivo im provements to the light and water systems-are now assured. READY TO CUT. Logging; on a Big Seal Is Under Way In the Sumptsr District. Sumpter From the amount ot logs that have been put In nt thu mills dur ing tho winter, lumlierniim ol Eastern Oreogn are contemplating n big business during 1005. Tho Oregon Luinbu company has continued" -logging opera tlons steadily and will only let up dtir Ing tho breaking tip spell. The, immense milling plant Is being enlarged by tho erection o( additional buildings for tho storing of lumber. Thu Sumpter Lumber company also has a largo number ot logs to cut soon as weather conditions will po mill tho starting ol its mill. Service A Co. aro preparing for long run, the contract for the delivery of an Immense number of logs having just been completed, bomo lumbermen who rely upon running logs down small streams are reiHirteil as being uneasy over the pro.' pect of n light run, owing to scarcity of snow in the mountains this season. WARM DAYS HASTEN THE DUDS Fear of Late Frott Declared Ground less by Old Settlers. Hood Itlver Peach trees will lie in bloom in a tow days and fruit buds are swelling in all parts ot tho valley Strawberry vines lire putting forth now leaves and the hillsides have freehenwl up with a now growth of grass. There Is apprehension by some ol tho fruitgrowers lest a cold rniip shouli damage the milt during the month but old settlers stato that (roots of any great destriirtiveness have never oc curred after tho owning of spring. The roans are drying last, while tanner aro taking advantage of tho good weather to plow. There has been less rain and snow in this pari of Oregon than for many previous years. Mountain peaks where tho snow has been accustomed to linger until May 1, and often times far Into June, nro now almost clear of snow Tho rainfall during rcbruary was a trlllo over ono inch. Uncover Good Ore. Grants Pass Owning of tho vast ore body in tho Granite Hill and uncover ing of quartz riches on the deep levels, as well as the general showing these properties have made In recent months by development, have led tho American Gold Fields company to lay plans for even greater operations than was at tlrtt anticipated, instead of tho one mine, thvro will be two or three, all operated as one property. Already the Kcd Jacket, ono ot tho claims of tho company, located near the Granite Hill, ha been equipped with machinery. Sales of Livestock. Echo M. H. Gillett fold a car of hogs to John Shaw, an Independent buyer, who ships to Portland. The car consisted of 80 young animals, weigh. ing on an average 242 pomnls each The price paid was 0 rents a pound, tin) highest paid in the vicinity this year, bringing on nn average $14.60 each. The hogs were fed in cnttlo feed yards and finished off on chop barley R. ft. Htanficld and J. II. Hay lor also shipped nine cars of fat steers to the Union Meat comi" ol Portland. Oregon Centut Delayed. Pendleton Tho stato census, which should have been started March 1, will not 1h started until suitable blanks nro supplied by the state printer. In view of a proposed change, which was to have been made at tho last session of tho legislature, the stato printer did not print tho blanks. Tho census of the state Is taken cvory five years be tween tho 10 years of the national cen sus, and In taken by tho comity assess ors. Governor Accepts Hit Likeness. Salem Governor Chamberlain has accepted the oil painting gf himself by Richard -Max .Meyer, of Portland, and Mrt Moycrwlll receive tho $(100 appro priated by the legislature (or a picture of tho governor. J ho painting has been hung In tho Iioubo of representatives. Mr. Meyer washed and varnished all the on paintings oi uregon s governors and the pictures nbw look as fresh as when new. Big Price for Hop Land. Woodburn Tho largest rcul estate deal over consummated in this portion of Marion county has Just been made by Walter I.Tooze selling Jacob Miller 232 acres of land with a 40-acro hop yard adjoining this city for $10,600. PORTLAND MARKE1S. Wheat Walla Walla, 85oi Mucstem, 02c; valley, 87c per bushel. Oats No. 1 white, $1.3501.40; gray, $1,400)1.45 per cental. -Hoy Timothy. $14010 por ton: clover, $1112; grain, $11(312; cheat, $12013, Eggs Oregon ranch, VJia per dozen. Butter Fancy creamory,27JS2J4! Potatoes Oregon fancy, DO 05c; common, 7580c. Apples 4-tler Baldwins, $1,263 1.60; Spitzenbergs, $1.7502. Hops 1004, 24020c per pound. Wool Valley, 10 20c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1217o; mohair, 250 20c por pound for choice. GERMAN CLAIMS ARE TOO HIGH Negotiations for Saltllng tho Ssmoan Indemnity Drag.' ' Washington, .March 13. Tljo nego Nations between America, Great llrll alu and Germany looking lo n Kettle inent nt tho Hunioaii Indemnity claim have practically eoino lo n standstill owing to a wide difference ot opinion us lo the extent ot diiimigo sustained I the German subject in tho Sainoan group as a result ot Joint operation I thu American ami British naval force In WOO to suppress u rebellion. Tho iiucstUn of the. liability of Aluer leu and Great Britain for thu damaged sustained by German plantation owner was decided by King Oscar ot Sweden, In favor ot the claimant In 11102, but the arbitrator did not attempt to assess Individual damages, leaving this to bo adjusted by negotiation. Tluco nrgoll ations have dragged along ever sinco 1002, and tho principals now llml them solve no nearer an agreement than a tho beginning. Tho German claim amount to about $115,000. The Brltlsl and American negotiators, insist that this sum Is excessive and that $25,000 Is n good price for thu properly do st roved. It is probable It will lw necessary to apH)lnt it commission to take testimony as to the extent of Ihu actual daiiiitgu. though thu smallnes of thu amount in volved would seem to iniiku this an unduly cipcnslvo undertaking. Meanwhile thu claimant are Ihtoiii lug restive mid are bringing pressure to Injur on tho Herman government to se cure settlement. WILL NOT GIVE UP. Czar Will Send Another Army to the Far Eatt. St. Petersburg, March 13. The Im mediate answer of the Russian govern ment to the ilvfeat nt Mukden Is the an noiincemet that a new army will bo raised and the forces In thu Far East reorganized: that Vice Admiral Reject- veusy will bo ordered to sail on and try conclusions with Togo, and t Jin t the war will be prosecuted to thu bitter end. This Is thu present temper of Kiiiiht or Nicholas and hi dominant advisers. voiced In a firm olllclal announcement that thu position ot Russia is unchang ed, and that thulnltlatlvu (or lwaco can only comu from Japan. Should tho Island empire choose to tender "moder atu terms and recognize its adversary at thu power In thu Far East, tieuco could lie easily arranged; but tho voice ot her diplomacy in various parts o( thu world Indicates that shu Is not ready to do this, and tho Russian gov ernment, with tho full magnitude ot the dleaster at Mukden still undeter mined, but with the IU05 campaign seemingly already hopelessly compro mised, retreat to uarliln Inevitable and Vladivostok practically lost, declare that thu time has not yet como then Jiusala can bo forced lo huinhlo herself. HE HAS DODGED OYAMA'S TRAP Kuropatkln't Line of Retreat Secure, Though Japt Pound Both Sjdet. St. Petersburg, March 13. Rula still ha an army In tho Far Most and it lino of retreat i not cut. Field Marshal Oyainu's trapwasaguln sprung too lain lo hug tho prey hu disired. and, though pounded on the rear and both Hanks, mid losing heavily in kill wounded and primmer, General Kuropatkin with thu main portion of hi force Intact is fulling slowly Imck to Tlu im, where a eoiiHldcrnhlo part ol hi army ha already armed and joined hand with thu reserve in pre paring a poltlon behind which thu beaten army may find shelter. General Kurorntkin Iiiiiih If. will thu rear iruartl. wu renorted Saturday afternoon in thu vicinity of Synuzia, nine noiow lie pa, Having accom plished somo 16 mile of hi retreat. and being nlieady beyond tho Jaw ot the trap a originally set. How ninny m hi men hu wa obliged to leavu be- lnd, and whether any of tho unit of lis army Hero cut olf or captured lw foro tho retreat begun I not stated. Arizona Hat a New Climate. El Paso, Tux,, March 13. Thowholu territory of Arizona Is covored with water as n result of tho heavy rains and siiohs and in many places the desert that has not known water for a decade Is now a lako. At Silver City there lias fallen 28 Inches of rain during the last eight months, ami rivers heretofore dry nro now crossed by lerryboat. All re cord for moisture havu been broken In this entire section. Railroads are de moralized, not only from wahouts but from soft tracks and many miles will havu to be rebuilt. Investigate Railroad Ratet, Washington, March 13. Railroad rato legislation was .the subject of it talk today between the president and Senator Elklns, chairman of tho Inter state commerce committee of tho scn ato. Senator Elklns said It was tho urposo of tho committee to begin Its investigation of tho rato nucHtlon next Tuesday. Senator Elklns suggested that November iiext would bo early enough to call an extraordinary session if ono wore called nt all, Only Awaits Third Squadron. Paris, March 13. Vico Admiral Doubasoff, who has arrived hero from London on his way to St, Petersburg, n an interview with mo ncno do Purls, says Admiral Rojestvensky's squadron s not returning to the lialtlc sea, but is simply cruising and awaiting tho ar rival of the third squadron under Ad miral Nobogatoff. When this junctjon is made they will proceed Immediately to tho Fur East, Loss to Kuropotkln's Army Esti mated at 200,000 Men. TWO ARMY COIU'S ARE CUT OFF Almost Without Supplies and Capture Soemt Ctrtaln Will Oreatly Increats Numbor Taken. Toklo, March 11. All nuns reaching Jupiui, both olllclal, scuil-ollU'ial and from somo other source, einpliuslxe what hu been patent to military stu dent fur thu punt week, that tho pres ent movement at Mukden I tho great est strategy ol the war and I being at tended by what Is really a serle of stupendous battles that will godnwn In history us one of thu blisslli-st and mint, terrllllo military conlllct o( ancient or modem times. From most closely Informed itunrtcrn it Is learned that conservative estimate ot Russian casualties exceed 160,000, while 60,000 Russian Mem taken pris oner nt tlui culmination of Marshal Oynma's great llanklug strategy. Whllo no figure are obtainable lieru on tho Japanese, Iossck, there Is no reason to believe that tliey were much less than tho casualties suffered by thu enemy, although, of course, no Japanese havo been captured. Neither army linis spared men In thu supremo encounter. Whllo thu present distribution of General Kuropatkin' army, other than that part of tho main Ixsly which Is being harassed In retreat to the north of Mukden, I dilllciilt to determine. It was reml-olllclally rcsirtcd yesterday that two army corps wcro still west of Mukden In an isolated hmUIoii almost without supplies. They havu small chance of cutting through thu Japan- em cordon and will In ull prolmblllty bo added to the great mas of prisoner taken when Mukden lull. The Russian aro attempting to con centrate toward tho south and southeast ol Mukden with tho Japanese occupy ing thu city threatening their rear. In this vicinity, however, where Russian aro massing in front of the Japanese right I ezected thu fiercest lighting for tho next few day. General Nogl Is still marching to tlui eastward completing tho circle and cut ting oil every possible loophole of c. caHi. Thu disorderly character of tho retreat indicates that thu rapid move ment of Japanese columns caught Gen eral Kuropatkin entirely unprepared. The la oil news Is that a portion of the Japanese center I pressing thu Russian main body noriliward. FUNDS FOR COLUMDIA JETTY. At Finally Patted, Dill Allow! Expen diture of 8700,000. Washington, March 11. From let ters which hu has received, Senator- Fulton finds there Is a gecnral misun derstanding In Oregon at to what ap propriation was actually mado In tho river and harlsir bill for Improving tho mouth of thu Columbia river. Thu fact Is this: Thu hill as enacted carries a cash ap propriation of $-100,000 and authorize tho expenditure ot $300,000 additional, which latter amount will lw provided in thu sundry civil bill to he paifcd next session. A thu hill passed tint house, It carried $300,000 cash mid au thorized an additional $300,000 In tlm next sundry civil hill, Senator Fulton appealed to the senate committee to In- crease thu cash appropriation, but hi ropiest was turned down. When tho hill was lieiug considered In thu senate, hu offered and secured thu adoption of an amendment Increasing tho ruth ap propriation lo $450,000. Tho hill then went lo conference and Cliulriiian Bur ton endeavored to restore I lie houso an- propriation, but thu senate conferee' would not consent. A romiiromlsa wa finally reached and $50,000, .one-third of thu liinoiint added by thu senate, wu cut off. As thu bill finally passed. It curried $100,000 more than wa pre vlded III thu houso hill. Armed Peatantt on Warpath, London, Maich 11, Adlsnatch from Kleff to the Dally Mall ayi "An urmy ot 3,000 peasants from tho Or- lovka district is adviinc loir southwest. erly. Burning and looting ot estate, is In progress. Eluhteen estate lmv already been sacked. Tho Mlchaeloff sky sugar refinery has been burned and tho employe havu been robbed, HI nlso reported that tho peasant huvo burned a refinery belonging to tho crown. A strong military forcn ban been sent to suppress tho rising, nnd u bloody conflict is feared. Demand Their Old Rlghtt. St. Petersburg. March 11. Tim ltl. tic provinces, tho Rusalllcatiim of which wns regarded n nriietlenllv f'fltll. ploted, havo been encouraged by recent ilovolopmonts to ugaln demand the re storation of some or all of their an cient rights. A wol'-dcvclopcd move ment, backed by tho nobles and Intel ligent classes, la now openly demand ing that tho teaclllllir of German In (In. schools bo revived, nnd that native offi cial conduct provincial affair, Irving Will Tour Amorlca. London. March 11 Rlr llmirv ?- ng has slimed n cnnlrnnt U n ,.. lean tour under tho management of Charles Frohmiin, beginning In Oc tober. Ho nrohaht V will fttuni In Ktif York between October 10 nnd 15, and ..... .. u larowoil tour lasting 20) weeks, ot all tho principal cities.