Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 15, 1905, Image 1

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: i., " 'i
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interest of thin Community.
NO. 8
Is Running llolli Tunnels and
Opening Large Ore Bodies
Arc (iood (Irude And Alticlt
Work Will Be Done
This Season.
rOKK N progressing very sails
lactorily on llic property 01
lllin iuiii inviJ
2 mul jurelielngpushcd nhend. Six
men are employed running a day and
night shilt. No, 3 tunnel has been
in the ore shoot Tor over 50 ft. and
the width of the ore IkxIv has not
been determined. The hanging
wall ha not been cxixmcu at nny
K)lut, mid the footwall only nt one
point It W Iwlievcd that this ore
liody will average over 10 ft. In
The average of the last throe us
nay show value of over $,10 icr
ton in gold, silver lead and r.lnc.
Tlie number 3 tunnel Is now enter
ing the same shoot of ore, at present
it shows a width of six feet. It is
currying a higher value iu gold and
h1m show values iu lead and zinc.
This ore Is a fine concentrating
proportion. Investigations thus
far made shows that a lend and a
inc concentrate can lie made. The
company has employed one of the
best metallurgist; in the west to
tMt the oie. lie will commence
hi investigations alxmt the first of
The comiMiiy will be governed
entirely bv the report of the metall
urgist. If it is found necessary to
add to tha present plant of five
stami and the standard concentra
tor in order to treat the ore success
fully the company will take immed
iate htep to do so
While this Investigation Is being
carried 011, the company will operate
its saw mill 60,000 Oct of timbers
arc being sawed lor the mine, also
sufficient lumber to' erect a timber
house, ioxio ft,, two story dining
room, astwy office and stable. Ten
men are now lieing employed for
this piirpo-, distributed as follows:
Two men filling trees, 3 men saw
ing the trees into logs, 1 man and
tenm hauling logH to the mill and
5 men iu the mill.
As number 3 tunnel is 200 lect
vertically lielow the outcrop on llic
surface, and number 3 tunnel Is 139
feet below number j t miiel. The
officers of the company say that
during the last two months they
have opened up and exposed several
tons of ore. Tills is very gratify
ing to them. They have encount
cred many obstacles iu the financing
of this company, but now the out
look Is bright mid dividends should
nut be very far off. The company
and stockholders ore to be congrat
ulated on the success which now
.seems to be assured.
HK reorganization of tho
Champion Hasln Mining uo.,
tvlinmi nrnlllirtv id locatod in
Champion Hindu, ltohomia District,
iuonuof tho important doings of
this seasons outllrio in the district.
Tho holdings of this company aro
among tho best locations in tho dis
trict, geographically, and tho re
sults thus far warrant tho asborlion
that tho proporty is dostinod to
bocomo 0110 of proininonco. Ono
hundred acres orn now included in
tho holdings of tho company, upon
which nro tliroo woll dofiuod lodges.
Tho incorporation Ib croatucl un
der tho laws of tho stato of Oregon,
for 1,000,000 shuros, par valuo ot $1
por Bharo. Tho liuos of tho Bovoral
claims have been run with muoh
oaro, and orrangcuiouts aro now bo
ing made to uontinuo tho dovolop
inont of tho proporty throughout
tho Boason,
Last Boasou a now tunuol was
Btartod on tho Ajax olalm at a point
whuro tho Ohampion Crook wagon
road orosBoa tho proporty. Only GO
fnnt 1 1 nun linnn run Oil tills tUUUOl,
but notwithstanding, tho faco of tho
tunnol bIiowb tliroo foot two inohos
nt uniniwiiii nro. which is widontm?
ovory foot gained. Tho oro horo is
baBO, and wullo essoiiiiaiiy noar hiu
Biirfaco it cartloB good valuoB, Tho
main lodge has boon ononod in bov
oral placos throughout tho ontiro
longth of tliroo claims by it Berics of
tunnols and crosa-oiils, agBrogallng
in all about BOO foot.
Tho assay values on this lodgo
run all tho way from f.'I.CO to ?!i7.
CO por ton, gold, silver and copper,
Tho property is admlrablyloonlod
from nny standpoint. It is bolow
Ilia doop snow line, directly on tho
Champion crook road. Tim mirvoy
of tho Oregon & Houtheastorn llail
road runs through tho lownr clnlms
ownod by tho company. Tho prop
orty is locatod about four miles
ntiovo tho Warohouio, tha objoctlTO
point of tho Oregon & Southeast
oni for this soason's road building,
somo ton rnilon of the road jot to bo
Tho tlm'jor nlonit 011 this properly
is n fortuno. It has boon conserva
tively oslimalod that it will run at
toast ,1l),000 foot of merchantable
tiaiUr to tho acre, making a total of
r,,500.000 ot, worth on the stump
f'J.fiO por thousand, govfiriimuit
Tho group is well watered by
Has Opened Large Body of
Qood Ore In The East Drill
on Champion Ledge.
MK. A. U. Wood, manager of
the Oregon Securities Corn
pauys' mines in Bohemia, is
In receipt of a Ictler from Superin
tendent C C. Mathews which con
tains news of a highly satisfactory
nature to all, whether directly in
terested In the properties or not.
It will le rcrncmlcrcd by the
readers of the Nugget, that several
months ago this company while
driving the large cross-cut tunnel
cut the Champion ledge which ha
In former years been opened and
some ore taken from near the sur
face. These old or upper work
ing were some distance to the cast
over the tram was begun and some
40 tons placed in the ore bins, but
It was discovered the grips holding
the cars were too weak to risk fur
ther operating and the work of
transporting the ore was suspended
until heavier grips can lie substi
tuted which will be but a short
time, then the mill will be put into
commission and the production of
gold will begin.
LEX Lundborg, former super
intendent of tlio Riverside
group, but who this vt inter
has n contract to oxtond tho tunnol u
distanco of COO fcot rccoutly rqiortod
Lo was making good progress with
tho work and that tho lodgo contin
ues largo and the oro looks good all
Iho way.
IiK driving of both tlio upper
and lower tunnels nt tlio Ves
uvius property still continue,
an thero isn largo turnage of ore nl
ready blocked out ready for trrnt
mont, it is expected t tint upon the re
turn of manager Hard, who i now
i held a district convention on Wed
' necday and in the evening the local
camp, of which both were members,
had given an entertainment and
Jtr rr rTUITTl Kven an enienainmem ana
I hi H I I ilrn supper, to which all members of the
11 LiL4 I VI1L1 order were invited. Hranton, who
John liranlon Charged and Ar
ras led for Crime, but Declares
His Innocence.
1 owns a farm about a mile and a half
northwest of tho city and Fletcher,
who was employed by him came to
the city for the purpose of being
present at the entertainment, and
Hranton did attend as planned, bnt
owing to the woman, whom Flcl-
, .'. r, , ... . , chcr intended to escort refusing to
Hie shooting of John Fletcher on 'aeoonipany birai he remained away ,
tie morning o aiarcli gtli tieanNear Wnlbt the
two men met
Cottage Grove lias been the cause ,, tlat(lr
of unusual interest to the citizens of
Cottage Grove and vicinity. As
both parties are well kuown, having
lived iu Lam: County for many
years. Thursday and Friday men
gathered upon the street corners
and discussed the affair. When
district attorney Brown was examin
ing some of those well acquainted
witli the principals, and were sup
pocd to be in a position, to throw
spine light upon the subject, the
side walk in front of Justice
Vaughn's office was crowded; each
one having his own version of the
and started for home.
For some reason Fletcher had
armed himself with a revolver be
fore leaving home.
J Soon after leaving town Branton
I claimed he saw a dog near tho rcud
ami requested rietcner to take a
shot at It, which he did. Aftr
they had passed over the brow of
of tho hill, Hranton according to
Fletcher's story claimed to see the
animal and said he believed it was
a cougar and asked for the gun
ComfileiTfrSmlinMficial Surveys A
Champion crook passing through tho
lovvor claims, as won as a smaller
crook, whioli within itself can bo con
voked into BuQlciout power to drivo
tho powor drills requirod iu tlio por
manont dovolopmont work of tho
Tho company is oomponod of husi
noss mon of Cotlago Qrove, who aro
at prosont shouldering tho responsi
bility, and proposo to uavo tlio pro
porty in n high stago of dovolopmont
to tho oxtont of tlieir moanB, bofore
outsido capital shall bo naked to bo-
oorao IntoroBted.
At prosont tho company is arrang
ing for a most progressive season,
and if tho plans now boing arrnngod
aro earriod out tho proporty will bo
in a high stato of dovolopmont by
tho fall of WOli,
At tho annual mooting of. tho
Btookholdors of tliie company tho
following hoard of directors were
olootod: O, J, Howard, 13. Lurch and
Frank Jnrdiin, with C. J. Howard,
president; Frank Jordan, si-endury
and B. Lurch trnimiri'i-.
AllkimlsofimgrHvlngiloiiont II. 0.
and west of the point cut by the
tunnel and drills were at once
sorted iu either direction. The
ore shoot however, which during
former operations showed the lar
gest body of ore and carried the
best values so for as developed was
to the cast.
The recent finding of this ore
body is in conformity with exploit
ations and surveys and is another
proof of the ore shoots which are
found on the surface continuing to
great depths as the drift is now full
three hundred feet below the apex
of tho vein. During tho progress
of this drift ore has been iu evi
dence the most of the way all of
which is believed ol sufficient value
to pay for treatment, but the pres
ent ore is of n higher gradfc.
Iu his letter Mr. Mathews states
that on the hanging wall side there
is full three feet of ore ot !nu assay
value of $10.92, $31,19 f which Is
tree nulling mid can tic saved 011
the aliuagnmallug tables, while tlie
rest of the values will be saved on
the concentrator.
The delivering of ore to the mill
In tho East tho mill will bo put to
work oxtraetiug tho values tliorc
SOME wooks ago word was ro
ooivod from tho Orogou-Col-orado
that twolvo foot of cop
por bearing oro had boon oponod in
tho tunnol which is being driven on
tho Confidouee voiu by contract.
Tho latost nowB from thoro is to tho
offoot that tho oro still continues as
tho' tunnol is drivon ahoad, and
sooras to improvo in tho porcontneo
of coppor, ob distance mto itie
mountain is gained.
L. Johnson, who has been nt
work for somn nioiulis on tlio
Hiawatha croup in Bohemia,
arrived in tho ity Tuesday. He
brought with him boiiio very lino
piocos of oro taken from 11 tunnel io
contly driven ahoad 11 disl.aico of
120 foot. Thoro aro two kind of
oro in tlio Banio voiu. one well oxidi
zed, somo of it shows frco gold, tho
oilier in a heavy sulphldo.and , ap
pilars to ho of high grade,
affaii which lie was willing to im
port t i the listener.
shooting occukkd AHOI'TTURKK
Thursday morning about .three
o'clo.-:, Joiin Fletcher while 011 his
way home from the city iu company
with John Branton received a gun
shot wound iu the face, from a re
volver ,-lther iu his own hands or
those of his compunioii, Krauiou.
I Thus far the stories ot the two
iiK-n ditfcr materially. Hiairon
claiming that Fletcher i.tiempted
suicide and Flstcfier has t 'Id frmi
the fir.t aiul sub-sequently made r-
fldavlt that Br intui liied the sho
that sosetioush injured him.
Tlie ein-uiustHiices which led ii
to this uffair h n-lutcd by both
1 pjrties piaetically agree until the
' time of the hhootiiig aud from that
time their statements are entirely at
variance. ,
Th Wwjmwi of tin World had
which was given him, but soon
stated it wasn,t auything and put
the gun in his pocket.
bkan'ton's statkmbnt to kk-
' "Myself and Fletcher were iu the
city attending the Woodmau Con
vention. I hail been nt tlje sovial
and supper in the evening while
Fletcher failed to attend as the
woman he desiied to escort re
fused to ccomp.tu him. After
supper which was at quite a late
hour, we met ami decided to go
home I a, while on the road
taken quite sick and stopped by the
bide ot the road until able to go oil.
Fletcher built a fire and remained
vitli me talking all the time
.ibout his trouble with the woman
he was infatuated with and said he
loved her arid could not live with
out her. When I felt able to
go on, I asked Fletcher to come
along and started towards the
house. I had taken but a few steps
when I heard a shot aud whirled
(Continued on fourth pago.)