A NEW RED GRAPE. The St, John, i rrnmlaltiK Comhlna. lion of IlrluKton nml Dilmnrt, The Sr, Jolm grape here Illustrated Was raised In Ohio from seed ot Ilrlgh- ton pollinated by Dwawnre. The grow- I How the Fonts Became Domesticated Countless ones B onie Mon golian savages .while watidettnn on the shores of the Yellow Sen, toiuul curious oval globe or vmtt and blue colors which they first mistook for stones. Handling them in nn aimless way some fell ami broke, thus disclosing tlmt combiiinttou ot nlbutueii and yolR that afterwards became so familiar to the whole human race. The savages tasted, were pleased, and the egg made its i KILLthb COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's ONSUMPTION OUGIISand OLDS Prlco 60c ft $1.00 Free Trial. Toil AN IMl'Alltllll AIM'KTI TU. IiONM Of lllttlfitlhl llhvnVM i.uilllu from fniilv iliKostlon. All .tlmt !h needed Is n few doses of t'liiimhxi-. Iain's Stonuu'h ami I.Ivor Tiilltn . Thcr will luvluointn i ho Htoniiii'li. Htivnuthon tho illitfHtlou ntul ulve yon nn nppotlto llko u wolf. ThW I riihlcts also nut a a eonllii liniiru r or mi u i iy i no .Modern I'lmriwiey. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE ST. JOUN OIUI'C. and agree iblr. The pulp Ib ttrm and meaty, separating from tho seeds, ns In foreign snipes, with no tang of acidity or astrlngoncy The Uural New Yorker In making tho foregoing mention of this grape con cludes with the opinion that tho com bination of Ilrlghton and Delaware, both enrryhnt a fraction of vlnlfera or Syrlau gruiie blood, with a foundation of our vigorous labrusca or fox Brape, appears unusually promising. EASTER PLANTS. flew wild in the woods and others that inhabited the shores of the sea. The uututorcd mind of the savage moves slowly and it was long le forc the idea duwtied that if the birda could be caught and tamed, a regular, instead o( an occasional supply of eggs might lie added to their scanty stock of edibles. It was an cpock-making discovery, as from it grew all the domesticated fowls ol the world and the mightv possibilitics for man's happiness that thereon hinged. The wild chickens were trapped and gradu ally tamed; the guinea fowl was eventually subdued, ami in lime the ducks and geese were induced to exchange their sequestered haunts for the confines of human habitation. It is the first step that is difficult, but after a great truth is revealed it makes rapid progress, among those who get material bene from its unfolding. Domesticated fowls were soou known all over China. They spread from there into Corea, across the sea into Japan and later to all the islands of the Malaysian archipel ago. As tho conquering hordes moved west to tne conquest ol Europe, they brought with them their customs and attainments, their rude arts and their household possessions, and thus iu time the domcsiicatcd fowl was known ail Surest ami Quickest Ouro for nil TltrtOAT and LUND THOU1). cr finds the vine virr vlmrvmx Iitwlttir I first nimmnini. fA inm,,. i JihB, or WONKY BACK. nn.i .n.... .,.i ... .1... I .. r rA.! .i...r r I Bnc?we tnwiuvinv huu tt-.s, puiv uuui iiiu I 1,111 llll wll Ul iUllng Uieir IIV- past two seasons' experience that It Is quent future searches for more of teir pollinating. The cut shows a typ- these newly discovered delicacies. leal cluster, somewhat reduced iu slie. jit was found that they were dep-.s- Aue coior is uarK rcu, quality Bweet ited by various bints, some that sent il to the Asiatics in return for their previous contributions iu the poultry line From these countries it cumc back to undisputed place Tim Wisconsin hinisliitiiru pro. poses to "invuHtigato vfuli'iit oases of woinon iniiirini' thoiiiNclvMi bv wonrini' eomotH too tluht." Thoi'ii is n rush of Rtntcsninu nnxiciUH to servo ou tho cominitli'oof iinestign. iinii. .STAltTI.INO MOItTAMTY. U... . I...I . . .. . ... America tn tntt iu . mihmv siuruiiiK inorluilly America to take 1 s from nppiiiidldtls and peritonitis. To 1 at tno head or nil lnruviiitatidetirniliimiiu.riiiiiia..M.... classes of domesticated birds, un- thero Is just one rollnble lemedy, Or! the , i . . ll18' " e'aiiiiery, Mlrl tfiiiirtatjt l-Ini rtf tit at tinr.1 netil feast To ain i ination o the 14 tuM."" "'" ' ' HHW . i ii CHn.u"1 ?Uo" o1 u,c says: "They huvo no iipm! for fon siory hardly needs the telling, as atlpntlou and IllllUmsnow." Sfie " t an now Know now mucn lias Dten ih'iihou s riiaruiiicv added to the wealth of the world and man's food supply by tho in valuable discovery of how to do mesticate and make' subservient the wild birds of the woods and the sea. American rnrmer. Notick run ruuuoATiON. . Ullltnl SItM Ulul Oilier. IhvirlmrK, orrituii, liw, tt, tm Notice ii kerabr (Inn that In fomrltttir wllh tho lirfivllt.ii. t.f il... i ... ... Jllll0S, lS",nim,"All-t ' ! ! il H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkk. rtlrlK III WUWnilila nHHrfi. All work iiunuitMd am-KiaM, Wlb, Clk ttut Jlry at UMI Vtn COTTAUB (KOVU, 0KB. .1.8. Mwlley. .1. v. .IoIiumiIi t Medley Johnson, Attornty.t-jii w O'Ut't' Suite 3 Itunk Milt. Spttclul ulli'iitlou irtreii lo .MIiiIiik and Corpomtton fiw. J. E. YOUNG Attvi'iitsy-ut'Ltuv Oitlw on Vnni itrtwl. Mt Hlil COTTAOK GROVK. OKK A. H. KIN(J vorv.tuK ii Horn, oni:. Ilaff X Colm:ll Mining UiiHliurix U. S. Minernl Survc.vorH IIimiiii I Hunk IIIiIk, CottiiKa (Irovo riOMnft OrtwoiilHii lllilif, l'oi'tlunil, On'tron. The ii-st Niitional Hank ok COTTAOK CiKOVK. OKU. Pid .n Capital, $25,000.00 Mouvy lu ItMit nn hiiiuv(h security. KuiMmi mild, uriilliililo uriv .dun, n IhoUiilut.) Suiw llmT KiKift, 1'rMl.Uiu, 1. T (( Itl. U'linuitl, VMhliir A ml raw Ciiruegio will io Clovvlaud to testify iu ihu Chudwiok O'lsti. It lias boon quite n time siuco lio has had it chanro to earn f,t M) a dav. -unua, i.nir. vniiiir.1 ,n mei mr tn Ol t jinWrlaiuli In lh M.ir.i.l t nlllotnU,Oriion AiVKllA.kllllWB.hllltft..M luili.... i..L..7..l to !Jlwt " ,h put" '""d ,u, W 01 AUUt JOHN 1'. FIIAIIV Plains ('.unity i.l Ijum. st(. r nr. irnu, tlil il.iy nii-il in iiih iiillto hH anuin 1 Cl'ltKI) CONSf.Ml'I'ION. Mm. 11. V. i:van, Cltsirwnter, Kun., wrlte, my huxhitud lay slek for three iiiontH The doctniri hiiIiI he hud quick eouMUiiiptlou. We pro cured a bottle of llnliml'H Ilore. hound Syrup, and It cured hint That win hIx yearn airo and sbtee then wo have ulwayM kept u bottlo In the house. Wo cannot do wllhoilt It, For roughs and cold ithaa no equal. SSv, floe nml J1.UJ Sold bv The Mwlern I'harnincy. or tiraiH, sialrmi'nl Nn. u;io (..r tin. imnliaap n( tin. MV I wihiii ..I., -i' iiimi.niltvi mmiiii. i IMiiKf f p.t ami will ortrr print tn hIuiw that tli.' laml stiuuht Ii inuro valiuM. i..r iu iiintM.r ;r tnn tlum for arlculiiiral iiutimiM ami '." iJl."!' I"l claim In mW Unit Ivforn u.o. i.anoiu u niiMUlllliHloitrr.al lila unlet nl .-.iiKriii-, I'liiMi. nil o.llliril.lr, mo mi liny ol Marrli, tmn. Ho n.mn.w ni linm.i. Jolm Hutu, l-.it AiMlwn. I. Ii. Ilurrliuiti.il ami Ariiy .". .... '. w. 14.IH1 ...Mini) . irnioii Any ami all li-rnun claiinluK iwlivrivly lira alKlTtf llMrrltMl Umli arn rMiiiM.tM.1 t.t AL il.i rlaliii'i 111 till") omi on or twrorii aaiil lllnlay of '(3010) J. T. lllillKiRa, llvil.trr. Pnahlnic Poniard thf- Ltllpa, Ham bler Ilora, Aaalraa anil Lllnca. The buds should by this timo 1k showing promluentlj- o?i nil plants ot L. ha nisi and L. loin- iim if they are to be In season f . Gutter. Giro ujt-iu n uuutw vfiiu u uiKiii leiaperaiurc i u.ci uik iucu kiiuwii wuiiu. oirauge v,.-(: oi m to 0.1 ueareea anu wnen opening 10 say, ine races inuauitatiug tne Dr. Hillis snra that Amoriuniis aro lMtinr their imaginntiouH. Evident ly ho w not lixing his. place tiieui In a cold house. Any late plants should be placet In tho forcing house. I. caudldum will be iu season If buds are discernible a month before the timo the plants are to bloom. Ply the syringe among all llllums, feed with liquid muuure onco a week and give weak tloei of sulphate of ammo nia or nitrate of soda to lnic planU to forward them. Crimson Itambler roses should now be showing buds. Keep them in a night temperature of 55 to CO degrees until Oowers show color, when they can be moved to a cooler structure. Do not allow mildew to get any foothold. Dust some sulphur on steam or hot water pipes to keep It iu check. Azalea mollis and lilacs will be all right lu four weeks from starting in a minimum temperature of C5 to TO degrees. Azalea Indlca, If backward, should be placed In a brisk, moist beat and kept well syringed. If acacias and genistas are a little backward give them a few degrees more heat to for ward them, replacing them in a cold house when they are sufficiently ad vanced. Ilydraugeaa should now be showing flower heads. Feed regularly and give them abundant supplies of water. The same applies to spiraeas; give each a brisk heat for some time yet. Three to four weeks is sufficient to allow for tulips, Von Zlon and otiier narcissuses and hyacinths after hom ing If needed at Easter. American Gardening. A Fine Shrub. M'hat a pity the Desmodlum pendull flohim hasn't a prettier name. Such an unwieldy title must provo a handi cap. Wti would like to christen It Autumn Glory or September's Trlde, or something else appropriate, and then It might 1(0 more likely to take the public's fancy. There's something In a name after all. This plant deserves nttcntlon. It Is very hardy and easy to grow. In fact, it cares for itself, expanding In size and beauty with each year, even though Its nature U to have Its stems die to the ground every winter. A display as handsome as It makes is rare even in spring. Try to picture a bush about thrco feet in height and the same In thickness completely cov ered with llowcrs resembling In form those of a sweet pea, but smaller, and of a pleasing shado of pink. Use it extensively throughout your shrubbery beds. It adds u dash of bright color at a time tbey most need something to liven them up. Mecbaii. as yet undiscovered continent now in coroil MHIiICINH KOIt UlllLilllUi.N. buy-Inn a cough medicine for notick roit ru ui.ication. i.imnwir.t.11 i!tiiiir(,Ort.iMi Jan. , isas .-.miro i. iim-ity Kltfll 1IM1 UI4 lotlllM llltf. uainnl artllrr lino Hl.il nollru of hi. Inli-nlliTo tn nukr anal Mont in anpiHirt of lilt rlalm, an.T that mm proof will Ik) nuild twrora .1. J. Walt n U. S. ('oiiinilttloiit-r at III. ufnt-o at Kiisvim, Hits Bm. oiiMar.J.liiiiii. vU: II, K. Nn sr&, iWn w ilo!.lr,rur ttto Nv4 mm i i.t.ji b It .i w. lie II.HIH4 lilt, f.ll.inlHit MIIIHWWittlKat. III. poiitlnuom rwlilcnct) uiin uml ritltlvalUi nl snlil Ian it, rlc Willie WIiIul w into lluMi.nl JaintH N. Nallaco. ami Neiwn II, tluvnYr, all CottaiteilrorK Ort-ir. -i .. i i.iiHUHiKii iwtnaiar. Ill) l sure called America, knew nothing of children never lieufniid to buy I'huiu- the liixnries to 1m ilprtveil from tin. , "ennui s domesticated fowl. Not a tame chicKen, or guinea, or duck, or goose had as yet been subjected to the purposes of man. The voyage of Columbus and others, which showed the way, .also bronght with j Inlus Cough Itemody. Thero Is fl 0, n n It . nn lunger from It mid relief Is always ll X . ; to follow. It Is eNecmlly vnlll- W. 3L IJi U 11 11 UU. able for colds, croup and whooping ii. i-t,r nine ny ine Jioiieru I'harinacy. 3Ir. Htoad says if tho czar is them the invaluable feathered tre s-1 spared "ho will go fur." Tho I ost ures of the old world. The Incas and the Aztecs, and later the North American Indian, were made ac cquaiuted with ' the luxuries of roast fowl and other delicious prod ucts of the hen-liouae. But the new world also had somethinir in this line, though still in the wild state, way of nmkiiiL' suru that ho will be spared is for him to "go far," and without delay. Knit tlouml No-No 1 -A.M. Mil psi:- STIKI5 HIDDEN ItOCKS. When your ship of health strikes rue iiiuiieii rocks or consumption, rneuinonla, etc., you aro lost. It you ,l.nl, I. ..la. ....... ,, -..'. A - . it.. ..,.,i . i..i t own k vi iii.ii iri.ni nr. ivihh .ew .....u ".iuaj !,, ,w iuuuic niacoverv for cousuuiptlon. .1. W. retnrn for the contributions ot the McLlnnon, of Talladeca SiitIiil-h. older hemispliere. Sir Walter i Ala., writes; "I hud boon very III !-,). ;i. ...t.:i. :.. - with Pneumonia, under the cum of w;i,l nf xrrl,,omii., J?.i..i.- .tu.? doctors, but was KettlnK no w. ....... .. v..su. ... loiter wnen i iiegau to take Dr. first EPmpse of the incomparable ! Kind's New Dlscoucrv. Tim MrHt turkey. Some were captured and 'low wave reuer, anu ono nottlo cured I wu Timo Tablo No. 1 To Take tlc( ilpr. 2i Samt Sal only. I ami Dally Kt will Sumlay. TaTI0"K Ooliago flrtirn W'aliln Currln. . Otrro Oorilo . .liAka-r llnrvfla . K. Hook. Urarcl 1'lt Stewart Slar.. Iti-rar I-nlnt Itnf HrMte Wll.lwon.1 Km! of rratk. mm Skot line anu Union Pacific Tlirtf Trains Tn TU- Emi h. TIiiuiikI) l'nlliiiaii Kl.itnUnl mi. I 1-. ir mt sleeping i'iok ilnily In iiiu.ilu, t 'l,i onifo, Spuksni.. ton'riel lvti'iii; nn dully to Kann l'il , UiriUli I'iiIIihuii tourist aleep iik rn'ra (permmally i-.ua-dnclnl) uvvkly lti(;hirKi, KanaaaCitv; reeliniiiK I'lmircaiM (teat frj tu the. Must dsily. ASK Till" ,1 Nl 01t VIA allaB hours rok'n.AMiTocwiCAwi So rhtvtt(t ol rt9. 70 i-su T3f o Ha 7:10 ' 12 i: l:M a 3:fcl 7-M M SHU K.OI 7.7 Sill am as 3:17 :17 S I s.-tu arM io s !.. M II 1 3:11 I. a 3:10 t.lA 14 C 3:U 9:15 l. I, 1001. W Boil D.I Nn 2-No 4 A.M -iM li lo .! 10U S;U1 10:11 t-m M iSa laS lie HlSS 4HI loan isn HI:'JU 1 iosoi tm 0:14 t: IS i :l lilt i :M :Oi I :ao l:0U Dkl'JlBT ros Clileafto- roriisnu .lflal UllAM.tll. visllunl. Jiiytoii. A I Is title Kxiirem 8.15 p.m. vUlliiiii-liiglun. Ti Mt'iiatu i.ka from rurtlami Aatms raxiK 2 Halt I-alt, Denver is. as,, m Kt. WorUt.Oouilw. p m Kanaoa City, Hi.! lui,Uliit-go and; Hwt. ' Salt Ukv, Denver, Kt. Worth, Unialia. 7 :l.'i.in ! Kalian City, 81. 1 Uinia. 1'lilrjigo antii Kaat. ! I M. IViul i Walla Walla, Lew ' r-attMail l.lon . Stwhnn., . Qls. mi :1o..iii. Walhuv, PullWMt, Via llnn nnlla . Sa. I fipoknntti IS0f7T?aTiith?ViW I waukM, Chioaijo A I ' Knot. TO .SjioA-uiiw, St. I'iiiiI, .UHip(i;K)ffi, Ihititth, Cicnyo, ,Sf .mils ANU AI.I. HIINTK MAHT AND WltiTIt 0 Omlind Trains Dillv Thi Fiver And Tho Fast Mill SpicndkJ Service Up to date Equipment Courteous Employes 0ret Trip across the Cascada lad Rocky Mouctalns. Kur TIckolH, IIhImm, I'oldow and l ull Information, Call on or uiMivh, II. DICKHOX, C. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. S.G. VHltKIW. t Km Attune, tl. W. I'. A. KwtUt Wa.h Hubjeet to clunie vlthmit nmlt-e. Alloutwanl freldlil fnrwanleil onlr at Ike Joint rlik of ititpiier ami mn.lvnee. KrelKhlwill not be rerelvedat the O. A H E. It. It. Pcjiol alter ft 1V . in. Tu Inanre lorwanllnir nn neit Iraln fielaht mual be leiirereii in ample time la perutll or lit taken to England, where the gour mands around Queen hlizabeth were treated to a new and exquisite feast. Roast turkey delighted the palates of old Lord Burleigh and Bacon, and even gave a new stimulus to the matchless imagtna me. Sure ouro for soro throat, bronchitis, eouulm and colds. (Juar- atneeii at ilenson's rharuiacv. I'rlee .ate and $1.00. Trial bottlo tree. A. U. WOOD, Acting (len Alsr. ARRIVAL AMD DEPARTURE OF S. P. TRAINS. SOUTH llOLNIl SOIITII HIM VII No. u l.i' ii.iii. Nn. II mil in. No. 16 2:03 a.m. No. n .'ii.ia.ni 0CE.N AND RIVHll SCHRIIlil.h' for Han Fraiirloen Rvery five day at 8:00 p.m. Par Astoria, way polnlx and North rUach Dnllv (exorpt Huu (Uy;t8:O0 p. in. : Hatunlay at 10:00 i in. Dully Mtrlcn (water mrtolUIng) oe WlilHioatMand Yamhill Rlvnra. I'nr fuller information aak or wrlt your nenreat ticket agent, or A. L. CRAIO, (ionoral raaattnurr Aiienl TlicOretton Ksilrirail A Navnualin. I n, I'lirllniKl. Onvii WMKlve iixkhIuhI mrvlcooii freight. Itoiito your shlnuiontH via llreat Nortliern. l-'ull In roriiiallou from Wji. IIauiikii. (Joiit, Axont. Portland. Ort-Ktui. BARKER & PERMAN tHoruiirroRs TH: I-XCHANGR- C7 IIKALKKM IN rtNK WINKS, I.IQUOKS. CIGARS. Main .Heel 1'iilliig. (Iru.r, Ore. .... . .... ine Aiitinosoin legislature is workiut; on a bill to line anv man tion of Shakespeare. The lords and ' who bouts his wife fifty dollars, tho i.,: ... i t '. . . J . ' . .. I )""'" ui ine iiKc were luiruuuccu bum to go to ins wo. Jt is Bpirit to a table delicacy surpassing any edly conlestod on tho ground that tiling hitherto known to the critical s'ine wives in nebd of n now dress connoisseurs. might ho tnmptnd to an iiccusalion In the course of time the turkev 'of Hit husband for tho sako of the too, was dcmesticated and Kurot"-- tqrmw . rJronlnir GIndlulua Ilnlba, Harvesting Is tho most slmplo but teulous part of tho gladiolus growers work. Plowing ou elthcr-sldo of rows loosens tho soil from which tho bulbs are lifted bv the snlko whlrh In Imme diately clipped clso to tho bulb, after which tho bulbs aro spreud upon sheets to euro before storing In the houses whom during tho winter tho roots aro removed and tho stock is sorted, sized and counted for market. In shipping packages aro Until wllh soveral thick nesses of paper for frost protection, and tho bulbs are packed In planer shavings so as to prevent bruising In transit. I havo many timed been ask ed bow many bums could bo grown upon an aero. Practically tho only re ply which could bo mndo to this ques tion is from 100,000 up to 1,500,000. depending entirely upou tho slzo ot tho Block planted and the distance apart for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains. Wounds, Old Sore. Cnrna. Rnnlnnn- Qalls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lams Back, Stiff Joints, Frosted Feet, Bums, Scalds, etc. AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation, subdues Inflam mation, and drives out Pain. PENETRATES tho Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissues, promotes a free circulation of the Blood, giving tho Muscles natural elasticity. BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED CUBED SCIATIC RHEUMATISM Mrs. B. A. Simpson, 500 Craig St., Knorville, Tenn., writes: " I have been trying tho baths of Hot Springs, Ark., for sciatic rheumatism, but I Get more relief from Sallard's Snow Liniment than any medicine or anything I have ever tried. Inclosed find postoffice order for tl.00. Send mo large bottle by Southern Itipres." THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BE SURE YOU (JET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ST. LOUIS, V. S. A. 100 First Street fl 1 1 I Arthur i,wsL SOLD AND RECOMMENDED DY The Modern Pharmacy. I