Jill Humors Art) Impure inattora which tlio iltlo, liver, Uilnoys nml oilier (iritis cm not (nku earn of without liclp, tlioro li uch nil accumulation of llicm, U'lioy litter llto wliolo yslriii. I'lmples, liolli, cozoum nml other eruptions, loti of appctllo, Hint tired fcullnjr, hlllous turns, flti of Indices Udn, dull lieitilnclioi And inauy other trouble! aro duo to tliom. Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Romoro ll humors, overcome all tholr effecti, strcti(tlicn, touo and luvlgorato tlio wliolo system. "I had Mil rlidim on taj liandi so that I puld not work. I took Hood's Hsrsiarllla a'nd It droro out th humor. I continued tli uis till tht ioroi iioiprarnl." Uu, lit U. IIsown, Ituiutord Kalla. Ma. Hood's- Unrsnparllln promises: to euro and koepa tho promlio. Arspiilo nml CnritiIrnon. A curloun atory la reported concern- Inn a linninn which arrived recently In imrt ImvliiK In liorcnnjo llirco hundred casks of arsenic. Tint cruw slept very ncor tlm lurK array of Imrrols contain- HiK tho ilrns, which until off constantly an ludi'scrlbntilo odor. They soon nil ' noticed tho sumo ttiliiK, and several of the tarn lirciium ntvnro Hint they wcro becoming abnormally stout Ono man Kalnetl twenty-live pound, Tlio awtro (til to extra weight put on hy tlio on tiro crow was tit I lo less tlmti four litui drod potimla. Thta wna nttrlliutitl to vnpnr Kfnirntiil hy tho nctlon of tlio aim on the rnau nnd Inhaled hy tho sea won while they slept. TO CURI! A COLD IN ONI! DAY Taka IaiaiIvs IIiimmo Uulnln Tatritu. Allrirur Fists rrluih! Mi mHr If It tall lo cHir. IS. W, Urur signAtur Is uu urh but. VWi Nnluritl Moan. It la anld (tint In a mountain nrir Wko, Nvviidn, there la nn Incxhntiat Ible aupply of pure aonp, Ono niny enter tho mine with a hutchrr'a knlfo and cut aa large a piece aa ho wanta. It la beautifully mottled, and on he- lug exposed to tho air hnrdena some whnt. Tho moiiutnln of clay In of Hue texture, nnd It contain boraclc acid, tod a, and borate of lime., lta color la clvcn It hy (be Iron and other miner- ala. in It natural stale It la rather strong In alknll, and remorea Ink and other atalua readily. At one tlino It wm used on tho rullmnu cars, lint when lta peculiar origin became gencr- ally known pasaengcrs appropriated It to extensively for iwnivt'iilrs (lint the company waa forced to go back to the common tonp of enmmrrco. For brnneltlal imtit'irs trr Plan's Cur for Consumption. It la a cimhI niugti tnadlolur. At tlriigal.ts. prlca at emu. florseoua Japanea ltnhea In number tho dlaphanoua robes ru by a Japaueao wnmnn of high fnk of tho eleventh or twelfth con iry wero aeldom leas than twenty, while on grout occaatona even more might I m iieeeaanry. Tbua at a grent pdlaco feto It la aald that "sotno worn a many aa twenty-flvo suits, showing glimpses of purple, ol crlmaon, of Kraaa Krecii, of wild roao yellow and of aa-pan-wood brown, their aleores and skirts decorated with golden designs, while others, hy aubtln commingling of willow apray and cherry blossoms and by embroidered patterns picked out with tenia, rcpreaented the poem of tho Jewels and the flowers." ' Hothsrs will And Mrs, VflnsloWs Boclhtng prup tha last remoJr lousa lor thai! cblklrsn durlor tho tsethlnf rlod. A I'ainnua Aqueduct. One of the moat Imposing archltec tuml rellca of weiteni Kuropo la tlio aqueduct of N'lames, lu aouthcrn l'rnnco. After tho Inpao of alxtceu reuturlea tlila colossal monument atlll pnna the valley, JolnliiK hill to hill In nearly perfect atntr. TU highest range of arcliva carries a small canal J iut wldo enough for a man to creep through and atlll retaining a thick lining of ltoman cement. Tho height of tlio structure la IKS feet and tho length of the highest arcado 872 feet Its uao was to convey to tlio city of Nlstuca tho wntcr of two springs twen-ty-flvo miles dlstaiit. Newport News. Vn., July , 1903. &act cuamcr wlillo recovering from 111 nosa of f ever, I had a tevcro attack of Inflammatory Ulicumatla:-.! in tho knees, from which I was uuabla to lcavo lay room for several r.iontlu. I was treated by tno doctors and also tried different tlndj cf Uuameuts and ucdlciuea which eeeiicd to relievo aa from patn for awhile, but at tho aano time I was not any nearer nettbj well. One doy while reading a paper I caw on advertisement of 8. S- ti. for lUicumatbci. I decided to n'vo it a trial, which I did at once. After I hod taken three bottles I felt a great deal better, and I (till continued to taUe It regularly Until I was entirely cured. I now feci better than for years, and I cheerfully recommend 8. 8. 3. to any ono sufTcrtu-t frpm Rheumatism. 613 33d Ct Cms, E.' Cir.DUEsmtmt Ilhcuaatbm 1j caused by urlo acid or souio other acid poison la tho blood, which when deposited In the muselea end joints, product the sharp, cutting pains and the stiffness and soreness pe culiar to this disease. 8. 8. 8. rocs di rectly into tho circulation, all Irrita ting substances tta neutralized and filtered out of the' system, tha blood is mado puro and t'.f general health Is built up under tbq purfvlng and tonlo cnccuui iua vege table! remedy. Write for our spe cial book on Rheu matism which is scntfree. Ourphy slclauswlll advise without charge all Who will write us about their case, Tlio Swift 6dccMo Company, Atlanta, Ga. T " misL?t'AiVfutj?iiii' ejF in Ueil GuuiiNdrup, 1'mui(1oo1. Uis l?l J-f la n v 01 ti'"a''tl TJyjL a'aaaMV'W fionpstono In now fined by tho oxy. hydrogen (Initio Into n clear glnaa. This win bo drnwn Into very flno libers, which hnvo nil tlio nilvmilagps of tho ipiarti! fibers lined for dolleato auapoii alona, nnd Is likely to provo otherwise tiervlcenhlo. Nearly 12,000,000 tons of coal per your lira now snved, ncordlnu to the estltnntos of A. A. Campbell Hwlnton, by the uao of wntcr power for tho pro duction of electricity. Hlntlatlca cob lecled hy him show that up to Inat Au gust Hlioilt i.tW.im horao uower for electrical work was being generated from witter power, and of this total nearly ono thlnl belonged to tho United Hlit ten, In Hindu ml only 12,000 horso power la thus developed, That some of tho lower vertebrates possess n sense unknown to us has tieen nindo evident by tlio prolonged oil. emulous of M. Werner, a nnturnllst of Vienna. Not less tlinn 13(1 Individ uals, one-third of them lit liberty, hnvo been studied, and It has been mndo cer tain that reptiles and amphibians nre so strongly ntlrncted by water that they go straight toward It, even though bo so fur away that no sense known to mail can delect It. The new sense Is supposed to depend upon soma kind of chemical attraction, though how It acts and on whnt port of tho body aro mysteries. Klildenta of the sclenco of tho weath er aro giving greater attention than formerly to tlio phenomena of the at mosphere high ubovo tho earth's sur face. Kxploratlous of tho upper air with kites and balloons hnvo bad re sults which hnvo mado evident onco more tho great value of mountain ol servatorlea. Tho Weather Ilureau Is now planning a great center of meteor ological research to be placed on Mount Weather, In the Illuo 11 Id go mountains, six miles from Illueinont, Va. A new theory of the nature of ryclones and autl-cyclont-a la expected to reault from tho Investigations now going on. The Increasing demand for platinum, particularly for use In tho manufac ture of gas nullities, has led to tho In vention of a process of saving tho One powdery grains of this metal found In tho gold placer deoslls of southern Oregon and elsewhere. Tho platinum, being In a atnte of very line dlrlslon, jlinont lu the form of dust, will not set tle In a placer sluice so long as the water la briskly stirred. After tho metal-bearing water has passed over a rltlle table, on which nearly all the gold settles, It Is drawn mora slowly over a coco-mat rlllle. on which tho platinum settles, and la then collected by rinsing tlio cooo-mats over tanks, formerly the platinum waa all watted, at first tiecnuno Its Identity waa not recognized, and afterward becauao no process was thru known for saving it In order to counteract tho opinion that tlio Amnion Valley offers favorable- opportunities for Investment and settlement, our consul at I'ara, Iuls It. Ayme, sends to tho Department of Commerce a discouraging picture of tho conditions that new colonists In that part of tho world would hnvo to face. Tho banks of the vast river and Its tributaries aro flat and swampy, and tho tangled forest Invades the edges of tho streams. Kxpanscs that look like fertile meadows are composed of green ooze, In which the capyhara, or tapir, wado more than kneo deep. The extraordinary forests do contain many kinds of precious woods, the most valuable In the world, but these trees aro scattered and hard to get nt. Tucro are almost no markets, and no ways to reach markets. Tlio food sup ply la neither varied nor abundant TRAMPS IN SWITZERLAND. Vagrant Who Wont Work Are Bent to l'rtton, Tho leading citizens of ono of tho townships lu a county udjolulng Phil adelphia, which suffers from tho In vasion of city vagabonds and other ho boes, huvo organized for tho purposo of executing tlio antl-trump law, says tho Philadelphia Ledger. Tlio cxamplo Is praiseworthy. If the society Is ac tive In Its Held, tho nuisance will soon bo abated. In trnmpdom bad news travels swiftly. Tho places that are to bo ahunned arc soon known to tho frn, temlty of worit-sulrkers. The mero oxlstcnco of tho nntl-tramp association will probably check tlio trump invasion to soma extent, but arrests and Impris onment tbo vigorous, persistent en forcement of tho law uro necessary for tho removal Of the evil and often terror of tho countryside. No law Is self-oxecutlvo. Tramps prevail In coun try townships becauso tbo statuto pro viding for their suppression Is allowed to slumber. Coiistablea aro few and far betwoeu. Thero Is 110 State con stabulary to patrol tho highways. Cit izens must, therefore, become detect ives and uiako arrcsta, as they aro em powered to do under the law In this caso. Neighborhood organization. In tended to bring a largo body of citi zens together to glvo vitality to tho nntl-trnlnii law a rural law and or der society to tunko good tho defi ciency and Inefficiency of tho ordinary meager police establishment Is about all that can be dono to cope with tho trouble In an effective way In the present stato of local government In small comtnuultlAs. Tbo treatment of the professional tramp Is n matter of world-wldo con- corn. Parhaps Hwltzerland has made a nearer approach to a satisfactory so lution of tho problem than any other country, From a report mado by II. Preston Thomas, an Inspector of 'tho Kngllsh local government board, on tho methods of dealing with vagrancy In Switzerland, It appears that a plan has been devised for distinguishing tho honest eenrclier for work nnd tho pro fessional tramp, which has dono much for tho elimination of tho beggnr from that country, If an nblo-bodled man la without means and Is genuinely In I uenrcli of work, nnd his "paper" aro lu order, bo Is supplied by tho police, or tho International Cantonal Union, with food nnd lodging, nnd will, If possible, hnvo work given him, If ho ennnot obtain nny, ho la passed on, -to tho next town, to a relief station, to 1 bis own district, or to tho frontier. If j It Is decided that ho Is "work-shy," In I tho expressive Swiss voruacular, ho U 1 sent for from threo months to two year to n forced labor Institution. It bus been found that certificates of origin nnd of discharge from work, which tho legitimate work-seeker can possess In HwltKurlnnd, materially help In tho Identification of tint professional trnlnp. Hy iiieniis of tho system of Identification of tho Inter Cnutoiml Union, represented In fourteen out of twenty-two cniitous, valuable assist ance Is rendered tho authorities, Tha union Issues n traveler's relief book, wllh which renl workmen can travel all over tho country and bo fed and clothed until work la found for them; but tho Invcterato beggars mid tho "work-shy" aro turned over to tho au thorlllea for punishment. Hwltzerland Is a country of small Jurisdictions, Tho system described may not bo prac ticable In this czpnnalvn country, and resort must bo hod to other methods. The I'ennsylvntila statute for tho sup pression of tlio professional tramp will bo found effective wherever It Is en ergetically applied. ANOTHER NEW CULT. Clifcnuo tllrl F011111U a Hclljjlon Which Hho Culls Hclentlflc Chrlillniiltr. Another religious cult which Its foundress calls Hclentlflc Christianity has been born In Chicago and already according to tho young woman who has evolved It It claims I, MX) adher ents. Tho young woman Is Mabel A. Jackman. It Is not easy to tell what H c I o n 1 1 flc I'hrlstlanlty Is. It levins to bo n mix ture of Christian Hetelieo and thu .VtLA.VACA Sl,rnt0tl Arlny, with a few frills of John Alexander Dowlo thrown lu. The home of the new cult Is n former Methodist church, which was gutted by fire some time ago and which came Into tlio posses sion of tlio new society recently. Tbls church .Miss Jackman calls I'ara dine, wlillo sho assumes the title of the Hhepbcrdess of l'aradlsc. Connected with the church Is a small printing oltlco where Miss Jackman Issues a weekly publication devoted to her pe culiar religious views. It costs a new member - to Join the new church, wlillo monthly dues of $2 are supposed to bo paid afterwards. I.lko the Christian Scientists tho members of tile new cult claim the power of healing the sick and alUIcted. Miss Jackman Intends creating a new city to be known as l'aradlsc, In which there will bo no saloons, no gambling, no vice, nn cigar stores and no politics. Her movement she says, will sweep the world clear of sin and distress. Iletwecn Zlon on ono sldo nnd Para dise entering upou lu great career on the other the people of Chicago should bo happy. Utlca Globe. A QIRL'3 NATURE. Little Blgns That, It la Bald, Reveal lhute of Cliuructer, Much of a girl's naturo Is betrayed by tho llttlo act of brushing a speck off a man's coat If she picks off tho thread or Imaginary bit of Hut very. carefully between the thumb and fore finger It Is an Indisputable sign that she Is 0 woman of a very practical and executive character. On the other band. If a girl should brush the coat lapel of her fiance very softly and tenderly with the second and third finger of her hand In her en deavor to remove an Invisible speck It la a sure sign that she Is more scntl mental than practical. The man who marries her will live In a continual at mosphere of romance and bad house keeping. There Is still another type of girl who will brush the speck off a man's coat with a broad sweep of tho hand In which all the Angers and thumb play a part. She Is In all probability uu nthletlc girl who excels at tennis, golf and tho links and who will prove a high spirited, strong minded woman after marriage. Then, again, the girl who puts n flower In a man's coat with her band held Jauntily upturned from tho wrist and the flower held In the tips of her fingers Is euro to be something of a coquette, while the maid who gives you only tho tips of her Angers when she greets you In the drawing room or public street Is probably au ambitious girl. Chicago Journal. , ltol nml Green Hnow. At various times It Is recorded that there lias been "blood 011 tho face of tbo moon." Some old chronicles tell of showers of blood, which, however. aro not well authenticated, Tho "bloody snow," on tbe other hand. Is an actual thing. Snow Is sometimes found In polar and Alpine regions, whore It lies unmelted from year to year, and tho annual fall Is small, colored red by tho presence of Innum erable small red plants. In Its native stato the plant consists of brilliant red globules on a gelatinous mass, lted snow was observed by the ancients, a paRsngo In Arlstotlo referring to It; but It attracted little or no attention until 1"jO, when Saussure observed It In tbo Alps and concluded that It was duo to tho pollen of a plant. It was also noticed by tho Arctic expedition under Captain Itoss on Ratlin's Hay ulioro on a rango of cliffs, the red color penetrating to the depth of 12 feet. Less frequent Is a green growth of snow. Htiaina a mt ltenllll-a. Tho good man quietly discharges his duty and shuns ostentation; the vuln man considers every deed lost that Is not publicly displayed. -Tho 0110 Is In tent upou realities, tho other upon semblance; tho ono nlma to bo good, tho other to appear so, Robert Hull. Mlnplnorit DoTnllim. Ho (bitterly) If I wero rich you'd mnrry mo readily enough! Sho Don't, Clussle, don'tl Such dovotlon breaks my heartl Ho What do you mean? She Often hnvo you prujsed my beau ty, but never boforo my common sensol It is every man's opinion that his wife puts too much stress on tho doc tor's kindness, considering that It costs $2 per. Tho dumb waiter can't repeat what tlio speaking tubo says. Dinks Are you going to got a new tilt? Jinks No, my tailor says he can't afford It Cincinnati Tribune, A Compromise: Miranda No, Fred. I won't take tlio armchair; you take It Fred Kr supposo we both take It? Life. "Young Dr. Hwlft calls every day on the llttlo widow." "Dear met Is she a HI aa all thatr "No, but sh Is aa pretty as all that." Kx. Foodie My dear girl, I hare a little more senso than yott give me credit for. Mrs. Foodie I am glad of that for your snkol Illustrated lilts. "I)e only thing dat some people gits out of education," said Uncle Kben, "Is do ability to talk so's people can't un derstand 'em." Washington Htar. lllnks Sklnnem tells me be Is going tnffl Pllnlinni'. Inn. fT1n n n I.. r - I Jinks Doesn't bo mean as an accom plice? Clnnntl Commercial-Tribune. Hho Is skin grafting a very lata dis covery? Ho -No, It Is only a new branch of a very old art: all grafting Is a skin process. Detroit Free Press. Knlcker So the Newrlches are get ting culture? Docker Yes, they have learned to speak of a house beautiful Instead of a beautiful house. New York Hun. Ilroker No more margin to put up? Why, when the account was opened you told mo you wcro well off. Lamb Icy Bo I was, but I didn't know It. Town Topics. She Did you ever take your automo bile apart to see bow It worked? He Well, not exactly. I have taken It apart to see how It didn't work. Yon kers Statesman. Mayme What a gossip Mrs. Gadby 1st Kdltb Yea, Indeed. I never tell her anything without finding out that she tins already told It herself. Phil adelphta Ilulletln. Mr. Jones My daughter Is only 18. You hud better wait until she Is older. The Lover Well. I've waited two years for ber to get older, but she still stays at 18. Judge. After tbe Wake: Mrs. Cassldy Twas very natural bo looked. Mrs. Casey Aye! sbure be looked fur all tho wurld lolke a lolve man layln' there dead. Illustrated Bits. Olles So you've got a place In that banking house? I suppose It was be cause you knew the president? Har ris Partly that and partly because be didn't know me. Boston Tran script. Aunt Hannah Have you told any ono of your engagement to Mr. Sweet er? Edltb No; I haven't told a soul except Bessie Miller, who thought bo was going to ask her. Boston Truu scrlpt Johnny Geebaw Paw, what's tbe law of gravitation? Farmer Geebaw I dunno. I hain't got time to keep up with all the fool statoota tbe dura leglslatur' passes. Louisville Courier Journal. Highwayman How much money have you got? Holdup I couldn't guess. Highwayman lou can t guess tbo amount? lleldup No. Highway manThen give It up. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Neighbors I heard your dog howling last night If bo howls three nights In succession It's a sure sign of death, Ncxtdoor Indeed! And who do you think will die? Neighbors The dog. Chicago News. Seedy Stranger Excuse me, sir. but cau you change a dollar for me? Hu manitarian Why, yes. Seedy Stranger Thanks. And now will kindly tell me wbcro I can get the dollar? Cleve land Plain Dealer. "That Mrs. Snaggs Is too much of a arlstycrat fur me to mingle wld.' "How's that?" "She was knocked down by a push cart and sho had It put Into de paper dat she was bit by an auter- mobile." Detroit Free Press. Tommy Smokln' cigarettes Is dead sure to hurt ycr. Jimmy U'onl Where did ycr git dat notion? "From pop. "Aw! ho wux Jlst atrtngln' yer." "No, he wasn't strlngln' me; be wuz strap- pln' roe. Dat's bow I knows It hurts.' Catholic Standard and Times. "How do you account for the fact,' asked the doctor, "as shown by actual Investigation, that thirty-two out of ev ery hundred criminals in the country aro left-handed?" "That's easily ac counted for," said the professor; "the other sixty-eight nre right handed." London Tlt-Illts. "Say," said the girl's dear llttlo brother, "are you n baseball player?' "No," replied young Mr. Slowton. "what mndo you nsl; thnt?" "Oh, nothing, only when ma was askln' sis, the other day, whether you was over coin' to come to bat sho said It looked to her as though you was playtn,' for your release." Lx. Mrs. Tittle Wasn't It disgraceful the way these women talked during the play last night? Mrs. Tattle- Well. I should say so. saran smooklns was trying to tell me the fuss In tho Brlndles family, nnd those two women made such a clatter I couldn't hear more than halt she said. Boston Tran script "You are an hour late tbls morning, Sam." "Yes, sab, I know It, sab." "Well, what excuse have you?" . "I waa kicked by u mule on my way hero, sah," "That ought not to have de tained you un hour, Sam." "Well, you sec, boss. It wouldn't have If he'd only have kicked me In ills direction, but ho kicked mo do other wayl" Youkers Statesman. llm A111111 it VuuiMioii. The annual vucutiou la one of the most efficient weapons agulust break down for those who live lu the luteiiao modern life. A well-known New York physician used to s.iy that he could do a year's work lu eleven mouths, but not In twelve. Work ml I'luy Wblixer Kveiy 1111111 ought to di vide lila time bettveeu work nnd p. ay. Josheai Yes. Your friend Tou. hvt over thore ccrtadily doaa thnt. h u ha Isa't playing ti e races he Is work ing bis "f 1 lends. -t 'Uleago News. iuvium mat ui usuiiucu Aycr's Cherry Pectoral over CO years ago. They use It today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how It heals Inflamed lungs. f ht4 a vrr t4 unuih for threa yatrt. Ttin I irll at ra cbr r, rMUril. Mrtora lane wr Moa nll tod my cough droveoa away. Mas. 1-kibi. Hroa. Oattirio Contra. la. for 1 Old Coughs Ono Ayor'a PHI nt bodtlmo Insures n natural action noxt morning. An Incident or History, Julln Ward Howe had Just written "Tha Battle Hymn of the Itepubllc," and was reading It to Elizabeth Cady Stanton. "Well, Lizzie," she asked when she hsd finished, "what do you think of itr "Greatf was the reply, "But you are boosting man again In defiance of our glorious principles. Sit dawn now and wrlto another to be ca'led The Battle Her of tbe Itepubllc' "New York Telegram. 10,000 Plants tor 10e, Thia la a remarkable offer the John A. Seller Seed Co., La Crowe, Wis., makes. Salter Seeds have a national reputation aa the carheat, finest, choicest the earth produces. They will send you their big plant and aeca catalog, together with enough need to grow 1,000 Tine, solid Cabbages, 2,000 rich, juicy Tumipa, 2,000 blanching, nutty Celery, 2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1,000 apttndid Onions, 1,000 rare, luncious ltadinVint, 1.000 otorinuilr brilliant Flowers. Thia great offer is made In order to in duce you to try their warranted seeds for when you once plant them you will grow no others, and , ALL FOR BIT ICO rOSTACf, providing yon will return this notice, and if you will aend them 26c in poatage, they will add to the above a big package of the earliest Sweet Corn on earth Ralzer'a Fourth of July fully 10 daya earlier than Cory, I'eep o Day, etc., etc. P. U L-l The British Museum contalna over two million volumes of printed books and manuscripts, which are stored upon forty , miles of shelving. 1 Being born great curtm uo assurance with It that a man will be great at the finish. TOippoi jnoqijjtt S3is 30 sJsaX u) tux 10 ooci pun spni ppi oiptou iusmiao u lUMuiSn eiiiotncKK aqx The Great Nonesuch Remedy ST. JACOBS A Candid Child. j Lsdy Visitor Your little girl eeems to be very much taken with me, Mrs. Stepawell. Mrs. Stepawell Yes; and she doesn't often take to strangers. You think Mrs. Qlppur Is real nice, don't you, Agnes? Agnes You said she waa a cat mam ma: but she doesn't look a bit like ona. Boaton Transcript. I PUTNAM Colrr mo (oJ. hrlphlcr nnd ftm'ar ma' ally w , d la puaraiitotd to glva uw g?1, , m For Infants and Children. wSfi'iliii Havs ipIJ 1 Always Bought AScffclablcPrcparalionrorAs- Kj slmilallngmcFoodnndRctfula- H , ff UniJUicSloinachsandBowlsor m JjQQJS tllQ ff 1 , 1 Signature A y Promnte3 DigcslionChecrrur- H wjT nessarriHesLContalns neither H ? 5? a Siiim.Morplijnc norJlincral. M Ol l 'J ox'Naiicotic. n rsvVitl mm. u- l Jm S u eoWe I A rlB jfiz&tj ) nil I J i (YtfiifW.ftuup I D 1 p litis jii hi rum s J M AS B Apcrfect Remedy rorCoiwUna- if U W non.SourStOuvnch.Diarrhoca m I hY Worms.Convulsions.Fevcnsh- M I (. ness nnd Loss of Sleep. jS Ji lUT FacSinulo Signature of II new vonit. 1 EXACT COPY GF WRAPPER. l6 t Wrlto tori r jo k.oklot how to uja, bleach and in x to or. MQt.KOE UIWQ To rrnvent Lookjsw. "There would bo less lockjaw." said a physician, recently, "If people would tako Just a little simple precaution. Tho smoke from a woolen cloth Is fatal to the tetanus microbe. This l.Mllt... (. ..Inn.l tin with iiih .11. f j IfUbtltll, JIL,KU u,r v.a ....a 1 nm rrnl, tntn tfin WAIIhil ffftttl It riltttv nail, or whatever else Inflicts It. or from other onuses, and Is ono of the easiest to kill. Take n woolen cloth and set Are to It. Hold the wound over the smoke for 20 minutes and In nine cases out of ten the microbe which causes all tbe trouble will be dead." New York Sun. 1 How's This? Wa offer One Hundred Iollara Ileward tot any cau of Catarrh tbat cannot be cured by Ualracaurrn jg, f a We, the underlined, hue known f. . Chonar (or tho iMtUyfart, and behove him perfectly honorable In all Luilnoia traniac (lone and flnandallr able to carry out any ob llcalluntmadatiy tbelrnrm. Wair A Taoax, Vfholnale Prof rtita, Toledo, O. Wauhxo, K isaiM & lUavix, Wnoleiala Uru-gl-ii, Toledo, o. ... llalraCa.arrhCtiraii taken Internally, t lnc directly upon tha Uood and mucous ur faiei of tha aratem. I'rlca 7c. per botua. Hold by all Liruk-rlin. Testimonials tree. llaU'a Vamtly Fllla are t&a bett. I Anawered. ! Indignant American Why Is It, sir, j that In ItUMla there l aiuh prejudice I against the Hebrew? Cultivated Ituiwlan Because the lie- brews arc a cj-ilet. InoITenalve people, who attend strictly to their own affairs, and do excellent work for fair wages, Jaat aa the Chineae do In this country. A aUARANTHUD CURE FOR PILES llrtrfns Illlnd. Bl.Mlna or rrMrojlInt Piles YoardroKUt win rernnd money If PAZO OIST MK.VT bdls 10 cure joa In a lo 14 V- K- Motherlr Adrlce. "Johnny," said the Cleveland moth er, "I want you to quit using such lan guage as that." "Why, mother," replied Johnny. "Shakespeare said what I Just said." "Then you must quit associating with blm," rejoined the cautious wom an. "He's not a Ot companion for you." You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Caar FRED. Write Allen 8. Olraited, La jtoy.tr. Y., for a tree urajle of Allen 'a Foot-Kaac. It cures aweallnr. hot iwollen, aching feet. It makes aewortlsht ahoea eaey. A certain euro (or corni, Inrrowlnsnalliana t?"loni. Alldroir (iitaselllt. ate. Don't accept any aobetltute. Ona Stan's Theory. Mrs. Newkld Yon talk about the Joya of alngle blessednesa, but. according' to tatlatics, more bachelors commit suicide thsn married men. Mr. Oldbach Yes, that's true. Mrs. Newkid Oh, you sdmit It, do yon? Then, I suppose you can explain why it Is so? Mr. Oldbsch Certsluly. They are driven to desperation aby other people's babies. CITC Permanently Cored. 2?onuornerroaaneas fllu afterantday'atueofDr.Klloe'tUrvalNerre Jteslorer. Hend for Free S3 Irlalbmlleand treatise. lit. 1L 11. Kline, Ltd., S31 Arch bL, Philadelphia, Pa. Having aung a requiem Into a phono graph, a Schleawlg doctor baa left In structions In his will that tbe music ahall be reproduced at bla funeral. It matters little whether a man be mathematically or philosophically, or aristocratically cultivated, ao he be bat culUvated. Goethe. The old monk cure, strocf, straight, sure, has for a large part of a century battled with and conquered AchesandPains the world over, and 50c. Price 25c. A Contrary Opinion. "There are few great actors left' said the man who taks a melancholy view of things. "On the contrary," answered Mr. Stormlngton Barnes, with a touch ot asperity, "great actors are, to my per sonai itnowieuge, getting left every season." Washington Star. In Use Over Thirty Years THI OCNTAUft OWNNY, NCW TORN CfTY F.A DELESS DVBS crtart than ary other tljra. fni 10o paract r aulta. Aak dca'nr . r wa He who knows not what It la to labor, knows not what It Is to enjoy. ,!. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP POLLERS iMi.-i, liahtMi aM rtftinsMi Htiimp Milts on lb. m.tk.L i nrw .,ntr on n lw(l, with m horsM. Wrila lor lwf ltlv raial an,i prlrs-a. KiiirjitsoN MActtiNimv co. I oot al Marrlun Slrsit Portland, Orattn LAND SCRIP FOR SALE riresl rMn rlpt (of serurlnK ilila in sn ipisntur to (arminr, S'i". (I. sell or liiubrr land without rasl.lnne or ImproTemmi fur salaat low.i mara VJ"'2", " W. HAMILTON Thm Porttmnd, Portltnit. Or. It job win! to gt tb yoar labor antl your t round. m I'at'aO yon tin t afford V tOpUMftDt-lDg but ERRYS SBEDS th4 lutirUrd aft tr 4 yn' ttU Tbvy ftiwsj pnda lb Urgmi ana irtfH vrupa. A" nfnirm eu xotri Annan I JO. U.Ftnnr A COS DtTBOIT, MICH. 10,000 Plants for (6c. B(Kr sraru-t snu isrnii air pita-i-ii ktaiitr fcniti Uitui ir othtf In t W own BTr ijfli Mrt fur thm pro- QorLi'i- pi our if nrmnirn IsictrilrtotndnF0 iiiotri thnn.wai snsiR- yon ina itiuowiRV mupww I For 10 Cent Pomtnmtd IB I Wnf INHsjMUNIHNtS tn04 ltla nut UUm, 1NI latra LaMt4sM lt 4Uftt, IfM) fiUrWstel, BrttlU.t tUve. mti ttyi pMiacw ronitsirt Hant aVMil Ln arrow 10 OQD blainla. ni-blRtf bhaaj mf brill I nt gawrri stcvi nn uhi iouoi ihhk- TPXMblSM,an.larIIalrrra rtlof, 4u i, v -II a boat rinwr, lttm; imU Vraita, !., mil for 19 in iiannw Rig I n I niicr tug ( a cavuuox suonaj, to JDHM A.SA11ER SEED CO. Mj, Ua Croaaa, wis. WM GET SOAKED &! tVWFrt i OILGD CLOTHING- BLAstlOl TtLLOsV A VILL KStPTOy DRY RARDLiT STOrHI LOOKroa A80YC pmcc run uwur cr mATiota CATkLoaucm race showino rvu. unc or aaauKfrrs and hats. A. J. TOWCR CCaoaTO". MSS U.S.A. TOWCK CANADIAN CO . LTD.. VOSONTC. CANADA. ALWAYS CALL FOR A CIGAR BY ITS NAME MEANS MORE THAN ANY OTHER NAME crows mass good fob fbssests OatimI Sdl la 1U WarM, Dr. G. Gee Wo Wcnlerful Hotra Treatcent Tbla wonderful ttl nrM doctor U raltrd nrravt bvraute bt com paMple without oprr UonthAt mxm givma Dp to d. lie car wt.ta tmiM woDierrul I'br nevelifrba, rooli, buil, bark a aad vrri'lra tbat mre rotlrrljr ur knovrn to medical ad- en c la tbla country. Tbroo.h tbe use or thoM harmlras irnifMIni thta fatuuua doctor kuow tho action of over sou dtfTc ot rerucdlea which h uoreMfullr usea lu different dlawase. p snarant to care ntajrb.Mihjiia.lunK. throat, rbeumai'am, DerTouanfan, Biomacb. llvr, kid nyt etc.) baa boirdrvdJ of testlmonlala, Cbarffea molert Call and art blm. 1'atleiiia oaf of the city write for bUnkt aod clnnlaxs. Hendatamp. KltEJi ADDUl-3 Tha C. Gas Wo Cblnsss Medlclos Go. ctt-ct unro tT ptibti ATft- norcfrt Sir aleotlon paper J To Convince You THAT THE CHATHAM, I tho BEST INOOBATOU on the market, I will semi you onu, freight prepaid, and wait for my pay until October 1, 1005. it was given the highest award at the Oregon State Fair, held at Salem laH fill. Wrlto fr nur Descriptive Catalogue of Incuba tors and Brooders and our tlmo proposition. CEO. W. FOOTT, Dept. 12 Portland, Oregon p. n. u. No. 6-1 90 J I TTTHEN writlna to adTertlsars pteaas 1 nisntlun tuls papar. iiacki gi color tl!k, wool and Batten will s.nif poatnald m Wo pafta0a CO., Unli.ntUla, Mlaiourl. .SUVA. &t.. m rax Y 007 eOiSSx. mwM at ILT UGRE10"