Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 08, 1905, Image 4

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oiiumia Nuaaur publishing
Wffl. B. Root, Cdllor end Manner.
Knkirwl t (lit twttotn t Ontun UroTe,
Oregon M Meond elm mull mtier.
0 month , (1,00
1 scar, , $1.00
Iff months..! ...f 2.00
it pniu in nuvunco.
Till I'AI'Ktl likcil.mfllot tCUilnW
chhiiro. nnii rnmriflro, vmiiornit. irncrervn
irmciiior nuTeriiiinc rn olfttl lorn.
Clubbln Rates.
Tho llohcniln Nugget one year
with nny ono of tho following pub
lcattuna ono year for ainount set
Chicago lnter-Oeeiiii (weekly) SLKi
Weekly Orcgonlnn (Portland) S2.S
Weekly .Tournnt (l'ortlrtnrt) 2.00
Wbdnksday. Fkbruarv 8, 1905
For many months the large saw
mill plant known as the Long &
Bingham mill situated in the east
ern portion of the city and reached
by both the S. P. and the O. and
S. E. tracks, has been closed down.
Recently the mill and appurte
nances nassed into tho hands of
local people who have not yet sig
nified their intention of starting
work at the mill.
The Commercial club had the
matter before it on Monday night
and it was the concensus of opinion
that the conditions were now fav
orable for the mill to be started and
the business of shipping lumber be
added to the other industries of the
The O. and 8. E. railway runs
up Row river a distance of nearly
30 miles and penetrates large tim
ber tracts where the best ot logs
can be secured and unloaded direct
to the mill and it is understood the
management of the road stands
ready to make very reasonable
terms for transporting tho logs.
It is not the intention of the club
to interfere with private business,
but it proposes to stand ready to
assist in every way possible every
enterprise which is conducive to the
interests of this locality. With
this in view, a committee consisting
of Messrs J. I. Jones, Wm. B. Root
and W. H. Abrams has been ap
pointed to interview the present
owners of the mill; the manage
ment of theO. and S.E. railway,
and assist in every possible way the
starting of the mill at the earliest
THE Leonard miue at Butte was
closed down on Sunday, Jan
uary rs, and the miners were given
a holiday. It is currently stated in
the camp that there is a probability
of the Amalgamated copper Com
pany establishing a six-day week.
Heretofore all the mines have
worked every day in the week.
The miners, we understand,
rather oppose this contemplated
change, owing to' the fact that they
will only be paid for six shifts a
week instead of seven, as at present.
We think the opposition oi the
miners to the proposed plan will be
witwdrawu after a fair trial of the
system. No man can work, mouth
in and month out, seven days a
week, underground, especially in
the winter months. Our experience
has been that the health of the
miners where a six-day week pre
vails is a great deal better than in
camps where the seven-day week
prevails. We, believe that the
miners will find that if any average
is struck over a fair period ol time
they will actually lose less wages
on a six-day week plan than where
Ihey work seven days, besides being
a great deal more comfortable and
hapjiler.Mining Reporter.
ttVslmvo nJirgo Biippb' of cheap
tuiiftior, Just what you wnnt on a.
riwiafc. price very cheap, must ho sold
to rnnfce room for other tlock,
f The Booth-Kolly Lumlr Co.,
Hiiglwiw, Ore 1
Cottage Grave Commercial Club
Taking Lead in Promotion of
Local Interests. Every
body Get Busy!
Commercial Club met in regular
session, II. O. Thompson, presiding.
The cotumitteo on the Newton
onterlainmcnt reported that a fine
musical program has lccn arranged
to precede the lecture and from all
indications a splendid treat was as
sured to all who attended-
At a previous meeting a com
mittee had been appointed to draft
a set ol questions the object of same
being to set forth in concise form
the natural advantages of Cottage
Grove and surrounding country and
the committee having rendered their
report same will be published
A committee consisting of Messrs
Jones, Root and Abrams was ap
pointed to confer with the present
owners of the Loug & Bingham
mill and ascertain what steps would
be necessary to place the null in
active work. The personel of the
committee is sufficient to assure a
speedy openiug of the mill if the
present owners have any notion of
starting same.
A committee consisting of Messrs
Campbell, Howard and Thompson
were annotated to draft a set of
resolutions to be forwarded to the
President ol the United States com
mending him for the active move
he was making to increase the
powers ot the present Interstate
Commerce committee aud the same
cemmittec was instructed to ask the
valley Commercial Clubs to send a
request to the Oregon delegation in
Congress asking them to indorse
the action of the president.
Quite a discussion wns held rela
tive to the stand of the Lane county
delegation in the present state legis
lature now in session, as to the
action taken in pressing a maxi
mum freight rale bill to passage
and the general sentiment seemed
to be that a more vigorous action
should be taken than has lccu done.
The'committee appoiuted a short
time ago by the Commercial club to
prepare questions to be answered
by any one desiring to do so and
presetit to the club in writing.made
a, partial report on Monday night.
Among the questions submitted, a
few are given here: "Why should
you invest in collage urovc,
"What will prevent Cottage Grove
having a population of 7000 in 10
years," "What aro the natural re
sources adjacent to Cottage Grove,"
"What are the climatic changes at
Cottage Grove." "How many
months in the year can one use
vegetables from the gardens,"
"What is the future outlook for the
Bohemia gold mines," "What bene
fit will Cottage Grove derive from
the Bohemia cold mines and the
Black Butte quick silver mines.
A complete list of questions will be
submitted later.
Sec. Shaw in his addros3 as presi
dent of the American Forest Con
gress, recently in a session said:
The importance of tho public for
est lands to mining is direct and in
timate. Mines cannot bo developed
without wood any moro than arid
lands can become productive with
out water. The public forest lands
are and must continue to bo the
chief source of timbers used in our
Western mines."
Tho Western mining interests
have failed to rccognizn in any
practical way this intimato relation
botwocn the preservation of tho for
ests and the dovelopmont of tho
mining industry. Usually tho tim
ber available to a mine has been
recklessly used, and eoldom is any
attempt mado to restock tho timber
claims or oven to protect them from
tho ravages of firo or the timber
poachor. When tho timber at hand
is used, the mine must buy from ro-
motor sources at a greatly enhanced
cost. We have in mind several
cases where large mining companies
by careful managomont and by re
planting could have- maintained a
perpetual timber supply for mining
purposes on their near-by timber
claims, but thoy did not
Tho secretary says: ''The nation
nwakonod to the necessity of
planting trees and making tho moht
of thoBQ that are mature Our in-
titutions of learning nro taking up
tbo study of forestry. Ktnto socio. I
Hob nro inquiring. Tho experi
ment RtntlotiR ot several states and
territories nro making research.
Tho department ot agriculture is
training a bureau ot fonst exports
in woodcraft to servo tho nation,
tho slates, companion and individ
uals along forestry lilies."
In this awakened roallwition ot
tho importauco of tho subject, nnd
bettor knowledge of how, to pro
Rorve tho forests, thoro Is hopo that
the mining interests will bo a con
servative force in tho promotion of
the forosU, rather than a destruct
ive agency sololv. Mining World.
ltegular Sunday servleos both morn
ing ami owning nt tho Christian
Church. All Invited
Flag Contest.
Tho voting for the ling Is coming
along very slowly. ThU Is owing to
tho (net that many nro holding their
tickets back In order to see what somo
one else will do. This method will
not create nil Interest nhd tho mutter
will drag along imlellnitHly. (let
Your tickets whoa purchasing goods
nnd vote thorn soon.
Tho vote Tucsduy noon stood :
G. A. K 1074
High School Ill"
West Side School 270
M. W. A 2M
Foresters of America 155
Junior Korests ISO
K. of 1' 03
V. O. W.
1. O. O. P 12
K. O. T. M 10
Ladles Circle W. O. W ; 09
Methodists 0."
W. It. 03
U.T. U
Cbrlatlau Kndcnvor
Total..! 3S1
City Council.
Council met Monday night. Present
-Mnyor Medley, Heoordor Whoeler,
Uouncllmcn II 1 11 1 s, C a in p b ol 1,
Cuatnberlin nnd Currln.
A quit claim deed from J. I. Jones
dedicating a strip of land In Jones nil
Ultlon wns received ami accepted.
Ordinance No. U7, to license dogs
was passed. License of $3 for male
nnd 36 for female dog9 to he paid In
July, with penalty of not loss than f3
or more than $10 or Imprtfonuipnt
one uay for eaoli 2.
Ordinance No. 03, regulating saloons
referred to Urulnanco committed.
A nnmber of bills wero allowed and
couucil adjourned to the 20th.
lloulns with the symptoms of acorn
nuin cold; tnero is ctiuuncHS.HucezImr
bore throat, hot skin, quick pulse,
linnrscuexM and Imiioded respiration
Glvo frequent small doses of Mallard's
uorcnoumi syrup, itue ciiiiuwiu ot
forttlnnd nt thcllrst sign of acrotipy
congu apply rrcouonuy uallarus
Hnow Liniment to tho throat.
Mr. A. Vllet, New Castle. Colo
writes. March lit. I'M'. I think llal
lard's llorehound Syrup n wonderful
remedy, aim so pieiis mt to ukc.
Sold by The Modern Fharmac
HLIth lias been a cood deal
hoard during tho post two or
threo years in tones of doleful pes.
simism concerning tho effects of
the growing money madness and
love of luxuay in tho United States.
It hns been asserted that this
country, young as it is, is showing
sighns of going the way of tho Ro
man Lmpiro, which as soon as it
had obtained dominion over tho
world, had dove loped a class of
men enormously rich, had concen
trated in largo dogreo tho popula
tion in the cities, and had establis
hed a reign of unparallcd luxury,
began to deteriorate and woakon
and linally fell. Over and against
tho pessimism of those who think
that tho United States is threatened
by the same cause of disintegration
and decay it is gratifying to placo
tho optimism of Piosessor Patten of
tho University of Pennsylvania,, who
in a rccont address printed in tho
Annals of tho American Acadnmv.
takes au entirely different viow of
our national prospority.
Ho holds that tho United States
is in no danger of following in tho
pathway of declining Rome. His
study of tho subjoct leads him to
tho conclusion that national pro
gress doponds on resources. Homo
foil as soon as Italian resources foil
off. Whilo immortality and lnr.
ury inflict injury today, their .per
manent influence, upon tho pro
gress of the nation is littlo, if tho
creation of wealth goes on unim
peded. Tho United states has ro-
bources which aro illimitable Tho
great central plain of North Amori-
ca is a vust storohouso of food. We
have resourcos which make possible
nud enormous dovelopmont of tho
country and insure its pormanouco
for centuries louomo.
Profoimor Puttou'u optimism.
howovor, is no reason for throwing
aside all entrain t of moderation
and mortality, llecauso the ma
terial resources ot tho United States
sccuro or against decay and over
throw; because our urn ot prosper
ity Booms to have an inexhaustible
capacity and our store honso of
national reudurcos appears, to bo a
sure gunrautoo for the future, this
is no rcaHou for becoming a nation
of spendthrifts or for throwing
down all barriers of moral restraint,
Whilo the territory of the United
States may linvo resources which
guarautoo its coutinuauco as a homo
of a prosperous peoplo, jot it de
ponds upon ourselves and ourhnhitn
whether wo shall enjoy tho friits of
this prosperity, or whether somo
othor mora virile ami frugal rnco
shalt outer to take it nway from us.
Reaidos, whilo resources may guar
antee prospority, only moderation
in their use makes possible tho
maintainnnco of liberty, Wall
Street Journal.
Dumb Bell Club.
A number ot the young MUsos ofJ
tho city have orgnnUcd 11 society
which they call Tho Dumb Dell Chili.
They have 11 pass word, grips, etc.,
same as older folks. F. 11. ltoscu
lierj; has consented to Instruct t lie 111
In the use of tho !el!s and they are
already making good progress. Mem
bers arc: Vemo Ilrown, Mabel Itos-
cntcrg, draco Knapp, I.ottlo Woole.v,
Cloo llraut, Mary Mcdllvary, Ethel
Shaimfclt, Mnrrol Miller, Htolla
Thompson, Anna Rhoadcs, Christian
Hansen and Corn Chandler,
12. T. Lucas, Wlugo. Ky writes
April 25, 1002: "Kor 10 to 12 years 1
had been nttllcted with 11 malady
kown as the 'Itch. The Itchlmr was.
must iinbenrnhlo; I had tried for
jruin lu hum luitvi, ink, 1111111111
remedies I could hour of, besides a
number of doctors. I wish to state
that ono slnglo application of llal
lard's Snow Liniment cured mo com
pletely and permanently. Since then
I have used the liniment on two soim
rate occasions for ring worm nud It
cured mo completely. 2oc, WW and
$1. Sold by Tho Modern r hiirmncy,
ti'eorse Potter Is working nt Von
HiislucHM Is pretty dull hero now
sickness being the main thing doing,
W. S. Miller, ot Mirth, was In this
neighborhood on business Inst week
Mrx. William Collin who has lccii
sorlously III, Is thought to lo some
Tho Infant child of.Mr. ami Mm' A
O. Miller, who has Ixvn very sick, Is
Charles lledrlck Ih tho latent victim
of typhoid fever, having been taken
to the hospital for treatment.
ffu are (informed of the arrival of
twins at tho residence of llatlxte
Touolc. Congratulations to thoso
The railroad section house, bunk
house, store house, car and tool
house are nil completed nnd greatly
Improve the looks of the yard.
Work Is progressing ou tho county
rond from Cottage drove to Sluslaw
and ns this road Is only of a mile
from tho northwest end ml tho county
road here, then.- In talk ot getting tho
two roads connected, giving us a
public road through to Loraiie.
Look under Nuggots tor bargains
Kor a quick lunch the. Exchange
Restaurant Is tho place.
Wheat, oats mid bnrloy for sale at
the Cottngo (Jrovo Flour Mills. 2t
Valentines! Sco tho display of the
Imudsome new styles at the Modern
rharmncy. They nre honiitlcs.
George Uolilmun, the tailor on the
west Hide hns a new stock of the late
spring styles for suits and spring
overcoats. Terms reasonable.
Tnt.v vomi kvkh toward tho
Wynne Hardware Company's win-
dow and look at the display of thoso
hanging, stand, table ami hand
lamps: then buy ono or moro of
them for your home, nothing In the
city to equal them for quality nnd
A Sensible Move.
HnvuTom Awbrey write you upu
policy on your homo uml furniture In
tho Oregon Klroltellef Association, or
ou your stock of goods In tho .nlnii
nsurunco Co,
Albert inker went to Iioboinin
Monday. For tho presont ho will
bo employed on tho Steamboat
proporty and later will res u mo work
on his own claims on Iforsohonvon
It will cost you CO conts to hoar
Nowton, tho famous locturor at
Woodmen's Hall on tho ovoning of
February 11th, Buy your tickets
sr-puron SAMP!. wry,
Minings Scientific Press
I Strong-Garfield 1
Water Proof ?
No Other Boot has as many Water ?Sr
Proof Qualities. Warranted Non-Aqua 1
S-incli Top, $7.00 ;I
1 0-inch Top, S.00 JR
liNDini 01)1) IWLLOWH HALL. l
ICimllmiiM rrvai in int 1
unable them to oarVy out their phi us
along economical lines. Tiioro is
no brnrch of mining that ni'iy right
folly ho termed a buck number.
Just at present the idea nmn to ho
popular with a largo proportion of
the public that only gold niim
pay. The nvorago inventor "ill not
listou to a copper proposition bo
causo ho thinks that the red metal
is n drug ou the market, llo has
jumped to this conclusion prinoiml
ly becauso of the sensational deoliuo
in Wall street of tho sham of thane
companios, not htoppiiig to nnalyxe
tho real cause of that decline. In a
commercial Hence, copper is the
coming metal ami in n low yours
from now tho present imtignificnnt
little Hurry will be entirely forgot
ten, and onpper invetintntn will he
in grant domnnd Zinc wns nil the
craze, and untcrupuhMiH Hchomnrs
took ndvnntago of conditions to
float tho stock of enormously capi
talized companies merely its a stock
jobbing scheme. Thorn 0 was no
possibility of placing such oommn.
ics on a dividend basis; nnd now
tho nvorago inventor is uourinced
that no zinc proo!tion oau he
mudo to p.iy. Obviously thoro is
no sciiEo or reason in huoIi a con
clusion Tho snmo condition may ho said
to prevnil more or loss in connec
tion with lead mid silver miner.
Thousands of fortunes running up
nto million havo been made within
tho past faw yours mining lead ami
Iream Vermifug:
twunt or imitations.
Ballnrd-Snow Liniment C
Hold ami rccoiiimeiulal by Slmlorn l'lurm-icy
mrnmesneassarsc 1111111 ""'"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii f-
silver in the great Coour d'Aleiio
district ol Idaho alone, and moro
fortunes nre being made thoro and
in other silver aud lead districts of
tho west every month, lint thesa
'faotn are ignored by ths average in
vestor, and ooiiHequsutly very few
lead nud silver proposition!., com
paratively speaking, are placed ou
tluiwwtm ii market. Aud yt we hap
pen to know of a number of large
capitalist who at the present timu
nre employing uxjverW in u constant
search fur just nuoIi properties.
When we predict that u great '
mining boom is slowly but surely I
getting under wny at the present
momunt, we are moro than sincere.
U'h are positivo. All things are
shaping in this direction, ami the
man who is in a intuition to see. can.
not holp but observe the trend of,
progrM that is now going on in 1
our mining districts. The coming!
f n'Ri Kronr
lobasmo i
also orriuit or
ass lurnouis.
P V t Ol H
Griffin &
boom, ho.viver, will not he of a
purely speoulativu nature, as was
hut of ths early gold days- It will
bo a great era of popularity for tho
legitimate mining investment or
speculation, ns you phmso to call it,
and its end will not be sunu by nuy
one living now. 1'rnptinilly spoak
i'lg, it is to become, for this country,
a permanent condition. Woitorii
Mining World.
anpC U IR E ths JL U NC8
mVW, King's
New Discovery
FOR I OUCIISnnd 50c Ml. 00
1 1 In, n. p Y.I.I
juiuo rrnv trim.
I Surest and Quickest Ourn for all
J THItOAT nnd I.UNO XllOUil.
imwi'iin m'.iyAi in iimnii iwm
of nuy toot Is always u dsslriiblu
iiiii', but of iiiml Importiinco Is tlio
power of ratiiluliig this iiiiilltv mt tm
not to riilre too frwiiuut MlmriHiii
lug. Ily making your purcluiHCH of
the (Iritlln c Vwitcli Co. yon ulwuys
riH-elve your money's worth In tho
Iswt iimllty of tools nuil cutlery ol .
properly tcmisired steel that Is sum
to hold un eilgu.
, Double or Sup.
Veatch Go.