Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 25, 1905, Image 1

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    K n n &z
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Running Interests of this Cotiwiunity.
NO. 1
News and Scenes of Bohemia
LAmcsbury nud Jolm Krclmrir.
came from llohciiiln on Wed-
ituiMlny. They report having made n
very nntinftctory fimlcforeouaprot
crty about two mile distant from
the Wate house and 011 Champ
ion deck between Adam mountain
mid Hotel Ridge.
Mr. Aineibury lms until recently
been foreman at the Oregon Seeurl
ties but rmigucd tlio position to as
sist in thcdevelopmciitof the newly
aeitilrcd claim. Mr. I'rccburg
was until the first of the year em
ployed Ht the mine property but
quit to locate the claim which it ii
Mated weie open for relocation by
reason of the failure of former
owners to do the nmHesMiient work
for last
Some work Iiiih been done at n
firmer period, and 011 one aide of
the gulch 11 tunnel has been driven
which dicloss .several feet of vein
material which It in claimed is free
milling nud earriuH at least twenty
dollars per ton.
On the opposite n ide it big slide
occured Mime year ago and it was
in examining thU that the rich ore
, was found.
Mr. Aineibury state that quite
large chunks of ore it iottiid mixed
with the debris nud many pieces ,
allow free gold and nil shows well
by panning.
It has been determined to run a
tunnel through the slide mid locutei
the vein from which this ore must
have come. A supply ol tools and
provisions have hern purchased
ami the owner will ictitru at once
mid with n force of nun proceed to
drive the tunnel mid ascertain the
extent of what tlmy feel is n fine
body of ore.
MiX I.urulberg, who in man
acini! the work nt .the
jKlvcrside t;ruup, reporUd this
wrex Hint tne tunnel Is being driven
at a rapid rate and the ore body is
continuous ; u part of the time
mure than the width of the tunnel
while the ore is, of :is good, if not
better grade than any heretofore
encountered. The tunnel ! being
driven both day mid night.
On Saturday. George W Lloyd
and Frank D. Wheeler ivtitrired
with Mr. Lloyd's, an to the promt
inn outlook of the property.
Kicliard White and John Grnbcr
citine to the city Saturday. They
have been dome some work on
proirtie near Hard Scrabble Hill
Word WAN received the latter
part of last week by interested
parties Unit a large body of ore had
been opened in a tunnel on
thejudsou Rock proicrly and that
it showed good values in gold.
- r, .
THIJ contractors at the Oregon.
Colorado, who arc continu
ing the main tunnel n further dis
tance of 500 feet, recently reported
by letter that the work is progress
ing rapidly mid that the ore body
is ot good width and shows a
greater percnetagc of copper than
ever before. They state the prop
erty has never shown as well as at
the present time.
Just Above Mill Silo
from Bohemia where they had i
spent .several days at tle Crystal
Consolidated property. j
Mr. Lloyd states he found work
progressing pu the tunnel in which
the larger body was recently found
and that he is well pleased w ith tlio
showing made thus far this winter, ,
and that work will be continued on
the ledge in order to have it well
opened up by the time the snow is
gone in the spring and the mill
made ready for reducing the ores.
Mr. Wheeler's views fully coincide
V J Hard spent tlio lattor part
of Inst neck in l'ortland nud iu re-
t irnitig to this city, utoppod ofT nt
Salem for tlio purposo of explaining
to Homu of tlio legislators riiasniiH
why the Douglas pnrt of the lJobo
iniii mining district Bbould be nt
tachod to Lnno county: Also to
enter hi protest agniimt tho Kddy
law as it now nxists, as ho believoH
it nit unjust discrimination toward
the mining interests of tho state.
Look uuiler N'liuuctM for bargains
T'HH accounts of tho operations
of the Jlomcstnke Mining
company, at Lead, South Dakota,
from June to November, 1904, show
that 687,762 tons of ore were milled.
The gross product of the ore
amounted to $2,637,852 and the
net earnings to $830,731. Divi
dends amounting to $327,600 were
paid during the period and surplus
earnings amounted to $193,638
The compmy'H net earnings per
month averaged $136,873. The
ore averaged about $3.00 a ton.
The profitable results is obtained
by the operation of many stamps.
Many properties in Bohemia only
await capital for machinery for treat
ment of its ores now iu sight.
.1. It. (iroM mill family, recently
Irom ltmiiloii.. Imvo arrived hi Cot
tage (irovo where Mr. (iroxn Iiiih pur
dumml the .1 0. l.otiK rvxlilenc
property near tho depot, where they
will miiko their future home, Mr.
GrosH Ih IohMiik for u liuslneHW opening
During the Next Two Weeks
We will oiler bargains in all lines carried
in our stock
0 j:o 0
Garman, Hemenway Co.
Homesteader Dies Suddenly Near
Comslock Former Resident of
This City.
Nelson Klsca was found dead last
Friday on his homestead claim near
Comstock, in Houglan county, by
Ceorge Long.
From all indications his death
was very sudden'. Apjearauces
warrant the belief that he had re
turned to his house from Comstock
iu the evening, had cooked supjcr
and gone to bed, when something
had gone Wrong and he hurriedly
dressed and Marled for a neighbors
and fell dead oil the way.
The finding of .the body was re
ported to the Douglas county coro
ner and the verdict of the coroners
jury was that he . had died of heart
The remains t ere brought to Cot-
t.igt Grove on Monday (or inter
im lit, the funeral being held from
th- Methodist church and conducted
liy Hcv V. Ii. Hillingteti, pastor of
the Christian Church.
Nelson Klsca had bcerr well and
favorably known about 0 ittage
Grove the past .seven or eight yearn
where he had made bis home with
his family. About six years ago he
had taken up the claim near Coin
stock and had spent considerable ot
his time there.
He leaves to mourn his death a
wife and two sons, Oliver and
Ralph, who with their mother have
boen residing in Portland, where
the boys have been, attending
school. Three 'daughters and one
son have gone before.
Nelson Klsca was born near Chat
tanooga. Teunesee, in 184 1 and
served in-lhe coufedeiotowmiyjdur-
ing the Civil war. Previous to his
coming to Oregon be was identified
witli the Christian church.
From the fact that the death was
so sudden it was thought that it
may have been possible that Mr.
Klsca 's death was the result of
poison and some of the contents of
the stomach were removed for analy
sis, the result of which has not been
Beneficent Industry
HAT industry is most benefi
cent which does the greatest
good to the community with the
smallest admixture of harm. Meas
ured by this standard, mining takes
very high, it not the highest rank,
among primary producers or manu
facturers, It wasliis earliest acqttan
tauce with the metals which heled
primitive man to set his foot upon
the first rung to the ladder of pro
gress. Wo doubt las discovery was
through some happy smelting ac
own domain. The new farm and
the new factory mean a trespass,
through a legitimate one, upon the
markets of the old ones; the new
mine means only more work, more
wages and more world's weal til
Tbix the miner distributes among
the other industries and earner. He
himself "produces nothing he can
eat, wear or ue in any manner, ex
cept for the one exchange purpose.
and he is therefore an ideal custo
mer for the others. It is the miner
view by all the states, especially by
those of such great extent and vast
resources as West Australia, Queens-
laud and South Australia, and It
may be taken as certain that the
measure of the progress any state
will make will be the measure of
the encouragement it extends to the
miner, and of the facilities it offers
for tins carrying on of his industry.
Australian Mining Standard.
T the Lewis and Clark fair,
mining will be forced into
the background, literally speaking,
if the plan now proposed is adopted.
The Portland Telegram says:
A request has been made to the
state Lewis and Clark fair commis
sion to allow the moving of the min
ing building 150 feet east and south
of its present location, to permit the
erection of the new manufactunes,
liberal arts and varied industries
building, work on which is to start
The request came from the exe
cutivc committee of the exposition,
and will be brought before the state
commission nt its meeting nest
Saturday. The moving of the min
ing building is considered necessary
ior the necessary space for the new
building already determined upon
by the executive committee.
The moving of the building will
be 110 light task, as it is built of
staiT, the universal exposition ma
tcrial, and is 100x200 leet In size,
with plumbing connections for the
most part completed. The building
is now practically completed nt
cost of $14 ,000, and was built by
the Burrell Construction company,
of Oakland, California. Injury to
.the building can only be avoided
by careful work in moving it. This
will be taken into consideration by
the state commission iu permitting
the removal of thestructure. Sump
ter Miuer.
cideut which may have occured 1 who opens new countries who con-
millions of limes Iwfore it was ob- i necw mem wuu 01.1 ceniers uy nnes , ,,,,
served and understood, but thence-
forward the way was comparatively '
clear. It meant the search for the
ore, the production of copper and
tin, the blending of the Mietals and
the ascent to higher planes of civil
ization ns these were more widely 1
utilized iu the service of man. Iu
providing it with metals, mining '
bestowed upon mankind. tierhaiiM
the nearest approach we can con
ceive to an unmixed blessinc; it
was the use of which the metals
were put when forged into weapons .
of offense which introduced the
admixture. What mining has done!
for humanity can best be realized ,
by imagining a world without coal
or iron, or any of their products. It j
is not difficult, because it was pre-
sented in the aspect of Australia 1
within quite recent memory, and is !
still presented among the .South!
Sea savages. The dominant figure
in each case is a barbarian but !
little, if any, above brute level, '
while the lordly Kuroeau is but
what the metal miner lias made
him. Out of the iudustry also grew
life more complex ' features which
has placed the old system of barter
ou its present basis of exchange for
minted gold and silver. Sought at
first, without question, for mere
purposes of ornament, the beauty
and comparative rarity of the royal
metals soon suggested the practice
which has broadened dowu to the
mnttprti tiif-llirwl Tim,, ...till tlio
i r .1 i . r tries by which they are supported.
SMn-M tnr Tiller. .win, tnl.,itc rt ' - -
value came in the phase of mining
which is unique among industries
Mr-. Clmrh'M Hedricfc. of Divide, In
mIiiwIiik reeowrinic from tin attack
Id fever
in that it stands free of what the
demagogues of the day deuouuee as
the curse of competition. In the
production, of the industrial metals
there is an element of competition,
because the produce had to be sold
iu open market against the product
of other mines, but in gold and sil
ver mining eTiii this suspicion or
alloy is removed and the mine,
crowds no one. His industry stim
ulates all others, supports all others,
enriches all others, and holds out
its arm to welcome all others to its
Band Concert and Dance
The frco bund concort. nud dunce lit
tho Opera Iiouho last Friday orentiiK
whllo not n grout tlmuichd success
wus u musical treat and soclnl kuc
CC88. After tho rendition of thn wv
end immlieiH nt the concert proi'tun
the Hour wiih cleared for daiichiK
which continued until 1'.' oVIouk.
Is tho Intention of tho baud lioyH to
nlvo n concert and dnnca about over
of steamboats, who lays down rail- BOHEMIA
ways, builds cities, nud sets in
motion all the wheels of the indus-
! It has been estimated that
miner working underground finds
employment for eight men above,
reflection should, therefore, suggest
to the whole community that what
ever helps the miner helps every
body. The conversejust as strongly
holds, that whatever harms the
miuer through his industry harms
every business man, artisan and
laborer iu that state and retards the
progressof the whole country. Busi
ness is never bad when mining is
K.tct- nnA 1 1, o tnnrn nmcnormic to
tliecountrv ne is enrratred in devel-i Exposition.
oping. These are facts which i
HE Bohemia Mine Omiurs
Association met at the pout
office on last Saturday night
There was a large atteudanco
many of the members coming noreral
railed to be in attendance,
Tho resolutions which were pre
pared asking the legislature to have
that portion of the Bohemia mining
district now in Douglas county bo
attached to La no county were unan
imously adopted.
j An airship tournament will be an
I attraction at the Lewis' and Clark
Large prizes will be
awarded to the successful contest-
should be kept very prominently in j ants.
1 ..OUR..
Men's Dress Shirts
Ladies' and Children's Shoes
We will handle the Celebrated Walk-Over
Shoes for Men.
fortnight and the. date will bo mi
uounccd later,