Our Best Customers Are Our Old Customers WINCH SPHAh'S VOLIJA1KH KOH OUK tJKOCHKY STOCK" Out New Customers . Become Old Customers MKCAUSIO WIO PAY PHOiUPT ATT M NT I ON TO Til 101 H ohdiohs and iiivi: tiiiom UN 10 QUA Ii MOD VA MJIOS What We Promise You Ca n Depend On IF YOU NI0VI0H 11 A V 10 HOIKJIIT OF US, WIO WANT YOU TO CONSIDKU TINS AN INVITATION TOO AT UIOAST Investigate Our Grocery Department 4 Burkholdor fTswms btottbti vz svn'n'wnt HOME NEWS Items of Interest in and about Cottage Grove nnd vicinity. Ul. AJUUUUl JUUUJU gJUJJl.ftgJUULa.ft gJUULgAgJUUUULftgJUULgJtgJUUULft gJ Newton, tlm prlncL ill lii'turors. llr. Lowe, ttcill o-optlcliili, Lugclic Miss l.llllu l'ultcrsniiol Hugoiic vis ited the city tin' MrHt of the week. Mr mill Mrs lien I'lioher of Wild- wood ire spending a few days In the city tltts week. A very ncut Cottuge U Is'lng Imllt on tlm Kinix lilll l.v Wm. Hart for Mr. I'rniik llnyos. Tlm niiimu'lit tlutl Is most lined on the street this with l. "Kid yon know Nl'WtOII wiih coining'.'" David Ivy came up from Kugiiiio whore lio bus Ui'ii miller the doctor's cure for liml Injury to III" liiinil while lit work lit tin- Vt'HiivtiiH. Mr. .los. Whuilor nnd wife of Win cousin, arrived yesterday nil the :i p. in. train anil are the guests ol his sister, MrM. tliiiiillton Veiiti'll. .Mln Hilda ' Mills of Vancouver. Wash., who Iiiim lieeii spending sev ernl weeks visiting Mth Hoy Welch, departed on Thursday for her home. Ii. II. .McDonald who wax driving tlio VcritivliiH mine's freight team un til taken off for the winter Iiiim gone to work on the I'rlni'ville wiikom ronil. Sir. 1". W. ls)ouey of Jefferson Im in tin' city with ii vluw of disposing of HOinn of hit line Jersey cowm. Thoy lire snld to lie mining the best In the stale. James Pitcher, brother of Hen anil OharleM Pitcher, roturneil Monday from Nome, where he U Inten-Mteil In u mining company he will return In the spring, Mr. (!. A. Jones, of Ainery, Wis consin an experienced hotel mail Iiiim purchased tho Imperial Hotel anil will have, nothing lint llrst class while service In tho Iioiinu. Van Allison recently pnrchiiMcil tho lot on Main struct next to Lewis' Htoro anil Is erectliiR a building, when completed (leo. Comer will remove thero with IiIm harnoMM Hhop. Wit, Kim, I. ogle, Laughter. Common Honso will ho tho feature of tho owning, February It, when Nowton comes. Mosdamos Whcelor, Mart. DeHpaln, Itandolph and Caldwell returned on tho overland Friday nlRlit from Junction City whore they had been u attendance upon the Co. TiiHtltuto of the W. O.T. I'. Tho Wynne Hardware Coiniiauy of thin city tiled Its nrtloleH of Incorpor ation Saturday. Tho Incorporators nro 11. 1". Wynne, I,. K. Wynno and W. A. I litigate. Tho iHcoinpany cap italized for $10,000. A reward will bo paid for auy In foniiatlou regarding tho whoro nboutwofthu following partloa: J. 0. Forrester, formerly of Cottngo drove, Oregon; (leo. L. Morgan, for merly of (Springfield, Oregon. Ad dross: 0. W. Urlossloln, I east llth street, Hugono, Oregon. Mr. J. II dross ami son, dims O i'ohh and wife, also Mot. Mary Htrangaud dauRhtei'.Cora, i.nd MIhh Magglo Nhlnn, all of llandon, Ore gon, arrived In Cottngo Orovo a few ilnya ago and expect to make HiIm thole future homo. Mr. dross Im tho fiithorof Mm. A. W. Kline, of this jilace, Cottage drove continues to (row, despite the whiter season. On TliurHilay before Judge lliimll ton at ItoHchurg, the Injunction raw ugslnst the m-Iiqo! directors will Mitrli'.!. Whether the Injunction Is granted ur not tho High .School will nnilmilil. '' iiitiuuo open. The i oliai l-rnve IiaiiiI will give a concert from s tin u p. m. Friday night January. LDtli. It Isfrccoxcopl 100 scats reserved at 10c each to pay exH'iiw. After the concert, iIiiiicIiik will he IihIiiIkoiI til till midnight. Ticket to dunce COc. .Mr. Connor, MIhh LUiln orpunl mid Minn Palmer nccoinpnnlrd liy Miimhth. Mrdloy and Palmer, hoarded tho 1 p. in, train last Friday for Junction City where they contented for a nllver medal that Maine evening. MUh Palmer wan HiicceHsful. In win ning the medal, MIhh Orpunl living a clone mm'oiiiI: kii eloMe hiihvd that It wbm a very dlllleult tiuk to dechle. MImh Orpunl Hecured inn of MIks Wll tnnl'M white rlhlxin liookHim a prlre. Tho party returned to Cottage drove on the overland the Maine night. Resolutions. Win:ni:tB, One I 'rank JamcM In now a uieinlMT of u theatrical troop and giving public exhibitions throughout the country, and Wiikiikam, The Telegram, n paper that prldi'M Itnelf a tn'lng one of the great dalllea of the Stnte, publlHlies a lengthy article, lauding before the public the tunny aHMiiiueil accompllHli incntH of the Maid Frank James dwell ing on his beauty, bis daring i1ccIh' his liorseinanHhlp, etc., ending up by calling him tho man who never broke bin promlHO, showing him up nun great man to the young boys of today mid Win:unH, We the members of Appomatnx Post No. Ill, knowing this mnn at one time to be a wicked, iIcm erato crlmtnnl.dtHregarillngthe laws of dod and mnn, aHHoclatlug himself with and sometimes leading one of the moat noted dCHperato Hot of bri gands, criminals, munlerorM, robbers and law breakera known In the his tory of this country. Thereforebo It Kkhoi.vkii, That we the mem ber h of Appommutox Post No. 31, In regular meotlng assembled, ilo heroby condemn and exprcsH our dlsup)iro batlou agnlnHt tho Telegram and othora pnpora having published Hko nrtloleH, and bo It further ' lti:sol.vr.n, That a copy of these resolutions lie spread upon the min utes of Appomattox Post No. .14, d. A. It., Oregon, and n copy bo sent to the National Tribune and to tho ad jutant General of Orogoii.tuul a copy to tho lloliomla NtiRget of Cottugo drove, Tho foregoing resolutions wore adopted by Appoinottax Post No. ill, (I. A. It., Oregon, at Cottage Groo, Innuary ll, 1005. . II. WIM.AMI, Com. STOMACH THOUUliKH AND CON STIPATION. "Chainborlaln'a Stomach and Llvor TnliletH nro tho best thing for stomach troubles and constipation I have ever Hold," says .1. It. Cullnmu, a druggist of Pottcrvlllc, Mich. Thoy are easy to take and always give sat isfaction. I tell my customers to try them and If not satisfactory to come back and get their money, but have never hnd u complaint." For sale by Tho Modern rimrmaoy. 1,01)0 Ii INSTALLATIONS. At; W. ol A. Innlnlln Olllccm and Has a Itoynl flood Time. Hlrene Camp M. W. of A., which iiiL-ntM In the Grunge Hall eight tulles south of the drove on the CoiiMt fork road hail a public Installation of ollleers Hat unlay. January II. A party connlstliig of (leo. Comer, I-cc-Hoy VoiidM,Mnlley Miller and deorge and i liarli'M Tii'tcrs went out from ho drove in help with tho Installa lou, Comer acting as Head Coimn' and WhoiIm hm Chlof Foreslor. The liiHtullaMon wiih earrjeil out In.-fore dinner, and nay the uioxt lutelCHtlug pint of the iIii.vh dolu'H wan when the ladlcH eotniiiemeil to unload iIImIi pan. boilers and thin. The writer Im a regular Methodist nreacher fiu yellnH legged rlilekeim and ho wound up i'.v eniing a piece each of four IHTiiieul kbnlH'if pie. Hay! The ladles of thai neighborhood don't need any Ichiiiim on cooking from Mrs. Ilolin-r, of llitstoii fame. The Col. Inge drove roiitlllgflitH Were awfully ashamed of deorge Comer and we firmly believe deorge ilhln'l eatiiliy bii:akfiiNl ho he emild loud up. After dinner a splendid program was ren dered, InlerMperMed with HelcetloiiH on vliillu and organ liy Mr.AlK' Hiimll ami wile. Alter the regular program wiih Unladed, the 1 1 id r 1 1 lit ti , Mr. A. Powell inaile ti guoil talk on SI. W. uf A. ordei and wound up by Haying thai he nut Iced several old wheel horKCH of the 1 1 range prcMent, and iim he culled I heir iiniues, several re Hponded with neat Hhort HNfches Him whig that they are mull Who keep punted and abreast of the times. There are twenty eight members of Hlrene i'miii and the newly liiHtallcd ollleerH are us follows: A A. Kelley, Venerable Consul, din. Sutherland, Worthy Advisor. I . T. Miller. Hunker. J. A. Powell. Clerk. Arthur Whltlock, llHcort. W. V.. Nuwell, Wiitchmuii. II. It. Mcllce. Sentry. A. S Powell. Manager. God, to lllrn veglvo thanksand jiralso for the ciiactmntit of the local option law. Therefore be It ItcMOlved, that It Im the work of each union to Increase the sentiment for the law mid guard Its preserva tion. llesolved, that we heart Illy ap prove of the nntl-ciiiilceti law and de slie It bo fairly tUHted, and deprecate any attempt to change or iccul It. 1llllHi: II. JOIINMON, I,oi ink A. Iri'.us, Ml.NMl; f IIAMIIAI.I., Coinmlltec. A MATTER OF HEALTH woNi)i:iti"UhS'i:itvi:. Is dlNplayed y iiiany n mnn endur ing pains of ncclilnlitnl Cuts, wounds, llriilMCM, liuriiK, Healils, Mora-reel or stiff Joints, lltit there's no need for It. Illickleli'i Arnleit Halve will kill the tialu and cure tlm trouble, it h the iHwt Halve on earth forPiles, too. 5e. at llenson h Phariiiaey. POWDER St.W. A. Installation. Cottage drove Ciillip, No. Wl Modern Woodman of America, lii Htallcd Its ollleers on Tuesday night. They were: Idtoy Woods, v. e. deorge Kweii, w. a.: C. W. Wallace, clerk: W. A Johnson, banker; Iv. It. I.acky, ewort; Hoy Schrleve, watch man: Joseph iNoreulk, sentry. .lUHt at the close of tho cureiuonloH iiiany of tho Itoyal Neighbors arrived. A splendid lunch was provided mi l a general good time was had for some hours. Eastern Star Install.-iliun. The regular mi-ctlng of the Knulcru Star was held on Friday night at which time tho following ollleerH were Intlalled: Mr?. Kathleen Wood, Worthy Ma tron. W. S. Hoimctt, Worthy Patron. Mrs. Jcnitto Hosenls-rg, Associate Matron. MImh (Vila Lurch, Secretary. Strn. Ia'iiii Lurch. Treasurer. Mrs. Clara llurkholdcr. Conduct- ns. Mrs. Ilvn C. Wheeler, Associate CoadiictrcHs. Mrs. Maggie lliind, Chaplain. Miss Anna Oglesby, Marshal. Mrs. Annie Hurt, Adah. Miss Lillian Hart. Ituth. Miss l.lllle Lurch. Ksther. MIkh UertlmTalt. .Martha. Mrs. Lucy Lea, F.loctn. M im. Olivia Dtkln, Warden. Itro. .1. .1. Giles, Sentinel. Miss Neva Perkins, Organist. After tho Installation ceremonies ami regular business were concluded an clegnnt lunch was served and all enjoyed the event until a late hour. Needles We are able to fit any sewing ma chine with needles. On July 1, we will give away a Charter Oak No. s Hteel range. A ticket given with every 11 rnsh purchase. Wvnvk Hnw. Co. Wcmcns Relief Corps. At the meotlng of tho Womcns Ite- llcf Corps on Saturday alternoon the following ollleers woro Installed: President. 'Mrs. (;nrrle Lane; S. V., Mrs. Sarah Duncan; J. V., ltoxlun Cnmmlngs: Treas., May llolgate; Guard, Ida Thompson: 1st color bearer, .Mary Dickey; I'nd, Jennie Uothburn; :ird, Alice Powell; 4th, Sarah Morris. (1. A. R. Installation. Appomattox Post No. :il, d. A. It. on Saturday lustullcd the following ollleers: d. W. Mcltoynolds.communder; W. II. Harrison, I, V.; It. Grlllln. J. V. Win. Dickey, (J. 51.; II. C. Diltton. Ad- Jutmit; Daniel Woods, Surgeon: ueo. riiouipson, Guard; Win. II. Hoot, S. M. W. C. T. U. County Institute. The County Institute of the W. C. T. IT. was hold nj Junction City last Thursday and Friday. Delegates of all the unions with the exception of Saginaw woro present, and a rous ing good I lino was hold. On Thursday evening tho v, C. T. U. of Junction held a social at tho A. O. II. V. hall which was attended by about 75 Invited gucstH. The evening program consisted of addresses by tho president of the .1 unction City union and Itev's. Gardner and Uric sine; n paper by county president, Mrs. Wheolerl Good muslo was fur nished by the choir. A piano solo was glvon by Miss linker. The rest ol tho evening wan dovot ed to merry games and conversation, and a general good time was had by all. 1'he following resolutions were adopted liy tho W. O, T. V. at Junc tion City, Janunry 100.": We, the Lnno County W. C. T. I, renfllrm our conlldonco In God and the Until triumph of our cause; bo- causa light must provnll since Uod Is iti:v. CAIILISLH I'. L. L. D. P.. MA I IT IN Of Wnverly, Texas, writes: "Of a morning, when tint urllng, I often Hnd a troublesome collection of phlegm which produces a cough and Is very hard to dislodge ; but a Hinall (piantlly of llallard'H llondioiiud Syrup will at once dislodge It. and the trouble Is over. I know of no medicine thul Is eipml to It, anil Ills so pleiiHiiut to lake. I can most cor dially recommend It to all persons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble." The Modern Pharmacy. NORMAL NOTES. entered Mirni McKiy of Aidiland, erhool Monday morning. Slim Warfield, of Kiigcne in viiiting Mies Kiiykemlnll of the Normal depart ment Mm. Dempttcr lias Ik-cii called to Kllcnsbiirg on the account of Illiiecs of her daiij4htcr. Mis. ltrown was calleilto Wiiichetter last Friday on niyoiiiil of tlielllneM of her iif'til aunt. Tho ilnskct ball team is preparing for thuttsuie with the Cottage drove High Hrhool team next .Saturday. The Horace K. Turner Art Kxhibit will Is; here under the nnnplccs of the school February 8th to llth. Humiliations next week. This closes the week of the first tcmeetor. The en rollment is growing rapidly and stveral aro expected to enter at the opening of tho new term. President Dempster attended the educational convention in Portland last Saturday, the object of the meeting was to arrange for an educational congress to he held during the Ix-wia and Clark Kxpoltlon. Drain Ore. Jan. Hi. The rccoptiou given by the henlor clan to the faculty and rtudent! on last Saturday evening was a very pleasant air.iir. After a pro (rani of music, recitations and games a dainty luncheon was served liy the iiiemU'rs of tho class. Captain ltoswell visiti the school Monday and ollered the following prif.es : Five dollars for tho best reader in the Normal department; two dollars and a half for the best reader in the Troininr department and two and n half for the best descriptive letterabout Drain, ojs'n to Ifoth departiucnts. Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE Mary, The float, and the Yoiinj V(an. Mary had a little goat that always hutted In, Arid .Mary Inula nice young mun, nn , he hnd lots of till j For diisollne call at the Modern Pharmacy. , Well the goat sneaked up on tho . young mnn and landed him one I day Now he Is buying stuff tit the New ; lira Drug Store, Just to drive the pain away t Hpokksiiiavk ! LIKCU'S LURCH'S 1-2 REG PRICE ON A Liy Bovs For a ipilck lunch the Exchange Itestauratit Is the place. Men's CLOTHING Ladies', Misses' and Children' ready-to-wear Garments less than actual Manufacturing cost As this is for 30 days only we beg you to call early for your selection. LURCH'S LURCH'S Ha; Contest. Voting on the Flag contest is begin-! nlng i'n earnest and there is likely to Im ' iiiiitu n strife betHeen several of the or ganizations lwforo it is finished. On a majority of tiie votes cast the guessing is overlooked. Tliu one who guesses the nearest V the total votes cast for a society will rt- celve$.V) und K0 moro will Jba divide.1 1 among tliOM) next up. The vote Tuesday noon stood : ' High School 0; Metlioilisls 05 1 West Side School 138 j M. W. A 1041 d. A. It m (). O. 1' 12 I W. O. W K. O. T. M W. It. C Lndlcs Circle W. O. V. K. of P Junior Forests II. T. II Christian Kndeuvor. 9' 111 05 '' o; 8.". i 4 ASK FOR THIS FLOUE ...... ..urn iFimiDMin'! l, . Avjn flP-nN-' '2 nr'ttUM v5 UP s-wg J K HAHIUNG & HANSEN; rrrrier rcrmt nirrnu s Total - 13H7 It Is iimlerstooil a large number of votes aro being held tmck lor tin purpose ol lesruiug nhkh orvanixa tlons will take tho lead. SAVED FHOM TF.Itltllll.li DF.ATH. 1'he family of Mrs. M. L. Itobldtt of llargerton, Ti saw her dyiug and were powerless to save her. The ,iifi.it ul-ltirnl iiliVHleljiiiM mill everv reiniily il'ed, flled, while consuinp- tlon WIIH siowiv tiill.sureiv lasiug her life. In tills terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion turned despair Into Joy. The first bottle brought immediate relief and Uh continued tl-e completel.v cured her. It's the must certain cure In the world for all tliroat and lung troubles. (Jimrnnteo-I Itottles ."sn- ami $1.0U. Trial Ilottles Free at Hensou'.-. Pliarinaey. smmwmmmmmiiniriiiiiniiiiMiiiininiiiiiiininfinniiK, Hardware CHAMItl'ltLAIN'S COI UH ItUM F.DY AIISOLUTi:i.Y HAlt.MLliSS. Tho fault of giving children medi cine containing injurious substances, is sometimes moro disastrous than the dlM-iiMO from which they are But tering. Kvory mother should know that fliainbcrlaln's Cough ltemrdy Isporfivtly safe for children to take. It contains nothing harmful and for coughs, colds nnd croup is unsur passed. For sale by the .Modern Pharmacy. Found. ('. Utilise has found some money. The pcrsou calling at the First Na tional Hank and describing tho same, cnti get It by pnylng for this adver-tlsomont. "Stores and Tiii,vari ipicaltui'al Implements I'hnvs. M nvcr- an I it ik". Sole agents for the celebrated MILBURN WAGONS Full Stock of Mining .Supplies. i Piper & Van Denbura CI.I.MATIC CUItKS. The influence of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much Uatci it home by proper attention to food diges tion, nnd n regular use of (ivruian Syrup. Fito expectoration in the1 morning is niada certain by Herman Syrup, so Is a good night's rect and the i absence of that weakening coutih ami debilitating nittlit sweats. Restless nights and the exhaustion due to coughing, the greatest danger and dread ol thocoiistmiptivc. can lie prevented or , stopped by taking Ocrmttn Syrup liber- ally nnd regularly. Should you be able to go ton warmer clime, yon will find that ol the thousands of consumptives there, the few who ore benefitted and regain strength aro those who use Ger man Syrup. Trial IiuUIlc '.'7c ; regular site, "5c. At all druggists, darman Hemenwny iUuuumminUiiuuimJlUiliiiilliliiiliilili JIWIWUIUMK Imper a Ho tel First-class in Every R.espect r i . ,JAS. II. POTTS GEO. W. McQUEKN I'ltortttETOIW OF TheFashion Stables yj?SpfsSu. A,0 0FFICE op r,,li jSl Bohemia fttul Black Butte Stag e TERMS BY DAY OR WEEK REASONABLE FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS v v V First Class Turnouts, POTTS & McQUEBN - or COTTAGE GROVlv, ORE Griffin & Till: CFTTINd QUALITY of any tool Is always a dsslrable one, but of eiiuiil Importance Is the power of retaining this quality so as not to require too frequent sharpen ing. Ily making your purchiiMW of the drillln & Veatch C'o. you m-elve your money's best quality of tools and cutlery ol properly tempered steel that Is sure to hold an edge. always worth In; the if C. A.JONES, Sole Proprietor TAILOR MADE SUITS TO ORDER I I 1" It I A' ATM ; ; g && HndliilanilSiinitariiiiu'I una All Hie latent troatuients. At The Lowest Prices ft'i I Veatch Go. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed And HciniVed l or $1.00 I'KR MONTH. liKO IsiHILMA.N KI.KCTUICTV, KTC. Nn rouUKliMM cawi taken. Twiiks rmnoiwlily. for furllisr larllruUr aililrnM ',) Dr. II. C. HOIIIiHUl' 1 I