Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 18, 1905, Image 3

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    Get Rid
of Scrofula
lluitctics, erhptlons, liillninrnnlloin, luro
noil u( llin eyelids Hint ran, illirimo of (ho
hones, rickets, dyiprpiiln, cnlnrrli, wnnllnit,
am onlr null) tif Ilia troubles It rnllixn.
It In n very mIIyo or I), Making Imvoo o(
Ilia iv hold system.
Krnillcnles It, cures nil Hi maiilfcilatloni,
ml builds tip thn wholo system,
Accent no substitute.
Those nrOrerillnnil'a ICaat Coast AicmIii
III Touch wllll Clrllliatlon.
Tlln ICmUIiiiuh of tlic rimt count of
(Jlcelllniid biivt' liccn reunited lo tliu
Moriil, lifter linvlur; forgotten, icrlini
for ninny yen in, tbo llttln tliey over
knew of II, aiivs the I'lillndelplilu Pule
lie 1,1'iIkit. Tliu DuiiIhIi supply stenm
hip (liNltliiinb linn returned to Copeu-
luilicn from n visit lo Alu;iuuKillk, n
tiltloli cslilbllalied ljr tin) KiiviTiiini'iit
for I lie piirioM of Improving tlm ton
illllon of tlio (Ireeiibiud natives mill
developing n trade tvllli thrill. It In un
Interesting enterprise, because Den
murk's di'iiHnus wllli aboriginals nro
JiiiiniuiltluK mill plillmilliroplc, mill tint
iiuitirliil It liml to denl with here wna
In Ha iiiiliirnl coiiillllon.
An fur un In known, the nattrea of
(Ireenliind'a cunt count liml 4ierer eoino
Into conlact with tlm whlti) rnco until
twenty yciirn nito, when they were dis
covered liy dipt. Holm, a Daulsb ex
plorer. It trim nix ynira Inter keforu
anything more tlmn frngmciitnry Infor
1 11 it t lo ntiuiit them wiin given out, anil
then Denmark pulillnlieil a sumptuous
work In three vnliimen derated lo the
people am) heir hnlillnt. I'robabljr no
oilier book no eilinustlve mil costly
linn ever been primed nhoiit n hnnilfiil
of primitive people. They numbered
only filH when they were discovered.
The nupply ntenninhlp rrporln ill
C'lpelibngon Hint the Knst (Ircenliind
nllltlnil U In thriving condition. It linn
dimply triiimforineil Hie life of tho na
tive. They hnve knives, llmlier. metal
polnln for their harpoons niid n liiin
ilnil I'liiuforln nml conveniences they
never knew hefnre. The Danish giiv
erilliieiit huya their olln, furn. skins
nml feather. The stntlnn lakes every
thing they have lo ncll In exchange fur
the i-iiinniiNlltlen they require.
A way tin h been founil around the
glnclcrs Jutting out Into tho sea which
no long barred ntteinptn to travel
iirotllid the no u 111 rml of (ireenlnnd. A
fmr purlieu hnve niiiile alcdgu Jour
neyn to the llnklmo nettleineuln of llin
west connt, and nome of them have net
tied there. They huvo never hetird of
plrltuoun Honors.
They are pure-blood Kaklmos, the
only unmixed natives In (Irrentand, ex
cept In In tliu Hmlth nouml region; bill
their feature are thinner nml longer
than tlioae of other Knklmon, and they
arn a Utile taller than those of the
went connt. They have tho dimmest
tradition that their futhcrn cume from
tho north, and connldernblc evldenco
linn nccuimilntcd pointing to the prob
ability Hint they are the dencendiint
of native who reached
Ureenlntul from the archipelago north
of our continent nml then nklrted llio
north and rnnl const of Clrccnlnml to
tlielr prcnent abode.
Wonilerfiil Alatinmn Cat,
I hail u cut once rvuiurkubly lutein
cent, even for a cut. lie could turn a
knob of a tloor with bin pawn, fetch the
paper when It wan thrown over tho
feuce, carry noten to tlm uroecru, and
perform other nluuta crvdltablo allko
to bin head and heart.
Olio ulk'ht 1 wan reading rnllier late
In Hie nltllui; room, when 1 noticed tliu
cat rub up my lee anil atari
for the door, nnd when I failed to fol
low ho would return nml repeat the
performance. Alclbluden (Hint wna tliu
name of the cat) wna no Innlnlent Hint
finally I decided lb follow- him. lln led
mo up tho atulra and Into n room. Co
Ins up lo n cloiet the eat tapped upon
tho door with IU pitw. UiidemtniiilliiK
the mute reijueat, I opened the door
and much to my nKtonlnhmcnt tllncov
crcd a nero man crouched down In n
corner of the clonet. I aelzed lilm mid
with the help of other member of the
liounehold delivered 111 ni at the station
home, where ho wna recognized an n
badly wanted hurKlnr. -IllrmliiKlinm
In July, 1 83 J, I began tobreak out with
Kczcma on my bead, legs and arms, and
began treatment with local doctors, but
did not net much relief. Thev said tho dis
ease uau uccomecuromc. I llieu quittlietii
and tried various ointments nnd soaps for
another two years, Lut as soon as cold
weather camel was as bad off nscver, so I
finally decided tolct medicine alone, and
lor twelve or tuirteeu years did nothing
towards curinir the Kczema. ezcent bath.
lug. This seemed to tto about as much
good as nnytliltig I bad tried.
During the time I lost about one-half of
my liair, I began 8. S. 8. doubtful of a
cure, because the disease bad run so long,
but soon discovered your medicine was
doing mo good, and continued to take It.
I used seven bottles, when I was com
pletely cured, not having a single spqton
my body, which before wss almost com
pletely covered. 1 1 I'. C. Norfoi,c
1017 Ilaciberry St., Ottumwa, la.
The head, feet and hands are usually
the parts affected, though the disease ap
pears on other parts of the body. While ex
ternal applications allay the Itching and
burning temporarily, It Is the acids thrown
off by the blood that cause the Irritation
and eruptions upon the skin. The acids
must be neutralized and the system cleans
ed of all humors and poisons before tho
cure is permanent.
8. S. 8. is guaran
teed entirely free
of Potash, Arsenic
and other miner
als. Book on the
skin and its dis
eases sent free.
Medical advlco
furnished free,
The Swift Speolflo Company, Atlanta, Go.
I Doit CuugU Bjruu. Tutu Uuud. Um
In tlma. Bold br drussUtf.
"I'd, wlint'n en pi I ii I punishment?"
"H'n tho nix iiioulhn' neulenro n limn
get Mr Menllug n uilllluii dollars."
Chicago Itecoril-IIernlil.
Hhii My. lxi t Mr, I'lnxyiiinn I
stingy. Ho I nhmilil nny no. Why,
hv woiiMn't laugh at a Joko uiilenn It ! rmiIyjiifiit or who Imvi, no many de
wnn at nouiehiNly else's cltieiiii Kr. ,.,miii upon them that they can not
Clara Did you luwi your prenenco
of mind when ho altempted to klaa
you? .Maud Yen, for a moment. Why,
1 nearly told him to top. Now-York-
Cliaurrciir In theru An ordlnnnco
llmltliiK the apeed of auto In thla
lowii? Native No, they can't net
throiiKh too ipilukly to null un. llrook
lyu Life.
Korelmier What In the nlKiilflcnneo
of tho eiiKle that la atnmpcd on Amerl
can money? tlnllnl Htaten Citizen It
la tlm curblem of Ita nwlft Unlit. De
troit Tree I'rena,
"My tnkenl How well your Inn
band In Inilned, How did you ever do
It?" "1 didn't, lln wna' a widower
when I not him. It nnven a lot of
trouble." CIiIciiko Itecord-Ilerald.
Mantle If you don't iUlt teanlnK
mo I'll tell mamma and aho'll tell papa,
then pnpn will whip you. Harry
Then I'll cry mid KTandmn will Kivo
mo nome candy, and I won't Klve you
any. lCx.
"Did you notice how I moved tho
audience lant iilKht?" nuked the nmii
teur elocutlonlnt. "Moveit Inu't tho
prowr iinine for It." rejoined bin criti
cal frleiul. "It wan lltllo abort of a
I.lttlo Wllllo Kay. pa, I tho pen
tnlichtlcr than tho aword? I'a Ho
aomo people claim, my aon. I.lttlo
Willie Then wrhy don't tho Itunnlnn
arm Ihemnelven wllh fountain pcun?
Mluneapolla Tliuea.
"I'm nurv 1 nnw n cat over In that
corner," wild Tommy, nlttlm; up In
bitl. "No, dear; k'o to nleep, nnld bin
mother; "It wna Jtiat lniaulnatloii."
"Una a nianliiatlon (jot ahlny eye?"
I'lillodelphht Ii-dzer.
Mr. Hklnlllnt Tho paper anya nklrta
nru to be worn longer than ever. Mrs.
Hklnlllnt Well, you needn't bo IlKKcr
ln" on mo wenrlu' mine any Ioiikit.
I've worn It Dvo yenra thla coiulu'
falll" Ilnrper'a Ilarar.
I'nnnenKcr Till train In nenrly ono
hour behind time, la It not? Guard
Yea; but that's all right. We'll (,-et In
tlm usual time. ranseiiKer What tlmo
1 Hint? (liinnl Two hours laic.
Glnngaw Kvenlng Time.
"1 thoiiKht Hiuearule n a friend
of youra?" "lie waa until lately. I
had to drop him. Ho wna always
wantltiK to borrow money, "ltcfuaed
Mm sharpjy. did you?" "No. I lent
him name." Chicago Tribune.
"Khe'a n lovely rjrl, ami so almplo
In her taste. I told her that I hadn't
much of an Income yet, but that I
hoped I could provide for her every
want." "And whnt did she any?"
"Hhc snld Hint would be all she could
ask." Uindon Tlt-lllt.
Caller Kitty. In that your pnrrot?
I.lttlo (llrl No, Indeed, mii'nin. Tho
folks next door left 111 m with ui when
they went awny on tlielr vacation.
'Fore he begins to talk I want to tell
you Hint he doesn't belong to our
church. Chicago Tribune.
Wife John, don't ou think that
our house In alliurctuer too sum!) for
our prevent needs? Iluibnnd Ye
I've been thinking seriously of putting
an addition to It. Wife Something In
the hlnipe of a whig? 1 -No;
Mimetlilng In the nliupe of n mortgage.
1 shot n rabbit the other day. Some
kind of a wiinlc'i on me out of tho
bushes nnd objected. "Hint wits 11
game wnnlen." "No, It wasn't." "Why
not?" ItconilHt) there was nothing
game about him. lie ran when I hIiii
ed my gun at him." Ilnltlmoro Her
"Yes." remarket! the party who
sometime lets 1111 audible thought es
cape, "It's u sure sign a mini Is get
ting old." "What's a sure sign?"
micrlctl the youth with the rubber huh-
It. "When he goes around telling peo
ple that ho feels Just as young as ha
ever did," explained the noisy thinker.
"You know how father Insists upon
talking nil tho tlmo wlivnowr Skates
comes to call on me ' "Yes." 'Well,
wo llxed hliu up lust night. Wo got
him to read tho ltusslan and Jnpu
nest) mimes In the war dispatches, anil
his Jnw was soon ho soro that he could
not talk abovo 11 whisper." London
Jennie That spiteful Mrs. Chnttcr
ton wild your husbuml was old nnd
ugly and Hint you only married him
for his money. Nettle And whnt did
you say, dear? Jennie I said I waa
suro you didn't do anything of tho
sort. Nettle Uld you over ijieet my
husband? Jennte No; I never had
that pleasure. Nellie I thought so,
TI10 farmer's Vnonllon.
Tho ambitious tiller of tbo soil, who
la Interested In his homo and labor,
nlwnyB llnds plenty to occupy his at
tention, nnd Is never moro content
than whon thus engaged. Thero nro
other members of tho family, how
ever, whoso labor Is moro confining
and tiresome. On tlielr account, If not
Ills own, they should seek some diver
sion occasionally. Too often wo seo
cases where that lack of diversion
from tho cares and trials tins resulted
In Insnulty or nervous prostration,
With U10 younger members of tho
family "all work and no piny mnkoi
Jack a dull boy," und Invariably la
also tho reason why ho Is only too glnd
of n chanco to leuvu tho farm when
occasion presents. Tbo opposite Is
equally deplorable, for all piny and
110 work Is very llnblo to mnko him
worthless In after life, Thoso brought
up In oiir rural districts aro not usual
ly subject to tho latter "disease," for
during most of tho year work pushes
tho majority of our fnrmeru lnsteml of
Vhom pushing It Tho only way for
them to tint! tlmo for something out
of tho usual loullno Is to "tako tlmo.'
Wo hnvo noticed that tho women on
tho bill boards nro mighty freo with
tho word "villain' when thov talk to
tho men.
Article Yon Do Not Use Mny Do
Hoiueniie IStee Much Hood
ilo tip to your utile, look nliout your
nouso mm wo how ninny things are ly
lug rouml that you van not only din
pelini) with, hut which nrn nlno really
In your way, that would bring a mens
li ru of comfort and hnppliienn to otliern
less fortunate than yourielf.
took over your old clothing and pick
out I h nrtlcicn that you will never
wear ngnlu, hut which would provo a
real godsend lo some poor girls out of
afford to buy m-cesnnry clothing for
themselves. Ho not keep thono things
until they become unclean, thinking you
may need them some time. Iel them
do good now, while It Is possible.
1'erhnps you hnvo a number of pret
ty, hut useless old Christmas presents
which you have been keeping for years,
merely out of a feeling of sentiment.
Why not mnko some poor children
who, perhaps, never hnvii had a Christ
inns present, happy with those things?
They made you very happy once, mid
they will do so again, when you know
that they aro making this Chrlstmns
brighter mid happier for others.
Ixiok over your luniks. Tick out the
duplicates, or tho paper-covered ones
that you bare rend, and give them
away where they will bo appreciated.
There are probably books In your li
brary, or lying around tho house, which
110 one has looked Into for years, or
will reatl for years to como, which
would be of Inestimable value to boys
and glrln who are trying to educate
themselves under great difficulties.
Tans them on. Tho moro you give
away the morn you will hnvo nnd en
Joy. Tho habit of stinginess strangles
happiness; tho habit of giving multi
plies It
I'erhnps you hnvo damaged or old
pieces of furniture stowed away In tin
nttlc which would add greatly to the
comfort mid brightness of some poor
home, (lo over your china closet ami
sen how many odd or chipped und dis
colored dishes ore lying there unused
which would III! an embarrassing want
In many a poverty-stricken home.
hen the lit of generosity comes
over you, when you feel your heart
softening with hiiiiin sympathy, go
about the bouse and pick up every
thing you do not need and send them
away on their mission of love while
the Impulse Is upon you. Do not let
selllsbness and stinginess try to con
vince you Hint you would better keep
them, that you may II ml some use for
them In the future. Your Impulse to
do good Is n dlvlno Inspiration. He-
ware how you smother It. or let It
puss by. Success Mngnzlue.
Mary Makepeace sat down in her
favorite chnlr In her own room, nnd
threw her bend back with n long sigh.
"No words cnu tell bow glnd I am Hint
I've mntli) my last visit for tbo sum
mer." she said. "Now I sbnll have
somo pence, not to mention plensurc.
"My denr," said her mother, re-
"I mean it," returned Mary. -Of
course I like change of scene, but I
am tired of adapting my wholo llfo to
others, as I am expected to do 11s
welcome guest."
"My dear! suld her mother ngaln
'Think how kind everybody has been
to you! "
"They mount to be they wero kind,'
Mary said, wearily, "yet 1 find ns If I
hnd barely escaped with my life, and
you will admit that Is nut Just the
right kind or nrtur-feellng.
"Let me tell you, mother," Mary con
tlnuvd. "At the Fosters' I changed my
hours for rising, for retiring nml for
eating my meals. At the Lanes'
changed father's politics for of course
I havctrt any of my own to please
Mr. I .a ne, mid I had all I could do to
keep from changing my religion to
please Mrs. Lnne.
"At tho Jenkins' I changed nil my
views nbout what constitutes diversion
to suit tho family In general. At tho
I'nges' I entirely chnnged my point of
view concerning music and books. And
at the Nevlus", where I was III,
chnnged my tloctor, and took stuff
which I felt suro would poison me, Just
to please them.
"I nto cheese, which I abhor, nnd
gave up fruit, which I like, 11 1 the
Flsks'. I slept with closed windows
at (Irent-Auut Marln s because she Is
nfr.ild of 11 breath of nlr, and drank
twenty-one pints of hot water the four
days I was at Cousin Thomas' 'to tlusb
my system.'
No," said Mary, In n firm voice. "I
pay no more visits for months to come.
Home-keeping youth may have homely
wits, but If I go nbout much moro 1
shall not huvo any wits at all."
Youth's Companion.
African Lnkcs Vanish.
In ISTil), somo distance southeast of
Lake Nyassa, In Central Africa, Liv
ingstone discovered Lnko Shlnvn. n
body of water about thirty miles long
nnd flfteen miles wide, which hns now
entirely dlsnppcnred with tho excep
tion of n few ponds In Its bed. Lake
Nynnil, discovered by Livingstone nt
tbo Bamo tlmo, has also disappeared.
Tho cause of tho chnngo appears to be
a gradual drying up of bottles of water
lu Central Africa, Aa marking tho
results of n single half century tho
changes named (with no doubt others
equally important;, but not recorded)
show a rapidity of mutation In thoso
Inland waters not equalled elsewhere
In the contemporary geographer's sur
vey. Too Boustblo to Giro Up,
'Will you promise," sho auxlously
naked, "not to do anything despcrato
If I say It can nuvcr bo?"
Yes," ho replied. "I think n man's
n fool who goes to tho bad because a
girl refuses to lovo htm,"
Thou I will bo yours." Chicago
Canada's Now l'nolllo llontl,
Tho uow railroad through Canada to
tho Pacific coast will pass through
vast regions never horetoforo explor
Falling lu lovo Is ensy and delight
ful; but It Is not so easy getting out.
I.luhls the Vlf on Time.
There aro not many Invention of
foreigners patented at the United
Htatcs I'ntent Olllce, but occasionally
a good one, generally out of tho or
dinary, In sent there and n patent ap
plied for. In tho Illustration below
will bo found an nppartus, the Inven
tion of an Australian, which contains
several good features. It la called a
tlmo flro lighter, mid tho mechanism
Is so constructed that by placing It
under a flro the latter can bo 11 11 to-
matlcally lighted at a predetermined
time. Its uses are varied, not only for
domestic, but for manufacturing pur
poses ns well. The clock Is set similar
to setting an alarm clock, with in at
tachment for regulating and project
ing n trigger at the tlmo determined.
A match la Inserted In a slot dealgnel
for that purpose, and when the tight
moment baa arrived tho trigger Is re-
based, which projects a bolt In con
tact with the match. Tho surface of
tho bolt Is rough, so that tbo friction
which Is caused by coming In contact
with tho head of Hie match Ignites the
Kmll M. (. Column, of Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, Is tbo patentee.
Delivery Chute.
Muny of tbo numerous Inventions
patented contain novelties moro theo
retical tbnn practical, nnd for this rea
son never get on tho market The
Ideas are generally good, but when It
comes to putting them In use It Is
often Impossible to do so. A delivery
chute, which Is -exceedingly novel In
Its features, Is shown In the Illustra
tion, and It Is n device that could read
lly be used for n great many purposes.
It Is a common sight to seo several
men delivering barrels and storing
them In Hie cellar of a building, the
usual method being to allow the barrel
(0 gradually slip down a pair of ropes.
Of course, the barrel could not be al
lowed to roll down the steps or chute,
for the velocity attained would bn
sure to cause diimngo oc possible In
jury 10 anybody Hint happened lo bn
In the way. TMs seems to be a cum
berMme method In comparison to the
one shown here. This Inclined chute
Ik constructed similar to ordinary
chutes, with side extensions to guide
the course of the barrel or package.
A Little Lesson
In Patriotism
Let our object bo our country, our
whole country, and nothing but our
country." Daniel Webster.
Clen. Wlntleld Scott has become 10
well known ns n very old man, prob
ably on account of his portrait having
been taken when
bo bad reached an
advanced nge, and
that most of us
seem to forget Unit
It was In youth
rather than In his
old ngo that ho per
formed thoso ser
vices for his coun
try which distin
guished him above
bis fellow-soldiers.
Scott was still a
young man when lu
tho war of 1812 he directed at Queens
town, on tbo Niagara Itlvcr, a series
of engagements in which wero blend
ed, according to one historian, the most
perfect plan of arrangements, the most
undaunted courage, the most disas
trous defeat and the most triumphant
The battle of Lundy's Lane brought
Scott Into action again. Although he
was wounded early In the engagement,
he fought on, gallantly charging the
enemy as they advanced.
War after war followed In the ca
reer of the soldier until Anally tho
Mexican war brought to him bis lat
est glory. It was ono of the most plc
turcsquo campaigns of history, daring
lu conception nnd excittlon.
Despite his years, lien, Scott served
In the Civil War until ho was no long
er able to bear tho hardships of the
camp and tho field. Fow men cau
show such n long record of service for
their country ns can he. Ho served
from 1812 until November, 1801.
Ills entire llfo was devoted to tho
cnuso and tho welfaro of tho United
States. In defense ngnlnst foreign. In
vaders, lu advances Into tho enemy's
On one side tho extension Is divided
Into suitable sections, each section
controlled by n brake operated by
means of n lerer placed opposite tho
entrance of tho chute. Ily operating
the lerer the lower end of the oxten-
slon Is pullet! across the surface of tho
finite toward the opposite side. When
the barrel has been started on Its Jour
ney down the cbuto It naturally gains
momentum, but by application of the
brake of tbo first section Ita speed Is
diminished, or It can bo stopped en
tirely. As It passes through each sec
tion the necessary brake Is applied, so
that It ran be brought gradually to a
standstill at tho bottom.
Charles W. Weld, of Southbrldgo,
Mass., Is tbo patentee.
Appnratus for Firemen.
Few persons, except the small boy
who Is going to be one when be gets
old enough, realize the many dangers
firemen face every day of tlielr lives,
but statistics prove that only a very
small number die a natural death a
falling wall or other part of a burn
ing building generally carrying death
to some brave fire fighter after he baa
spent the greater part of bis life on
duty. Just think how often a fire
man Is called upon to enter a build
ing full of dense smoke, to rescue
some person who has already been
overcome, and the wonder Is that he
Is not supplied with some protection
for his own life. There does not seem
to be any reason why be should not
for Instance, wear an apparatus like
the one shown In the Illustration. He
could then with absolute safety to
himself enter any burning building,
wlth an added chanco of saving any
lives that mlcht be endancered. The
upper portion Is made In the form of
a hood or mask of alr-tlght and fire
proof fabric, to be placed over the
head of the wearer, with glass clos
ures for openings for the eyes. There
Is also n cap opposite the mouth, which
closes against air from without, but
opens for the discharge of exhaled air
which has been breathed. Reservoirs
which contain compressed nlr or oxy
gen for sustaining life are attached
to the back of the wearer by straps,
and connected by a tube to the back 0
the hood, with valves for regulating
the supply. The compressed air can
thus be readily supplied from the res
ervolrs to the Interior of tho hood, to
be breathed by the wearer. After en
terlng a building tilled with muoke
fireman using this apparatus could re
main for some time, while his hands
and arms would be free.
Charles 13. Chapln. of Berkeley. Cab,
Is the patentee.
country, lu protection of tho frontiers,
In the struggle to preserve the Union,
Wlntleld Scott was ever ready to do
all In his power for the sake of the
country be loved. Chicago Journal.
Ancient Chairs.
Seats more or less resembllug stools
that Is, seats without backs were In
general use among nations possessing
a certain degree of clvlllrtitioii In pre
historic Umcs. What those were like
In the early historic period we know
from an examination of Egyptian
monuments, from a study of (Jreek
vases or from Etrurian or Itoman an
tiquities that are stored In European
museums. The Egyptian deities ore
seated generally on granite blocks, the
backs of which are raised a few Inches
only, giving a distant resemblance to
a chair. That the Egyptians had seats
more comfortable for domestic use Is
possible, but we have every reason to
suppose, nltiiough they iossessed a
high degree of civilization, that their
Idea of homo comforts was not that of
modern times.
The common people probably sat.on
blocks of stone or wood or SDrawled
about on the ground with some sort
of carpet that also served for a boil.
Tho Etrurians, ancient Inhabitants of
Italy before tho arrival of tbo Romans,
appear to have preferred the reclining
posture. In which they are usually rep
resented on tne sarcophaguses In the
Struggling with tho LnBuage.
A. story Is told of a German teacher
at an American girls' college who was
uot thoroughly acquainted with the
English language and tbo college slang
bad uot helped her In solving the puz
zle. Sho had heard the girls talk about
going off on larks4 Returning one day
from a picnic sue said to somo of the
girls, "Oh, I havo been on such a ca
nary." She startled her class one day
by complaining against soma of the
cold duys of September, saying: "Why,
It was sa cold one day I had to stay In
my room all tho morning and sit with
my feet over the transom trying to
keep wnrrn,"
An equal suffragist on a farm Is as
rare as a churn In town, There seems
to bo something about tbo easier lite
In town that makes women discontented.
ElTI-LlES riiEsn AIR.
A Happy Horns.
Said the tnnn whoso equine acquaint
ance outnumber the human ho knows
Intimately, nnd who seems glad of It!
"There Is a wise old horso belong
'ng to a grocer In Wentworth avenue,
and be might appropriately bo called
tho children's friend. Thn atoro Is
close to a schoolhoiise, and this horse
friend of mine spends much of his
time standing In front of the store
when his wagon Is not In commis
sion. "He has a habit of standing with
his forefeet on the sidewalk gazing
Into the store. At such times the chil
dren fairly swarm on him. They Jump
Into the wagon and hold tho reins;
they climb on top of and walk under
neath the kindly animal, and he looks
benlgnantly down upon them, and Is
often rewarded for his good nature
with bits of sugar and candy and oth
er things Hint horses like.
"There are few happier faces In
town. If you know bow to read horse
faces, than this of my four-legged
friend. May he lire long and always
be as happy." Chicago Inter Ocean.
T- . . . . - r.. -
rur inrtr vrsr, rim 1. 11 1 n lur ivu-
sumption has cureil cough and cotda. At
druggist. Price 25 cents.
The Mlllcreek I'hllospher.
The man who can dress In the latest
style and still be a genius surely is
a genius, or else he gets money from
Ileformers seldom succeed, because
they are too pure-minded to be politi
cians and too narrow-minded to be
If I thought an elastic currency
would help me stretch my credit, I
should certainly pull for It
Politicians usually rote as they prey.
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Take LxtUv Uromo Quinine Tnbtru. All draff
gllt refund the monrr it It tails to cure. 12. W
(Jrorr-i tlcnuura 1, on each box. Sc.
Feminine Diplomacy
Husband Why I it, my dear, that I
never hear you ask any one if your hat
is on straight, as I so often bear other
women do?
Wife Well, If yon must know. It Is
because I lore you so much.
Ilutband lint I fall to see what your
lore for me has to do with It.
Wife Why, lust think how It wouM
disgrace and humiliate you if I were to
call any one's attention to the only hat
1 nare bad in three years.
X. It. And it came to d.iss that on
the following Sunday she appeared In
the rery latest creation of the milliner's
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
According to the committee of pub
lic accounts, wholesale "grafting" pre
vailed on the British side during the
Boer war. For example, out of a to
tal sum of $0,250,000 Issued to the Im-
Perlal yeomanry committee. $2,230,000
cannot bo accounted for. Of 090
mules shipped to Belra. on the South
African coast, 153 died at sea and the
remaining 841 "cannot be traced far
ther than Belra." As for remounts,
out of 017,000 horses and 155.000 mules
supposed to have been sent to Africa,
34,-iCS horses and 5.SG2 mules cannot
be accounted for.
Soft wood is uow artificially hardened'
snd toughened hy a process of vulcaniz
riTQ Permanently Cured. No flta or nerrtxunral
110 nr flnt dr' uoUr.Kllne'i UreM Nerve
Ilt-MI,rf T. untf rnr .--.. K (rial fw.tll.tan,. --.-, - H.Kllnr,lJd.,VM Arcti tL, raiAdelpbU, I'a.
Final Leap-Year Effort.
Have you a sister?" asked Miss Will
(ng of her brother's college chum.
Alas! no," he replied. "But I hare
often longed for the soothing Influence
of n sister s love.
"How sad," she sighed. "But fortu
nately you may be able to -cure'n sat
isfactory substitute."
"And what is that?" queried the young
Why, the lore of some other fel
low's sister," answered the artful maid.
One or Iter Habits.
Sentimental lie My dear, you actu
ally look sweet enough to eat.
Practical She Of course: and that's
just what I do three or four times dally.
Hotbersw 111 find Un. Wlnilow'a BoctMnv
Syrup tbo beat remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
Her Only Wish.
You told me that when wo wero mar
ried you would sec that my every wish
was gratified," remarked the bride of a
few weeks.
Well?" replied her husband, rather
Well, I wish I was slnzle nr-aln"
rhllndelphla Press.
How It Happened.
Geraldiue Did you hear abont XIIK
Elderlelgh's elopement?
l-.snieralcln Elopement:
tJeraldine Yes. Her horse ran atc-V
with her yesterday.
Itching lltlnd, lUeftllnff or rrotrudloz HIm.
Your drutirl.t will refund nioner If PAZO .OINT-
aica c iuiik to cure you in v to it days. Wc.
Tlai-olam In Animals.
Animals are capable of what we
should call heroism In man. In one
field was a donkey, In another a horse.
Through the first went mastiff and
made for the ass, seized him by the
throat, pulled him down, and that so
suddenly "that the donkey looked like
ly to be killed. The horse In the next
Held leaped the hedge dividing the two
pastures, collared the dog with his
teeth, swung him on the fall ball
teeth, swung him and like a baseball
player caught blm on the fall with
his heels. The mastiff was whisked
over tbo hedge which tho horse bad
Just crossed, and the donkey was left
In peace to recover from his wounds.
HHs High Grade
llss Machinery i
Write for Catalogue and Prices
The A. H. Averill Machinery Go. P8W
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats, hack
Ing coughs, pain In trie lungs.
It relieves congestion, sub-
dues Inflammation. It heals,
strengthens. Your doctor will
explain thlsto you. He knows
all about this cough medicine.
"We nsre, ai At.r-i Chrry fMtnril In
oar fsmtlr fnr 2A ttsrt for Ihrosl nnd Inn
trouble, snit w think no mllrln mm I. It."
Mm. A. I'osisor, Appl.ton, Minn,
!f.-.Jn fist, i.c Aran co..
11 miiTfsi ' una fnr rnwii m...
Weak Throats
. . ..... '
avnr-n ft-ma nrnsnu m.i ...(...
purely vogetnblo, oontlv Inxntlvo.
! '
- Wbat'i I ho Matter.
' In certain town In the North Of
Ireland there Is a fishing-tackle shop,
, 'ku wuereoi is a urazen iroui
hanging at tho end of a fisblng-rod of
jirupotuoua. uin one uigiu a
townsman who bad been dining "uot
wisely but too well" happened to see
this fish. He looked at It, then went
cautiously to the door and knocked
"Who's there!" demanded tho shop
keeper from an upper window.
"Sb-ht Don't make a noise, but
come down as quickly as you can,"
was the reply.
Thinking something serious was the
matter the man arose and stole down
"Now, what's the matter?" he In
quired. "Full your line In quick; you haro
got a bite," roared the tipsy one as be
erratically turned a corner.
Two Ways.
Magistrate You are charged, sir, with
trying to commit suicide.
Pjlsoner I was driven to It, your
honor driven to It by a woman.
Magistrate IL'm! Did she refuss
you, or marry you?
To curb his wife's extravagant habits,
a carpenter In Budapest keeps her locked
In the house on week days, but kindly
lets her out on Sundays, when the stores
are closed.
When mothers hear of a yoang girl
who likes to take care of babies, they
make as much of her aa If she were
Dakar, a French port In Senegal. West
Africa, is being connected with Franc
by a direct cable. The connecting point
on the French side will be Brest.
During twelve hours an average of GO,
750 foot passengers passed orer Black
friars Bridge. 05,330 orer London Bridge
and 24.020 orer Southwark Bridge.
Fore it reset-re iciipt for m curing- title
In nr quantity to farming; (Trail nip,
deaert or timber land without residence
or lm proremrnt for sale at low it mark
et prirea. H. M. HAMILTON.
Thm Portlmnd, Partlmnd, Ore,
If too want to tt tba
ueat rturna for JfJtfkKt
joar Ubor and
your ground.
Toil can't affaird
ttaftt'' to plant anytblog bat
tb f twidard after 49 yean1
teat. Tnejr awjra pruritic
cropa. ah dealers ii
tuem. uur isoa WBSmH
sccu Annual
Irw on requeaL ,
"All Signs Fall In a DryTlme'J
THE siaN of Tin; FISH
In ordering: Tower's Slicker,
a cuatomer wrlteal "I knour
tUey will bt alt right if thev
hart the 'Ftth' on fftem."
This conQclence la the out
Growth of alxtr-olne years of
careful manufacturing. x
A. J. TOWER. CO. Bsiiaafauiiu
lloaton, U.S. A. rrpYXR$
Tower Canadian Co.
uniiieu ,
Toronto, Canada 'I3HJBH
Unksrt nfWarmttid Wit Wtzthtr Clothing
For the Study of
is important. We
can show results,
for every one of
our graduates are
Write for our Catalogue
No. J-1 90S
WIIEN writing; to drertlirs please I
mention this paper. 1