Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 11, 1905, Image 6

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    Bohemia Nugget
Bebasria Nutft Pm. C.
In a Condensed Form for On
Dtisy Readers.
A Resume of tha Lex Important but
ciot.Lati Interesting Event
v of tha Pait Weak.
Russia puna to spend 1200,000,000
on rebuilding her navy.
Missouri may appropriate $200,000
10 tlio ixswls ana Ulark fair.
Tho' Colorado legislature lias declared
Adams elected governor., but Penbody
may contest.
Committees o( Atlantic cte.imf.hli
lines and rallroattls met to take steps
against tho rigid inspection of immi
grants by tlio government, which, they
say drives business from American to
Canadlaan steamer lines.
Andrew Carnegio has Intimated to
tlio officials ot the Franklin institute,
oiaewiork, that it they ran secure
the Franklin fund, amounting to $155,'
000, ho will duplicate tlio amount, as
ho did in tlio caso of iranklin union,
of Hocton.
All tlio railroads centering In Chi
cago .will apply to tho United States
district court January 17 (or a pcrma-
ncnt Injunction restraining all local
brokers from dealing in nny form of
non-transferablo transportation. The
scalpers propose to appeal to tho United
states supreme court.
The beef trust caso is before tho
prcmo court.
Russian revolutionists predict
early outbreak.
Several severe engagements have oc
curred near Mukden.
Russia's Third Pacific squadron will
bo ready to sail February 14.
Tho movements of the Second Pacific
Russian squadron are still undecided
The Nebraska supreme court has de
clared the sugar bounty law unconsti'
A million dollars in gold has been
engaged in San Francisco for shipment
to Japan.
The North sea inquiry commission
has adjourned until February. When
it reconvenes Russia promises to have
some sensational testimony to offer.
Ono man was killed and half a dozen
persons seriously injured in a rear-end
collision in which three trains crashed
together on an elevated road in New
Fire damaged the cotton mill of the
Edwards Manufacturing company at
Augusta, Me., to the amount of $75,
000. Firemen had to fight not only
the flames but a temperature of 32 de
grees below zero.
The czar has decided to send 200,000
more troops to Manchuria.
The Japanese found 48,000 prisoners
in Port Arthu,r of whom one-third are
The flagship of the Baltic squadron
is reported to have struck a rock and
The czar's decision to continue the
war causes great indignation and brings
a revolution near.
The interstate commerce committee
of tho senate is working on a bill to
regulate freight rates.
As a result of a collisslon on the
Lake Shore road near Angolsa, N. Y
eight passengers wercjnjured.
The continued internal strife in
Santo Domingo may necessitate the
United States to step in and put a btop
to it.
Secretary Hay recommends that the
naturalization 1 aws be amended so as
to restrict many courts from granting
Although orders have not been is
sued, it is positive that the Russian
Baltic squadron will return to Euro
pean waters.
In an address before the American
Forestry congress the president declared
we must make and enforce laws that
will protect the great forests of the
United States.
Russia scouts all talk of making
More charges of land frauds irapli
cate Idaho citizens, including Senator
Ileyburn, also Senator Ulark, of Jlon
An Ohio river steamer blew up near
Huntingdon, W. V.a, killing 10 people
and injuring 12 others. The steamer
and 20 barges burned.
More than 500 delegates were present
at tho opening session of the American
Forestry congress in Washington. Sec
retary Wilson welcomed the delegates
and in his address advocated needed
changes in present laws to protect the
forests and water supply.
River and Harbor Appropriation Bill
Will Da Cut.
Washington, Jan. 10. Tho river and
harbor committee lias adopted tho pol
Icy of appropriating only for waterways
which ore being partially Improved ut
stato or municipal oxcnso.
Representative Williamson today laid
lioforo Chairman Burton a long state
Good Prices and Brisk Market
vail In Grant County.
John Day Cattlo buying among
mcnt showing that tho city of Portland Grant county stockmen has been quit
has expended up to December a total of active since the heavy sales last fall
$1,008,000 in channel Improvements So many engaged In this rather un
from Portland to the sea, and that the usual form ot stock transaction that
state of Oregon has appropriated $105,- tho homo supply became practically
000 for building a portage road from exhausted somo time ago, and they
Tho Dalles to Cclllo and $100,000 ad- are reaching out Into the surrounding
dltional for tho purchase of rlcht of territory. The bulk of the business
way for a covemmcnt canal between was carried on very quietly, and re
these points. suited in a good many surprise
In view of these lams expenditures Growers who make a practice of selling
Mr. Williamson urged the committee 011 ;un8 stock were approaciie.i
to deal liberally with all Columbia
local buyers, and asked whether they
knew of any such for sale In the
neighborhood. Tho reply was general
ly that they had bought up all to
Conditions favor this demand
Prices havo been down to bedrock
closo sales of fat stock had been genera
throughout tho county, and feed and
river projects
The conference of Republican leaders
at tho White House today, taken in
conjunction with tho announcement of
Mr. Burton, is taken to mean that there
will bo little or no appropriation for
rivers and harbors at this session.
Before his conference with tho Re-1 pasture are unusually plentiful.
publican leaders the president talked I cattlemen havo made tho largest
over the situation with Mr. Burton and I chases of young stock and steers,
expressed in very forceful terms his several large bands have leen taken in
conviction that it would Ins wise, in I to that section for wintering. Henry
view of the depicted condition of the Trowbridge and Johnny I-nycoek hav
treasury, to postpone the river and I just driven 430 head of steers over
harbor bill, and to expend any nvnila-1 their pastures in that valley. Tib
bie surplus in carrying nut a liberal I were purchased chiefly in tho Burnt
naval program. Mr. Burton has not I river country, at prices ranging from
jet aliandoncd ttie Idea ot passing a
river and harbor bill this session, ami
his committee will go ahead with its
work, hoping to complete a bill b- the
end of next week. The bill, however.
will be small, and will provide only for
the more important projects, cutting
out all small waterways which havo no
real commerce, and which are not sui-
ported in any way by stato appropria
If such a bill is brought in, it will
$12 to $25 per head.
Gold Found Near Mosler,
The D.illes Parties from Musicr,
who were in The Dalles say consideni'
bio excitement has been caused in
Mosicr over tho discovery of gold on
the head ot Mosier creek. A man
named Thomas is reported to have come
into Mosicr a few days ago with a
handful ot gold that he stated he had
provide for the mouth ot tho Columbia Mug out of the ground five or six miles
river tho river from Portland to the ?outh of he town. Thomas is said to
sea and for the Dalles-Celilo canal. P a responsiu e person, anu nis report
and mav possibly make some provision ?' fina,ln8 valuable mine Is given cre
for the acquisition ot the canal and "nco V' th Ppfe who know him.
locks at Oregon Citv. provided the stato Several residents of Mosler havo gone
s iii! . i '.li Tf I to the vicinity of tho reported find, In-
i.i.i.immiwn. w.-.,. i,-r tending to locate claims if tho alleged
seems at this tmie to be little prospect n,ine Prove,8 to 1)0 "hat Thomas repre-
fhnT Mn(rm4 will iln nnvf tiinc t lua am. I ouio ii- lu ire.
sion for tho waterways of the North
Oregon Irrigation Projects to Receive
New Impetus.
New Company at Work.
Grants Pass The Michigan Mining
x Milling company, which recently
bought a large tract of mineral ground
on Applegato creek, of Murphy district,
near Grants Pass, lias gone enterprlS'
ingly to work under the supervision of
Tho czar gave General Stoessel a free
hand at Port Arthur to do as be
thought best.
There is a movement on foot to se
cure legislation during this session of
congress that will abolish the isthmian
canal commission and place tho con
struction under the direct supervision
of a board of engineers. It is under
stood the president favors this plan.
The present commission is fooling away
too much time quarreling.
Bitter cold marked the incoming oj
tho new year throughout the old world.
A British steamer has just arrived at
New York with a cargo of 1,100 tons of
European wheat,
Sqveral torpedo boats escaped from
Port Arthur and took refuge at Shang
hai just prior to the surrender of the
Now that Port Arthur has fallen the
bulk of the besieging army will bo sent
north, but somo of them will go homo.
The army before Port Arthur is vari
ously stated as being between 70,000
and 120,000 men.
Washinirton. Jan. 10. If plans form- W. T. Perry, of Portland, in the devel
ni.i . , 1.1 opment of the property. The land cm-
Senator Fulton and F. II. Newell, chief anJ quartl aml paccr .jibing,. The
of the reclamation service, and his qUartz ledges will be given especial at-
assistants, J. Is. Lippencott and Henry I tention by the .Midi Iran company, as
tiarnrc. .hall Iw ron.nmmntM nr. the veins give promise ol unusual
" ' I . i t. . ! i i ; , . i
rm-dinrr to or.wvti.linn. th rnmpnt w"u' "8 "' Je
1 wnrbnipn will lw rpftp4l nt nnr nml
will be able during the coming summer the opf nin(. up of the cIaim, wili ,)r0.
to begin construction ot two enormous leced with the best possible dispatch
irrigation projects in Oregon, one in
Coming Events.
Inland Empire Sunday school insti
tute, Pendleton, January 30.
Animal shows, Polk County Goat,
Poultry and Sheep association, Dallas,
January 10-20; poultry show, New
the Klamath Basin, costing $5,000,000
or more, tho other on Malheur river,
costing $2,000,000. Senator Fulton,
met the engineers to talk over the situ
ation and ascertain just what is stand
ing in the way of construction of these I berg, January 10-13; poultry
crrit wnrt. Albany, January, 18-21.
..... ... I Cl... II .! 1. ! I..... T 1 .... I 1
It was agreed that three material ob- D""c iraui".,iij
titde must hn rpmnvM lieforn thn January 10-11
Klamath nrnlect ran lm formnIlvaInnt. Prohibition Oratorical -League con
tvl . nntwithctstnHino it tins nrtmv test. JIcMinnville. April 14
lin fultmltwl fmuililn nml 1. National American Woman Suffrage
rlarrrl tn nrxnuxu mnnv nttrartivr (ml. association, Portland, June 22-28
J .1 t i i f . : . 1 t
ures. This project proposes not only ikm " wrmrauui oii
to drain Lower Klamath and Tule "n. Portiaand, June 1-October 15
lakes, but to lower the level of Upper
Klamath lake and to diminish the flow Only One Foot of Snow,
of Link and Lost rivers by diverting Canyon City Although winter has
their waters into irrigating canals. All fairly set In here, the snowfall is very
these waters are navigable and there light. The ground is hardly covered
fore cannot be used for irrigation save j the lower valley, while the depth in
oy special am 01 congrefg. 10 remove the mountains scarcely exceeds one
this obstacle, Senator Fulton will co- fnt. This is not considered a nromls-
operate wmi oenaior iiarci, 01 v,an- Mng feature of the season, for though
fornia, and endeavor to get the latter's heavv falls of snow mav como later.
bill passed through both houses this they do not have tho samo opportunity
session, ne anticipates mat no ouiec- to freeze and harden, and melt too mo
tion will be raised, idlv In the smimr. But as the surface
of the ground is but slightly frozen, the
Bishon Scalding Half Paralyzed moisture will mostly sink into the
Peoria, 111., Jan. 10. The condition ground,
ot Bishon John L. Snauldine was un-1
changed today. Sinco his paralytic at- Diphtheria Under Control,
tack yesterday afternoon he has prac-1 Grants Pass The health officers of
tically recovered the use of his vocal I the city have the diphtheria epidemic,
organs. His left arm and the entire manifest here for several weeks past,
left side of his body are paralyzed. At I well under control. The original 13 or
St. Mary s cathedral tomorrow morning 14 cases have now been reduced to five
prayers will be offered in connection or six, and most of these are on the
with high mass. All of today the way to recovery. Hve deaths occurred
Episcopal residence was deluged with Strict quarantine regulations have been
telegrams of sympathy from all over I enforced upon those afflicted and upon
the United States, President Roosevelt the inmates of resiliences where the
being among the first. disease has been. Coming at Christ
mas time, the dread caused a consider
Great Storm on German Coast. able falling off in the anticipated holi
Berlin, Jan. 10. A storm that ig day shopping
rairlniF on tho north coast of Oermanv
excels in Intensity that of a week airo. Bre for Artesian Water,
The flood threatened to destroy the pro- Baker City W. L, Vinson, manager
tccted dlko near the mouth of the River oi me mine, a lew mncs east oi
Elbe, and large detachments from the this, city, haB begun toliorean artesian
neighboring garrisons were set to work well to obtain water lor ie mine
strengthening it The damage already The work is being watched with a great
done is heavy. Shipping generally was deal of interest by a number of people
warned of the approach of tho storm, who own land in me vicinity oi me
AtCuxhaven the HamburcAmerican mine. If Mr. Viiidon succeeds In pro.
line steamer Pennsylvania was unable curing water It will demonstrate tho
to take on board passengers destined fact that perhaps other land can be
for New York. brought under cultivation by boring
wells foi irrigation
Elevator Ruined at Kansas City,
Kansas City. Jan. 10. The Maple Reserve Land Restored,
Leaf grain elevator in Kansas City, Oregon City By tliu recent order of
Kan., owned by tho Chicago Great tho Interior department there is rein
Western railway company, was burned stated for public entry substantially
tonight with 300,000 bushels ot wheat, the same acreage in tho Cascade forest
entailing a loss of $300,000 on building reserve that was withdrawn about ono
and contents, fully insured. The flro year ago, pending an investigation by
was caused by sparks duo to friction of the department. Much ol this land,
a licit. Thirteen railroad cars loaded having been restored to settlement.
with grain and a number of negro will bo open to settlers within threo
cabins were burned. All tho grain was months through the Oregon City land
owned by Kansas City dealers. office
Decrease In Anthracite Output. Road to Sweepstake
Philadelphia, Jan. 10. Tho total Cottage Grove John Brund and
anthracite production in Pennsylvania I Alex Lundberg have built 600 feet of
for tho year 1004 was almost two mil- road from the Sweepstake group to a
lion tons below tho output of 1003. point near the Vesuvius mine. When
The total production for 1U04 was 57,- completed the road will bo two miles
402,522, as compared with 50,302,831 long and will be of great advantage to
during the previous year. the Sweepstake locality,
Railway From Medford
Crater Lake Route.
Medford lor several months past
the Southern Uregon IWelopinciiteoin,
iwny has ln-cn engaged in running sur
veys, securing rights ot way, and doing
other preliminary work toward the
building ot a railroad to the big tlmlie
bolt located about 20 miles east
Medford, on tho Crater lake road.
Tho surveys havo been made Irom
the site ot thn llutto Falls Mining
company's plant to n iniint oh tho de
ert some eight miles from Medford, and
rights of way havo been secured ov
most ot the route. The Mcdtord and
Crater Uiko Railroad company has
been orogniicd by A. A. Davis, B,
Adklns, J. M. Keeno, R. H. Whit
head, B. II. Harris, W. V. Knthrop
and . I. v awter, Articles of incur-
IHiration were prepared and filed with
the secretary of state. Tho capital
stock of tho incorporation is placet! at
$500,000, mid its object is to construct
ami oiH'pite a railroad from Medford
east to tho timber belt and Crater
Tills company superseded tho South
era Oregon Development company, mid
takes over the rights of way, survey
etc., of that comininy. vA permanent
organization, with eleection ot officers
will soon lo made.
Scheme To Be Tried Out by Interest
ed Parties Near Freewater.
1 recwater A . 0. Ilrnnnon and J . B
Tuelllger, who reside west ot thi
place, are sinking wells to irripite
tracts of hitherto unimproved lands to
tlio west and north of t recwater. The
water will be pumpe with gasoliuo
proelIed pumps, for distribution ove
the land. There are at least 1,000
acres tributary to Freewater which are
idle for the lack of water. Tho Walla
Walla river has been appropriated by
persons having rlurian rights, and
only by sinking wells cau a supply bo
Tho Freewater section seems to hav
once been the head of a lake, and the
gravel has so accumulated that wate
percolates as though through a ssiove
winter irrigation seems to havo tlio de
sired effects in soil ot sufficient density
to grow crops without summer irriga
tion, but this soil needs water througl
tlio not months.
Line Into Nehslem.
Astoria While no information of an
official nature can be obtained, there is
an authentic rejwrt that tho Astoria A
Columbia River Railroad company has
purchased the six miles ot logging road
built by tho Benson Logging company
at Ulatslcnnlc, and Is preparing to ex
tend it into the Nehalem valley, as an
excellent grade can be found in that
section. The road, which is of stand
ard guage, was built and equipped for
conducting logging operations. Re
cently all the logging trains were taken
oil, and tho lino is now used exclusive
ly by the railway in hauling freight to
Clatskanie and vicinity.
Power for Trolley Roads.
Eugene Chief Engineer Dicrs, of
the Willamette Valley Electric Rail
way company, is now preparing to put
force ot men at work at Martin s
Rapids, on the McKcnzie river, where
the waters are to lie taken out by
means of a flume and conducted to the
ite selected for the power station some
distance below. The engineer est!
mates that 5,000-horsepower will lie
developed, which, ho thinks, will be
sufficient for operating the entire sys
tem of electric roads as planned at the
present time.
Have Apples to Sell.
La Grande Atiiilo growers aro hop-
ng for a market for their product, as
applo buyers are beginning to come to
Grand Ronde valley looking for choice
stock. From GO to 75 cents a lox,
packed, is asked for tho best grades,
but the past market has not justified
the buyers paying that much. T. M.
Ray. a Texas commission merchant. Is
in the city, and will, if the Eastern
market picks up, purchase and ship
several carloads to the Southern and
astern markets. Several Idaho buy
ers are expected soon.
To Enlarge Brick Plant.
Eugene After a year or more ot
planning and exierlmentlng, Messrs.
Martin & Mack, who own the brick
yard on Wnllaco butto, near this city,
have finally completed arrangements
to cnlargo their plant to a great ex
tent. They intend to put up a large
building, a new mud mill to lie secur
ed, and several other pieces ot machin
ery, which will make their plant com
plete. The new plant will lie a great
addition to Lane county.
Prize-Packed Fruit.
La Grande The Oregontan Produce
company, of La Grande, has been
awarded first honors by a committee of
over 50 commission men and dealers In
San Francisco, tor the best packed
fruit, competing with Colorado, Cali
fornia, Washington and Idaho. A. A,
Gust, manager of the company In this
city, has just returned from San Fran
cisco. Year's Work Shows Progress.
Cottago Grove The year that has
Just passed finds the Bohemia mining
district in advance of the years that
have gone by. There has been no
boom, but lots of good hard work that
showed when the books were closed at
the end of the year. Tho quantity
and quality ot the ores aro satisfying
to tho owners,
Wheat Portland Walla Walla,
85c j bluestem, 88300c; volley, 87c.
Tacoma Bluestem, 88c ; club, 85c.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 27)28jc.
Butter Fancy creamery, 2627c.
Hops Choice, 2030c; prime, 27
Wool Valley, 1020o; Eastcw Ore
gon, 1017c; mohair, 2520c.
Wodnetday, Jan. 4.
Upon reconvening today after the
holiday recess, the senate plunged di
rectly into tho consideration of the hill
for tho admission ot two slates to bo
composed ot ArUoun and New Mexico
and Oklahoma and Indian territory.
Ileyburn Introduced a bill for tho
regulation of corporations, which was
refered to the committee on Judiciary.
Senator New lands Introduced a Joint
resolution providing for n commission
to frame and riHirt to congress n
national incorporation act (or tlio coif
structlon and consolidation ot railroads
employed In Interstate commerce.
In the house Representative Mann
Intoducod n bill to almllsh the Isthmian
canal commission and providing that
tho powers now Invested in tho presi
dent lie extended until the end of the
fltty-ninth congress.
Thursday, Jan. S.
The Joint statehood hill again occu
pied tho major portion ot tho day In
the senate.
Senator Hard introduced two bills
intended to clear away obstacles that
threaten to interfere with tho construe- Ktciiter part
Hon ot tho Klamath reserve Irrigation ;' '"'""'H1
project in Southern Oregon mid North- "'' "'l'"'1
em California.
Senator Bailey submitted a proposed
amendment to the constitution fixing
tho term of office of tho p'resldeut at
six years and making him Ineligible
for re-election.
Tlio house committee on tortlllcatloim
reported the fortifications bill, carryhii
$tl,747,HU:i, which is $7.0,200 less than
appropriated last session. Itepreseiita
tlvu Adams, of Pennsylvania, Intro-
liiccd a hill providing for tliecNtalillsl
mcnt in tho District of l oliiuibia of
whipping Kst for wife-lniitcrs.
Wlicn Peace Is Wanted, Kooscvc
Will lie Mediator,
Europe Agrees Our President Will U
Chosen to Bring About Peace
When Time Oomoi,
Friday, Jan. 0.
Arbitration treaties between the
United States anil seven foreign eoun
tries were made public today bv ortl
ot the senate. Tho countries making
the conventions are: (ircut Britain
Portugal, 1 ranee, Switzerland, tier
many, Italy and Spain.
Tho nomination of . It. ( rum,
negro, to bo collector of customs for the
port of Charleston, S. C, was conllruui
by lite senate.
Tho house passed the fortifications
Both houses adjourned until Men
Small Chance of Congress Passing
Bill at This Session.
Washington, Jon. 7. Members of
congress Interested In securing rive
and harbor appropriations are Imvoiii
ing uneasy over the remitted warnings
of Sieaker t an mm and other Rcpubll
can leaders that the strictest economy
must be observed Irom now until ad
ournment. While talk ot this sort is
always in evidence at the beginning o
each session, there is more seriousness
n the tones of tho speaker and party
leaders than usual, and tlio fear
spreading that they mean what they
So fur as waterway appropriations
are concerned, the fear is not nlone
based on the attitude of the party lead
rs, hut the further anil very sirnill
cant fact that thu rivers anil horlwrs
committee, though It has been in ses
ion mora than a month, has accom
dished absolutely nothing. One of its
members declares that, notwithstand
ing almost daily meetings have been
eld, not a single lino of the hill has
been framed, not a single Item agreed
utKin. He declares that in past ses
sions, when bills were reported and
passed, thu committee did more actual
work in two days than it has done this
winter in mora than four weeks. -
This dawdling policy, this iiostpone-
mcnt of action, is what causes the real
alarm, and no member can understand
hat It means, unless it Is that the de
lay Is Inspired by the speaker for tin
sole puropse of staving off action until
it is too late to put through n river and
harbor bill. If it Is found that this
policy of delay is continued, there Is
apt to lie a general revolt of members
from districts which are sorely In need
I money to continue the Improvements
of their waterways.
Asks Fee of $200,000.
Newark, N. J., Jan. 7. A feu of
$200,000 for James Smith, Jr., for act
ing as receiver tor the United States
Shipbuilding company was askctl nt
Judge Lanning in tho United States
District court here today. Counsel for
the Sheldon reorganization committee
opposed tho application, and said that
the sum demanded was exhorbitant.
He said all the money Mr. Smith han
lied In tho receivership wuh not more
than $1,125,000. Tho credit for tho
resurrection ot tho company, ho said,
Is due to tho reorganization committee
Fix Maximum Freight Rates.
St. Paul, Jan. 0. John A. Johnson
as Inaugurated governor of Minnesota
yesterday. In his messago ho referred
to railway legislation as one of the
greatest problems of modern times, es
pecially as to railway freight rntes
Ho said there was much mora unjust
Incrimination in railway freight rates
In Minnesota than across thu border
in Canada. Tho governor said he
thought tho remedy lay in a maximum
freight rata that would bo fair to the
shipper and thu transportation com
pany alike.
.New Russian War Loan.
Berlin, Jan. 7. Tho prospectus of
the new Russian loan of $81,000,000
will bo issued tomorrow. Subscription
lists will bo opened In Germany, Rus
sia and Holland Junuary 12. Tho price
of the issue in Germany will lie 05,
Tho bankers' syndicate has paid into
tha Russian treasury VOtf. Thcso
terms aro considered hero very favora
ble for Russia, inasmuch as tho holders
can demand redemption at pur after
six years.
Another New Russian Loan.
St.-Petersburg, Jan. 7. Official an
nouncement of tho Issue of a now loan
Is published hero for tho first time.
Tho amount ot the loan will bo $115,-
760,00 bearing interest at 4K I,or
cent from Jtnuary 1. Thu first call of
ooniis will not bo made earlier than
1017. Tho whole loan will bo extin
guished in 1085,
Washington, Jan. I). Japan has not
mime overtures tor pence to Itussln, ill
recti)' or indirectly, through the Unit
ed States or any other power, and con
tcmphitcd mi such action, nml nun
that Port Arthur has fallen, purposes
to press uie war in tlio .North nil th
more vigorously by reinforcing the Ja
aiiese armies at l.liiu Yung wlthtl
greater part of the troop which hav
glug l'orl Arthur. This, I
sents the views of Mr. Tu
kalilru, the Japaeso minister.
"The full ol Port Arthur," said II
minister, "Is hut a step lu the war
which Jitum Is waging for it principle
Certainly it is an liiiHirtiint slop, hut
nothing could bo further from tl
truth than the assumption that, lie-
cause Juhiii has captured a stronghold
the full nl which has Imn: been exnec
ed, the Japanese government will now
make overture for peace. Jjiihiii Is ti
busy lighting. We are us much lu eur
nest toduy u we were nt the outset of
the war. We have made no overture
for iieiioo, either directly, or iiidlreellv
nor have tho (xiwors approached
with un idea of intervention."
The Itiissliin embassy reiterated that
Russia would light all the harder in
view of the tcinMiniry Ids ot Port Ar
Kuropc, It I learned, Is (Irmly of the
conviction that, however dark the out
look (or iH'iice nt this moment, wlir
the prospect brightens, it i to l'resl
dent Roosevelt that the neutral
well as the belligerents, will look a
the Intermediary through whom pence
negotiation will lie Initiated. A
F.urocin ambassador said today, tl
American government I practically
the only government to which IkiIIi
belligerent will U willing to look (or
usslstunee lu reaching a settlement
when that time eoines, and, aside frni
this tart, the high eroiiul regard In
which the president is held, both at St
Petersburg and ut Tokl inke It all
the more probable that through him
when Russia mid Juun havo tough
their light, thn powers 1iomi for eiU'o.
She Has Had Thirty Shipped From
Seattle In Sections.
Victoria, Jan. 0. Thn strainer Kan
agiiwu Muru, which arrived today friui
JatKiu, took a cargo of submarine Ixnt
on her lust trip from Seattle. These
were shiptHtl in sections. It in under
stood that the JitHiiiem! government
now liu ulsiut 30 submarine veswl
many of which are now ready for ser
vice. Others are being put together at
Kure. Some foreigners will assist to
man them.
Captain Orlan Ciillen, Inventor o
thu C'ul ion bulMieuriiig gun, arrived on
thu Kunugawu Muru, from Tokto. after
taking ii cargo of submarine and heavy
ordnance to Japan, lie left Trieste in
.NovcmlKT on an Austrian steamer via
Constantinople, having the gun man!
tested us agricultural Implements.
Japan Already Hat Men and Material
for Port Arthur.
Chefoo, Jan. 0. (leiicral Nogllspre
pared, through ugents who have been
recruiting tor mouths, to put u honlo of
Chinese coolie ut work lu thu morti
fying of Port Arthur immediately that
the Russian are tllsixiscd of. Vast
quuntmcri oi cement mid timber are
ready on tho lulu river for this pur
tiose, while steel plates and other man
ufactured necessaries aro ready in Jupun
for transiKirtntlou to thu fortress.
The Japanese are confident that the
refortlfying of Port Arthur will place
It In a better condition than ever.
Worn by Grief and Labor.
New York, Jan. It. General Nog! is
visibly affected by tha tremendous sac
rifice of Japanese lives in tha success of
us plan, according to a dispatch from
n correspondent with tho third army
ills very outward npiicitriinrn lias
bunged, lie ha grown careless lu
lress, and strangers often find it dilll
cult to pick out the nged, huggurd man
us the man who refers to tieneriil Stno
sel a thu hern ot Port Arthur, notwith
tiindlng lie surrendered thu fortress.
General Nog I, it is recalled, lost two
sons, his only children, in thu war.
For Sale of Reclaimed Land.
Washington, Jan. 0. Senator - Hard
ins Introduced a bill In thu senate pro
viding for thu disposal of hind lie-
ul red under thu provision of tho re
clamation act. under the bill, all
amis susceptible of Irrigation by means
f works constructed under thu recluin
tlon act ot June 17, 1002, which uro
unsurvuyed, uro to bu sulslivldcd In
thu sumo manner a other public hinds.
Thu secretary of thu Interior Is author-
izud to leaso any lands promised to hi
utilized for Irrigation works until they
are needed.
To Resume Smoot Case.
Suit Luko City, Jan. I), About 30
witnesses for thu defense in thu Hmoot
Investigation, which will bu resumed
In Washington tomorrow, havo been
subpoenaed in Uliili and Idaho, Most
of llicso uro men prominent in thu bus
iness and political Ufa of thu two
states, Two women have been sum
moned. Senator Smoot, Congressman
Howell, Attorneys Worthlngton and
Van Cntt and a largo number of wit
nesses depurted for the East today. -
Conference on Reclamation.
Washington, Jan. 0. Tho engineers
who aro employed in tho government
reclamation scrvlco began thulr second
annual conference hero today, Repre
sentatives were present from all purls
of thu West.
Russian Olficeri Go Home on Parole,.
Privates Remain Prisoners. ,
London, .Ian, ft, Thu ,1 a pa nose legit
lion yesleiduy published tho terms ut
(he agreement which served in thu
bul of tho capitulation of 1'ort Ar
thur. Tint agreement un signed by
thu Itusslun and J a pa nose commission
ers, representing General Stoiiwel and
Nugl respectively, mid later by thu
commander lu chief themselves, thn
final consummation ut It Inking place
In thu evening of January 2.
Thn agreement consist of 11 arti
cles, mivorm oi tiiem are ol n purely
technical nature. Thu essential point
nt thu others are us follow) Thu en
tire fortress, with it surrounding fortl
llcntloiiN, thu ship still alloat In thu
hurlmr and thu wreck of those sunk
and partly sunk, all arm and uiiimu
ultliiu, the military building In thn
fortress and fort us well ns lu thu old
and new towns, together with nil other
government properly, are to ho surren
dered to the Japanese, Tim latter agree
to respect and duly Investigate all pri
vate rights and claims,
Tho Japanese reserve thu right of
freo action relative to their claims tor
restitution nml Indemnity In thu event
ut it lavoiiilug established that nny
forts, ships or other property were de
stroyed after thu signatures had been
a 1 11 led to thu agreement. Impartial
investigation of thu report ulleglug
such violation of tho proprieties ut thu
surrender I promised, and thu Itus
sluii agree to co-operate.
riiu plans of thu fort still standlim.
destroyed or in thu course of construc
tion, thu stock ul torpedoes and mines,
thu list containing Information lu ref
erence tu thu placing of mine on laud
or sea within the coullue of Port Ar
thur, u well a thu list with thu
name ot all military nml naval officers-
engaged In thu Intu defense, are tu ho
delivered without deductions and eras
ure to thu Japanese.
Thu soldiers, sailor and volunteer.
n well a thu official under Itusslun
Jurisdiction, will become prisoner of
the Jupnucso. Thu officer and official
will retain their arms nml private prop
erty, however, in neconlnnro with tho
expressed wish ot thu mikado, a n roc-
giutlou of their gallantry In defending
thu fortress. These officer and official
are to bu sent on parole to Russia,
A a guarantee of good faith, thn
fort nt Itseshnu and Antuslion, togeth
er with other fortification still stand
ing, are to I hi surrendered to the Jap
anese not Inter than noon of January 3.
Disastrous Fire in Plant of Union Meat
Company at Portland.
Portland, Jan. 4. l-'irn raged In tho
lant ot thu Union Meat company.
Fourth nand GIImiii streets, from 11
last night to 3 thi morning, complete
ly gutting thu building. I-os on tho
structure, which wn a three-story
irlrk, is estimated nt $100,000, nud on
thu content $160,000. Thi I partly
covi'rcd by Insurance.
Heated lard I believed to have start
ed thu lire. Thu flame burst out on
tho third floor, directly over thu engine
room. When thn lire wn first dlscov
nil by Night Engineer John Sleluht.
the llutic were leaping in every direc
tion alxivo and stream of nminoula
from the cold storage plant were drip-
ung to Ilie Moors below.
Close to thu hoiirth street side of thu
uilldiiig, un n track ot thu Southern
ncillr, tosl suvernl freight nud refrig
erator cars. .
There wn also a car of fuel oil. It
tood where thu fiame were tho hottest
and 'or more than an hour it wn thu
(eur of thu police nml firemen that It
would explode nand deal death In every
Thu llnme leaped nml burned furi
ously ovcr.nnd around the oil tank, hut
Iter an hour of heroic work thu lire-
men succeeded in averting thu danger
and saving thu car ot oil. Those who
had to fight close to thu danger ground
breathed a sigh ot relief when they
irovu nncK tnu names and were ntilu to
turn thulr attention to the building
Ready to Mediate.
Washington, Jan. 5. President
Roosevelt has decided that ho will offer
his good offices to bring about pence
between Russia nml Japan whenever
either party to thu conflict shall request
1 1 1 in to do so. lit) bus heretofore in
sisted that both parties must request
his good offices lieforu taking nny.action.
This view ha been modified so that
Itthcr can secure hi Interposition-hv
asklng it. Thu president does not
think nny step in thu direction ot Peace
ill bo taken In thu Immcdiutu future.
roliubly two or three months.
Honey Not Appointed,
Washington. Jan. 5.,l,-iii
Roosevelt bus not appointed I'm mis J.
Ilcnev district attorney for Oreeon. tit.
succeed John II. Hall, anil no man will
bu permanently uppnlnUd to that office
except a resident of thu district of Hr.
gon. Judgo Bollinger has authority
under the law temporarily to npplnnt
n district attorney for Oregon while tlio
vnenncy exists, it iieney bus been ap
pointed district attorney It was by llol
lliiL'cr's order, and thonminlntiniuii u-lll
hold good only until thu president fill
tins omco permanently. ,
To Relieve Sufferers.
Wcl Hal Woi. Jan. 5 Thn TtrltU.
steamer Andromeda sailed for Port Ar
thur tills morililll! carrvlni. a Inn,,.
quantity of medical supplies, appliances),
and comforts for thu Russlunn sick und
wounded, Tho Andoinedu had no
board two siireuons and i-l.rlit t Ana if'
stores, Including f)50 beds and 100,000
pounds of provisions. Her cargo Wan
shipped on board last night, following
tho receipt of official permission to salt
on tha errand of mercy.
Japanese Occupy Forts.
Toklo. Jan. B. Thn .T,mi, innr
possession of a number of tho forts of
Port Arthur truluv. Tim II
cors an officials will bo permitted to re
turn to jtuxsin upon parole, tho offlcors
retaining their sidn arms.