Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 11, 1905, Image 5

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Our lies! Customers
Arc Our Old Customers
von omt quockuy stock
Our New Customers
Become Old Customers
UN KQU A 1,1,101) VA LUIOS
What We Promise You
Can Depend On
voir to eoNsinioit this an
Investigate Our
Grocery Department
tanway l Burkholdor
nrgTnnnrifrinrBXflB'B'a a a n a a inrgyyB"nynnnrira'i) a a a a tTmtrs
Items of Interest in and about
Cottnjjc Grove and vicinity.
mag B.B.B isuiSj.vxjLajutjLim gpagBcmgmiaggemiogoom) p.b.b.b p p
Mb Null Ik lliirillck visited lit
Kugeiic IiihI week.
Itouliir Hnrvli'dPt ut the M I: Clmrcli
Hutnluy at 11 h. in.
W. It, (tllliHil Ih iigulu ' running
tlio KxuliiuiKo Itestiiiimnl.
Tint lndl' Alii Society will meet
Ht lllti home nl Mix. 1 k! hi in today nt
Attorney (I. A. I'le of KiiK't)o
m'iin attending l IiiikIihmh In the city
IiihI I'rlilu.v.
lolin 1'iirki'r, tIiIIi hunting near
Irving, ncldentiilly Nliot himself In
the lull arm.
Tho. 4 3111 Iiiih moved tint tingle
honk store Mtock to tlio tiioia rm'iitly
occupied li.v tlio bakery.
Hod S. Illiiutiam returned to Port
latul Siimliiy, to resume his studies
at t'oluiiihlit I'nlvcrslty.
-Mr. Nortlmy mill Mrs. Valentine u(
Drain an' In town for medical treat
ment at tlio city hospital.
Maunder Milnu, of tbo oporn
house, Iiuh liiH renl vNtnto ofllco In
tliu (runt part of Unit building.
T. (J. Oajnpbcll, secretary i( tlio
I'ncllle Tlmlstr Company, Ih spending
a few ilayH In Itosoburg on business.
!. II. Yolhoim of rnrtliiml, mid
owner of tliu (Iriilinm hotel properly,
spout Havurnl days in the city re
cently. ('. A. Ia'uIh him noli! to JiliiicH
Potts liU Interest In tlio l-'nshtnn
SUiIiIch. Tim now firm Is now Potts
k McQueen.
Mrs. Itobeecu Itlchurdson wife of
Itov. .1. ('. ItlclinrilNon, tlio linptlHt
minister, dlcdnt her liomo In Kiigono
Monday morning.
Genrgo ItoiiHU who Iiiih I urn nl
work nt tho Doston group In llohcmlit
Iiiih, owIiik I" sovero Illness, enmo
to tlio city to rcciiporutn.
Charles Hiitan, who hail the inlsfor
ttinoto break IiIh iirni Boiiio montliH
since, whllit ut work at tlio VohhvIuh
mine, Iiuh gono to Cnnyonvlllo for tlio
Attoutlon Ih culled to tlio cunl of
Dr. Sclilirf'H hoHpltnl anilHiuiUiirlnni
In thlH Issue, (looil euro iiml .Medical
attendance can lio hud without go
ing u lunula"! miles from home.
l'hallx L'llldoS-l lum gone up to tint
Nemo cliilm recently ipiiivhascil liy
liluiHelf unil nthoi-H from Gill .Meadow.
Mr. LunilesH will comineuco to nt
onco got out n trial Hhlpnioiit ol ore.
Itov. .Mooro of tlio M. II. Church
wiih called to Nowberg TneHilay
night to hco lilHslstor who la reported
dangerously III nt that place. Ilo
hopes to return In tlino for next Him
day services.
Mrs. LydliiBloulToi' iiitnrnod homo
onSatnrdiiy from a Hoverul mouths
trip to tlio Must. While absent, she
Visited tlio St.. Louis Imposition, hIho
her old AUhhoiii'I hoinc. Him reports
liiivliiKU Hplendld tlmu Imt Is Kind to
bo nt homo iikiiIii.
Itov. Mooro nt tliu M.K. Church
liistaunduy iilKhl pronehed mi oxcol
lentHenuon on tlio Hilbjrot of reading.
Ills contention that theremllntfof
tlio right kind of I I;h wiih of K"'iit
fmiiortaiice. especially to younger
peiiplo, win well maintained and
mit'iintM woiilil ilo well to exorcise
mow care In- HiipplyliiK tlio best of
hoousior tliu uso oi mo ouyM nun
The MxcliaiiKO ltostnuriint Ih open
day and iilght. Oooil imcuIh or
liincheH nt reasonable rates.
Owlii to the HorloiiH llliu-flH of .Mr.
.las. Keene of tho"Dr. .Iitkel mill Mr.
Ilydo Coinpuny billed for I'otUiRe
drove opera Iiouho next Hatnriln.v
evening, the nompuny will lie tinnhlo
to III! the ciik'iiKvnit'iit on ttint dnto
lint will probably ap)enr here In the
near future.
Tlio ltlchmoml-JIodloy Illustrntod
Concert Company' will open nt
Opnrn Hoiiho on Haturilny night,
taking plnco of tbo Koouo Co, who
cannot appear nt tlint timo. Thin
will bo their first nppenrnuco boforo
stnrting on thoir tour. Kcnts on
salo nt Now Krn Drug storo.
A Plcasanl Parly.
On Monday ovenln? a chiirinliiK'
".Mother Oooho" party In honor of
Miss Mnry Currlu, of Itoseburi:, at
the elcKnut home of Mr. and Mrn.
.Ins. S. Ileiison, near South Fifth
strevt. ICuclionu receiving an luvltii-
tinii was t ili 1 in wear Home emblem
reirei"itatlnir a "Mother lloose"
rhyme, i. . mho worn were both
unliuenud protty. rartners were
matched for tbo rupshIiik contest by
ribbon liuttoiiu:rcf and nent Heoro
cnnU wero furnished each hnvliiK on
the front n jkmi and Ink drawing
lllustrntl ve of a rhyme. Tlieso must
be ftUCHHcd iw well in t ho emblems
worn by ech of tho compiuiy.
At tint cIoho of tho contest, kIIbhch
Neva I'lirkliiH, I.onlso Nowland and
Mlslo Iam wero declared tho winners
of the 1st prlr.o, anil woro each pre-
Hentcd with a dainty jilatc. Mr. .1.
I. Jones anil Miss l.llllun Hart se
cured tho coiiBolatlon ii lies. Colored
books of Mother (loose rliyiuos.
Light rcfrcHhuiontH were nerved.
A highly onjoyablo ovciiIuk wiih
Hpont by nil present, who voted Mm,
D0119011 to bo n delightful liOHtesH.
(lommcrclal Club.
Tho Coniinerclnl club met at tho
regular hour Monday night.
The Hocretury read several com.
lminlcatlons concerning tho question
of freight rntcH, crcaniory mid other
HUbJects being discussed by the club.
Tho committee appointed to puss
upon the eHsiiys for which prlMH hnd
been offored.rcported: Tlmt tho
essays as submitted, did not meet In
any respect tho reqiilrmentH or eondl
t Iuiih for which tho prizes were offerod,
together with the rcconunondiitlon
that all bo relectcd,
Tho report of the couiiultteo wiih
ily motion club mljourned to meet
Friday night, ut which tlmo nil mem
berH aro niiuestod to 1k pri'sont.
Has a New Carpel.
Tha ImllcH of tho Aid Society of tho
M. K. Church Imvo ilostrcd for ome
tlmo pant to carpot tho ontlro floor
of tholr chnroh,
They recently found Hiilliclont funds
In tliu treasury to carry out thn'phm
and n lmudsnmo carpot, costing
nearly '.'()() wiih piirehnsod. Jlonday
the gentlemen of the congregation
wero called upon to put tho carpet In
phu'C. The carpeting of tlio llonr Is
a grentaddltlon to tho already well
furnished church,
Look under Nuggots for bargains.
Dr. Lowe, Oculo-nptlclan, r.tigeuo
for it iiilck lunch tho Exchange
itoHtiiuraut In tlio place,
1'laiiOH and Orirnns romilred mid
tuned at Martin and I.awson's. I'lmt
class work guiiranteed. 40
r.ty on Coll.tjte drove by Jean
Cottage Grove In situntcil in tliJJ
valley of the Coast 1'ork of the Wil
lamette river. Itn population is
about 3200. It has two large .school
buildings, one on ench side cf the
The one on the enst side of the
river has nine rooms and the one
on the west side has eight rooms.
Cottage drove it growing very
rapidly. It has four churches, the
Christian, the Methodist, the l'rcs
bytcrlau, and the Catholic. It lias
ninny large stores nnd a new bank
There is a good flour mill and a
saw mill in town. There arc four
or five hotels nnd n number of
boarding houses.
There is a good walk all the way
to the cemetery which is about, a
mile from the center of Cottage
The hills around Cottage Grove
yield pine, fir, cedar nnd a few hem
lock trees. In the valley nre quite
a number of oak trees and on tne
small hills arc laurel trees. There
arc many saw mills on the hills
near Cottage Grove, and on these
hills nrc many rhodcudrou bushes
on which grow very pretty pink
Cottage Grove is about thirty
five miles from the Uohemla gold
mines. There is a railroad up for
about eighteen or twenty miles from
Cottage Gtove. lilack Ilutte, a
latgc quick-silvur mine, is about
eighteen miles from the city.
The climate of Cottage Grove is
very pleasant. The temperature
hardly ever goes above one hundred
and five in the summer and there is
never more than a foot of snow in
the coldest part ol the winter.
It rains a good deal in the winter
bill it isn't the cold, driving rain
that we get in the eastern states.
Whenever it begins to rain it gets
warmer nnd the rain generally
comes straight down, but it comes
so softly you hardly know it is rain
ing at all.
There qrc many prune orchards
around Cottrgc Grove, and fine
peaches have bcea raised near there
that measure nine inches.
It is a great rest for any one who
has come from one of the cold states
to be able to see green grass and
green trees any time in the year.
Cottage Grove is about twenty
miles from the city of Hugene where
the state univcraity is.
The hills around Cottage Grove
have good pasturage for goats and
many arc raised here.
TJiey arc mostly of the Angora
When the farmers want the brush
cleared off their laud all they have
to do is to let the goats iu there and
they clean it off as slick as a man
There are two good stations nt
Cottage Grove, there are also three
or four reservoirs on the hills close
to the city.
It seems queer to the folks who
have used coal all their lives to
come here and see the folks burn
ing wood.
Some of the Oregoniau children
have never seen coal.
There are two trees on the reser
voir hill nearest town which take
five children, about ten years old,
to reach around.
There nre many trees in the woods
that measure four or five feet at the
J KAN Uakwood.
Women ol Woodcraft.
St. Vnlontlno Circle, No. 121, gavo
ii very ploasant entertainment at
Woodman Unit Monday night. A
fair sized uuUlonce was In ntteiidiuico
to witness tho movlns pictures and
scones of Oregon, Colorado and other
states, nlso to listen to songs by pho
nograph. The circle Is composed of
tho prominent Indies of the city anil
la quite prosporoiiH.
w. 0. w.
On Saturday night lloheniliiCiunp,
Woodmon of tho World, Instnllcd the
following olllcers :
Lincoln Taylor, Con. Com.
J, 0. Huff, Advisor I. lent.
Wm. 11. ltoot, Bunker.
0. II. VnuDenbcrg, Olork.
N,J. Huff, Rsoort.
Ii. J, Halcor, Watchman.
Following tho Installation, n lino
mich was spread and enjoyed by the
Bluino Jackson roturnod to his work
n t tho Vesuvius on Monday,
Stale l.cjtlnlaliirc.
Tlio twenty third M-ennlal left Mil
turo of Oregon opened nt Hnlem Mon
day. A. 11, mills wan ehonfn speaker
of tliu lower Houne.
In the Keiiato the Intuit nows re
eel veil i hero wn n deadlock for pres
ident. Senator Kiiykeudall, of Ku
geno lacked but ono voto of secnrlm;
the plum.
Recalled Injunction.
Judge 0. It.ChrlHimin, wliorei'eiiil.v
grunted a temporary lnJuucU"ii re
straining tliu CotlUK Grove si hunl
board from paying teaehciM nww
teaching In Hut district above the
eight grade, on Tuoday iwslled tin
Injunction and will probably sunn
set a date for tho lieurliu of the i iw
Olllcers Suspended.
President HoosoveUbaK, by n-ipiest
of District Attorney lleney siih
liewlcd from odlce, Iteeelver .1. If.
Ilooth nnd .1. T. Ilrlilges fit the laud
olllce ut llOKcbiirg
Absolutely Puro
Tho fault or giving children medi
cine containing Injurious Hiibstalici's.
Is sometimes more disastrous tluiu
the disease from which they iin- suf
fering. Kvery mother should know
I hut I'hauiberliilu'H Cough Il' innly
Ih perfectly Hifefor children lo take.
It contains nothing harmful and for
coughs, olds anil croun Is unsur
passed. 1'or sale ly the .Modern
Next Sunday's Mccllnjts,
It Ih expected that H. II. .McAllister,
attorney for the Antl-S.iloon League
will !H'iul Sunday In Cottage drove
Ilo will lecture at the ('rusbyterliin
Church nt II n in., at the Christian
Church at : p. m. and nt the M. K
Church ut ""0 p. in.
(. lliuiM bus found some money.
The IH.THOH calling nt tlw I'lrat Na
tional Dank and describing the sme,
can get It by paying for this adver
Alary, The float, and the Vounj; Man.
Mary had a little gout that always
butted In,
And Mary liadu nice young man, nn
he bail lots of tin
I'or diisolluu cull ut the Modern
Well the goat sneaked up on the
young man and landed him ono
Now hit Is buying stuff at the New
Dm Drugstore,
.lust to drive the pnln uwny
The family of .Mrs. M. L. Itobltltt
of Dargertou, Tenn., saw her dying
Mill were powerloss to save her. Tho
most skillful physicians nnd every
remedy iiM'd, lulled, whllo consump-i
Hon wiih slowlv but surely tnklngl
her life. Iu this terrible hour Dr.1
Kli.g'HNew Discovery for Consuinp-,
I flirt, ml .Inuttfttf- Inln Inu 'Pin.
Hirst bottle brought Immediate relief
anil us continued uso completely
I'lirmt lip,. ltM tlir. rnnat ntrtnln ,.trn '
III the world for all throat and lunjr
troubloK. Oimrnutcod Hot ties OOe and
Jl.On. Trlnl Dottles I'ree ut Ilenson's
Ladies' and Misses'
This is the best opportunity for
procuring First Class Goods at
Lowest Prices.
Mrs. Addlo Clonvcr, of 1'rairie!
City, lias returned home alter a
visit in this city and at Kugcno.
The livening Telegram printed a
new dispatch last week containing 1
startling statement. A man '
named Gocrukc was stabled to
death by one named Thompson
near Condon, and the dispatch
reads: "Goeruke made a post-mortem
statement, naming Thompson
as his assailant." That dead men
tell no talcs must be n back number
The inlluence of climatic conditions
in the cure of coimuintition is very much
overdrawn. The poor patient, and the
rich patient, too, can do much better at
Lome by proper attention to food diges
tion, ami u regular use of German
Syrup. Kue expectoration in the
morning is made certain by German
Syrup, po is n (jooil nlglit'a rest nnd the
absence of that weakening courIi nnd
debilitating night sweats. Itestless
night hiiiI the exhaustion due to
coughing, thegreato8t danger and dread
n( tlieecinsiiniiiiive, can be prevented or
topK-d by taking German Syrup liber
ally and regularly. Should you Iw able
to go to a warmer clime, you will find
that of the thousands of consumptives
there, the few who are benefitted and
regain strength are those who use Ger
man Syrup. Trial botuci., 27c; regular
size,T5c. At all druggistb. Carman
Hardware I
Stoves ami Tinware I
ii oats ii
f lour- gSfi I
TP ''.'. C j
Ll' O AT
hahiung & Hansen;
iftv. CBTOJffROIl CM60. i
" Av.
AiJt'it-'tilUii'uI Iinplenjcnts
IMowm, Mowers and It-ike-i. Sole agents for the celebrated
A I'ull stock of Mining Supplies.
S i ' ' j
i i'P1 wa
of any tool Is always a desirable
one, but of equal Importance Is the
power of retaining this quality so as
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. Dy making your purchases of
tho Griflln & Veatch Co. you always
receive your money's worth In tho
best quality of tools and cutlery ot
properly tempered steel that Is sure
to hold an edge.
riper & van uenourg j
iiiiiiaiiuiiiiiimiiimiiiiuiiwiiiiiiuiuihiaiu iuiujujuiUKi
Gr ffin &
Veateh Go.
If you ever buy a roll of CASCADE BUTTER you will
use nothing else. It keeps well, tastes well and what
more can you ask.
p I T X X IT 11 I
j D U J. 1 ML .ITX. I
For Sale By