Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 11, 1905, Image 3

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Is a strong point with
Hood's Sarsaparllla. A
bottlo lasts longer and does
mora good than any other,
It is tho only medicine of
which can truly bo said
MBit FfllENDU,
lllack Mammy Wouldn't Hit llsr llou
Hunt la III I'iiiiiiiI,
AmniiK tint prisoners) tnken Into n
Homiii-rn police Kiiirt the wilier ihiy
yvnn nn otil coloroil woinnii who liml
licen nrri'Hti-il for failure to prut-Mo
tiik' for her two iloitn. When )iu-h-IIoiiihI
hy Ihe iDiirl hIiu nnmvcrcil Hint
she wiih old mill poor, nml liutt not
Ix-cn nlilo to cct money fur tlia Itcciinn
"Hut you know Hint It Ik attains! thn
law for itiK lo k without Iiiks," tint
Jutlue iciiiliulitl her, "nml I shall luivo
to Kouli'iiro you '
"I know It," elm lncrniilcil, limn
lily. "I loiililn't help It."
UhIohh." llio jinltio continued, "llio
iloitn nrc sent lo tin' MiMil. In Hint
ruse you will Imi illamtaseil."
Hut tlio 11I1I woiiimi looki'il at lilm,
her wrluklcil fmii full of tllstrrsa. "I
ciilm't On Hint, I nilin't!" she crlitl.
Anil (lieu shit toM Iiit story. Hit
iIokh wen' Ikt only trlnitls, her only
prolrctlon. Tlicy wore audi hoiiiitlfiil
lli'Kn. ami nun wim nitiiuil for Iiit Iiim
limul, nml tlio other win a ho know
ItiK mul eoiihl Ktnthl on hi liluit U'km,
Just lll.t it tnnn! Him iiiulil not let
nnyllilnif happen to Iiit iIokk, Hint
wntllil tin to prison herself lusti-nil.
'1'licri wiih notliliiK to tin tint accept
lier ileclilou. Tlio jinle reluctantly
piuiiounceil nenteui'1' nix ilollars' lino
or nliiii iluy In llio worMiounu, ami
when tlio session wn over alio
inurrlieil quietly wltli llm other prls
onorH jiut to Hie ran. Noliody had tin
heart to tell her Hint heforo alio eiiiint
out of the workhouse her tloirs would
pnilmlily hr ileuil; or If not, that alio
would uuiloiilitedly lio nrrcnted again.
After nil, suiimtlilnif might happen. In
a pollen court even moru than In other
pinna, aultli'li'iit unto the day la tlu
etll thereof.
HoiuethlUR did tinppen. A newiipnper
reporter pit hohl of the iitory, and It
rmno out In that iiIkIiI'h paper. It nnn
told very lindly, not "worked up" a
nil; hut the Aiiicilcuu puhllc In ipilek
to read hftwecu the lliien, and heforn
the next iiiornlni; the money for tlio
old "nuiityV releflKe and the tax f'ir
her thif had heeii offered many
time over. She who had thoucht her
ilojcs her only frleiida miildeuly found
n soon- of warm hearts at tho service
of her need.
It la a pretty story and n not mi
common one. It In safe In nay that
no 'ne of need In ever nindo known
to the puhllc Hint help lit not luiiii't-
tllntely mid rniicrly olTercil. Hut ro
porter nro not nlwnya at hand, mid
ftouiftluic the friendless "lien cumn tn
our very door. Are we an ipilck to
nee them then, or do wo wult for nth
era to point the way to usJ Youlh'i
Iliissla'a I. ok of Htatremcii
A n matter of fnct, thorn has not
licen n atnteammi of the drat class In
Ituaalu alnce I'eter the (Jrent, and none
of the necouil clnaa tiuleaa Nessclrotle
and the llrat Kmiienir Nlcholna are to
ho rxcepled. To coualiler l'rlnce Hurt
chakon a crent chnncetlor on account
of htn elahoritte dispatches Is abaunl.
To mil 111 in a ureal alateaman, In the
Hum of Cavour, lllnmarck, I.I nootn and
Howard, In preposterous. Whatever
Krowth Ituaala linn uindo In tho lant
forty ynira hni tieen mnlnly In nplte
of the men who have ionet heforo the
world nn her ntnteamen: tile ntinos
phere of Itiiaalnu nutnerncy In fntul to
.readies In her puhllc men.--Century.
Aro Vlalilnit Mate Too Uno?
Mra. Dp fashion (areraci) society lady
mnkliuc Iiit round or rnlla owing to av
erage awlely frlciuls) la Mra. Wiggins
Van Miirtlnmlr at home?
Servant No, mndnin, ntie'a
Mra. lie Ksshloii I'U-ase Land lirr my
rnrd when aim reliirua,
Kervnnt Hho won't return, madam,
fill waa hurled a month a so.
Tlio H'mnr Clonk.
About 1M) II. U. there was a water
clock hi lino In Italy, tlreeca and Iinyut.
The water racaped from a Jar nnd full
Into a receptacle brnpnth, in which float
ed a amnll onr, which, by Ita rising on
the water, pointed out tho linura.
I nm compelled by a sense of cratltudo
to tell you the great good your remedy
has done mo In n cose of Contagloua Blood
1'olsou. Among other symptoms I waa se
verely aiuicicu wuu Kiieumausm, ana jjoi
almost past going. The disease got a firm
hold upon my system ; my blood was thor
oughly poisoned with the virus. I lost la
Vf eight, was run down, bad sore throat,
eruptions, splotches and other evidences
of the disease. I was truly in a bad shape
when I began the use of S. 8. 8., but tho
persistent use of It brought me out of my
trouble safe and sound, and I have tho
courage to publicly testily to the virtues of
your great blood remedy, 8, 9. 8., and to
recommend it to all blood-poison sufier
era, sincerely believing if it Is taken ao
coming to uireciiona, anu given a lair
trial, it will thoroughly eliminate every
particle of the virus. JAMES Curban.
OiarK iioici, urcensuurg, i n,
Fainful swellings In the groins, red erun
tlons upon the skin, sores in the mouth
and loss of hair and eyebrows, are some o(
tho symptoms of this vile disease. 8. 8. 8.
Is an antidote for the awful virus that
attacks and destroys even the bones.
8. 8. 8. contains no Mercury, Potash or
other mineral ingredient. We offer $i,ooa
for proof that it Is not absolutely veget-
aoie. xiome ireai
meat book giving
the symptoms and
other Interesting
and valuable Infor
mation about this
disease, mailed
free. Our physi
cians advlso free
those who write us.
Tho Swift 8poolflo Company, Atlanta, do,
eoeoeeoeeo --- V-
Kiln What nlco hnlr Ilclln has, Hlel
la Well, a woman In n fool to buy an
Inferior article Town Topics.
The f.ndy That Isn't tho nn inn story
you told mo heforo, Tho Hennar No,
Italy; you didn't bvllovo the other one,
Ilo Can't wo Juat quietly aepnrnte
without Kcttlnir n formul divorce? Hhe
Hut I'm already eimancd to another.
"In your wlfo economical ?" "Very.
Hlin rnu fix over a ten-dollar tint for
Sift so It will look Juat as sood ss a
now one." I'uck,
Hlic Hrother Now, Willie, you must
Rive mo the Inrner hnlf of the apple,
hecnuau inninmii says wo mustn't he
Kreedy, Harper's Ilniaar.
"How are you making- out In wrltlnir
for tho innKiiilnesJ" "Juat holding my
own. They scud mo bnck nn much as
I send them." Detroit Krco I'rcss,
Undo Josh '.Moat every olllclal that
amounts to anything hns to file an nn
mini report. Undo Illrnm Yes; an' I
KUoas that's about all some of 'em do.
Tourist I say, guide, what does that
memorial atoui comr -morato? (lulil
I put It there. It waa upon that spot
a tourist ouco gave mo Are franca.
Meekly Yen, we'ro going to move to
Bwnmphurat. Doctor Hut tho climate
there may dlaagrre with your wife.
Meekly It wouldn't darn! I'hlladd
phla Tress.
Nell Mr. Kremmerer Is so kind. Ho
snld I took n very pretty and very ar
tlntlc picture. Hell Indeed? And
whose picture did you take, dear?
Philadelphia I-dgrr.
J.dy Very healthy place, Is It?
llnvo you any Idea what the death
rate In here? Caretaker Well, mum,
I can't 'xactly any; but It's about one
a piece all round. I'unch.
Mrs. Hmlth I'd llko to aell you a
ticket, sir. We're getting up a raffle
for a poor sailor. Mr. Kruaty Not to
me. I wouldn't know what to do with
a aatlor If I won hltn. lx.
"Moat divorces aro rained by a very
common mlatake." "What Is It T
Many a man In love only with a dim
ple or a curl makes the mistake of mar
rying tho whole girl." Life.
Clarlndn Aren't you allowed to
keep a dog In your new flat? Klorlnda
No, we bad to glvo 1'ldo awny; but
Jack had hla dear little hark put In
our phonograph. Journal Aiuuanut.
Ida Arc they really no rich? May
I should aay ao. When they slipped
several apoons and anucers Into 'their
grips tho Witel clerk said It wa mere
ly the souvenir hobby, Chicago News.
"Heavens!" exclaimed tho llrat moth.
"here's a tine prospect of atnrvlug to
death!" "How ao?" Inquired tho oth
er one. "There's nothing In thla box
we'ro locked up In but a hathlng-sult.
Miss Pasaay You may aneer at pet
dogs, but they re fnlthful, anyway,
I'd rather klsa a good dog than some
men. Mr. Hliarpe Well, well, some
men ar born lucky. Philadelphia
Kdlth la It true. Dolly, that I.nrkln
kissed you before he plckpdyou up In
that runaway? Dolly Yea. dear: you
know he Is studying to bo a doctor,
and that was first aid to the Injured.
Chicago Itecord-Herald.
Photographer I would auggeat that
you relax the fentures a little nnd ns
sume a more pleasing expression. Mra,
Vlfk-Senn I suppose I can dolt If you
Insist, but I can tell you light now It
won't look llko me. Chlcngo Tribune.
What," naked tho feinale-auRrage
advocate with tho square chin, "has
bccoiuo of our manly men?" "Soma
of them," replied tho meek and lowly
citizen, "have married womanly worn,
en, and are now engaged In raising
childish children." Chicago News.
Undo floorgo I have rend your arti
cle over, and I must say It shows
great deal of originality. Arthur
Thanks, I'm surel I flattered myself
there were some Ideas In It. Uncle
Ueorge I was not speaking of the
composition, but of the spelling.
Hoston Trntiscrlpt.
It was on tho old camp ground.
Pass do hat," suggested' Hruddau
Wbeatly. Hut the parson raised his
band, "No, anh," bo shouted, "dero'll
be no bats about It. Pass n tin box
wld a chain to It. Do last time a hat
was passed around henh It nevnh en mo
bnck, and I hnd to go homo barehend
cd." Chlcngo News.
"I must have a new gown and cont
at once." "Great thundcrntlon, worn
an, bow can you ask for a gown nnd
coat when you have to testify In my
bankruptcy hearing next week?"
simply have to have them. Do you
think I can fnco tho peoplo In tho
courtroom when I am wenrlng my old
clothes?" Indianapolis Sun.
l'-onu .Moincr iou win no o years
old to-morrow, Willie, nnd I want to
glvo you u real blrthdny trout. Toll
ine what you would Ilka better tlinn
anything olso. Willie (after thinking
earncsly for nvo minutes) ilrlng mo a
whole, box of chocolate creams, moth
er, and ask Tommy Smith to come In
and watch me cat em. Youth.
Mr, Uggy Don't you remember,
dear, when -your father forbado m
tho house? Mrs. Uggy Yen, nnd when
mother wouldn't let me out of her
sight for a moment? Mr. Uggy And
I mudo up my mind to go oiT mid dto?
Mrs. Uggy Yes, nnd I scared father
Into thinking I wns In a decline? Doth
Together Weren't those happy days?
ICmictual Way.
"I thought Smeargle was a
of yours."
"Ho was until lately. I bad to drop
him. He was always wanting to bor
row money,"
"Refused him sharply, did you?"
"No; I lent him somo," Chicago
Ue good to thoso who are sick, It
may bo your turn next, and your good
ness will Insuro good euro for you
when you aro flat on your back.
Don't try cheap cough medi
cines. Get the best. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. What a
record It has, sixty years of
cures! Ask your doctor If
he doesn't use it for coughs,
colds, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles.
"lh found thai j.r'i Chirr? rlrl
l Ilia In, I m-rflr Ini I ran ariterlba for broo
t liltli. iDfluant. Fourlia, an.! hard eolda."
M. Iiibia, M.lllll,.ea, N. T.
4.0. AVaa on.
Iiw-ll. M.t,"
Corroct nnv tontlonev to conation
Hon with small dosos of Ayor'a Pills,
Ilotli Imuahnil.
How a railway porter guvc a Itotnnd
for n passenger's Oliver Is related In
the following tale:
"A few weeks ago," he snyn, "n gen
tlemmi came up to me on the arrival of
an express, nml snld he hnd chnnged
nt sucli-nuiPnuch n Junction, and he
could not find his luggngn In the van
"Thiifn nil right, air," I snld; "the
train dlvlden Into two hnlven at the
Junction. You've come on by the llrnl
hnlf; your luggngu will coino on by
tin Mccond. rvu known ninny n case.
"ou'rn wrong. iorler." an 111 the
traveler; "It was not a case, it was a
"And, ndded Hie porter, "he went
nwny with a grin which made me fair
ly lund. In n quarter of an hour or so.
though," he continued, "the gentleman
cnuie hack, and said to me:
"Porler, how long will that second
train of yours be?"
Twelve couches and an engine,' I
"We both laughed Hint time."
Kverytlay Hwlnitlera.
"There It goen again," snld the trol
ley conductor nn he rung the hell to
let off a passenger who had only rid
den for a square.
loud be natonlnheil." continued
the knight of the hell strap, "to know
how many people try to beat the trol
ley for a free ride when they want to
make a t-nll a square or two away
from home.
They hop on the car. wait till It
linn slurled nnd then want to know If
the enr doesn't go to some plnce which
they know It doesn't come within n
mile of. In this wny they get their
ride for nothing mid go on their way
In the belief that they have fooled tho
conductor." Phllndelphln Press.
Hlmiil Plan Which llriilrr No Alarm
Clock to II Het.
Wo hear It frequently assorted that
If persons will Impress the thought
firmly iqion their minds and continue
thinking about It until they have fallen
asleep that they desire to awako at n
certain hour in the morning, they will
do It without fall, says n writer In tho
St. louls (ilobe-Democrat. Hut how
ninny people have tried this method of
Insuring a prompt awakening nt a
given hour In the morning only to And
their rest tbrouxhout the night dls
turbed ami uneasy?
Ths brain will usually respond to
the will mid nwaken one In the morn
ing near tho desired hour under 'any
circumstances, but to prevent the un
broken, uneasy sleep the adoption of
only a very simple device Is necessary.
The last thing before getting Into bed,
take n watch or clock and turn the
hnuds to the hour at which one wlshm
to rise and gaze nt thin Just long
enough to tlx the hour firmly on the
retentive memory. Then, If no other
nbaorblng thoughts Intervene between
Hint mid the moment one is locked In
slumber, tlio night's rest will be easy
nnd unbroken mid promptly nt the
hour In Uio morning, ns a rule, onn
will And ono'a'solf rvleancd from sleep
and wide awake.
There Is no nml to keep thinking of
the hour continually for a number of
minutes, no need to repent It over and
over in the mind; nil that makes tho
lirnln unenny mid results In tho dis
turbed slumber. Simply look at tho
wntch or clock, as I have Indicated,
nnd the Intlucnco of the mind over
mutter will bo clenrly demonstrated In
the morning, Try It some night nnd
observe how smoothly this phsycho
logical fact works.
Hlgnnrtlie Three Hall.
The three balls used by pawnbrokers
aro the symbol of St. Nicholas. There Is
n legend to tlio effect that the saint once
offered three purses of' gold to three
women to enablu them to marry. The
purses of those days were small bags,
which when tied at the top to keen In the
coins somewhat resembled balls.
A great deal of sympathy Is siren a
preacher because he doesn't always get
its salary. Transfer It to his wife, who
works twice as hard, and Is not aminos.
ed to get anything but hoard ami clothes.
ami n cuanee lo praise llio Lord.
For the Study of
is Jmpof tant. We
can show results,
for every one of
our graduates are
Write for our Catalogue
.11 lr-,.1.1. f
11 IUI
Babllme Course hr Which Prince
Haloiti Kacaped Iter Master,
James Maker, n well known traveler
and writer, tells a curious story of a
war 10X1 years ngo. The Persian shah
was besieging Tlflls, arid the hushnnd
of tho Princess Hnloiuo hnd been nlnln
In the slego, When Um Persian en
tered and sacked tho town Salome
tried to save her young son, but he
wns torn from her nnns mid bucked
In pieces heforo her eyes. Her own
llfo wns spsred and she was borne
to the camp outside the walls of Tlflls
to the nlmh. Ho sold her to DJnfar
Hek, who shut her up In a castle a
part of which still remains near
whero now Is the lovely tropical bo
tanical garden of Tlflls. (Jimmied by
her beauty, he asked her to become bis
wife. She refused and begged her pur
chaser to slay her. Tim Persian gave
her a night to reconsider the mntter
and on the next dsy be Isy reclining
on a great cushion under a tree on that
hot, sunny billable and awaited her
answer. Presently she appeared before
hltn, veiled In a long, pure white robe.
calm and stately, her face deathly
pale. She advanced, her armed Jailers
following her. The Persian waved hi
followers aside and asked the princess,
"You consent to he ray wlfo?" "Yes,"
wns the solemn answer. "I consent to
love you, for after the death of my
husband and son It Is my destiny;
there Is no other fate for me.
"In fleorgla," said the princess,
"there are certain families that pos
sess atrango powers and dark secrets.
My mother foretold I should be the
wife of a DJnfar, and from my mother
I, too, receive these iower to read
tho future." Tho Persian was im
pressed by her manner and her pres
ence. She saw her power. "Give me
your hand," she said. "I,et me read
there If I shall have long years of hap-
plneas with you." fie held forth bls
hsnd. She bold It unUI It sllsbtlv
trembled In her fingers. Then she
burst forth with a cry of horror, "Oh,
my master, knowest thou that deaUi
awaits thee, perchance this very
nlghtr DJafar Hek trembled now.
Thou wilt die by the hand of a man
thou hast this day offended." "Is It
by Assa Dhoulla Hek?" he asked. "We
quarreled to-day and about you. He
would have bought yon." "Oh, my
master," exclaimed Balome, "to save
thee I must have some object upon
which he has looked to day then I can
avert this evil and make bis arms use
less against thee."
What! You can do tills?" exclaim
ed DJafar Incredulously. "Moat cer
tainly. Give me your dagger.
drew It and handed It to her.
held It up and. looking up to the blue
heavens above, murmured a prayer;
then, handing It back to him aald:
Now It Is useless. It cart slay no
one. Ho looked at her unbelievingly.
"Try It." she exclaimed. "Strike hero!"
He struck the blow where her finger
rested full upon her heart. The keen
blade went swiftly home, and she fell
at his feet, exclaiming. "O, God, it
celve my soul!" Then she lay dead.
8tlna-r Stan Want to Ileal the Post
ofllcj BTstem Out of 1 Cent.
The new booka that give general pos
tal Information for the public and are
distributed free to purchasers ot
stampa at the various branch post-
offices, are of value to all Interested In
mailing matter of any kind. That
many are Ignorant of common things
was clearly shown at the stamp win
dow over which John G, Wendle at
times presides, at the Brooklyn post.
A man stepped up to the window
with one of the Sunday papers, Includ
ing the various supplements, ready for
mailing, and naked the cost. As It
proved to weigh eight ounces or over
the four ounces for which a paper
may be sent as second class matter,
he was told It would cost 2 cents.
"It's ' an outrage to make me pay
postage on so many sheets of advertls
Ing. I'll take them out, and that will
bring It down In weight, I guess," said
the man complacently, as be got a
piece of brown paper Into which he
wrapped tho reading matter ln the pa
per, lie didn't know that thla made
It third class matter, but It did, and
Wendle told him that being miscella
neous printed matter and weighing
over six ounces It would cost cents,
or a cent for each two ounces or frac
tion thereof. Una staggered the man,
who then said:
All I want to send Is a paragraph,
so far as that Is concerned. I can cut
out and seiid It ln a 1-cent unsealed
envelope. Olve me one."
It was given to him and aa he laid
down a cent for It, Mr. Wendle said, in
tho tone he uses toward young women
who want stamps with vanilla flavored
"That will cost you 2 cents. One for
the stamp and one for the envelope.'
"Well, I'm done for," said the man
as he threw down the other cent. "I've
lost a quarter's time ln trying to beat
the postotllce system and am Just
where I began." Then Mr. Wendle
handed to him ono of the new books,
and with a pleasant smile snld:
"When you want to be sure before
hand, and don't want to bother the
stamp clerk, rend this." Brooklyn
Knew What It Meant.
"Hello, Uncle John," exclaimed the
village, nephew", as he warmly grasped
the old farmer'a band. I'm awfully
glad to see you looking so well. How
Is my good aunt and dear little cous
ins "
'Here, boy," Interrupted the wise
old rurallte, as be pulled out his pock
etbook, "how much do you need this
Ilip Van Winklo Libelled.
Rip Van Winklo had Just been tak
ing a nap. Placing a band upon his
beard, he murmured drowsily, "How
this grows on me." After which ho
fell Into n second doze, that he might
sleep out the remaining ten years.
Yale Record.
All Off.
Mrs. A. I seut my daughter to a
cooking school to fit her for marriage.
Mrs. 11, was tho experiment a suc
Mrs. A.No. The man she was en
gaged to found It out, Judge,
JTelllo Tells How rtatiy Came.
There's no use of your talking, for
momma told me ao,
And If there's any ono thnt does, my
mamma ought lo know;
I "or she lins been to Ihirope, and seen
Hie Pope of Home,
Though she says that waa before t came
to lire with her at home,
You see, we hnd no baby, unless you
call me one,
And I Imve grown ao big yon know,
'twould hnve to be In fun.
When I went to see grandma, nbout
two weeks ago.
And now we've one, a little one, that
squirms and wriggles so.
And innmina snra an anetl earn down
from heaven above, '
And brought this baby to her, for she
and me to lore: i
And Its got Hie cnnnlngest of feet, ss '
Utile as enn be.
And smiling eynn, nnd curly hair, and
Hands you scarce csn see.
And then It never cries a bit, like some
bad linlilrs do:
And pnpn snya It looks like mt I don't
think ao, do roil?
For I'm a girl, nnd It's a boy, and boys
I can't endure.
unir tiii-jr ro liable like our own, '
they'll plsgue and tease you sure. J
Hut you any the anrel didn't come, now I
you just tell me whr: I
The Hlble nays there's sngels In hesren,
and that's the sky;
And Christ lores little babies, Slid' God
makes pverythlng.
And If the angel didn't who did our
baby bring?
You can't tell; no I guesa yon can't, but
mamma ought to know, i
For It's her baby, her's and our's, and
mamma told me so;
And they don't make nny running things
like him on earth, you see; '
I'or no wsx doll, with real hair, Is half
so nice as be. 1
I Snow an angel brought him, and I
think one brought me, too.
.Though I don't Jiist now remember, and
so can't tell, can you?
Hut mamma knows, and this I know, the
baby wasn't home
When I went away, and now he Is; If i
you want to see him. come. Wlllowware Induatry.
i. . . , . . In ten years Maryland has Jumped
ror mamma ssys If I am rood I can ,- ,,, , . .. ,,,
kiss him every dsr. i rrom flfth to thlrd p,ace ln willow-
And we'll klsa him now, ana then gt.!wnre 'ndustry of the United States,
out and have a nice long play: "nklng now next to New York and
And If anybody asks you how babies Pennsylvania. Baltimore Is one of the
come and eo.
Why, tell them lt' the
mamma told me ao.
angels, for
You Can Oet Allen's FootCae FREE.
Writ Mta B. Olmitrd, U Bor.N. Y., for a
Ire samt'le ol Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures
iweatlnr. hot swollen, schlnr feet. It makes
tiftw n, tlvht iIimi A M,l,ln rnr, tn
corns, lnrrotrlnr nails and Lnnloni. Alldrav.
tI,uell't- 2Gc Hon't accept any substitute.
Dlacrctlon a Failure.
"I was at the husking bee one day.
Great fun."
"Kind a red ear?"
"Kiss the prettiest girl?"
Nope. Didn't dare. All the pret-
Klrls wcre engaged to husky farm-
"Whnt did you do?"
"Kissed the homeliest girl."
"Did thnt give sstlsfactlon?"
"Not n bit of It. Eoch of the husky
farmers felt that I hnd personally
snubbed his best girl." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
CITQ Permanently Cored. No Slier nervousness
rllO afternrsldar'suseofllr.Kllne'sUrealNerve
Keitorer. hend for Vtrr UX trial bolllesna Ireallae. lI.hllne.LKL, HI Arch bt, rhUadelphla, I'a.
She bet Illm Off.
Wife My dear, I need a little more of
this stuff, and some trimming to match.
I wish you would drop Into Bigg, Sale &
Co.'s and set It-
Husband (a smart fellow) Let me see.
un, I know. Tbats the store where
they bare so many pretty girls, isn't it?
"lea, I remember. That blond girl
at the trimming counter knows your
tastes and will doubtless select juat the
sort of trimming you want I mean the
girl with the golden hair, alabaster skin,
blue eyes and sweet little "
"There are a number of thines I want
downtown. Never mind, dear. I'll go
ana get them myself.
Take Laxative nromo Quinine Tablets. All drug
cists refund the money IT II talis to cur. K. V
Uroves slxnauir Is on each box. Sc.
llnrt Memories.
Many people complain of having a
bad memory, as If It were something
they could not help, like a headache.
or some similar ailment; yet even that
can be helped nowadays by the appli
cation of a little common sense. After
nil ttinra tn nn run ann wtiv nnv-liAilv
hould havc a ba1 memory, It u mere.
ly a matter of training nnd la, more
over, a matter ln which It Is never too
late to attend to Its training. For
grown-ups many methods aro advo
cated, all of them, no doubt, based on
tho principle of- mental concentration.
In a young child the faculty can be
cultivated by making 'the child de
scribe everything It has 6een In Its
morning walk, taking care that no fnct
Is exaggerated, but that strict atten
tion Is paid to truth In every detail.
ln tho matter of memorizing It Is au
excellent plan to let the child learn
ono lino of poetry a day, which It
should repeat the following morning,
and at the end of a week It will be
able to say the seven lines. The young
brain should not be overloaded with
knowledge, but allowed to assimilate
a fragment each day.
lUumN r. i.iiLi.., u.M.-i. ulliu.
A. J. TOWEU CO.. Boston. Mils., U. B, A.
TOWKIl CANADIAN CO., lid., Toronto, Can.
Color mora goods brighter and latter colors thsn any other dye. On 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and Is guaranteed la
(t,vff.RS.,c ff Ask dealer or wawUltend post paid at IOC a package. Write lor Irs booklet haw t dy black and mind colors. MONKOU
URUU CO., Unionvllle, Illinois,
MtiiaiTTnir n Mm, ,, a
AYcCelablc PreDarationforAa-
slmilaling ftcroodandnegula-
iwg mesiooaaa anajjawcis or
Promotes DigeslionjChcerful-
ness and iicsi.toniains nciihcr
Opium.Morplu'ne norIincxaL
yl StU'
vM4VWr,9 rsffV,
Apetfeel Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomaih, Diarrhoea
end Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
three willow-ware centers which only
have shown any actual growth In the
business. In Maryland the center of
the willow district lies ln Howard
County. In the neighborhood of Elk
Mdge alone the output of willow ex
ceeds $5,000 per annum, while Anne
Arundel County contributes $2,500.
Itrhtnc mind, nieedlnr or Frotmdlnc rile.
VoordrarststwIUrertlnd money ir PAZO OIKT
1IK.VT falls to euro you In to H days. SOc
Perfectly SatlsHed.
Crack Boat Builder Ah! How de do,
Mr. Blchman? How did that rowboat
I made you last summer suit?
Mr. Blchman Perfectly!
"Ah! I'm glad to hear It. I always
like to give satialactlon. Baited perfect'
ly, eb.7"
"Yes. I left It In front of my boat
house all summer and every scalawag
who tried to steal It got upset or drown
For coughs and cows there Is no better
medicine than I'lso's Care for Consamp-
viuu. incc 20 cents.
Theater-Going; Under Dimcaltlea.
Patron I see you hare a notice out
side, saline that ticket boucht of sDee-
ulators on the street will be refused at
tnc door.
Theater Ticket Seller Yes. sir: that la
our rule.
Well, I'll take a ticket fur to-night.
parquette '
very sorry, sir, but all the tickets
bare been bought up by speculators!"
Motaerswlll And Urs. Wlnslow-s Booming
rjyrupuie oesiremeayioDMioruieircauarta
duxint th ue thing period.
Natural Preference.
Miss Violet had made a rapid tour
of the European continent and found
little to Impress her, either favorably
or otherwise.
"You say you saw all you wanted to
of Italy," said a friend, on Miss Vio
let's return to her native heath ln Kan
sas. "What did you think of the lax
raronl?" "Don't talk to me about It," aald
Mlts Violet, briskly. "I'd rather have
a good dish of plain American maca
roni baked with cheese any time!"
The Old Monk Cure
Of Our Method of Extract
ing Teeth.
II your plat tails when eating or tslkln
by using pur vacuum ralro we cau make
you one that will be satisfactory. We do
work lor people from out ol the cltr quick.
it, so that rou will not ba delayed.
no do crown and bride work without
,.,,, vui jceie
"ork enables us to Ot
-yij. in ueu ib in
n hay leelinji as
upea eyenlDSs till i
in. 1, r niab.
1'hone Ualn
WISE BROS Dentists,
hutt T c iS--73kt Write for Catalogue
lViiLLO 1 -JI and Prices
The A H, Averill Machinery Co,
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
TN f wrmvn mmht. new von crrv.
pMtett, HbUt and ttroagrml Htnmp Puller
oq tb inrkrc lit Hon power on Um iwwp
with two borer. Wrtu for dMcrlptlT rulo
and prlCM. r -
Foot of MorrfMn Street lortlan4. Ortzea
Lary and complete stock of Fir Apparatus, llos
and Ilepartment Hupplies. Onr goods ar la us la
nearly every Fir Uepanment.
-Baoroeks'' S39, -Patrols- SIS. eacb. These are the
Htandard KiUnmUhers. Common RxtlnruUber.
with riveted joints. 111 each. A. G. LOSC. Tttlud, Or
Dr. C. Gee Wo
This wonderful Chi
nee doctor la called
treat beennae he en re
people without opera-
mmi in a. mrm aieee. Bp
lo die. tie cure wlih
tboae wonderful Chi
nee herbe, roots, bods,
barks and veaetablea
thai are eaUrely no
known to medical eel.
eeee In tbla eouatre. Thran.h th
those harmlens remedle this famoue doctor
knows the actio of over MO different rem.
edlee. which he succeaarolly neea In different
diseases. He guarantee lo cure callarh. aslb
Ban. lung, uiroaj, rheumatism, aervnusneaa,
stomach, liver, kidneys, etc, baa hundreds n
lesUmonlala. Charges moderate. Call and
see him. raUenia out of the city write for
blanks and circular. Henrf mmiu lNrillf.
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
US Alder St.. tAwtl.kl. Uree.
rlle.,.. Paper.
No. 2-I90S
TTTI1EN writing; to adrUr plena I
I f mention tills pnper. I
From cold, hard labor or exercise,
relaxes the stiffness and the sore
ness disappears.
Price, 25c. and SOc.
ex erienca in piate
your mouth comlott-
cneapesi m icaeno.
well as you.
Sundays Irons to U I
Hay ar known by what tbey hav I
U srown. For half a cento ry tney M.
0 bav been tn etandard unreal
aaj failed nnc to produce blcter. bet- aM
ter crop than any other. Hold AH
W by all dealers. 103 Heed An- AH
W aialm to an applicants.