Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 04, 1905, Image 8

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f&flatme ot foil IHap and T
far ol Hoofs.
An Gngllab agricultural Journal Bays
Ihot the nature ot tho soil on which
boric oro bred and roared lias a cur
lata Influtnco on the iliapo and quality
of tbelr hoof. Hones bred In lillly
dlitrlcta ni a general rule posxeu com
parntlrcljr upright and auinll, but very
Itrong and tougb, feet, while the boot
tt hones reared on marshy and low
llnx land are of exactly tho opposite
character, being usually big, mora or
less Oat or spreading and soft
Then) Is, of course, a considerable
mouut of difference tn tho quality and
lhape of the feet of Individual horses
bred under exactly the same conditions
of soli. Hut, broadly speaking, tho
limp" of a homo's foot Is In all cases
governed to a greater or less cxteut
by the class ot soil on which tho ani
mal Is bred and reared. Damp soli
causes tho production of soft, spongy
horn In the feet of young hones, and
dryncsson tho other hand, favors the
growth of tough and closely textured
Tho feet ot growing hones' reared
on soft, spougy and damp soil are
very apt to become overgrown or bad
ly nil a nil, owing to the InsuUlclent
amount of wear which tho horn Is
subjected to on such soil. In conse
quence of the horn continually growing
and not sufficient of It being worn
awny the hoofs readily become over
grown, and It this Is not remedied by
the uso of the drawing knife they
eventually assume a bad shape.
When young horses are reared on
dry uplylng land, whero the soil la
comparatively firm nnd hard, the born
ot the hoofs wears away at a much
more rapid rate than It does tn the
case of spongy and soft soli, nnd there
Is much less risk ot the feet becoming
overgrown or assuming a bad shape.
In practice this is simply borne out
by tho fset that the percentage ot
cases of badly shnped feet Is much
smaller -among hones reared on dry
and Arm soli thitn It Is among those
that have been bred on soft nnd
raanhy land.
Peed of Brood Sows.
It seems to be necessary to say again
that It Is a costly mistake to feed a
sow liberally Just before she Is to far-
row, and especially If she has a large
udder and gives other Indications of
developing milk freely. And It Is a
fact that such feeding Is more danprr
oua with older and largo sows than
with cows, for surplus milk can be
drawn from them as' It cannot b from
sows, and with the last milk fever and
maybe pig eating will result I arm
Btock and Home.
We have not heard so much of late
on the old question ot oily and nonolly
goats, but this Is moro a matter for the
consideration of tho breeder than It Is
for the mohair buyer, says 8. H. IIoll
lng In American Sheep Breeder.
Heavy, soppy fleeces shrink to n large
extent when dean scoured, and It
nerds a very expert man to estimate
correctly what the shrinkage will be
when they ore presented to him. One
large buyer In Bradford Is strongly
opposed to the oily goat ami says that
there Is always n lack of luster In such
fleeces. However, the hair Is always
sound and good, but there Is no more
need for an excess of yolk In mohair
than there Is In wool.
A Lone Fleeced Angora.
Kingston I-ad, whose picture Is re
produced from American Sheep Breed
er, was a prize winner at the St Louis
xnrasiOM xjid.
fair Angora show. The fleece of this
handsome animal is twenty inches lo
length. Kingston I-nd la owned by
Tom Wedgewood of Kingston, N, M.
Shelter the Aaffora.
While Angora goats can spend most
ot their time out of doors during line
weather, they, like other animals, must
have a place of shelter to which they
can resort during storms and blizzards
Prolonged cold, rainy periods are fatal
to Angoras unless sheltered. Wool
Markets and Sheep.
Angora Conformation.
The Angora goat, like other farm
animals, must be considered with ref
erence to size, conformation nnd con
stitution. Tbe type to which the
breeders should lend their efforts
should weigh from 100 to HO pounds,
body qulto round and broad through
out, hips and shoulders of same height,
for low shoulders Indicate low vitality:
tbe hips not sloping In a pronounced
degree, legs strong, but not long, and
rye bright and quick. The fleece should
cover oil parts of the body, except In
side the upper legs on the thin skin.
A topknot Is pretty, but does not indi
cate quality. The 'mohair should make
an annual growth of not less than 'ten
Inches and be so dense as to yield a
Oeoco of eight to tan pounds. The
mohair should"be in ringlets which are
well formed from point to skin. Loose,
slightly wavy hair Is objectionable and
oftentimes Indicates coarseness In some
degree. It Is of the utmost Importance
that the hair bo extremely fine, the
Oner the more valuable
"In my opinion Clmmliorlnln'H
CoiirIi Itemed- Is tho best nlndo for
coldb," biij'b Mm. Corn Walker of
I'oturvllle, Cnllforliln. There In no
doubt about ita bclnjr the best. No
othor will euro n cold so quickly. No
othor Is ho miro a lirovciitlvo of pneu
monia. No other It so pleasant ami
safo to tnko. These nro Rood reasons,
why It should bo preferred to any
other. Tho fnct Is that few peopio
nro satisfied with nuy othor after
having once used this remedy, For
suit' by the Modern I'hiirinacy,
Tho Port o Ilreama,
It Is Jult bajrond the sky line
With Its peppy fltlda of rat,
Where day's storm tKralld.rrd shallop
Dropa Its anchor In tho west,
Whero a Ml.nt sro. of MfTron
Stretches Inland toward the it reams
That sro gltmtntrlnir down tho Yallert
Ot the purplt port o' dreams.
lu tho farblt Bloom behind tt
Earth's duahr bovnd'ry lira.
And a atu beond Ivi outpoat
The hills ot Lenvrn rise.
Bo near that In the story
Ot their mystic hate It seems
Tharihtlr dear dead walk beiIJa us
tn tho peaceful port o' dreams.
O stranKe. and wondrous country,
llldlns Aoae lb coals ot lite.
Win wins to the brines course
For tho Ions', dull march's trite.'
And the prUoner of llrtruz
Hope's freedom pledce redeems
In thine endless, boundless radUnea,
O Mlaaful port o' dreamal
' V bav called thee Heart's Dealr.
Or th lolanda of the Hint,
And th Land ot Finished Stories.
I O dreamland In tho westl
Tot every heart's the boucd'ry
OUtVf soul reposlror beams.
Art thou hop or lor or hoaven,
1 O happy port o' droamsT
Ball away. O weary hearted.
To the bayoua cf release:
Xoavo the drama of life behind you
At tile harbor bar ot poaco.
Come to anchor off the headlands
lbere th light of heaven eleams
In the haven whero ye would be
Pstt the purpl port o dreama.
Army and Nary Journal.
A farlona Lee-end.
Basby ttiecy, the ruins of which He
close to the river Swale, a short dis
tance from Hlchmond. tn Yorkshire,
Hngland, Is the home of a curious
legend, say Photography. One of the
main walls of the building Is cracked
and toppling, but has not yet fallen to
the ground. Nor do the natives expect
It to do so, at least not until It receives
the Impulse which It Is said to await
For a tradition relates that the wall,
when It does fall, will bury In Its ruins
a newly married couple, ami ns the tale
Is well known the chance of n honey
mooning pair resting beneath Its shade
Is remote.
"I stuck to my endue, although
every Joint nehed nnd every nerve
was racked with pain," write C. V.
llcllnmy, n locomotive llrenmn, of
Burlington, Iiivvn. "I was wenk and
pale, without any nppetlte nnd all
run tlotr i. Ah I was about to give
up, I cot a. bottle of Electric Bittern,
nrwl aiier taking It I felt as well as I
ever did la my life." Weak, sickly,
run down rxxiplo always train new
Ife, strength ami vigor from their
use. Try them. Satisfaction Rnnrnu
leed by Benstm's l'hnnnaey. Price
M centB.
To buy Kennedy' Clinln Light'
nine Liniment, for Klieninntlsm ami
all pains ami Inllnmntlnn. Price
00 cents, nil unigKisi, or oy innu
uoon recclnt of nrlce. write K L Ken
nedy, Snglnaw, Oregon, for list of
testimonies. rsniisinoiicin gunran
Fatal Applause.
An English lady snake, charmer
named Leyton was performing at a
village called Vaelbllnger, In Ilbenlsb
rrussla, In a menagerie with a boa
constrictor. This she permitted to coll
round her neck and breast. Her cour
age met with thunders of applause
from the spectators, who little dreamed
that by their signs of approval they
had sealed the poor charmer's death
warrant Such, however, proved to be
tbe case, for, apparently Infuriated at
their demonstrations, the rentlle fJcht
ened its colls nnd amid the shrieks of
the public strangled the lady on the
platform before anything could be
done to assist her. The snake was lm
mediately killed.
"Leonldas!" exclaimed, Sir. Meektou's
wife on his return from a Journey. "I
am at a loss to understand your con
duct when we parted. I said goodby to
"Yes, nenrictta."
"Why didn't you say goodby In re
sponse?" "I was Just about to do so, nenrletta,
but I checked myself. I was afraid
you would accuse me of trying to have
the last word again."
2825 Keeley St.,
Chicago, lu,., Oct,, 2, 1002.
I suffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb, with severe
pains through the groins. I suf
fered terribly at the time of men
struation, bad blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain.
What to try I knew not, for It
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I badWer tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and toon knew that I bad
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using, eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
c;flrs. Bush it now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
tionr1aYia urhpn nil nther remedies
ffaited to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wino of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health,
For advice in cases requiring
special directions, address, giving
symptoms, "The Ladles' Advisory
Department," The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
For Permanent Relief
1IERB1NE acts directly rn tho Uvor. It will curs CONSTIPA
from all poisonous mineral substances, and It composed solely of
LIFE-GIVING HERDS. EspoiiMly ndaptea tor weak and wcahy
constitutions; strengthens tho weakened glands and organs; it cnocat
all derangements of the human body.
Mts. Josle Cameron, Centratla Avenue, Temple,
Texas, writes: " I find 11U1UUNK gives meqafck
relief, and take pleasure In recommending It to all
women who sutler from sick headache."
Fifty Cents A Bolllo Avoid All Substltutea
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
St. Louis,
The Modern
IVlr lln Not r! thr Wnrlil'.
Hapltl Fllulit ThrouKli tarv.
We have no direct sen-uitlon of the
earth's motion because of Its absolute
smoothness and freedom from ull Jar
or vibration, and. as vvcrytblug land,
sea and nlr Is carried nlong nt the
same rate as ourselves, there U nothing
to afford ns any evidence tlmt we are
moving nt all until we make reference
to something altogether detached from
the earth as sun. moon or star and
even then, until reasoning null mathe
matical calculation are brought to bear.
It Is these bodies and not ourselves
which seem to move.
Gliding In a boat down a smooth riv
er It Is often lmpodble to perceive
that we are moving except by refer
ence to objects on tbe Imnkn. and even
then It Is illlllcult to resltt the Impres
sion that tbey ore In motion wlillo we
are at rest
The mere detail of speed doennot
affect tbe question, and, although the
earth Is rushing trough space at tbe
rate of eighteen miles a second, the
motion. Infinitely smoother than that
of a boat on placid water, Is absolutely
tta Rqalralent In Olden Time Waa
to Clet tlie "Canvaa."
Canvas, called by Chaucer canevas.
Is a closely woven. heavy cloth of hemp
.or Bai, used for any purpose'for which
strength and durability are required,
such as sailcloth or fabrics used for oil
paintings, tapestry or embroidery. Its
name Is derived from the Latin canna
bis, hemp, the material from which It
Is manufactured.
"To give one tbe canvas," or "to
receive the canvas," wns the old
phrase equivalent to the modern "to
give one the sack." or "lo get the sack,"
In allusion to tbe canvas tool IiagM car
ried by mechanics nt tlmt day.
In such n phrase iih "to canvass the
nelgbliorliooil." the word canvass. In
which the "a," Is doubled, comes from
the French tuniilinw-er. to sift as
through canvas, ami literally means to
sift the neighborhood, to solicit votes
or Interest, by separating supporters
from opponents.
Thofamllvof Mrs. M. L. ItobbllK
of Uargerton, Tenn.. saw iter oying
r.iiil were tinwcrloss to cave her. The
most skillful physicians am) every
remedy used, fulled, while consump
tion was Hiowiv mil sun-iv iiikihk
her life. In this terrible hour Dr.
Kind's Now Discovery for Consump
tion turned despair Into Joy. The
first bottle brought Immediate relief
ami Its continued uw complutcly
eurod her. H'h tho nmat curtulu cure
In the world for all throat nml lung
troiililes. Ouariinteo-I Ilottles one ami
S1.00. Trial Ilottles Free at Henson's
Is displayed by many a man cmlur
nir paras of accidental Cuts, wounds,
Uralses. IiuriiH. .Scalds, Sore feet or
stiff joints. Jiut there's no need for
It. fSucklen's Arnica Salvo
to will kill
'i'-iies, to?
the pain and curu the troul
the best Salve on enttli for
25c. at IlcnHou'H I'hariuacy
How can you afford to lie without them? When you can run lour 16 C. P
lamps at 2 cents per light per day.
P. M. Rates per month, for Residences
First 16 one dollar, each additional 16 50c, each additional 8 C. P. 25c.
Cottage Grove Electric Co.
U. S. A.
liar .MUnnmrd tnnll.
America's typical game bird, the
' quail, U not nnmcd correctly nt all, ac
cording to the government ornitholo
gist. He says that the real quail Is the
qunll of the Illblo and that this Is a
bird iR-longlng exclusively to the old
world, The true qunll docs not occur
In America nt nil. In ninny parts ot
this country the American bint Is
known ns partridge, but tbe American
partridge is really the ruffed grouse,
and the true partridge ngnln Is nnother
old world bird nnd not Amerlenn. lie
i thinks that tbe name given to It In
' many localities, "bobwhlte," Is ns good
' as any. The name conies from the cry
of the bin!, which Is something like
I "bobwhlte. bobwhlte. bobwhlte."
Forrat nt Harnpe.
The percentage of the wooded arena
of Kuropeau countries as compared
with their total areas Is as follows. Fin
land, BUS Sweden. 4U.:i; ltuwln. 40.4;
Austria, aiMI; Luxemburg. -W.U; Hun
gary. 27.7; (lennany, '-'(1.1: Servla. ';
Turkey, "J!1.4: Norway. '22; ltniimanla
and SwItKcrlnud. 21.4 cui-u: llulgarlu.
20.S. The oilier Ihirope. n countries
'isi e lens tbn? 'M per cem f si ll.-i titl.
JIAT1SM. "My mother has been a sufferer for
many yearn from rbcumntlsni," nyn
W. (I. Howard of Husband, lY'imsy.
vanln. "At times she wns mialilu to
move at all. while at all tlmcx walk
Intr wax painful. 1 presented her
wiin a Dome oi uiiaiuDcriniii x rain
Ilnlm nnd after a fen- applications die
decided It was the most wonderful
pain reliever she hail ever tried. In
uict, nlio Ih never without It now and
Is at ull times able to walk. Alloc
caslonal application of I'nlu Ilnlm
keeps away the paia that she was
formerly troulileil Willi." For sale
by Tho .Modern IMinrmacy.
1' A 11. M KllS A Tl H.VTIOX.
We bnve a law mipply of cheap
lumber. Just what you want on a
ranch, price very cheap, must be sold
to iimki' room for other Mock.
The Ilootli-Kelly LuiiiImt Co.,
Saginaw. On
The Smart Set
A Magazine of Cleverness
Magazines should have n well-defined purpose.
Genuine entertainment amusement nnd mental recreation are the
motives of The Smart Set, Uie
Mst S'-'CCSsCul
Its Novels (a complete one in
brilliant authors ot both hemispheres.
Us short .stories are matchless
Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly tlie most
100 pages Delightful Reading
No pages are wasted on cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or
wearying essays and idle discussions.
livery page will interest, charm and refresh you.
Subscribe now S2.fi0 per yeart Remit in cheque, I'. O. or Kx
press older, or registered letter to
Ave'l,ie Neiu fork-
N. Ii. Sample Pony Sent Free
Eugene pinning Mill
Mnmttnctuivi'M ot
Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Rustic and
Gsnsral Mill Work.
Turning; anil Stiilr luilHlliinn speci
alty. All order will receive prompt
attention, Nntlnliu'tlon gimrunUvd.
listliuntes Cheerfully Furnished.
.dilreniS 111 l.nwiviU'u Nt,
urn kmc. oicic
Laud Olllre at Itoseliuric. Ore,
November I, 11MI.
Notice. Is hereby given Hint tliofol-lowlng-tmineil
net tier Imsllled notice
ot Ills Intuition to make llnul proof
lu support of his claim, ami that said
proof will lie inaih' liefotv.l. .1. Wal
ton, U. S, Comuilfwdotiur, at his olllre
at KiiKcue. Oiegon, on January IS,
llHtt, vis: II. i: No. IMim. tloorixe F.
Hull, for the SK j N K Sec. 11. T. 'Jl
S., It. I W.
lie names tho following; witnesses
to provo his coutliuuiUH resldeiu'e
upon and cultivation of said land,
Knrnest Melteyuolils, (leorge llnr
rlson, llformi Melleynolds, Hert Me
Dole. olUlvide. Oreg;on.
,1. T.' IlliimilM.
F. S. Laml OllUe,
ItoM'liurK. Ore. Dec. III. 11X11.
Notli-e Is hereby ulven Hint the
oIIowIuk named M'ltler has llled
notice of his Intention to tuiike tlnal
proof la support of his claim, anil
that said proof will ls made before
tbe IteirMcr ami lleeeler ol the I',
s. Laml OllliH' at Ibwehurir. OreKon,
on Felirimry '.Ml ltxc. vl: II. I-J.
No. UUS. Joint W. Massey, for the
SF.v, KKJ). ec. '.Ml, T. !ftl S., It. ! W.
Il'e iiauieH the following; witnesses
to prove blx continuous residence
upon nml cultivation of said land,
lleurv C. fJoiiilw. sVllllam T. Mi:
Cov. V. ti. las.e.v ami II. 1).
Itiiiiulimau, all ot Loiulou, Oregon.
.1. T. lliillioiM, Iteglster.
IN Till: COUNTY toruT OF Tin:
STATU ok om-: ION.
Knit run t-oi'NTV of i.aNi:.
in the matter of the Kstale of
Samuel A. liettlngs, deceased. CI
Illinois: Martini A. Clssell aml.Mary
Ann (letlintw. stateol Illinois: lletsey
Ix'acli. state of Illinois: Tlmvtoa
tlettliigs. state ot Illinois: .Mary Me
('Unlock, state of Illinois: Hose Lm
braiiks. Ileiiton, III.; Henry (Settings,
St I Is. .Mo.; Mary lir.vant. .Miami,
Ill.ii Manila (Jrvcliwood, state of 11)1
nolA: Lawrence I'roslln, Kunny
Croshii. Harrison t'roslln..lenny Cros
lln. (ieorKi (.'kisIIii ami Anliur Cms-
I In resilience nukiiowa. anil all tier-
sons kv ii nml unkaowii Inteivsted
III said estate, tlreetlns
In the name ot the Staleof Oregon
You an- hereby cited nml required to
appear In the county court of the
state ot Oregon, for the county of
Lane, at the court room tliere il. a
F.iikcuc. In the county of Utile, uti
MOmla.v. the lliirteenili ly oi i ciirn
arv. IIKK. at three o'cliH'kla the after
uoon of that day, then ami there to
ulinu f.rtiiM If toil- vtm li3V, win- nn
onler slioiibl not ls made authorlting
ami emnouerliig tlie ai linlnntnito
lu the above estate lo sell the nml
estate belonging to said estate, said
real eitate being described asfnllotvs
KeRltinlug at a point XH feet west of
t e soiitiienst enriier in a lot ot latin
doMled to J. I. IVrklus by O. 1
Adams, run thence north 107.(1 feet
thence west Illl'.fcet, tln'iico south
107.11 , feet tlienci' south U' ihrees
weatLTO.Tl net. tli-'lice east iu leet
thence north 1MI feet to the place of
beginning, contnlning 4.-I acres of
land more or less In the city of Kit
tnge Ortive, Lano county, Oregon.
Witness, tho Hon. (I. It. Clirlsman,
Jmlgu of tho County Court of the
Statu of Oregon, for the County of
Lane anil the teal of sain court here
to n Mixed, this iiSth day of Deceiuber,
(Seal: Attest.) K. I'. Lkb,
(."0-.M Clerk,
of M"j1incs
eacli number) are by the most
clean and fttllof liiimaii interest
The Smart Set, 52 Fifth
on Application.
ItusliicHH Cards.
Itrpslrlnit st IPMOimMr rhstKra,
All otk (imrnulped IInI-oIsm,
Watolira, Clufka aiul Jewelry si hew est 1'tlcei
COtTAUK, oitovi:, OIIK.
Attorney nt, liiiw,
OOTTAUIi. OltO ':, OltK.
Allonioii-itt-Law i
Olllrn mi Main Mrrcl, Weal Mlilo
.1. S, Medley. ,1. ('. Johnson
ModUm jj' Jolui.son,
Oj'lr Snllv .1 Ion,' li(.
Scclal aMentioti given to Mining
ami Corporation Law.
U T. tlartla. A. O. WiHlrH''li.
Sprnlal atlenlloii Hived to the law ut Mlnea.
ruoruiKToits ok
Main ilret. t'lillsst Ornif, Ort.
aialt & Colwell
MIiiIiik KtiKiuivrs
U. S. Mineral Surveyors
Itonm 1 Hank I HiIk, Cottnuu Drove.
UO'.'-OiKtOrcKnnlnn IIMu". 1'ortlaml.
l'lic hi
Paid j.j Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan mi spruvnl nvcurlty.
Kxcbanges sold. aval'. ' u. .dare
a IIioUiiIUhI States
II RHRRttT HakIS, T run.
frr.lilxTit i.ihliT.
I,ol";c Directory.
A. F. and A. M.
Collage Grove No. 51, Meets
1st nml 3rd Saturday.
Oliver Vcatch, W. M
I. O. O. F.
CottaRc Grove No. 68. Meets
every Saturday night.
Geo. Comer,. 1'. Sccty.
W. O. W.
lloliemia Cnmp No. 360. Meets
every Saturday night.
C. II. Van Denlmrg. Clerk.
M. W. of A.
Cottage Grove Cnmp No. 6.1s.).
Meets first nnd third Tuedny
C. V. Wallace, Clerk
F. of A.
Court Hohcmin Mo. 33. Meets
every Iriday night.
S. K.'I.nitder, Secty.
Women of Woodcraft.
St. Valentine Circle. Meets
1st and 3rd Tuesdays.
Mrs. C. J. Miller, Clerk
Royal Neighbors.
Km ma Colbttrn jCamp,
Meets and .and 4th Wednesday,
Uthel Illshy, Clerk.
K of P
Juvenilis Lodge No. 48. Meets
every Wednesday night.
Dr. George Wall K. of K. S
G. A. R.
Appotnatax Post No. 34. Meets
2nd and 4th Saturday,
II., C. Dntton, Adjutant.
K. O.T. M.
Cascade Camp No. 66. Meets
Thursday ulgliU.
Prof. A, I, Hriggs, 'iwty.
L L Hive No 42
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Mrs. Ii. Fullmer, K. K.
Meets every and and 4th Mondays,
S. R. Lauder, Secty.
Order Eastern Star
Cottage Grove Chapter No 4
Meets every and atid 4th Fridays
Celia Lurch, Sect.
Niilional liiiiik
Tlircc Trains To The Kast Mj,
Thrmiitlt l'nlliiiitn utiiiHliird mid tuur
lt slwjilnit enrs ditllv tn Oainlm, Ukl
i'Hi, niHiliiuiHi Uniilut nlevilii win
iIhTIv tu Kunmin flty ; tlironKli fullaum
t ) v 1 1 1 s I lecuiiK i'sik (iuriHimilljr
dneleil) welly tnClilniitn, KiiniimCIIri
teellnliiK eliiilrenis (ncuta lim) to IK
I'.hkI daily.
I'cmri.AMi loCnieAiio
v i it I I t 1 1 1 1 -
L" If'""'
Hit A p.m.
v In 1 1 nut
inittnn. TsT. I'miV
TlHK .Sl'IIHIII'l.hl
Innu l'lirllniid
Suit I, uke, Denver,
I' I. Worlli.OniKlm,
KitniMHit City, 8t,
I .nils, Clilruuo mid
L'isU s,m,
Hull Uike, DwiVcrJ
l-t.Wiirtli, tlnislm.
Kimws City, Hi.
l)iilii,CliUiiiin iiinl
Wulln 'Wall.. Lew
Men , 8Hkttiie,
h inlin e, rinmma,
MlniieuH)IU , SI.
I'iiiiI. Duliilli. Mil-
nule, Clilenit'i V
For Hun 1'rHiiclwo livery five dr
nt 8:00 p. m. l-'or Ahtorlu, wir polnu
itml North lloach llallv (except 8nn
dny)Ht SitMl p. m. ; Hntmdny nt tOilV) p,
m. Ilnlly wrvlrw (WHter penult link') in
W'lllnmettu nml Ynmlilll Ulrem.
1'or fuller intnriiiHtinn nl: r writ
your iietttest ticket urent, or
(lenernl I'sMeajter Attctit.
Tlie (Jitton lUllriaid .Viivnuntliai
Co. l'lirlUnd. Orevoii.
ask rim ai:'.;t kou
SjioKiine, St. I'diil,
MlDltriijiotlK, Diltutli,
Clilctin, HI I. out
2 0ftrland Tulns Daily Thi Flyer
And Tha Fatt Mall
Splendid Service
Up to date Equipment
Courteous Employe
Daylight Trip across tha Gistada and
Rocky Mountains.
Fur Tickets, Hates, I'olderi niul
Full Information, Call on ornddrvM,
122 3d St., Portland Ore.
8. G. VK11KKS., . W. V. A.
CH rint Arnu, S..UL T.a.
VoKlvi)exK'illled service on frelcbt,
Itoute yonr slilimients via tirtui
Northern. Kill I in formation frnm
V.i. II.MMinn. (lent, Agent,
l'orllamt, Ort'Kon,
0. .4 S. I! R R CO.
Tims Table No. 3
To Take Kficct n Apr. 2nd, 1001.
8 ami SHlniiljr, W. Vein.
I nml Dally Ki-
iwpt Huii,l)-. No j -No 4
"hTAtToNsT " A.M.-f.U
' 70
No 3-Nii I
I'.M.-A.M. Ml.
asm 7iw 5
IM 7 r 3.1
l: 1M A
T.IU 7 'Ml II..1
.1:01 :iu 7.7
3:11 Dill H
.1:17 8:17 lift
.1:HU Dial III a
.I : in Ii
.1:11 it; ii in
SI:M V-.m 15. 0
DsU Dili 10.0
..OolUito Univ.. il
. . Outilu. .
. Carrii tlurilu.
. .Iiorvna
Ilwl Itiii-k
tlravoirit .
41 It
ilcM-ky l'olnt
.KM llrlilill ..
Knil nt Track.
Hnlijcrt t'l rliani;i-ltliiiut nollra,
All oiitwaril Iri'lalit fntwanU'il only at tha
Joint of ililpisir aiul eoiiNlKiion,
rr.iKiii. mil 1111 uu ruf'nirtai at uie o, & If.
K. It. It. Ilonut altor 5:ll n. in t i.,.,,..
lopwatilliitr on nun train Irolnht i.uil fc
ilcllvorul In ample tlmo to jwruill ol II.
A. II. WOOD, Acting (len AIr.
Tntc MAnrio
CopvnmMTa Ac.
A n jona andlng a .kdtrh and do.rHpllon nil
qulrklr ..nortnlii our oi'lnlmi fruo frlietliw ab
liivunlliin I. proli.blr pnteiilnhl.. Cominunlra.
Wilt free, (il.timl n.onpr lor
I'atnnu i taknn iCmuiili Munii A Vi). rucolV.
)ptial nolict, nltliout cli.ruo, lu tin)
ciciniiic ieiiicricnii.
A handmmolf lltiiHtrntAfl wnAhly. f .nrsrat rlr.
ciilMtltm of Hiir Icn 1 1 tin Joiirnul, TPrnn, IS a
" li.wwaiara.
n 30IDraadi. IJoiil Vnrb
iuiiii w uu "Hull lUlli
UtmcU 0 OlJd. l! BU WMtiliglg", IJ, '
nuioaav ua
w&aBBaat datm