t&z- TOILERS OP THE COLUMBIA By Paul DeLoncy Author or "Lord of the Desert." "Orteon Sketches," onJ other Pacific Coast Stories 4 OIIAFTER XXV. "Sankala. Will Vou Become My Wife?" It was the second morning .after the doable Itinera). . Tho llshermen gener ally were downcast. It la trno that the tioublo regarding the fisheries had been eettleil, but the property rights of the northsiuo industry bad assumed the form of a wilderness of legal entangle' ntcnt. lly Ilia deathbed confession Seadog nu piaceu tne ownership of the fisher les largely In Bankala, and the town aile upon which trio homes woie built practically belonged to Dan Latdiam. The Seadogs were expected to fight for a snare in mesc and a long drawn out course of litigations was expected, witn possibly the closing of the cannery and the suspension of fishing until the mat lor should be settled. Where men are only adapted to one railing they become mere children when thrown out ol the single rut into which they hare drifted. Barring the legal complications which had arisen from Seadog's death, however, the fishermen had cause to rejoice. The man had always been a tyrant, lie had borne down upon them with a merciless hand. Under no change of masters could they expect anything but better conditions. The men whs had been wounded in the encounter between the two factions of fishermen were all recovered, the fish were increasing dally and the ehortago in the run in other waters had raised the market. To lift the gloom which hung over tho village, only required a settlement of the legal complications ana a permission for the men to return to their work. Old Bumbo, the lawyer, was the only (tumbling block in the way. He ad vised that Sankala close down the traps and turn every Seadog living out into tne world empty-handed. He would have had Dan Lapham enforce his title 10 ine townsite and become a landlord as merciless as those painted in fiction Bumbo had lived from hand to month by petty litigation for years, had en dared the insults of the toilers wh bad no respect for the man who made bis scanty Hving by his wits, and be tween him and the Seadogs there was an antipiatbj bitter as a Routbern f ued Bumbo would have revolutionized things in the northside fishing in dustry. But Sankala was as broad minded and magnanimous as she was brave, She sent for Captain Budiong. She knew that he would be able to wield an influence over the Seadogs. She had first laid hei plans before Dan Lapham who approved them in every detail The two requested a conference with the Seadogs and asked Captain Budiong to join mem. The meeting took place at Bumbo's office. The lawyer was gruff and vin motive, iiut tne young girl spoke so kindly and bo intelligently that all present felt a disposition to come to terms. "I do not beiieve in going to law If it can be avoided," said Sankala. "Find ing myself possessed of the right to so much property is a great surprise to me. I sometimes feel that 1 ought not to bother with it, but poor Ringwold baa euuered so much and worked so long to obtain it for me that I feel that it would be an injustice to bis memory not to assert my rights in a measure. "While it would appear from the confession of the late Mr. Seadog that the bulk of the pioperty could be won out through the courts, I am opposed to taking this course. I am willing to a division which should be satisfactory to all persons interested. Dan Mr Lapham, expresses himself In the same spirit -with me." "lbal is correct," said the young fisherman. "Old Bumbo was indignant. lie walked the floor like a caged animal lie took Sankala aside and remomtrat ed, but it was all without avail. The Seadogs were completely sur prised. After the terrible confession of the elder member of the family they felt that all was lost. They expected no money fiom the representative of the outraged Saarela and under San- kala's charitable views of the matter they immediately melted into a friend liness that was surprising for a Seadog. Even tUe humiliated Hazel looked kindly upon the girl hero of the late conflict between the fishermen. The fact that Seadog had made good ubo of his ill-gotten gains and that his manner of handling them had resulted to the best interests of the rightful heirs, led Captain Budiong to suggest that an equal division be made of the fishing properties and other interests between the Seadogs and Sankala, and that a like Bettjement be made with Dan as to the town site property. Sankala and Dan consented to this without hesitation, and the Seadogs considered it a settlement much to their advantage. It now only required the formality of the courts to transfer titles to property and legalize the acts of Sankala and Dan, who were under age, consummat ing the agreement and old Bumbo v.bb ordered to prspare the papers. The Seadogs had returned to their home contented. Captain Budiong had joinel Sankala and Dan In the parlor of the village hotel where Sankala had been staying since Ringwold's death. Dan Lapham rose to his feet and walked to where Sankala was sitting. He looked down into her face and said; "Now, Sanakla, that It is all over, may I here in the presence of Captain Budiong, ask you to necome my wife?" "Dan, -Dan," replied Ihe girl in a tone of Blight reproof, "let us be sentl ble. I have been talking with Captain Budiong about matters, and he Is will ing to consider a business proposition." Upon this statement made by San kala, Dan Lapham cast glances at hit military friend not of as kindly a nature as of yore. "Vou are young, Dan," continued Sankala. "So am I, The captain 1H also young but of age and has had ex perience in the world. I feel llko trusting him. Why not you and I ( cuio an education before either of us thinks of marrying. Captain Budiong can bo made our guardian and will look after our interest while we are in school. Be sensible, Dan, th'.s is the best course." Sankala'a word was law with Dan and Dan was sensible, ' Captain Budiong returned with his command to state headquarters and made a full report. They were duly commended for their services and mus tered out. Fishing was amicably resumed at the mouth of the Columbia, Captain budiong assumed the role of guardian and business manager for Sankala Saarela and Dan Lapham. The fishing village was again prosperous and San kala and Dan each entered a city acad eniy at the beginning of the fall term. CHAPTER XXVI. After Twenty Years. A steamboat was eliding down the Uolumbia. It was crowded with pas sengers, gaily dressed in summer attire Chlldien were running about the deck playing and shouting. A band dispersed music in the large dining room. Lovers were talking silly, lust as they always do on steamboats. Men were playing cards and drawing ut their cigars in tho smoking room. Local passengers were pointing out the important landmarks along the river and relating the history of the same to tourists from the East. It was just twenty years after the war between the southslde and north- side fishermen at the mouth of the river. Time had wrought its great changes here as at other points in the great 1'arlnc Nortbweet. Popular sum mer resorts had been built up on the beach of the ocean on the south ami. north sides of the river. Great crowds flocked to these points evesy year. The rivalry of the olden times still existed. It was not over the fishing industry now lor that was establisbed through the process ot hatcheries aided by the two states, and had become ono of the stable institulions of the country. ice people now claimed supremacy in advancement and superiority of sum mer resorts. "Staside" on the south claimed it was the best on the coast. "Long Beach" on the north claimed it was the "Long Beach" of the Pacific. The boat was steaming for the north side resort. It was the pride of its owners and the idol of its crew. It cut the water like a knife and Tode the waves with the stateliness of a queen In beautiful golden letters it bore the name "Sankala." The boat bad just rounded the upper point of Sand island. A middle aged man and woman were seated side by side on the npper deck locking out on the water. They were casuady con versing about the different landmarks along the island and north shore. Do you remember that place? in quired the man as the boat glided by tbe ruins of an old fish trap. jes, replied the woman, "that was about where I was when the south- slders shot me." "You are right," replied the man. "We were off here to the left when I seized his gun. It was too late to save you from the wound, but you know it is a bobby of mine to claim that I sav ed your life." The couple went on discussing mat ters familiarly as tbe boat etcamed across tbe river to tbe north shore. "Do you see that man and woman Inquired a citizen to a tourist whom he had met on tho boat. "Well, they have a history in this portion of the world. This boat is named for the woman. Her maiden name was San kala Saarela, Her present name is Lapham. That is her husband sitting by ber side. Tbey own large proper ties on the beach hut make their home in the city. Tbey have a summer home on the beach and come down every year. This is their first trip this season. That town over there, together with the waterwoiks and electric light plant belongs to them. They also own the beach railroad. There la a small com pany of them. But they are immensely wealthy. Lapham is the president of the company and a fellow .by the name ol liudlong Is tbe secretary and treas mer. "Mrs. Lapham was washed ashore from a wreck at this very point when a small baby. The story is very ro mantic. An old man was also saved from the wreck. It turned out that he was bringing tho child's mother and father here from Russia to recover a fortune from a rich man by tbe name of Seadog who then owned this place. The mother and father were drowned off that sand island out there and the old man reared tbe child. A wai arose between tbe north side and south side fishermen when the girl was nearly twenty yeaia old and she being famllar with the river life took part with the northsiders and daring the excltemnet, when a boat load of soldiers had arrived and treacherous pilot bad jumped overboard In a storm, seized the wheel and took the soldiers to the rescue of her friends, and though eho was wounded while guiding the boat did not make It known until after the riot had been quelled. As a remarkable coincidence old man Seadog was wounded In the came fight and died from the effects of his wound, but not until he had made res titution of the property coining to the girl. "It was a case of a girl mnklng a woman of herself and also making a man of a common fisherman. When the girl came into her property she compelled her Buitor, her present Pub band, to wait until she could obtain an' education and to also obtain one himself before she would marry him." the boat at this juncture blew its whistle for the landing. The woman who had been the subject of the pas senger's story called to a handsome lad j In hla parly teens, and said! "Coiro, Ringwold, my eon, and bo ready to go ashore." As the boat swung around against tho wharf a man and his wife were thcto to welcome them, "Dear Hazel la as pretty as ever," Mid Mrs. Lapham, "And Budiong still retains his sol dleily bearing," replied her husband." THE END. A LIVELY LITTLE DEAR. Always ttnppy und Oood-NntiirdVlieit linking Ills Own Way. Ono evening tho stage driver set down on my hiwn a wooden box, from which proceeded curious noises, "tin! Uh! Uh! Wowl Wowl Sent tcli, sersitcli, scratch! Wowl Uh-h-h-h-h!" These were n few of the sounds which were pouring out of the cracks In tho box, and as we went up to investigate we saw a largo curd, on which was written: "Pleuso water me and give me something to eat, but do not give mo fruit or sweets, ns it makes mo sick. I like milk. I nm for Krtiost Harold Baylies. The Haven Cottage, Newport, N. 11." T.s was nil very Interesting so fur as It wont, but no clow to the contents of the Ihv, so with n hummer and chlsol I pried (iff the cover, nnd out popped tho little black head of n imby hour. "Oh, the little Uonr" cried a Indy who was present, at tho same time springing forvwird nnd witching up tho cub In her arms. 'The little dour," however, had been penned up for more than forty-eight hours, nnd moreover he was literally as hungry as n boar and In no humor for being petted. So he promptly tilt the lady, tore n long rent in lier dross with his hind paws, nnd she quickly dropped him, having lenrnod ono of the most Important rules In tho study of nnimnls: "Never take liberties with any creiituro until you know some- thing of Its habits." This rule applies In the case of skunks. A bowl of crackers nnd milk mot with his In, stanf approval, and without waiting for It to be set before him, ho stood up on his hind logs, seized tho rim of the basin with his paws nnd hoist eit himself into It. Thou It was set on the ground, whereuixin he lay down, threw his fore paws around it. nnd fairly burled his little face In the food. Except when he Is hungry "Jimmy" Is not cross; he simply wnnis to have his own way, and then he Is as happy and good-natured as can be. Hut having bis own way moans getting Into all sorts of mischief, and while his antics are often very amusing, they are sometimes very embarrassing. He Is particularly fond of ladles nnd girls, and be seldom sees ono without run ning np to her and clasping her about? tho skirts with his fore paws ana bit ing at her In a playful manner. If she happens to bo nervous, and runs away, "Jimmy" Is after her ut his best pace, and never falls to catch her unless she takes refuge Inside the bouse. Woman's Home Companion. Pi m v'; ';,;,,;,,r..,.l ra. vi iir. w mm wia -i uiu. vttv km iw hi white moon ceils the body's oiilnsi. Kr Ir. Axi'tnn hllion. Our white blood rolls are n sanitary polio force, ever on tuo alert to arrest disease pro duolug microbes. The practical inliid concern Itself with the question of what may bo dono to strengthen the hands ot these, our microscopic defenders, which, ot course, are numbered by millions In each Individual hotly. Wu all know- that a high standard of tho general health rep- resents n condition which must lie favorable to the vitality of our whlto blood cells. Again, In many eases, wc can prevent, by sanitary care, the entrance of microbes to thn body, mid we can destroy them by means of dlstiv foctnuts. Those measures are, however, of limited extent, They represent rather extraneous aids than menus cnlcu Intod to Increase the vigor ot our defending nrniy. Nature helps us In part by causing tho development In ttio stricken body of principles known as "antitoxins. which, resulting from the multiplication of germs them selves, ultimately cause their dentil. The white blood cells. In addition to their powers ot destroying microbes by Investing and surrounding thein, appear. In their turn, to produce certain elieuiloal principles to wlileh tho name "alexins" lias been given. If we ran increase, this power on the part of the white blood cells of resisting germ attack It Is obvious another a'ld powerful weapon would lie placed In our hands In the war against disease. Suppose that to the blood of an niiliual some stimulating substaHce or other lias been addod. This Is the stage of prepa ration. A few hours later let us Imagine that tnoeu latlon with microbes of well known character Is performed. In place of succumbing to a dose sutllclcnt to produce serious results In an unprotected animal, It Is found that It actually resists tho Inoculation of an amount of genus ox ceedlng by forty or fifty times the amount capable of ren derlng It seriously affected. This alone Is nil Important discovery, for It shows that the iinturnl defense of the living body against dloae atlnok Is capable of being strougtli ened. if the further application of this principle be carried out, wo may well find ourselves face to face with one of the most valuable researches of our day In respect of Its power of routing tho Invaders of our frames that are re- sionslblo for so much pain, misery and risk of premature ilea til. CHURCH MIGHT PROrilABLY ADOPT LODGE PLANS. n r e. m. haxx. in my cmirch work i nave been where we have had our full share of poor members whom the deacons looked after faithfully according to their lights and traditions. Hut some there were who. It seemed to mo, while not unduly sensitive, and evidently needy, utterly refused tu receive aid from the church because It was regarded as a charity and not as a tight. And this view the recipients of nld seemed to fall In with by do- ani lost their self-respect. Instead of being helped A Queer Marriage Ceremony. Among the Kherrlas of India tho marriage ceremony Is very funny, Taking a small portion of the hair of tbe bride and groom In turn from the center of the forehead, the priest draws It down on to the bridge of the nose. Then, pouring oil on the head, he watches It carefully as It trickles down the portion of hair. If the oil runs straight on to the tip of their nose their future will be fortunate, but If It spreads over the forehead or trickles off on either side of the nose, bad luck Is sure to follow. Their for tunes told, generally to their own sat isfaction, the essential and Irrevocable part of the ceremony takes place. standing up side by side, but with faces strictly averted, the bride and groom mark each other's forehead with with "slndur" (vormilllon). Tbe Chaiisreahtc Man. "Mr. Vane says he won't see you,' said that gentleman's clerk. "When did you ask him?" Inquired Mr. Burroughs, "Why, only a minute ago, of course.' "Well, ask him again, won't you. He may have changed his mind since then." Philadelphia Press. Ifow It Happened. Washington, Sr. What, you youn; rascal, do you mean to stand up there and say that you cut that cherry tree? Washington, Jr. Yes, dad. I didn't mean to tell the truth, but you didn't give me time to hatch out a suitable yarn. Ho Coiighett! "No, boss," said the liuxky beggar, "I never asked nobody for money bofure." "You didn't, fh?" replied the fat little man. "I don t believe you." "Fact. My frame has always been tn soak a mug wid a lead pipe an' take w'at I want, and dat'a w'at I'll do ter you. If yer don t cough up." Philadelphia Press. Power of Wealth. "Has your daughter made her debut yet?" asked Sirs. Uppson. 'Mercy, no!" exclaimed Mrs. Neil- rich. "And, what's more, she doesn't have to mako it Her father car, af ford to have one made to order for her." Music, Heavenly Maid. Hostess Won't you play somethlns for us. Miss Keynote? Gifted Amatd'.r Certainly. If It Is your desire. W" at would you prefer? Hostess Oh, lnytlilni;, only so It Isn't loud enough to 'interfere with the conversation. A HpenUlliK Mkmiens. Mrs. Fondinar Don't you tldnk baby grows more llko me every day? iromimar' e, dear, especially so since she began to talk. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, who has been a member of the British House of Commons more than forty years, will leave public life and may be offered a peerage. Associate Justice Brewer of the United States Supreme Court entered upon the practice of law In Kansas at the age ot He Is now l!7, anil hale and hearty, A New York charitable woman who Is generous In her gifts of flowers to hos pitals, sends butterflies with them. greos, and coMforted, they wore crushed ,V joung couple who had been In our town several weeks, wo heard, had fallen Into trouble. The husband. an Interesting young man of very good address, had been suddenly taken 111. When I visited Ills lodgings, which were commodious and with pleasant surroundings, I found wo other young men present cheering up tho couple. They had never seen tho newcomers leforc. but this was rather hard to realize, for they seemed like members of one fam ily. This was my first acquaintance with the workings of a lodge. Tho young men were lodge representatives. 1 learned from the patient subsequently how delightfully he had been nursed and entertained without cost, Incurring no sense of obligation .except that arlslnu from irood fel lowshlp and kindred alius. They paid their money for Just and tunning his text, Hindu nothing of LCNQTHY BEflMONO. VlveorPlx Hours at n Ht retch nnd lit visions lip to "l!lulilj-ltlity." No liiigllsh congregation would havn listened to such sermons na used to bo popular In tho 1'rcsliylcrlnn ' churches of Scotland, 'I'licio Is ludetid n story told of a dlssonlliig pieaclur named I.oiili In tho seventeenth cell- I lury who. when South went to hour him, "being mounted up 111 thn pulpit Millttlug It up lulu twenty-six dlvl slons, upon which separately he very carefully undertook to cxpiitlatti I it their order. Thereupon the doclor who up, mid, Jugging tho friend who ooru him company, said, 'Lot us go homo such contingencies and were receiving but their own tho more I thought of It tho iiiuio my conviction was strengthened that the lodge's plan might bo adopted In many respects by the church to Its great advantage In every way, more especially to those who are continually In fear of an unprovided and gloomy future. 1 wish that I could portray so as to suggest his general 11,111 f,'u''1 "ur Kvns nnd slippers, for make-up. ono of the most unaffected, cheerful and sturdy 1 "'"J llml1 ' "kl' watt Christian men that I have ever encountered, Ho was a ' " little Englishman, a Journeyman tailor. II was a big day I llut Mr- '' himself was liumaim when ho made a dollar and n half, and ho hud a pretty ,IB tU'lt as coinpared lo u cor- largo family to support, hut no other mail gave as inhch lnlM Mr- Thouins Huston, to whoso or- for benevolent objects In proportion to his moans. No one lmm" Hlr Archibald (lelklo has drawn was moro prompt than ho at the weekly meeting. But , "H''"11"" I" Ids "Scottish Itumluls- ho also steadily attended the meetings of his lodge, lo the wee" Mr. TlinuuiH Boston, win great distrust of some of the brethren, who hint not tho unite n lm"k called "Pilinltlno et 111- faintest Idea of what the secret society was Intended fur. lima." was minister of the gospel nt This man Is Introduced that ho may give his testimony, EUrlck. In a sermon on "Fear nnd which, though brief, Is to the point. When asked why ho ""I1''- Object nt the lUvluo Com- went to the lodge, ho sold that In case of sickness or ills- phicoiiey." from tho text l'slnni tress his wnuts were provided for, and ho was Insured f 'xlvll.. II, "Tho Iiril takelli pleasure in iiioiii tnat rear nun linn in tnnio that hope In Ids mercy," Mr. Boston, "after nji Introduction In four section , deduced six doctrines, each subdivided Into from three to eight heads, hut the Inst doctrine required niiut li-t ser mon which contained 'n practical Im provement of the whole,' arranged under eighty-six heads, A sermon on Matthew xl '2H, was subdivided Into seventy-six heads.' " On this text, In deed, .Mr. Boston preached four such Bormons. It Is moro than doubtful whether any brains or hearts south of 'ho Tweed could have stood the strain of such discourses, But n Scotch preach- that by his payment of Ids weekly duos and was under no obligation to any num. Does not the church olTor us much?" I asked. "No," he replied promptly, "It would bo considered as an aim on both sides and 1 could never consent tu It." KEEP WORDS IN THEIR PLACE. tiy ttottnet ropSam, "Adjectives yon can do anything with!" said llumpty Dumpty tn Alice, and ho went on to In form her that when ho iiindo a word do a lot of work ho always paid It extra, llumpty Duuipty's mind a ud methods, however, were original, and It Is certain that an ordinary mortal nowadays cannot do what he likes with an adjective, for, llko ehlldreli who have ceased In "keen their place" through the Injudicious behavior of their l'r- mt lllB present doKonoralo age, elders, adjectives have become unruly and tyrannical, and "" "'" known to preach from live oven adverbs display a tendency to get flagrantly out of '" lx 1"'11 1,1 " "'retch, nnd some- iiuieis tviicu one preaeiii-r nail iiuiriieil i Ills sermon another would begin ami there would bo a succession of preach Persons of pronounced Individuality tend, of course, to choose nnd employ unusual and distinctive adjectives, but tho generality of people merely follow the fashion In their choice. In Pepys' day mighty nnd mightily had a vogue. In Funny Burney's monstrous, prodigious, vastly, and a vast deal, while Jane Austen's "quisles" and "agreeable rattles" used excessive shocking, excessive disagreeable, etc., where wo now simply and solely employ awful and awfully. Nauseating, a word which ouetiiay II tut used of n bonnet or a petticoat In the eighteenth century. Is now fortunately extinct In such a sense. Chaste, which some years since was employed of n cushion cover or of the pattern of a hearth rug. Is relegated with unique to the description of doubtful articles In shop windows. Art has been cruelly turned Into an adjective by upholsterers, nnd ers delivering sermon upon seiumii until the unhappy congregations wore kept listening to "the word" for as many as ten hours without n break. Bishop Wlldou hi thn Nineteenth t'eu tury. PROPER WAY TO WALK. A I'liyslcal liilrlu-tor !! Advice oil tb Subject. Tho way tu walk straight Is not to think of the shoulders at all, says u physical Instructor. Hung your it rut so thoroughly demoralized that we can no longer rely on l"0,l,3f nl J'T " ''"'j' f""' It to express our meaning. Art muslins, art colors, and vr1 'y, ""''''p1'" ' '" lM"'k art carpets have had their blighting effect on the word, and some steps should, I think, bo taken to prevent a fur ther degradation of honest, reliable words, or who knows where It will stop? We may see In shop windows bonnets ticketed ns moral, trimmings as virtuous, parasols as In spiring, and curtain materials as elevating In tone, and cor inhi kind nt mlHlnorv tnnv bo ilnnprlliist Am holm? nt Hi. higher millinery! A society ought to be formed for keeping """"J "B"rc' m" '''". becmiso words In the r mace, and n lino mulcted on nil those who. ' persistently misuse them. and abdominal muscles mid the mus cles of tho neck. Then your shoulder will have to hang right. Don't "threw out" yur ohet. Tlw chest that Is Incited prqcily by diep breathing Is IhiuiiiI to be thrown nut. and thrown out not like that of u THE RICH MAN. He had a gem of wondrous light Whose ray would pierce the darkest night, "Experience" Ids Jewel. He purchased It with blood and tears. The sacrifice of wasted years And with privations cruel. Before his mortal race was run He tried to give it to Ids sou; 'Twas scornfully rejected; He tried to give if to the world, But every lip derisive curled And none the gift respected, lie had some gold Its cost was small, A market's Uct-ting rise or fall, A cheaply bought concession; TIip harpies gathered round his bed, Before his final breath had sed And fought to gain possession New York Sun. I II it The happiness and misery of men de pend no less on temper thau fortune. Rochefoucauld. ALTON HALL lies III the beau tlf til valley of the Connecticut, a dozen miles or more from DccrUeld, Mass. Shaded by elms and garlanded by woodbine, which clam hers unrestrained over pillared portico and spreading gamhrel roof, the state ly old house presents nn attractive picture. Meadows and tobacco fields for miles down the valley till tho fore ground of the enchanting view which the quaint, many-paned windows com mand, while tho blue beginnings of the Berkshire rise In tho distance, to fringe with rugged sky lino the broad, historic valley. Fertile und peaceful as Is now tho scene, many are tuo toies or the In dian, King Philip and his warriors, wno once roamed up nnd down Its en tire length. Ami upon a neighboring hill of trap rock, which rises abruptly from tbe plain and Is called by cour tesy a mountain. Is the famous over- Jianglng rock known as King Philip's seat. It was early ono bright June morn ing when all the hillside thickets were abloom with mountain laurel and the fields a-hum with farm laborers, that slender girl In black riding habit cantered gayly down the drive from Kalton Hall, chirping, singing to her mare from sheer excess of blithe spir its. "Now, Doily, off for King Philip's seat!" she caroled, " 'TIs a steep roud, to be sure, but you'll tnko mo up, Doll, won't you? Now, then, hoop-lul and away I" Half way down tho path, however, sho quickly reined In, her earofroo ex pression giving place to ono of kindly interest and even sympathetic concern. Why, Hal!" sho exclaimed, stretching forth her hand, "you hero? Aro you strong enough yet? I'm so glad, of course, If you are, but I supposed tho doctor's order wero Oint you ro- mnln " "Well, to tell tho truth," was tho reply, no sho paused, "I've run away, Tbe smell of the fresh earth was Just too alluring, It's such ages, don't you know, since I've been over to tho Hall. If you were going away, though he added tentatively, "Ob, I'm so sorry, Hal. If it were only for a ride, of course, I'd give It up this minute. But It's an engagement. Mr. Thorndlke " sho stopped abruptly and a furious blush over spread her expressive face, while tho color, which had mounted to tho tern pies of her companion upon their meet Ing, now faded nwny and was succeed ed by a pallor equally Intense. Con quering almost immediately ber mo mentary confusion, she went on, calm ly. "I promised Mr. Thorndlke that I would show him the view from King Philip's seat this morning. He is prob ably waiting fur mo now at the cross roads." "I am glad you told me so frankly, Bess," was the quiet reply. "I'll I'll come over again some other day, that Is, If you'll save a day for me, when Mr. Thorudlko Isn't there," ho could not help adding. "Of course I will," said Bess, g, norlng his last clause. For a moment there was a silence, while Hal looked Into her eyes ns If to read her Inmost soul. At last he said: "Well, I'll wish you happiness when the time comes," adding sadly. "If It's got to be. I sup. Imiso I am not quullllodto set myself up ns n Judge of htjn, so I II say not a word; only well, a pleasant rldo, Bess dear. "Oood-by. Hal," she replied, smiling kindly. But Instead of chirruping nt once to Dolly, sho paused u moment and putting out her hand again lui pulslvely, added: "You know, don't you, Hal, you will ulways bo my old chum?" 'Yes, I suppose that's something, he said, grimly, "hut now off with you! (iood luck! Oh, I say, Boss, I'll watch for you on tho 'seat' with my glass, shall I." "Yes, do. And I'll wave my hand kerchief," sho called over her shoul der. For a full minute ho watched her yearningly. "Don't bo an ass," ho muttered to himself, -. squaring hla shoulders, "The fellow's probably all right. You're sore yourself, that's all, Bess wouldn't mind your being poor. Only she's known you too long to care for you, except as a chum. You're a very lucky man to have had such a chum so many years. Hero's luck. Bess, old girl I" He drank an Imaginary toast grave ly, facing the direction she had taken. Then he slowly paced homeward, lean ing heavily on his stick. Half an hour later ho was sitting under tho apple trees In his own yard, from tlmo to tlmo looking through a pair of field glasses toward tho perpendicular red cliff, which culminates In tho pinnacle already described. Meanwhile, Bess galloped swiftly. but loss mctrlly, toward tho crossroads. Something bow seemed amiss. Kvon tho impact ot her horse's hoofs upon tho high road had n less assured sound. Sho wondered vaguely whether tho wind had not becomo chill, and sho ro membered afterward looking up nt tho cloudless sky to see if It had become overcpst. Presently, however, Edgar Thorndlko put his bay alongsldo Dolly, and the rldo up tho steep Incline Jiad begun. ' The mornng was exhilarating and tho climb absorbing, yet Bess found it difficult to shako oft tho depression which possessed her, Conversation flagged, except for conventional com- Don't walk with n stiff nook, Hull your head erect tho way an iinltiuil , , , does. Watch a deer. Its neck Is ill inents by ber companion upon the ,., motion, yet It Is nwnys held beauty of yl.ta.s . glimpses of the vab beautifully. Your head k d on u sillily held neck Is no good for either Icy which from time to time obtained. At length the summit was reached and the horso tethered among the saplings. "I am never tired of this view," said Bess, after a moment of silence. "I used to come hero as a child. But. please don't stand on that looso earth so near Ihe edge." Two days later Bess rode Into Hal's balancing or looking around you. Pols-, ed confidently on strong but pliant nock muscles, It becomes what a head should be. .Many clsases of men wdio do inii'-ti walking, such ns Indians, gutdis und trnppers, walk with their ImmIIos In clined forward n little bit. But thy npplo orchard. rWIng him In his ro- 'I."".'t rn"".'1 ,,"'lr. I'"""'' '""P cllnlnir clmlr on il, !,.,. .1 1.. "en"- 1 IIK'lllie mrwanl on llut lawn. hIiii mounted nnd walked toward blm. For """'" "'I'"- ""! some reason, as she took his outstretch- wp-',lt n lml'' "n11 '"' fl h'A ed hand, noted his wan snillo nnd mutv,m "lu ehanee to exert nil tlHr bonnl his pleasant. "Well. Bess?" she p"w,,r '" "'" directions. But llm found It hard to scuk. Flually she ,,'llK'r ,,0,l' m'v,'r l,e"t said softly: "Hal, I've come to tell you mcni 't simply Is held forward from what you weren't able to hear tho' "10 ,ll"' "l n v,'r' H"K'd, Iwrely per other day. I hardly know how to say , ptlblo ""Kle. It, though, You see. when Mr. Thorn. Kv" lf correct poise In walking hud dike slipped down bi that crevice. Into """'Ing to do with other forms of nth- which he could Just get ono foot and '"N 11 would bo Invaluable In Itself. ono hand, I thought, 'If Hal were only 1,10 mn" ,v," walks right Is going lo berer you seo my llrst thought was "eP orgnus ueari, moneys, liver of you. Then I remembered that you "d lungs In splendid form. But, be suld you would bo watching ns. At k,llc" n" " '"l"1 wonderfully In llrst that didn't help mo nny, but all,0" outdoor sports. of a sudden I recalled tho day you . taught mo tho signal Oslo. It was so Irfiiiitnvlly In Virginia, long ago that I was afraid I couldn't! "Mln" ' I,1U VT,' Htnt" f"r IoukovI romeinlicr tho letters, hut I tried as ml1'' 11 Virginian, who was regis tered ut n t;nosiniii street hotel, ac- I hard as f shall ever trv for niivfhltu, In my life, for I realized at onco what , cor,l,"K to tho Philadelphia Press, It would mean. Ono by ono the neces sary letters for 'help' nnd 'rope' came hack tn me; nnd though I couldn't be sure you'd see my handkerchief at all, somehow I Just knew you would, Hal. Of course, I expected you to send help, not como yourself. "And now comes the hardest part of what I havo to tell you the hardest and tho dearest. Hal, when you wero bending over the cliff to lower tho rope discovered something, I discovered that I cared more for your safety than for than for anything elso In tho wholo world, dear," Indianapolis Sun. It Was flood Allvloo. The man laughed uproariously. "I'm pretty healthy-looking specimen, am . not, doctor?" ho asked. "You certainly arc," answered the physician. Well, ten years ago, you told me to preparo for death." "Did I?" "You did." "Well, I seo no reason to bo hilarious about It. That's good advlco at any time, Isn't It?" "Yes, but" "Doesn't your preacher glvo you tho same ndvlce?" "Of course, hut you seo" "Well, why don't you go and lough at him? I did only my duty by you, and from what I know of you, I would say that I can t think ot anyone who has moro extended preparations to make." Sometimes," mused tho mnn, ns ho went out, "It U easy tn make u point and difficult to clinch It." Getting at the Cause, 'The great problem of tho ago ap pears to bo how to provont divorces." No problem at all If you go at it right," "How would you go nt it?" "By stopping marriages, of courta," Illinois Btnto Journal, can produce n list of nineteen former citizens mid slaves ut my State whoso years when they died aggregated 1 1 . Of thn nineteen pernios named tho youngest when ho died was 110 years old. Two lived to be i;!o, ono to ho llld, two to ho 121, ono to bo 1 1 it, two US, three 111, ono 11,1, two II a, two 111, one 110, ono la) and one, a negro, lived to the rlpo old age of lild years. Of tho nineteen persons only six wore negroes; all tho others wero whiten. "While I am In the humor I will tell anotiier ono. There Is, or was, a tow years ago, standing on tho banks of Ncnbsoo Creek, Virginia, a tombstone carrying probably tho oldest monu mental Inscription In tho United States. Tho date Is 1008 and It Is thought that the decedent was ono of John Smlth'li men. This is tho Inscription: 'Hero lies ye body of Lieutenant William Herds, who died May yo Kith, 1008; aged 65 years; by birth a Briton; a good soldier; a good husband and neighbor.' " Only a Husbniiil Would Do, "I' want to advertise for a man." said the lady, npprouchlng tho want advertisement counter In tho dallv nowspapcr olileo. Judge reports tho conversation; "I want to got a mnn to carry eonl In tbe winter, keep up tho llres, shovel snow, mow the lawn In summer, also sprlnklo It, tend tho (lowers, inliid tho children, wash dishes, sweep tho froht porch, run errands, and all that kind of work. In short, I want n mnn who will always bo around tho place, and can be called upon for nny kind of hard work. Ho must bo sober and re liable, of good appearance, not over 80 "Pardon mo, madam," said-tho clork, "we cannot accept matrimonial adver tisements." Why do people alwnya laugh nt a newly married couplo? What's tho joke?