Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 04, 1905, Image 5

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    Our Best Customers
Are Our Old Customers
Our New Customers
Become Old Customers
What We Promise You
Can Depcnd On
Investigate Our
Grocery Department
Hemenway I
UUiTlC 1 C TT U Cottage drove and vicinity.
Money to Loan.
Address Medley Ai M line, Cottage,
Orovo, Orw. (tfl j
' 1 i
Dr. Bowo, Oculo-optli-tan, Bugciio:
I. II. Mnghani whs ul Kugeuo on j
last .Monday. '
Thomas V..lBiiklni wenl to Port-1
liiml .Sunday for u tow days' visit. I
Wllshlro llrMtoiv Im beon spend
lug a lew days with home icoplo tills
AHm lltiho Williams returned homo
Sunday attorn three months' stay lit
linker City.
All Vnnilii Coffey luih lieen vlltlng
In till city till wcok. Her homo I
at Kugone.
Professor A. I,. Ilrlggs I" building a
neat cottne In tho Currln addition
ami will noon chUiMIkIi IiIh (ainll.v
there In u iHTinancnt lioiuo.
Tlio Cottage Orovo hcIiooI district
him up to tliu ptvxcnt ttmu lai'n to n
total oxiwiido ol aliout $100 on no.
count ol tliu AllaaShlvely controversy.
MltM Mnrgiietltn Ilrnnd, daughter
ofS. .1. llruml, of llolicmla, left on
.Monday to Atierdcen, Wnhlncton,
whom alio will spend aomo mouth
with her slater. Air. C. () llean.
.Mr. I). K. lllll, who I In charge o'
a largo ranch owned liy Dr. A. H.
Nlchnlos, was In the city tliu tlrul ot
tliu wook. HoHHnt several UayH at
lllack liutto vIhUIhic Id daughter
Mm, llrown.
Tim Wewtcrn AtuHlcnlComody Com
pany played at tliu 0iera hoimo on
Monday evening. Tlio opening mini
liera wero much more meritorious
titan tliu closing although on tliu
whole tliu perlormaiuo wn fair.
John Cochrun wiih tliu winner of
tlio lino $06 buggy given away by
tliu Wynne Hardware Company on
January 2d. Tlio lucky uumher wu
lO:"-', Tliu nuiuborH have boon accu
mulating by tlio way ol trado con
pone slucu last July and tliu drawing
whs held Monday, with tho result
Tho Cottngo (Irovu publio school
resumed Inst Tuesday utter tlio hollo
day vacation. Homo troublu having
bueu occaHlouod In tlio now Hcfiool
building liy tho nettling ol tlio 'fur
nace, tliu ropalrH wero niado Monday
anil tlio heating apparatus 1h now In
good ordor.
la lust weeks' Isuuu, It was an
nounced tliatT. M, Hunt, of this city
had gono to Washington as a dele
gate to tho American Convention of
Foresters. Mr, Hunt was however
dotalnod lit homo liy tliu serious Ill
ness of hi wlfu and notified Cover
nor Cliambcrlutii to that effect and
rostgncd his commission,
Ilert A, Illeliuioud and Tom Medley
are making preparations to start out
about tlio lfUli ot January with a
moving picture and Illustrated song
outfit, their Intended field of opera
tions being In tliu stnto of Washing
ton, Thoy expect to bo out on HiIh
trip about thrco inoiitlis,
1). T. Awbrey, Wolls 1'Virgo & Co.'a
ngont, went to l'ortlaud last Mon
day, wlioro hu was BUtnnioucd by a
telegram announcing the serious III
uesH ot IiIh brother. In-law, 8, H. Hlgel,
who liua beon 111 tor hoiiiu tliuo with
typhoid fovcr. Airs. Awbroy Iiiih
been In 1'ortland tor Homo tlmo an
stating In tho homo ot lior slater, Mrs.
Ji W. WhllH. one of tliOHUhstmitlal
farinorn of tho vicinity, spout Mou
iliiy In ottngu (Irovo on bunlnoHH.
V. N. Wheeler and M. IlHbcock
and wife, of Silk Crook, were In the
city Monday attending to bunliieHS
Mr. C. Oraj. who lin been vlnlt
lug relative In Cottage drove, re
turned to her homo at HaUey on
Stuari -MrUllvary has chargu f
tho Well, Kurjro Cxpros and Postal
tulvgniph olllcu during thoulwnee o!
I). T. Awon'V in i'ortlniul.
Mi. ami Mrs. 0.0. lleun n-lur".
tu their home In Aberdeen W'nr
ton, Sunday nfler avllt InHn- .y
of about a week. Mr. Ilenn Is a
daughter ot S. J. Ilrnnd of ilolieniln.
(liiine Wunlen linker, Justice of tho
Pence Vaughn nml Oonxtnble Atwixxl
have moved their oilier into tliu build
liiK recontly vueuted by Medley A
Milne. The roommratiiorucoin modioli
and plcimnil than their old rooms,
l'rot. A. 1,. Ilrlggs. who Is at tho
bend of tliu inatliuiiiutlcH and book
krvpliiK departnient In tho Drnlr.
Nort;ial School, Ims iurchnHed tho In
teret of llcrt I.awson In the fiirulturu
biiHlnoNH In which I. II. Veutch ro
eently purchnH.d an Interest from
Mr. Martin, and the new llrm begun
biiHliies tho flrt of tho year under
tho naio ot Veateh & ilrlggs. 1'rof.
Ilrlggs will coutliiuu In IiIh position
ut the Normal, while Mr. Vcatch will
conduct the business.
Two merry crowds of young
people boarded hand car last Satur
day evening and went out ovor tho
track of tho (). & S. K. Itnllrond. Tho
first parti went to tlio und of tho
roud. It was compoHcd of llcrt Ilur
rows, Monro mid Edil Kiiiuurty, and
tho Missus liourgcttu llerg, Stella
Cochllu, Cora Chandler mid Katie
Kluiierty. Tlio Hccond party In
eludud Clydo Nokca, l.ouls Auaburg,
Karl lierg, lllatno Jncksou and
MIhhus Loma Mlllor, Uolllo aud Daisy
Hawkins and Nina Chandler. l!o
turultig to u point about six miles
from Cottngo (Irovo tho young folks
bullded a roaring boullro und eujoyed
thcuisolvcs In Uh warmth uutll tho
minutes ot l'JUt glided Into those of
lUii.', when upon tho usual rn ungs
und wIhIioh wore exchanged, and
nfturward tho return liouu was
Uoujlit flood Property.
On Monday A. J. Stuwnrt bought
ol i:il Uaugs of i: u go no tliu KiihIiIoii
l.lvcry Stables and two and one-half
lotN 50x100 occupied by tho building.
Tho prloo was In tho neighborhood of
J.'IOOX). Tho Halo ot tho proporty In no
wlso affects tho livery business. HTh
announced uh Mr. Htuwart'H Intention
to, at no distant date, movo tlio burn
off tho corner fronting on Main street
to tho back ot tho proporty and to
erect thoro h brick building,
This Is tho Hccond puroluiso ot roul
property that hits been made by Mr.
Htowart within tho past month. Only
rocontly ho piin-linscd tho Helena
saloon proporty for tfUOOO, and It t
Hlntfld l hat hu also lutimds building
linoU in tho iilaco ot tho woo '
Htrucluro now standing thereon.
Kluunl Hindi has boon appoint,!
agent for nil ot Mr. Stewart's In
Intercsta'la Cattugu drove,
(Concluded from drat paw,)
called upon, statod ho was with tho
pooplo in ovory rnovomont wlilcli
war to tlio Inlerost of tho city nud
oiiilalnod at Homo length tho rntos
astlioy now oxlstod.
Hon, Itobort Voatoh thought wo
woro facing n sorlous condition. It
wuh not tho lutnbor alono
aflactoi by thoso conditions. That
with an oxporionco of twolvo years
in tho Oregon legislation, lioroallzod
howdifllcult it wan to socuro lot'lflla
tion but by jiorslHtcnt ofTort ovory
thing was posnlblo.
Mr. Johnson, of Drain, said that
all realized tho necessity of some
thing bdlng dono to bring nhout tho
propor dovclopmont of tills section
and Drain was ready to co-oporato
in ovory way possible
Prof. Wnnn told a good story and
thou statod ho was rouily to assist
tho commlttouu in orory way possi
Mr. Wimporly also responded to
a call and was heartily in favor of
oaruost work to bring about bettor
Prof. Dotnstor told of tho oppor
tunities of horticulture at Drain.
That tho people thoro wero just re
alizing what enn bo dono in that
locality in tho raising of fruits. His
principal reason for being present
and addressing tho club, was to ask
its assislanco for tho prosorvation of
tho Statu Normal School locatod at
Drain. Tho pooplo had taxed them,
solves heavily to assist in tho main
tenance of tho school. As thoro was
talk of tho coming session of tho
legislature of economizing by tho
cutting of school appropriations, it
whs doiimblo lo harp tlio Mipport
of nil to provont suuli uclioo. Ho
introduced a preamble and resolu
tions which woro rocoived by tlio
club and tho following resolutions
woro adopted by tho club: Thoro
foro, ho it
ltcsolvod, 1. That tho members
of this club, collectively and individ
ually plodgn thotr oarnost oflorU to
sec urn at the hands of tho legisla
tive assembly propor recognition
for that school.
'i. That wo horoby call upon our
senator and representative and that
thoy mado houourablo, earnest ef
fort to this ond.
3. That wo ask for a favorablo
consideration of tho claims of theso
resolutions as heroin aqt forth by all
irailar organizations to whom thoy
may bo prosontod and hji tho com
mittooof ways and moans of tho
logislativo assombly,
Tho resolution presontod by tho
rommittco concorning freight rates
wero adopted. Hon. I. H. Bing
ham made n strong spooch, whoroin
ho oxplainod what his position
would be in tho legislature. That
ho rocognizod tho rights of tho rail
roads; Wo want them to assist in
tho upbuilding of tho country, but
at tho samo timo ho realizod tho
rights of tho people, would do nil
in his powor during tho coming
session of tho logislaturo to sorvo
tho pooplo.
Harry lirobaut and Prof. A- B.
Briggs woro elected raorabors of tho
On motion adjourned to meet
Thursday night.
III.OND-In Cottngo Orovo, Decern
berlO, l!K)t, to Mr, and Mrs. M.
Itloud, a daughter.
H lOKi: Y Near Cottage drove, At on
day, Jan. 2, llMS, to Air. and Mrs.
lllckey, a daughter.
Flag Presentation.
The voting for tho beautiful silk
Hag and tho gucIug for the $100,
prizes lias begun In earnest.
The votes nftor this week for tl.o
various societies will be announced
In tho Nugget. So far thoy have not
been cuuuiedbutmnny ote-snrebelng
cast. Amoug those bo Hr temoin-
bercd arc: Tho O. A. It., K. of P.
Jf. W. A., Mothodlsts, W. O. W.,
Jiaaotr K, S. School, Wost sldo
School and Public School. .Many nro
gucHsIng tho number of votes that
will bo east for tho Boclety bu t fall
to sign their immca Thla must lie
dono If you want to win a prlzo
"The Two Little Waifs."
This play la one of tho most succohs-
tul ovor written and staged by Lin
coin J. Carter and will bo seen at th
opera house on Monday Jnu. Oth.
It Is without doubt ouo of tliu moHt
stirring plays that will bo seen In this
city thla season.' Tho story ltseltls
full of strong heart tntoreat. The
vllllan, In order to win tliu love ot
another man's wife, bronkB up tho
homo and kldunpH onoofthu children
I ho mother Ih redueod to abject pov
i'i-t.v, but In her direst need, refuse
.lid from tho man who brought
trouble ut tho door ot her home by
his baso plotting. Tho ploco is full
ot patltoH and tears but Is not with
out Bomo good comedy,
ISortA, Itlclimond Is In Portland
on business.
.Mr. I), l Wood Ih building nn ad
dition to his residence la Currlu Park.
T. O. Kelzer, an old resident of
Sharp' creek, was In tho city .Mon
day. Master Charles Hard, Mvnl vorn
days In tho city visiting IiIh father.
Ho returned to IiIh home In Portland
Monday and will resume. Ida studio.
Medley fi At lino, tho fVil estHU
firm on .Monday rcuiovnl their olllce
from the corner of Third and Main
HtrcclH to the opera house building.
Tho Woodmen of tho World lodge
at their regular meeting, Saturday
evening will onjoy n mnokcr and gen
oral good lime. All Woodmen are
Tho prlzo essay on Cottage Grove,
I.ano County mid Ilohemlii are now
in tho hands of the committee, of the
Oommorclal Club, Jt Is uxpocted the
awards will Imj mudo by Krldny
Atr. and Air. W. W. Thackrnb.of
lloseburg, returned to their home'
last Monday nftor having spent two
wcekH on their far;a homo near
Hebron, about eight iiiIIch from Cot
tage drove. Air. Thackrah Is tho
chief clerk In tho U. H. Land Olllee ut
Alalmrn'H famous colored mliiHtrelH
aro billed for thin city on the 'J.'th
Instant. It wiih originally planned
for them to romo here outho'JSth ot
Docmuber, but an epeclally good
hUHlncH In California hits kept them
thoro until the prcHcnt arrangement
was made.
President CamplM'll of tho Oregon
Ktnto University and profenior Hyde
In charm) of the inliilinr department
of that Institution liavo lceu Invited
to be In nttonilfinco and Horve on tho
committees of award aud will bo
present If tlielrdutlex will criuit.
These prizes lo ! awarded are tlioxo
offered by V. J. Hard.
Shot In the Arm.
Sam DcIIIh, ii laborer with an extra
S. P. gang near ConiHtoek, on hiHt
Sunday accidentally dlwliiirged a
Hliotguu In such n manner a to get
tho full charge of bird shot through
hi left arm. He wa brought to
Cottage Grove, whero the company's
surgeon, Dr. C. T. Uockett.and Dr. IS.
B. Job drcHHcd tho wound, aud the
patient was uont to tlio Oood Snmnr
Itnn HoHpltuI on Sunday night's
train. Dr. Hockett state that it
amy lie iiecesiiry to amputate the
Tlio Induenco of climatic conditions
In the euro of consumption i very much
overdrawn. The poor patient, and tho
rich patient, too, can do much butler ut
home by proper attention to food diges-
null, Him u ruguiur iieu ui uuriiiui,
Byrup. Frco expectoration in tlio
morning is made certain by German
Hyrup, so is n koui nigiil ji ti jinil. tno
atwenco of that weakening cough and
debilitating night sweats. Kestlcss
nliihts and the exhaustion duo Jo
coughing, the greatest danger and dread
of the consumptive, can bo prevented or
stopixtl by taking Herman Syrup liber
ally and regularly. Should you bo able
togoioa warmer clime, you win una
that of tho thouuands of consumptives
there, tho fow who aro benefitted and
regain strength are those who uec (icr
man Hyrup. Trial loti., 27ii; regular
site, 75c. Atoll druggists, (ilrrinun
If you ever buy a roll of CASCADE BUTTER you will
use nothing else. It keeps well, tastes well and what
more can you ask.
Absolutely Pure
Service at the Presbyterlsnt'Iiureli
.Sunday .Inn. s, morning and evening.
Sunday hcIiooI at 10 n. m. Junior
(;. C, :t p. m. Senior C. B 0 M p. m
A cordial Invitation to all. Stranger,
welcome. SojoiiruurH In the city will
find u welcome here.
II. C. Giiai-k, Castor.
.Ino. It. Atcdoe Hied ntdold Hill
Oregon, Dec. 31, J0OI. Air. AlcOcu
wiih ojioratlng n mine at that place
at tho tlmo of hi death. Ho wan for
merly one of the owner and maim'
ger of the Annie mine In Bohemia,
now known a the Noonday. Ho
was aboiitw) year ol uge.
' A. II. Caumiin, Chicago, wrltos
l.Miirch 1, 1SKKI. "Having beon troub
led with liiiiubugo, at different time
1 and tiled one physician after another.
thou dliicruul ointment ami lini
ment, gnvo It uii ul together. So I
tried once more, and got a bott'e of
Itnlliird's Snow Liniment, which
gave me almost Instant relief. I can
cheerfully recommend it, and will
add my name to your list ot suf-
'ferer." The .Modern Pharmacy.
Alary, The Goat, and the Young Alan.
Alary hail n little goat that alwny
butted In,
And Alary had a nice young man, nn
he hud lot of tin
l-'or diiMolluc call at tho .Modern
Well the goat neuked up on the
young man and landed him one
Now he I buying stuff at the Xew
Bra Drug Store,
Jit to drive the pain nwny
Tho fault ot giving children medi
cine containing Injurious ubstnnce.
I HomctlineD more disastrous than
the dlHeaw from which they are Buf
fering. Bvcry mother Hhmild know
that Chamberlain' Cough Hemedy
I porfeclly Hifofor chlldron to take.
It contain nothing harmful nud for
cough, cold and croup I unsur
passed. I'or sale by the Jlodern
For Sale By
Ladies' and Misses'
Great Clearance Sale
This is the best
procuring First
Lowest Prices.
gV Bohemia
TheFashion Stables
1 -Sw&Il AU0 omcE oF r,,E
Griffin &
TTP in 13 "j
1 ML, JTx. I
ohn son
opportunity for
Class Goods at
and Black Butte Stage
of any tool Is always a dsslrable
one, but ot equal Importance Is the
power of retaining this quality ao as
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. By making your purchase ot
tho Oriflln & Vcntch Co. you always
receive your. money's worth In. the
best finality ot toola and cutlery ot
proerly tempered Htoel that la suro
to hold an edge.
Veateh Go.