OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST TWO FREE OOUR8E8, Lectures on Agriculture and Dairying at Oorvnllli .CoHors. CorvnllU Immediately 'following thu winter hollilnyii tltu Oregon Agri cultural eollogo will nlvo frcu n( clinrKO two popular short course ill Instruc tion ono In agriculture, tint other In iliilrylnK. Theso mur consist chief ly nl lecture liy specialist from tlio faculty mill (mm itbriiiul, comMnul with work In tli Jaborutorles, whero students Imvo access tit tint apparatus . -il tlio collide nml experiment station. Thu lecture nru designed fur Inmy mm nml women who ilwilni to advance with till progressive uk Imt ciiiiiiiit iivuil tliemseive u( thu full (our years' . (Miiirxoul Instruction) licncu tho course i( lecture wilt (tonii) ut thu most eon venletit season ol tlm your (or combin ing pleasure nml rrarwitloii with profit ublo utiuly. Tht) Instruction, who'll I simple, In adapted to tho literary attainments of nil) liciico no eiliiBHtliiual twt In re quired (or mluiMon to either ol thu MiurMM. Th ouunM) In agriculture will lieglu January it nml ooiitiiino 10 days. Bomo n( tlio subject to bo ills rumwil urft "llortli'iillriiM." "I'liint Ilrellng," "Bacteriology," "Chemlitnl Hlcmeiits," "How Plant Work," "Budding n( Plant Based lm I'liint CulluiV "How to Cniidirve thu 1-Vr-llllty o( tlm Boll," "Ihnliiiige," "Soil Jlobjturu," "IUnhi Cluturw," "Vitcrln nry Surgery, " "Itntatlnn o( (Imps," MtOHiluiHktiig," "Fertilization mill flow to Maku tin) OM I'iuiii l'y." Tliu win rw In dairying will mm tnejiee Jinuray SI, mid continue eight week. Student will meet for work Ix day o( thu week. Tin) morning will lie devoted to practical work tu lnlry room! two days will Ihj devoted to butter making, two day to cliewo making, ami two tlnya will lie HjK'iit In thu tUlry lalmmtorlra. In thu after noon of the ilayn, except those devoted to cheese making, lecture will occupy two nr threo liouni. There will Ihi no l except tho breakage ilvponlt ot $3. School for Defective Youth. Pendleton State, Senator 0. J. Smith null two others ot the hold over leglsla tlvo unitiiullle visited thu Washington miImhiI (or defective youth at Vancouver nml will rcenmmenil Hint one I hi estab lished In thin sttao. Other matters de cided ii ) m ii liy tlio committee wan that tliu liKilth IxMird should havo more au thority than hitherto, so a to ! nlilu to enforce regulations made, Instead o( recommending Hiat they la) curried out. Typhoid (ever was made n quarantine illrmnu Instead of being ruporttKl, ns hitherto. Malheur Irrigation Preliminaries. Villi II. Rowland J,cc, itnvrrnincnt roll expert, who haa Ihi'H In Valu (or tliu iuit mouth Interviewing thu furin vra with lanil iimlor thu proHiiiMt piv vrnincnt rwervolr aiiiluxaininiiiKlaiiili, Iiiik inovol to Ontario, whero hu will lo looiittMl (or n month or more, when liu will meet tho (ariiivra of Hint fwtlon anil exauilnu aolU of Ny-am, Owyheu, AVIiitu wttli'iiiHiit mul lWil Ox Hat. TtHimaa II. Mmna, huail engineer of thu illvlnloii o( niIIh o( thu U. 8. 0. H., U In Malheur noiuity, ami will remain (or nevenil uiontliH, . Corner on Wallowa Wool, Kiiterprlse It. C. Maya, wiio la buy Iiik wiMil lii thin county (or tho H. Konli lanil company, haa cloniil contractu (or over 500,000 pounilH moru wool. Thla makea altout thretvlourthn of tliu total wool clip of thin county, IneliulltiK 1. 000,000 jkiuiiiIm which ho linn already purcliaHCil. Thu total wiki! clip la enti inntixl at .',000,000 pound. With 10 cent wool nml tho pronpeotof naulmtan tlal rlfu In cattle, tfooil tlinca nru pro plieled for thu people of thla county nuxt yrar. i Activity at Sumptor. Riiinpter Indications (mint to un usual activity In thu Siiinpter mining, tlletrict during tho onmlng year. Many ownem o( oIiiIiiih who liavu lieeu away ilurlng thn lmnt censou are ret urn Tim dally, with tho Intention o( coinplutlng thulr axnuiimiieiit work bcdiro It la too Into. Tliu faith nwiikeucil in thu ilia trlct by operationn of tho amultcr la having ItH effect, nauil propertira that liavo attracted llttlu attention nro now bulng put In aliapo. To Collect Salmon Eggs, Albany 0, Walllcli, tupurintendent of tho Clackamas Hull liatcbory, lma gouo to tho Yaqiilna coast In eearcb of a suitable placo (or a collection station for ateolhoiul anil allvcrnldo salmon eggs. Manager Kilwln Stone stated 'tliat three nro n number of places on tlio Yaqulna rfver which nro suited to -Rtich purposea, mul It la likely a station -will bo established there, Coming Events. Inland'Hmpiro Sunday School Insti tute, rendlotnii, Oru., Jiinunry !10. Oregon Statu Horticultural nocloty, I'nrtlanil, January 10-11. National Aniorlcan 'Woman Buffrago Association, l'ortlnnd, Junu 22-28. howls mul Chirk Centennial uxposl - tlon, Portland, Juno 1 October 15. New Plant for Imperial. Sumptor Ah soon as Oeneral Mali nger Slbloy, of tlio Imperial group, re ' turns from tlio Knst, moro extensive operations will bo carried on. Tho lit Htnllatinn of n larger hoisting plant Is ono ot tho first improvemonta to bo mado. . , New Sawmill at Lacomb. Ijncomb Tho now sawmill nt Lncomb is almost complotod. It will bo ono ol tlio largest and best equipped In Linn ounty, with a capacity o( 20,000 feet of lumber por day DEEPEN THE WILLAMETTE. Commercial Club Wants Mora Opnn (liver During Entlro Year. Albany Thu Albany Commercial club nl a recent session illcsmwoil tlio question of mi open river between Al liMiiy mul I'lirtlanil tint year round, in Mend of n (ew months each yisir, as prevail at present, and decided to mo tiiornllto congrewt (or an open river. A committee was iipjKilnteil to laku charge of tlio work and imprewi ukhi tliu Ore gon congressional delegation tlio neces sity of an uien river. Ciiptaln A. 1). Graham, of l'ortlaml, onu of tliu managers of tlio Oregon City Trnnsortiitiou comimny, which oper nti-s'lmuts on thu Upjier Wlllamettu, addreweil thu meeting regardiiig thu Improvements that nru necuawiry to make tliu Willamette navigable by good alxiil boats all Ihu yur. Hu cmpMe alitnl thu nit-wwlty of ilreilglng thu up' per river to remove some of the liars that nru thu greatiwt hindrance to navl gallon, of building ruvetmaiita opoltu Allmny, Corvallla and IndepemlciK-u; to keep thu river In Its channel ami deepen thu same, nml In general In dorsed tliu recommendations if Major Ijinglltt, who rceently oxanilniil thu river on Ixihalf of tho government mid whiHHi riHiimioemlatlons nru now cm- Ixwlled In the river mul linrlair njipro prlatlou bill pending beforu ivingress. It whs further leeomuieiiiled that thu War detriment bu uncoiiragKil to pur cliasu the locks at Oregon City, thus ruiiluvlng that olmtrtictlou to upper river tralllc. Tliuau locks add CO cents per ton to (might rati lietweeu nil lower mul upper river polnta. The club apiHilnted n eomiulttee con- sUtlngof '. J. Miller, Dr. W. 11. Davis mid lv. 1). Ciislck to confer with like (Himmltteeti (nun the Commercial ciulm of Salem, Iiuleiieudeiicu mul (,'orvallls, and to draft resolutions favoring tliu Immediate Improveinvnt ol thu river, iiccording to the recommendations of Major Ijinglltt, ami to swuro u visit to tho upper river (mm Senator J. fl. Mitchell and Congressman Illnger Her mann during their stay In 1 'or t land. Tin Pan Changes Hands. Grants I'asn An luiortaiil mining sfllu has Just lieen mnsiiuimatwl here In the Mcluingo ol the Tin ran inliie, of (tails creek. It was sold by Willis Kremar and II. C. Heed to A. A. Tall beneek ami niwaiates, of Allegheny, 1'a. Tho consideration Is (10,000 cash. The Tin I'an Is ono of thu moat promis ing of tliu (tails creek district proper ties, and Is well developed. The oro ol thu Tin l'an la rnmarkablu by reason of thu largo percentngu of lend and silver carried, which with thu gold brings tlio values up to l-o ami .I0 n ton. Discuss Fish Lawr, Astoria A call has liecn lulled In vitlng thu legislative uiemlwrH from all counties on With aides of thu Columbia river, thu caiincrytncn, cold storage lieoplo. seiners, trapper, gillnctters, whiidmen and ilstieriis ofllcials of the slate of Oregon mid Washington to attend a meeting to lie held in this city fur tho purism' of discussing proposed chnngea in the llsblng laws of thu two state. Tlioo calling the meeting 1m II eve n. definite plan can Ihi agreed itHin mid the pasaago of a Joint bill will bu mi Misy mutter. For Grand Rondo Exhibits. Im Grande Tho contract (or an ex hibit bull in Iji Grando bus lieen let by M. h. Ciiusoy to I'eter Ikisquct (or loOO. Tlio imlliling will ny -iu icet in length by 10 (eet wide and thu celling will bu 14 feet high. This hall will Iw used only (or tho exhibition of Grand Itondu fruits, grains, grasses and differ ent produce grown hero. Thu Com mercial club mul cltiiens In different purta of the valley subscribed (or tho building. Ex-Sheriff lo Poorbouso. IIIUslHiro Kx-Sherlff W. I). Ilrad ford, who n week ago was stricken with paralysis, tins been removed to tliu county HMir farm, where ho Is to bo cure. I or. lie serveil as sherllt two terms and was n txiimlar oflUial, but sick new in his family nml tho death of his wifu, a few years ngo, havo ruined him llnanciiilly. Ills' condition Is not Improved, and fears uro entertained f his recovery. Two Qold Drlcks. Cottage Grove F. J. Hani returned from' Iloliemln mid brought with him two gold bricks, tho result of thu re cent' clean-up from tho ten-stamp mill that 1b In operation nt tlio Vesuvius mine Mr. Hard says tho plant Is work ing to thu company's satisfaction, and tho mill 1b kept running day and night. This Is thu second clean-up from that new plant since It Blurted a short tlmo ngo. , Another Livestock Dolegate. Bnloni Another delegate, In tlio erson ot O. G. Andrwcs, of Linn coun ty, ha I been appointed by Governor Chamberlain to attend tho convention of tlio National I.lvcsotck association, to hu held nt Denver, Colo., January 10 to 13, 11)05. Sinking Main Shaft. Sumptor Columbia company Is now sinking thu main shaft, which la down 00 feet bolow tlio 700-foot lovol. Oru for thu mill Is being stopud from tho upper works, mid enough is In sight to iusuru uu Indefinite run. THE MARKETS. Wheat Portland Walla Walla, 85ot bluestem, 8880oj valloy, 87o. Tacomn llluestcin, 88ot club, 85o. Kggs Oregon rnnch, 82o. Butter Fnncy creamery, 2527K- Hops Choice, 2030o; prime, 270 28o. Wool Vnlloy, 1020oi Kastorn Oro gon, 103170) mohair, 2520o. WIND FANS FLAMES. Two Million Dollars Loss From Flra In Sioux Oily. Hlonx City, 2H. A (Ire, which resulted iu tlm death ol onu man, a monetary loss roughly estimated at (2,000,000, mid thn destruction of nearly two whole blocks, started In thn basement of thu l'ellotler depart ment store, In tliu Toy block, a six story stonu building nt Fourth mid Jackson streets, at H o'clock tonight. Tho district burned over Ilea In tliu cen ter of thu ImalncsM portion of tho city, mid among the buildings wero several of tho most substantial structures In tliu city. In these buildings wero lo cated n largo number of largo stores and several wholesale establishments and three natlnoal bunks. Tho flro started In tliu basement of thn store, but Its cause Is in doubt. Thu man killed was il tenant In tliu Massachusetts block, who Jumped from tho fifth story. A largo nuiulair of shopjairs crowded tho I'elliilor mid other stores, and It was with dllllculty that nil managed to escape from the burning building. Tho flumes fliVcloed much ol the building Iwfore the lire deiwrlmsnt arrived, and waa quite lieyoml control. For three hours mid a half, until they bad ''got lieyonil range ol the large buildings, the Haines carried everything in thoir jwth. liotli telegraph couiMiilua were put out of busluutM by reason of their wires bulng all burned out, mid tho olllco of tho Western Union waa destroyed. Although a great nuintier of telephone circuits were within tliu district, long distance circuits were established with outside Miiuls. The flru was conquered at UiflO. From thu I'ellelier store thu llamc spread to the Masmpiiusetla block, on tho west, ii largo six-story building. Tliu flro continued westward, driven by a brisk wind. In the course of their flight, thu flamH were., communicated to n score of other busbies place lo cated In thu buildings west of tliu Toy block. MORE STATES IN. New Hampshire and Vermont Will Be at 1000 Fair. Portland, Dee. 28. Vermont will bu repewutivl al tho Lewis mid Clark ex position by n reproduction of ono of thu most valuable buildings, so far as his torical value goes, in tho United States. Word was received at exoit!on head quarter yesterday that thu building to Ihi erected by Vermont will bu n replica of tho old Constitution house of 1777. In writing tho letter, Arthur C. Jack son, commissioner fur Vermont to the Lewis and Clark ex)KMitlon, stated that a conclusion had leen reached iu the matter, ami though it could not bo stilted, at present, how large thu state appropriation would lie, it is anticipat ed that Vermont will h as well repre sented at the exposition us sho was at 6t. tauls. In this novel exposition building, Vermont will havo exhibits to show thu resources of that statu. Historical public records, too, will lio there, and by this means tho statu will show her part In tho upbuilding ot tho nation. Modern exhibits will tell of tho pro gress of Vermont from revolutionary days to the present time. Tlio middle ages of ho state will not bo shown; Just the post and tho present, with a hint of tho future. Tlio building will bo arranged in an attractivo manner, and will, no doubt, bo tho mecca of thousands of visitors. New Hampshire Steps In. Following the Idea of Vermont, New Hampshire will place her exhibits in the replcia of n historical building, the IHirticular edifice to bo iv reproduction , ot tho birthplace of Daniel Webster. Hero there will bo on exhibition rmb- 11c recordsjnd data concerning the lifo of Webster, and other men of New Hampshire whoso names havo gone dawn to tho age. Tlm buildings ot , Vermont and Now Hampshire may rest In tho samo vicinity with each other, thus giving to their particular sites a decided historical touch. Disguised As An American. Moscow, Dec. 28. V. F. Grnzudesky, correspondent of tho Itussky Slavy, bus Just arrived at Sun l nincisco after a long and hazardous trip through Japan, whero ho traveled us an American journalist under tho iiiimo ol Percy Palmer. Ho undertook the Journey to ascertain thu real situation of affairs in the enemy's country, taking the risk of discoftry nml execution as n spy. (irHzticeky lind n complete American on I lit nnd arranged to havo letters forwarded from various cities in tlio United States. Banker Charged with Arson. Chicago, Dec. 28. Tlio grand Jury today returned two Indictments against Isaac N. Perry, ox-president of tho National Dank of North America. Tho Indictments charge him with arson In connection with tho burning ot tlio plant ot tho Chicago Car mid Loconio tivo works at Hegeswick, 111. Hu was president of tho locomotive company, which was in ilnauelal dltllculties. The works wero heavily insured. Mr. Perry was acquitted at a prellmanary examination heforo n jury in tlio po lice court. Strangled Grandmother. Now York, Dec. 28. Wearing cart ridge belts ami having tbolr pockets filled with dlmo novels, two boys havo been arrested in Harlem on charges of feloniously attacking thoir grandmoth er, strangling her into uncoiiBciousnoss mid then robbing her ot Jewelry mid money amounting to moro than $25. Sovoral pawn tickets wero found on tho youths, together with n signed resolu tion that they should never part nml that they should nuvor marry. Ammunition Hid In Bales. Pckln, Deo. 28. Tho Chinese yestor- day seized 3,000,000 rounds ot Itusslnn rillo ammunition near rung Tal, iu tlio vicinity ot Pukln. Tho ammunition waa consigned to a Kusslan firm at Tientsin, mid was ovldontly destined (or Port Arthur. The shlpmont was concealed among bales o( wood brought on tho backs of camels from Knlgau, tho caravan being in charge, of tlio agent ol a Gorman firm. WITH TUB FILIPINOS. PHASES OF LIFE IN OUR ASIATIC POSSESSIONS. They Throw u Klroiuf Mailt Upm Ilia CIvlllInK Work, to lis Dan There The Natives' In Their Hoin-Inler-c.llna Arlldlofrom World'. Work. Ail oxperlHiiio of three years In the Philippine, write Fred V Atkinson, first gen i? nil superintendent ot educa tion In the Islsnds, In nn Inlerestlnx lirllcle In The World's Work, lias Inoiiglit mo to the conclusion that tha Filipino nro Incapable of fcelf-gorern-luciit. Tlio Inhabitants, lie says, are of four distinct laid. Tlit curliest to tiro In the Islands were a race of a very low type, populating llio entire iiichlpehigo. These little negroes, or tigrltos, who long dwelt there undis turbed, were cither killed or tliruat back Into tlio rrcessea of tho moun tains, or Into tlio Juiiglos, hy tb Malayan Invader. About .'10,000 OC tlielr descendants dwell In tho Philip pines lo-day. Probably three Malayan Invasion took place. The head-hunting Igorrot tribes eama llrst. About 20O.OCO of tli em live now In tlio mountains of Luzon, Tlm k-coih1 Invasion f iirnlaho I the Islands with (he so-called "little brown jieopie," who may be designate 1 ns Filipinos. To Una Invns.on the liilllppinei owe (he lliipoitnnt trlbei of Tagalogs, dwelling In nnd around Manila; the Vlsayans, dwelling In Hi.' central Islands; Die VI cols ot southern ami the llocnnos, of northern Luzon, nnd some forty to fifty other tribes. Their modern draceiiilants ronatituie Htu-lxths of the total population of the Islands, although they occupy only oiic-linir the total area. The Moros, or Mohammedan Malays who dwell In the Hulu Islands and on the eastern shore of Mindanao, aro the repreiteiitatlve of the third and Inst Immigration, probably from llorneo. There are In all MJO.000 of these fn liatleal Mohammedan Moroi. The Spanish government officially rerognlzoil thlrly-tlvc different Ian gunge In the archipelago. One prime cause why Philippine civilization In al Its manifestations has been so nearly stationary and the differences In lan guaogc so marked has- been the lack of proper ways of communication due to the physical aspects of the country. The races wero not combined Into one people under the Kpnnlih regime. The Spaniards paid no attention to that dwindling race of dwarfs, the nc grllos, and accomplished almost noth ing with the Igorrots. For centuries they fought, but never really suImIujJ the slave-holding Moros. Hut howevei critical one may Le of the character ot the Spanish leadership Spain res cued the Filipinos from barbarism and made them half civilized. The Span iards, largely through the Instrumen tality of the church, gradually elevate t tho whole Filipino people; tbey linlu enced their customs so that these na tives have acquired tlio surface man ner ot civilized people. The brought to them tho Christian religion now al most universal nmong tho large Ma layan portion of the Inhabitants. The lower classes, outside their church observances, have probably mado but few changes In their way of living during the past 300 years. Even the upper clasess, who have adopted the superficial bablta of tho AN IUORIIOT Itr.AD UV.MTEK. Fpimlards, throw many of theso off Iu the privacy of tho home. Knives and forks, tables nnd chairs, shoes and stockings, here become supei Unities. The Filipino Home. The bouses uf tho large majority of tho natives to-day are untidy, even dirty; the people keep hens, horses, pigs and even tho enormous water tiurTuIo underneath their dwellings. At tlielr meals, usually of fish and rice, thu members of a family squat ou the floor and eat with their flngeis from a common dish, Usually the whole family sleeps ou tho floor, In one room. Tho frame work of the housei Is usu ally constructed of bamboo; tho roofj and walls are made from the leaves ot the nlpa palm; and tho floor Is of small bamboo, split and put down, with open spaces between them, Thero nru opening In the walls which uu swer tho purposo of windows. Theso are provided with shutters of nlpa leaves. There are n few Ill-kept arti cles of furniture. Very often there Is but one room for the wuolo family. Although the average Filipino Is fond of his home, ho does not seem to core for comfort In It In a tropical climate people live more out of door. Pooplo of the lower classes In such a cllmuto really camp and their houses aro hard ly much more than wigwams. Uccauso of the enervating climilto tlio iintlvo la Indolent, and there la no Incentive to work whero wants aro few and eas ily supplied. Until thcro Is created In tho Filipino tho deslro for grtnter bod ily comfort ho will remain in a low stnto of civilization. Furnishings may not be abundant In tho Filipino homo, but there U never lacking tho llttlo nltnr, with images or pictures of saints for uso In dovotlon. Tho Christianized natives, as might bo expected from thoir Ma layan origin, hold tonaclously to cer tain superstitions, They are, however, less systematically superstitious than their pagan and Mohammedan broth ers. Tho census recently completed gives the population as about 7,000,000, To average population of a square mile Is about no. In Java It Is GOO, and In the United States 'Si. The growth of tho population tins been restrained by vio lent epidemics of tho most drastic character. A single epidemic of small pox, eholern and bubonic plague will easily sweep away Hie natural growth of several years. In 1002, there wero more than 100,000 deaths from cholera alono. The majority of thu towns are on the const, nnd the distance between them Is often very great It Is almost entirely a rural country, and many of the so-called towns oro mere groups of villages. How the Children Are Kducatnt. American educational efforts have possibly dono mora to give these peo ple a true conception of the benefits of civilization and good government than all tho other Influences we bavo brought to bear on them. There oro now 2.000 schools on the Islands, and In them KXI Americans and na tives have In charge 200,000 children. These children nre young-looking and attractive. In his youth, the Filipino boy Is often exceedingly good-looking and Interesting, with his slight figure aud rich brown skin suggestive of a bronze statue, his bright eyes, black and long eyelashes and eyebrows, ami Ills expression of cheerfulness and carelessness. Filipino children are children of promlsi- (bey are docile, A UOl'MTAIX DWEtXEB IX MI.1UA3A6. quick, and mentally alert They have an aptness for acquiring languages they learn to speak English very quick ly and they possess a natural talent for the lesser mechanical arts. There Is no doubt that Filipino children excel American children In docility, Imtta tlveness and attentlveness. They lack tbo American child's persistency and originality. TATTERS ALL'S 160 YEARS OLD. Great Hone Market Dne to the Pre tender' Uprising of 174S. Many to whom the name of tho greatest horse market In the world Is knovai have never read the Interest ing history connected with tho founda tion and continuation of tho business. The name belongs to a good old Lau cashlre family that has an Innate love for horses nnd, better than this, la alwaya loyal to country and king. The ancient homestead, dating back to the (Ime of Elizabeth, was near the home of the poet Spenser, and the surround ing country is described with great minuteness in "The Faerie Queen.' In 1743 young Richard Tattersall had a friend who went out for the pretender and Richard was so deeply compromised that It was considered necessary for blni to go into hiding for a time. Naturally he went to London, and after tlio storm bad sub sided looked nbout for a means of earning a livelihood. lie had Inherit ed n fortune of $50,000, hut most of It had been squandered on costly horses and dogs. In later years ho gave a dinner to all bis old creditors and each found at his placo a check for tho sum due him, with Interest The duko of Kensington appointed the young man master of tbo horse and while holding this office equine matters fell into his hands, so that In time It became a matter of course that when a great racing stud was to bo sold be was tho ono to manage It. Young Tattersall, seeing his op portunity, mado tbe start from which the liusiness has developed. The Jock ey Club made Tnttersall's Its head quarters and In time the place became tho center of tho hunting and racing world, Some famous sales hnve been mado at Tattersall'. When George IV., then prince of Wales, sent bis stud to the hammer elgbty-sovcn hones of nil classes wero sold for htm by Tatter sall, and the sum realized was $12. 710. Ho afterward stood high In favor with the prince and royal par- ties often came over from Newmarket to drink his wine. It is more than 130 years since a Tattersall founded tho establishment. Tbe present owner, Tattersall, 4th, has been actively en piged In tbo business since 1830. nis eldest son Is also a partner and bids fair to carry on tho traditions of tho house with honor and success. The Curfew Bell. The story of the curfew was but tbo unsupported assertion of one histo rian of tho sixteenth century, which waa repeated In prose and poetry till It was woven luto tbo language. Like many other legends, there Is Just a grain of truth In It, but Its suggested origin is false, the derivation of cur tew Is erroneous, nnd the scuttlo shaped Instruiuenta which supported tbe theory wero quite different articles of household uso. Probably thu word Is derived not from couvro fou, cover flro, but from carrefourf In old French spelling car fou, from tho Latin for crossroads, nnd Is tho name of the morning and oveutng bell, which originally sounded from tbo crossroads or market places both In Franco and England simply to glvo tbo tlmo ot day. It wan nnd Is rung at -1 or 0 o'clock In tho morning and at 8 o'clock In tbo evening. One Inscription on an old bell runs thus; I am called ye Curfuo bell, Ilngen at VIII or more, To sand ya alls to bsilde. And wake yo up at IV. Pearson's Weekly, The newspaper ot tho future will b Issued to-morrow. A Handy Jlnst I'an. Patent carpet sweeper when first Introduced wero at once recognized as a very ussful and labor-snvlng appara tus, but, although A convenient and I Ii very easily manlpu C( latcd. it was soon Nil 1 o. .mIL.I flint tbey did not do the work as thoroughly as tbe old-time broom. For this reason the number used has decreased and the broom still holds its superior ity. One of the dls agreeable duties for the housewife after sweeping Is to gather up tbo dust and dirt in the dust pan. An Improve ment in this tine Is shown in tbe Illustration, tbe Inven tion of a Southerner. Tbo body of this dust pan can be of any desired size or capacity, and Is formed with ver tical sldo walls and a rear wall, tho side wails converging to the rear wall. The bottom of tbe pan Is composed of two separate portions, tbe front por tion Inclining downwardly from an In termediate step, tbo back portion In clining to the rear wall of the pan. An aperture Is formed In tbo rear wall, extending Its full length, while at the side of tbe aperture are ver tical guldoways for the accommoda tion of a movable closure or slide, t'pbn one side of the back wall la a Docket for the reception of the handle, while connected to tbo closure Is a rod, extending along the handle, this rod having a finger piece at Its upper end, so that it can be conveniently manipulated. A lug In the closure pre vents tho slide from being pulled open too far. Hy placing the pan upon the floor and steadying It by the handle a dust heap can be readily swept over the Inclined front bottom portion, drop ping down over tbe transverse step and onto tbe sunken rear portion. where a considerable quantity of sweepings can be accumulated without danger of spilling, and emptied by means of the rod and slide. Tbe patentee Is Sarah A. Albertson, of Knoxvlile, Tenn. liecolier for Milk, Bread, Etc At regular Intervals articles appear In tbe dally papers telling ot some unfortunate being who has been caught In the act of pilfering a loaf ot bread or a bottle ot milk from some doroway and sent to prison, bnt where one Is enngbt a thousand es cape. These petty depredations only KO DAXOEB OF BEI5Q BTOUEf. occur In the early hours of the morn ing, when It Is an easy matter to walk up some. street and practically help yourself, for evory doorway will con tain something for tho breakfast table. It Is irritating to the house wife in the morning to find her bread or milk stolen, which means a trip to tbo store when there is not much - , America leads the world in the number and enthusiasm of its amateur photographers. Almost as much money Is spent on the fad here each year us In all the countries of Europe. About $11,000,000 Is annually spent on cam- eras alone by the amateurs ot tbe Union. From Insignificant Importance the business of providing for amateur snap-shotters has grown almost beyond , comprehension in tbe last twelve years. Now men by the thousands are employed making cameras, while entire factories are given over to tbe man ufacture ot the tiniest article In an amateur's outfit For years Inventors In that lino have been at work trying to fled some practical method of photographing in colors. Now the report comes that .color photography has been practically demonstrated. The new process take the negative after It Is developed and fixed, and prints from It directly on the color-sentltized paper, and by a process of washing the most deltcota differentiation ot tone In the color scheme ot nature is produced. The light waves attack tbe chemical layers with more or less energy, and accordingly as they produce different colors are stopped In their passage through the layers. Tho paper la then subjected to a flow of water of a certain degree of beat which dissolves the gelatin and exposes tho different colors according to the amount of light energy with which they have been affected in tho process of printing. When the process of washing the print is finished the picture stands out in the full radiance of the colors of nature, the blue sky with tho white clouds, and the different shades of green of tho foreground with the shades of green ot distant trees. The Family Tree. A pleasant pastime, literally, for those who have no moro pressing du ties anil wish to get outsldo their en vironment nt lenBt In thought will open up before her who begins to mount a family tree. Tracing ones genealogy may become probably will become a matter ot absorbing amuse ment and attention, for it entails a thread gathered up here, dropped there, n letter to write, a book to read, a register to consult To tho self-absorbed, tbo despondent, the listless, ono may recommend this diversion as certain to suit even rather morbid con dition ot temperament, and yet as time to snn'o. New Vork mnn lints. Invented" tho exceedingly novel, butt at the same time simple, device shown In the illustration -a receiver for bread, etc. which can be mado to do tbe duty ot a mlnlatnrn safe. Upon tbe upright Jstnu-wall of tbe door frame a bracket plate Is secured a tu proper height from the ground. This piste Is tnsde of sheet metal and is bent at a right anglo to fit around the Jamb ot tbe wall. Tbe receiver 1 In the form of a rectangular box, also mado of sheet metal, having proper holding capacity for efficient service. Ono side of the box Is open, or nearly so, through which to pass the article It is to contain, and is hinged upon the corner of the bracket plata. After the goods .bare been placed within tbe box, tbo latter Is swung on Its binges so as to dispose the open sldo opposite and close to the outer sur face of the door. A spring catch la secured upon tbe part of tho brtckee next to the door, and this engages with an aperture la the side of tho box which swing sgalnst it ThU lock secures the box after It has been swung in, and it can only be released when the door Is opened by a person on- the inside of the building. Tbe patentee Is Nelson D. Clearwa ter, of ningbamton, N. T. EmerHency Cost. Many a life has been lost simply be cause nobody who posiemsd sufficient! knowledge to apply In an emergency ros oases or xurxarscx waa present to give advice. A Palla-, delphlan has invented an emergency case, an Illustration of which is shown here, to be used In Just such Instances when a physician cannot be had at once and drastic measures are neces sary. It Is designed to bo used In aso of accidents, sudden Illness, collapse, poisoning, beat prostration, etc, anil Is made up of a box to contain arti cles for treatment, such as surgical dressings, bandages and Instruments. This box is provided with a sliding lid, and cover, the latter being hinged to the eliding lid. Inside the cover is a, book cf instructions. Whusi in use thai case is opened, thus admitting access; to the book, which contains brief and! simple but sufficient Instructions for rendering emergency treatment The case Is also opened by moving backi the lid, when the required surgical! dressing with remedies are wlthlnl reach, and they can be used In accord ance with tbe Instructions or direc tions contained in tbe book, until a, physician or other proper person art rives. The articles can be nicely stored! in tha box and prevented from being exposed to the atmosphere, being kept In a sterile and cleanly condition. A. handle la also attached to tbe box, so that it can be conveniently carried, and when not In use hung on the wall. desk or other proper place. Tbo patentee Is John Bernard Nor rls, of Philadelphia. Pa. mntmr certain to gently forco the mind away! from Itsolf to other persona and things) In opening up n wider and wider field! of reflection. Harper's llazar. No Voloo from tbo Tomb. Sho ilow is it tbat widows goneraH ly manage to marry again? no Because dead men tall no tales Ally Sloper. Ono Market fur SOO Florist. An immense flower market Is to bi built in New York City by 200 or mora florists. In a swell cafe there' niauy t tbk 'twtxt the cup and tbo Up. v8 r